HomeMy WebLinkAbout131st Plum Creek Golf Course - traded of property settlement4 A. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Settlement Statement B. Typo of Loan 1.1 ] FHA 2. j ] FMHA 3.1 1 Conv. Unins. 4. j j VA 5.1 ] Cony. ins. 8. File Number 2072456 7. Loan Number 8. Mortgage Ins. Case No. C. Note: This form Is furnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked ("POC ") were paid outside the closing: they are shown here for Information purposes and are not included In the totals. D. Name of Borrower. City of Carmel E Name of Setter: Meridian 131. LLC F. Name of Lender: G. Property Location: Plum Creek Golf Course 131st Street. Cornet. IN 46033 H. Settlement Agent: Hamlton Title Security, LLC (317) 843 -5300 Place of settlement: 865 West Carmel Drive. Suite 110, Carmel, IN 46032 I. Settlement Date: 03/14/2006 Proration Date: 03/142006 J. Summary of Borrower's Transaction K. Summary of Sollor's Transaction 100. Gross amount due from borrower: 400. Gross amount due to seller: 101. Contract sales price 238,500.00 401. Contract sales price 238,500.00 102. Personal property 402. Personal property 103. Settlement charges to borrower (line 1400) 675.50 403. 104. 404. 105. 405. Adjustments for Items paid by seller In advance: Adjustments for Items paid by setkr In advance: 106. City/town taxes 406. Qty/town taxes 107. County taxes 407. County taxes 108. Assessments 408. Assessments 109. 409. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 120. Gross amount duo from borrower: 239,175.50 420. Gross amount due to seller: 238,50000 200. Amounts paid by or in behalf of the borrower: 500. Reduction In amount due to seller 201. Deposit or earnest money 202. Principal amount of new loan(s) 0.00 501. Excess deposit (see lns0ucdons) 502. Settlement charges to seller (line 1400) 203. Existing loan(s) taken subject to 503. ExlsWg loan(s) taken subject to 204. 504. Payoff of first mortgage loan 205. 505. Payoff of second mortgage loan 206. Funds from 2071535 239,026.75 506. 207. 507. Payment to Plum Creek 208. 508, Golf Course, LLC 119,250.00 209. 509. Adjustments for Items unpaid by setter. . Adjustments for items unpaid by seller. 210. City/town taxes 510. City/town taxes 211. County taxes 01/01/2007 to 03/142005 148.75 511. County taxes 01/01/2007 to 03/14/2008 148.75 212. Assessments 512. Assessments 213. 513. 214. 514. 215. 515. 216. 516, 217. 517. 218. 518. 219, 519. 220. Total paid by /tor borrower: 239,175.50 520. Total reduction In amount due seller: 119,398.75 300. Cash at settlement fronito borrower: 600. Cash at settlement to/from seller 301. Gross amount due from borrower (fine 120) 239.175.50 601. Gross amount due to seller (line 420) 238.50000 302. Less amount paid by/for borrower (Ilne 220) 230,175.50 602. Less total reductbn In amount due seiler(Ilno 520) 118,39875 303. CASH ()FROM ()TO BORROWER 0,00 503. CASH ()FROM I %)TO SELLER 119,101.25 L. Settlement Charges 3/12/08 12:35 PM File (dumber. 2072458 700. Total sales/broker carmllsalan Paid From Paid From Seller's Funds at Settlement Division of commission (lino 700) as follows: Borrowers 701. $ Funds at 702. $ Settlement 703. Commission paid at settlement 704. 800. Items payable In mnnectlon with loan 801. Loan origination fee 802. Loan discount 803. Appraisal fee 804. Credit report 805. Lenders Inspection lee 808. Mortgage insurance application fee 807. Assumption foe 808. Tax Service Fee 809. Flood Certlficatlon 810. all. 812. 900. Items required by lender to be paid In advance 901. Interest from 902. Mortgage Insurance premium for 903. Hazard Insurance premium for 904. 905. 1000. Reserves deposited with lender 1001. Hazard Insurance 1002. Mortgage Insurance 1003. City property taxes 1004. County properly taxes 1005. Annual assessments (main.) 1006. 1007. 1009. Aggregate Accounting Adjustment 1100. Title charges 1101. Settlement or dosing fee to Hamilton Title Security, LLC 250.00 1102. Abstract or title search 1103. Title examination 1104. TOo Insurance binder 1105. Document preparation 1106. Notary fees 1107. Attorneys fees to includes above items no.: 1108. Title Insurance to Hamilton Tl0e Security, LLC 389.50 includes above items no.: 1109. Lenders coverage 1110. Owner's coverage $238,500.00 $309.50 1111. Courier Foe 1112. 1113. Dept. of Ins. Enforcement Foe to Stewart Title 5.00 1200. Government recording and transfer charges 1201. Recording fees: Deed $15.00 18.00 1202. City /county tax/stamps: 1203. State tax/stamps: 1204. Sales Disclosure Filing Fee to Auditor of Hamilton County 10.00 1205. Transfer Fee to Auditor of Hamilton County 5.00 1205. 1300. Additional settlement charges 1301. Survey 1302. Pest inspection 1303. 1304. 1305. 1400. Total settlement charges (entered on lines 103. section J and 502, section K) 675.50 CERTIFICATION.] have can 0 /reviewed the Heeq Settlement Statement and to the bast or my leis receipts end disbursements a t or by n rHa vansactbn l further codify That I he • 5 L %� M n 131. LLC City of Carmel dge a Mace d b . 1,1t Is a true and accurate statement of all 0 -1 Setaanent S Huo t Settlement Statement which I nave prepared Is a true and aecaale account of the funds which were received and have been or will panel No seltiement of this Iransac:on. 0414_ Date " ' A. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Settlement Statement V WIO No. znue-IILba B. Type of Loan 1.1 j FHA 2.1 j FMHA 3. O Conv. Unins, 4.1 j VA 5-1 l Cony. Ins. 6. File Number 2071535 7. Loan Number B. Mortgage Ins. Case No. C. Note: This form is furnished to gNe you a statement of actual ett'ement costs. Amounts paid to and by the settlement agent are shown. Items marked ('POC ") were paid outside the closing: they aro shown here for nformation Mimosas and are not Included In the totals. D. Name of Borrower. Meridian 131. LLC E. Namo of Seller. City of Carmel F. Name of Lender: Marshall 8 Islay Bank - downtown. 135 N. Pennsylvania, Indianapolis, IN 46204 G. Property Location: of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3, Hamilton County. Indiana 131st Street, Cartel, IN 46032 H. Settlement Agent: Hamilton Title Security, LLC (317) 8435300 Place of Settlement: 865 West Camel Drive, Suite 110, Carmel, IN 46032 I. Settlement Date: 0.1/14/2008 Proration Date: 03/142008 J. Summary of Borrower's Transaction K. Summary of Seller's Transaction 100. Gross amount due from borrower: 400. Gross amount due to seller. 101. Contract sales price 1,120,000.00 401. Contract sales price 1,120.000.00 102. Personal property 402. Personal property 103. Settlement charges to borrower (line 1400) 11 .796.00 403. 104. 404. 105. 405. Adjustments for items paid by seller In advance: Adjustments for Items paid by seller In advance: 106. City/town taxes 406. City/town taxes ' 107. County luxes 407. County taxes 108. Assessments 408. Assessments 109. 409. 110. 410. 111. 411. 112. 412. 120. Gross amount due from borrower: 1,131,796.00 420. Gross amount due to seller: 200. Amounts paid by or In behalf of the borrower. 500. Reduction In amount due to seller: 201. Deposit or earnest money 501. Excess deposit (see Instructions) 202. Principal amount of new loan(s) 502. Settlement charges to seller (line 1400) 11.590.00 203. Existing loan(s) taken subject to 503. Existing loan(s) taken subject to 204. Draw from Lender 666,088.51 504. - Payoff of 5rst mortgage loan 205. 505. Payoff at second mortgage loan 206. Funds from File 2072456 119,101.25 506. 207. 507. Funding File 2072456 239,031.50 203. 508. 209. 509. Adjusbnenls for items unpaid by seller: Adjustments for Items unpaid by seller. 210. CII /town taxes Y 10. City/town taxes 211. County taxes 01/01/2007 to 03/14/2008 10,770.24 11. County taxes 01/01/2007 to 03/14/2008 10,770,24 212. Assessments 12. Assessments 213. 513. 214. 215. 514. 515. 216. 516. 217. 517. 218. 518. 219. 519. 220. Total paid by /for borrower. 795.958.00 520. Total reduction in amount due seller. 261,391.74 300. Cash at settlement froMlo borrower. 800. Cash at settlement to/from seer: 301. Gross amount due from borrower (line 120) 1.131,706.00 601. Gross amount due to sailer (lino 420) 302. Less amount paid by/for borrower (line 220) 795,958.0D 602. Less total reduction In amount due soller(line 520) 261.391 ,14 303. CASH (X)FROM ()TO BORROWER 335,838.00 803. CASH ()FROM lXITo SELLER 858,608.26 .-r i 5 r ro 4 15 PSL L. Settlement Charges 3/12/081234 PM Flo Number. 2071535 700. Total sales/broker commission Paid From Paid From Division of commission (line 7001 as follows: Borrowers Sellers 701- $ - Funds at Funds at 702. $ Settlement Settlement 703. Commission paid at settlement 704. 800. Items payable in connection with loan 801. Loan origination fee to Marshall B Islay Bank - dew 7,500.00 802. Loan discount 803. Appraisal fee to Marsha 8 Islay Bank - downtown 2000,00 804. Credit report 805. Lenders Inspection foe 806. Mortgage Insurance application fee 807. Assumption fee 808. Tax Service Foe 809. Flood Certification 810. 811. 812. 900. Items required by lender to be paid in advance 901. Interest from 902. Mortgage Insurance premium for 903. Hazard Insurance premium for 904. 905. 1000. Reserves deposited with lender 1001. Hazard Insurance 1002. Mortgage Insurance 1003. City property taxes 1004. County property taxes 1005. Annual assessments (main.) 1006. 1007. 1009. Aggregate Accounting Adjustment 1100. Title charges 1101, Settlement or closing fee to Hamilton Title Security, LLC 250.00 1102. Abstract or 89e search 1103. Title examination 1104. Tide Insurance tinder 1105. Document preparation 1106. Notary fees 1107. Attorney's fees to Includes above items no.: 1108. 110e insurance to Hamilton The Security, LLC 980.00 includes above items no.: 1109. Lenders coverage $1.932,845.00 $150.00 1110. Owner's coverage $1,120,000.00 $830.00 1111. Courier Fee 1112. Wire Fee (Proceeds) to Hamilton Tito Security, LLC 15.00 1113. Dept. of Ins. Enforcement Fee to Stewart Tide 10.00 1200. Government recording and transfer charges 1201. Recording fees: Deed $16.00 16.00 1202. City/county tax/stamps: 1203. State tax /stamps: 1204. Sales Disclosure Filing Fee to Auditor of Hamilton County 10,00 1205. Transfer Fee to Auditor of Hamilton County 5.00 1208. Misc. Recording to Hamilton file Security, LLC 150.00 1300. Additional settlement charges 1301. Survey 1302. Pest inspection 7303. Seller's Counsel Fees to Bose McKinney and Evans 10,700.00 1304. Plat Amendment Fee to Gripe Engineering 875,00 875.00 1305. 1400. Total settlement charges (entered on fn , section J and 502, section K1 11,798.00 11,590.00 :l have carefully re .15ottiement Statement and to the best of my knowledge and belief,, It Ls a Ire and accurate tatement el ad e 111NseeaueYa. I Mier caddy that I have received • 1 seUarcnt5 City of Cannel ': • ". me NU61 Settlement Statement width lame prepared Is a true and accurate account of thefod9 with were received and have been or vM ,eseep 'T$ttm,.~'li as part of the settlement of tills vaneoubn ■`��e:2s" Hang 'e ecv ty, LLC Data