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(1 ) 1 O arm e February 14,2001
Department Report
Note: NEW BUSINESS has been re-scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2001, at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers.
To: Plan Commission Members
From: Department of Community Services
Re: projects and other items scheduled to be heard February 20, 2001, and February 22,2001
H. Public Hearings:
lh. Docket No. 186-00 Z; DePauw Rezone
Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-2/residence
district to the B-5/business district on 1.87± acres. The site is located northwest of
West 13 lst Street and North Meridian Street. The site is zoned S-2/residence.
The Department recommends that the Public Hearings for Items lh-3h be held
The Department recommends that these three Items be forwarded to the March 6,
2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee.
2h. Docket No. 187-00 Z; DePauw Rezone
Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-2/residence
district to the B-5/business district on 9.42± acres. The site is located northwest of
West 131St Street and North Meridian Street. The site is zoned S-2/residence within
the US 31/Meridian Street Overlay Zone.
The Department,recommends that the Public Hearings for Items 1h-3h be held
The Department recommends that these three Items be forwarded to the March 6,
2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee.
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February 20,2001
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Agenda
3h. Docket No. 188-00 Z; DePauw Rezone
Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-2/residence
district to the B-5/business district on 10.02±acres. The site is located northwest of
West 131St Street and North Meridian Street. The site is zoned S-2/residence within
the US 31/Meridian Street Overlay Zone.
The Department recommends that the Public Hearings for Items lh-3h be held
The Department recommends that these three Items be forwarded to the March 6,
2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee.
4h. Docket No.205-00 Z; Ritter's Frozen Custard
Petitioner seeks a favorable recommendation of a rezone from the B-2/business
district within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone to the B-2/business district. The site is
located northwest of 8th Street Northwest and North Range.Line Road. The site is
zoned B-2/business district within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone.
Should the Commission choose to suspend the Rules to vote on this Item at the
February 20, 2001, meeting, the Department would support the action. Failing that, the
Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001, meeting of the
Special Study Committee.
5h. Docket No. 8-01 PP; North Haven Subdivision
Petitioner seeks approval to plat a six-lot subdivision on 42.937± acres. The site
is located northwest of East 96th Street and Gray Road. The site is zoned R-
5/residence. The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision
8-Ola SW SCO 6.3.6 25'private right-of-way width
8-01b SW SCO 6.3.6 >26'pavement width
8-Olc SW SCO 6.3.7 >600' cul-de-sac
8-Old SW SCO 6.3.20 private street
8-Ole SW SCO 6.5.1 >50'minimum frontage
8-Olf SW SCO 7.7(C)(3) >15' S bufferyard
8-Olg SW SCO 7.7(D)(6) deforestation
Note: This Item is paired with Item 6h under Public Hearings.
The Department recommends that the Public Hearings for Items 5h & 6h be held
The Department recommends that these Items be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Subdivision Committee.
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February 20,2001
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Agenda
6h. Docket No. 9-01 DP; North Haven Subdivision
Petitioner seeks Development Plan approval for a mixed-use development on
42.937± acres. The site is located northwest of East 96th Street and Gray Road.
The site is zoned R-5/residence.
Note: This Item is paired with Item 5h under Public Hearings.
The Department recommends that the Public Hearings for Items 5h & 6h be held
The Department recommends that these Items be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Subdivision Committee.
7h. Docket No. 10-01 PP; Windsor Grove Subdivision
Petitioner seeks approval to plat a 35-lot subdivision on 37.339± acres. The site is
located on the southwest corner of West 106th Street and Towne Road. The site is
zoned S-1/residence. This is an Exempt Subdivision under ROSO III. The
petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waiver:
10-Ola SW SCO 6.3.7 >600' cul-de-sac
The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Subdivision Committee.
8h. Docket No. 11-01 PP Amend; Woodhaven,Section 1,Lot 28
Petitioner seeks approval to amend the primary plat of Woodhaven Subdivision,
Section 1, Block A. The site is located on the northeast corner of North Michigan
Road and Woodhaven Drive. The site lies partially within Boone County. The
site is zoned S-1/residence.
The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Subdivision Committee.
9h. Docket No. 13-01 PP; Bonbar Place Subdivision
Petitioner seeks approval to plat a 75-lot subdivision on 35.77± acres. The site is
located at the northwest corner of I-465 and the Carmel/Clay Monon Greenway.
The site is zoned R-1/residence.
The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Subdivision Committee.
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February 20,2001
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Agenda
Old Business:
1 i. This Item Currently Tabled due to Pending Litigation:
Docket No. 109-99 DP/ADLS; Wingate Inn
Development Plan and Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage
applications for Meridian Hotel Partners. The petitioner seeks approval to construct
a 57,500-square-foot hotel on 4.066± acres. The site is located at 1460 West Main
Street (northeast corner of East 131St Street and North Meridian Street). The site is
zoned S-2/residence within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone.
2i. Docket No. 68-00 PP Amend,John A.Phelps'Addition,Lots 12 & 13
Petitioner seeks approval to replat Lots 12 and 13 of the John A. Phelps Addition
on 0.573± acre. The site is located on the northeast corner of 5th Street Southeast
and 1st Avenue Southeast. The site is zoned R-3/residence. The petitioner also
seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waiver:
68-OOa SW SCO 6.3.6 to reduce the 25' half right-of-way on 1st Avenue
Southeast to 20' in width
At the February 6, 2001, meeting, the Subdivision Committee voted 6-0 to forward
this Item to the Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation.
The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition.
3i. Docket No. 132-00 Z; Dodd Rezone
Petitioner seeks a favorable recommendation for a rezone from the S-1/residence
district to the B-8/business district on 11.35± acres. The site is located on the
southeast corner of East 146th Street and Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned
At the February 6, 2001, meeting, the Special Study Committee voted 7-0 to
forward this Item to the Plan Commission with a negative recommendation.
4i. Docket No. 189-00 ADLS Amend; Pearson Ford
Petitioner seeks ADLS Amendment approval for the sign package at Pearson
Ford. The site is located at 10650 North Michigan Road. The site is zoned B-
3/business and is located within the U.S. 421 Overlay Zone.
At the February 6, 2001, meeting, the Special Study Committee voted 7-0 to
forward this Item to the Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation.
The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition.
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February 20,2001
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Agenda
5i. Docket No. 184-00 Z; Town Centre West
Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-1/residence
district to the R-5/residence district on 34.825± acres. The site is located in the
11000 block of North Michigan Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence within the
US 421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone.
At the February 6, 2001, meeting, the Subdivision Committee voted 6-0 to forward
this Item to the Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation.
The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition.
6i. Docket No. 207-00 DP Amend/ADLS Amend; West Carmel Center, Block A
—Ritter's Frozen Custard
Petitioner seeks approval to amend the Development Plan and Architectural
Design, Lighting & Signage approvals granted as part of Docket No. 47-99
DP/ADLS. The site is located at 10575 North Michigan Road. The site is zoned
B-3/business and is located within the US 421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone.
At the February 6, 2001, meeting, the Special Study Committee voted 7-0 to
forward this Item to the Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation.
The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition.
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February 20,2001
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Agenda
Note: NEW BUSINESS has been re-scheduled for Thursday, February 22, 2001, at 7:00 p.m.
in the Council Chambers.
J. New Business:
lj. Docket No. 181-00 ADLS; Hazel.Dell Corner, Lot 1 (Osco Drug)
Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval
for a pharmacy. The site is located at 5790 East 131st Street. The site is zoned B-
In a letter to the Commission dated February 9, 2001, the petitioner's
re.resentative has re•uested that the Plan Commission suspend the Rules in order to vote
on the project at the February 20,2001, meeting. Because revised plans have not yet been
filed or distributed,the Department cannot support this request.
The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Special Study Committee.
2j. This Item Currently Tabled Pending the Filing of the Development Plan:
Docket No. 185-00 ADLS; Town Centre West
Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval
for a mixed-use development on 34.825± acres. The site is located in the 11000
block of North Michigan Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence within the US
421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone.
Note: This Item is paired with Item 5i. under Old Business.
3j. Docket No. 7-01 ADLS; Hazel Dell Corner,Lot 5
Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping& Signage approval
for an office building on 1.832± acres. The site is located at 13250 Hazel Dell
Parkway. The site is zoned B-3/business.
The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001,
meeting of the Special Study Committee.
4j. Docket No. 16-01 ADLS Amend; The Retreat
Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage
Amendment approval to alter the Landscape Plan approved with Docket No. 36-
99 Z. The site is located on the northwest corner of East 96th Street and Westfield
Boulevard. The site is zoned S-2/residence.
The City's Urban Forester has rendered the opinion that the revised Landscape
Plan is superior to that approved as part of Docket No. 36-99 Z.
The Department recommends that the Plan Commission suspend the Rules in
order to vote on this Item at the February 20, 2001, meeting.
The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition.
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February 20,2001
Cannel/Clay Plan Commission Agenda
5j. Docket No. 21-01 ADLS Amend; Fidelity Keystone Office Park
Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage
Amendment approval to establish a Sign Plan for the project approved as Docket
No. 36-00 ADLS. The site is located at 580, 600 & 650 East Carmel Drive. The
site is zoned B-8/business.
Landscape Plans are required for all Multi-Tenant Building Complex ground
The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the March 6, 2001.,
meeting of the Special Study Committee. The Department further recommends that the
Commission authorize the Committee to take final action on this petition subject to the
submittal of acceptable Landscape Plans.
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