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June 21, 2001 • City of C Mr. Paul M. Thrift Thompson Thrift Developme 1100 Spruce Street Terra Haute, IN 47807 (11 • rmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING RE: Stewart Place, Phase II/Project Review #1 Dear Mr. Thrift: We have reviewed the drawing for this project that was submitted on June 19. We offer the following comments: 1. Eliminate the first Title Page on the drawing submitted. 2. On the second Title Page, add Phase II between Final Construction Plans For and Stewart Place. 3. Eliminate Future from Building #2 and add Under Construction or Existing to Building #1 for sheets C2.0, C3.0, C4.0, C5.0, C5.1 and C8.0. 4. We do not require architectural, electrical, structural, mechanical or plumbing drawings for our approval. Therefore, eliminate those sheets from plans submitted to this office for approval of Phase II construction. 5. When these revisions have been made, submit five -sets of plans to this office for approval and signatures. 6. Our Board of Public Works and Safety approved Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability for both Building #11 and Building #2 at their February 21, 2001 meeting. The total availability granted was 9.4 EDU's. Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees (for 7.0 EDUs) for Building #1 were paid by Thompson Thrift on March 13, 2001, leaving 2.4 EDUs of Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees remaining to be paid for future Building #2. The downsizing of Building #2 will result in a reduction in the EDU calculation (from 9.4 Total EDUs to 9.0 Total EDUs) and Connection Fees. It will not be necessary to re -apply to the Board of Public Works and Safety for re- approval of availability (connection) since the approved amount will be reduced, not increased. 7. Revised Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees for Building #2 are re- calculated as follows: Revised Building Size — 3,000 square feet (previously 3,400 square feet) @ 1.0 EDU per 1,000 square feet (Retail Classification) = 3.0 EDUs less 1.0 EDU credit for previous existing single family residence = 2.0 EDUs of Water and Sanitary Sewer Availability. Connection Fees Water - 2.0 EDUs @ $1,310.00 per EDU = $2,620.00 Sanitary Sewer — 2_0 EDUs @ $ 795.00 per EDU = $1,590.00 Total 2.0 $2,105.00 $4,210.00 When the five -sets of revised drawings have been provided, approved and signed by this office, you may pay your Connection Fees for Building #2 and obtain the required Sewer Pennit to initiate the Building Permit process. This will satisfy Department of Engineering requirements for Phase II construction. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2441 • Mr. Paul M. Thrift June 21, 2001 Page 2 If you have questions, please call. Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosure cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services Jon Dobosiewicz, Department of Community Services Jeff Kendall/Gayle Stahl, Permit Services John Duffy, Carmel Utilities S: \PROJREVO1 \STEWPHII • Johnson, Sue E iJ���� �`� 9cL � � ) From: Sent: To: Subject: Hoyt, Gary A l ` D cm Wednesday, March 14, 2001 7 :36 AM Kendall, Jeff A; Hill, Dick B; Brewer, Scott I; Lillard, Sarah N; Hancock, Ramona B; Johnson, Sue E; Jones, Terry J; Lillig, Laurence M; Stahl, Gayle H RE: Pre - submittal Meeting: Sherwin Williams The Fire Department has no outstanding issues. Original Message--- - From: Kendall, Jeff A Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:57 PM To: Hill, Dick B; Brewer, Scott; Bucher, Sarah; Hancock, Ramona; Hoyt, Gary A; Johnson, Sue; Jones, Terry; Lillig, Laurence; Stahl, Gayle Subject: Pre - submittal Meeting: Sherwin Williams The Building Division of the Department of Community Services has received a request to schedule a pre - submittal meeting for the purpose of obtaining a building permit. Meeting Date: Monday, March 19 Time: 2 p.m. Project :Sherwin Williams, 831 S. Range Line Rd. Related Planning & Zoning Docket Numbers: 194 -00 SP & 193 -00 DP /ADLS & TAC Nov. 15, 2000 Representative of Project O.J. Stockerd with Thomson Thrift (317) 848 -4755 If there are concerns that might affect the issuance of this permit, please "Reply to all 1 • Johnson, Sue E From: Hill, Dick B Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 3:17 PM To: Kendall, Jeff A; Brewer, Scott I; Lillard, Sarah N; Hancock, Ramona B; Hoyt, Gary A; Johnson, Sue E; Jones, Terry J; Lillig, Laurence M; Stahl, Gayle H Subject: RE: Pre- submittal Meeting: Sherwin Williams Connection Fees will be paid this date and a Sewer Permit will be issued. Petitioner has posted required Street Cut Right of Way Permit and Bond and has satisfied all Engineering Department Requirements. Original Message From: Kendall, Jeff A Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:57 PM To: Hill, Dick B; Brewer, Scott; Bucher, Sarah; Hancock, Ramona; Hoyt, Gary A; Johnson, Sue; Jones, Terry; Lillig, Laurence; Stahl, Gayle Subject: Pre - submittal Meeting: Sherwin Williams The Building Division of the Department of Community Services has received a request to schedule a pre - submittal meeting for the purpose of obtaining a building permit. Meeting Date: Monday, March 19 Time: 2 p.m. Project: Sherwin Williams, 831 S. Range Line Rd. Related Planning & Zoning Docket Numbers: 194 -00 SP & 193 -00 DP /ADLS & TAC Nov. 15, 2000 Representative of Project: 0.1 Stockerd with Thomson Thrift (317) 848 -4755 If there are concerns that might affect the issuance of this permit, please "Reply to a// 1 • • Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Subject: Kendall, Jeff A Tuesday, March 13, 2001 2:57 PM Hill, Dick B; Brewer, Scott; Bucher, Sarah; Hancock, Ramona; Hoyt, Gary A; Johnson, Sue; Jones, Terry; Lillig, Laurence; Stahl, Gayle Pre - submittal Meeting: Sherwin Williams The Building Division of the Department of Community Services has received a request to schedule a pre - submittal meeting for the purpose of obtaining a building permit. Meeting Date: Monday, March 19 Time: 2 p.m. Project; Sherwin Williams, 831 S. Range Line Rd. Related Planning & Zoning Docket Numbers: 194 -00 SP & 193 -00 DPJADLS & TAC Nov. 15, 2000 Representative of Project: O.J. Stockerd with Thomson Thrift (317) 848 -4755 If there are concerns that might affect the issuance of this permit, please "Reply to all', • Lillig, Laurence M From: Hill, Dick B Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2001 9:31 AM To: Lillig, Laurence M; Stahl, Gayle H; Dolan, Veronica A; Lillard, Sarah N; Kendall, Jeff A; Peercy, Ryan W; Brewer, Scott I; Hahn, Kelli A Subject: RE: Newark Addition, Lot 9a (Stewart Place) (194 -00 SP) There are still Engineering issues to resolve before the pre - submittal. I will keep you advised. Original Message From: Lillig, Laurence M Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 11:33 AM ' To: Stahl, Gayle H; Dolan, Veronica A; Lillard, Sarah N; Kendall, Jeff A; Peercy, Ryan W; Brewer, Scott I; Hahn, Kelli A Cc: Hill, Dick B Subject: Newark Addition, Lot 9a (Stewart Place) (194 -00 SP) One mylar and two paper copies of the recorded Secondary Plat for Newark Addition, Lot 9a (Stewart Place), have been received by this office. Once Ryan has entered the property into CityView, this property will be eligible for permits. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 1 Lillig, Laurence M • • From: Lillig, Laurence M Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 11:33 AM To: Stahl, Gayle H; Dolan, Veronica A; Lillard, Sarah N; Kendall, Jeff A; Peercy, Ryan W; Brewer, Scott I; Hahn, Kelli A Cc: Hill, Dick B Subject: Newark Addition, Lot 9a (Stewart Place) (194 -00 SP) One mylar and two paper copies of the recorded Secondary Plat for Newark Addition, Lot 9a (Stewart Place), have been received by this office. Once Ryan has entered the property into CityView, this property will be eligible for permits. Laurence M. T.illig, Jr. Planning & Zoning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Phone: 317.571.2417 Fax: 317.571.2426 1 • Lillig, Laurence M From: Sent: To: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Wednesday, February-21, Hill, Dick B RE: Plats Yes, it is. I missed it, too. Original Message Hill, Dick B Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1 :33 PM Lillig, Laurence M Plats From: Sent: To: Subject: The Board conditionally approved and signed the plat for Stewart Place but asked that the plat not be released until the owner's have signed and notorized the document. Evidently, the Board indicated they would not approve incomplete plats in the future. I must admit I missed this one. Isn't this our normal practice to require this information to be complete on the plat prior to approval? I think we ran into this issue once before with Relistar. 1 Lilii•, Laurence M From: Lillig, Laurence M Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 11:03 AM To: Hill, Dick B Subject: RE: Stewart Place Plat No. On February 14th I sent a fax to Lynn Orrvar of Coor Corporation with my final comments. I am still awaiting a revised plat based on those comments. Original Message--- - From: Hill, Dick B Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 10 :44 AM To: ' Lillig, Laurence M Subject: Stewart Place Plat Have you approved this plat? 1 Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2415 Directors Row Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 484 -4280 Toll Free (877) 746 -0749 FAX (317) 484 -4284 TO Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square, Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone 317 -571 -2417 WE ARE SENDING YOU FedEx Shipments r7ATTACHED SEPARATE COVER VIA fSHOP DRAWINGS Ii PRINTS Ii COPY OF LETTER [] CHANGE ORDER LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 2/20/2001 JOB NO. 200968 ATTENTION Mr. Laur,e4Tej4illig; ti RE. Stews rtra Place — Carmel; Ins diana Copies of Stewart Place Re -plat 1 2/20/2001 FEB N 2001 , -- \- IDOLS /4 I I PLANS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: SAMPLES I I SPECIFICATIONS ❑FIRST OVERNIGHT I�I PRIORITY ❑ STANDARD II 2N° DAY I�I EXPRESS SAVER BY 8:00 A.M. I I OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT I BY 4:30 P.M. THE I 13 BUSINESS DAYS BY 10:00 A.M. BY 3:00 P.M. SECOND BUSINESS DAY COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 2/20/2001 Copies of Stewart Place Re -plat 1 2/20/2001 Original of Stewart Place Re -plat REMARKS Included is the revised re -plat for the Stewart Place retail buildings. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY To File TRANS- 2- 20- 01- LILLIG. DOC SIGNED Aaron Hurt Date: 14 February 2001 • • CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Division of Planning & Zoning TRANSMITTAL To: Lynn Orrvar of Coor Corporation From: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Planning Administrator Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Newark Addition, Lot 9a (Stewart Place) ph. 317.571.2417 fax. 317.571.2426 ❑ The material you requested • For your information ❑ For review and comment ❑ For approval Mr. Orrvar, The following are comments that need to be addressed and plans updated accordingly: fax: (765) 345 -5692 • The label "Westfield Blvd" need to be removed from the Key Map. Westfield Boulevard terminates at East 116th Street. • All references to "Rangeline Road" need to be changed to "Range Line Road." • The original 40 -foot building line has not been deleted from the plat. This must be removed. • "Commission" is misspelled in the Note. Once these changes have been made, please submit one signed mylar and two paper copies of the plat for Department approval. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Lillig, Laurence M From: Sent: To: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Monday, February 12, 2001 1 Hill, Dick B RE: Stewart Place Replat I met with them Thursday morning, and a revised drawing minor revisions to ask, so I believe the 21st will be fine. Original Message Hill, Dick B Friday, February 09, 2001 3:12 PM Lillig, Laurence M Stewart Place Replat From: Sent: To: Subject: 53 ANR 6��® APR 12042 b008 wasfleft in my box n the 9th (Friday). I only have one or two Thompson Thrift has requested BPW approval of this replat on 2/21. Assume they have given you the plat? If so, do you see any reason why this cannot go to the Board on the 21st? 1 February 6, 2001 • • ityti DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING krefivo 5e fl 2001 ocs 1 Mr. James M. Peck Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Park Fletcher Business Park 2415 Directors Ropy, Suite E Indianapolis. IN 46241 RE: Stewart Place T.A.C. Comment Revisions /Review #2 Dear Mr. Peck: We have reviewed the revised construction. plans for this development. We offer Mc following comments regarding these revised plans and Mr. Aaron Hun's comment letter of December 1-1 regarding T.A.C. issues: GENERAL INFORMATION I. We have policed that demolition has commenced on Me existing homes on this sire. We want to remind you and the Developer that the required Board of Public Works and Safely approvals have 1101 been obtained. These approvals include: a) Commercial Curb Cut — Please provide a letter of request to the Board. in c/o this office. Include an x'/ x 1 1 reproducible drawing indicating the requested curb cut. The drawing should include driveway width including the overall Nvidll► at the edge of pavement of Rangcline Road. radii. alignment with existing opposing drives. distances from intersections and any other information pertinent to the request. b) Water anti Sanitary Sewer Availability Approval - You will be requesting 9.4 additional EDUs of water and sanitary Sc\ycr avttilabiiily. c) Plat Approval — A recorded plat is a requirement to initiate Ole Building Permit review process. The Board muss approve the plat prior to recording. I am including a schedule of Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines. Please adhere to the Engineering Department deadlines for submission to the 13oarcl. Any submission to the Board requires completion of review by the Carmel Technical Advisory Committee and prior final approval h►' the Carnwl -Clay Plan Commission and /or Board of "Zoning Appeals. All written requests to he placed on the Board's Agenda must include the dale (or dales) of approval by the appropriate governing body and include pertinent docket numbers if applicable. 2. Connection Fccs — These fees must be paid prior to obtaining a Building Pcrnrit: Water Connection — 9.4 EDUs ,7i. $1.310.On /EDU = $1 2.3 1-1.00 Sanitary Sewer Couuectio11 — 9.4 EDUs ii. $ 795.00/EDU = $ 7.47.;.0)) Totals 9.4 $2.105.(u) /EDU = $19.7x7.06 The Owner /Builder will be required to designate and utilize a bonded plumber /excavator to make the watcr;Ind sanitary sc\ycr outside service line conncciions. 1 ain including 1 currc11l list of bonded plumbers /excavalors. 1- lowever. contractors 1101 on our list rua\ be utilir.ed. A $2.500.00 Plumbers Bond (License & Permit lypc bond) is required. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2441 Mr. James M. Peck February 6, 2001 Page 2 3. Street Cut/Right of Way Permit and Bonding Requirements. This permit and appropriate bonding (@ $2,000.00 per instance) is required for any work scheduled in the dedicated right of way of Rangelinc Road. In reviewed the submitted plans, it appears the following bonding requirements would apply to this project: a) Commercial curb cut — 1 @ $2,000.00 = $ 2,000.00 b) Removal of 2- existing curb cuts @ $2,000.00 = $ 4,000.0) c) Storm sewer connection — 1 @ $2,000.00 = $ 2,000.00 d) Cap existing sanitary sewer service line — 1 @ $2,000.00 = $ 2,000.00 e) Sanitary sewer service line connection- 2 @ $2,000.00 = $ 4,000.00 f) Water service line connection — 2 @ $2,000.00 = $ 4,000.00 g) Sidewalk demolition and:replacetnent @ $2,000.00 = $ 2,000.00 License and Pennit Bond Requirement $20,000.00 I am enclosing.a pennit for use on this project. Complete as indicated and return with the appropriate License and Permit Bond. 4. Drawings submitted for approval Final drawings will not be approved for construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utilities issues must be resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings submitted for review and approval. This office will require five -sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved and reflected on the drawings. The drawings will be approved and signed by the City Engineer and by the Director of Carmel Utilities. The Developer /Owner will receive one set, which must be maintained on the construction site. Carmel Utilities will receive two -sets, our Public Works Inspector receives one -set and one -set will be maintained in this office.. 5. Please be advised that any, installation of signs. walls. irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Cannel. This agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. Installations within dedicated right of way will require Board approval. Comments on T.A.C. Revisions 6. Please correct the Utility Listing on the Title Page as follows: • Water — City of Cannel • Sanitary Sewer — City of Carmel It should be noted that Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to Holey Molev. Contact our utility directly for any water and sanitary sewer locates. It would be helpful to indicate this on the plans. 7. Please be advised that reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) is required for any storm sewer installation in the right of way of dedicated streets. 8. Please identify all right of way lines on all drawings. You may still designate the original right of way line if you like. However. we request the newly dedicated Rangelinc Road right of way be designated as existing right of way on all sheets. 9. Our original comment #I5 asked for verification that there would be no open pavement utility cuts on Rangelinc Road. It does not appear there will be. However, please verify this in writing or on the drawings. 10. Have drainage calculations been prepared for this site? I do not recall receiving then. Please share a copy of these calculations. 1. Pavement sections in the right of way must match the existing Rangelinc Road pavement section. Mr. James M. Peck February 6, 2001 Page 3 If you have questions, please feel free to contact Kate Weese, City Engineer or ine at 571 -2441. Dick Hill, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate. Weese, City Engineer (w /o enclosures) John Duffy, Cannel Utilities (w /o enclosures) Laurence.Lillig,.Department of Community Services (w /o enclosures) OJ Stocker, Thompson Thrift Development s:\IT0.JRREVOI\s'ri \ \'ri.J 2 40, co s. Memo DepartIment of Community Services To: Laurence Lillig From: Scott Brewer CC: James Peck, CEC James Nelson, Nelson & Frankenberger Date: 01 /16/01 Re: Revised Landscape Plan'193 -00 DP /ADLS Stewart Place Comments on the revised landscape plan received 1/12/01 are as follows: 1. Planting note #8, "Planting holes to be dug... 6 -8 inches deeper than the size of the root ball ", does not agree with the drawings of Planting Details. The drawings are correct, and the notes should reflect the correct procedure. 2. The crabapple species Malus `Snowdrift' is not an approved variety for planting in this area. Please choose an alternative from the attached list of approved crabapple varieties. 3. Since parking is proposed for the front of each building, street trees should be planted in the City's right -of -way along Rangeline Road. At least four street trees shall be planted, the species may be selected from the attached list of approved large shade tree varieties. 4. At least one more shade tree and three more ornamental trees shall be planted along the North perimeter of the property as landscape buffering. 5. The concrete transformer pad for Building Two needs to be screened from the South and East sides with shrubs or ornamental grasses. 6. Planting note #6 shall have the phase, "and tree preservation plans" inserted before "...with any and all irrigation construction ". 7. Because of the importance of preserving existing trees on this site as landscape buffering, a written Tree Preservation Plan accompanied by a site plan delineating tree preservation details, including but not limited to; limit of construction lines, preservation fencing locations, and material storage and parking areas, needs to be submitted to the City's Urban Forester. The plan shall specifically detail the trees along the South and East perimeters of the property. • Page 1 JAN -16 -2001 16:20 JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHNS PLATT 01-Counsel JANE 8. MERRILL Date: To: Company: Fax: From: Pages: Phone: Notes: NELSON FRANKENBERGER NELSON IIMENOBIBEI A PIONSIONAL S JflP M ATTEN EYSATLAW FAX TRANSM1SSIQN COVER SHEET January 16, 2001 Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. and Scott Brewer, Forrester DOCS 571 -2426 Jessica @ Jim Nelson's Office 2 (including cover sheet) 844 -0106 3178468782 P.01/02 1 3021 EAST 98TH STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 To Whom It May Concern: If you are unable to deliver this facsimile to Scott Brewer, please contact me and J will attempt to locate him elsewhere. Thank You Jessica Bauer ************************************************ * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** The information contained in this facsimile message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader or recipient of this message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent of the intended recipient who is responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you arc hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this comlunication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us by telephone (collect) and return the original message to us at the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service, Receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is not a waiver of an attorney - client or work product privilege. JAN -16 -2001 16:21 JAMES J. NELSON CHARMS D. FRANEMBERGER JAMES E.,swNAVER LAWRENCE J.10IMPER JOH►! B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRELL NELSON FRANKENBERGER 3178468782 P.02/02 NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW • 3021 Emr98th Omar Surrs32+0 kmuivArous, Mem.46 317844 0106 FAX 3174468782 January 16, 2001 REMOVED AN 162001 Mr. Laurence M. LiQig, Jr. DOGS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES Qne Civic Center Carmel, IN 46032 Dear Laurence: I received your fax today regarding Scott's final comments on the revised landscape plan for Stewart Place and after reviewing the comments with my clients, agree and concur with Scott's findings and suggestions. Please contact me with any questions you may have. JJNrmb ntraefaismicaN.Tua NITharapson itrOmpd TOTAL P.02 NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. ELATE of counsel JANE B. MERRILL January 12, 2001 VIA FACSIMILE: 571 -2426 3021 EAST 98th STREET SurrE 220 IN1IANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844-0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. 0oCS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: Please find enclosed a revised Site Plan as presented by Thompson Thrift Development, as reviewed and approved by the Subdivision Committee last Tuesday, January 9, 2001. You will note that Building 2 has been relocated eastward to align with Building 1 and the white dots represent the location of the Crook Style Lighting Fixtures. The six (6) dots located nearest Rangline Road represent the location of the pole mounted fixtures and the three (3) dots nearest the east property line represent the location of the building mounted fixtures. Please contact me should you have any questions. With kindest regards, JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Members of the Subdivision Committee K: \UserUessica\Jim N\Thompson Thrift\LII.I.IG5 wpd December 14, 2000 Mr. Laurence Lillig Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square, Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Stewart Place — 841 Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana Dear Laurence: This letter concerns the final plat for the proposed Stewart Place development located at 841 Rangeline Road. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting was held on November 15, 2000 to discuss the proposed development. Please forward any comments regarding revisions to the final plat so that we may address your needs. Included with the submittal are two (2) sets of revised civil construction plans that depict changes to the site lighting plan per your comments at the TAC meeting. In addition, the plans reflect changes to the landscape plan per comments from Mr. Scott Brewer of your office. On the Landscape Plan (C8.0), the designation of Norwegian pine was changed to reflect Colorado Spruce. If there are any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. at (317) 484 — 4280. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Hurt Project Engineer Cc: Paul Thrift O.J. Stocker Jim Nelson Jim Peck Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Indianapolis Park Fletcher Business Park 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 Phone 317/484 -4280 Fax 317/484 -4284 Toll Free 877/746 -0749 E -mail indianapolis@cec.com Pittsburgh Phone 412/429 -2324 / Toll Free 800/365 -2324 Cincinnati Phone 513/985 -0226 / Toll Free 800/759 -5614 Columbus Phone 614/540 -6633 / Toll Free 888/598 -6808 Nashville Phone 615/371 -0055 / Toll Free 800/763 -2326 Corporate Web Site http: / /www.cecinc.com Civil & .Environmental Consultants Inc' REcomo DEC 18 2000 DOGS TO 2415 Directors Row Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 484 -4280 Toll Free (877) 746 - 0749 FAX (317.) 484 -4284 Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square, Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone 317 -571 -2417 WE ARE SENDING YOU FedEx Shipments l l ATTACHED f SHOP DRAWINGS • LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL }-D-AI E 12/14/00 JOB NO" 200968 e3q� ENTION Mr. Laurence Lillig ■ E: Stewart Place - Carmel, Indiana ❑ SEPARATE COVER VIA FedEx PRINTS n COPY OF LETTER n CHANGE ORDER [1 PLANS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: t l SAMPLES I I SPECIFICATIONS jl FIRST OVERNIGHT ® PRIORITY n STANDARD " 2 "° DAY pi EXPRESS SAVER I I BY 8:00 A.M. OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT BY 4:30 P.M. THE I , 3 BUSINESS DAYS BY 10:00 A.M. BY 3:00 P.M. SECOND BUSINESS DAY COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 12/12/00 Civil construction plans for Stewart Place REMARKS Included are revised construction plans for Stewart Place in Carmel. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY TO File TRANS-1 2- 14 -00 -L ILLIG. DOC SIGNED (a ou.er, Aaron Hurt December 14, 2000 Steven T. Cash Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 -2230 Re: Stewart Place — 841 Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana Dear Steve: This letter is in response to your comments issued on November 16, 2000. Enclosed you should find an Outlet Request Permit Application for the proposed project. Based on your comment letter, the permit is required given that the site is located within the watershed of the JW Hawkins Regulated Drain. If there are any questions regarding the permit application, please contact Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. at (317) 484 — 4280. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Hurt Project Engineer Cc: Paul Thrift O.J. Stocker Jim Nelson Jim Peck Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Indianapolis Park Fletcher Business Park 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 Phone 317/484 -4280 Fax 317/484 -4284 Toll Free 877/746 -0749 E -mail indianapolis@cec.com Pittsburgh Phone 412/429 -2324 / Toll Free 800/365 -2324 Cincinnati Phone 513/985 -0226 / Toll Free 800/759 -5614 Columbus Phone 614/540 -6633 / Toll Free 888/598 -6808 Nashville Phone 615/371 -0055 / Toll Free 800/763 -2326 Corporate Web Site http: / /www.cecinc.com Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2415 Directors Row Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 484 -4280 Toll Free (877) 746 -0749 FAX (317) 484 -4284 TO Hamilton County Surveyor's Office One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 -2230 Phone 317 - 776 -8495 WE ARE SENDING YOU FedEx Shipments ATTACHED LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 12/14/00 JOB N0. 200968 ATTENTION Mr. Steyeni Cash RE: /r;\ )y - '` T� S,tteew art Place — Carmel, Indiana Li R2CERfEr° 1.1 DEC 18 2006 1 1 DOGS ico/ \v ❑ SEPARATE COVER VIA FedEx ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS ❑ PRINTS nCOPY OF LETTER (1 CHANGE ORDER I I PLANS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: [I SAMPLES n SPECIFICATIONS Il FIRST OVERNIGHT ® PRIORITY ri STANDARD II 2 "° DAY ❑ EXPRESS SAVER I I BY 8:00 A.M. OVERNIGHT OVERNIGHT ` I BY 4:30 P.M. THE 3 BUSINESS DAYS BY 10:00 A.M. BY 3:00 P.M. SECOND BUSINESS DAY COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 12/14/00 Civil construction plans for Stewart Place REMARKS Included are revised construction plans for Stewart Place in Carmel. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY To File TRANS- 12 -14 -00 -CASH. DOC SIGNED Aaron Hurt December 14, 2000 Mr. Laurence Lillig Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square, Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 /fig507E g Re: Stewart Place — 841 Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana Dear Laurence: This letter concerns the final plat for the proposed Stewart Place development located at 841 Rangeline Road. A Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) meeting was held on November 15, 2000 to discuss the proposed development. Please forward any comments regarding revisions to the final plat so that we may address your needs. Included with the submittal are two (2) sets of revised civil construction plans that depict changes to the site lighting plan per your comments at the TAC meeting. In addition, the plans reflect changes to the landscape plan per comments from Mr. Scott Brewer of your office. On the Landscape Plan (C8.0), the designation of Norwegian pine was changed to reflect Colorado Spruce. If there are any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. at (317) 484 — 4280. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Hurt Project Engineer Cc: Paul Thrift O.J. Stocker . Jim Nelson Jim Peck Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Indianapolis Park Fletcher Business Park 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 Phone 317/484 -4280 Fax 317/484 -4284 Toll Free 877/746 -0749 E -mail indianapolis@cec.com Pittsburgh Phone 412/429 -2324 / Toll Free 800/365 -2324 Cincinnati Phone 513/985 -0226 / Toll Free 800/759 -5614 Columbus Phone 614/540 -6633 / Toll Free 888/598 -6808 Nashville Phone 615/371 -0055 / Toll Free 800/763 -2326 Corporate Web Site http: / /www.cecinc.com iii Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2415 Directors Row Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 484 -4280 Toll Free (877) 746 -0749 FAX (317) 484 -4284 TO Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square, Third Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone 317 -571 -2417 WE ARE SENDING YOU FedEx Shipments I I ATTACHED I] SHOP DRAWINGS I I COPY OF LETTER fFIRST OVERNIGHT I I BY 8:00 A.M. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 12/14/00 JOB No. 200968 ATTENTION Mr. Laurence Lillig RE: Stewart Place — Carmel, Indiana LI `J pre - vED Ig H 2000 Dots j ''\ SEPARATE COVER VIA FedEx 1 1 PRINTS C CHANGE ORDER PRIORITY OVERNIGHT BY 10:00 A.M. 1 1 PLANS SAMPLES 7 TNE-FOLLO VING �dITEMS: I I SPECIFICATIONS ❑STANDARD OVERNIGHT BY 3:00 P.M. ❑ 2N0 DAY I EXPRESS SAVER I BY 4:30 P.M. THE 3 BUSINESS DAYS SECOND BUSINESS DAY COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 12/12/00 Civil construction plans for Stewart Place REMARKS Included are revised construction plans for Stewart Place in Carmel. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY TO File TRANS- 12- 14- 00- L ILLIG. DOC SIGNED A a.L.ev, sue. Aaron Hurt VAUGHN A. WAMSLEY Attorney At Law 851 South Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 846 -1080 (317) 581- 1234 (FAX) December 12, 2000 David A. Cremeans, President Windows. & Siding of Indianapolis 5041 West 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46268 Re: Stewart Place December 19, 2000 (Public Hearing) Dear Mr. Cremeans: I am Vaughn Wamsley, the. .owner of the professional office building located at 851 S. Rangeline Road, and immediately adjacent to the proposed development being presented on December 19, 2000, as Stewart Place. I endorse the redevelopment of the three (3) adjacent parcels and specifically the proposed plan as offered by Thompson Thrift Development. However, I am deeply concerned with one feature of the proposed plan, namely the placement of "Building 2 near the street and in front of my office building. The location of "Building 2" forward of my office substantially reduces the visibility of my office building and monument identification sign. In addition, the location of "Building 2" reduces and obstructs the visibility of those persons exiting my site, especially those who choose to turn south on Rangeline Road. Further, the building's location may even pose a greater safety threat for those who are exiting Stewart Place, whether choosing to proceed south or north. Finally, I believe the position of - "Building 2" as shown on the site plan would materially effect the overall continuity of the buildings located on the east side of Rangeline Road. I have explained my concern to Mr. Nelson and have asked him to discuss with his client the relocation of this building eastward to align with "Building 1 ". I appreciate your consideration of my concern and request this letter be read into the record on December 19, 2000 or a copy made available to each member of the Planning Commission. Thank you. Very truly yours, fr< Vaughn A. Wamsley Attorney At Law cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Department of Community Services One Civic Center Carmel, IN 46032 James J. Nelson NELSON & FRANKENBERGER 3021 E. 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 William W. Knowles Knowles & Assoc. 811 S. Rangeline Road Carmel, IN 46032 VAW:jmg JAN -12 -2001 16:06 ahNELSON FRANKENBERGER JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER LAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B FLATT Of Counsel JANE B. MERRILL Date: To: Company: Fax: From: Pages: Phone: Notes: APO. MINION ATTIIIJIY$AT UN FAX TRAISNi[SSTN COVER SHEET January 12, 2001 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 571 -2426 Jessica @ Jim Nelson's Office 3 (including cover sheet) 844 -0106 3178468782 P.01/02 i 0 �9 *fir � 10 0 3021 EAST 4 �T SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280. 317- 844-0106 FAX 317 - 846 -8782 ************************************************ ** * ** * * **** * * * *e * * * ** * * * * ** *4 ** The information contained in this facsimile message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader or recipient of this message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent of the intended recipient who is responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this comrrivaieatiotl in error, please notify us by telephone (collect) and return the original message to us at the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service. Receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is not a waiver of an attorney -client or work product privilege. JAN -12 -2001 16:06 NELSON FRANKENBERGER Nl ILSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J NELSON CHARLES D. FRANEENBERGER JAMES E SAVER lAWEENCE J. KEMPER JOAN B. F1ATr or mmet JANE B. MERRILL January 12, 2001 VIA FACSIMILE: 5714426 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 3178468782 P.02/02 3021 &sr 98th SmaT Sores 7.20 Drone, ltmuru 462$0 317444O1M FAX: 317446$782 0008 Ol Dear Laurence: Please find enclosed a revised Site Plan as presented by Thompson Thrift Development, as reviewed and approved by the Subdivision Committee last Tuesday, January 9, 2001. You will note that Building 2 has been relocated eastward to align with Building 1 and the white dots represent the location of the Crook Style Lighting Fixtures. The six (6) dots located nearest Rangline Road represent the location of the pole mounted fixtures and the three (3) dots nearest the east property line represent the location of the building mounted fixtures. Please contact me should you have any questions. With kindest regards, rnvrmb Enclosure cc: Members of the Subdivision Committee KAUrea sicalim Whampson Thriflv n.vaind TOTAL P.02 JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATr of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW January 10, 2001 -Mr. Laurence M. - L'illig, Jr: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOIJS,INDIANA 46280 317 - 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Please accept this letter as the formal amendment to the plans presented by Thompson Thrift Development to the Subdivision Committee last evening. 1. Building #2 will be relocated eastward to align with Building #1. 2. The exterior lighting fixtures will be the Crook Style Fixtures as represented on page 11 of the informational booklet. Six (6) light fixtures will be pole mounted on fifteen (15') foot poles and three (3) will be wall mounted. As further confirmation of this amendment, Jim Peck will be filing with you no later than Friday, a revised site plan showing the relocation of Building #2 and other relevant information regarding the revised, lighting plan. Should you have any questions, please contact me:, JJN /jmb cc: Members of the Subdivision Committee K:1UserUessica\Jim N\Thompson Thrift\lillig Itr8:wpd With kin est regards, . Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL December 22, 2000 Members of the Carmel Plan Commission RE: Thompson Thrift Development - Stewart Place 3021.EAs7 98th STREET SUITE 220 IIDIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844 -0106 FAX:,317- 846 -8782 As a follow -up to the hearing last Tuesday. as presented by Thompson Thrill Development for Stewart Place. please accept the following update in anticipation of the Subdivision Committee meeting on January 9, 2001. Mr. Stalker is scheduling a meeting with David Adamson, the neighbor who spoke at the public hearing. As learned in a brief meeting following the hearing, Mr. Adamson lives directly behind the law office of Vaughn Wamsley and his only concern is whether or not the landscaping extends around the southeast corner of the property. We will be meeting with him personally to discuss the matter in greater detail. 2. Please find enclosed an enlarged and more legible landscape plan. Also please find enclosed a black and white drawing reflecting the site plan if building #2 were to align with Building #1 as suggested by Wamsley and Knowles' neighbors. 4. The Lighting Plan for Stewart Place provides for three (3) types of fixtures as follows: A. Fixture A (page 9 of booklet) Height of 25' B. Fixture G (page 11 of booklet) Height of 12' C. Fixture D (page 13 of booklet) Height of 15' . Merry Christmas! JJN /jmh Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. ✓ Ramona Hancock I; `1'scr`I,}aca IfniN:411( ) \1 (()\ pc lir With kindest -..r • JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW December 20, 2000 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: Ocs\N% DV 30298th Sin l Surre 220 1,�j� INDIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 '-73,17-844-0106Y F`X':31I- 846 8782 In connection with the Re -plat Application of TT Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development), which is being determined administratively, please find enclosed the list of all owners of property within the platted residential area known as Newark Village and in addition thereto, all property owners certified by the Auditor of Hamilton County within Six Hundred Sixty (660') feet or Two (2) properties deep, whichever is less. Please find enclosed the Notice and Proof of Mailing to all persons on each list. Please be aware when a property owner appeared on each list, I only mailed one Notice: Should you have any questions, please contact me. • JJN /jmb Enclosure 1 • )1 ti''I'honi; n lo With Tciest regards, December 14, 2000 Craig Parks Carmel Department of Engineering 1 Civic Square, First Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Stewart Place — 841 Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana Dear Craig: This letter is in response to concerns raised during the Technical Advisory Committee meeting held on November 15, 2000. The following revisions were made to the proposed civil construction plans to meet these concerns. ■ Concrete curb is shown surrounding the perimeter of the proposed parking lot. • Details of all revisions to Rangeline Road are shown. • The proposed right -of -way of Rangeline Road is clearly identified. • New improvements to Rangeline Road have been noted. The two (2) sets of civil construction plans included with this submittal depict those items previously identified. If there are any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. at (317) 484 — 4280. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Hurt Project Engineer Cc: Paul Thrift O.J. Stocker Jim Nelson Jim Peck Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Indianapolis Park Fletcher Business Park 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 Phone 317/484 -4280 Fax 317/484 -4284 Toll Free 877/746 -0749 E -mail indianapolis@cec.com Pittsburgh Phone 412/429 -2324 / Toll Free 800/365 -2324 Cincinnati Phone 513/985 -0226 / Toll Free 800/759 -5614 Columbus Phone 614 /540 -6633 / Toll Free 888/598 -6808 Nashville Phone 615 /371 -0055 / Toll Free 800/763 -2326 Corporate Web Site http: / /www.cecinc.com NIL Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2415 Directors Row Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 484 -4280 Toll Free (877) 746 -0749 FAX (317) 484 -4284 TO Carmel Department of Engineering 1 Civic Square, First Floor Carmel, Indiana 46032 Phone 317 -571 -2441 WE ARE SENDING YOU FedEx Shipments I I ATTACHED • LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 12/14/00 Jos No 200968 ATTENTION Mr. Craig Parks RE: Stewart Place - Carmel, Indiana 4 "c 18 9n 1.,'1 { oocs ,w It/ 17 SEPARATE COVER VIA FedEx ❑ SHOP DRAWINGS n PRINTS I1 COPY OF LETTER n CHANGE ORDER Y 1 1 PLANS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: nSAMPLES n SPECIFICATIONS (l FIRST OVERNIGHT 17,- PRIORITY I� STANDARD BY 8:00 A.M. OVERNIGHT I I OVERNIGHT BY 10:00 A.M. BY 3:00 P.M. 2" DAY (�I EXPRESS SAVER BY 4:30 P.M. THE ' 13 BUSINESS DAYS SECOND BUSINESS DAY COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 12/12/00 Civil construction plans for Stewart Place REMARKS Included are revised construction plans for Stewart Place in Carmel. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY TO File TRANS -12- 14-00- PARKS.DOC SIGNED Aaron Hurt December .14, 2000 Mr. John South Hamilton County Soil Conservation Service 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Re: Stewart Place — 841 Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana Dear John: This letter is in response to concerns raised during the Technical Advisory Committee meeting held on November 15, 2000. Revisions have been made to the construction plans to show a proposed yard inlet on the north side of proposed Building One at Stewart Place. The two (2) sets of civil construction plans included with this submittal depict the revisions. If there are any questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. at (317) 484 — 4280. Respectfully Submitted, Aaron Hurt Project Engineer Cc: Paul Thrift O.J. Stocker Jim Nelson Jim Peck Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. Indianapolis Park Fletcher Business Park 2415 Directors Row, Suite E Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 Phone 317/484 -4280 Fax 317/484 -4284 Toll Free 877/746 -0749 E -mail indianapolis @cec.com Pittsburgh Phone 412/429 -2324 / Toll Free 800/365 -2324 Cincinnati Phone 513/985 -0226 / Toll Free 800/759 -5614 Columbus Phone 614/540 -6633 / Toll Free 888/598 -6808 Nashville Phone 615/371 -0055 / Toll Free 800/763 -2326 Corporate Web Site http: / /www.cecinc.com Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc. 2415 Directors Row Indianapolis, Indiana 46241 (317) 484 -4280 Toll Free (877) 746 -0749 FAX (317) 484 -4284 TO Hamilton County Soil Conservation Service 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Phone 317 - 484 -4280 WE ARE SENDING YOU FedEx Shipments [I ATTACHED a LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL DATE 12/14/00 JOB No' 200968 ATTENTION Mr. John South RE: Stew_ .art- P- lace,Carmel, Indiana ���5 i Ref;' biz 8U 0 U 'C 4 ®0 iT) ,_ -. fSEPARATE COVER VIA ' FedEx nSHOP DRAWINGS n PRINTS I-I PLANS THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: rSAMPLES n SPECIFICATIONS I�I COPY OF LETTER n CHANGE ORDER fI FIRST OVERNIGHT ® PRIORITY rj STANDARD I7 Zoo DAY I�I EXPRESS SAVER BY 8:00 A.M. OVERNIGHT ` I OVERNIGHT I I BY 4:30 P.M. THE I 13 BUSINESS DAYS BY 10:00 A.M. BY 3:00 P.M. SECOND BUSINESS DAY COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION 2 12/12/00 Civil construction plans for Stewart Place REMARKS Included are revised construction plans for Stewart Place in Carmel. Please call if you have any questions. Thanks. COPY TO File TRANS- 12 -14 -00- SOUTH. DOC SIGNED 441A-errs 1.3.A.A.a Aaron Hurt DEC -11 -2000 16:36 NELSON FRANKENBERGER • JAMES J. NE.1,NON CHARLES 1).TKANKl N111 {R(iI:R JAMES li, SI IINAVNR LAWRENC7: J. KEMl'I?I1 RAIN l3 ELATE Of Counsel JAN: I3. MI {RRILL Date: To: Company: Fax: From: Pages: Phone: Notes: NBANN AINALINRAT=N MONEYS AT LAW FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET December 11, 2000 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES 317/571.2426 Jessica a Jim Nelson's Office 2 (including cover sheet) 844 -0106 • 3178468782 P.01/02 3021 EAST 98111 STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, U1DIANA 46280 317-844 0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 j -q Cc11 2000 DOGS *************** s******* * * * * * * * *** ** * * * * *** * * * * ** * * * *** *** * * *n * * * **** * * * * * * ** ** The information contained in this facsimile message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader or recipient of this message is not the intended recipient or an employee or agent of the intended recipient who is responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient. you arc hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or coping of-this eomrmunicalion is strictly prohibited, If you have received this communication in error, Please notify us by telephone (collect) and return the original message to us a1 the above indicated address via the U.S. Postal Service. Receipt by anyone other than the intended recipient is not a waiver of an attorney - client or work product privilege, DEC -11 -2000 16:37 NELSON FRANKENBERGER • NELSON A PINISIIIIMI PIM= Ail=ATUW JAMES J. NI;(u)N CI1,1R1.rx D. I•'ItANI. ENIIIiRCIF.R JAMES E. SIIIN, VFR I. W11IsNCEJ. I EMPER JOHN II, 1 +1. \'1'I' (1r courem JANE II. A1IsRRI1.I. December 11, 2000 VIA FACSIMILE: 317/571 -2426 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: 3178468782 P.02/02 3021 EAST 98711 STRE T SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46250 317 - 6440106 FAX: 3174464782 Following our conversation last week regarding the informational booklets for Stewart Place by Thompson Thrift Development, 1 have confirmed the following: 1. The correct landscape plan is the one included in the booklet in black and white form. The rendered exhibit was prepared prior to the plan change providing an additional four (4) feet of right- of.way as requested by the City of Carmel. Therefore, please consider only the black and white exhibit with respect to landscaping. 2. I will bring to the meeting a rendering of the trash refuse area; 3. The textured, split face block will be of an initial color matching the red brick. Should you have any questions, please contact me. With kindest regards, JJN /jmb F 'we chm N'Thnmpxon TINA It Iin TOTAL P.02 JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAW of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW December 11, 2000f� Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: 3021 Ensr98th Sir Sur►E 220 IND ANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 On December 19, 2000, TT Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development), will present to the Carmel Plan Commission, its Development Plan/ADLS Application, Docket No. 193-00 - DP /ADLS. Please find enclosed, a Proof of Mailing, Proof of Publication, and. Affidavit as mailed to the surrounding property owners as provided by the Auditor of Hamilton County. If you should have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. indest regards, JJN /jmb Enclosure 1;,t IserUessica Jim P1llhompson 7hrih IUlig ltrs Nelson JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL Members of the Plan Commission: NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW ! � ■ December 7, 2000 I. 3021 EAST 98th SrREer SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 On Tuesday, December 18, 2000, Thompson Thrift Development will present to the Plan Commission, for public hearing its Development Plan/ADLS Application (Docket #193-00 - DP/ADLS) (hereafter "Application "), pursuant to the requirements of the B -7 Business District Classification for Lots 9, 10, and 11 in Newark Village and commonly known as 821, 831 and 841 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana 46032. The Application requests approval to construct a two - building office retail complex to be known as Stewart Place pursuant to the plans filed with the Department of Community Services and contained within the enclosed informational booklet. The first building to be constructed will be the new location of Sherwin- Williams following its vacation of existing space in the soon to be razed Kroger Shopping Center. I look forward to seeing you on the 18th and thank you for your valuable service to the community. With kindest regards, JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: ✓Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Ramona Hancock 1': 1'srr.Icssiea..iim N7hompson'I'hiill I'( 11r NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FIATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL December 7, 2000 Members of the Plan Commission: 3021 E, sr 98th Sir SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 r� r ' On Tuesday, December 18, 2000, Thompson Thrift Development will present to the Plan Commission for public hearing its Development Plan/ADLS Application (Docket #193-00 - DP/ADLS) (hereafter "Application "), pursuant to the requirements of the B -7 Business District Classification for Lots 9, 10, and 11 in Newark Village and commonly known as 821, 831 and 841 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana 46032. The Application requests approval to construct a two - building office retail complex to be known as Stewart Place pursuant to the plans filed with the Department of Community Services and contained within the enclosed informational booklet. The first building to be constructed will be the new location of Sherwin- Williams following its vacation of existing space in the soon to be razed Kroger Shopping Center. I look forward to seeing you on the 18i1' and thank you for your valuable service to the community. With kindest regards, JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Ramona Hancock Prl'ser Jessica Jim NThompsnn llmll I'(' hr ® NELSON FRANIENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHENAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRI LL December 6, 2000 Dear Property Owner: „ I 3021 En' -08th Slur ( V t l 1,1ND 46280 �� n 317- 844 -0106 ©.) FAX: 317_846 -8782 Phil Stewart/Thompson Thrift Development has filed with the Department of Community Services, Carmel, Indiana (3 17/57.1- 2417), an application to re -plat Lots 9, 10, and 11 of Newark Village (Docket No. 194- 00 -SP), fronting on S. Rangeline Road and with a common address of821, 831 and 841 S. Rangeline Roa , Carmel, Indiana 46032. The request provides for the consolidation of the 3 lots into a single lot. The Application and corresponding file is available for review in the Office of the Department of Community Services (One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, #317 -571 -2417) and property owners who receive this notice shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Director or comment on the request on or before December 19, 2000. With kindest regards, James J. Nelson JJN /jmb I +scr .lcssica'.Jim M: Iltompson 'I brill leiter to property owners JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHJNAVER LAWRENCE. J. KEMPER JOHN B.,FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRJLL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW December 6, 2000 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr.. DEPARTMENT-OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 3021 EAST 98th SWEET Sung 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 RECEIVED DEC 7 2000 DOCS Dear Laurence: In connection with the re -plat of Lots 9, 10, and 11 of Newark Village, as requested by Phil Stewart /Thompson Thrill Development, please find enclosed the Notice which I propose to mail to each property owner as suggested on the returned map provided by you. Should you have any questions, please contact me. With kindest regards, James J. Nelson JJN /jmb Enclosure 1 U'sex 'Jessica Jim N'\ Ihnmpson I'hrill'Iillig hr4 NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRLLL December 6, 2000 Dear Property Owner: 3021 EAST 98th STREET Sum 220 INDLLNApous, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 rFAX: 31T-846-S782 �_ Phil Stewart/Thompson Thrift Development has filed with the Department of Community Services, Carmel, Indiana (317/571- 2417), an application to re -plat Lots 9, 10, and 11 of Newark Village (Docket No. 194- 00 -SP), fronting on S. Rangeline Road and with a common address of 821,. 831 and 841 S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana 46032. The request provides for the consolidation of the 3 lots into a single lot. The Application and corresponding file is available for review in the Office of the Department of Community Services (One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, #317 -571 -2417) and property owners who receive this notice shall have the right to appeal the decision of the Director or comment on the request on or before December 19, 2000. With kindest regards, James J. Nelson JJN /jmb P:' ( !ser•.Jessica' Jim N`: Thompson 'Thrill Icier to property owners JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A. PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW November 27, 2000 Mr. Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One. Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: 3021 EAsr 98th STREET Surre 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 In connection with determining the persons to be notified regarding the amended plat for Lots 9, 10 & 11 in Newark Village (Thompson Thrift - Stewart Place), please find enclosed the tax map from the Hamilton County Department of Transfer and Mapping. Could you please identify on the map and return to me what property owners you feel should be notified regarding the re-plat? I have enclosed a return envelope for your convenience. Thank you. JJN /jmb Enclosure lscrIcssica \.Iim N\ Thompson 'I'hri11\lillig 11r3 With kindest regards, NELSON FRANIKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 22, 2000 Mr Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: 3021 Ensr 98th STREET SurtE 220 NDIANAPOIUS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782. In connection with the Development Plan/ADLS Application (Docket #.193 -00 -DP /ADLS) of TT Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development), please find enclosed the list of property owners as certified by the Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana and a copy of the Notice of Public Hearing as forwarded to the Noblesville Ledger for publication and mailing to each of the required property owners. If you should have any questions, please contact me. Thank you. With kindest.regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JJN /jmb Enclosure F: \l1scr \Jcssicn \lim NV hompson hr_' Johnson, Sue E From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Lillig, Laurence M Tuesday, November 21, 2000 9:57 AM Johnson, Sue E Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, D Newark Addition, Lots 9 -11 (Docket Nos. 193 -00 DP /ADLS & 194 -00 SP) The following Docket Nos. have been assigned and fees assessed for the Development Plan, ADLS, and Replat petitions filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger on behalf of Thompson Thrift Development for Newark Addition, Lots 9 -11: 193-00 DP /ADLS petitions filed on or prior to 11/06/2000 ($500.00 + ($25.00 * 1.255 ±)) + $500.00 = $1031.00 194-00 SP petitions filed on or prior to 11/06/2000 $400.00 Total: $1431.00 For the Replat, the petitioner must prepare a Certified mailing to all property owners within the Newark Addition, and any Interested Parties as defined in the Plan Commission's Rules of Procedure who may fall outside Section 1 advising them of the action being taken with respect to these lots. Though there will be no Public Hearing on this matter, the correspondence must advise them 1) that the file is available for public review at the Department, and 2) that they have ten (10) days from the postmarked date to appeal the matter to the Director of the Department of Community Services. Proof of Notice must be submitted to the Department before the replat receives Administrative approval. Published notice will not be required. The Public Hearing for Docket No. 193 -00 DP /ADLS will be scheduled on the December 19, 2000, Plan Commission agenda. Sue Ellen, please contact Mr. Nelson at 844 -0106 with this information. LAURENCE M. LILLIG, IR. PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 317.571.2417 317.571.2426 (FAx) LLI LLIG @C I.CARMEL.IN.US 1 4 `� NOV 16 '00 07:12PM • • c:1101Ei 011'S Opp ) P. 1/1 .1'4: • 5 . James Peck CEC Inc. :Ken(on C, 'trand? Surveyor 'Prime (317) 77,6-8495 'Fax C3 r') 7 7 6.4 28 u iic 1 88 One .1linnilton c:'oruity )roblesville, Indiana 4aoc;0-12.30 o, DOCS November 16, 2000 Re: Newark lots 9— 11 (Stewart Place) This letter is a follow up to the comments made at the Carmel TAC meeting. 1. This project is located within the watershed of the JW Hawkins Regulated Drain. Therefore, an Outlet Request Permit is required for this project. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office at 776-8495. Sinc 1 , Cc: Carmel DOCS Carmel Eng. SCS Co. Hwy Steven T. Cash Plan Reviewer 11/13/2000 16:42 317- 776 -1101 LTON COUNTY' CONSERVATION DISTRICT November 13,.2000 :.Mr. James Nelson Nelson and Frankenberger 3021 East. 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis,; IN 46280 Tie: Stewart Place ear Mr. Nelson: • I have reviewed the proposed site plan and have the following comment: HAMILTON CO USDA PAGE • 03 317= 773 =2181 Fax: 317- 776 -1101 1:108 South 90' Street • Noblesville • IN •.46060 -3745 i. I would recommend a yard inlet along the north property lime to minimize storm water fiow•toward the adjoining property. Should you have questions about this comment, please give me a call. Sincerely, .. John t. South P.P.. • Conservation Engineer L. Lillig S. Cash File .CONSERVATION DEV ,ELOPMENT SELF - GOVERNMENT AN EQUAL OVPARTUNI1Y EMPLOYER' City of C Now mber 13, 2000 Mr. James J. Nelson Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 East 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Stewart Place Dear Jim: (Al • rmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING Our office has reviewed the construction plans for the above mentioned project, and we offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION I. The project site is located within City of Carmel Corporate Limits, 2. Jurisdictions: • Streets and Right of Way — City of Carmel • Water - City of Carmel • Sanitary Se►vcrs and Storm Sewers — City of Carmel 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approvals • Commercial curb cut • Temporary construction drive curb cut • Any improvement installed ►yithin the dedicated right of way I am enclosing a schedule for Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for you use. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Plan Commission and /or Board of Zoning Appeals and completion of project review by the Technical Advisory committee. All written requests to he placed on the ,Board's agenda must include the date (or dates) of approval br the Plan Commission and /or ]3ZA. 4. Water and Sanitary Sewer Connection Fees: a) Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor tables from Section 9 -35 (water) and 9- 200 (sanitary) of our City Ordinance. and adjustments will need to be made from residential to retail space. The Connection Fees are $ 1.3 10.00 per EDU for ►rater and 5795.00 per EDU for sanitary. Based on the provided information, (12.400 SFT retail space) the following connection fees are applicable for this development: 12.400 SFT irr; 1 E.D.U. / 1.000 SFT = Credit for existing three residential lots = 12.4 EDU 3.0 EDU 9.4 EDU Water Connection = 9.4 EDU ci. $1.310.00 / EDU = Sanitary Connection = 9.4 EDU (n:; 5795.00 / EDU = 512,314.00 $7.473.00 $19.787.00 5. T.A.C. Review/Drawings submitted for approval: We request that all comments and comment letters generated by this office be answered in writing and be accompanied by a drawing reflecting requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2441 • .• construction until all issues have been resolved. All Carmel Utility issues must also be resolved. The design engineer must certify all drawings subiitted for review. This office will require five (5) sets of approved drawings after all issues have been resolved. The drawings will be stamped approved and signed by both the City Engineer and by the Director of Carmel Utilities. The Developer /Owner will receive one (1) set which must be maintained on the construction site. Cannel Utilities will receive two (2) sets. Our Public Works Inspector will receive one (1) set and one (1) set will be maintained in the Department of Engineering. If the Developer /Owner wishes more than one set to be signed. the additional sets must be submitted with the five (5) required sets. 6. Please be advised that any installation of signs; walls, irrigation systems, etc. within dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Carmel. The Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety Approval. Installations within dedicated City right of way requires separate Board of Public Works and Safety Approval. 7. I am including copies of: • Subdivision and Commercial Project Approval Procedures • Performance Release Procedure • Permit Data, Contacts, etc. • Commercial Permitting Procedures I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. 8. In addition to the "Holey Moley" notation on the sheets; reference should be made to the fact that Carmel Utilities does not subscribe to "Holey Molcy' and should be contacted directly for all sanitary sewer and water main locations. New City street lights also exist in this vicinity; and Will not be located by Holey Moley. Please include a note to contact our office regarding location of street light facilities. 9. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project. All drawings submitted for review and approval must be certified by the design engineer. PROJECT COMMENTS 10. The current plan does not appear to include curbing the entire parking lot please revise these plans to include curb around all paved surfaces. 1 I. Please include details of all revisions to Rangeline Road, such as dri..'e.and curb modifications. Specifically, the drives /depressed curb installed at far north and south portion of This property. 12. As mentioned above, both the temporary construction drive and permanent drive will require Board of Public Works and Safety approval. 13. Please identify the new Right of Way limits for Rangeline Road, and label all setback requirements based on this new Right of Way. 14. Are two towers featured? If so, please label both. If two towers aren't planned, what does the symbol on the SW corner of the property represent'? 15. As we understand it, there will be no pavement cuts made on this project for utility hook -ups. Please verify. 16. Our office would prefer the chairback curb be removed with a concrete saw for the new drive, keeping the existing gutter flowline in place. 17. Please show all newly constructed portions of Rangeline Road as they currently exist. The plans submitted to our office did not represent a widened roadway. The above comments arc based on the Engineering Department's thorough review. Please provide our office with a follow up letter and revised plans. indicating all revisions. A second review will focus only on revised items. 11 is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re- • • submitted, particularly if any such changes are considered "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact Dick Hill or me at 571 -2441. Sincerely, Cc. m Craig M. Parks Assistant City Engineer •Cc: Kate Weese, City Engineer Dick Hill, Assistant Director of Engineering Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services John Duffy, Carmel Utilities CARMELICLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: November 15, 2000 hoc, �0 Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room -'3rd Floor Carmel City Hall 9:00 a.m. 96th Street Office Campus (UV- 176 -00) The site is located northwest of East 96th Street and Day Drive. The site is zoned S- 2 /residence. Filed by Charles D. Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for Paragus Partners. 9:25 a.m. Brooks Landing at Prairie View, Section 1, Lots 15 & 16 (179 -00 SP; V- 208 -00) The site is located at 13107 & 13109 Franklin Hall Trail. The site is zoned S- 1 /residence. Filed by Allan H. Weihe of Weihe Engineering for Zeller Construction. 9:30 a.m. Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 1— Osco Drug (180 -00 SP; 181 -00 ADLS; SU- 198 -00; V- 199-00 through V- 205 -00) The site is located at 5790 East 1315[ Street. The site is zoned B -3 /business. Filed by J. Murray Clark of Clark Quinn Moses & Clark for American Partners. 10:00 a.m. Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 6 — Children's World Learning Center (182 -00 SP; 183- 00 ADLS; SU- 206 -00; V- 207 -00) The site is located at 13320 Hazel Dell Parkway. The site is zoned B -3 /business. Filed by Darren T. Pittman of Falcon Engineering for Aramark Education. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Newark, Lots 9 -11— Stewart Place (SP; DP /ADLS) The site is located at 841 South Range Line Road. The site is zoned B -7 /business. Filed by James J. Nelson of Nelson & Frankenberger for Thompson Thrift Development. Mayflower Park Sewer & Water Extension (Construction Plans) The site is located west of West 99th Street and Michigan Road. The site is zoned I- 1 /industrial. Filed by Greg Snelling of CSO Engineers. ,'Jtd,j h=j,j'; ie Eastern Pipeline Co. has no company Facilities involved in this project use for ?r�. Date /O/c J%CC Carmel Po nc Depari meni October 24, 2000 James J. Nelson Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 E. 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 care 46032 RE: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Nelson: I have received and reviewed the information for the above- mentioned project. At the present time, 'I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb 424 cc: Dept. of Community Services (317) 571-2500 A Nationally Accredited Law Enforcement Agency Fax (317) 571 - 2512 • • C ity of C ,a r mel James J. Nelson Nelson and Frankenberger 3021 East 98th St. Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Stewart Place Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Stewart Place and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Are any of the proposed buildings to be sprinklered buildings? If so a meeting is requested to to discuss the location of the fire department connection(s). 2. We are requesting knox boxes be provided for all commercial buildings and the site's clubhouse for emergency access. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: October 23, 2000 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property JAMES J. NELSON CILARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOhIN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRIL;L NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW October 19, 2000 Mr. Laurcncc M. Lillig, Jr. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES One Civic Center Carmel IN 46032 Dear Laurence: 3021 EAST 98th &rr Sung 220 INDIA Brous, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846-8782 Please find enclosed for filing with the Carmel Plan Commission, the following applications. of T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stcwart: 1. Rcplat, Application; 2. Development Plan Application; and. 3. ADLS Application. The real estate, subject to the applications, contains in the aggregate 1.25 acres and is commonly known as 821, 831, and 841 S. Rangclinc Road, and is zoned B -7 Business District. The development to be known-as Stewart Place will be developed pursuant to the plans filed simultaneously herewith and will be used for retail commercial /office uses. Enclosed are transmittal letters to each member of the Technical Advisory Committee, having jurisdictional interest in this matter. Bascd upon the timely filing of this application, I am hopeful that-the following schedule can be met: A. Technical Advisory Committee November 15., 2000; and B. Carmel Plan Commission - December' 19, 2000. Following your review, please feel free to contact me. JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F: \Oser\Jessica \Jim NCI'hompson Thrill \liiIig l6 With.kindest regards', NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 0 ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON O d� ��O CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER ��� cz ° JAMES E. SHINAVER • LAWRENCE J. TEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Steve Cash Hamilton County Surveyor One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, Indiana 46060 • 3021 EAsr 98th STREET Surre 220 INDIANAPOIJS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317-846-8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Cash: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. 1 have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James- J. Ne'lson JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker 1 ^\ iscr\lcssica\.lim MThompsnn Thrill TAC lIrs NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 925 Division Street, Room 103 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 3021 Easy 9846 STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. South: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. l have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker \IJscr\Jc,sica \Jim N\ Thompson Thrift \TA(' Itrs NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRRILL October 19, 2000 Dick Hill /Craig Parks Department of Engineering One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 3021 EAST 98th Sir SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Hill and Mr. Parks: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. 1 have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F: \lJscr \Jcssica \.lim N7hompsnn Thrill 'JA(' his • NELSON • FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRJLL October 19, 2000 Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1 Two Carmel Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SUITE 220 IMMANArous, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Hoyt: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. elson JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F: \1 scrVcssicaVim N\'I'hompson'1'hrilri:fA(' Ihs NELSON • FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Michael Fogarty Office of Police Chief Three Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 3021 Easr 98th S R r Sum 220 INOwvArous, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Fogarty: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, 1 SQN & FRANKENBERGER JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker tacr\Jcssica\JimN\Thompson Ihr1II FACItrs • NELSON • FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLAT'. of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Paul Pace Carmel City Utilities 130 First Ave SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Pace: 3021 Ensr 98th Snr SuerE 220 Ir4DIM APOUs, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James- . N \son JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker } : \User \Jessica \.Tim N\Thompson Thrift lA(' hrs NELSON F'RANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATr of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Larry Castetter PSI 1441 South Guilford Carmel, Indiana 46032 -7563 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Castetter: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson. Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Neon JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F; \l tscr \Jcssica\Jim N\Thompson ThriliVfAC Ctrs NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. ME.RRI LLL October 19, 2000 Mary Schultz Indiana Gas Company PO Box 1700 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 3021 EAST 98th SSFREET SUITE 220 INOIANAPOUS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846.8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Ms. Schultz: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F:\ Iscr Jessica \.lim N, Thompson 'Thrift: FA(' Itrs James J Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERR[LL October 19, 2000 Greg Cammack Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 3021 EAST 98th STREET Sulu 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Cammack: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. 1 have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker I : \l Iscr \.Icssica \im ■Thompson Thrift\TAC hrs NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SIIINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Robert Hendricks Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee 18100 Cumberland Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 -1624 3021 Easr 98th SniEEr Sulu 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Hendricks: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide fora retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker It:U Jscr \cssica\Jim N1'I'hompson 'I lmfl 'I'AC Itrs NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES. D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOHN B. FI<.ATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Bill Akers Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue N.W. Carmel, Indiana 46032 3021 EAST 98th Steer Sung 220 INDIANAPOLJS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Akers: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F:\Uscr\.Jcssica\Jim N\ Thompson 'I hrifl\TA(' lirs NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER LAWRENCE J. KEMPER JOIN B. FLATT of counsel JANE B. MERRILL October 19, 2000 Scott Brewer Dept. of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 3021 Ensr 98th Steer SurrE 220 INDLANnrous, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Re: T T Commercial One (Thompson Thrift Development/Phillip Stewart) Dear Mr. Brewer: Please find enclosed for your review, the Plans of Thompson Thrift Development, for the small 1.25 acre parcel of real estate commonly known as 821, 831, and 841, S. Rangeline Road, Carmel, Indiana. The plans provide for a retail commercial /office development containing 2 buildings to be known as Stewart Place. I have requested placement of this matter on the November 15, 2000, Technical Advisory Committee agenda. During your review, please feel free to contact me at 844 -0106 or Jim Peck at 484 -4284. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER Jamesl. Nelson JJN /jmb Enclosure cc: Laurence M. Lillig, Jr. Paul Thrift Jim Peck O.J. Stocker F:\uservessicaVim M'lhompson Thrill \TA(' lirs