HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 06-19-01 June 19,2001 CarmellClay Plan Commission Agenda CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION June 19, 2001- DEPARTMENT REPORT 2i. Docket No. 186-00 Z; DePauw Rezone Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-2/residence district to the B5/business district on 1.87± acres. The site is located northwest of West 131st Street and North Meridian Street. The site is zoned S-2/residence. Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coots Henke&Wheeler for CH Land LLC. 3i. Docket No. 187-00 Z; DePauw Rezone Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-2/residence district to the B-5/business district on 9.42±acres. The site is located northwest of West 131st Street and North Meridian Street. The site is zoned S-2/residence within the US 31/Meridian Street Overlay Zone. Filed by E. Davis Coots of Coots Henke&Wheeler for CMC Properties, Inc. The Special Studies committee voted 5-2 to recommend approval of the Rezone applications of CMC and CH Land to the full Plan Commission. However, the DePauw petition remains tabled. The recommendation came back to the Plan Commission with conditions that the applicant construct the entrance in accordance with the rendering prepared by the City Engineer and that as before the applicant would be committing to the filing of future ADLS petitions on both tracts. Please find attached a copy of the intersection layout explored with the City Engineer. It is based on this "understanding" that the Department recommends that the Plan Commission forward the CMC and CH Land petitions (187-00 Z and 186-00 Z respectively) on to the City Council. However,the Department would like to see language regarding the intersection improvements and understanding as well as the future commitment to ADLS addressed in the form of a commitment or preferably contained within the rezone ordinance itself. The Plan Commission should remember that their capacity in this matter is in forwarding a recommendation to the City Council. The applicant should be prepared to offer this information to the Commission Tuesday evening. The Depaltment would like to see this information prior to the meeting and have advised the petitioner of this. In addition the Department will make the Council aware our concerns regarding the nexus between the DePauw parcel and the granting of the rezone for the CMC petition. DePauw is the owner of the parent tract of real estate for both petitions. Ultimately this request will be in front to the City Council and the Department needs to see that they have all of the available information concerning the petitions including the recommendation from the Plan Commission. Page 6 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 Coots ,Henke heeler ATTORNEYSAT LAW c; . ' 11 i • June 6, 2001 E.DAVIS COOTS* _ /,�� • �,/. STEVEN H.HENKE J�'/ `0 . JAMES K.WHEELER* Jon Dobosiewicz C T.JAY CURTS Department of Community Services . °CS One Civil Square 43 JAMES D.caOM Carmel, IN 46032 .� J 9 10 EFFREY S.ZIPES - - ELIZABETH I.VAN TASSEL 7�7� JANICE R.MANDLA* RE: CMC Properties LLC MATTHEW L.HINKLE Our File No.: 13291_ SENOHOR A.MANNS J.KATIIRYN JENKINS Dear Jon: - DANIEL E.COOTS *CERTIFIED MEDIATOR This letter is to confirm the action of the Special Study Committee of the Plan Commission approving the rezone application filed on behalf of CH Land, LLC and CMC Properties,LLC referring those two (2) applications to the Plan Commission with a positive recommendation. The approval by the committee was conditioned upon the development including the entrance to the property from Meridian Corners Boulevard as depicted in the drawing prepared by Kate Weiss, a copy attached to this letter. We would ask that this matter be presented to the full Plan Commission for vote on the rezone applications at the June 19, 2001 meeting. Very truly yours, COOTS,HENKE& WHEELER, P.C, E. Davis Coots EDC:wlt Enclosure cc: Leo Dierckman Craig Kaiser Greg Land 255 East Carmel Drive . Carmel,Indiana 46032-2689 317-844-4693 FAX:317-573-5385 -