HomeMy WebLinkAbout236331 08/27/14 r°•'[AMM CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 358380 ® ''r ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL CITY CENTER LLC CHECK AMOUNT: $"*"""5,854.21 CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 770 3RD AVE SW CHECK NUMBER: 236331 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 08/27/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 2201 4239030 JUNE 821.76 TRAFFIC SIGNS 2201 4350900 JUNE 5,032.45 OTHER CONT SERVICES CARMEL CITY CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 August 5, 2014 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Reimbursement for Restroom Signs for CarmelFest INVOICE - .dune Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 7/3/2014 Express Graphics CarmelFest Restroom Signs S 821.76 Total Amount Due $ 821.76 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: CARMEL CITY CENTER; LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 Invoice Express Graphics 620 S. Range Line Rd. Suite D Carmel, IN 46032 ph. (317)580-9500 fax. (317)580-9550 Page: 1 of 1 ---- - - - - - _1'___.___'____--___.-_-n Invoice No. i 86252 — Order Date:? 6/� 1612014 1 Accounts Payable j Invoice Date: 7/3/2017/3/2014 Pedcor Companies - Terms: Net10 770 3rd Avenue SW � Carmel, IN 46032 Ordered by: y Mollie Mccoy IPO/Reference: Salesperson: Vanessa Suiter Amount Due: $821.76 I Job Description: Outdoor Black Metal A-frames for Public rRestroums � ------- ------ -- ---- — ---_es- -- ------------------ - ----,Qty! ~ Descriptio-n Sides Siz--e Unit Cost Total; 1 Sign Black Angle Iron A-Frame Structure 2 36"x24" $128.00 $128.00 with Coro Panels-Structure Requires: (2)/1-sided Panels. Bolt panels in with Stainless Steel Hardware. Notes: PUBLIC RESTROOMS+(accent) 5 Sign (5)Black Angle Iron A-Frame 2 36"x24" $128.00 $640.00 Structure with Coro Panels- Each Structure Requires: (2)/1-sided Panels. Bolt panels in with Stainless Steel Hardware. Notes: PUBLIC REST ROOMS+(accents) (arrow to work both sides) dDd 0 ` Notes: 7/2/14 3:OOPM(1d) Line Item Total: $768.00 Remit payment to: Subtotal: $768.00 Il Taxes: $53.76 Express Graphics Total: $821.76 620 S. Range Line Rd. j Carmel, IN 46032 Total Payments: 00 ph. (317) 580-9500 Balance Due: .76$0.76 fax. (317) 580-9550 i $821 I j Please include invoice#with payment, A late fee of 1.5%per month will be added to all past due amounts. Vicki Sponcil From: Laurie Siler Sent: Monday,July 21, 2014 11:36 AM To: Rick McCool Cc: Vicki Sponcil;Tasha Jackson; Mike Polston Subject: Re: Express Graphics invoice 86252 Vicki. Charge to the garage code and Jorge will bill in the garage monthly billing. Thanks Laurie Sent from my iPhone On Jul 21, 2014, at 11:24 AM, "Rick McCool" <rmccoolPoedcor.net>wrote: These signs were needed for Carmelfest. Matt the Millers had complained about the use of their bathrooms last year and wanted to give directions for all to use the public bathrooms on the plaza level which is controlled by the city. Dave Huffman is the city's street commissioner and is in charge of the repairs for the city owned assets. We send him a bill each month for reimbursement of expenses due to the garages at IDC and CCC. Also work that we might do because our standards are higher or they do not get done quickly enough we will charge back to the city for reimbursement. We did ask Dave H if he had any public restroom signs and he did not at any storage location nor could he get them fast enough for us. We went ahead and ordered to get things going for Carmelfest and he understood we could be charging him back for the signs. Richard B. McCool,Jr., CPM EVP& C0O Pedcor Homes Corporation 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN. 46032 Off 317-587-1692 Fax 317-208-3765 Cell 317-797-2365 From:Vicki Sponcil Sent: Monday,July 21,2014 8:37 AM To:Tasha Jackson; Mike Polston Cc: Rick McCool Subject: Express Graphics invoice 86252 Tasha, Mike, Please see the attached. You said the signs were needed for the Carmelfest and other large events. You also said "would charge back to Dave H. and city". Who is Dave H? Are you also saying I can charge the City of Carmel for this entire invoice amount? if so, are they already in agreement to reimbursing us for this? Thank you for your help. i CARMEL CITY CENTER, LLC One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 August 5, 2014 City of Carmel: Street Dept. Attn: Dave Huffman 3400 West 131 st Street Carmel, IN 46074 RE: Billing in accordance with the Parking Administration Agreement between Carmel City Center and The City of Carmel dated March 21, 2012 INVOICE - June Due: Upon Receipt Invoice City% Date Vendor For Amount Amount 5/28/2014 HD Supply Lights $ 453.68 5/31/2014 Robert Haines Expansion Joint Repair $ 2,858.40 6/1/2014 TW Telecom Fire/Elevator Phones Lines $ 29.52 6/1/2014 Pedcor Homes Management Fee $ 750.00 6/2/2014 Lowes Plumbing - Shut Off Valve $ 3.03 6/5/2014 Marquis Cleaning Public Elevator Cleaning $ 61.82 6/30/2014 Robert Haines Caulking Concrete & Brick $ 876.00 Total Amount Due $ 5,032.45 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: CARMEL CITY CENTER, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, IN 46032 Go Paperlessl Sign up today to receive invoices r, ':^ • in 0 p p electronically.Visit hdsupplysolutions.com and CrW click on Electronic Invoicing. INIVOICE FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Login Token: SML FMK POB PO Box 509058 • San Diego,CA 92150-9058 Page 1 of 1 Please Pay From Invoice Credit/Account Information Terms: Net 30 Days 8001798-8888, FAX 800/930-4930 A minimum late charge of$2.00 or 1.5%per month(18%per year) Orders/Product Information is charged on past due invoices. 800/431-3000, FAX 8001859-8889 Invoice i)ate'` Invaice'N.urtiber i= HD Supply Facilities Maintenance,Ltd. Federal ID 52-2418852 05/28/2014 9129941832 Customer.Nursltier: Ordered:B ::'.`;.:,.<; Authohzed,6 .._`.::";::.;: >jrder Numt�er i= Y Y Purchase Order dumber' 12581355 Mike Polston 0117300667 IDC/CCC 8602 1 MB 0.435 E0186X 10325 0974586946 P1983261 0001:0001 Illlllrr,�lrll�Illllllllllrrlll�e�liltll'��'llll�l��l�ll�lll"II' Ship To: *+' - PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION 355 CITY CENTER DR 355 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL IN 46032-3806 CARMEL IN 46032-3806 .........: ... Stock Number:.. :; P.roductCate o . :':Ordered? ::Shi ed:' ';Unit Price' `:' 'UnR.`::. y. 9 [Y. . PP.. Extension.'` C-311183i CFL Bulb Phi s3vv Triple 3500K 41'Base ES LIGHTING 20 20 13.75 EA 275.00 . 311721 FLR Bulb Syl 31W T8,U 3500K 82CRI 15pk LIGHTING 1 1 175.56 PK 175.56 327620 MH Ballast Adv 10OW Quad Volt--J" tje�r^V LIGHTING 4 4 106.00 EA 424.00 -1-19071 55-60 Gal 1.5 Mil Trash Bag 100/Cs CLEANING 2 2 64.95 EA 129.90 X3_08961 MH Bulb VL 70W Medium Base Clear LIGHTING 10 10 25.25 EA 252.50 quo --� g� s -0C)C' �{, s C� L�\o - t\\ k - ooa.o L� 3 ' (0 gra 91 Li Product Category Summary(Excluding Misc.Charges&Freight) St1iQD`afe Stiti;Tota1: Y CLEANING 138.98 05128!2014 1,256.915 LIGHTING 1205.96 6 87.9 130.10 LB 0.0 1,344.9 41 Question?Call Stephanie Wiatrek at 800-79B-8888 ext:6527 or email Stephanie.Wiatrek2@hdsupply.com -----------------•-------------•--•----------------------------------------------------------------------------i'--------------•----------------- Invoice Number: 9129941832 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE Amount Due: 1,344.95 Date Due: 06/27/2014 For proper credit to your account,please Amount Paid: do not staple check to remittance form. Please return this portion with payment. If amount paid differs from amount due, Thank you for your order. please check and explain on back. Mail To: 12581355 {��{nn{i{nr{{i{rir{{n�li{nllinr{r{r{� {uIr{r{n{r{n{rl PEDCOR HOMES CORPORATION HD Supply Facilities Maintenance, Ltd. 355 CITY CENTER DR . P.O. Box 509058 CARMEL IN 46032-3806 San Diego,CA 92150-9058 0001:0001 1 0 0012581355 9129941832 000000000134495 3 r,. ROBERTHAINES CO. i 7- 777 N. Ei-iTe—rson Avcn.uc Se2l2ftft Invoice No. 421 Indianapolis. IN 46218 *Walerproaflog rcollngil Page Damp *11ullding *Masonry .. ......... Restoration 13 j L,i PODCOR COMPANIES B 770 3RD AVENUE SW CCC PLAZA LEAKS CARMEL IN 46032 N CARMEL, IN 'T Invoice Date Invoice No. Customer-No. Payment Terms Contract No. 05/31/14 421 100PED NET 30 DAYS Unit Extended Quantity D e s c r i p t i o n Price Price 16.00 HRS LABOR 65.0000 1,040.00 1.00 EA MATERIAL 100.0000 100.00 8.00 EA MATERIAL 210.0000 1,680.00 80 .00 EA MATERIAL .4800 38.40 rN IV va4 V- te oy-\\ 0 C) -;I_ C) C5� Gross Retainage Tax Net Amount 2,858.40 .00 .00 .2,858.40 ROh1O8ffQHuW E1019daCorporation - Carmel City Center-Repair Expansion Joints damage in snow 2747 N. Emerson Ave, removal!! Date From: Indianapolis, IN 46218 Date To: ITEM -'- 5/10 ----------- J.Smith - - --- Ampunt•: _Rate Total 8 _ ... 00 D.bet 60, 8:.........._........ - 8 i X65 00: - $520 0 Mobilization Stainless Retainer Caps $210.00; 1 �- ,68U.U0 ---- - Stainless Screws 80? - ---- ---.- ..:...__ ...._� ...... 80.1 $0.481 $38.40 - $2,858A0 _' n n s7 \ti CARMEL CITY CENTER, LLC BREAKDOWN OF ELEVATORS - COMBINED Invoice: TW Telecom Invoice Date: 6/1/2014 Invoice Total: $ 206.61 Precentage contributed to City: 14.29% Amount of Invoice to Bill to City: $ 29.52 Elevator Public/Private # of Elev #of public EA 1 retailp rivate 1.00 EA 2 apt private 1.00 EA 3 apt private 1.00 EA 4 apt private 1.00 EA 5 apt private 1.00 EA 6 public 1.00 1.00 EA 7 retail private 1.00 EA 8 apt private 1.00 EA 9 apt private 1.00 EA 10 retail private 1.00 EA 11 public 1..00 1.00 EA 12 retail private 1.00 Bld B public 1.00 1.00 Bld B public 1.00 1.00 14.00 4.00 City Pays for 50% of the Public Elevators 2 Precentage contributed to City: 14.29% MANUAL CHECK REQUEST RUI(Fund E) VENDOR NAME&ADDRESS TW Telecom PO BOX 172567 Denver,Co 80127-2567 1-800-565-8982 Vedor TWTELE INVOICE# DATE AMOUNTS VENDOR APPROVAL 6254960 6/1/2014 $1,197.99 TWTELE DUE DATE DISCOUNT DATE I DISCOUNTS SEPARATE CK? 6/30/2014 PROPERTY# G/L ACCOUNT# AMOUNT TO PAY COM 9400-7311-0060-0000 5106.28 COM 9450-7311-0000-0000 $271.60 COM 9410-7660-0000-0000 $206.61 COM 9420-7311-0005-0000 409.02 COM 9421-7311-0000-0000 136.32 COM 9460-7311-0005-0000 68.16 DESCRIPTION: Internet Access for Citrix and Corp.PCs Fire/elevator phone lines for City Center telecom® Invoice for 8 Telecom Services on behalf of tw telecom holdings Inc and its authorized telecommunications subsidiaries _ Account Number 254328 �t Invoice Number: 06254960 Bill Date:June 1, 2014 PEDCOR INVESTMENTS A UMITED L 2580 ATTN:YONG CHOE 770 3RD AVE SW CARMEL,IN 46032 A BALANCE DUE,PAYMENTS,ADJUSTMENTS Balance Due From a Previous Statement $5.247.20 Payments (50.00) TOTAL Balance Due For Section A $5.247.20 CURRENT MONTH ACCOUNT CHARGES SUMMARY 8Integrated Service Bundles $1,921.54 C Basic Service $526.21 D Call Management $199,71 E Internet&Data $2,479.50 G Late Payment,Installation and Other Charges 5182.14 I Intralata and/or Long Distance Calls $26. TOTAL For The Current Month5 335 TOTAL Balance Due From Section A S5,247.20 TOTAL Amount Due Please Pay By 6/30114 510.582.94 Your account is past due and subject to a late payment charge. Moving or expanding your office space? Be sure to call your account manager 3045 business days in advance,so we can help you be ready for business day one. Please detach and return this remittance portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. Jtw telecomm Account Number: 254328 Invoice Number:06254960 PEDCOR INVESTMENTS A LIMITED L ®Check box for address change and complete form on reverse Bill Date:June 1,2014 Due Date:June 30,2014 tW telecom Amount Due: 510,582.94 PO BOX 172567 _ DENVER,CO 80217-2567 If payment by Check,please include your Account Number Amount Paid- 100000000025432820140601000000006254960000053357400010582942 Page 3 o116 JUNE 01,2014 Account Number:254328 Invoice Number.06254960 A.BALANCE DUE,PAYMENTS,ADJUSTMENTS Balance Due From a Previous Statement 55.247.20 Payments Total Pavmerhta SOAD Adjostment(s) Total Adlustments Im TOTAL AMOUNT DUE FOR SECTION A S5.24j 2�Q B.INTEGRATED SERVICES BUNDLES Service Location:37847 Name:PEOCOR INVESTMt NTS Address:770 3RD AVE SIN.CARMEL.IN,46032 Tyoo of Service PON Charao From 6 To QuanN(y Amount Voice Ti Flat 2"36 OSMI114.06WI4 2 $800.00 5000 Flex Call Product 0510 1114.05131114 3 50.00 VTl service 06/01114.06rao114 1 5400.00 TOTAL ServleeLocallon:3784T ;1.20000 Setvlce Locadon:139947 Name:PEDCORINVESTMENTS Address:IN CITY CENTER OR CARMEL.IN.46032 Tym of Service P9! Charas from S To c hmndry Amop Voice T1 Rat 2way 36 OrtI01114.O6r30114 1 $460.00 FLEXCALL 5K FM 0-10K TIER 05'01114.05131114 1 SOHO 5000RexcauPmduct OSOI/14-05/31114 i Som TOTAL Service I.ocatlon:139947 $460.00 TOTAL Charges VAthout Tax For Section B $1.66000 Taxes.Governmental Surchames&Fees DEAF Tax Surcharge $1.76 E911 Surcharge S82B0 State Sales Tax 598.08 Total Taxes.Govemmerdal Surcharges 8 Fees 6161.64 Other Surcharges 8 Feea Carrier Cost Recovery Surcharge $5.18 Federal Universal Service Furl(USF)Surcharge 548.18 IN Slate Utility Receipts Reimbursemerd Surcharge $19.35 State Universal Service Fund(USF)Surcharge $7.19 Total Other Sumbarnes 6 Fees 11jL0 Total Taxes.Surcharges 8 Fees For Seedon B 1061 TOTAL CHARGES FOR SECTION B 61.921 Sd C.BASIC SERVICE serviceLowonAIM7 Narml PEDCORIHVESTMENTS Address:100 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL,IN,46032 Two of Service PON Charoe From 8 To Quantity Amount Flat Business Uae(36M) 0601114.OVM14 16 $353.60 Federal SubsahberLine Charge 06101N-06r,{0/14 16 $88.32 TOTAL Service Locatlon:139947 $491.$3 TOTAL Charges Without Tax For Section C 644192 Page 4 of 16 JUNE 01,2014 Account Number.254328 Invoioe Number:06254960 Taxes.Governmernaf Surcharges d Fees Federal Exdse Tax 313.71 DEAF Tax Surcharge $0.48 E911 Surcharge SWAG State Sales Tax $31.37 Total Taxes,Governmental Surehames 8 Fees 33958 Other Surcharges&Fees Cartier Cost Recovery Surcharge SI.84 Federal universal Service Fund(USF)Surcharge $14.66 IN State Ul ft Reoe4ts Reimtrresemm i Surcwrge $6.19 Stale universal Service Fund(USF)Surcharge $1.84 Tout Othar satehamas&Fe PAM Total Taxes,Surehamea A Fees For Section C 1O TOTAL CHARGES FOR SECTION C 532621 D.CALL MANAGEMENT SwWc4 Location:37847 Name:PEDCOR INVESTMENTS Address:770 3RD AVE$W.CARMEL.IH.46032 Tvoe of Servke PON Charge From B To Quant HI Amount Main Listing 06101114.OM14 1 5.00 AddtionalListing 001114.06W14 2 $10.00 Individual 7elepinne Number 091914.05131/14 1 S.09 Individual Telephone Number 0916114.05131114 .1 (6.08) Individual Telephone Number 05128114-05131114 1 S.00 U*Adual Telephone WwW 0529114-D5131114 .1 ($.02) tndni WW Tetephorm Number 06101114-0001"14 1 S.00 IndividualTetephomNumber C6101114.OW0114 585 $87.75 Basic AR TGOvegm24CP 06101114.06f30114 1 $40.00 TOTAL Servlca Location:37947 5137.74 Service Lmilon:139947 Name:PEDCORINVESTMENTS Address:100 CITY CENTER DR.CARMEL.IN,46032 Ivoe of Service EO Charge From d To Quantlty rnour� Caller ID With Nurnber Delivery O61D1114-W30114 2 S.00 Mut04ineHunting Regular 06101114.060W14 2 S.00 Main Lmq 06101114-0613W14 1 S.00 Additional Listing 06101114.06AW14 8 $40.00 VdvidhralTelepth=Number 06'01114-OVZ14 84 $12.60 TOTAL Service Location:139947 om TOTAL Charges Without Tax for Section D 5190.34 Taxes,Govemmontal Sumba mos&Fees Federal Excise Tax S5,71 Total Taxes,GovemmerrW Surcharges&Fees 1S IJ Qther SurchaEges it FB09 IN State My y Receipts Reimbursement Surcharge $2.67 Slate Urtiversal Service Fund(USF)Surcharge 50.99 Total Other Surchames 8. 7olal Taxes.5urchaMlla d Fees For Section TOTAL CHARGES FOR SECTION D (149,71 PEDCOR HOMES One Pedcor Square 770 3rd Ave. SW Carmel,Indiana 46032 June 1, 2014 CARMEL CITY CENTER, LLC RE: CCC Garage Maintenance INVOICE Due: Upon Receipt Charge Date Item Amount 6/1/2014 Monthly Manangement Fee for Garage Maintenance $ 750.00 Total Amount Due $ 750.00 If you have any questions please contact Laurie Siler at 317.587.0467 Please make checks payable and mail to: PEDCOR HOMES Attn: Laurie Siler 770 3rd Ave SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 Lowes Credit Card Summary of Charges A/C 8213115 052962 1 Amount Tax Code 132.05 141.29 9420-7882-0000 Total 141.29 Amount Tax Code 94.98 101.63 9400-7615-0040 2.83 3.03 9410-1111-0020 15.19 16.25 9421-7865-0000 Total 120.91 Amount Tax Code 25.00 25.00 9410-7395-0000 Total 25.00 $101.63 9400-7615-0040 Trash Removal $3.03 9410-1111-0020 A/R-CRC-Garage Maintenance $25.00 9410-7395-0000 Misc. Administration $141.29 9420-7882-0000 Maintenance Small Tools $16.25 9421-7865-0000 Hardware Supplies $287.20 Total 940 $101.63 941 $28.03 942 $141.29 9421 $16.25 LoWEV 'UMVING LOVE'S HOME CENTERS, LLC 14596 LODES UAY CARMEL, IN 46033 (317) 566-8124 SALE — SALES4: S1525RC6 1908781 TRANSk: 78855939 05.23-14 182703 SH 40L SEMI-ROUND STEP CA 94.98 99.96 DISCOUNT EACH -5.00 -Orr 2.98 DISCOUNT EACH 1697E; E-Z ANCOR 5O-CT STUD SOLU 15.19 15.99 DISCOUNT EACH -0.80 SUBTOTAL: 113.00 TAX: 7.91 t _ INVOICE 09621 TOTAL: 120.91 LCC: 120.91 T'OT'AL DISCOUNT: 5.45 HYLOUE'S CARD NUMBER: 461006304526039 LCC:XXXXXXXXXXXX9621 A9OUNT:120.91 AUTHC0:001225 _ S!1TPED REFJ.D:855955152509 05/23/14 10:39:15 Lt—,. LOA/P0: NO STORE: 1525 TERMINAL: 09 05/23/14 10:39:33 a # OF ITERS PURCHASED: 3 EXCLUDES FEES, SERVICES AND SPECIAL ORDER ITEMS Cal _1,._•�� �Up THANK YOU FOR SHOPPING LOUE'S. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR RETURN POLICY. STORE HANGER: JEFF LOWELL UE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES, GUARANTEED! IF YOU FIND R LOWER PRICE, WE HILL BEAT I1 BY 10;,, SEE STORE FOR DETAILS. *xc=Ykkxk'=#k##x#xt[*#xk##s####**xxFK##xass#xsMa�:s�zxxsx� YOUR OPINIONS COUNT i + REGISTER FOR A CHANCE TO YIN A + $5.000 LOVE'S GIFT CARD! + iREGISTRESE PARA iEMER LA OPORTUNIOAD DE GANAR UNA > = TARJETA DE REGALO DE LODE'S DE 55000! _ * REGISTER BY CONPLETING A GUEST SATISFACTION SURVEY = WITHIN ONE VEEP AT: vuu.loves,ca/survey 4 a Y O U R I 0 0 09621 1525 143 = k * NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. )r VOID WHERE PROHIBITED. MUST BE 18 OR OLDER TO ENTER. _ Vicki Sponcil From: Mike Polston Sent: Friday,June 20, 2014 5:31 PM To: Vicki Sponcil;Tasha Jackson Cc: Rick McCool Subject: RE: Lowes 82131150529621 This hose bib you are talking about is outside the IC room in the parking garage by DSV building at CCC. Send 6a ibe;tia.ntunt Cxalax.v Note:Ti II,ar AT&T4G LTE grnartphone -------- Original message-------- From: Vicki Sponcil <vsponcil@pedcor.net> Date: 06/20/2014-4:58 PM (GMT-05:00) To: Tasha Jackson <tashaj@pedcor.net>,Mike Polston<mpolston@pedcor.net> Cc: Rick McCool<rmccool c?pedcor.net> Subject: Lowes 92131150529621 Tasha, Mike, Please see attached. The description on receipt reads"shut off valve for CCC hose bib repair". Where is the location of the hose bib being repaired? Is this tenant related? Any additional information you can give me would be appreciated. Thank you. Vicki 2 Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc .'rquis Commercial Solutions. Inc 5 Osage Drive Invoice Carmel, IN 46033 I =Date Invoice N 317-514-9021 06J05/2014 1866 dsajdyk@marquiscs.com Terms http://ww",.i-narquiscs.com — —.----.- ---I --- Net30 07/04/2015 pi.117o CCC Retail(Elevators) 720 S. Rangeline Rd !Carmel, IN 46032 $370.92: 'A L 6fivity Amount •Monthly Cleaning for CCC Retail Elevators(June 2014) 185.46 •Monthly Cleaning for Mangia Elevators 185.46 110 Thank you for the business! Totall. $370.92 All ROBERT HAINES CO. *Caulking/ Invoice No. 449 2747 N. Emerson Avenue Sealants Indianapolis, IN 46218 *Waterproofing/ Dampraofing Page 1 *Building 4V Cleaning 1� *Masonry Restoration *Pointing J B I J L PEDCOR COMPANIES O 14X160 L 770 3RD AVENUE SW B CCC PLAZA LEAKS T CARMEL IN 46032 N CARMEL, IN O O Invoice Date Invoice No. Customer No. Payment Terms Contract No. 06/30/14 449 10OPED NET 30 DAYS Unit Extended Quantity D e s c r i p t i o n Price Price 10. 00 HRS LABOR 65.0000 650.00 3. 00 EA MATERIAL 69.0000 207.00 1 . 00 EA MATERIAL 7 .0000 7.00 4 . 00 EA MATERIAL 3.0000 12.00 co DO S C +fitr�� -4 wst-er'A tJ i Gross Retainage Tax Net Amount 876.00 . 00 . 00 876.00 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No 201 (Rev. 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/05/14 June $821.76 08/05/14 June $5,032.45 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel City Center, LLC Attn: Laurie Siler IN SUM OF $ 770 3rd Ave. S. W. Carmel, IN 46032 $5,854.21 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 June 42-390.30 j $821.76 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 2201 June 43-509.00 $5,032.45 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Fr 2, 2014 retreeTE?6sAi 'Pnri Kioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund