HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic NoticeNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE HEARING OFFICER OF THE CARMEL /CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS DOCKET NO.'S 104070024 — 27 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 25th day of August, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Hall, Caucus Room, One (1) Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to vary various density, front setback and bufferyard standards for a proposed two (2) lot subdivision for property being known as 1800 W. 106th Street. Sections of the Zoning Ordinance to be varied include ZO CH 5.01.02 (density), ZO CH 504.03.A (front setback) and ZO CH 26.04.05 (front and rear bufferyards). The application is identified as Docket No.'s 14070024 V, 14070025 V, 14070026 V and 14070027 V. The real estate affected by said application is described as Tax ID parcel number 17-13-04-03-04-018.000 All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above - mentioned time and place. PETITIONER: 1800 106th Street Partners, LLC PETITIONER'S ATTORNEY: Joseph D. Calderon Bose McKinney & Evans LLP 111 Monument Circle Suite 2700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 (317) 684-5331 TL5992 8/11 It hspaxlp PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ) ss: Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore -said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 1 time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: 8/11/2014 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Monday, August 11, 2014. 0'1/ Notary Public My commission expires: 05/28/2020 Jennifer Louise May Resident of Marion County Publisher's Fee: $70.20 JENNIFER LOUISE MAY Notary Public- Seal State of Indiana My Commission Expires May 28, 2020 Y 1 TL 590 The Times 641 Westfield Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 Bill To Bose McKinney & Evans LLP 111 Monument Circle Suite 2700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 ATTN: Stacey Cleveland Invoice Date Invoice# 8/11/2014 TL 5992 Description Qty Rate Amount Notice (Dockets 104070024 - 27 V) Ad Ran: 8/11/2014 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER (TL5992) ON YOUR CHECK WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT $70.20 $70.20 Subtotal $70.20 Total $70.20 Balance Due $70.20 t ilk ;;;14 Board of Zoning Appeals Public Notice Sign Procedure: qU� The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. ''The sign 'mu t be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public , hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 25 days prior to the public hearing 2. The sign must follow the sign design requirements: Sign must be 24" x 36"—vertical Sign must be double sided PUBLIC ERIN Sign must be composed of weather resistant 4'S material, such as corrugated plastic or Board of Zoning Appeals laminated poster board ' The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty Cannel City Hall metal frame 3. The sign must contain the following: ,P,li.<„„ „x, • 12"x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top. • White background with black text below. <, • Text used in example to the right, with For More Information: Application type, Date*, and Time of subject <<°rb?x����'eannel.in.gov public hearing h) 571-2417 * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: "Mon., January 23" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit: I (We) Steven B. Granner do hereby certify that placement of the public notice sign to consider Docket Number * , was placed on the subject property at least�ftj days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below. ten (1 ) *14070024-27 V STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Marion , SS: The undersigned, having bee duly sworn, upon oath sa th. •- ab information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. 'OW (Signature of Pt�tf1"t �k ) Agent Subscribed and sworn to before me this D day of August , 2014 iiiir /t / Not! Pu iG.... '•. a,..• • �,_ STACEY CLEVELAND NOTgRV' = Hancock County :,pr SEAL :P= My Commission Expires •��OF IN�;P-• My Commission Expires: July20,2016 Page 4 - filename:development standards variance 2014 rev.1/2/2013 2605479v1 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL/CLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I (WE) Steven B. Granner DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (petitioner's Name) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NO. 14070024 -27 V e' was registered and mailed at least twenty-five(25)*days prior togate of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners. OWNER ADDRESS See Attached List AUG 2 B 11 STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath 41 • -° -bovel nformation is true and correct and he is informed and believes. Signature of Petitidner) County of Marion Before me the undersigned,a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) Steven B. Granner and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this (P 1 )99%..60144 W V49) Agent 8th day of August , 20 14 • (day) (month) (year) A K& Notary Public-¢sign turd' (SEAL) 047. STACEY CLEVELAND _.`r Hancock County •uoru+r•. : Notary Public--Plea chit.., My Commission Expires o; •• July 20,2016 - My commission expires: - `10 days prior notice for a BZA Hearing Officer Meeting Page 8 - filename:development standards variance 2014 rev.1/2/2013 2605479v1 HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR I, DAWN COVERDALE,AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY - " $20\4 OWNERS LABELED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ADJOIN AND ABUT THE,U\- REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. - g� THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. DAWN COVERDALE, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED: Vitt/ dotc,' SUBJECT PROPERTY: 17-13-04-03-04-018.000 Subject 1800 106th Street Partners LLC 210 E 91ST ST Ste A Indianapolis IN 46240 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5-14-3-3-(e),no person other than those authorized by the County may reproduce,grant access,deliver,or sell any information obtained from any department or office of the County to any other person,partnership,or corporation. In addition any person who receives information from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list,addresses,or databases for the purpose of selling,advertising,or soliciting the purchase of merchandise,goods,services,or to sell,loan, give away,or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person. 7/14/2014 Page 1 of 1 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17-13-04-00-00-086.000 Neighbor Crooked Stick Golf Club Inc 1964 Burning Tree Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-13-04-03-04-016.000 Neighbor Freedman,Joshua&Janet R Sharp Freedman 2100 106th St W Carmel IN 46032 17-13-04-03-07-001.000 Neighbor Crooked Stick Golf Club Inc 1964 Burning Tree Ln Carmel IN 46032 17-13-09-00-04-005.000 Neighbor Jay,James L&Marcia E 10578 CHATHAM CT Carmel IN 46032 17-13-09-00-04-006.000 Neighbor Price, R Jeffrey& Linda K 10572 CHATHAM CT Carmel IN 46032 17-13-09-00-12-011.000 Neighbor Woodhall LLC 1740 West Michigan St Indianapolis IN 46222 17-13-09-00-12-014.000 Neighbor Woodhall LLC 1740 West Michigan St Indianapolis IN 46222 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE,DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING 7/14/2014 Page 1 of 1