HomeMy WebLinkAboutD-2174-14 Vacate R-O-W Burnett Court Sponsor(s): Councilors Rider and Snyder ORDINANCE D-2174-14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA VACATING A PORTION OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY WHEREAS, Old Town Development L.L.C., ("Petitioner"),has submitted a petition to the City of Carmel,Indiana,pursuant to Indiana Code§36-7-3-12(b)requesting the vacation of a portion of public right-of-way commonly known as Burnett Court, which is located entirely within the corporate boundaries of the City of Carmel, Indiana(the"Proposed Ordinance"); and, WHEREAS,in the manner prescribed by Indiana Code§36-7-3-12-(c),the Clerk-Treasurer of the City of Carmel,Indiana, gave notice of the Proposed Ordinance and of the time and place of the public hearing on the Proposed Ordinance; and WHEREAS,a public hearing on the Proposed Ordinance was held by the Common Council of the City of Cannel, Indiana (the "Council"), the 21st day of July, 2014, and following the presentation of evidence at said hearing,the Council now finds as follows: (a) Petitioner intends to develop the real estate abutting the public right-of-way to be vacated. The vacation of the portion of right-of-way at Burnett Court, more particularly described in the Petition attached hereto as Exhibit A,will facilitate the redevelopment of this parcel. (b) Petitioner,its related party entity Blackwell Park Development Partners LLC,LLC and Mr. and Mrs.William Greenwood are the owner(s)of the real estate abutting the public right-of-way to be vacated and have all consented to said vacation. (c) The City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety recommended approval of the petition to vacate the portion of the public right-of-way of Burnett Court on May 7, 2014. (d) No evidence of probative value was presented at the public hearing held regarding the proposed vacation that was in opposition to same. (e) It has been demonstrated by a preponderance of the evidence that the vacation of a portion of this right-of-way is in the best interests of the public. (f) The portion of public right-of-way of Burnett Court, as identified hereinabove, should be vacated. Now,THEREFORE,BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel,Indiana, as follows: DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION Pursuant to Indiana Code§36-7-3-12,those portions of the rights-of-way Subjto final acceptance for transf�nonly known as Burnett Court,as are located in Carmel,Indiana and L1da of i2® fied in this Ordinance, are hereby vacated as public right-of-way A' f' Auditor of Hamilton County parcel # P'r 2014031967 VACATION $25.00 07/24/2014 01:54:26P 7 PGS Mary L. Clark HAMILTON County Recorder IN Recorded as Presented IIIII I I IIII I I III IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIII and title to such vacated right-of-way hereby reverts to, and is vested in, the owner of the real estate abutting said rights-of-way. 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after the date of its passage, signing by the Mayor and such publication as is required by law. s PASSED by the Common Council of the City of Carmel, Indiana, this ( day of , 2014,by a vote of_7_ayes and p nays. COMMON COUNCIL FOR THE CIT OF CARMEL de 0 /- - ----- ilr..■ / Presicng officer i K-vin D. Rider Rif, LI 0 W. : Seid nsticker ,Pres Pro Tempore Carol Schlei U e inkamT V Richard L. Sharp i",i a '' _...,i i e_A X22..-- R.nald E. Carter uci yder ATTES " . ./Or , ,' 1"/ /...,A Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk-Tr surer 2 nd Presented by me to the Mayor of the City of Carmel,Indiana,this a a day of 2014 at /:3‘f A.m. Diana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk- r,asurer Approved by me,Mayor of the City of Carmel,Indiana,this cl N day of , 2014 atm :_a.F.M. J es Brainard, Mayor ATTEST: Dana L. Cordray, IAMC, Clerk treasurer • This instrument prepared by Andrew S.Greenwood,General Counsel Old Town Development L.L.C., 1132 South Rangeline Road, Carmel IN 46032. Attorney ID#25601-49, 317-341-5909. "I affirm under penalties of perjury that I have taken reasonable care to redact Social Security numbers in this document unless required by law. Prepared by Andrew S. Greenwood" 3 _ . . . LOCATION MAP --,-TT r--: ' -4F l' '2 4 Tr ., _.. r. • .. ..,.....:, ...., _.. ..,,„...,.„..„.„..,„....„...„:„.„...„, ...„,.„„ ...‘........„ ..i.. p'-':^'■ iti‘;;C",74.1.''' - ' 04 , '17. .. ,L. .-. 0 4 '4 '- '",::'..'. 7.1,-....000-c,-.,.r.0". .,:: .: ift,',1,,'-,1 1 N `.-.:::,,,,'•''';,;.",,,,..1;3:':,,,,,,,,1,1-,=,' ,:-.i„, ., „ I. 1., „. ';'!.7'4-1''i''W",".',.4.;;,"'1•.";":"--'''''''. .i''''':',"'"'' 1.+; *-••'.....:,-:"„:,;;;;;":-'',;:...;:..:::o. ,.. vjg....,ck E..7, . ' • c , ., ,,,J,:-.?4'1?;"''f ycg .-.i7Tettnti,'' ''','',"; -' t tl."-t'ttl-t t. 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EXHIBIT B BURNETT COURT H.C.BURNETT ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CARMEL GRAPHIC SCALE (D) = DEED DIMENSION ■== (P) = PLAT DIMENSION 0 15 30 60 S' • (M) = MEASURED DIMENSION SCALE : 1" = 30' I I IUtVtLUI-'MLN I J 1 # 4RTNERS, LLF I I L-1 I H LOT I W I v r I I M 1"IRON PIPE FOUND I I I I§GRADE,1.,t.EAST L___ N _J ° OF LOT CORNER I-———— I O 1 S 8's°49'58'W co 25 00TP& I ____ ____ - - -0 co, .f- — Qr Q — — — • . + el 1p .g: iv — ft *: :� 1 g f 1 e z L_J Jca^�7. it ;. I 3 • + o� 1 I N 4#200902 963 ,Z• ■■ AMBER R. SCH BER 1 to r 1 �4 I LOT 5 LOT 2 ^ s IIItJST#201.3046474 '�+`� I I BLACKWE _ ° 4:414♦ n I - +DI VELOPMEN LLC R 1 "' I I + o_ CAPPED REBAR FOUND I N a L________J I�- 0.3E EAST OF CORNER. I I 4r: L---_J oj +. �Vo J N. ♦♦•n Pi L o f ,�,-. _' o +■ N 1� b II Y y o r---- I I r' Z I .q - I I I �( I I = I I x I I I I I14ST#2013046470 11_ 1?�L0 [4N$T#200600014988 11 I I BLACKWEILL / fi r I GREENWOOEI + 1 iRT LOT 66 I DIVELOPME T LLC _) �4 I LOT 6 III I I-----I L–LOT 1 4' ���� • —1 I I I ° 1' L____j 1"IRON PIPE FOUND + Ns O GRADE,0.6'R,SOUTH 4.1f OF LOT CORNER,NEXT TO �t g EXISTING WATER METER • � '}, • 1 237.50' P S 89°53'49"W 5TH STREET 60.00'(P E — 30, — — — — — - - x . E 14Q. 't N G 9° RI),JD R. Ail\ - D HALL LAND SURVEYING - FICE DWG:JDH OHIO ST CNN: JOH KC.BURNETT Addition + IOF2 N,IN46009 DATE:327/7514 to Carmel 090.3094 -766-5510 FR: 4 CLAY TOWNSHIP FIELD WORK HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA ..... 12/10/2013 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION BY • • BLACKWELL PARK PHASE II HAMILTON COUNTY INDIANA W APART OF THE EST HALF OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION THIRTY(30),TOWNSHIP EIGHTEEN(18) P RI MARY P LAT DOCKET NO.1404001 SV DOCKET NO.14040020V DOCKET NO.14030019PV 60 0 60 120 NORTH,RANGE FOUR(4)EAST,LOCATED eili I= IN HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA DOCKET NO.14040019V DOCKET NO.14040021V DOCKET NO.14030020PP III = 1 . SCALE 1°=60' EXISTING LEGEND • PROPOSED LEGEND' , POMPEII - .-,..... - ---- RIGHT-OF-WAY FYS FRONT YARD SETBACK -- - SURVEYOR UGHTPOLE - CONTNRS - - - LOT LINE SYS SIDE YARD SETBACK 2ND AVE NE CROSSROAD ENGINEERS,PC• °1 WATER HYDRANT -PROPERTY LNE - - EASEMENT LINE RYE REAR YARD SETBACK _ - ---- - - SETBACK LINE DUE DRAINAGE&unun EASEMENT - -... - 3417 SHERMAN DR. WATER VALVE -ADJOINER LINE - -PS- SANITARY UNE 851 TREEING SETBACK LNE •" , BLOW OFF ASSEMBLY PAVEMENT UNE -p°-PV- WATER UNE NAE HON-ACCESS EASEMENT - - •, BEECH GROVE,IN 46107 CAPPED REBAR FOUND • STORM LNE (317)780-1555 (SEE SURVEY FOR DETALED FENCE AE ACCESS EASEMENT PHONE GAS UNE ea STORM uCUI1pRFIBB tN ET FAX:(317)780-6525 LOCATION INFORMATION) '' .WATER UNE ASPHALT I I CONCRETE © SiORII FNII SECTION • ., SLIMY FOR TTAIEEUE -SANITARY SEVER MANHOLE /� CONTACT:TRENT NEWPORT • LOCATION INFORMATION) - •STORM SEWER GENERAL-NOTES •• OWNER/DEVELOPER NT°%'FEARS Si CONCRETE 1.ALL STORM SEWER SIZES AND CAPACITIES SHALL CONFORM TO THE W OLO TOWN DEVELOPMENT,L.L.C. CITY OF CARMEL STORMWATER TECHNICAL STANDARDS. W b 1132 5.RANGELINE ROAD 2.ALL SANITARY SERER MANS SHALL CONFORM TO THE REQUIREMENTS ,EYE CARAMEL,IN 46033 ESTABLISHED BY THE OPERATING AUTHORITY. .I-eS PHONE:(317)341.5909 3.THE PROPOSED WATER MAIN SHALL CONSIST OF DUCTILE IRON AND CONTACT:ANDREW GREENWOOD SHALL CONFORM TO ALL NECESSARY REQUIREMENTS ESTABLSHED BY =w THE OPERATING AUTHORITY. r- ! P.O.B. n 7 ALLEY 1Nnn x009 E 711AQ,:.. ^i . ,. -5' I Ir5- f'. ;,L ,5' 18'--1..-12,-,5' 20'° :.77'T 55.00' 1 55.00' I 55.00 I SS.OS' -1-55.00-1- 155.00' I 55.06' I 5500 Tr5.00' I 55.00 I 55.00 ��1I •.10.12 . :.,1_; I PROP., _ _ _ p RYS 8 DUE TYP) _ _ _ _ - 20'RYS&00E(TYP :.: 20 I PROP. 16' 10'- ' JS R/W. � lr 1.1r i �r � I � ill- 1IF' llr iIr .iIr � Ir �Ir 1I • °1,:1- kA RP. 50 R1 • I.: I E 1 "glI I ;1 I 1Ml I • PII I -i;l I A -iRI.h I I . 1-I I inl I i°I I i t - ° • I • w - �. �w S --'i' - G - . • _ N - � - • D - oe,P - - 5,AN,' ! I 1 1. -,x.. 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OD ZONE°X' 54604'12°E yob LOT t itMlawO°I:a,A COHNON AREA 2 28.21' ' _CURRENT ZONNG: R2 TuaruL O MA, r uc tss]7I sq.Ft. 56028'24°E•SIDE YARD SETBACKS: 20' I LOTZ 'av°rinsse,:1 31.]40 Ae100 A 16.85' SIDE YARD SETBACKS: 5'MIN. {I Lorsz�0 aAniraL ,,,..,LLc .. / �� IS'(AGGREGATE) „gyp ses LOT3 ,,,,c,,''NUrwlnrrn LLC .TE / S3428'2PE REAR YARD SETBACKS: 20' I A PlL:10811;14Yt • 38.14' ACCESSORY STRUCTURES: SEE CHAPTER 25 OF r Mph LOT 63 110x.15 LOTS rAaIIA UL°PIPII uc THE ZONING ORDINANCE O LOTS 000'III'sIA a o i�' b MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGE: 457. 3 H'a"�'M'"' uc a'1• - 1PART LOT 64 0 'Hiriih;;,pll,il: e," • ALL SETBACKS SHALL BE ESTABUSHED FROM . B°NIJN He Lors j Za''L- d1• ,:i Q -■, f tluuHOUn:31/ �:IAR°e FLOOD ZDYE°AE°THE R/W OR PROPERTY LINE. 'E N m>RFCan Loret i pFyr - r` PART /Tfi5 `' 5.5 ; LOTSZ IL yr t_ /1.. . a TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS: 23 ff//// MINIMUM LOT WIDTH: 55' I S - m • LOT 63 sunsrcA / L ND -.. MINIMUM LOT FRONTAGE: 55 P.06,'lag,a o!9-S I Parr -• J •---'' �• CROSSROAD TOTAL RIGHT-OF-WAY: 0.865 AC. sNOIRPET PART :lic,r�T00 / ,y� ENGINEERS,PC • TOTAL COMMON AREA: 1.460 AC. Mmn� 1 /5'59 Transportation fi TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AREA: 5.680 AC. LOT 69 4LViU�l:411•H i 5022442 V/129.91' Development ranspo1 tion&Consultants TOTAL DEVELOPMENT AREA 0/0 R/W: 5.015 AC. PARCEL MAP LOT 66 RAa A. rT LLc An evelo mentLm MU ltans5M .2 u0 TON 1.'II-' uC .-" SHEET 1 OF 2 ,.._.......________ ...... , , .4--.. "_ ----"/ . f / ...•" , _...1 2 l•-•"*. ,••`' , /..,...""' \-1 ''''\f • • /7",:4-'',---_,, ,dir, ' ..--""(i) f i . . s''' -.41.„<"•d,„•,,. i ,/.._,,••-• . .•:?1,P;•,:` et i /,••••-•-.- '_I_,,,,•,,,,,,.,,,_ , , V+ ' 44'416ftW''' 2\., . .. 2 p...,,,:t ''''2" .. .-„,„ •-. " ' '• '''' . c":'," r , .-.-:- --. ' T "`-'" • '1.' '''-' ' '"1.7-* . 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I 4 ioi, „...-.4,,,... • , I-' I I', i ,-, 1, I; '-,1": I t ILLUSI,I-ative 'Site (---; .- ill-w'" Blackwell Park — Phase II Old Town Development L.L.C. MI n mien tiwthie. 1111 VW I OLD TOWN DEVELOPMENT Concept Home Elevations The following elevations represent home styles built by the Old Town Design Group in the Old Town Carmel area. Actual home elevations at Blackwell Park Phase II will vary based on the lot orientation and custom design of the home. . ." r i .,,` • a .74011' Y a-e 41 �it ` ,i, ,, ,.- � p , .: c k ��° t ers.' p, . 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NI . •- -- • -i• ,.,-,.,, '•'! i 1.„,:-.---4tAttr-E,..t,, -:.3...t:,,,..i 7:::::...,,,,4 .1111, ,1 4- 7:''4 ..,,-x s..,-...-',-- .A 0,4 tt. ,q; '' 'i`:-',, ,..,;,..,..,,,.. ;,i',.,:,; r, ..-iii , :fitht ., .4 -.,'-._ - ., i•-ek,-,..1-4.': } .-: .•' , , , -',-,:'''..,.'.1. j% ili R. , . , ,,, g ,-, fe4,14-7;a1111... 3` ,,;*--,-,i,.." ' .k. itt i tc....t..4....,,,At..k, -'- ' :!:t.:?-, ..ilii't3--‘7'.1".'9,' ktriir**,)14, ME 26a,:zi. i i, ( 1 ' PETITION TO VACATE RIGHT OF WAY ; A APPROVED box Old Town Development L.L.C., (the"Petitioner") on behalf of the owners of the real property located at or about Burnett Court in Carmel, Indiana, hereby petition the City of Carmel (the"City")to vacate certain public right-of way located within Carmel's municipal boundaries and more specifically described and shown in Exhibit"A"which is attached hereto and incorporated herein(the "Vacation Area"). In support of this Petition, Petitioner states: 1. Vacating the proposed Vacation Area is consistent with the development of Blackwell Park Phase II, in substantial part, on real property identified by Parcels No's: 16-10-30-05-04-014.000, 16-10-30-05-04-008.000, 16-10-30-05-04-005.000, 16-10-30-05-04-006.000, 16-10-30-05-04-007.000, 16-10-30-05-04-015.000 and owned by the parties listed in Exhibit`B"which is attached hereto and incorporated herein; 2. Vacation of the proposed Vacation Area will not hinder the growth or orderly development of the unit or neighborhood in which said Vacation Area is located or to which the Vacation Area is contiguous; 3. Vacating the proposed Vacation Area does not make access to the lands of any person by means of public way difficult or inconvenient; and 4. Vacating the proposed Vacation Area does not hinder the public's access to a church, school, or other public building or place. Further,Petitioner states that notice of this Petition and the hearing on it has been provided pursuant to Ind. Code § 36-7-3-12. Respectfully submitted this I/ day of 11 —, 2014 OLD TOWN DEVELOPMENT L.L.C. wir tin W. of el, ember City of Carmel, Board of Public Works and Safety: 1 11... / s' 7. l James Bnard, Mayor Date• j/ ) - sr---7 A .--/7 Mary Ann;:ur e, Member Date Tit 7fi9 Lori Water , ember Date STATE OF INDIANA ) )SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Members of the Board of Public Works and Safety, Mayor James Brainard, Mary Ann Burke, Lori Watson, Who acknowledged execution of the foregoing and who, having been duly sworn, stated that the representations contained are true Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this 7 day of , 2014. _7C-41A --- f)t)f-APL ii i '.:'i4-..."1..!+. NO fARY PUBLIC r, .4 ,'t SA,j_l.A M .iUr•n�',;�t4 f 11'l-4,.. ,-4:I N,.)TARY PliFil IC ,NDIANn f My Corn Isslot Expwresvi„ F.pur•c:,,,1 }t /' ,�spq „ 1 M. ted Name x I SANDRA JOHNSON . ` :±.�A�i� ' NOTARY PUBLIC-INDIANA • ;;,14,010,-.49 y Comm.Expires Aug.31,20181 •ore - I My County of Residence: HAMILTON • STATE OF INDIANA } } SS: COUNTY OF H } Before me a Notary Public in and for said County and State,personally appeared Justin W. Moffett, Member of Old Town Development L.L.C.,who acknowledged execution of the foregoing, and who,having been duly sworn, stated✓that the representations contained are true. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this . ) I day of Aprj , 2014. CiA ASP Pick_ aoi(-P Printed:s,k1rVbfeir Al6KU 6 r .ittQ(, My Commission Expires: . aol ov°EO' JENNIFER APRIL BRANDL 6. . .Notary Public, State of Indiana •NOTARY' Hamilton County ;.SEAL•; Commission #630014 County of Residence is: 'p,•••• My Commission Expires ,,,,,ral o October 05, 2019 40,ww This instrument prepared by Andrew S.Greenwood,General Counsel Old Town Development L.L.C., 1132 South Rangeline Road, Carmel IN 46032. Attorney ID#25601-49, 317-341-5909 "I affirm under penalties of perjury that I have taken reasonable care to redact Social Security numbers in this document unless required by law. Prepared by Andrew S. Greenwood" EXHIBIT' " if BURNETT COURT H.C.BURNETT ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CARMEL GRAPHIC SCALE (0) = DEED DIMENSION no min= (P) = PLAT DIMENSION 0 15 30 60 (M) = MEASURED DIMENSION SCALE 1" = 30' IUtVtLOI MtN I J IRTNERS,LL� l i i \\ I LOT 4 I W v 1'IRON PIPE FOUND I I I I I I 1n so @ GRADE,1.4'EAST L----J L---.—j L, OF LOT CORNER O 1 S 81°4'58'58 W cn 25 00' P& - - - eo, +-- /�� ) - - - — -), ��i�i♦. + O� 4 ► IN #200902 963 ,r ♦*�0� AMBER R.SCH BER I ♦♦1► o r 1 ��►� I LOT5 LOT 2 tp, Cu♦��11 I I�JST#2013046474 ��1 I I I BLACKWEIUJ �// +♦ r.+D VELOPMEN LLC R ♦111 M I I CAPPEDREBARFOUND t �♦N L----J I`-� 0.3E EAST OF CORNER I I ♦.•♦�1k4E, LLI ~0 * J E Z I I w j++VI I I I N .I I II4 z I I I I I14ST#2013046470 44,4410 � ' , T#200600014988 I 1''�♦, • GREENWOOd + I BLACKWEIL ;�:.{. I I •RT LOT 66 DgVELOPME1T LLC to. I LOT 6 I I I---- LOT 1 /���♦♦'� �---� I A 1'IRON PIPE FOUND ,�.►:.��� + OF LOTOCORNER,INTH TO )04 ,,,44 . EXISTING WATER METER 11►`♦4��• g 237.50'P S 89°53'49"W u 5TH STREET 60.00'(P : • € 30' R/W S E AQ° :XTE ' r.TN ID 2.BA1 D HALL LAND SURVEYING 01'x`JOH BBB B.174 w eo OST J 07 NO.BURNETT Ada m aoeasw °J�'�'p0u 74684510 FD' CIAY7OWNSIIO' F3; WORK HAMa70N COUNiS.IId1WlA 19fOR017 No. DATE DESCRIPTION N BY EXHIBIT4 ' BURNETT COURT H.C.BURNETT ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF CARMEL • RIGHT-OF-WAY DESCRIPTION The remaining Right-of-way of Burnett Court as per plat of H.C.Burnett Subdivision as recorded in Deed Book 133,page 477 in the Recorders Office of Hamilton County,Indiana, more particularly described as follows; Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 6 in H.C.Burnett Subdivision,thence along the East ° riag right-of-way line of Burnett Court,North 00°32'23"West,237.06 feet,to the Northwest corner of Lot 5 in said addition;thence South 89°49'58"West,25.00 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 2 of said subdivision;thence alont the West right-of-way of Burnett Court, 3 South 00°32'23"East,237.03 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 1 of said subdivision;thence North 89°53'49"East,25.00 feet to the point of beginning. F 1 5 E 0 N i C i XFF10E D HALL LAND SURVEYING DN'G 1a, D"10 5T C19h m" ".D.EUR4ETTA9d� 1OFv+.a DATE:]12,201, bO1mel 13.062EX 496]599 Roc 3174E2465W 2, f HA1A0-TON MINTY.9AN34A 171102013 ND. DATE DEM:DIMON BY EXHIBIT "B" LIST OF OWNERS & PARCEL NUMBERS ADDRESS/OWNER INSTRUMENT/PARCEL NO. 510 Burnett Court Instrument 2013046470 Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC 16-10-30-05-04-014.000 520 Burnett Court Instrument 2013046474 Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC 16-10-30-05-04-008.000 530 Burnett Court . Instrument 2013070316 Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC 16-10-30-05-04-005.000 531 Burnett Court Instrument 2013054694 Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC 16-10-30-05-04-006.000 521 Burnett Court Instrument 2013068872 Blackwell Park Development Partners, LLC 16-10-30-05-04-007.000 511 Burnett Court Instrument 200600010988 William T. &Regina A. Greenwood 16-10-30-05-04-015.000 • A PART OF THE WEST HALF OF THE BLACKWELL PARK PHASE II, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION THIRTY(30),TOWNSHIP EIGHTEEN(18) PRIMARY PLAT 50 0 MI =I 50 ■ .' -100 NORTH,RANGE FOUR(4)EAST,LOCATED DOCKET NO. =I EN ■ = IN HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA , moms DOCKET NO. SCALE: 1" = 50' . 11 \ -- ---( ----1 ,• , ,' ;I l'i '', I I s., f ,?.;`P I -'...!•ti± . ...----- . • .. . re' . ,,. .L.' 1 . • ./ ' .. .. ..... } . , I; i 1 ca ; .... I I .... , •I 1 P.O.B.SURVETRACT I ,' ' 1 , r • '' • ' '. . ''. '-' ; - / 1 1 • -' ; 1 '' ' 1 L- i o•Lii--- i 7.2_._,•••-• 41:77L._ [:/_/: -•.. . .: 17_1 L 1.7_,H..1._______ a• ., , ..,, , / Noom'osT, 1j .78(M)1.191(P.1____.;f4o .1 , 1 , ; ,' T1 ,1• 1 55.007-7 55 00 55.00-77 55.00 „1-71-5.00.:7717 ,5.0,:f ./ I 7 I 55.0f."1-7• 55(1'7 I i 5.(10.7-1- 55.00 I 35.00 ‘' - ; : • I , .. 8.11' ,__---. ‘ • -.... . ' ' ' L . , .• III I: '... 1 I 20'RYS(IY1.1 1 -I I '. ;. ' ' , i .., . . 1 • 5 ,•i 14 ...it 1 1 r_..., -'' / , . , ' J ■ I: , --..,,I ' , A ,.,'"1 .I.I-----_../--'1 I 1 ! I I I . I I\I 1 \ i ' I ,. i. 1 . , • l . ,..' 1 I [..... ---11-r 1 LI---------L-1-1 • d co __. , . i _ •,.:, •,,,, ,0,1:IN i, ....,.__.,„0 ,,,...:...... _m _. , ., lal s•, , ', E6 1 . ■ ■ ■ I • I• ' ' ''. ; lt,/■1 I . . .-- ' g .,--1 - g---71,--,1-. - g ,..7. 1 2 El:I •- '.. : , . ; .1 i i' ' I '21 1 P-J --'141;'-'15.--14.1.--J.! I 4t Mll .a .---ID I .,g- n5 AL,,,, 1,- 1,_.- 1 -..i'd I ,,,,;-.1 sl.,d_ ea4_,,,,w--------....-.., ) ;! ! LI,I'r--Irr,1.... ,;.--_..,, 1-53ft'8" r-v-•-a0-'' ' ',.c°1.703,r2;2''11,1 '1,11--',2,,---. d. '-..,=- -11- -,,,,' ...ir 1 11-1-E-ii-179;4----1-,--.1---'‘z, -. .117,-,1-2 )b",,, I -"a., IP- I -..--'",.' 17E.- Iii■--11 ;. -,v, ,.\,\\,/,'7 I - , - 41."tcri 7?0,- `I 'H ' , •• g...---.„. ........-„,- _ , , . I ._. ,..- . r-4 ‘ i p, , V> c' '131.--- .1-1--"---- c`11-I '', 11 1 11 1 11 l-r'-"-----11-1---- -----1-1' 1 I\ I\11 I Ill 1\ ' "I'l--------- ----Jr] - . ,,,...- , L j‘1.-.L L \ i\l_gry .(r(pA I_L..--- -.N L _ L---==--J ri Li\ \J-‘17L 20'FLS:(TYP_II -' .40'''' I; • , Y !, .... li'l II I ••.11 I- - _1 . '- " --- --."- /1 2. 101116.. CI sa- 1 (:). ---,,.'.r=-7-,---,-§-=----r:-,pt-2-=,§7,1=7,-- ue: :__ • U mutLmi CITY O CARMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR April 17, 2014 Board of Public Works and Safety One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: RIGHT OF WAY VACATION—BLACKWELL PARK PHASE 2—BURNETT COURT Dear Board Members: Mr.Andrew Greenwood,Old Town Development, LLC, has requested the Board provide a favorable recommendation for the vacation of the remaining Right-Of-Way of Burnett Court as per plat of H.C. Burnett Subdivision as recorded in Deed Book 133, page 477 in the Recorders Office of Hamilton County, Indiana. The vacation is associated with the proposed Blackwell Park Phase 2 Subdivision, developed by Old Town Development, LLC. (Exhibit attached) Per the current City procedure for vacating public right-of-way,the City Engineer is responsible for validating the accuracy of the legal description provided by the surveyor,JD Hall Land Surveying, and completeness of the vacation package. Based on the information provided to the Department of Engineering by the Petitioner and Land Surveyor,the petition, legal description and exhibit appears to be accurate. Upon approval by the Board,the petitioner will provide appropriate documentation to the Clerk- Treasurer's office that will be presented to Carmel City Council for final resolution. The Department of Engineering recommends the Board provide a favorable recommendation for the vacation of the Right-Of-Way as shown on the attached exhibit. Sincerely, Jeremy Kashman, P.E. City Engineer ATTACHMENTS S:\BPW14\BLACKWELLPARKROWVACATI ON.DOC DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAx 317.571.2439 EMAIL engineering©carmel.in.gov