HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid information and PacketsNOTICE TO BIDDERS CRC OF C\ It \IEI-, INDIANA Department Carmel Redevelopment Commission 30 West .'Hain Street. Suite 220 City of Carmel. Indiana 46032 Project: Parcel 2. Renovation to the Carmel Reflecting Pond, Carmel, Indiana Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Redevelopment Commission for the City of Cannel. Hamilton Count'. Indiana will receive bids for the above described Project at the once of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, 30 West :Main Street. Suite 220, Cannel Indiana. 46032, until 5:110 p.m. EDT on or before .luly 24, 2011. Bids will he publicly opened and read aloud al the meeting oflhc Cannel Redevelopment Commission the same day. July 24. 2013. which will be in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of City Hall at 6:30 p.m., nt which time such Bids will be taken under advisement. No laic bids will be a cepted. It is the Owner's intent to award the Contract alter a two week Bid evaluation period. All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the pi posol forms provided with the drawings and specifications. Ridding Requil ements will include the non - collusion a0idavit as requited by the State of Indiana. The bid envelope mast he scaled and have the following label on the Iowa Icf conic:. I ;ID- PARCEL 2. RENOVA'T'ION TO THE CA RN1EL REFLECTING POND. A bid bond made payable of the City of Cannel will be required in the count of 5% of the total bid price. A one hundred percent 1100%) performance and payment bond will be megnired of the successful bidder upon execution of the Cunuact. It is intended that actual constnmlion of all work divisions shall he stated as soon as practicable, and each bidder shall be prepared to enter promptly No a construction contract, furnish a performance and labor and material payment bond. and begin work when authorized by the Owner in the event the award is made. The Project consists generally of, but is nut necessarily limited to, the following: BID - PARCEL 2. RENO \AT'ION TO 'I'IIE C\RNIEI- REFLECTING POND. The general scope of the Project consists of the fallowing bid package: I3id Package: The base bid work for this bid package consists of the removal of the existing cast stone caps around the perimeter of Inc pond and replacement with Granite Caps. Alternate No.1. removal of existing pavers and mud slab and installation of a new perimeter underdrain under the sidewalk and replace the mud slab and pavers. Alternate No. 2, install a 19'DM liner on the foot and walls of the entire pond. except the geyser pads. and remove the divider wall. Contract Documents for the Project may he examined at the following locations: Carmel Redevelopment Commission, 30 West Main Street. Suite 220, Cannel. Indiana 46032 Reed Construction Data. Inc. I ce dconistniciiondata cote Nlartaugh Reprographics Supply Co., Inc. (http:w srw. marbaugh.com) 801 Nonh Capitol Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46204 (317) 631 -1000 Phone (317)631-1130 Facsimile ONE COPY of such drawings and project manual airy be obtained from Marbaugh Reprographics Supply Co.. Inc.. acting on the behalf of the Consuuctinn Manager at the address stated above. upon the payment of 535.00 for the set. Additional non- refundable deposit sets may be purchased from Mmhxugh Reprographics pct theim pricing schedule. I'avnsnt must be by check. NO CASH ACCEPTED. )lake check payable to The Cannel Redevelopment Commission, Deposit will he refunded to Bidder who submits a bid and return bidding documents in good condition within 10 days lions bid opening date. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of drawings and Contract Documents and shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets of drawings and Contract Documents. This Project well be Eluded by the Cannel Redevelopment Commission. The Constriction Manager will he the Cannel Redevelopment Commission, 30 West Nlain Street. Suite 220, Carmel, Indiana 46032. The Constmction Manager for the Camel Redevelopment Connnissims will be NI. Mau Wonhley, telephone number is (317) 205 -7030. Wage rates for the Project shall not be less than the current prescribed scale of wages as determined by the Conunon Construction Wage Comnainee in accordance with I.C. 5 -16 -7 and included in the Project Nlanual. A pre-hid conference for discussion of One Project. the bidding requirements and odor important natters will be held on Tuesday. July 16.2013 at 111:00 a.m. EDT at de Project Site. All prospective bidders are invited to attend the pre -bid conference. The Pre -bid conference is not mandatory. No Bidder May' withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of ninety 00) data following the date set for weciving bids or proposals. The Carmel Redo elopnent Commission iesen es the right to hold any or all bids or proposals for a period of not atom than ninety (90) days and said bids or proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said period. The Carmel Redo clopn¢m Commission reserves the right to reject and /or cancel any and all bids, solicitations andlor offers in whole on in pan as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5- 22 -18 -2. Les S Olds AIA Executive Diremo Carmel Redevelopment Conurission 77 5011 7/1 77/ 2i /otarin PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ) ss: Fla miIton County ) Personally appeared before me. a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who, heing duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore -said. and that the printed tnatter attached hereto is a eve copy, which was duly published in said paper for 2 time(s), the (late(s) of publication being as follows: 7/3/2013 7/11/2013 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Thursday, July I I. 2013. Nota ry Public My commission expires: 05/28/2020 .Jennifer Louise May Resident of Marion County Publisher's Vec: $108.05 Y i 77, 3001 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts 83533- 6079947 General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009A) Federal ID■ 35- 2061385 CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSIO To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST - PO BOX 145 COUNTY. INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46206 -0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT NOTICE TO BIDDERS •t not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall City of Carmel, Indiana 1 our solid lines of the type in which the body of the Department Carmel Redevelopment I Commission set). - number of equivalent lines 30 West ft Main Street, 220 City o el Carmel, Indiana the 5 Project: Parcel l Renovation n the Carmel Reflecting Pond. Carmel, Indiana s Notice Is hereby given that the Carmel Rede- velopment Commission for the City of Car - 1 meL.Hamilton County. Indiana will receive Ines In nonce -bids for the above described Project at the office of the Carmel Redevelopment Corn- i mission, 30 West Main Street, Suite 220, Car- ' mel, Indiana, 46032, until 5:00 p.m. EDT on or i before July 24, 2013. Bids will be publicly . l opened and read aloud at the meeting of the ,Carmel Redevelopment Commission the IRGES same day, July 24, 2013. which will be in the Council Chambers located on the second nns wide equals 296.0 equivalent lines at .731 floor of City Hall at 6:30 p.m., at which time such Bids will be taken under 'advisement. 'NO late bids will be accepted. It is the )two week to evaluation the C Contract after a notices containing rule and figure work (50 per cent • All bids and proposals shall be prbperly and completely executed on the proposal forms providetl with the drawings and specifica- tions. Bidding Requirements will include the fs of publication (S 1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .00 non- collusion affidavit as required by the • OF CLAIM m State of Indiana. The bid envelope must be .p 216.26 sealed and have the following label on the !lower left corner. • I BID- PARCEL 2, RENOVATION TO ?NE CARMEL i COST REFLECTING POND: I A bid bond made payable of the City of Car - mel will. be required in the amount of 5% of In 5_8 ems Size of type 7 the total bid price. A one hundred percent I (100 %) performance and. payment bond will Q_0 be required of the successful bidder upon ex- lecution of the Contract. It is intended that actual construction of all work divisions shall 1 be stated as soon as practicable, and each bidder shall be prepared to enter promptly into a construction contract, furnish a per- ons and penalties of 1C 5- 11 -10 -I, 1 hereby certify that the foregoing account is formance and labor and. material payment bond, and begin work hen authorized by the owner In the event the award is made. oust claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same The Project consists generally of. but is not necessarily limited to, the following: I BID - PARCEL 2, RENOVATION TO THE CARMEL REFLECTING POND. The general scope of the Project consists of rinted matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the width and type size. the following bid package: PY , o e same co YP ' Bid Package: The base bid work for this bid n said a er 2 times. The dates of publication being between the dates of: package consists of the removal of the exist- , P P P g ing cast stone caps around the perimeter of with pond and replacement th Granite Caps. Alternate No.1, removal of existing ruderan ueathe new perimeter nrd installation side- ', wall< and replace the mud slab and pavers. , Alternate No. 2, install a EPDM liner on the i' —517) -na titT Afi,4Rtire -oond, except the checked below is true and correct: ONE COPY of such drawings and project ,' ; manual may be obtained from Marbaugh Re- prographics Supply Co.,_ Inc.. acting on the behalf of the Construction Manager at the e a Web site. address stated above, upon the payment of $35.00 for the set. Additional non - refundable to and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in deposit sets may be purchased from Mar- ule. Payment must be by check. NO CASH 1 baugh Reprographics per their pricing sched- 'ACCEPTED. Make check payable to The Car -'Le, but due to a technical problem or error, public notice was posted on met Redevelopment Commission. Deposit • will return be efunded to Bidder who submits a bid Ise but refuses to post the public notice. re and bidding documents in good condi- I tion within 10 days from bid opening date. Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of drawings and Contract Doc- ' uments and shall assume the risk of any er- rors c mpomissions in of bids prepared in ontr ct ' Q` on s incomplete will ll be funded ded by Carmel Re-J Documents. • - This lopmet will m funded by the Carmel Re- Theelo nstru Commission. Manager 'The Redevelopm Manager isl be the Car- 1 Mai Redevelopment Suite Commission. 20, C rme 30 Wes[ j Main Street Suite 220, Canape Indiana 146032. The Construction Commission will the 'Carmel Redevelopment Commission will be Title: Clerk Mr. Matt Worthley, telephone number Is (317) 205-7030. Wage rates for the Project shall not be less than the current prescribed scale'of wages as determined by the Common Construction Wage Committee in nce with I.C. 5- 16-7 and included in the a Project Manual. A pre -bid conference for discussion of the Project, the bidding requirements and other important matters will be held on Tuesday, • July 16, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. EDT at the Project ' Site. All prospective bidders are invited to at- ' tend- the pre -bid conference. The' Pre -bid . conference is not mandatory. No Bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal , within a period of ninety (90) days following i n o enf far roro,v, hid% nr nronnsals. $ 216.26 Reflecting Pool - Bid Summary Carmel Redevelopment Commission 7/24/2013 Bid Opening Contractor Base Bid Add Alternate #1 Total Mount Airy Base Bid Ad Alt #1 less Mount Airy Smock Fansler $ 386,300.00 $ 126,800.00 $ 513,100.00 8 49,600.00 $ 463,500.00 Glenroy Construction $ 393,000.00 $ 199,000.00 $ 592,000.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 544,000.00 PROJECT TOTAL - CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 463,500.00 1 f BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall he filly and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Proposal For Construction of : RENOVATION TO THE CARMEL CITY CENTER REFLECTING POND The general scope of Work consists of the Base Bid work for this bid package consists of the removal of the existing cast stone caps around the perimeter of the pond and replacement with Granite Caps. Alternate No. 1, removal of existing pavers and mud slab and install a new perimeter underdrain under the sidewalk and replace the mud slab and pavers. Alternate No. 2, install an EPDM liner on the floor and walls of the entire pond except the geyser pads and remove the divider wall. BID -I PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION Print 1.1 Bidder Name: Glenroy Construction Co., Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address 450 S. Ritter Avenue City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46219 Phone: 317/359 -9501 Fax: 317/352 -7115 1.3 Bidder is a /an [mark one] Individual Partnership X Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture patties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel. Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General 's Opinion #2, dated Januan, 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: 2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: BID -2 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 a 0 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, Base Bid - Granite Caps ibt-A1prFA &L2J8r7 -1Ye 1A-491.44-0 Dollars ($ 33, 000 ) 2.2 Alternate Bids Alternate No. 1 - Install perimeter tile and associated work: (Add` ( - "ON EGFw+ vpkEpAIC.JFXyNLCn1E- "wni.sf1"21) Dollars ($)991000 ) Alternate No. 2 - Install EPDM pond liner and associated work: (D f& 1-LA olerA at)-7-1271066:4-1.4) Dollars ($ +709) DOO The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price or combination of prices that best benefits the Owner. -Pt sE /volt) voimmri ,ALT "44 -TES l>il ✓E /WA; F b &Pe W S rEter n EtJCL.o 'p (I 000 00, PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Part to be used only for future Unit Price Contracts for the Contract Items shown] Prices In Figures Description/ Unit Unit Unit Price [in Words] Quantity Price Earth removal Price / cu.yd. 4t'6 5p Perimeter pipe and Price /l.f. materials 2, 3 o0 Excavation & gravel Price /cu.yd. g 33 00 BID-4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 r l i 1 1 a it PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE 1 7/16/13 BID -5 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Not Applicable BID -6 0 0 7 8 r z N • ti 0 0 N J N July 24, 2013 Carmel Redevelopment Commission 780 Third Avenue Southwest Carmel, Indiana 46032 Reference: Renovation to the Carmel City Center Reflecting Pond To Whom It May Concern: C. Lane Slaughter President The specified granite (Cold Spring Granite Sierra White) for the aforementioned project exceeds the specified absorption rate of .11. Should the owner choose to use North Carolina Granite "Mt. Airy" in lieu of Sierra White, we offer a voluntary deduct of $48,000 (Forty Eight Thousand Dollars). If Granicor "Sherbrooke" is utilized, we offer a voluntary deduct of $30,000 (Thirty Thousand Dollars). Sincerely,1 C. Lane Slaughter President PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION riot 1.1 Bidder Name: Smock Fansler Corporation 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 2910 W. Minnesota Street City: Indianapolis State: Indiana Zip: 46241 Phone: 317- 248 -8371 Fax: 317- 244 -4507 1.3 Bidder is a/an /mark anef Individual Partnership x Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 /'/he fol/awing must he answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as .stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General Iv Opinion '2, dated January 23. / 958.] 1 Corporation Name: NA .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: BID -2 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill. all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, Base Bid — Granite Caps ' XEG1,vnied,, Sty �Ltt00.i.OMn ���?r�£J33 63C ) 22 Alternate Bids Alternate No. 1 — Install perimeter tile and associated work: (Add) (Deduct) One gout epti.Jo43 Sip /ins ty-- Nr "-Dollars ($/26 0 ) Alternate No. 2 — Install EPDM pond liner and associated work: (Add) (Deduct) rt /44,014-- �I%' s reD 3�Y 7 oaf- 0„../ lc i✓ 0 ) The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price or combination of prices that best benefits the Owner. fi We of rest VOLONTRRf /K Lieu -air ��Rteo Wtd ff GRAN�SE� Mh'rife',Ares #I 1)55 /limn/ CAKoL1N4 Sigt goo LI MOONT ��vvcT fg�19,1oD o� JERsgoolcL -. Wooer ij3/,300 BID -3 PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES [This Part to be used only for fntrrre Lhrit Price Contracts fnr the Contract hems shown) Prices In Figures Description/ Unit Unit Unit Price Fin Words] Quantity Price Earth removal Price /cu.yd. 25 Z-Ve y Perimeter pipe and Price/1.1 00 materials SS" /6, F Excavation & gravel Price /cu.vd. as°t/G BID-4 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE One 7/16/13 BTD -5 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Not Applicable BID -6 PART 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 6.1 Attachment of Bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any Bid submitted without said financial statement as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. "the financial statement provided hereunder to OWNER must be specific enough in detail so that OWNER can make a proper determination of the Bidder's capability for completing the Work/Project if awarded. Information on Bidder's company and financial statement shall be consistent with the information requested on the State Board of Accounts Forms #96a and #102, entitled "Standard Questionnaires and Financial Statement for Bidders ". 6.2 Submit with the Bid a fully completed Financial Statement specific enough for the Owner's governing. body to make a proper determination of the Bidders' capability for completing the project if awarded. Include the following: • Current Assets (cash, joint venture accounts, accounts receivable, notes receivable, accrued income, deposits, materials inventory and prepaid expenses.) • Net Fixed Assets • Other Assets • Current Liabilities (accounts payable, notes payable, accrued expenses, provision for income taxes, advances, accrued salaries and accrued payroll taxes.) • Other Liabilities (capital, capital stock, authorized and outstanding shares par values, earned surplus and retained earnings.) BID-7 PART 7 ADDITIONAL DECLARATIONS 7.1 Bidder certifies for itself and all its subcontractors compliance with all existing laws of the United States and the State of Indiana prohibiting the discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment or subcontract work in the performance of' the Work contemplated by the Agreement with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment or subcontracting because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, national origin, ancestry, age, disabled veteran status or Vietnam era veteran status. The City of Cannel reserves the right to collect a penalty as provided in IC 5- 16 -6 -1 for any person discriminated against. 72 The Bidder certifies that Bidder has thoroughly examined the site of the Project/Work and informed itself fully regarding all conditions under which he /she will be obligated to operate and that in any way affect the Work, and knows, understands and accepts the existing conditions. The Bidder further certifies that he /she has thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents, including all Addenda, and has had the opportunity to ask all questions thereof and obtain all interpretations and /or clarifications concerning the Contract Documents that Bidder desire to obtain. BID-8 PART S NON- COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The individual person(s) executing this Bid Proposal, being first duly sworn, depose(s) and state(s) that the Bidder has not directly or indirectly entered into a combination. collusion, undertaking or agreement with any other Bidder or person (i) relative to the price(s) proposed herein or to be bid by another person, or (ii) to prevent any person from bidding, or (iii) to induce a person to refrain from Bidding; and furthermore, this Bid Proposal is made and submitted without reference to any other bids and without agreement, understanding or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any persons with reference to such bidding in any way or manner whatsoever. PART 9 SIGNATURES [Signature by or on behalf of the Bidder in the spaces provided below shall cortstinrte execration of each and every Part of this Itemised Proposal and Dec/aranbns Document. SIGNATURE MUST BE PROPERLY NOTARIZED. J Bidders Name: Smock Fansler Corporation Written Signature: / ° --_. Printed Name: Joe Davee Title: Project Manager lmprn7aru - Notary Signature and Seal Required in the Space Below STATE OF Indiana SS: COUNTY OF Marion 2013 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 24th day of July My commission expires: 11/18/20 Residing in Johnson (Signed) Printed: Dia Leanne Donoho County, State of BID -9 Indiana „��sso�onnumimunmii��t„ SEAL • •