HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice 186-00, 187-00, 188-00 Z ;Dots ...Menke . • • • heeler . . • .-I TToR 'E}S A7 LAW P.C. • • . December 15, 2000 E.DAVIS COOTS' STEVEN H.HENKE JAMES K.WHEELER; To all adjacent property owners T.JAY CURTS JAMES D.CRUMI JEFFREY S.ZIPES RE: CH Land LLC Our File No.: 13664 ELIZABETH I.VAN TASSEL JANICE R.MANDLA MATTHEW L.HINKLE J.KATHRYN JENKINS Dear Adjacent Property Owners: DANIEL E.COOTS ;CERTIFIED MEDIATOR Enclosed is a Notice of Public Hearing before the Carmel Clay Plan Commission for a meeting to be held January 16, 2001 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Building. The applicant seeks to rezone an approximate two (2) acre piece of property adjacent to the east border of Meridian Corners Boulevard for purposes of . constructing a dental office and professional office. The property is presently zoned single family residential and requires the rezoning to a business use to permit construction of the professional offices. You are invited to attend the public hearing or submit comments in writing to the Department of Community Services at Carmel City Hall. Very truly yours, COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER, P.C, C caLLILD E. Davis Coots EDC:wlt Enclosure K:\EDC\chaland.wpd 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel,Indiana 46032-2689 317-844-4693 FAX:317-573-5385 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. 186-OOZ Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission meeting on thel6th day of January, 2001 at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Hall, 2nd Floor, One Civic Square, City Hall, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a public hearing upon a Rezone Application for CH Land LLC. The application is identified as Docket 186-OOZ. The real estate affected by said application is described in the attached legal description marked as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by • reference. The property is known as: Northeast corner of 131' Street and Meridian Corners Boulevard All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. Cette'O E. Davis Coots, Attorney for Petitioner R:\EDC\chlandb.wpd\13664 • EXHIBIT A - LEGAL DESCRIPTION PARCEL 2 ON SURVEY BY THE SCHNEIDER CORPORATION, LAST REVISED APRIL 17, 2000 PROJECT NO. 907 . 005 A PART OF NOR=WEST QUARTER OF SECTION 26 , TOWNSHIP 18 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST, SECOND PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS : COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 25 ; THENCE ON AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 88 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 07 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTER A DISTANCE OF 1368 . 92 FEET; THENCE NORTH 01 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 53 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 45 . 00 FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 2 OF THE PARKS AT SPRINGMI LL RECORDED IN PLAT CABINET 2 , SLIDE 341 IN THE OFFICE CF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE TC THE RIGHT HAVING A RADIUS OF 3036 . 83 FEET; THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 75 DEGREES 38 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE CF 303683 FEET; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE TO THE RIGHT AND ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID PLAT AND ALONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY LINE CF LAND DESCRIBED IN INSTRUMENT NUMBER 94-_3_89 , CONCENTRIC ,N=___ 7H7-7 NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE CF U. S . HI GHTWAY 31 (NORTH MERIDIAN STREET) I .S .H.C. PROJECT S.T.F. 222 (9) 1973 , AN ARC DISTANCE OF 413 . 52 FEET T TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER CF SAID LOT O= 3 AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING SAID POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 57 DEGREES 50 MINUTES 13 SECONDS WEST FROM SAID RADIUS POINT; THENCE CONTINUING NORTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE CF 559 . 87 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 57 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 30 SECONDS WEST TRCM SAID RADIUS =DINT, THENCE NORTH 48 DEGREES 11 MINUTES 06 SECONDS EAST A DISTANCE CF 1 . 73 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF MERIDIAN CORNERS BOULEVARD S ?ER PLAT tem_ RECORDED IAN PLAT CABINET SLIDE 488 IN SAID RECORDERS OFF ICE SAID POINT ALSO BEING A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE HAVING A RADIUS OF 545 . 00 FEET, TF7 RADIUS POINT OF WHICH SEARS NOR F 41 DEGREES 48 MINUTES 54 - SECONDS WEST fl'HE E FOLLOW NG FOUR COURSES ARE ?LONG THE SOUTHEASTERLY_' RIGHT OF NAY CF MERIDIAN CORNERS BOULEVARD) ; ) THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 170 . 44 FEET TO A PO IN= WHICH SEARS SOUTH 73 DEGREES MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST FROM SAID RADIUS POINT ' (2; THENCE SOUTH DEGREES 06 MINUTES SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 199 . 95 FEET TO A _C-NT C= CURVATURE E TO THE 177T =A`'i_NG A AZIUS OF 456 . 00 • f EXHIBIT A - CONT' D FEET, THE RADIUS POINT OF WHICH BEARS SOUTH 23 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 46 SECONDS EAST; (3) THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE AN ARC DISTANCE OF 195 .39 FEET TO A POINT WHICH BEARS NORTH 48 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST FROM SAID RADIUS POINT; (4) THENCE SOUTH 41 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST A DISTANCE OF 3.99 FEET TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 3 IN THE PARKS AT SPRINGMILL PLAT; THENCE SOUTH 47 DEGREES 29 MINUTES 40 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3 A DISTANCE OF 305 .97 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1. 87 ACRES, MORE OR LESS . -2- • \IN NC , 0 SCALE OF MILES 1/2 1 • . 1 CLAY TWP — -11-4 0. 660 1320 1980 2640 SCALE OF so 1AMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA T.18N-R.3,4E CLAY TWP NW . . liz . 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To all adjacent property owners T.JAY CURTS JAMES D.CRUM RE: CMC Properties JEFFREY S.ZIPES Our File No.: 13291 ELIZABETH I.VAN TASSEL JANICE R.MANDLA RE: Depauw University MATTHEW L.HINKLE Our File No. 13683 J.KATHRIN JENKINS DANIEL E.Coo-rs *CERTIFIED MEDIATOR Dear Adjacent Property Owners: Enclosed are two (2)Notices of Public Hearing filed on behalf of Depauw University and Eariham College and CMC Properties who seek to rezone the approximate twenty (20) acre tract located at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 131st Street. The rezone sought is a change from S-2 residential to D-5 for purposes of constructing multiple story office buildings on the property. The property is adjacent to the U.S. 31 border and in the U.S. 231 overly zone. We will soon send you an invitation to attend an informal gathering to explain the nature and scope of the rezone application and the proposed building to be constructed on the property. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 844-4693. Thank you. Very truly yours, COOTS, HENKE& WHEELER, P.C, n - ik_A--a-Lt-t--0 efrOV.s.r-- E. Davis Coots EDC:wlt Enclosure cc: Greg Land Bill Braman K:\EDC\cmcpro.wpd 255 East Carmel Drive Carmel,Indiana 46032-2689 317-844-4693 FAX:317-573-5385 • x NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. 1'87-00Z Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission meeting on the 16th day of January, 2001 at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Hall, 2nd Floor, One Civic Square, City Hall, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a public hearing upon a Rezone Application for CMC Carmel Office Center. The application is identified as Docket 187-OOZ. The real estate affected by said application is described in the attached legal description marked as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference. The property address is: Northeast Corner of U.S. 31 and 131s` Street. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. ('L... . (- ( E. avis Coots, Attorney for Petitioner R:\EDC\NOTICE.WPD13291 sz • 3N dM1 Y1O 6661'Ail!'9661.'P661 4661'I'3•d'M-ITD _'�d�bd??S ,. —ISuo NImi I,e I P8A'-' _. 1�d iG 2i;- I 1� _ \ ca CO 5$. "1 ,7�0 �.�.�O p',..: po .n!azeH Y G N./ G m ¢, 1 W R 9 I ,,.,b,.a R:� `'O Ccm �../ 0 4 S O `°� Y a �y t.tu___ " l' ,t -t:. yQ __.:` f l �� d J 65 J ,,e43 _ .0 I)1 Z ,vw93 I w' I exueN x4e • .ulaP�." e,1021 o,e- 2 �0 L� g °1 / I .I O e sz 1. co 4 3.5 -3 E� ` I 0.•• s Hr I 7 oue s rr y y Q t/l a!I y J �l z i-I D ❑ _, :.,o�c c': o °�/o.— 4 . V o= L—° 'p po e U �cl Q) oQ ,.'J . °JV a°` m�NN ='�,z yM` N =N ,Sdv1 3 i•:po ,Nledd'o�O ��y �� �.��' �j11 P W w d--`?-'0 ` \ N .< i 4M. V/ >N Rg� M.Q ?SL yj��p9e,e NI Do o I N - I"' <1 - `_s �1/4 a,oweOAS ■ I >1 U!x ., J. �gafo- ti.: 3.;� N 3Y U}U`2 I tu? F3 om z3- cold o U m� co .( z h 3'.3 ,. N y `dI'>tc ''A, ` ! \ 3 I saleis�uao3 r..d`-'�:-� o I o 7-: .lO I I a AP (.4 1 P!!. a1e�. V acac?oly�axo us I 5'8 J y I u •4 1 N Pu!,.S u111ob•.uoslil.P CI a I�� .a°n,l _or N N I/ I ( 7t, 1 r- °' I ;• W E. __ = .. w -1 r Y u. �: I m= .vs� > .y�JB �� 3 ... �I. _III I °° 1 O ue7au,'...o flip Uap /Oe _ Q'�. •aN V'rL salels3 ve h T Z-> w 4aaa s!/e/ _ T N I"�ia1soj 1nI ,a 9 e c y CO I c0 ,.-a CZ aa'`c I <-, `" ,n x I I I v�5`7aw an '3.uewny w--�>•� fillm v Q a rol,m.w. w I ,1 a F.OS. o I emu- / x1' . • ep a W luewpo!en ..i1/ 0./.:..)..,0 0�, Ni gII ONZ 1 11111 _ N F .� i LU .eneF l? a o 3I ° >^- ■N 1 th u .N U �> � ` € c BAtl 1S ln—N- iT I L I ;ml `�a_Mey I I i ,t Ptl I i I I aI u e. 8 I I o oer • 3E•k c7 Plj a iiaoued 1 11111 _ NNI i B9"‘L"4"':'L, .... 'awa J ='6%S�> ^ems- ,. : .M� ?W ` �. �J • o rA . . I ! i, ' y v.11 .. /1 W .A ..- a `F - =o 1 I 1 , .„ 'N ap ,e w a U otj u cd c I I I I \ o � <. 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A U n• ,N L , • 4 2.. _ d twwe[VT j iI. <<? :I ,=N ss fl CO y ,_ „ ` ” c•— xe 0— Ic ut 99WmVO[�]- I W.:: o � Pad' ttOt 0. ` N phi uual 1 . I 1 I `� .FIa 7. I f E `7' 1 O u � 0 _ ' . - \° 2' I,m°�. 'R �\ _ ic I - 5 I I _ m 1.,. A 1� N jp ,700-any a41 cO C _ . • a _i ' ' CCt CI` �S'�� 1 Y�Qip i° 1 ;an:.. c>r am: -"N 2 1 U ' >L 4� `�` -ussy silW 6upcs O , i h✓ .. I I f N y I 1 y•- . , to ` 1 0ECk kneey c c.1-.c,,:; iZ _^ ' . cio <a � `urfiat s r **no 1, &N 0!cu,n 7,7; n s v� � U . r - i I�; E—c a c. i�E ' A + 1 ' ,..44.4.C1 3 ?Ut 3 ° / .....W... ..015.....W........W... ..015/./. � b 1W,; 3 IliW6tu,ds le vedlseMi /j i;. .1 2 . Pviol 6uuds U ._ ; _ W •MN dM1 Arlo ; 6Z 3DVd==S zlz 0 ml_ 34'E'13-NB 1'1 VNVIONI'AlNf100 NOflIWVH ,I OGZS 133 dO 31d3s OP9Z 086L OZEL 099 0 �Ir• E•■ l Zit S31 IJ®sue 3N -- dM1 AV13 u` NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. 188-OOZ Notice is hereby given that the Plan Commission meeting on the 16th day of January, 2001 at 7:00 P.M., in the Council Hall, 2nd Floor, One Civic Square, City Hall, Carmel, Indiana 46032 will hold a public hearing upon a Rezone Application for DePauw University and Eariham College. The application is identified as Docket 188-OOZ. The real estate affected by said application is described in the attached legal description marked as "Exhibit A" and incorporated herein by reference. r The property is known as: Northwest corner of U.S. 31 and 131St Street. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally,will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above mentioned time and place. ./\96.te..en (L71 E. Davis Coots, Attorney for Petitioner R:\EDC\depau not.wpd\13683 • SENT BY:SCIHNEIDER ENGINEERING :10-30- 0 ; 5:16PM ; (317)895-2803 3175735385;# 2/ 3 • LAND DESCRIPTION Parcel 1 A part of Northwest Quarter of Section 26, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Second Principal Meridian, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southeast Corner of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 26; thence on an assumed bearing of South 88 degrees 29 minutes 07 seconds West along the south line of said Northwest a distance of 1125.87 to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continuing South $8 degrees 29 minutes 07 seconds West a distance of 243.05 feet; thence North 01 degrees 30 minutes 53 seconds West a distance of 45.00 feet to the southeast corner of Lot 2 of The Parks at Springmill recorded in Plat cabinet 2, Slide 341 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, said point also being a point on a non- tangent curve to the right, the radius point of which bears South 75 degrees 38 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 3036.83 feet; thence northeasterly along said curve and along the east line of said plat and along the southeasterly line of land described in Instrument Number 94-13389, concentric with the northwesterly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway 31 (North Meridian Street), I.'S. H. C. Project.S. T. F. 222(9) 1973, an arc distance of 973.49 feet to a point which bears North 57 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West from said radius.point; `hence North 48 degrees 11 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 1.73 feet to point on the southeasterly right.of way line of Meridian Corners Beulevard as oer plat recorded in Plat Cabinet 1 , Slide 488 in said Recorder's Office; thence ' ecintinuing along said right of way line North 48 degrees 11 minutes 06 seconds East a distance of 125.88 feet to a curve to the right having a radius of 455.00 ieet;.the radius point of which bears South 41 degrees 48 minutes 54 seconds ~ast (the next two courses are along said right of way); (1) thence northeasterly . along said right of way line and curve an arc distance of 142.30 feet to a point which bears North 23 degrees 53 minutes 46 seconds West from said radius point; (2) thence North 66 degrees 06 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 830.21 feet to the east line of the said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 22 minutes 50 seconds East along said East line a distance of 248.57 feet to the said northwesterly right-of-way line of U. S. Highway 31 said right of way line being a non-tangent curve to the left, the radius point of which bears - South 40 degrees 24 minutes 40 seconds East a distance of 2436.83 feet; thence southwesterly along said right-of-way line and curve an arc distance of 1283.37 feet to a point which bears North 70 degrees 35 minutes 10 seconds West from said radius point; thence South 80 degrees 56 minutes 59 seconds West along said right of way line a distance of 380.20 feet; thence South 51 degrees 59 minutes 02 seconds West along said right of way line a distance of 31.10 feet; thence South 01 degree 30 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 16.50 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, containing 19.44 acres, more or less. 0 SCALE OF MILES 112 1 CLAY TWP -- NC A • HAMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA T.18N-A.3.4E 74174 0 660 1320 1980 2540 SCALE OF FEET 5280 rq �1m 212 CLAY TWP NW SEE PAGE 23 7 :.vestoerk at sortngMlll m a { R, 5•.- Spring Mill Rd N 3 I i. '-•i•/� .. 5/13- (j , oE,r` °•I � � • `to m�e9 � c ' jC< .N?I' "4 9 1 J 1 a3cr! d\ � Lei . -_ - �!. Nn' 3 o r....._' a I-. �cl Cuae y. c'tl1lt Lt�_. , ,.�_n©=n .� 3 I r . I a I- u P.ea1ty �a•�1`)I t•- N a- i C7 . n--c ! 35 N 1y r. t .p -1 fJf 11 V i sc ,` I 0 O .Soong:,Hills ASSn. Din i" tea? 1 .�� I.`?JIB. _ _ i3.7 V R C.Lord .3 -_ I -oc a. 1�.x J1 m _ _ r 41 ,. �, a�a •ate s ■ mom. �., O ti) a The snec oo°E ri s S ,.e,-;_.?.���a I-' - r: ' II I I .n fk N Ttiejo7nro i A CO •ao l / I.°w,.. :•.,..m.. I:°=1 `Penn.Rd 1'd ` o � - i - -O SF 1; C �n -.-J--•?.. 6 BK 5�r ,o !, N :a (.,'2< 'ice -SI.BNantiT 'A \ Cti i a cZ- v �L;- �I ,+ I_I c oI N j 33 ` G O • o WI o 91 y.4 9AS /_ - -1. t, �-, _ ! Ul>..-• :� I .. cr7 < I-m< -, " j .,7 - I. •,-7 ,l'9, \ \ -• .' X 7.2 ∎1. i _ :I s ;: •c -�e ; —c_� "9 -C`urc l:3�S.p lm . r. - n.. li. r. 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( it - _ ri� _N N�■ :nazene•oa - _�l ° ( +- 1' O r :.,•- --_'� T■ to = �, i�� �� _ =i Grav Ao r G.1-W.P.C.:.1492.199k 1496,r1ev.1999 CLAY TWP,`IE SEE PAGE 1. id z'z = ��ii 25 Sender: 7. Date Of laeii.v,e/y„ RE: 13291 EDC/WLT M q ( ' C Y 8 2titin 4)_ EN, DAVIS COOTS - ; ti r 4a.I Articl& Nurnpet CO-CITS, IHENi(E & WHEELER,P.C; t— - 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 94:114.0a0,12WP CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. ---.-, --1:!... ‘nree'rvice Type - FIRESTFtICTEEr ,DECIVERY 4-•"-t, MI CEFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Signatura:' (ClAddre-eSee or ClAge'nt) )( (etarrx=m,,,,n \c-A , eftwiguVg..0 Fill 11111 11111111.111 I IEEE!likkil0N P 903 400. 908 444 IJ /j.J'il 8. Addressee's Address 0/different Item address used by sender). 3.Article Addressedlci: ‘4`. ' " ace5Ad6571:01;4:EEEEI LEEPER ELECTRI —SEIVICE, INC. Secondary Neatly) , 2429 17TH STREET W INDIANAPOUIS r ,,, Delivery Address IN 46222 . . 0 City State ZIP.4Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 tl-/USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT tRide r: 7. Date of Delivery ,Y RE: 13291 EDC/WLT / 'a. (.8�c a t si BI it ii MI? . . . r , '. E•' DAVIS C0pTSI i I; : :: if :_!::ts4a=Article Number #:t: : I CO.O.T.S HENKE 8: WHEELER,P:C• " •.. n it a 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 921 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type - II DELIVERY CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. na re: (DAddre see or❑A t) (I III III tit III IIIIII III IIIiII II'II .HI IIIt, P 903 400 921 ' 8. Addressee's Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: si• Secondary Address/Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) E S T R I D G E DEVELOPMENT C O• INC 1041 MAIN STREET W. CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address - 1 11111 111 111 111191 iI 111111 11111 1 II 111111 Ili 1 OP City State ZIP i 4.Code PS Form.3811, December 1994 '1/USA 4/99 CMF-088. DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT • Sender: RE' 13291 EDC/WLT 7. Date of Delivery E. DAVISFFGOOiTS! F '!F F1 !III! !Ili! ! , rater __ 4a Article N......r ;;;f. ;• COOTS, HE'NKE`'8' WHEECER,P•C••"' 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 913 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2• RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type II DELIVERY •CERTIFIED: 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Signat e�s��Agei) X/ °• / ,. 1 III I II I IIII III 1 1 1 1 111111 ,:, P 903 400 913 4' 8. Addressee's Address pr different from address used bysender.) 3.Article Addressed to: Z . ST. CHRIS PRTST EPISC CHURCH Secondary Address/Suite I Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 1440 MAIN STREET W CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address - 2 1 l 11111 1111 Ill 1111 11. I II ill 11111 1111 111111 1 1111 City State ZIP+4 Code • PS Form 3811, December 1994 tWUSA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT 'Sender: 7. Date of Delivery_,.-- - RE: 13291 EDC/WLT - • E• DAVIS COOTS •�' � ®�� PO 4a. Article rmber r�q TOOTS, HENKE & WHEELER,P.C. &�� I 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P'9011740,12 n914 �V; CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. n RE9 z¢TED 46.' rvi Type DELIY CEEB , IED 4"dS0 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Si n ture: (❑Addre or.❑Agent)%' X 9� 1 IIHII IIV II 1110111111 lll II.lIiI.ii.III I,II III. if P 903 400 914 8. Addressee's Address(if different fron,address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: DUKE REALTY LTD PARTNERSHIP Secondary Address I Suite/Apt.I Floor (Please Print Neatly) 8888 K E Y S T O N E CROSSING INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 Delivery Address` • City State ZIP,4 Code , .• PS Form 3811,. December 1994 S",./USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Sender: 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT DEC 19 2C E. DA_VT, COOTS Jli n It )11! Ntirriberi H 140 . C i01.9 'HEN*Ei & !WHEEEER-IP. • tH H H 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 915 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 . . 2.pl RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type DELIVERY CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Signatur : Addressee or DAgent) II II IV II X 0111 .III 1I0 111 111 I I I 0 II II P 903 400 915 8. Addressee's Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: BEVERLY ENTERPRISES IND INC. Secondary Address/Suite/Apt.I Floor (Please Print Neatly) 333 N. SUMMIT ST. TAX DEPT. TOLEDO OHN 43699 Delivery Address City State 211..4COde PS Form 3811, December 1994 ./USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Sender: 7. Date of Deliv RE: 13291ayy T /&/)//� E . DAVIS COOTS . %.F ^ 4a. Article Number COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER,P.C. 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 916 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2• RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type ri DELIVERY CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6.Sign_.at re: ❑Addresseet o Agent) X J,/ �eG, may/ H i l l ill 111101 I l i 11 l 11 l lffl l l I I I I! P 903 400 916 8. Addressees Address(if ddferevt fmvc address used by seeder.) 3.Article Addressed to: JOHN L. & ELIZABETH F. ZAJAC Secondary Address/Suite/Apt.I Floor (Please Print Neatly) 321 P 0 K A G 0 N DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address City State ZIP*4 Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 /USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN•IPT Sender: '• 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT 1 L jP" E. DAVIS'° COOTS 4a. Article Number COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER,P•C• • 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 9, CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. RESTRICTED S rvice Type /7 DELIVERY E F D 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) Halle: (❑Address G ora' r, 11 111111111 1IIll'IlII ii i I ii I INII I I P 903 400 917 8. Addressee's Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: BRUCE R• & TAMARA G. KETTLER Secondary Address/Suite/Apt.I Floor (Please Print Neatly) 315 P 0 K A G 0 N DRIVE • CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address t'r r :ill F'I 1 II�III City I III II I III II I 1 11111 I�l� l i l i l I State 1 1 1 ZIP'+rq Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 ' /USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Sender: 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT j� E• AVIS'''COOTS 4a. Article. Number COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER,P•C• MOW ' 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 918 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type DELIVERY CERTIFIED. 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Signature'.? Addressee r Agent) IIi H III IIII P 903 400 918 8. Addressee's Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: KEVIN & ANN RINGWALT Secondary Address/Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 311 P O K A G O N DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address • City State ' ' '" ZIP"+4 Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 ,/USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Sender: 7. Date of Deliv RE: 13291 EDC/WLT E. DAVIS,. COOTS 4a. Article Number COO].S, HENKE & WHEELER,P•C• 411, J • 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903;_400 919 1'CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. 4b. Service Type RESTRICTED DELIVERY. ... • :CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print_•.clearly) :• 6. Signal 0 dresse orgent)) jiy59 1 II I I I III 111 111 1111111111 II I I III 111 II P 903 400 919 8. Addressees Address(if different boo,address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: GARY A. & DEBRA L. FREESE Secondary Address/Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 301 P O K A G O N DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 • Delivery Address it 111 11 1 11 11 1 11. 111 11111 1 111 11 1 11 1 City State ZIP+4Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 r/USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT, Sender: 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT 'E•7,DAVIS,lCOOSI I mil II I11 HI H 4a. Article4Nunber / I"" ' ' ;,;- COf�'TS,' HENKE & WHEELER,P•C• 3 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 920 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2' RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type DELIVERY CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Signature: (DAddre see or DAgent) - X 2' - --- C(--=''''642--, 111111 I II I II IFIl I II MI , ...,. _ P 903 400 920 •' 8. Addressee's Address(if different ROm address used bysende r.) 3.Article Addressed to: KEITH C. & BARBARA L. HUGUS Secondary Address I suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 291 P O K A G O N DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address • r City State ZIP-?4 Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 /USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT —• -- Sender 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT E., DAVTS COOTS l) H HIM ,W Artithe iNumber COOTS, HENKE i-W4EELtR,O... .. 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE - - P 903 400 925-. .,'.. 4 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 , .2.11 RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type DELIVERY ' CEFtT1FIED, 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6 ign'tu re: (Rydressee r 0 Agent) X , -.111b — • .. . --.• - • ---.C"/...:L 10E111 IFill nicingii.1 P 903 400 925 . , 8. Addressees Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: ESTRTDGE DEV.. CO. INC. & BETHLEHEM Secondary Address I Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 1041 MAIN STREET W. CARMEL, IN 46032 Delivery Address ' I II II III II MI I II' l II III NH I II I iiii II II III City State Z1P+4Code . . • PS Form 3811, December 1994 -11iSA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT Sender: 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT E c7',DAV`:`°'S COOTS 4a. Article (v umber • •/y COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER,P.C. 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 922 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2. RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type DELIVERY „CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Si nature: OAva or❑Agent) II•III III IIIII �I II II III II lIDIII II II P 903 400 922 8. Addressee's Address(if d,iferent boor address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: JAMES D. & DEBRA L. HENNESSEY Secondary Address/Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 271 P 0 K A G 0 N DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address City State ZIP-+4 Code PS Form 3811, December 1994 NSA 4/99 CMF-088• DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT very Date oft, eli RE: 13291 EDC/WLT 7 � ( E•—,?`AVIS' COO, T.S s i S?!�! / I ii i 4aR Article�Numiers 1 f � 11W COOTS, HENKE°‘& WHEELER',P•C 255 EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 923 CARMEL, IN 46032-2689 2' RESTRICTED 4b. Service Type n DELIVERY CERTIFIED 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. Signature: (• ddressee DAgent) _ IIIOiI I I II IIIOII II ID1 1111111 P 903 400 '923 8. Addressee's Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed to: • JOSUETH• & MARGARITA GONZALEZ Secondary Address/Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 277 P O1rA G 0 N DRIVE CARMEL IN 46032 Delivery Address C.)• • City State ZIP+4 Code PS Form .3811, December 1994 ./USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT • -- - - .. . Olii,174: . 7. Date of Delivery RE: 13291 EDC/WLT ( ',,•- ... VIS COOTS 4a. Article Number COOfS, HENKE & WHEELER,P.C. ' . .. 255, EAST CARMEL DRIVE P 903 400 909 . • tCARMEL, IN 46032-2689 - 2. ___ 4b. Service Type FIDELIVERY . .CERTIFIED' f' 5. Received By: (Please print clearly) 6. SCi; t re: ClAildressee or 0 ent) • . q , ' . 1 1 il 1 111110 III N 1110 0 Ili ilIll 11 II II. -. P 903 400 909 8. Addressee's'Address(if different from address used by sender.) 3.Article Addressed,to: ESTRIDGE. DEVELOPMENT CO. INC• Secondary Address/Suite/Apt./Floor (Please Print Neatly) 1041 MAIN STREET W- . • CARMEL IN 46032 .t • Delivery Address I li il 1111 11 i 11 1 11 11111111 111 1 1 II 1 1111111 1 1 41110 •City State ZIP.4 Code • PS Form ,3811, December 1994 ktr/USA 4/99 CMF-088 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT • • 301 Pokagon Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Keith C. & Barbara L. Hugus 291 Pokagon Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Estridge Develoment Co., Inc. 1041 Main Street W. Carmel, IN 46032 James D. & Debra L. Hennessey 271 Pokagon Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Josue H. & Margarita Gonzales 277 Pokagon Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Estridge Dev. Co. Inc. & Bethlehem 1041 Main Street W. Carmel, IN 46032 16 09-26-00-04-042-000 • JOHN L&ELIZABETH F ZAJAC . 321 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-04-043-000 BRUCE R&TAMARA G KETTLER 315 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-04-044-000 KEVIN&ANN RINGWALT 311 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-04-045-000 GARY A& DEBRA L FREESE 301 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-04-046-000 KEITH C&BARBARA L HUGUS 291 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-04-057-000 ESTRIDGE DEVELOPMENT CO INC 1041 MAIN ST W CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-06-022-000 JAMES D& DEBRA L HENNESSEY 271 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-06-023-000 JOSUE H& MARGARITA GONZALEZ 277 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-06-024-000 TIMOTHY J&ANN M HURLEY 281 POKAGON DR CARMEL IN 46032 16'0-9-2-6-00-12-002-000 • ESTRIDGE DEV CO INC&BETHLEHEM 1041 MAIN ST W CARMEL IN 46032 16 09-26-00-12-003-000 ESTRIDGE DEV CO INC&BETHLEHEM 1041 MAIN ST W CARMEL IN 46032