HomeMy WebLinkAbout236569 08/27/14 J�� i� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 037500 j a.• ONE CIVIC SQUARE WHITE'S ACE HARDWARE CHECK AMOUNT: $********56.61* s�� ia� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 731 S.RANGELINE ROAD CHECK NUMBER: 236569 .y�«oN�. CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 08/27/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1192 4238000 330 56.61 SMALL TOOLS & MINOR E AN- Ifi t.e'sC-Eilardware �y�Y4t,cl..�Si:�r+r"�:i•-��rs�irl=,1�iefi Thanks for shopping our friendly store. White ' s Ace Hardware- . i Carme L 731 S Rangeline Rd Carmel, IN 46032 317-846-2311 CITY OF CARMEL DEPT ACCOUNT 8 330 ITEM QTY SALE/REG EXT 721415800046 1.00 22.99 22.99 2297786 EACH CM 13IN 8 111IN BAG COMBO 008236693508 1.00 7.99 7.99 H47850 EACH STAR 1000HR DECK. 9X3 SUBTOTAL $ 30.98 TAX $ 0.00 LtOTAL $ 30 .98 CCHARGE 30,98 I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS SIGNATURE BRENT LIGGETT EMPLOYEE TE"RM INV# TIME DATE 2000159 1015 2678161 19 51 20-Aug-14 Ace Rewards ID 8 19800641274 Your receipt: guarantees your no-hassle-return. We're your dourve for Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall for all your hardware needs. INVOICE =1 .. White.'s ffardware i Thanks for- shopping our friendly store. White ' s Ace Hardware- Carme l 731 S Rangellne Rd Carmel, IN 46032 .11.7-846-2311 CITY OF CARMEL DEPT ACCOUNT tl 330 ITEM __ OTY SALE/REG '•/. EXT 082901429203 1.00 4.17. 4.17 42920 EACH '. DUCT TAPE_2X20YD WHT 081834190006 .1 00 9.49 , ,9.49 28139 RL/1000 BARRICDE TAPE CAUTN_1000' SUBTOTAL $ 13.66 TAX- $- 0.00 TOTAL '$ 13 . 66 CHARGE - 13.66 I AGREE,TO..PAY-THE-ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS SIGNATURE BRENT LIGGETT EMPLOYEE =TERM _INV# TIME DATE 2699099 1015 2672410 02:10 18-Aug-14 Ace Rewar•ds' IO # 19800641274 l Your receipt: guarantees your no-hassle--return. j We're your source for' , SpringSummer, Winter and,Fall for all your,hardware needs. I NV0 I GE . 0114 Whitc"s ,J; 141 i'c,-fe.re fl'inksfou t1hoppill( OL" 1:1-i eI)d :a I:o r-12. White ' s Ace llaidlvjare - (I oalrine L 7:I1 S Raogeline I;ld ':Elrmak IN IIE032 1;17.1.41`5-2311 CITY OF CAR111:1 L DEPT ACCOUNT # 330 ITEM QTY E;ALi:)'REl,;* EXT 91.*j 7.98 1037571 EACH 11.50Z ENM- SPRAY KHAKI 082901092QQ11 1 00 3.9') .99 1196401 EACH 11.50Z ENM- SPRY Ll' 3RAY 357FU1 $ 11.97 TAX $ 0.00 TOTAL 11 . 9 I AGREE TO 11P,Y HIE AB;'.)\/i: TOTAL i,CCORDING TO THE POSTED T1.RMS AND '.'ONDITIONS e SIGNATURE E,RIFNIT LIGGETT EMPLOYEE I ERH ilqlv# LIME DATE 2080020 16111'1 26156521 03::Ii0 28-Jul-14 Acu 1:izairds 11) 0 IE800611,274 Your roceiipl: clu,l;,anhes you" rio-hv3sle-return. Vla're your ;cjui,-:;e fc.r Spring. !3(.lmmer. lilint:ar and Fall for ii I I your harilware n md . I. INI "IV'ijl'l) 1,111, 11110mil, lt�. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 White's Ace Hardware IN SUM OF $ 731 S. Range Line Road Carmel, IN 46032 $56.61 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS 10�/41/� PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 2666521 42-380.00 $11.97 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the 1192 2672410 42-380.00 $13.66 materials or services itemized thereon for 1192 I 2678161 I 42-380.00 I $30.98 which charge is made were ordered and received except Monday, August 25, 2014 Dire r Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 07/28/14 2666521 $11.97 08/08/14 2672410 $13.66 08/20/14 I 2678161 I I $30.98- I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer