HomeMy WebLinkAbout237022 09/10/14 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351045 CHECKAMOUNT: $*******230.90* (9, ONE CIVIC SQUARE SKILLPATHCARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 804441 CHECK NUMBER: 237022 KANSAS CITY MO 84180-4441 CHECK DATE: 09/10/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4357004 31735 10839025 199.00 ADMIN ASST CONFERENCE 1180 4357002 1910614 31.90 EXTERNAL TRAINING FEE SEMINARS 6900 Squibb Road P.O.Box 2768 Mission,KS 66201-2768 COMPt1MAS1'ER® HRC August 25, 2014 a division of The Gtaceland College Center for Professional Development and Lifelong Leaming,Inc. Dear Amanda, Thank you for enrolling in The Administrative Assistants Conference. You have our firm promise to make it the most enlightening, positive and rewarding program you ever attended. Here are your Express Admission Ticket and invoice. If you want to attend the program with a friend or, associate, there is still time. Call toll-free 1-800-873-7545 to enroll them now. - - Sincerely, Jack Cave President, CEO s—.Acne^rc77 7 Skil-U a Com Ia tar... "HR — Prggsam Hours. 9.?OOAbI •.4 OOPM XPQ•,.� .r .. �Y q $�� /gyp.�/' �Progxam .'_The �idnwnit:strata sre Assistant Gon€,erence Tnvo ce 10839025 Date: 10/;110J14.: Caty Indsanapol i s Hotel� Crowne Plaza �$irportt `4' ;' 4 1 f x 3 ' Int anapo, XFJ4° IIN 46241 y; Nis Anlianda Bennett 1'iea5e :,rt ftt>a Exboutive Legal 'Secretary rD�it`fD fi sefn;nnt Ciyrtcof Carmel, r 1 �Civzc dS,guare Carmel IN `4'6032 sUbcrc:feef,ffs�: �t nttrfle a>addi LSg3S Incorrect t '.m»itrcDz:rectlGasae s,,,��, ., � N hla�f„�:�me e �°Insl,SlF�traa� ` ORIGINAL INVOICE Federal J.D.#43-1685651 Invoice Number:10839025 Invoice Date:08/25/14 Purchase Order Number:31735 PROGRAM INFORMATION: Participant:Ms Amanda Bennett Date: 10/10/14 City:Indianapolis Title: The Administrative Assistants Conference Please forward this invoice and the remittance stub to your accounts payable department. Thank you. ir'.r'x irxxic is is icxic x'c'.c-icxxx x>'rx it is 9txfe.e�'ex�rxfi is x,'e ie ie iextexx�'cx Program Price: $199.00 Thank You! Balance Due: $199.00 1 COMPUMASTER•HRC i P.O.Box 804441 Kansas City,MO 641804441 i IN Lim RM ry Conference at a Glance 7 n OPENING SESSION: Where Do You Want to Go Tomorrow? LLK j -9.-00-9.35arn4N 1-M 31 'y � Z a rye, r. gXxr t;`r�` � yp "SkGr t . . Win Respect and Cred!bilify SESSION 1 Organize Everything in': Your Life Get your.work ain ideas noticed'by_ 9:50-10:40 a.m. thosewho count ' Your office;your boss and yourself --- Break:10:40-10:55 a.m. —- Comrhurncate With Confidence Up and�oWr the Ladder' SESSION 2 Stay In Sync,Wlth Your Boss 10:55-11:45 a.m. Th secrets to a boss/assistant Verbal and written skills that relationship that"clicks" convey professionalisn _ Lunch(on your own):11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 4 interpersonal Comrnualcafi! n' ` ; � Juggle Multiple Projects SESSION 3 Shills Your Secret Weapon `� �?,hth` Ease ,'� � ` 1:00-1:50 p.m. Avoid power robbing halms t73�t liold'you back' �Keep<It all on track,on-time and under control Break:1.50-2:05 pm. °;7 xhsx s; Li 4 �' - t 4 T N� t -f 3 U. ti � �t Deal,lhth Chronical y= Your`Professional Image SESSION 4 °' 1mpoSslble People t Project the riiessage ttiatyou're in control 2:05-2:55 p.m. lgeutral�zetthe unpact difficult personahnes d"x;t' ,?..r .,. ..� r>:F+,..tn}.� -- ..,�- a5 F x ... .. .�F, �.�.a>x__I2 yiis^>-�x_t,_r.. `'. .. .=c•0..,.... `"..�,:`�- ,�: . Break:2:55-3:10 P.M. Mn S�, Yourself sEssloN 5 ""E ay, .Negotiatlo L Ehmiriating beliefs that chi away ,5 3:10-4:00 P.M. � Get otherstosee it your way Design your day to meet your unique needs.We've packed a lot of information into just one day... so feel free to move in and out of these two tracks and 10 dynamic sessions.It's your conference—don't miss a thing! See the complete outlines on pages 4-5. REGISTER NOW Call toll free 1-800-8737545 or on-line at www.sl ilipath.com 3 i Image and Communication Skills SESSION M 9:50-10:40 a.m. SESSIONS 10:55-11:45 a.m. Win respect and credibility Communicate with confidence Get your work and ideas noticed by up and down the ladder .<,yv those who count Verbal and written skills that Assistants are truly the backbone of an organization. convey professionalism But it's easy to feel overlooked,even ignored,in the The most valued and respected assistants you rush of everyday business.In this session,you'll learn know speak,write and act professionally in every how to get more recognition for your good work... situation—from the lunchroom to the boardroom. ,y and use this fuel to make even greater contributions And their sense of confidence draws greater respect, r at work. lir responsibility and success like a magnet.Here's your ' x i .How to come across confidently in meetings... opportunity to look at your own communication ?s the perfect opportunity to increase your visibility style and focus on behaviors you want to alter. How to present your ideas"up the ladder" 0 How to eliminate credibility-robbing speech in a way that gets attention and respect habits,poor grammar and words that trigger How to gracefully promote yourself togain negative emotions recognition for your contributions M How to use"I language"to convey confidence and authority Personal power—where it comes from and how to use it M Practical tips used by professional editors Coricrete steps you can take to increase the level guaranteed to polish your writing ® � ® of support you get from co-workers,employees Recognize and eliminate common business ® and your boss writing mistakes that can make your document I look sloppy and unprofessional hill Professional Development 4 Y SESSION 9:50-10:40 a.m. SESSION f 10:55-11:45 a.m. Organize everything in your life Stay in sync with your boss { Your office,your boss and yourself The secrets to a boss/assistant relationship ' k Doyou`waste minutes—even hours—looking for that "clicks" things?Do you have the feeling things are slipping A constant avalanche ofineetings,phone calls x c through the cracks at home and the office?This and deadlines leaves little time to talk—let alone session's for you.You'll gain great shortcuts and communicate._Out of necessity,the most successful Ifr tips for putting everything in order...and,yes, assistants have had to carve out their own ways of j , �. keeping it that way. making the boss/assistant team work.You ll gain a lo IP How the 80/20 rule will help you identify wealth of valuable insight in this session that you h 4' "" your most important tasks can use to give your boss/assistant relationship true OM;4- s _ toBack to the basics...the unbeatable benefits lasting power. the valuable role of liaison of the tried-and-true"to-do"list How to play ,, between your boss and other managers K P, Damming the paper flow to give your boss .qFr y El Important keys to maintaining an excellent more uninterrupted time " working relationship with your boss r MJ Dealing with correspondence...shortcuts ' you and your boss can work out together Special strategies to use when the difficult Tips for developing a plan to get the most person is the boss H out of every day M Establish channels among multiple z supervisors so they'll know the demands on your time � t e 4 ESSION 1:00-1:50 p.m. SESSION 2:05-2:55 p.m. SESSION 3:10-4:00 P.M. iterpersonal communication Your professional image Believe in yourself Rills—your secret weapon Project the message that you're in control Eliminatin belief that chip away Ivoid power robbing habits that Image is so much more than the clothes you at your conXidence !old you back wear or the car you drive.It's the way you walk For many of us,negative self-talk is a part lave you ever been passed over for a promotion? into a room...how you respond when under of our everyday lives.It's no wonder we go )o others in the organization not take you attack...how you handle awkward situations. home at night feeling unsettled,even angry at :riously?Chances are your behavior has What kind of image do you project,and how times.Here we'll explore how to fill yourself ontributed to these disappointments.This can you change it?Find out in this session. with the"good stuff"that builds self-esteem rasion sheds light on a form of psychological u3 Identify your personal style and how it and self-confidence. ensorship that protects us from seeing ourselves affects your ability to get and use power 29 Understand how your feelings about ae way we really are and offers frank insight to Learn how to think on your feet yourself affect all the roles you play in life ato habits that hold us back. when challenged with a difficult or 0 Protecting your self-esteem—how you 1-9 Steps you can take to make sure you'll never negative question can ensure its safety be tongue-tied or at a loss for words a Avoid sending contradictory or confusing 0 How fear may be limiting you in ways * What to do when you're being ignored or signals about yourself you never imagined _repeatedly interrupted 0 Recognize the single biggest factor that 0 Conquer the big confidence destroyers— How to avoid an autocratic,sarcastic determines whether or not people take anxiety,depression,guilt and anger or condescending tone that can alienate you seriously 0 The single most important thing you your listener M Keys to correctly"setting the stage" can do every day to maintain a sense of Recognize the unconscious cues that foF every interaction high self-confidence tell others when you're feeling weak, 13 How to use specific techniques to nonassertive or intimidated turn negative self-talk into positive I Mouth management:Know how to keep self-affirmations confidences confidential and secrets secret ! i ;ESSION ;, 1:00-1:50 p.m. SESSION 2:05-2:55 p.m. SESSION 3:10-4:00 p.m. ll Juggle multiple projects with ease Deal with chronically Everyday negotiation skills Veep it all on track, on time p people Get others to see it your way ... 'r tndpimpossible eole under control Neutralize the impact difficult at work and at home kdministrative professionals are handling more personalities have on your 1 fe If you're tired of getting the short end of )rojects than ever,yet few have had the time you walk into work every morning,and there the stick,you're ripe for this crash course on or trainingin project management.Attend this that difficult person is...the co-worker,the negotiation.Between the kids,the spouse, ession,and you'll build valuable and sought-after vendor or the VP who is making your life the vendors—even the boss—you can barely )usiness skills that will help you plan,organize, miserable.It's time to stop beating around the remember what it feels like to"have it your :ontrol and complete projects with efficiency bush.Attend this session and get straightforward way."With these great new skills,winning and professionalism. techniques,tested and proven effective in the will become a habit. N Use a proven 6-phase project management business world,for getting problem personalities 0 The principles of everyday negotiation, process that works on any project... under control. n Turn points of disagreement into a. large or small n The basic steps for dealing with all framework for resolution 03 Benefit from a checklist to identifynegative behavior ne ti� How your personality affects the way specifically what needs to be done M How to deal with feelings of helplessness you"give and take" l and when and anger when faced with difficult people M How to express youiselfwithout j * When things go wrong... 5 tips for and situations accusation,sarcasm or hostility proceeding in a way that maintains 13 "What's this really about?"Get to the M How a few simple words can work like j your credibility root of the problem instead of battling magic in getting others to do what Cope with the stress and strain of the symptoms you want multiple responsibilities 0 How to address a chronic disagreement !' * How to use influence to get the job done, and arrive at a mutually acceptable action especially when you have responsibility plan for resolution without authority 13 Honesty and understanding will help you keep your cool when dealing with i an out-of-control person 5 Form ST-105 Indiana Department of Revenue State Fonn 49065 R4/5-05 General Sales Tax Exemption Certificate Indiana registered retail merchants and businesses located outside Indiana may use this certificate.The claimed exemption must be allowed by Indiana code. Exemption statutes of other states are not valid for purchases from Indiana vendors.This exemption certificate can not be issued for the purchase of Utilitie,,i,Vehicles,Watercraft,or AircLaft. Purchaser must be registered with the Department of Revenue or the appropriate taxing authority of the purchaser's state of residence. Sales tax must be charged unless aU information in each section is fully completed by the purchaser.Purchasers not able to provide all required information must pay the tax and may file a claim for refund(Form GA-I I OL)directly with the Department of Revenue. 1 Name of Purchaser CITY OF CARMEL Business Address ONE CIVIC SQUARE City CARMEL State IN zip 46032 t Purchaser must provide minimum of one ID number below.` Provide your Indiana Registered Retail Merchant's Certificate 0031201550 020 TID and LOC Number as shown on your Certificate............................... TIDtf(10 digits) LOGY(3 digits) li rut registered with rite Indiana DDR,provide your State Tax ID-Number from-another State................... _ *See instructions on the reverse side if you do not have either rmmber. "Stale 1D# State of Issue Is this a ®blanket purchase exemption request or a 13 single purchase exemption request? (check one) Description of items to be purchased. Purchaser must indicate the type of exemption being claimed for this purchase. (check one or explain) I3 Sales to a retailer,wholesaler,or manufacturer for resale only. lJ Sale of manufacturing machinery,tools,and equipment to be used directly in direct production. ® Sales to nonprofit organizations claiming exemption pursuant to Sales Tax Information Bulletin#10. (May not be used for personal hotel rooms and meals.) ® Sales of tangible personal property predominately used(greater then 50 percent)in providing public transportation-provide USDOT#. A person or corporation who is hauling under someone else's motor carrier authority,or has a contract as a school bus operator,must provide their SS#orFM#in lieu of a State ID#in Section#1. USDOT# ® Sales to persons,occupationally engaged as farmers,to be used directly in production of agricultural products for sale. Note.A farmer not possessing a State Business License#may enter a FID#or a SS#in Iieu of a State M#in Section#1. ® Sales to a contractor for exempt projects(such as public schools,government,or nonprofits). w 10 Sales to Indiana Governmental Units(agencies,cities,towns,municipalities,public schools,and state universities). s L3 Sales to the United States Federal Government-show agency name. Note;A U.S.Government agency should enter its Federal Identification Number(FID#)in Section#1 in lieu of a State ID#. C) Other-explain. I hereby certify under the penalties of perjury that the property purchased by the use of this exemption certificate is to be.used for an exempt ' purpose pursuant to the State Gross Retail Sales Tax Act,Indiana Code 6-2.5,and the item purchased is nota utility,vehicle,watercraft,or aircraft. I confirm my understanding that misuse either negligen or' entional),and/or fraudulent use of this certificate may subject both me personally and/or the business entity I represent a imposition ter and civil and/or criminal penalties. s' Signature of Purchaser Date Printed Name.DIANA L CORDRAY 17 rade CLERK-TREAURER TheIndiana Department of Revenue may request verification o registration in another state if you are an out-of-state purchaser. Seller must keep this certificate on file to supportexempt sales. P.O.Box 804441 INVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE CUST NO. SIQLI.PATI-I.yuwUIN_ . Kansas City,MO 64180-4441 PH.1-800-873-7545 1910614 08/25/14 12628169 COMPUMASTER• HRC rroie��W Dmefopmudt_a ui�no g U aming,tm INVOICE W Amanda Bennett Amanda Bennett City of Carmel City of Carmel 0 1 Civic Square 1 Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 LOCATION PURCHASE ORDER NO. SHIP VIA DISCOUNT CREDIT 262387 31735 USPS $0.00 $0.00 ITEM NO DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT EXTENSION ORDERED PRICE 18-0004 ADMINISTRATIVE PROFESSIONALS HANDBOOK 1 24.95 $24.95 Subtotal $24.95 Shipping $6.95 Tax $0.00 Total $31.90 Amount Due $31.90 Please Mail Payment to: TO ENSURE PROPER CREDIT,PLEASE INCLUDE SkillPath Seminars P.O.Box 804441 INVOICE NUMBER WITH PAYMENT Kansas City,MO 64180-4441 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.2o,(aev.,sss) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee SkillPath Seminars Purchase Order No. PO Box 804441 Terms Kansas City, MO 64180-4441 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) L_ 10839095- Rgamstrafinn for Amanda Rennett to attend I n/1 0114 no Seminar per the attached 9/3/14 1910614 Instructional Materials for seminar $31.90 Total 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same2in a cor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. , 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 BI�iIIPatb IN SUM OF $ PO Box 804441 Kansas City, MO 64180-4441 $ $230.90 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Law 9-7004 - Inst. Fees -435-7002- Trainig R i Board Members Po#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 31735 10839025 435-7004 $199.00 1 or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 1180 1910614 435-7002 31.90 the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 5 20 ILI S' ature Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund