HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and Packets NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Carmel, Indiana Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safety for the City of Carmel. Hamilton County, Indiana will receive sealed bids for the above described "Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocations, Carmel Project" at the office of the Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square, Cannel. Indiana (City 1-hall) until 10:110 am Local Time on or before, ,June 19, 21113 and commencing as soon as practicable therefore on Wednesda). June 19. 2013. such bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers of City 1-fa1l. No late bids will be accepted. All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the proposal forms provided with the plans and specifications, which will include the non-collusion affidavit as required by the State ol Indiana. The hid envelope must be sealed and have the words BID-- PARCEL 7C-6, DITCH PIPING AND UTILITY RELOCATION, CARMEL, A hid bond or certified cheek in an amount not less than ten percent ([0%) of the amount bid must he submitted with each bid. A one hundred percent (100%) performance and payment bond will also be required of the successful bidder. It is intended that actual construction of all work divisions shall be started as soon as practicable. and each bidder shall he prepared to enter promptly into a construction contract, Furnish a performance bond. and begin work without delay in the event the award is made to him. The Project consists of, hut is not necessarily limited to. the following: Extension of the existing 12 inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3'`t Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Contract Documents for the Project have been assembled into one bound project manual, which together with drawings, may be examined at the Ibllowing locations: American Structurepoint 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 317-547-5580 Attn: Bob Olson Marbaugh Reprographics Supply Co., Inc. (http: wW'.ntarbaugh.com) 801 North Capitol Avenue Company Amount Alternative Alternative � Ia 4F�Ry 744/DS(-4 P 5171_-/ 'ZETA"'ZETA" — /4Ey 111(e MTh LG_4)4 XCa VAT,Av Zl S ? /9-COArs-reo clot 5 ..5-55/330 /e i If - ifrurriier �� 3c746-/ r,,,4 -(,0 NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Carmel, Indiana Notice is hereby given that the Board of Public Works and Safety for the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana will receive sealed bids for the above described "Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocations, Cannel Project" at the office of the Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall) until 10:00 am Local Time on or before,June 19, 2013 and commencing as soon as practicable therefore on Wednesday, June 19, 2013, such bids will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chambers of City 1-tall. No late bids will he accepted. All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the proposal forms provided with the plans and specifications, which will include the non-collusion affidavit as required by the State of Indiana. The bid envelope must be sealed and have the words BID—PARCEL 7C-6, DITCH PIPING AM) UTILITY RELOCATION, CARMEL. A bid bond or certified check in an amount not less than ten percent(10%) of the amount bid must be submitted with each bid. A one hundred percent (100%) performance and payment bond will also he required of the successful bidder. It is intended that actual construction of all work divisions shall be started as soon as practicable, and each bidder shall he prepared to enter promptly into a construction contract, furnish a performance bond, and begin work without delay in the event the award is made to him. The Project consists of. but is not necessarily limited to,the following: Extension of the existing 12 inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3ril Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Contract Documents for the Project have been assembled into one bound project manual, which together with drawings, may be examined at the following locations: American Structurepoint 7260 Shadeland Station Indianapolis, Indiana 46256 317-547-5580 Attn: Bob Olson Marbaugh Reprographics Supply Co., Inc. (http: www.marbaugh.com) 801 North Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 631-1000 Phone (317) 631-1130 Facsimile Copies of such drawings and project manuals must be obtained from Marbaugh Reprographics Supply Co.. Inc at the address stated above, upon the payment of$ 75.00 for each set. These sets may include full-size drawings. Payment must be by check. NO CASH ACCEPTED. Make checks payable to American Structurepoint. All payments and cost of Contract Documents are non-refundable. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of drawings and Contract Documents and shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets of drawings and Contract Documents. This Project will be funded by the City of Carmel. Wage rates for the Project shall not be less than the current prescribed scale of wages as determined by the Common Construction Wage Committee in accordance with 1.C. 5-16-7 and included in the Project Manual. A pre-bid conference for discussion of the Project, the bidding requirements and other important matters will be held on Monday,.tune 10,2013 at 11:00 am EST in the Caucus Room on 211`1 Floor of City Hall (One Civic Square). All prospective bidders are invited to attend the pre-bid conference. The pre-bid conference is not mandatory. For special accommodations needed by handicapped individuals planning to attend the pre-bid conference or public hid opening meeting, please call or notify the City of Carmel, Engineer's Office at (317) 571-2441 at least forth eight (48) hours prior thereto. No bidder may withdraw any hid or proposal within a period of thirty (30) days following the date set for receiving bids or proposals. lie Cannel Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to hold any or all bids or proposals for a period of not more than thirty (30) days and said bids or proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said period. The City of Carmel reserves to reject and/or cancel any and all bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5-22-18-2, Diana L. Cordray Clerk Treasurer NOTICE 11)BIDDERS City of Car eel,Indiana Mahe is Imncby punt too the Bnard nfPublic Works rind Safety for due City of Clench I laailtim CCUUIy,Indiant will meetrescaled bids for described'P:treel 7C-6.Dinh Piping and Ihilin'Relocations.Cannel Project-a the 0 Wee of titer Cite k Ticasm n,One C'ir ire Square,Cannel.Indiana I City Hall,until I fh10;un Local Time on or before,.lone 19,21113 and commencing as sawn es prriticable dwmflri a on Sirennesllaq June 19.21113.such bids will he publicly riper ed and lead aloud lu the Commit Clamhem of City Ilan No Pole bid'will be acccolyd. All bads and prenuptial shall be pmpcde and completely executed ml the pmpnsal [ru ins provided wllli Ilse plans and specification:: winch will Mande the urn-collu,slrm.lflidavil an required by die State of Intliana. The bid con elope must be soiled acid Ilar'e Fur words IUD—PARCEL 7C d.I1ITC11 PIPISC AND IITILITV1011.0411t1 1ON,CARSIEL_ A bid la oil or((:tined cheek in an nmourn riel leas thin ten eel end 119",hl of the rimuum lad nhudl by ohm lied milli end,hid_ :Ann hnnchecl en inn 10096]perform:turn and papuatt bond en]]also he Iequimd nfMc successlid bidder. It in intended that actual cneernin ion 0f all work die(sinus shall be started as 30011 a s practicable,and each bidder:hull he in Opined in uutrr elcumi r now construction contract,furnish a perfanrnmce hood,nncl tiepin work willing&Mid In Mc mean Flit anal d is made ma him, -lint Pri icct cousins nit brit is err necessarily limited In.die lallaa.dim Extension of the existing 12 inch Water Main,Piping of the r'iNIing ditch,immoral of existing storm piping under 3rd A'cane SW,concrete orbs.paver n alknan,asphalt paxemen I,handicap ramp,concrete pa enI.drainege structures and piping.and coordination of exisrine utilities(rum aerial um Laded. PRO.l ECU DISCRIr I ION (Main or lNieumn,a in the Pndeel have been assembled into outbound project uwnual,which mpctlsnwllll Wow-lugs.gs.nand he-examined at tht Ihllordnp 1',anionr. A mer[rtn Srrucmrepo rat 72110 S lh adds rid Station Inrliamgmlin.Indiana 462SP 317-517-5(Sri Alen Bah trksnn \hareaugh Reprngraphie'Supply Co„too- (hltp::nehsanarbmhgh aoml SC I North Capital Avenue Indianapolis_Indiana 46294 [317)531-10001"hour [3171 P3 1-113 Facsimile Copies nl such dents'[)art and project manuals nurse he obtained from Maiheugll Kcphnpraplun Soppy'Co,.Inc at the address stated a hone,upon the Hy mom id S 011 fan each set. These sets may[include fnllsice drawings. P.0110.111 MUM Ina by clock. .NC)CASH ACCHI'ITU_Slake dlecke patrahle to Amcsican Fir ectnhyuoinl. All p:pnmuts mud cwt oflamraci Donnncut3 are 11311- 1'mWabl0. 1eliiddcls shall 32101 110 rhal 1hc-rim-c',binned complete eeis ofdmrvings and connote Daenummni and shall summit Mc risk tit anr snots or nmissiane io bids prepared in reliance on lr nnpleIe sets of drinker:mud C:vin0ad Dmianmus_ Thin Prajed will he Condom Imihe CIn of Cannel. Wage races for the l'Bed shall nut lie less than the carom Ireacuihed scale of-napes a;decennined by the C'omrnon Cup:oldion Wage Committee in seeardance with 1,C.(-16-7 and included in the Pried Marvell. A pro laid conference fr discussion of the 1'it rjca.the bidding mgaucieuts and whir impotreut airmen will he held on llnndun,June 16,2913 at 11:110 aril EST in the Cancan Room nn 2nd Floor efCiro Hail(One Co it Square)_ All puepeeir a bidders are[anted to attend Ire pre-bid conference. 'Ihe pre bi 1 c'Ncrocre m not aswdalory. for,cpecial accommodations needed by handicapped imdividt Os planing i attend the pie-bid canferencc nl public bad opening mecdng_phase call or unify the Chu of Cho In _linyinear's OIDce id 13171 571.7441 at least firth night 1181 hours prior then cio. '20 bidder may'nrhdnnc,ore hid in ernimi ll within 41/01106 of 111i:101301 dam follow ins lie dale set 1hr recenhng bids or proposal v. The Cannel Hoard of Public Rinks and Satiny reser;es the u[Elie 4r hold auc or all IMP m prupnsals for a period ofnol more than thirty'130jlove cud shit bide nr proposal shall mnmin in full fume andclTecl dieing said period_ the Cic,'of Car owl reenters to tier aotlinr cancel any and all lick,solidrotinns andlnr oilers Imahole or[n pan an sentifed in the soliduatian rshenl it isnot in the Ica interests oldie poveinmconl body as ddenrrined by Inc s purehasime aoeocy in accordance whin h IC 222-Ig-2. Diane I.Cordrn}- C9erk Treasurer t1.2 715f .Sd,b S 3r Aapcsslp /12.: ';,1, I .i oZO2'BS As{y sar{043 uclsslwwo3 Airy suslau!!o qqs leas-sltInd Aty}oN AVIV 351007 1133rNM3C -Plotnu;) uucn:l% ,)u gu:gnso}1 ril°4C as!nuf aa,}unt;1f• 117.07./RF/co uu!sttuunr:+ ifs wuNP41 ct, r) •runt; tup,,m'LE. :11 l ,nn 0.0y.uf u: uw•ts pui- 110413:r=gnR 4:I U i.11)N.i s.nuffv� au ,'"lttacp utrn r:nlgnii }r, l-rl.rlr.ir .ra t 'r-laitul Inr 1.-pd::d inr:■ to Inni.!Ifind AFT ;Her yrny.0 'C11t1:1 0(1.11 tr .r (,.ry.u:in:.:•1111;r,i p.■ ur.u3 aril trail pill: (;14:x-tt.n>fe.dunoa puu ayt:)s ut olfls.ggoN Jo .tIL.t.,ql (II (lla(i}I •)yt au pal(h((ynd ;mu}erlutdd uut(Lein)(IL( 11%10(1(311 40.r.tdeda,you (-OW( I. 4} lo .10(1-11(1(1,1 -1 ay u:91 -tUS u.n,t,ts= ilnp ;IIi ltl •nger scum(RILL u11_1, rauflts.mgmn -ILII Hale;- pu an{ puc ui .n1g11d S.u(Eou a out .:iIuf.ay pdAU0thir SW:lit/xa0d 1 :1/1.1:10.) 11011111111(1.1 f ( vuelpuI )n 1[1:1c .11 \\((11:1..1`; The Times Invoice 641 Westfield Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 Date Invoice# 6/612013 TL 2744 Bill To City of Carmel -Clerk-Treasurer One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 ATTN: Sandy Johnson Description City Rate Amount Notice to Bidders (Parcel 7C-6) $89.26 589.26 Ad Ran. 5/30/2013 6/6/2013 PLEASE INCLUDE YOUR INVOICE NUMBER (TL2744)ON YOUR CHECK WHEN MAKING A PAYMENT Subtotal $89.26 Total $89.26 Balance Due $89.26 �f 1 1 �I PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 14; 2.1 Base Bid l The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the times) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total T-tte Fcx..e r r e TrActvsavL9 Dollars ($ ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. I I d I I I I MORPHEY CONSTRUCTION WG 1499 North `iinnrman Dr. 1ndi2sx7mlis,IN 432014515 [I BID-3 1 PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: /t40 44e� CL s,x u c„au , 1,,,(' _ I 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: -r z N• y-1 A'w I DR - City: . a , s State:aIN/ Zip: 46"14 i Phone:317- 354 -7a Fax: 5,7 -3 9'253 1.3 Bidder is a/an[mark one] I Individual Partnership i Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other I 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, II Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] 1 .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: 1 3 Date registered with State of Indiana_ I 4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: I Address: I I MORPHEY CGNSTRUCTION£10. 1499 North Sherman Dr. ::.IN 4G201-1515 ' BID-2 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Parcel 7C-6,Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Proposal For Construction of: Extension of the existing I2-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3rd Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. Date: l9 Zc 3 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety I 1 I 1 I I MORPHEY CCNSTRUCTION INC. 1499 North Sherman Dr. lndianapot:.ICd 45201-1515 BID-1 PART3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Part to be used only jor Bidding on Unit Price Contracts Jr o the Contract Items shown] Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price in Words} Quantity Price for Item yy.11, • 1 1 1 1 1 IL MORPFIEY CCNSTRIICTION INC. Picrth Sherman Dr, ;idic,IN 48`401-r515 BID-4 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE 6-/Y-73 MORP11sY CCNSTRUCTION INC. 1499 North Sherman Dr. IN 46201-1515 BID-5 I PART 5 1 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract I Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a II material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. I 5.3 Exceptions: AJo1/4.16— I I I I I I I I 1 I MORPE EY CONSTRUCTION INC. 1469 North Sherman Dr. irc:-.I p.lis, ITN 16201-1515 BID-6 t BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. Company: Rieth—Riley Construction Co, Tnc. Project Name: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation Date Submitted: June 19, 2013 Base Bid $446,900.00 Amount: Alternate 1 Bid na Amount: Alternate 2 Bid Amount: na Alternate 3 Bid Amount: na Alternate 4 Bid na Amount: Alternate 5 Bid na Amount: Alternate 6 Bid na Amount: S BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized Project: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Proposal For Construction of: Extension of the existing .12-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3'tl Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. Date: June 19, 2013 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety BID-1 PART I BIDDER INFORMATION (Print) 1.1 BidderNarne: Rieth-Riley Construction Co. , Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 1751 w. Minnesota Street City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46221 Phone: 317-634-5561 Fax: 317-631-6423 1.3 Bidder is a/an [mark one] Individual Partnership X Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: • BID-2 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2A Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items. total-Four hundred forty-six thousand nine hundred Dollars ($ 446,900.00 ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. BID-3 PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Part to be used only for Bidding on Unit Price Contracts for the Contract Items shown] Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price [in Words] Quantity Price for Item Lump sum: see previous page BID-4 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference, 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE 1 June 14, 2013 BID-5 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part, 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER 10 be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: None BID-6 BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. Company: / / �1 Project Name: f Date Submitted: b ` / 9 - .r3 Base Bid Amount: 771b9` Alternate 1 Bid Amount: Alternate 2 Bid Amount: Alternate 3 Bid Amount: Alternate 4 Bid Amount: Alternate 5 Bid Amount: Alternate 6 Bid Amount: a - S - S F- BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL ' AND DECLARATIONS City of Cannel instructions To Bidders: This form shall he utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Pails shall be filly and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Proposal For Construction of: Extension of the existing 12-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3rd Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. Date: 6�/g' 2°t3 To: City of Carpel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety I a I 1 I BID-1 • PART I BIDDER INFORMATION (Print). 1.1 Bidder Name: TJ&Grt /r'r-r&eAI F>�1 1 1.2 Bidder Address: ✓✓✓ Street Address: er, 90 .C/D0 0 u'°Ol City: ft++ pp°j'`+ State: Zip: c4666 Phone: 765- 378-3-28i Fax: 765 7.78-6312 I 1.3 I3idder is Wan [mark one] t Individual Partnership I/ Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: • Joint Venture Other 1 1.4 [The following must he answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated Jcnruury 23, 19581 .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: I .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: , Address: I 1 I BID]2 l 1 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to 1 the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total 7Ae • go--4"7 /1"1. I'vw t oe� ✓Jo,.-• H-- 0 1. elo% Dollars ($ 3Qe770° ). The '' Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall he based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. I r I, I I I r I BID-3 S PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES I [This Part to he used only JOT Bidding on Unit Price Contracts for the Contract Items shown] j Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price [in Words] Quantity Price for Item 1 I I I I I I I I 1 I BID-4 1 1 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE. 1 _ -3_,1- 262,3 r I 1 r I i I 1 1 BID-5 1. 1 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS 1 instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall fully stale each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: orvC i I r I I I I I 1 I i 1 BID-6 a i CONTRACTOR'S BID FOR PUBLIC WORK - FORM 96 xis -- ul• Stale Form 52414(R 19.10)/Form 96(Revised 2010) n--. Prescribed by State Board of Accounts PART I (To be completed for all bids. Please type or print) Date (month, day, year): 06/11/2013 1. Governmental Unit (Owner): City of Carmel Board of Public Works & Safety 2. County : Hamilton County 3. Bidder(Firm): Yardberry Landscape Excavating Company Address: 9940 S. 1000 W City/State/ZlPcode: Anderson, IN 46017 4. Telephone Number: 765-378-5783 5. Agent of Bidder (if applicable): Tim Yardberry Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers to furnish labor and/or material necessary to complete the public works project of Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping & Utility Relocation, Carmel (Governmental Unit) in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by American Structurepoint, Inc. and dated 05/29/13 for the sum of rke-egw.,Et. il1/41A fa1.4- Se-- 3 99, 7?° ' The undersigned further agrees to furnish a bond or certified check with this bid for an amount specified in the notice of the letting. If alternative bids apply, the undersigned submits a proposal for each in accordance with the notice. Any addendums attached will be specifically referenced at the applicable page. If additional units of material included in the contract are needed, the cost of units must be the same as that shown in the original contract if accepted by the governmental unit. If the bid is to be awarded on a unit basis, the itemization of the units shall be shown on a separate attachment. The contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall not discriminate against or intimidate any employee, or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the contract. CERTIFICATION OF USE OF UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS (If applicable) I, the undersigned bidder or agent as a contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory obligation to use steel products made in the United States (I.C. 5-16-8-2). I hereby certify that I and all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use U.S. steel products on this project if awarded. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments. ACCEPTANCE The above bid is accepted this 19th day of June , 2013 , subject to the following conditions: Contracting Authority Members: Tim Yard berry PART II (For projects of$100,000 or more — !C 36-1-12-4) Governmental Unit City of Carmel Board of Public Works & Safety Bidder (Firm) Yardberry Landscape Excavating Company Date (month, day, year): 06/11/2013 These statements to be submitted under oath by each bidder with and as a part of his bid. Attach additional pages for each section as needed. SECTION I EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE What public works projects has your organization completed for the period of one (1)year prior to the date of the current bid? Completion Contract Amount Class of Work Date Name and Address of Owner $1514093.25 Drainage 10(12 City of Tipton $519338.50 Pipe Lining 08112 INDOT $108676.00 Drainage 08/12 City of Martinsville 2. What public works projects are now in process of construction by your organization? Expected Contract Amount Class of Work Completion Name and Address of Owner Date $99010.00 Clearing 01/13 INDOT 3. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? NO If so,where and why? 4, List references from private firms for which you have performed work. Dan Swails, Indy Parks & Recreation, 317-491-2883 Tim Farley, H Steward Kline & Associate, 765-742-0295 Max Abrell, DCRWD, 765-284-6370 Bob Wiwi, Richmond Sanitary District, 765-983-7477 SECTION II PLAN AND EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Explain your plan or layout for performing proposed work. (Examples could include a narrative of when you could begin work, complete the project, number of workers, etc. and any other information which you believe would enable the governmental unit to consider your bid.) t- Jai ,57 C oc."- 441-1 4U rir 2n tr 4:22c 2. Please list the names and addresses of all subcontractors (i.e. persons or firms outside your own firm who have performed part of the work)that you have used on public works projects during the past five (5) years along with a brief description of the work done by each subcontractor. a 0 — UST — C-7:009 - :37 1113r2A-- �� � /g 4 3. If you intend to sublet any portion of the work, state the name and address of each subcontractor, equipment to be used by the subcontractor, and whether you will require a bond. However, if you are unable to currently provide a listing, please understand a listing must be provided prior to contract approval. Until the completion of the proposed project, you are under a continuing obligation to immediately notify the governmental unit in the event that you subsequently determine that you will use a subcontractor on the proposed project. ST ieto- 7a La-7- 19h pfr`h E DreidA f-4 As,2A p 4. What equipment do you have available to use for the proposed project? Any equipment to be used by subcontractors may also be required to be listed by the governmental unit. 136 on ,5 - 3zc/clay �xr '9zY ruwa-ae_ T 330 el,any- /JS Igo 5. Have you entered into contracts or received offers for all materials which substantiate the prices used in preparing your proposal? If not, please explain the rationale used which would corroborate the prices listed. ` 7�� J. SECTION III CONTRACTOR'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Attachment of bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any bid submitted without said financial statement as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. The financial statement provided hereunder to the governing body awarding the contract must be specific enough in detail so that said governing body can make a proper determination of the bidder's capability for completing the project if awarded SECTION IV CONTRACTOR'S NON —COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to include anyone to refrain from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement, understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding. He further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive directly or indirectly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale. SECTION V OATH AND AFFIRMATION I HEREBY AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTIES FOR PERJURY THAT THE FACTS AND INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE FOREGOING BID FOR PUBLIC WORKS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. Dated at Anderson this 11th day of June , 2013 Yardberry Landscape Excavating Company (Name of Organization) By Owner (Tiile of Person Signing) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATE OF Indiana Madison )ss COUNTY OF ) Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared the above-named Tim Yarberry and swore that the statements contained in the foregoing document are true and correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of June 2013 /. ' Notary Public — " - My Commission Expires: 06/28/2014 Madison County of Residence: Part of State Form 52414(R/9-10)/Form 96(Revised 2010) BID OF Yardberry Landscape Excavating Company (Contractor) 9940 S 1000 W (Address) Anderson, IN 46017 FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS OF Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping & Utility Relocation Carmel, Indiana Filed Action taken 1 t BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE I Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. Company: Atlas Excavating, Inc. Project Name: Parcel 7C-6 Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation. Date Submitted: June 19, 2013 Base Bid Amount: 4 t40 .- 000 I Alternate 1 Bid Amount: Alternate 2 Bid Amount: Alternate 3 Bid Amount: Alternate 4 Bid Amount: Alternate 5 Bid Amount: Alternate 6 Bid Amount: I I I I I BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel instructions To Bidders: This form shall he utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts .shall be fully and accurately Jilted in and completed and notarized. II IProject: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Cannel IlProposal For Construction of: Extension of the existing I2-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping antler 3rd Avenue SIJ', concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt I pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. IDate: June 19, 2013 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety I 1 I I I I I I BID-1 PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: Atlas Excavating: Inc. 2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 4740 Swisher Road City: West Lafayett$,tate: IN Zip: 47906 Phone: _ 765-429-4800 Fax: 765-429-6464 1.3 Bidder is a/an /mark one] Individual Partnership X Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1 .4 . [The following must he answered if the Bidder or any of its partners nr joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the ON of Carmel, Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the Slate of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stetted therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] . ! Corporation Name: NA .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: 4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: Btu-2 j PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices whey ultiplied by estimated uni htities for su-h Contract Items, total roe- 1 i.6re, SP.Ve.n L SG Dollars (S '113, COO ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be coristrued as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. ii I E II I ElI BID-3 i ■ PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Part to he used only for Bidding on (lint Price Contracts fo, the Contract Items shown] Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price [in Wo]ds] Quantity Price for Item BID-4 I I PART 4 ICONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. I4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: 1 ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE I It- 1 L . lit 11) • I I I i 1 I I I 1 I I 1 BID-5 1 C • PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall fidly state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidcler is cautioned that any exception taken by BicIder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: Je2kL BID-6 J 1I BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS ICity of Carmel IInstructions To Bidders: . This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. I. 1. Project: Parcel 7C-6,Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Cannel I i Proposal For Construction of: I Extension of the existing I2-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3'w Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt I pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buriedL IDate: June 19. 2013 ITo: City of Cannel, Indiana,Board of Public Works and Safety 1 1 I 1 I I I ■ i 1 i I BID-I. r, 1 ! Ij PART I 131DDTR INFORMA'ftON (Print) 1 1.1 Bidder Name: Beaty Constructirm,Inc I W. ICC N. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 5292 ; 1 Boggswwn IN : 4611(1 City: State: Zip. Phone: 317-535-2.254 Fax: 317-835-2913 I � r 1..3 Bidder is a/an[mark one] Individual Partnership Indiana Corporation •' Foreign(Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other I 1.4 (The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 19581 i a .1 Corporation Name: i .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: . .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: I Address: I . • 4i 1 1 BID-2 1. PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items,total Fo.r 2 Homo am Foot T &C "ncoosNm o,OE nw-glen -rwnvrY-rwE i9•ocypo Dollars ($ 443, /Z5'° ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. 1 1 1 11. I I J BID-3 PART 3 j CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES , 1 [This Part to be used only for Bidding on Unit Price Contracts for the Contract Items shown] jl Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price [in Words] Quantity Price for Item !.I 4,71- • IR 1 ji j I 11 ji BID-4 1 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 1 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE I I June 14, 2013 11 • I .t I. 1�J I 1. BID-5 i i I PART 5 EXCEPTIONS if instructions To Bidders: 1 i 5.11 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the Specification or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. j 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a '...� material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. j { I 5.3 Exceptions: is , f I 11 I hi i L.i BID-6 BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. Company: �n1b / �S 6 l s1rt,�e ins ) .Znc . Project Name: Parcel 17C-t bitch Pipni 4 /LJ///fy ?doc alQnAirmel Date Submitted: / j9, 020/3 Base Bid Amount: 53L/ 330, CO Alternate 1 Bid Amount: Alternate 2 Bid Amount: Alternate 3 Bid Amount: Alternate 4 Bid Amount: Alternate 5 Bid Amount: Alternate 6 Bid Amount: a�� M • BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall he utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall he fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Proposal For Construction of: Extension of the existing 12-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under 3rd Avenue SW, concrete curbs, purer walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. Date: June, jqt To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety 'g! I P P I P T3 P BID-1 I PART I BIDDER INFORMATION 9(Print) I.I Bidder Name: HIS (.' bns4ruc.-iorS; Inc-. T� e4 5 6 12 Bidder AdcLess: Street Address: 5/50 C. /s5 Stre � to e City: idadjAdict.polLs State: f[. Zip: 44.220 Phone: .311-Z4- IRS Fax: 3/7-2Eq-//FS 1.3 Bidder is a/an [mark are[ Individual Partnership / Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture A� parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: I I BID-2 I PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total Five. hone{reel Ihir{y-Fair }hoasnmcI 1/21 ea. h,0rulrtc4 4-1 ;rfy ticd n[o e enfs Dollars ($ 53t/, 3,30,°°). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. U p I I I I BID-3 I { I PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Part to be used only far Bidding on Unit Price Contracts for the Contract Items shown] Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price [in Words] Quantity Price for Item RrojcJ is o` LSIAml bid 1.i Bad 1-53q 336,`"' :1i j-i QI,! I,.0 . 1 �V'Icl ('hl }t. 1 1t. BID-4 I I - PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE Jane 14 25(3 • I IEi BID-5 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.! The Bidder shall filly state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: /V,Onc N I 1 1 I I I 1 I I I I BID-6 BID PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. Company: Davidson Excavating Inc. Project Name: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Project No. 2013.00320 Date Submitted: 6/19/2013 Base Bid $582,500.00 Amount: Five Hundred Eighty Two Thousand, Five Hundred Dollars Alternate 1 Bid Amount: Alternate 2 Bid Amount: Alternate 3 Bid Amount: Alternate 4 Bid Amount: Alternate 5 Bid Amount: Alternate 6 Bid Amount: BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall he utilized hi' all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided. all Parts shall be full'and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Proposal For Construction of: Extension of the existing 12-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storm piping under yd Avenue SW, concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities from aerial to buried. Date: 6/19/2013 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety RID-I PART I BIDDER INFORMATION (Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: Davidson Excavating Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 5533 S 800 West City: Russiaville State: IN Zip: 46979 Phone: Fax:►:ax: 765-883-5258 1.3 Bidder is a/an [mark one j Individual Partnership X Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel. Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2. dated January 23, I 958 .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: BID-2 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2. I Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total Five Hundred Eighty Two Thousand, Five Hundred and No/100 Dollars ($582,500.00 ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. RID-3 PART 3 CONTRACT PI'EMS AND UNIT PRICES 'This Part to he used only for Bidding on Unit Price Contracts for the Contract Items shown] Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price in Words] Quantity Price for Item 131 D-4 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE #1 3/14/2013 BID-5 PART EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall hilly state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 a/this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to he a material qualification or variance,/rorn the terms o/'Ihe Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: BID-6 Bid Proposal Summary Form Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your bid packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project named and your company name clearly marked on the outside. SEAL THE ENVELOPE. Eagle Valley Inc. Company: 3401 North Raceway Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Project Name: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation Date Submitted: June 19, 2013 Base Bid Amount: $589,979.00 Alternate 1 Bid Amount: Alternate 2 Bid Amount: Alternate 3 Bid Amount: Alternate 4 Bid Amount: Alternate 5 Bid Amount: Alternate 6 Bid Amount: Revised 5!15109 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as othenvise specifically provided, all Parts shall be Ally and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Parcel 7C-6, Ditch Piping and Utility Relocation, Carmel Proposal For Construction of: Extension gf the existing 12-inch Water Main, Piping of the existing ditch, removal of existing storms piping under 3id Avenue SN; concrete curbs, paver walkway, asphalt pavement, handicap ramp, concrete pavement, drainage structures and piping, and coordination of existing utilities front aerial to buried. Date: June 19,2013 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety BID-I PART I BIDDER INFORMATION (Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: Eagle Valley Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 3401 North Raceway Road City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46234 Phone: (317)291-8104 Fax: (317)291-8786 1.3 Bidder is a/an [mark one] Individual Partnership x Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 [717e,following innst be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 19557 .I Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: 131D-2 PART 2 131D PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery. tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and lidIilI all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the lime(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto_ for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as slated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total Five Hunched Eighty Nine Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy Nine 00/00 Dollars ($589,979.00). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and Further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to he performed or furnished under the Contract. BID-3 PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Fart to be used only for Bidding on Unit Price Contracts for the Contact Items shown) Prices In Figures Contract Description/ Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Unit Price [in Words] Quantity Price for Item #/n. BID-4 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terns and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE #1 3/14/13 ( .e ved '14`1;) BID-5 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 5.1 The Bidder shall filly state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid tel rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: None • BID-6