HomeMy WebLinkAbout234630 07/08/14 ; CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 298001
PO BOX 560149 CHECK DATE: 07/08/14
DALLAS TX 75266-0149
1096 4239039 27148352 574.12 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL
fZ_C cI
Account Number: X-XXX-XX7-485 JUN 2 4 2014 *90G1Q-
Account Identification Number: 00027148352
AUDREY KOSTRZEWA BY: 1 Statement Closing Date: June 18,2014
Pay-In-Full Business Card Account Summary
Total Credit Limit for Purchases $3,000 Previous Balance $175.75
Available Credit for Purchases $2,425 Payments&Credits -175.75 ,
Purchases 574.12
Questions? Call Us: Other Charges 0.00
Regarding your account? 1-800-618-6881 New Balance $574.12 1
Calling will not preserve your billing-error rights Minimum Due $574.12
Payment Due Date July 18,2014 j
Payments & Credits
Mail your payment as instructed on the back of this statement.As an accommodation,we may also accept payments at Target Stores or
over the phone,but to ensure the payment is credited to your account the same day you make the payment,it must be made prior to 2 pm
(Central Time)for Target Store payments and 5 pm(CT)for phone payments.
Date Reference Description Location Amount
Jun. 15 00027148352 PAYMENT RECEIVED-THANKS -$175-75
Total Payments&Credits -$175.75
Date PO# Description Reference Location Amount
May 18 684546321 TARGET.COM 800-591-3869 39913234967 -^ C48.44
May 18 684546321 TARGET.COM 800-591-3869 39913249371 • 42.74
May 19 684546321 TARGET.COM 800-591-3869 39913331509 2 37.99
May 19 684546321 TARGET.COM 800-591-3869 39913276832
May 23 692946516 TARGET.COM 800-591-3869 39913655613 —`47.49
Jun. 3 683 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 10630766712 CARMEL, IN 249.24V
Jun. 9 700591178 TARGET.COM 800-591-3869 39914995818 66.491,
Jun. 17 CENTRAL CHECKOUT 18480769272 NORA PLAZA, IN 24.74
Total Purchases $574.12
Payment Information: Use the envelope provided to send If applicable law otherwise permits you to mail its legal written
LIS your payment(it)L.S.dollars)along with the lower portion notice about anything related to your Account with us,it must
of this monthly statement. Lost your envelope?No problem. be addressed to Target Bank, Business Card Services,P.O.
Just mail your payment along with the lower portion of this Box 45922.Sall Lake City,UT 84145-0922.
monthly statement to Target Business Card,P.O. Box
660149, Dalias,TX 75266-0149. Payments sent this way We may repott information about your account to the
will be credited to your Account as of the(late received. consumer repotting agencies.Late payments,missed payments,
Payments sent to other locations or in any other manner or other defaults on your account may be reflected in your
may be delayed. Please don't send cash payments or credit report.
Please write your check to TARGET BANK. How We Calculate Your Finance Charge:We figure your
Finance Charge. if any,by multiplying your Daily Balance
by the Daily Periodic Rate shown on the front of this statement.
In Case Of Errors or Questions.About Your Bill: At the end of the billing period,we add up the results of these
daily calculations to get the total Finance Charge for the
If volt think your bill is wrong,or if you need more information billing period.
about a transaction on your bill,send us a letter right away
at: Target Bank,Business Card Services,P.O.Box 15922, You may avoid paying a Finance Charge by paying the New
Salt Lake City,UT 84145-0932. We must hear from you no Balance on your statement in Ball by the Payment Due Date.
later than 30 days after we sent you the first bill on which the Llowever,there is a minimum FINANCE CHARGE of$0.50
error or problem appeared. You can call us,but doing so will for any billing period in which a Finance Charge is imposed.
not preserve your rights.
We will add a Finance Charge on new charges which were
In your letter,give us the lolluwing information: billed to an Account during that billing period starting with
I. Your name,business name;and Account number. the day those charges were posted to your Account balance.
2. The dollar amount of the suspected error.
3. Describe the error and explain,if you can,why you How We Calculate Your Daily Balance: We talo the
believe there is an error. If you need more information,
describe the item you are unsure about. beginning balance of your Account each day,and add any
new charges. Then we subtract any payments and credits.
You don't have to pay any amount in question while we are We then multiply the resulting balance by the Daily Periodic
investigating but you're still obligated to pay the parts of your Rate and that daily Finance Charge is included in the beginning
bill that aren't in question. While we investigate your question, balance of your Account for the next day. This gives us the
we can't report You as delinquent or take any action to collect Daily Balance.
the amount you question.
Average Daily Balance:We add together all the Daily
Special rule for credit card purchases: If you have a Balances for the billing period and divide the total by the
problem with the quality of goods or services that you number of days in the billing period. This gives its the
purchased with a credit card,and you have tried in good faith "Average Daily Balance".
to correct the problem with the merchant,you may not have The Average Daily Balance times the Daily Periodic Rate
to pay the remaining amount due on the goods or services. times the number of days in the billing period will equal the
amount of the Finance:Charges.
Need more information? Just call 1-800-618-6881.
• To ass:questions about your bill
o To report a lost or stolen card
o To request additional credit cards
o To change your address
(i) 11111111111
Account Number: X-XXX-XX7-485 '80G1P'
Account Identification Number: 00027148352
AUDREY KOSTRZEWA Statement Closing Date:June 18,2014
Transaction Details
Cardholder Date of Trans Reference PO# Description Amount
White Underwear $28.98
White Underwear $43.47
Home/Office Supplies $3.38
Home Safety $19.98
Home Safety $5.29
Summer Seasonal $30.00
Boys Packaged Underw $8.99
Boys Packaged Underw $8.99 ,
Boys Packaged Underw $19.18
Boys Packaged Underw $26.97
Boys Packaged Underw $9.59
Boys Packaged Underw $9.59
Boys Packaged Underw $9.59
Boys Packaged Underw $9.59
Boys Packaged Underw $19.18
Boys Packaged Underw $9.59
Total $249.24
Total $66.49
XXX-XX7-531 Jun. 17 18480769272 Frito Lay $6.78
Hair Accessories $12.58
Shave $6.68
Total $24.74
Pavnient Information: Use the envelope provided to send If applicable law othet-uvise permits you to mail us legal written
LIS your payment(in U.S.dollars)along with the lower portion notice about anything related to your Account with us,it must
of this monthly statement. Lost your envelope'?No problem. be addressed to Target Bank,Business Card Services,P.O.
Just mail your payment along with the lower portion of this Box 45922,Salt Lake City.UT 54145-0922,
monthly statement to Target Business Card,P.O.Box
660149,Dallas,TX 75266-0149. Payments sent this way We may report information about your account to the
will be credited to your Account as of the date received. consumer reporting agencies.Late payments,missed payments,
Payments sent to other locations or in any other manner or other defiludlS on your account may be reflected in your
may be delayed. Please don't send cash payments or credit report.
G i ftC,'ards.
Please write your check to TARGET BANK. How We Calculate Your Finance Charge:We figure your
Finance Charge,if any,by multiplying your Daily Balance
by the Daily Periodic Rate shown on the front of this statement.
In Case Of Errors or Questions About Your Bill: At the end of the billing period,we add up the results of these
if you think yow bill is wrong,or if you need more information daily calculations to get the total Finance Charge for the
ling period.
about a transaction on your bill,send us a letter rig=ht away
at: Tar—yet Bank,Business Card Services,P.O.Box 45922, You may avoid paying a Finance Charge by paying the New
Salt lake City,UT 54145-0922. We must hear fi-om you n0 Balance on your statement in full by the Payment Due Date.
later than 30 days after we sent you the first bill on which the I lowever,there is a minimum FINANCE CHARGE of$0.50
error or problem appeared. You can call us,but doing so will for any billing period in which a Finance Charge is imposed.
not preserve your rights.
We will add a Finance Charge on new charges which were
In your letter,give us the ibllowing information: billed to an Account during that billing period slatting with
1. Your name,business name,and Account number. the.day those chat oes were posted to your Account balance.
2. The dollar amount of the suspected error.
3. Describe the error and explain,if you can.why you
believe there is an error. If you need more information, How We Calculate Your Daily Balance: We take the
describe the item you are unsure about. beginning balance of your Account each day,and add any
new char(yes. Then we subtract any payments and credits.
You don't have to pay any amount in question while weearc We then multiply the resulting balance by the Daily Periodic
investigating but you're still obligated to pay the pails of your Rate and that daily Finance Charge is included in the beginning
bill that aren't in question. While we investigate your question, balance of your Account for the next day. This gives us the
we can't report you as delinquent or take any action to collect Daily Balance.
the amount you question.
Average Dail),Balance: We add together all the Daily
Special rule for credit card purchases: if you have a Balances for the billing period and divide the total by the
problem with the quality of goods or services that you number of days in the billing period. This gives us the
purchased with a credit card,and you have tried in good faith "Average Daily Balance".
to correct the problem with the merchant,you may not have The Average Daily Balance times the Daily Periodic Rate
to pay the remaining amount clue on the goods or services. times the number of days in the billing period will equal the
amount of the Finance Charges.
Need more information? Just call 1-800-618-6881.
c -10 ask questions about your bill
o To report a lost or stolen card
o To request additional credit cards
o To chanec your address
Rev F:05/06 8:08/10 FF-BC-STMT(11/13)
Target Expect More Pay Less
Qu IT-0 Page I of 2
f-� S,1 c) L-
order #101671303540
Delivered on.
Delivering to:
050612014 05j2V2014
-lura itv 46032
Delivere(j oil:
'-dilesday May 21 2011e
!ileil,(9i"I Shipment
050612014 05/2112014
Delivered on
dooday "O-ay 21
In shipmew
05;16f2014 05:21:2014
wv: $59.99
Delivered on:
050612014 05!21/2014
qly 1 $50.99
M.,iiveicd on:
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Target Expect More Pay Less
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JUN 2 2014
Payment and Billing Billing address: Payment rnothods:
da'..,W"'pper ......�- -7 L."i
411 E 1V30-I Stsubtotal: $245.94
diSCOLIMS: -512.30
REDr-d 5-,Di--t
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tax: $0.00
your total: $233.64
you saved$12.30(51-)
Target stores about Target ways to save help the REDcard
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-,r( !:"ra:-.,jE, T,-' -'u:is''e':Cs:wf F.,::Ilnv-,- a n,,I,:n%arks of BrIM),.s In- -1**.qh-s rz:Perve:i,
https://,A-A,w-secure.target.coiii/eiicckout getoi-dei-detallsllsW(I'SOi-dei-=.-Y&catalogld:=1005... 6/2/2014
Dawn Koepper
From: Target.com <orders@services,target com>
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2014 8:00 AM `C�i Iv�+,D
To: Dawn Koepper I'
Subject: Thank you for your Target order JUN 0 9 2014
. k>)Yk- Y'10 3�Q"111 Nbi
EQ u l f!D'n erwl'roy s
check order status 370 31
hello Dawn,®awn, y-23�► U3�1
Here are the details for order t0roer #` : .- ; that you placed on 06109'2014.
items in your order
the— ...+=.3li .�f8 vv+!': a>':. ;C'.'
Lindsay Leber, 1235 Central Park Dr E, Carmel, Indiana 46032-4421 (317) 573-4026
items qty shipping method est.delivery date price
I 1 Fish rr•Oric:e Jumperoo - Standard Wednesdav 06%1112014- $69.99
J - Rainfor,st Friends Mondav 06:16!2014
View our return policy .
frequently asked questions:
Can I modify or cancel my order?
YOU cannot rnodify our o;der once +t is placed � ` order summary.
However. if your order includes only shipped _
items, you can cancel all or part of yo,r order A
within a snort period of time before it is
Subtotal: $69.99 J
processed hyvisiUogthe .`"1p/
call 1-800-591-3869. Discounts: -$3.50
Store Pickup orders can hecanceled bycalling
1-8O0'591'3858. requesting cancellation ai
Guest Services in any*Target stova, or by no', Shipping: $16.83
picking u' the order wkhin the 2'doy(ime
window. P|easeno10 that partial o/de/scannut
be canceled.
Estimated Tax: $0.00
When will | be charged?
|\depends nnwhat method ofdelivery you
choose. You will eitherbe charged when i|enns
are shipped, nrwhen they are picked upa|the Your Total: $66.49
You Save: $2033
After you piona your order, you may notice
pne»Litho/izadonkomTarget onyour card
| accoum.This iub*mpurary. and your card is �
not ecu/aUycharged /hisam000i
Still have a qvondon7
Check Out oo,o:��s& �:ipmngpage.
V#298001 4239039 4239039
General General
Program Program
supplies Supplies
1096-41 1096-60
$ 574.12 $ 300.14 $273.98
$ 66.49 $249.24
$ 233.65 $ 24.74
An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by
whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc.
Payee Purchase Order No.
298001 Target Bank Terms
P.O. Box 660149 Date Due
Dallas, TX 75266-0149
Date (or note attached invoices)or bill(s)) PO# Amount
$ 300.14
6/18/14Program supplies $ 273 98
6/18/14Program supplies
Total $ 574.12
I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance
with I C 5-11-10-1.6
, 20
Voucher No. Warrant No.
298001 Target Bank Allowed 20
P.O. Box 660149
Dallas, TX 75266-0149
In Sum of$
$ 574.12
1099 M�io�non Center
1096-41 27148352 4239039 $ 300.14
1096-60 27148352 4239039 $ 273.98 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the
materials or services itemized thereon for
which charge is made were ordered and
received except
3-Jul 2014
'P e �v�
$ 574.12 Accounts Payable Coordinator
Cost distribution ledger classification if Title
claim paid motor vehicle highway fund