HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarmel Police Department SHooting Range Warranty DeedfrAtit Note :.This form approved by Indiana State liar dssoriation for vie in Indiana. Use of this form constitutes practice of law and is limited to prncti<ing laa:yr,s. 9702 BOO 270 PAGF CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED Form No. 6 517 THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That American Aggregates Corporation ( "Grantor "), a corporation organized and exist- ing under the laws of the State of Town of Carmel Ohio CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana , for the sum of One Dollard ($ 1 .00 and &.'other; valuables consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in_ Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana: A tract of land in the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, Township 17 North, Range 4 East, Hamilton County, Indiana more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 9, thence N 00 48' 27" E on and along the West line of said quarter section a distance of 1019.9 feet more or less to the true place of beginning, thence N 0° 48' 27" E a distance of 35.36 feet more or less, thence N 45° 48' 27" E a distance of 1000.53 feet more or less, thence N 900 00' 00" E a distance of 313.6 feet more or less to the low water line of the White River, thence Southwesterly along the low water meander line of the White River a distance of 763.21 feet more or less, thence N. 90° 00' 00" W a.distance of 820.0 feet to the place of beginning. Said tract contains 9.8 acres more or less subject to all legal right of ways and easements. That -.n ,Xdianaj*djusted gross Income Tax is due and owing on this �f ` `ezt- ojeteny ro e7,';/— , 961 DULY ENTERED FOR T/A CATiON �,f� �� .. 1 ,day �%�,v- a�- .,GU- et.. ---- This Instrument Recorded /�O • v • a 7j 19!13 JUNE M. HEDGES, RECORDER HAMILTON COUNTY, IND. -The undersigned persons executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represent and certify that - they �gra� duly electetiofticers of Grantor and have been fully empowered, by proper resolution of he/Bethiroli tit $ > Fcr•,9te 2te and deliver this deed; that Grantor has full cor- ,- porate capacity to convey the real estate described herein; and that all necessary corporate ac- •tion for theInaking of such conveyance has been taken and done. IN_-WITNESS:NHEREOF, Grantor has caused this deed to be executed this tIS?iTerilber 1973 8th AMERICAN AGGREGATES CORPORATION (Name of Corporation) By signature Willam'C Rhodes, Secretary W. I. Thieme,_ Chairman ' Printed Name, and Office Printed Name, and Omce STATE ,OF OHIO 1 COUNTY, OF .DARRE ss • J W. I. Thieme Before me, a Notary public In and for said County and State, personally appeared EA William C. Rhodes Chairman anti Secretary American:.Aggregates Corporation execution of the foregotnjteed for and on behalf of said Grantor, and who, having been duly representations therein contained are true • irthe teepectivelyl of who acknowledged'-?t sworn, a shat :m4 Witness my hand -and Notarial Seal this 8th may. of loV yy/ p /IR'73' My Commission Expires Signature - - - - - -F 7 / % , q�O/t4t9 April 8. 1974 Printed Trpva M Arnnlrl. poi Notary Public e Instrument w spared by John S • PearCe flan Rebut attorney at law. tag ana. -Logan Streets, Noblesvliie,IR • E/i cou10 uj Cmsmtdoe Wet Apt4l 8, 1174