HomeMy WebLinkAbout237168 09/16/14 y y1,CggM CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 229650 ONE CIVIC SQUARE OFFICE DEPOT INC CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,052.81* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO Box 633211 CHECK NUMBER: 237168 CINCINNATI OH 45263-3211 CHECK DATE: 09/16/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4230200 726202267001 429.98 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1120 4230200 726202359001 43.19 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1120 4230200 726202360001 39.58 OFFICE SUPPLIES 601 5023990 726614246001 53.67 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 727005411601 110.67 OTHER EXPENSES 601 5023990 727054116001 184.44 OTHER EXPENSES 2201 4463000 727241562001 83.20 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1801 4230200 727353374001 98.09 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1801 4230200 727353374002 3.99 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1801 4230200 727353544001 6.00 OFFICE SUPPLIES ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 orgrPOB Depot,Inc 011'Wel PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT. CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 727241562001 83.20 Page 1 of I INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 29-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL T0: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CD CITY OF CARMEL = o CITY IF CARMEL STREET DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ o 3400 W 131ST ST o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0� g o� CARMEL IN 46074-8267 I�Inl�llullnn�lln�l�lnl�l�l�l�lulnlnlll�n���ll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 3400WEST13 72724 15 62001 28-AUG-14 29-AUG-14 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 AMY LUNN 201 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ - U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 544959 FILE,3 DRW,BRUSHED MAPLE EA 1 1 0 83.200 83.20 485255 544959 Your b�lling;format is now available fob electronic delivery To,ask how you can talo advantage of this feature for Greener Environment email b�llingsettipt�offcetlepot com 0 s 0 r co 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 83.20 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 83.20 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship coLLect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 70025 Los Angeles, CA 90074-0025 $83.20 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members � 2201 727241562001 2201-630.00 $83.20 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except ridayA%&44/Y i qbbluj St ommissioner Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 08/29/14 727241562001 $83.20 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer ORIGINAL INVOICE 10000 Office Depot,Inc oxnce PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT. CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 727353374001 98.09 Pae 1 of 2 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 29-AUG-14 Net 30 02-OCT-14 BILL T0: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLECARMEL REDEV COMM CARMEL REDEV COMM = C? 30 W MAIN 'ST STE 220 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 M CARMEL IN 46032-1938 U)= CARMEL IN 46032-1764 o N o 0� II1u1111nIlun1111n111�nlllllllnllll1111111111111n11111 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 43520732 30WESTMAINTST 727353374001 28-AUG-14 29-AUG-14 BILLING IU ACCOUNT-MANAGF_R _RE-LEASE- ORDERED-%BY= ------ DESY.POF— -- COST CENTEP 127529 MEGAN MCVICKER CATALOG ITEM ft/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP 8/0 PRICE PRICE 293359 COFFEMATE,LITE,CNSTR,110 EA 1 1 0 1.630 1.63 NES 74185 293359 696526 BATTERY,SIZE AA,ALKALINE,2 BX 1 1 0 11.010 11.01 EN91 696526 348037 PAPER,COPY,OD,CASE,10-RE CA 1 1 0 40.070 40.07 8510010D 348037 678578 BOOKEN D,STEEL,7",BLACK PR 1 1 0 5.120 5.12 OD7104 678578 116777 TRAY,LETTER,PPRBRD,STRIP EA 1 1 0 6.990' 6.99 36534 116777 N O 551119 HOLDER,LABEL,1-3/8X3,2/PK PK 1 1 0 2.450 2.45 21820 551119 o 0 0 508506 FORK,PLASTIC,100CT,WHITE PK 1 1 0 2.520 2.52 3585490685 508506 508450 SPOON,PLASTIC,I OOCT,WH IT PK 1 1 0 2.440 2.44 3585490686 508450 695686 CUTLERY,PLAS,KNIFE,100CT, PK 1 1 0 2.540 2.54 3585490687 695686 143240 TISSUE,FACIAL,LOTION,KLNX, EA _ 4 4 _ 0 2.570 -10.28 KCC 25829 143240 655155 NOTE,POST-IT,POP-UP,SS;1OP Pk 1 1 0- 13.040 13.04 R330-10SSAN 655155 Your billing format is nod available forelectronlc delivery Tb ask how you cari take ativaritage„ of this feature for a Greener Envlronrrent email bIllingsetup@offlcedepaf.cam CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... 000313-002359 00001/00004 ORIGINAL INVOICE 10000 OfficeOffice Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER' o DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS'o 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US o 0 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 0 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 0 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER N 727353374001 98.09 Page 2 of 2 W INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE o 29-AUG-14 Net 30 02-OCT-14 0 0 BILL T0: SHIP T0: N w ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CARMEL REDEV COMM N CARMEL REDEV COMM 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 g 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 CARMEL IN 46032-1938 M= CARMEL IN 46032-1764 0 0 O o ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER I SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 430732 30WESTMAINTST 727353374001 28-AUG-14 29-AUG-14 - BI52LLING ID__A_C_C_OUNT MAN_A_GER_RE_LEASE _ ORDERED_BY DESKTOP_ _ COST CENTER 127529 IMEGAN MCVICKER CATALOG ITEM N/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM N TAX ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE rn U) 0 0 m 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 98.09 DELIVERY 0.00 SACES"TAX All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 98.09 Toreturn supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10000 Office Depot,Inc Office PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR' ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 727353374002 3.99 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 02-SEP-14 Net 30 02-OCT-14 BILL TO: SHIP T0: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CARMEL REDEV COMM CARMEL REDEV COMM No 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 M CARMEL IN 46032-1938 CARMEL IN 46032-1764 o o O- 1111111 11111 111 11 lllllllilllll 11 11 111 111 11 111 1111111 111 11 11111 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER JORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 43520732 1 30WESTMAINTST 1727353374002 28-AUG-14 02-SEP-14 ----_ -BILLING--LD-•ACCOUNT-MANAGER-RELEASE - -- ------OR-0ERED-9Y _-----_. -DESKTOP---- -- COST CENTER- 127529 1 MEGAN .MCVICKER CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 116354 CUP,PENCIL,PAPERBOARD,ST EA 1 1 0 3.990 3.99 36528 116354 Your b>ll�ng format�s now available for eiectronlc delivery Ta ask how you can#ake advantage of this feature for a Greener�nv►ronment errZall bllitngsetup@officedepot com N O O m 0 O 0 SUB-TOTAL 3.99 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX All amounts are based on USD currency ! TOTAL 3.99 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10000 Officeozff,=ot,Inc 30813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER 0 DEPOT. CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 0 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US 0 FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 0 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 0 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER N 727353544001 6.00 Page 1 of 1 Q1 CA INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE !O 29-AUG-14 Net 30 02-OCT-14 0 0 BILL T0: SHIP T0: N ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE COO CARMEL REDEV COMM CARMEL REDEV COMM 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 30 W ;MAIN ST STE 220 M CARMEL IN 46032-1938 u)� CARMEL IN 46032-1764 o N� O 0 O I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID I ORDER NUMBER I ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 43520732 30WESTMAINTST 727353544001 28-AUG-14 29-AUG-14 —_BILLING_ID ACCOUNT MANAGER_RELEAS.E_ -__O.RD.ERED__BY__—__-D.ESr-TOP_—______.,_COST CENTER — — 127529 MEGAN MCVICKER CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY. UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 738231 STAND,PHONE/PLN NR,MESH, EA 1 1 0 6.000 6.00 NW-1075A 738231 71. Your billing format is nowuailable for electronic delluery To ask hour.you can take,aduantage of this fea#ure for Greener Enlnronment email bllhngsetup�q)officedepot com N O O f� 0 O O O SUB-TOTAL 6.00 DELIVERY 0.00 ' SALES 7AX !__ - __ — -0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency_--- j— TOTAL 6.00 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE.VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to'-,.be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day;;number of hours, rate per hour, number of units;'pri;ce per unit, etc. r Payee 04T I �e D C Pd+ Purchase.Order No. P Q Box 6 3 321 Terms` �n Gi hh5263- 3z1/ Date `Due Invoice Invoice Description, Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) RI-14 12735331100 -Ki(e 3 u 1)g3 a- 1 I 27353374`002 (P S 110 3�9q 941_1273S3S14y00/ { i S 'e5 d.°b Total I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accor dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. n ALLOWED 20 b�fi ct? Vepf9� ; IN SUM OF $ �0 3ox MIN 6ncihht�i, aH 45z63211 $ (��•og ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 1�U1/µ2302.00 Board Members PO#or DEPT.# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT : I_hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 72.735337 �-23000 �] . or,bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 1101 2.73S337w8OZ 1'''230200 3 99 the materials or services itemized thereon 1901 7273S9S44#01.230200 for which charge is made were ordered and received except 201± na e Title . Cost distribution Iedger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Office Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT. CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 726202267001 429.98 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 25-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL TO: SHIP TO: 10 ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ (o 2 CIVIC SQ CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0� 0 0= CARMEL IN 46032-2584 C) LL�I�II��lI���oolLoolJ��LI�I�I�li�l��l�JII�����JLIJJ ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 1 120 726202267001 22-AUG-14 25-AUG-14 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 1 ISALLY LAFOLLETTE 1120 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 579505 TONER,HP 12AD,2/PK,BLACK PK 2 2 0 125.600 251.20 Q2612D 579505 347098 TONER,HP 78A,DUAL PACK, PK 1 1 0 126.780 126.78 CE278D 347098 535584 POUCH,LAMINATING,BUS PK 2 2 0 6.650 13.30 5355840DR 535584 396921 BINDER,OD,VIEW,RR,.5",BLA EA 6 6 0 1.780 10.68 OD396921 396921 396311 BINDER,OD,VIEW,RR,1",BLAC EA 6 6 0 1.780 10.68 OD396311 396-311 0 S 790710 TAPE,DUCT,MU LTI-US E,SCOT RL 6 6 0 2.890 17.34 1130-C 790710 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 429.98 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 429.98 Toreturn supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 • oince Office Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 726202359001 43.19 Pae 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 25-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL T0: SHIP T0: 10 ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ m 2 CIVIC SQ a CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0� 0= CARMEL IN 46032-2584 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1120 726202359001 22-AUG-14 25-AUG-14 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 ISALLY LAFOLLETTE 1120 CATALOG ITEM N/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM N T7ORD SHY B/0 PRICE PRICE 630403 Microsoft Wireless Desktop EA 1 1 0 43.190 43.19 GF7223 630403 S Yotar btiHfig format is noun available for electronic deliv0 . ery To ask how you can take advan#age Of thts feature ova...Greener Enuieonfnent email btllir>igsetup@oFFEcedepot com 0 s 0 r 0 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 43.19 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 43.19 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship coLLect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after deLivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 ir ice PO B Depot,Inc Oxx PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT. CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 726202360001 39.58 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 25-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL CITY IF CARMEL CARMEL FIRE DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ m 2 CIVIC SQ 00 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 o� CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0 iLI��ILiIL�Ii�L�LLII���I�IL�ILILI�ILI��I��l��lll������ll�l�l�l ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER IORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 1120 726202360001 22-AUG-14 25-AUG-14 BI LING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 ISALLY LAFOLLETTE 120 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/0 PRICE PRICE 282127 MOUSE,WIRELESS,M325,BLAC EA 2 2 0 19.790 39.58 910-002974 282127 Your billifg format Is novo arrailable for elects"ornc delivefy Ta ask haw you can take advantage of this feature fora Greener En�nronn ent ema�!Wiingsetup ofhcedepot eom m 0 0 0 c 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 39.58 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 39.58 To return supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Office Depot IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 633211 Cincinnati, OH 45263-3211 $512.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 726202360001 42-302.00 $39.58 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 726202359001 42-302.00 $43.19 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the 1120 726202267001 42-302.00 $429.98 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except SEP 1 5 2014 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 726202360001 $39.58 726202359001 $43.19 726202267001 $429.98 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer F ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Offot,ice OfficeDepInc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 727054116001 295.11 Pagel of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 28-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES o CITY OF CARMEL = C CITY IF CARMEL WATER DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ c00o= 30 W MAIN ST FL 2 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 �� g o� CARMEL IN 46032-1938 ACCOUNT NUMBER PURCHASE ORDER SHIP TO ID ORDER NUMBER ORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 601 727054116001 27-AUG-14 28-AUG-14 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE ORDERED BY DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 1 SCOTT CAMPBELL 1601 CATALOG ITEM N/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 348037 PAPER,COPY,OD,CASE,10-RE CA 2 2 0 36.450 72.90 8510010D 348037 303361 PAPER,TOWEL,ROLL,2PLY,15/ CT 2 2 0 21.610 43.22 MAC 6709-01 303361 385819 TONER,HP 80X,BLACK EA 1 1 0 178.990 178.99 CF280X 385819 Your biliir g format Is now available for ele6tr6hi deliuery To ask how you can take aduaratage ;', sof this feature fora GreAg ener Environment email btlNngse#upofftcedepo#com 0 r 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 295.11 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 295.11 Toreturn supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note probLem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Off ice O(rce Depot,Inc PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS. JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 726614246001 53.67 Pae 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 26-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL T0: SHIP T0: 0 ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES o CITY OF CARMEL o CITY IF CARMEL WATER DEPT 1 CIVIC SQ Co— co 30 W MAIN ST FL 2 CARMEL IN 46032-2584 o_ CARMEL IN 46032-1938 ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID I ORDER NUMBER JORDER DATE SHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 1601 1726614246001 25-AUG-14 26-AUG-14 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY I DESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 ILISA KEMPA 1 601 CATALOG,'ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP B/O PRICE PRICE 933929 PROTECTOR,SH,11X8.5,TOP BX 3 3 0 17.890 53.67 AVE74204 933929 Your btiEing:format is now available for electronic delivery To ask haw you,can ta[(�advantage of this feature for a Greener Environment errieil;b�llingsetup@officedepot loin Co 0 s 0 r; C) 0 0 0 SUB-TOTAL 53.67 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 53.67 Toreturn supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing list, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you caLL us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after delivery. VOUCHER # 141726 WARRANT# ALLOWED 229650 IN SUM OF $ OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE PO BOX 633211 CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR I i Board members i PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 72661424600 f 01-6200-07 $53.67 -7270-sy-fl6oDl �, I Y(( Voucher Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund � Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 229650 OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE Purchase Order No. PO BOX 633211 Terms CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Due Date 9/11/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/11/2014 7266142460( $53.67 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5,11-10-1.6 Date O ' er ORIGINAL INVOICE 10001 Office Depot,Inc oince PO BOX 630813 THANKS FOR YOUR ORDER DEPOT CINCINNATI OH IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS 45263-0813 OR PROBLEMS.- JUST CALL US FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER: (888) 263-3423 FOR ACCOUNT: (800) 721-6592 FEDERAL ID:59-2663954 INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DUE PAGE NUMBER 727054116001 295.11 Page 1 of 1 INVOICE DATE TERMS PAYMENT DUE 28-AUG-14 Net 30 28-SEP-14 BILL TO: SHIP TO: ATTN: ACCTS PAYABLE o CITY OF CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES o CITY IF CARMEL WATER DEPT 1 cIVIC SQ 0D30 W MAIN ST FL 2 o CARMEL IN 46032-2584 0� C) CARMEL IN 46032-1938 0 I�InII II IIndln1l1lul1l1l1 1l11111111lll111...11�lilil ACCOUNT NUMBER IPURCHASE ORDER ISHIP TO ID IORDER NUMBER IORDER DATE ISHIPPED DATE 86102185 1 601, 1727054116001 27-AUG-14 28-AUG-14 BILLING ID ACCOUNT MANAGER RELEASE JORDERED BY JDESKTOP ICOST CENTER 39940 ISCOTT CAMPBELL 601 CATALOG ITEM #/ DESCRIPTION/ U/M QTY QTY QTY UNIT EXTENDED MANUF CODE CUSTOMER ITEM # ORD SHP 8/0 PRICE PRICE 348037 PAP ER,COPY,OD,CASE,I O-RE CA 2 2 0 36.450 72.90 8510010D 348037 303361 PAPER,TOWEL,ROLL,2PLY,15/ CT 2 2 0 21.610 43.22 MAC 6709-01 303361 385819 TONER,HP 80X,BLACK EA 1 1 0 178.990 178.99 CF28OX 385819 Your belling format Is now airailable for electronic delivery To ask houv you can take advantage 4 of this feature fflr a Greener E��nronment email bflhngsetup@offrcedepot coni T r o SUB-TOTAL 295.11 DELIVERY 0.00 SALES TAX 0.00 All amounts are based on USD currency TOTAL 295.11 Toreturn supplies, please repack in original box and insert our packing List, or copy of this invoice. Please note problem so we may issue credit or . replacement, whichever you prefer. Please do not ship collect. Please do not return furniture or machines until you call us first for instructions. Shortage or damage must be reported within 5 days after deLivery. A DETACH HERE A CUSTOMER NAME BILLING ID INVOICE NUMBER INVOICE INVOICE AMOUNT ENCLOSED DATE AMOUNT CITY OF CARMEL 39940 727054116001 28-AUG-14 295.11 FLO 000399402 7270541160018 00000029511 1 8 Please OFFICE DEPOT Please return this stub with your payment to Send Your Po Box 633211 ensure prompt credit to your account. Check to: Cincinnati OH 45263-3211 Please DO NOT staple or fold. Thank You. VOUCHER # 145500 WARRANT# ALLOWED 229650 IN SUM OF $ OFFICE DEPOT INC - USE THIS ONE PO BOX 633211 CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 72700541160101-7200-07 $110.67 Voucher Total $110.67 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 229650 OFFICE DEPOT INC-USE THIS ONE Purchase Order No. PO BOX 633211 - Terms CINCINNATI, OH 45263-3211 Due Date 9/11/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/11/2014 7270054116( $110.67 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date %ffice