HomeMy WebLinkAboutKirby, John/JeanPARCEL NO. : 09- 36- 00- 00- 031.000 PROJECT NO. : COUNTY : HAMILTON SECTION : 36 TOWNSHIP : 18 RANGE : 3 Hatched Area = R/W Taking 3J• , OWNER : JOHN S. KIRBY, JR. DEED RECORD : Book 344, Page 826 DRAWN BY : D.T. CHECKED BY : M.L.C. 36- 00 -00- 031.000 Res. Area = 3.33 Acres Exhibit B — Page 49 54.71 CO LO T6.43 SCALE : -1" = 10 C Rq p F. ✓F LG ∎S T E9Fc GA No. ° 890004 STATE OF Total Area R/W Existing Net Total Area = .3.80 Ac = 3.80 Ac = 0 Acr PARCEL NO. 09-36-00-00-031.000 MONON CORRIDOR JOHN S. KIRBY JR. Part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) on and along the East line of said Northeast Quarter 858.15 feet; to the North right -of -way line of Carmel Drive; thence South 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West 771.43 feet along said North line to the point of curvature of a curve having a radius of 481.07 feet; thence Northwesterly 339.67 feet on said North line and curve to the right; thence North 49 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West 52. 40 feet in the Easterly right -of -way line of II re Monon Railroad and being the Point of Beginning; thence North 49 degrees 32 minutes 41 seconds West 33.00 feet to the centerline of the Monon Railroad being a point on a curve having a radius of 1910.08 feet; thence Northeasterly 613.22 feet along said curve to the left and said centerline; thence South 68 degrees 53 minutes 44 seconds East 33.00 feet to the Easterly right -of -way of the Monon Railroad and being on a curve having a radius of 1943.08 feet; thence Southwesterly 624.37 feet along said curve to the right and said Easterly line to the Point of Beginning and containing 20635.64 square feet (0.47 acres) more or less. Certified February 3, 1998 Michael L. Crawford, RegistererjTend Surveyor, No. 890004, State of Indiana Exhibit B — Page 50 `�`p��rurrurpr . ccv. L CRAP% G FF9�.. No =_ 3 890004 i` r STATE OF - .. /H SUR \E muililino PARCEL NO. : 36- 00 -00- 032.000 PROJECT NO. : COUNTY HAMILTON SECTION : 36 TOWNSHIP : 18 RANGE : 3 OWNER : JOHN S. KIRBY III & JEAN H. KIRBY DEED RECORD : 9008711 DRAWN BY : D.T. CHECKED BY : M.LC. Hatched Area = R/W Taking SCALE : " = 100' 45 30\ \36 3� 2461.54' e 36- 00 -00- 032.000 Res. Area = 3.5 Acres i 1011001111 ftri,� ,%t L. 9 Rq �yF.4. `` `ZQ''6\5i"fq . 0 $ F,F, FO .?O s 4 890004 • STATE OF No-- f 1. •ei j. Exhibit B — Page 51 0 oc Total Area = 3.8 Acres R/W Existing = 0 Acres Net Total Area = .18 Acres / PARCEL NO. 09- 36 -00 -00- 032.000 MONON CORRIDOR JOHN S. KIRBY III & JEAN H. KIRBY Part of the East Half of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) on and along the East line of said Northeast Quarter 1188.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds West 2461.54 feet; thence South 00 degrees 02 minutes 00 seconds West 1885.26 feet to the North line of Carmel Drive; thence South 85 degrees 02 minutes 09 seconds East 989.89 feet along said North line to the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 490.00 feet; thence Southeasterly on and along said North line 298.16 feet to the point of tangency; thence South 50 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds East 50.40 feet along said North line to a point on the Westerly right -of -way line of the Monon Railroad and being on a curve having a radius of 1877.08 feet; thence Northeasterly along said curve to the left 394.00 feet along said Westerly line; thence South 63 degrees 07 minutes 55 seconds East 33.00 feet to a point on the centerline of the Monon Railroad and being on a curve having a radius of 1910.08 feet; thence Southwesterly along said curve to the right 394.00 feet to the North line of Carmel Drive; thence North 50 degrees 08 minutes 10 seconds West 33.00 feet along said North line to the Point of Beginning and containing 13002 square feet more or less. Certified January 30, 1998 Michael L. Crawford, Register/ No. 890004, State of Indiana `p`i0p)1nn4q ,,� <c�L. CRq ;''o -srF. D= - No. 890004 STATE OF and Surveyor. E Exhibit B — Page 52 PARCEL NO. : 09- 36- 00 -00- 033.000 PROJECT NO. : COUNTY : HAMILTON SECTION : 36 TOWNSHIP : 18 RANGE : 3 OWNER : JOHN S. KIRBY III & JEAN H. KIRBY DEED RECORD : 9001129 DRAWN BY : D. T. CHECKED BY : M.L.C. Hatched Areo = R/W Taking SCALE : " = 100' 400 N. N. N L 00 0 0) D L L O I U N. 36- 00 -00- 033.000 Res. Arco = 5.21 Acres ° c Io `pH VUt NIq, >``ct V_ CRA py'',. ,r ZQ;‹ -G ■ s r fN.,..o '. No. ; 890004 €* STATE OF N =It l -.!vO I ANP-`Q`.S` =It:, gyp` to :Nicl • r 71 no, 2-3-1 Exhibit B — Page 53 374.63 Total Ar 5.67 acre: R/W Existing 0 Acre Net Total Area = 5.67 acre! PARCEL NO. 09-36-00-00-033.000 MONON CORRIDOR JOHN S KIRBY III & JEAN H. KIRBY Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) on and along the East line of said Northeast Quarter 1188.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds West 760.27 feet to the West right -of -way line of the Monon Railroad; thence South 00 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds East 656.00 feet along said West line to the South line of Gradle Drive and the Point of Beginning; thence North 89 degrees 22 minutes 00 seconds East 33.00 feet to the centerline of the Monon Railroad; thence South 00 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds East 176.77 feet along said centerline to the Point of Change from Tangent to Spiral Curve; thence Southerly 200.00 feet along said centerline and a 3 degree 00 minutes spiral curve to the right to the Point of Change from a Spiral to Circular Curve having a radius of 1910.08 feet; thence Southwesterly 208.85 feet along said curve to the right and said centerline; thence North 81 degrees 21 minutes 06 seconds West 33.00 feet to a point on a curve having a raidus of 1877.08 feet on the Westerly right -of -way line of the Monon Railroad; thence Northeasterly 205.25 feet along said curve to the left and said Westerly line to the Point of Change from a Circular to Spiral Curve; thence Northerly 198.28 feet along said Westerly line and a 3 degree 00 minutes spiral curve to the left to the Point of Change from a Spiral Curve to Tangent; thence North 00 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West 176.77 feet along said Westerly to the Point of Beginning and containing 20002.15 square feet (0.46 acres) more or less. Certified February 3, 1998 Micheal L. Crawford, Registered f nd Surveyor, No. 890004, State of Indiana Exhibit B — Page 54 vow t)1111111,,_ i 9'`O " � 890004 ' f STATE OF