HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplicationsDATE: • ID APPLICATION FOR L \-L- PRIMARY PLAT OR REPLAT Fee: 5500.00 plus 525.00 per lot RECtijE13 OCT 19 220 DOCKET NO. The uersignearees thatyany construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of s,�tructure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application wilhcnPfly w4th j d conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980 ", adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1, et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: Phillip L. Stewart Address of Applicant: 931 S'. RgNGe /jae Name of Owner: Phillip L. Stewart Name of Subdivision:Cwd1 L Place Phone No. 8'6- 5799 CAR nt4, 7/N y` o3L Phone No. sw- 8325 EWE � b 9- // Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) Area (in acres): 1 .255 Number of Lots: 1 Length (in miles) of new streets to be dedicated to public use: 0 Surveyor certifying plat: Stephen M. Cooper, Coor Consulting & Land Service Corporation Address: 303 W. Main Street, Knightstown,Phone No. (765) 345 -5943 Indiana 46148 -0012 COUNTY OF Att[To a , SS: STATE OF INDIANA, The undersigned having been d y swom, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or she.s,in ormei, .•nd believes. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT:- - , 41 Print: Q C4: 7 S a'�1nr,r Subscribed and sworn to before me this / day of v.� , 1st . Notary Public My Commission Expires: 41. ....**11.-Iirtrana-OrsVIVIHrs■-•-trstnIr1HrlinIrrnir111,11,,Irt art 5.1.10 Application for Primary Plat. Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the primary plat and of the construction plans together with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Director of Current Planning with this application . These plans to be distributed to all Technical Advisory Committee authorities by applicant. FEE: Received by: s:\ plancomm \applictn.pc \primptat.apx • LAND DESCRIPTION • "Instrument #9504846" I.ot Number 9, in Newark addition per plat -359, City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. LAND DESCRIPTION "Instrument #9504845" Lot Number 10, in Newark addition per plat -359, City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. LAND) DESCRIPTION "Instrument #9504847" Lot Number 11, in Newark addition per plat -359, City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. EXCEPT: LAND DESCRIPTION "Instrument 11200000011791" A part of Lots 9, 10, and 11 in Ncwark Addition to the City of Carmel, Indiana, the plat of which addition is recorded in Deed Record 119, pages 7 -9, in the Unnicc of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, and being that part of the grantors' land lying within the right of way lines depicted on the attached Right of Way Parcel Plat, narked Exhibit "B ", described as follows: Beginning at the northwest corner of said Lot 9, designated as point "9047" on said plat; Thence North 89 degrees 46 minutes 06 seconds East 6.97 feet along the north line of said Lot 9 to point "9046" on said plat; thence South 0 degrees 13 minutes 57 seconds East 225.00 feet to the south line of said Lot 11 and designated as point "9055" on said plat; thence South 89 degrees 46 minutes 06 seconds West 6.98 feet along the south line to the southwest corner of said Lot 11 and designated as point "9079" on said plat; thence North 0 degrees 13 minutes 54 seconds West 225.00 feet along the west line of said Lots 11, 10, and 9 to the point of beginning and containing 1,569 square feet, more or less. OCT 19 2000 el, , 41ERLICATION for ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, LIGHTING, and SIGNAGE FEE: $500.00 • DOCKET NO. Name of Project: Stewart Place Address: 841 Rangeline Road Type of Project: Commercial Retail - Office Applicant: TT Commercial One Contact Person: Paul Thrift Phone No. (812 ) 235 -5959 Phone No.(81 2) 235 -5959 Address: 1100 Spruce Street, Terre Haute, IN 47807 Legal Description: To be typewritten on a separate sheet Area (in acres) 1.255 ac . Zoning B -7 Owner of Real Estate: Phillip L. Stewart Carmel: x Clay Township: x Other Approvals Needed: . Annexation: Y oi() No. of Spaces Provided: 51 Commercial Retail - Type of Building: Off ice PARKING 9,000 sft /300 3,400 sft /200 No. Spaces Required: 47 DESIGN INFORMATION #1 9,000 No. of Buildings: 2 Square Footage: #2 3,400 Height: 281-0" Exterior Materials: * Maximum No. of Tenants: 6 Water by: I .w .c . No. of Stories 1 ColorsEarth tone brick with white trim. Type of Uses:Commercial Retail - Office Sewer by: City of Carmel *Georgian Colonial style with brick, split face block, EIFS, standing seam roof and balustrade. s: \forms \adls.app revised 01/07/97 • • LIGHTING Type of Fixture: Height of Fixture: No. of Fixtures: Additional Lighting: * Plans to be submitted showing foot candle spread at property lines, per Ordinance. SIGNAGE No. of Signs: 6 Location(s): On building face Dimensions of each sign: Per city code Type of Signs: Letters on raceway Square Footage of each sign: Per city code Total Height of each sign: Per city code LANDSCAPING * Plans to be submitted showing plant types, sizes, and locations **************** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** I, the undersigned, to the best of my knowledge and belief, submit the above information as true and correct. ?'T Co /vet,'" o a. Ay. 4, Jr Director of Development Sigflature of Applicant Title O. s,6cii. (Print) Date * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * State of Indiana, SS: County of m; (ii r\ Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for Mar vl� county, State of Indiana, personally appeared 0 ' J . \_ -fo(Je r and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this J- day of Qc4) r , i 40ma . My Commission Expires: Notary Public s: \forms \adls.app revised 01/07/97 DATE RECENED 1 OCT C 19 2000 'Preliminary Final Amended or Changed Name of Project: Stewart Place • DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPLICATION Fee: $500.00 plus $25.00 per acre DOCKET NO. Public Hearing Required Received By /Date Checked By Project Address: 841 Ranqeline Road Legal Description: (To be typewritten on separate sheet and attached) Name of Applicant: TT Commercial One Address: 1100 Spruce St., Terre Haute., IN 47807 Contact Person: Paul Thrift Telephone: .81 2 -235 -5959 Name of Landowner: Phillip L. Stewart Telephone: (31 7) 846-8999 Address: 931 S. Ranqeline Road, Carmel, IN 46032 Plot Size: 1.255 Acres Present Use of Property: 2 - Rental Home Zoning Classification: B -7 1 - Commercial Use Proposed Use of Property: Commercial Retail /Office 1 • NOTE: This application must be 'filed in duplicate and accompanied by: a) Two (2) copies of the development plan which the applicant will be responsible for distribution among TAC members; b) All necessary supporting materials. The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structures, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with and conform to all applicable laws of the State of Indiana and the zoning ordinance of Carmel, Indiana, adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178, Sec. 1, et seq., General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Signed: TT C6n' ecc', arm (017-bi Owner 4Ena#2.∎ Agent (Typed) STATE OF INDIANA County of J-/ p j /4 i) r, SS: (Typed) Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public for KVla ri on • (county of residence) County, State of Indiana, personally appeared U -Z.. e.'e (name of person) and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this /S4i) day of )4e✓ , 20 Occ . My Commission Expires: s: \carmellanduseregs \ checklist \devplanapp Rev 1/2000 blic Signature) (Printed or Typed)