HomeMy WebLinkAboutCCPR-08-12-14 Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday,August 12,2014,6:00 p.m. Monon Community Center East 1235 Central Park Drive East Carmel, Indiana 46032 The Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation will govern in a proactive manner as it applies to providing safe and well maintained parks, recreation facilities and programs in a fiduciary and responsible manner. The Board is a policy governing board,fulfilling its duties as mandated by state statute, putting the welfare of the citizens of Carmel and Clay Township first,and enabling staff to manage the park and recreation system in a manner that reflects the vision and mission. Our promise to our citizens is that we will leave the parks and recreation system better than we found it. Tentative Agenda I. Roll Call II. Call to Order&Pledge of Allegiance III. Public Comments IV. Staff Reports V. Committee Reports A. Standing Committees 1. Personnel Committee—Linus Rude 2. Finance Committee—Jenn Kristunas 3. Properties Committee—Richard Leirer VI. Action Items A. Minutes—Joshua Kirsh 1. July 22, 2014 Park Board Meeting B. Financial Reports—Jenn Kristunas 1. City of Carmel Financial Report for July 2014; 2. Clay Township Financial Report for July 2014;and 3. CCPR P&L Statements for July 2014. C. Claims—Jenn Kristunas 1. Claim Sheet August 12, 2014; and 2. Clay Township Claim Sheet August 12, 2014. D. Monetary Gifts, Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships for July 2014—Audrey Kostrzewa E. Consideration of Quotes for Hardwood Floor Resurfacing Project—Michael Klitzing F. Consideration of RFI Responses for the MCC East Building Interior Remodel Project—Michael Klitzing G. Consideration of Resolution B-2014-003 Adopting the Proposed 2015 General Fund (101) Budget for Consideration by its Fiscal Bodies—Michael Klitzing H. Consideration of 2015 Parks Budgets—Michael Klitzing 1. Resolution B-2014-004—Extended School Enrichment Fund(108) Budget; 2. Resolution B-2014-005—Monon Community Center Fund (109) Budget;and 3. Resolution B-2014-006—Recreation Facilities Fund Budget. I. Consideration of Matters regarding Central Park Dog Park—Mark Westermeier J. Consideration of Matters regarding Founders Park Pavilion Project: Patterson North, Inc.Contract Change Order No. 7 (increase of$1,528.21)and Contract Change Order No. 8(increase of$23,509.75)—Mark Westermeier K. Hazel Landing Disc Golf Tournament—Mark Westermeier VII. Attorney's Report A. Tort Claims;and B. General. VIII. Director's Report IX. Discussion Items X. Information Items ® A. Plan Commission—Joshua Kirsh B. School Board—Kathie Freed C. Parks Foundation—Wendy Franklin XI. Board Comments XII. Adjournment Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday, August 12, 2014, 6:00 p.m. Monon Community Center Members Present: Donna Cihak Hansen,James Engledow, Wendy Franklin, Kathie Freed,Joshua Kirsh, Jenn Kristunas, Richard Leirer(left meeting at 5:25 p.m.), Linus Rude, Rich Taylor Others Present: Mark Westermeier, Director; Michael Klitzing, Chief Operating Officer(COO); Audrey Kostrzewa, Business Services Director; Debra Grisham, Park Board Attorney Roll Call,Call to Order& Pledge of Allegiance Board President Engledow welcomed everyone to the meeting and/a°sked Mr. Kirsh to call the roll. Mr. Kirsh stated that there was a quorum, at which time Board President Engledow called the meeting to order(6:01 p.m.)followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Public Comments F There were no public comments. Staff Reports N. ` COO Klitzing stated that the standard staff reports were included in the packets Committee Reports Personnel Committee—Linus Rude ° e Mr. Rude stated that there was no report as the Personnel Committee has not met. Finance Committee Jenn Kristunas Ms. Kristunas stated that.the Finance Committee met in July, at which time the Committee reviewed the proposed 2015 budget and recommended it be brought to the Park Board. The next meeting is at 6 p.m. on August 20, 2014. Properties,Comm ttee ,Richard Leirer Mr. Leirer announced that he would like to meet next Monday if Committee Members are available. Action Items Minutes—July 2.2, 2014 Park Board,Meetingkx Mr. Kirsh made aZmotion to approve'the minutes as presented, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, and passed 8—0 with one abstention (Ms. Cihak)Hansen). City of Carmel Financial lReport for�July 2014 Ms. Kristunas stated that the City'of Carmel Financial Report for July 2014 was not available. Clay Township Financial Report for July 2014 Ms. Kristunas made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the Clay Township Financial Report for July 2014, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 9—0. CCPR P&L Statements for July Ms. Kristunas made a motion to acknowledge receipt of the CCPR P&L Statements for July 2014 and GO seconded by Mr. Kirsh. Mr.Taylor stated he noticed that Fund 109 was just barely above the 100%cost recovery. COO Klitzing responded that 2014 has been a tight year, but 100%cost recovery is still achievable. The motion was then unanimously passed 9—0. Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday,August 12, 2014 Monon Community Center Claim Sheet August 12, 2014 Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve the Claim Sheet as presented, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 9—0. Clay Township Claim Sheet August 12, 2014 Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve the Clay Township Claim Sheet as presented, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 9—0. Monetary Gifts, Grants, Partnerships, and Sponsorships for July 2014—Audrey Kostrzewa Ms. Kostrzewa presented the sponsorships and donations for July. Armotion was made by Mr. Taylor to acknowledge receipt as presented, seconded by Ms. Kristunas, anunanimously passed 9—0. Mr. Rude commended the contributions from Kona Ice. COO Klitzing respondd�ed that the Department has a special arrangement with Kona Ice, and they offer a great service-'at our events. Consideration of Quotes for Hardwood Floor Resurfacing Project Michael Klitzing COO Klitzing presented information relative to refinishing the wood floors in the gymnasium and fitness, and on the main staircase, an annual maintenance project. This year's project includes sanding the gym floors to the wood surface, which requires restriping the court lines and applying�anew finish. \tai. a 1y�tdc .,v, Mr. Leirer made a motion to accept the quote from Jack La°urie Floors LLC and enter into an agreement in the amount of$62,425 for the Harwood Floor Resurface Project, seconded by Mr. Taylor, and unanimously passed 9—0. <. Consideration of RFI Responses for the MCC`East BuildingkInterior Remodel Project—Michael Klitzing COO Klitzing stated that this project,is one of routine maintenance based upon high usage of the MCC East and is necessary to keep the facility attractive for its•members. Designated areas of flooring and wall coverings will be replaced with more durable, yetattractive finishes. Mr. Leirer questioned receiving only one response(from a<contractor). COO stated that the contractor, Brandt Construction,has,previously performed satisfactory work for the Department and the dollar amount was under tl e projectrestimate. z � �`Y: Ms. Kristunasmade a motion to accep the responsive and responsible RFI response from Brandt Constructionlinithe amount of$2{18,987 00 and authorize the President or Vice President to sign an ea -TA-J4 agreement for tht MCC East Building Interior Remodel Project, and further authorize the Director to approve any necessary.change orders in a cumulative amount not to exceed 10%of the contract. Mr. Rude asked if this*mount included the cost of design. COO Klitzing stated that the cost was for construction only as the'Departinent had previously received the design by Williams Architects under a different contractual agreement The vote was called and the motion was unanimously passed 9—0. �,,a. Y P (Mr. Leirer left the meeting at this time.) Consideration of Resolution B-2014-003 Adopting the Proposed 2015 General Fund (101) Budget for Consideration by its Fiscal Bodies—Michael Klitzing COO Klitzing provided a summary applicable to the General Fund (101) Budget and the subsequent budgets prior to specific information related to each. (A copy of the PowerPoint presentation is attached for reference.) Page 2 Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday,August 12,2014 Monon Community Center COO Klitzing stated that the 2015 budget process began in March (2014) and involved multiple staff. All levels of supervisors participate in the budget process providing staff a better understanding of the budgets and subsequent ownership of their respective area. A brief discussion followed regarding costs of in-house services versus contractual services. Mr. Kirsh questioned if this results in a dollar for dollar trade. COO Klitzing said that most times there is a savings when contracting services as internal costs go down. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to waive the reading of Resolution B-2014-003 and enter it into action, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 8—0. Ms. Kristuna,srnade a motion to approve Resolution B-2014-003 as presented, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and,,una, nimously passed 8-0. M1 � Consideration of 2015 Parks Budgets—Michael Klitzing 1. Resolution B-2014-004—Extended School Enrichment Fund (108) Budget Mr. Taylor inquired about sponsorships. COO Klitzing stated the Department is in discussion with St. Vincent. Mr.Taylor suggested IU North, a nonprofit organization, might e,,nterested in sponsoring ESE to help support the underserved. COO Klitzing concurred. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to waive the reading of Resolution B 2014-004 and enterRit into action, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 8-0. Ms. Krlstunas made a motion tb approve Resolution B-2014-004 as presented, secon ded by Mr. Kirsh,and unanimously passed 8—0. (Note: Order of Resolutions changed at meeting) x :f 2. Resolution B-20:124-006- Recreation Facilities Fund Budget This is a new budget to,cover selected`revenues and.expenses not`directly related to the MCC. It will include revenues from the'Dog Park, Shelter Rentals Camps, Wilfong Rentals, and Recreation Programs. Ms. Kristunas made a}motion to'waivethe reading of Resolution B-2014-006 and enter it into action, seconded by,Mr. Kirsh,and unanimously passed 8 -0 Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve Resolution as presented,seconded by F 1r1•Kirsh, and unanimously passed 8-0. 3. Resolution B-2014-005'--Monon Community Center Fund (109) Budget COO Klitzing presented background information regarding MCC finances and past membership numbers. There has been much discussion on defining the peak number of memberships and why it is important. It appears, based ukcurrent numbers, MCC memberships have plateaued. The number one driver of revenue is memberships,and t<is most likely that modest rate increases may be proposed every two years(similar to ESE While'4itti'm ossible to increase the footprint of the building, may be possible .,.� p p � g, Y p to expand programs within the current structure, e.g., low impact fitness in MCC East, cardio equipment in Oasis, etc. The Department has engaged Williams Architects to look at the MCC and develop recommendations. Discussion followed. Ms. Freed stated that the senior age (65+) should be lowered. Ms. Cihak Hansen inquired about prices to The Waterpark, at which COO Klitzing stated the last increase was in 2012. ® Ms. Cihak Hanson asked about comparison rates to the Y (YMCA). Ms. Kristunas responded with rates to the YMCA and JCC (Jewish Community Center). COO Klitzing said we had not compared our rates to PrimeLife. Mr. Kirsh stated that the Board needs to give staff the tools to obtain the 100%cost recovery mandate by the MCC's fiscal bodies. Lengthy discussion continued among the Board Members Page 3 Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday,August 12, 2014 Monon Community Center regarding pricing, 100%cost recovery, group fitness,general park amenities, abuse of household memberships, etc. Mr. Taylor asked that Board Members take the time to read the Board approved Revenue Policy outlining what amenities are free (public service) and which ones require a user fee. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to waive the reading of Resolution B-2014-005 and enter it into action, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed 8—0. Ms. Kristunas made a motion to approve Resolution B-2014-005 as presented and seconded by Mr. Kirsh. Ms. Cihak Hansen stated she felt the Department charges too much for the community to use the shelters, and if some fees (pricing) are re- evaluated, then maybe we can achieve our cost recovery easier. Board President Engledow called for the vote and the resolution was passed 7—0 with 1 opposed (Ms. Cihak Hansen). Consideration of Matters regarding Central Park Dog Park 'Mark Westermeier Director Westermeier stated he had nothing to bring to the Board\ °�:_ Consideration of Matters regarding Founders Park Plion Project: Patterson Horth, Inc.Contract Change Order No. 7 (increase of$1,528.21)and Contract Change Order No 8..(increase of$23,509.75) Director Westermeier announced there are two change orders for this project Chhange Order No. 7 was necessary to provide a stone border around the landscape beds to keep the pea gravel off the sidewalks. Change Order No. 8 was for construction of a concrete pad and•fence for dumpsters A brief discussion followed. COO Klitzing stated that there willebe two dumpsters,one for regular trash and the other for single source recycling. , 411 Ms. Freed made a motion to ratify Director Westermeier'sapproval of Contact Change Order No. 7 dated July 13, 2014 as presented and Contract Change`Order No :8 dated July 18, 2014 as presented, seconded by Mr. Kirsh unanimously unanimy passed 8 '0 Hazel Landing Disc Golf Tournament Director Westermeier announced that'Hamilton County Disc Golf Union is holding the first Hamilton County Op;e,n°at Hazel Park this weekendrthpat includes a tournament, limited to 74 players, and 4 I <`Y : ' camping.` Asa sponsor, Union:Brewing Company requests permission to serve samples of their beer to �t participant"sa21 and over. Mr Kirsh madea motion to give unanimous consensus to allow Union Brewing Company to provide samples of their craft beer,at the Hamilton County Open, seconded by Mr.Taylor, and unanimously.passed 8—0. Attorney's Report t N Tort Claims Ms. Grisham stated there are`no"new tort claims and no resolution on others. General The Carmel Redevelopment Commission has provided the Park Board with a public hearing notice for the Old Meridian Economic Development Area. The public hearing will be on August 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in Council Chambers. Director's Report In addition to the report included in the packet, Director Westermeier said the Department hosted its 411 first FlowRider ProAm event on August 2, 2014 that was very successful. Page 4 Carmel/Clay Board of Parks and Recreation Tuesday,August 12, 2014 Monon Community Center COThis past Thursday (August 7, 2014), the Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell was in town. Director Westermeier and the Mayor provided a tour of Carmel including a number of parks and the Palladium. Secretary Jewell's visit was to promote LWCF (Land and Water Conservation Fund), established 50 years ago and set to expire in 2015 without further action by Congress. The last stop on the tour was Flowing Well Park,which received these funds several years ago. Following the tour, a luncheon was held at the MCC for invited guests, including Board President Engledow and former Park Board Members, as well as other interested parties. Discussion Items There were no discussion items. F,. Information Items Plan Commission—Joshua Kirsh ,. >>..=' . Mr. Kirsh stated he had nothing new to report. School Board—Kathie Freed Ms. Freed reminded everyone that school starts tomorrow (August 13, 2014) and:.to be mindful of the school zone speed limit. Also, three School Board positions are up-for reelection this:fall, and candidates are being sought. "- Parks Foundation—Wendy Franklin Ms. Franklin announced that the next meeting is August 21, 2014. Board Comments ,' Mr. Kirsh was excited to '_see•a family of deer in Central Park He said the FlowRider ProAm event was an Yea . � overwhelming success with an exceptional venue aand unparalleled staff support. A family reunion of 400 guests was held that°same day. Mr. Kirsh stated;that his recent comments at a Council Meeting were his own and not on behalf of thePark Board. Mr. Taylor:ithanked staff'for the comprehensiivebudget and commented on the importance of the Volunteer Coordinator becoming a full-time position. Board President Engledow commented on his'participation during the visit of the Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell to Carmel, Indiana. 3 hi X14 Adjournment 11.Q ,.; There being no further business Mr Taylor made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Kirsh, and unanimously passed. (The meeting was adjourned at 8:08 p.m.) Approved, Signature Date Signature Date Page 5 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK • II S