HomeMy WebLinkAbout236869 09/10/14 t CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 368450 ONE CIVIC SQUARE HOUSE REYNOLDS & FAUST, LLP CHECK AMOUNT: 6*****5,582.69* ?� CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 11711 N PENNSYLVANIA ST#190 CHECK NUMBER: 236869 CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 09/10/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1401 R4340000 26485 552 5,582.69 LEGAL FEES HOUSE REYNOLDS & FAUST, LLP 11711 North Pennsylvania Street Suite 190 Carmel, IN 46032 317-564-8490 Tax ID#: 46-1116583 Common Council of the City of Carmel, IN Statement Date: August 29, 2014 Carmel City Hall Statement No. 552 One Civic Square Matter No.: 1088.0001 Carmel, IN 46032 Page: 1 RE: CRDC Oversight and Finance Fees Hours 07/25/2014 RDF Review redevelopment commission statutes and begin drafting memorandum related to budget and fiscal oversight of commission 1.10 07/31/2014 RDF Research and continue opinion letter regarding Common Council oversight authority over redevelopment commission. 1.90 08/04/2014 RDF Review SB 118 for limitations on authority of redevelopment commission and oversight authority of Common Council and other city officers and continue drafting memo incorporating research therein. 2.80 08/12/2014 RDF Continue preparing opinion on redevelopment commission powers by reviewing Attorney General Opinion on the same and cross-referencing statutory amendments since issuance of opinion. 3.20 08/14/2014 RDF Commence research on redevelopment commission statutory framework regarding relationship between such commission and the Common Council of the City of Carmel. 0.60 08/18/2014 RDF Complete opinion letter regarding CRDC oversight and financial obligations to council 3.30 BMH Telephone conference with Council President Seidensticker. Read email form CRDC director forwarded by President Seidensticker. Confer w/RDF. 0.60 08/19/2014 RDF Confer with Pres. Seidensticker and Briane House re Common Council's authority over redevelopment commission budget; revise opinion letter and prepare in final format. 0.50 BMH Telephone conference with Council President Seidensticker. Read email from CRDC director forwarded by President Seidensticker. Confer with RDF. 0.90 08/21/2014 BMH Extended telephone conference with President Seidensticker regarding opinion letter. CRDC response to budget request and various related legal issues. 0.50 RDF Telephone conference with Pres. Seidensticker regarding redevelopment commission response at budget meeting to Council request to review budget. 0.50 RDF Review video from budget workshop; research issues presented therein and correspond with President Seidensticker re same. 1.70 Statement Date: 08/29/2014 Statement No. 552 Common Council of the City of Carmel, IN Account No. 1088.000 Hours 08/22/2014 RDF Draft formal supplemental opinion re redevelopment commission budgeting requirements for tax levies and treatment of CRC as a city department. 0.60 BMH Telephone conference on background information related to CRDC's position and possible future actions given disagreement over scope of Council oversight of CRDC financial matters and budget. 0.30 BMH Telephone conference with Council member Rick Sharp to discuss a question posed regarding statutory application. 0.30 RDF Telephone conference with Councilor Rick Sharp to discuss a question of statutory application; confer with BMH regarding the same; draft correspondence to President Seidensticker regarding the same. 2.50 08/25/2014 BMH Address various implementation issues regarding oversight and consider strategic options re: same. 0.50 RDF Draft supplemental opinion to Common Council emphasizing role of redevelopment commission as a city department. 3.30 08/26/2014 BMH Read, analyze, and revise supplemental opinion letter and discuss changes w/ RDF for finalization of same. 0.90 RDF Revise supplemental opinion letter, discuss changes with BMH, and finalize same. 1.60 For Current Services Rendered 27.60 5,582.00 Recapitulation Timekeeper Hours Rate Total Briane M. House 4.00 $245.00 $980.00 R. Daniel Faust 23.60 195.00 4,602.00 Expenses 06/06/2014 Postage 0.69 Total Expenses 0.69 Total Current Work 5,582.69 Balance Due $5,582.69 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS. If you have any questions regarding this billing, please contact Debra Elsbury at 317-564-8490 or delsbury@housereynoldsfaust.com. Page 2 House Reynolds & Faust. Attorneys and Counselors At Law Briane A House Direct Dial:317.564.8477 Email:bhouse(a)housereynoldsfaust.com August 29, 2014 Mr. Eric Seidensticker President Common Council of the City of Carmel Carmel City Hall One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Re: Representation Regarding Independent Legal Counsel and Advice to the Common Council on Various Matters Before, or Under Consideration by, the Carmel Common Council Our File No.: 1088.0001 Dear President Seidensticker Please find what I believe is our final statement for services concerning the second of the two matters assigned concerning analysis and legal opinions on issues facing the Common Council of the City of Carmel. This statement relates solely to issues concerning Redevelopment Commission financial oversight and the Commission's relation to and review by the Council. Please let us know if you have any questions whatsoever. It is our aim to make sure our statements are acceptable to you in every respect. While we believe we have now concluded all matters initially assigned relating to both storm water utility structure and CRDC oversight, we remain available to assist you and the Council as you move forward. As always, it is a pleasure to work with you. Very truly yours, HOUSE REYNOLDS & FAUST, LLP Briane M. House BMH/ww Enclosure 1 171 1 North Pennsylvania Street, Suite 190,Cannel, Indiana 46032 T: 317.564.8490 F: 317.564.8499 W:housereynoldsfaust.com Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee^I i Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) LET- Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), ;. K140D 166U or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except A( V 20 Signature Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund