HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 12-19-00 1. UL\\\NS CA 9 ��� � City of C N 0,,„„,„„ December 13, 2000 Department Report To: Plan Commission Members From: Department of Community Services Re: projects and other items scheduled to be heard December 19, 2000 H. Public Hearings: 1h. This Item Currently Tabled Pending Amendment of Application: Docket No. 141-00 Z; Rezone petition for C. P. Morgan Communities. The petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the R-1/residence district to the M-3/manufacturing district on three parcels totaling 7.4± acres. The site is located at 1306 & 1342 East 116th Street. The site is zoned R-1/residence. Filed by Mark Boyce of C. P. Morgan Communities. 2h. This Item Currently Tabled Pending Amendment of Application: Docket No. 184-00 Z; Town Centre West Petitioner seeks favorable recommendation of a rezone from the S-1/residence district to a PUD/planned unit development district on 34.825± acres. The site is located in the 11000 block of North Michigan Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence within the US 421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone. Note: This Item is paired with Item 2j. under New Business. 3h. Docket No. 193-00 DP/ADLS; Newark Addition, Lots 9-11 Stewart Place Development Plan and Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage applications for Thompson Thrift Development. Petitioner seeks approval to construct two multi-tenant retail buildings on 1.255± acres to be known as Stewart Place. The property is located at 821, 831 & 841 South Range Line Road. The property is zoned B-7/business. The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the January 9, 2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee. Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 December 19, 2000 Department Report Old Business: This Item Currently Tabled due to Pending Litigation: Docket No. 109-99 DP/ADLS; Wingate Inn Development Plan and Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage applications for Meridian Hotel Partners. The petitioner seeks approval to construct a 57,500-square-foot hotel on 4.066± acres. The site is located at 1460 West Main Street (northeast corner of East 131st Street and North Meridian Street). The site is zoned S-2/residence within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. 2i. Docket No. 109-00 PP; Guilford Park Subdivision Petitioner seeks approval to plat 109 lots on 36.72± acres. The site is located at the southeast corner of East 116 Street and South Guilford Road. The site is zoned R- 1/residence and is being developed as a Qualifying Subdivision under Chapter 7 (ROSO II)of the Subdivision Control Ordinance. The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition. 3i. Docket No. 154-00 Z; Parkwood Crossing West PUD Rezone petition for Duke-Weeks Realty. The petitioner seeks favorable recommendation for a rezone from the B-5/business and S-2/residence districts to a PUD/planned unit development district. The site is located on the northwest corner of West 96th Street and North Meridian Street. The site is zoned S- 2/residence and B-5/business within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. Note: The Public Hearing on this Item has been held open. The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition. 4i. Docket No. 157-00 PP Amend; Little Farms Addition, Lots 14 & 15 Primary Plat Amendment application for David R. Harbison et al. The petitioner seeks approval to replat Lots 14 & 15 into three lots on 1.21± acres. The site is located at 1196 East 105th Street. The site is zoned R-3/residence. The petitioner also seeks approval of the following Subdivision Waivers: 157-OOa SW SCO 8.8 to forego installation of curbs&gutters 157-00b SW SCO 8.9.1 to forego installation of sidewalks At their December 5, 2000, meeting, the Subdivision Committee voted to forward this petition to the Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation. The Subdivision Waiver petitions have been granted with the Condition that recordable Commitments regarding the installation of sidewalks curbs & gutters be executed. Page 2 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 December 19, 2000 Department Report J. New Business: lj. Docket No. 183-00 ADLS; Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 6— Children's World Petitioner seeks ADLS approval in order to establish a Children's World day care center on 1.46± acres. The site is located at 13320 Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned B-3/business. The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the January 9, 2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee. 2j. This Item Currently Tabled Pending Amendment of Application: Docket No. 185-00 ADLS; Town Centre West Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping& Signage approval for a mixed-use development on 34.825± acres. The site is located in the 11000 block of North Michigan Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence within the US 421/Michigan Road Overlay Zone. Note: This Item is paired with Item 2h. under Public Hearings. 3j. Docket No. 189-00 ADLS Amend; Pearson Ford Petitioner seeks ADLS Amendment approval for the sign package at Pearson Ford. The site is located at 10650 North Michigan Road. The site is zoned B- 3/business and is located within the U.S. 421 Overlay Zone. The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the January 9, 2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee. 4j. Docket No. 191-00 ADLS Amend; Parkwood Crossing, Building 1 — Verizon Wireless Petitioner seeks ADLS Amendment approval of a sign for Verizon Wireless. The site is located at 250 East 96th Street. The site is zoned B-6/business. The Department recommends that the Plan Commission suspend the Rules in order to vote on the Item. The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition. 5j. Docket No. 192-00 ADLS Amend; Parkwood Crossing, Building 7 - Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Petitioner seeks ADLS Amendment approval of a sign for Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. The site is located at 280 East 96th Street. The site is zoned B-6/business. The Department recommends that the Plan Commission suspend the Rules in order to vote on the Item. The Department recommends favorable consideration of this petition. Page 4 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 r December 19, 2000 Department Report 6j. Docket No. 196-00 ADLS; First Indiana Bank Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage approval for a bank. The site is located at 2168 East 116th Street. The site is zoned B- 8/business. The Department recommends that this Item be forwarded to the January 9, 2001, meeting of the Special Study Committee. Page 5 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL,INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417