HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and PacketsINDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS, INC. FAX PROOF Ad Number: 6063574 Customer: CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION Contact: EMAIL /MATTHEW WORTHLEY Phone: 3175712787 Price: 140.28 Section: LEGAL Class: 0; LEGAL Size: 2 X 96 Start Date: 05/09/2013 End Date: 05/16/20130r- dered: 9 Times Class: 0; LEGAL Printed By: C137 01/09/2014 Signature of Approval: Date: NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Cannel, Indiana Department: Carmel Redevelopment Commission 30 West Main Street, Suite 220 City of Carmel, Indiana 46032 Project: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Former Party Time Rental Site 1212 South Range Line Road - Caarmel, IN 46032 Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Rede- velopment Commission for the City of Car- mel, Hamilton County, Indiana will receive proposals for the above-described Project at the office of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission. 30 West Main Street, Suite 220, Carmel. Indiana 46032, until 5:00 p.m. EDT on or before June 19, 2013. Proposals will be publicly opened and react aloud at the meet- ing of the Carmel Redevelopment Commis- sion the same clay, lune 19, 2013, which will be in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of City Hall at 6:30 p.tn., at which time such Proposals will he taken under advisement. No late proposals will be accepted. It is the Carmel Redevelopment Commission's intent to review each proposal for compliance with bidding requirements and conformity with the Request for Propo- sals for the Project. CRC reserves the right to: (a) consider or reject without considera- tion any Proposals that do not satisfy the Proposal Requirements; (b) reject any or all Proposals, including, without limitation. re- jeCting all Proposals if any of the CRC Contin- gencies are not satisfied; and (c) make an award to the highest and best bidder, as de• scribed more particularly in the Bid Package. even if the Proposal submitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all the Con- ditions for Redevelopment: each as further described in the Request for Proposals for the Project. In the event that the Carmel Re- development Commission does not receive any satisfactory Proposals, CRC reserves the right to enter into private negotiations with respect to the Project and /or the Project site; provided that CRC will not convey the Project site for an amount less than that set forth in the Notice of Sale for a period of at least 30 days. All proposals shall be properly and com- pletely executed on the forms provided. Bid- ding Rec uireinents will include the nom cob lesion affidavit as required by the Stale of Indiana. The bid envelope must be Sealed and have the following label on the lower left corner: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL - FORMER PARTY TIME RENTAL SITE. A non-refundable deposit of $20,000 ($5,000 of which shall be applicable against the our- . chase price for the Redevelopment Parcel) is due with the proposal as well all of the Bid - der Qualifications. Request for Proposals are available at the City of Carmel Redevelopment Department office: Carmel Redevelopment Commission 30 West Main Street. Suite 220 Carmel. Indiana 46032 No Bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of ninety (90) days following the date set for receiving bids or proposals. Thn rarmal nndm,ninmmonr rnmmtccinn ro- serves the right to hold any or all bids m pro- posals for a period of not more than ninety (90) days and said bids or proposal shall re- main in full force and effect during said pe- riod. The Carmel Redevelopment Commis- sion reserves the right to reject and /or cancel any and all bids, solicitations and /or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the hest inter- ests of the governmental body as deter- mined by the purchasing agent in accor- dance with IC 5-22-18-2. Les S. Olds. AIA Executive Director Carmel Redevelopment Commission (S • 5/9/13, 5/16/13 - G063574) NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Cannel. Indiana Department: Carmel Redes elopmenI Commission 31) West Alain Street. Suite 220 City of Carmel. Indiana 46032 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Former Party Time Rental Site 1212 South Range Line Road — Carmel, IN 46032 Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Redevelopment Commission for the City of Carmel, I lamilton County, Indiana will receive proposals for the above - described Project at the oilice of the Cannel Redevelopment Commission, 30 West Main Street, Suite 220, Cannel, Indiana 46032, until 5 :110 p.m. EDT on or before June 19, 2013. Proposals will he publicly opened and mad aloud at the meeting of the Cannel Redevelopment Commission the same day, June 19, 2013, which will he in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of City Hall at 6:301rt ., at which time such Proposals will be taken under advisement. No late proposals will he accepted. It is the Cannel Redevelopment Commission's intent to t evi cw each proposal for compliance with kidding requirements and conformity with the Request for Proposals for the Project. CRC reserves the right to: (a) consider or reject without consideration any Proposals that do not satisfy the Proposal Requirements; (b) reject any or all Proposals. including. without limitation, rejecting all Proposals if any of the CRC Contingencies are not satisfied; and (c) make an award to the highest and hest bidder, as described more particularly in the Bid Package. even if the Proposal submitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all the Conditions for Redevelopment; each as further described in the Request for Proposals for the Project. In the event that the Carnal Redevelopment Commission does not receive any satisfactory Proposals, CRC reserves tite right to enter into private negotiations with respect to the Project andtor the Project site: provided that CRC will ant convey the Project site for art amount less than that set forth in the Notice of Sale for a period of at least 30 days. All proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the forms provided. Bidding Requirements will include the non - collusion affidavit as requii cd by the State of Indiana. The bid envelope musI be sealed and have the following label on the lower left coma: REQI TEST FOR PROPOSAL — FIIRMIER PARTY TIME RENTAI. SITE. A non - refundable deposit of 520,000 (55,000 of which shall be applicable against the purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel) is due with the proposal as well all of the Bidder Qualifications. Request for Proposals are available at the City of Cannel Redeselopment Department office; Cannel Redevelopment Commission 30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Cannel. Indiana 46032 No Bidder may withdraw any hid or proposal tv ithin a period of ninety (90) Jays following the date set fur receiving bids or proposals. The Carmel Redevelopment Commission resents the right to hold any or all bids or proposals for a period of not more than ninety (901 days and said bids or proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said period. The Cannel Redevelopment Commission reserves the right to reject andtor cancel any and all bids, solicitations andtor otters in whole or in pan as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agent in accordance with IC 5- 22 -18 -2. I es S Olds AIA Executive Director Cannel Redevelopment Cwunttssion 71.2585 5,9. 5/16 2r hspadp PHRIASHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ss: Hamilton County Personally appeared before me. a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Tim Timmons who, being duly sworn, says that he is Publisher of The Times newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Noblesville in state and county afore -said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for 2 time(s). the date(s) of publication being as follows: 5/9/2013 5/16/'2013 Subscribed and sworn to before me this Thursday. May I6, 2013. � J Notary Pu ITi is My commission expires: 05/28/2020 Jennifer 1.4ouise May Resident. of Marion County Publisher's Fee: 665.77 JENNIFER LOUISE MAY Notary Public- Seal State of Indiana My Commission Expires May 26. 2020 V i TL 2.58.5 ATTACH COPY OF ADVERTISEMENT HERE Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No. 99P (Rev. 2009A) Carmel Redevelopment Commission To The Times (Governmental Unit) 641 Westfield Rd. Noblesville, IN 46060 Hamilton County, Indiana PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Master (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set) -- number of equivalent lines Head -- number of lines Body — number of lines Tail -- number of lines Total number of lines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 56 lines, 2 columns wide equals 112 equivalent lines at 0.5873 cents per line Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work (50 per cent of above amount) Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas 0'4998 Size of type 7 point. Number of insertions 2 565.77 50.00 565.77 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5- 11 -10 -1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 2 times. The dates of publication being as follows: 5/9/2013 5/16/2013 Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: . Newspaper does not have a Web site. Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. Newspaper has a Web site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. Thursday. play 16. 2013 Legals Advertising Date Title TL 2585 NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Carmel, Indiana Department: Carmel Redevelopment Commission 30 West Main Street, Suite 220 City of Carmel, Indiana 46032 Project: REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS Former Party Time Rental Site 1212 South Range Line Road — Carmel, IN 46032 Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Redevelopment Commission for the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana will receive proposals for the above - described Project at the office of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, 30 West Main Street, Suite 220, Carmel, Indiana 46032, until 5:00 p.m. EDT on or before June 19, 2013. Proposals will be publicly opened and read aloud at the meeting of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission the same day, June 19, 2013, which will be in the Council Chambers located on the second floor of City Hall at 6:30 p.m., at which time such Proposals will be taken under advisement. No late proposals will be accepted. It is the Cannel Redevelopment Commission's intent to review each proposal for compliance with bidding requirements and conformity with the Request for Proposals for the Project. CRC reserves the right to: (a) consider or reject without consideration any Proposals that do not satisfy the Proposal Requirements; (b) reject any or all Proposals, including, without limitation, rejecting all Proposals if any of the CRC Contingencies are not satisfied; and (c) make an award to the highest and best bidder, as described more particularly in the Bid Package, even if the Proposal submitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all the Conditions for Redevelopment; each as further described in the Request for Proposals for the Project. In the event that the Carmel Redevelopment Commission does not receive any satisfactory Proposals, CRC reserves the right to enter into private negotiations with respect to the Project and/or the Project site; provided that CRC will not convey the Project site for an amount less than that set forth in the Notice of Sale for a period of at least 30 days. All proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the forms provided. Bidding Requirements will include the non - collusion affidavit as required by the State of Indiana. The bid envelope must be sealed and have the following label on the lower left corner: REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL — FORMER PARTY TIME RENTAL SITE. A non - refundable deposit of $20,000 ($5,000 of which shall be applicable against the purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel) is due with the proposal as well all of the Bidder Qualifications. Request for Proposals are available at the City of Cannel Redevelopment Department office: Cannel Redevelopment Commission 30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Cannel, Indiana 46032 No Bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of ninety (90) days following the date set for receiving bids or proposals. The Carmel Redevelopment Commission reserves the right to hold any or all bids or proposals for a period of not more than ninety (90) days and said bids or proposal shall remain in full force and effect during said period. The Carmel Redevelopment Commission reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agent in accordance with IC 5- 22 -18 -2. Les S. Olds, AIA Executive Director Carmel Redevelopment Commission Publication dates: Thursday, May 9, 2013 and Thursday, May 16, 2013. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE FOR THE PRIVATE REDEVELOPMENT OF REDEVELOPMENT PARCEL #9 -28 Notice is given hereby that The City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission ( "CRC ") will open and consider written offers of purchase and proposals for redevelopment (the "Redevelopment Proposals ") of the parcel of real estate depicted as "Parcel #9 -28" on the Location Map attached as Exhibit C (the "Redevelopment Parcel "). CRC will open the Redevelopment Proposals at 6:30 p.m. local time on June 19, 2013, as part of a public meeting to be held at the Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 (the "Public Opening "). Redevelopment Proposals shall be submitted to the Carmel Redevelopment Commission at 30 West Main Street, Suite 220, Carmel, Indiana 46032 (the "CRC Offices "). The deadline for submission of Redevelopment Proposals is 5:00 p.m. local time on June 19, 2013 (the "Receipt Deadline"). At least five days before the Public Opening, interested parties will be able to obtain from the CRC Offices information concerning the room in which the Public Opening will occur. The offer by CRC of the Redevelopment Parcel for sale and redevelopment is made on the conditions set forth below (the "Conditions for Redevelopment "). Required Use: The required use of the Redevelopment Parcel is for redevelopment as, and construction of, a mixed -use project (the "Mixed -Use Project "), which uses may include, without limitation, office, retail, and /or residential, comprised of: (a) a building of at least three stories (the "Building ") that: (i) is consistent with other buildings in the City of Carmel "C -1 /City Center District "; and (ii) includes, on the first floor, retail; and (b) parking that is sufficient to serve the Building (the °Parking Facility "). Development Guidelines: The construction of the Mixed -Use Project shall be completed in compliance with the Development Guidelines attached as Exhibit D and the Zoning Ordinance attached as Exhibit E. The Mixed -Use Project shall be constructed in the architectural style shown on the Architectural Style Sheets attached as Exhibit F, so that the design of the Mixed -Use Project is compatible and consistent in design and detail with other recent and current projects in the City of Carmel "C- 1 /City Center District ". CRC Contribution: CRC is not committing to make any contribution to, or investment in, the Mixed - Use Project. Each bidder shall identify any proposed contribution to, or investment in, the Mixed -Use Project to be made by CRC. Minimum Offering Price: $4,350,000.00 Earnest Money: A non - refundable deposit of $20,000.00 ($5,000 of which shall be applicable against the purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel). Parcel Condition: The Redevelopment Parcel is being offered on an "as -is" basis. Due Diligence: The successful bidder shall be responsible for all costs of due diligence with respect to the Redevelopment Parcel, including, without limitation, costs to: (a) obtain title insurance, a survey, and new or updated environmental reports; and (b) perform tests and inspections. Acquisition Date: The sale and purchase of the Redevelopment Parcel shall occur before September 1, 2013 (the "Acquisition Date "), at which time, the successful bidder shall close under a Project Agreement with CRC and acquire fee simple title to Redevelopment Parcel. The Project Agreement shall: (a) be acceptable to CRC; (b) commit the bidder to: (i) satisfy the Conditions for Redevelopment (including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines, complying with the Zoning Ordinance, and following the Architectural Style Sheets); and (ii) fulfill the commitments made by the bidder in its Redevelopment Proposal; and (c) include the terms and conditions outlined on Exhibit G to the Bid Package. Ground Breaking: On or before January 1, 2014. Completion Date: Within 18 months after Ground Breaking. Preferential Features: CRC will give preference to Redevelopment Proposals that: (a) contemplate structured parking; (b) incorporate the properties located at 1132 South Range Line Road and 1224 South Range Line Road (the "Adjacent Properties "); (c) provide for a single Mixed -Use Project that encompasses the entirety of the Redevelopment Parcel and the Adjacent Properties, so that the entirety of the Redevelopment Parcel and the Adjacent Properties are redeveloped into a unified project; (d) minimize the CRC Contribution; provided that, to the extent that Redevelopment Proposals contemplate a CRC Contribution, preference will be given to Redevelopment Proposals that limit the CRC Contribution to streetscape work to be performed by CRC. (e) include samples of proposed architecture and design for the Mixed -Use Project; and (f) do not require a financing contingency for the successful bidder, Proposal Requirements: Each Redevelopment Proposal must comply with the requirements of this Notice. CRC has caused to be prepared the exhibits listed below (the "Exhibits "), and CRC will make all of the Exhibits available at the CRC Offices for examination and use by all interested persons. This Notice, together with the Exhibits, constitute the "Bid Package ". Exhibit A Instructions to Bidders Exhibit B Form Redevelopment Proposal Exhibit C Location Map and Survey Exhibit D Development Guidelines Exhibit E Zoning Ordinance Exhibit F Architectural Style Sheets Exhibit G Outline of Project Agreement Requests for access to inspect the Redevelopment Parcel should be directed to: Les S. Olds, AIA, Executive Director, Carmel Redevelopment Commission, Carmel Redevelopment Commission, 30 West Main Street, Carmel, Indiana 46032; telephone: (317) 571 -2788; and e-mail lolds @carmel.in.gov. CRC reserves the right to: (a) consider or reject without consideration any Redevelopment Proposals that do not satisfy the Proposal Requirements; (b) reject any or all Redevelopment Proposals, including, without limitation, rejecting all Redevelopment Proposals if any of the CRC Contingencies are not satisfied; and (c) make an award to the highest and best bidder, as described more particularly in the Bid Package, even if the Redevelopment Proposal submitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all the Conditions for Redevelopment In determining the highest and best bidder, CRC shall take into consideration the following: (a) The purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel, as proposed in each Redevelopment Proposal. (b) The cost to CRC of satisfying its obligations with respect to any CRC Contribution. (c) The cost, size, character, and quality of the improvements to be constructed by a bidder as part of the Mixed -Use Project (including, without limitation, the degree of compliance with the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, the Architectural Style Sheets, and the other Conditions for Redevelopment). (d) The schedule for completion of the Mixed -Use Project. (e) The general business reputation of the bidder. (f) The experience of the bidder with respect to the development and construction of projects similar to the Mixed -Use Project (the "Similar Projects "). (g) The record of the bidder with respect to the completion of Similar Projects on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws. (h) The current ability of the bidder to complete the Mixed -Use Project on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws. (i) The financial resources of the bidder and its principals, including, without limitation, the financial resources available to complete the Mixed -Use Project. (j) The financial resources of the bidder's equity investors and construction lender, including, without limitation, the financial resources committed and available to fund completion of the Mixed -Use Project. (k) The square footages of the components of the Mixed -Use Project, the rental amounts for retail space in the Mixed -Use Project, the number of parking spaces in the Parking Facility, and any amenities to be provided. (I) The development and site plans for the Mixed -Use Project and other improvements, the compatibility of such plans with neighboring buildings and the nearby neighborhoods, and the extent to which the Redevelopment Proposal incorporates the Preferential Features. (m) Satisfaction by the bidder of the Proposal Requirements; compliance of the bidder with the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Architectural Style Sheets; and satisfaction by the bidder of any additional requirements of the Bid Package. (n) Any other factors that CRC determines to be important in carrying out and serving: (i) the Conditions for Redevelopment (including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines, complying with the Zoning Ordinance, and following the Architectural Style Sheets); (ii) the legal purposes of CRC; and (iii) the interests of The City of Carmel, Indiana, and its residents, from the standpoint of both human and economic welfare. A successful bidder will be required to execute a binding Project Agreement with CRC that is acceptable to CRC and that commits the bidder to: (a) satisfy the Conditions for Redevelopment (including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines, complying with the Zoning Ordinance, and following the Architectural Style Sheets); and (b) fulfill the commitments made by the bidder in its Redevelopment Proposal. The Project Agreement shall include the terms and conditions outlined on Exhibit G to the Bid Package. Dated: , 2013 The City of Cannel Redevelopment Commission EXHIBIT A INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. GENERAL: CRC is offering the Redevelopment Parcel for sale. The location of the Redevelopment Parcel is depicted more particularly on the Location Map. The sale of the Redevelopment Parcel will be governed by the procedures stated in the Bid Package, and all Redevelopment Proposals, to qualify for consideration by CRC, must: (a) be prepared and submitted in accordance with the procedures stated in the Bid Package; and (b) utilize the forms provided in the Bid Package. The required use of the Redevelopment Parcel is for redevelopment as, and construction of, the Mixed -Use Project. Each Redevelopment Proposal must include a bid to purchase and redevelop the entirety of the Redevelopment Parcel. The sale and purchase of the Redevelopment Parcel must be closed by the Initial Acquisition Date. The construction of the Mixed -Use Project must be completed by the Completion Date. Except for any work to be performed by CRC as part of the CRC Contribution, the Redevelopment Parcel is being offered on an "as -is" basis. 2. PROPOSAL FORM: Each Redevelopment Proposal must: (a) be made on the form provided as Exhibit B, including Attachments A -C, to the Bid Package (the "Proposal Form "), which Proposal Form may not be altered in any way; (b) clearly state the name in which title to the Redevelopment Parcel will be held if the Redevelopment Proposal is accepted; and (c) include the names and addresses of each person or entity that will hold an interest in: (i) the title to the Redevelopment Parcel; or (ii) any entity that will hold an interest in the title to the Redevelopment Parcel. Erasures, corrections, or other changes in the Redevelopment Proposal are prohibited. 3. PROPOSAL ATTACHMENTS: Each Redevelopment Proposal should be accompanied by: (a) exhibits, drawings, renderings, and other materials indicating that the proposed redevelopment will: (i) contribute to the fulfillment of the objectives of the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Architectural Style Sheets; and (ii) serve the interests of The City of Carmel, Indiana, and its residents; and (b) any other pertinent information that the bidder may wish to submit to further illustrate the proposed redevelopment set forth in the Redevelopment Proposal; provided that any such exhibits, drawings, renderings, other materials, and other information must be submitted as an attachment to the Proposal Form. 4. BIDDER QUALIFICATIONS: Each bidder shall submit Attachment C, Statement of Bidder's Qualifications, with its Redevelopment Proposal. If a Redevelopment Proposal is made subject to the bidder being successful in obtaining adequate financing, then the bidder must present evidence to CRC that there is a reasonable assurance that the bidder will be able to obtain such financing. 5. ADDITIONAL MATTERS: Each bidder should specifically address the following items in its Redevelopment Proposal: (a) the cost, size, character, and quality of the improvements to be constructed by the bidder as part of the Mixed -Use Project, including, without limitation, specific information describing the square footages of the components of the Mixed -Use Project, the rental amounts for retail space in the Mixed -Use Project, and any amenities to be provided. (b) the degree of compliance with the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, the Architectural Style Sheets, and the other Conditions for Redevelopment, and the extent to which the Redevelopment Proposal incorporates the Preferential Features. (c) the experience of the bidder and the individuals who will be assigned to the Mixed -Use Project (collectively, the "Bidder's Team "), with respect to the development and construction of Similar Projects, including, without limitation, the record of the Bidder's Team with respect to the completion of Similar Projects on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws. (d) identification of pertinent projects designed and constructed by the Bidder's Team, including, without limitation, Similar Projects in which the Bidder's Team currently is engaged. (e) identification of the architect, the engineer, and the general contractor or construction manager for the Mixed -Use Project, together with: (i) adequate financial statements of the general contractor or construction manager; (ii) firm resumes of the architect, the engineer, and the general contractor or construction manager; and (iii) the name and position of a contact person for each of the architect, the engineer, and the general contractor or construction manager. (f) evidence of the ability of the bidder to obtain the necessary financial resources to complete the Mixed -Use Project. This evidence should include: (i) the names and addresses of the bidder's equity investors and construction lender; and (H) full financial statements of the bidder and its principals. (g) evidence of the financial resources of the bidder's equity investors and construction lender, including, without imitation, the financial resources committed and available to fund completion of the Mixed -Use Project. This evidence should include: (i) adequate financial statements of the bidders equity investors; (ii) public reporting statements of the bidder's construction lender; and (Hi) the name and position of a contact person for each of the bidder's equity investors and construction lender. (h) an adequate construction and development budget, an adequate statement of sources and uses of funds, and an adequate construction and development schedule. (i) the current ability of the bidder to complete the Mixed -Use Project on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws. (j) the cost to CRC of satisfying its obligations with respect to the Mixed -Use Project, as described in each Redevelopment Proposal, including, without limitation, the cost to CRC of making any proposed CRC Contribution. (k) any changes that the bidder would require to the Outline of Project Agreement before the bidder would sign the Project Agreement. 6. EARNEST MONEY: Each Redevelopment Proposal must be accompanied by a deposit: (a) in the form of a cashier's check or a certified check, in either case payable to the order of CRC and drawn on a solvent bank; and (b) in the amount of $20,000.00 ( "the Deposit "); provided that: (a) the Deposit shall become non - refundable if the bidder is notified that its Redevelopment Proposal has been accepted; and (b) the Deposit shall not be applicable against the purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel. No Redevelopment Proposal will be considered unless it is accompanied by the Deposit. The Deposit shall be given as security that the bidder, if notified that its Redevelopment Proposal has been accepted, shall: (a) deposit the Earnest Money immediately upon such notification; and (b) execute a binding Project Agreement with CRC within 20 days after such notification. The Project Agreement shall: (a) include the terms and conditions outlined in Exhibit G to the Bid Package; (b) commit the bidder to: (i) satisfy the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines, complying with the Zoning Ordinance, and following the Architectural Style Sheets; and (ii) fulfill the commitments made by the bidder in its Redevelopment Proposal; and (c) provide for the return or disposition of the Deposit and the Earnest Money; provided that: (a) CRC shall have the option of declaring the Deposit forfeited, as liquidated damages, or pursuing other remedies at law or in equity, if the successful bidder fails to deposit the Earnest Money; and (b) CRC shall have the option of declaring the Deposit and the Earnest Money forfeited, as liquidated damages, or pursuing other remedies at law or in equity, if the successful bidder fails to enter into the Project Agreement. Each Deposit made by an unsuccessful bidder shall be returned to the person who signed the Redevelopment Proposal on behalf of such bidder promptly after the successful bidder is selected. 7. RECEIPT BY CRC: Sealed Redevelopment Proposals will be received by CRC at the CRC Offices until the Receipt Deadline. Each bidder shall submit one original, and six complete copies, of its Redevelopment Proposal. All exhibits, drawings, renderings, other material, and other information submitted with the sealed Redevelopment Proposal shall be retained by, and shall become the property of, CRC. CRC shall open the Redevelopment Proposals at the Public Opening. Redevelopment Proposals may not be withdrawn after submission to CRC, except as expressly provided in the Proposal Form. 8. EXPLANATIONS: If a bidder: (a) finds any discrepancy in, or omission from; or (b) is in doubt as to the meaning of any of the provisions set forth in; the Bid Package or any part thereof, then the bidder shall provide written notice thereof to CRC, at the CRC Offices, at least seven days prior to the Receipt Deadline. CRC shall respond to such written notices by a written addendum to the Bid Package, each of which such addenda shall be: (a) on file in the CRC Offices; and (b) mailed to each bidder who obtains a Bid Package. All such addenda shall become part of the Bid Package, and all bidders shall be bound by such addenda. No oral interpretations or oral instructions wilt be made to any bidder as to the meaning of the Bid Package or any part thereof, and CRC shall not be responsible for any such oral interpretations and /or instructions. 9. REJECTION OR ACCEPTANCE: CRC reserves the right to: (a) consider or reject without consideration any Redevelopment Proposals that do not satisfy the Proposal Requirements; (b) reject any or all Redevelopment Proposals, including, without limitation, rejecting all Redevelopment Proposals f any of the CRC Contingencies are not satisfied; and (c) make an award to the highest and best bidder, even if the Redevelopment Proposal submitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all the Conditions for Redevelopment. 10. TRANSFER OF TITLE: Title to, and possession of, the Redevelopment Parcel will be transferred to the successful bidder in accordance with the provisions of the Project Agreement; provided that title to the Redevelopment Parcel will be conveyed by special (limited) warranty deed. 11. HIGHEST AND BEST BIDDER: In determining the highest and best bidder, CRC shall take into consideration the following: (a) the purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel, as proposed in each Redevelopment Proposal; (b) the cost to CRC of satisfying its obligations with respect to any CRC Contribution; (c) the cost, size, character, and quality of the improvements to be constructed by a bidder as part of the Mixed -Use Project (including, without limitation, the degree of compliance with the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, the Architectural Style Sheets, and the other Conditions for Redevelopment); (d) the schedule for completion of the Mixed -Use Project; (e) the general business reputation of the bidder; (f) the experience of the bidder with respect to the development and construction of Similar Projects; (g) the record of the bidder with respect to the completion of Similar Projects on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws; (h) the current ability of the bidder to complete the Mixed -Use Project on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws; (i) the financial resources of the bidder and its principals, including, without limitation, the financial resources available to complete the Mixed -Use Project; (j) the financial resources of the bidder's equity investors and construction lender, including, without limitation, the financial resources committed and available to fund completion of the Mixed -Use Project; (k) the square footages of the components of the Mixed -Use Project, the rental amounts for retail space in the Mixed -Use Project, and any amenities to be provided; (I) the development and site plans for the Mixed -Use Project, and other improvements; (m) the compatibility of such plans with the neighboring buildings and the nearby neighborhoods; (n) the extent to which the Redevelopment Proposal incorporates the Preferential Features; (o) satisfaction by the bidder of the Proposal Requirements; (p) compliance of the bidder with the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, and the Architectural Style Sheets; (q) satisfaction by the bidder of any additional requirements of the Bid Package: and (r) any other factors that CRC determines to be important in carrying out and serving: (i) the Conditions for Redevelopment (including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines, complying with the Zoning Ordinance, and following the Architectural Style Sheets); (ii) the regal purposes of CRC; and (iii) the interests of The City of Carmel, Indiana, and its residents, from the standpoint of both human and economic welfare. EXHIBIT B PROPOSAL FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME: Private Redevelopment of Redevelopment Parcel fJ 9 -28 REQUIRED USE: The Required Use of The Redevelopment Parcel is for redevelopment as, and construction of, the Mixed -Use Project. BIDDER'S PRICE: $ BIDDER'S DEPOSIT: S BIDDER'S NAME: (Corporate Name or Authorized Representative) BIDDER'S ADDRESS: The undersigned, the of (the "Bidder ") having familiarized itself with the present conditions of the Redevelopment Parcel, offers to purchase from CRC The Redevelopment Parcel for the sum of $ , and tenders herewith an earnest money deposit of $20,000.00 (the "Deposit "); provided that: (a) if this offer is not accepted within 60 days after its receipt by CRC, then Bidder shall have the right to withdraw this offer and to secure the return of the Deposit; and (b) if another offer for the Redevelopment Parcel is accepted by CRC, then CRC shall return the Deposit to Bidder within ten days after acceptance of such other offer. In submitting this offer it is understood that CRC reserves the right to reject this offer. If this offer is accepted, then, within 20 days after notification of such acceptance, Bidder shall execute a binding Project Agreement with CRC, which Project Agreement shall: (a) include the terms and conditions outlined in Exhibit G to the Bid Package; (b) commit Bidder to: (i) satisfy the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines; and (ii) fulfill the commitments made by Bidder in this offer; and (c) provide for the return or disposition of the Deposit. CRC shall have the option of declaring the Deposit forfeited, as liquidated damages, or pursuing other remedies at law or in equity, if Bidder fails to deposit the Earnest Money when required by the terms and conditions of Exhibit A, and CRC shall have the option of declaring the Deposit and the Earnest Money forfeited, as liquidated damages, or pursuing other remedies at law or in equity, if Bidder fails to enter into the Project Agreement when required by the terms and conditions of this Exhibit B. If this offer is accepted, then: (a) Bidder shall use the Redevelopment Parcel only for the Required Use; and (b) title to the Redevelopment Parcel shall be held in the name of Notice of the acceptance or rejection of this offer shall be deemed to be given or delivered if delivery is made in person or by: (a) electronic facsimile transmission to the number set forth below the signature of Bidder, with electronic confirmation of receipt; or (b) reputable overnight delivery service or certified mail, postage pre -paid, in either case, to the address set forth below the signature of Bidder, with return receipt requested. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are the following: Attachment A - Legal Description Attachment B - Project Description Attachment C - Statement of Bidder's Qualifications The undersigned certifies that he or she is authorized to execute and deliver this offer on behalf of Bidder. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Notice of Sale of Real Estate for the Private Redevelopment of Redevelopment Parcel No. 92. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this offer on behalf of Bidder as of this _ day of 2013. ACCEPTANCE BIDDER: By: Printed: Title: Address: Telephone No.: Facsimile No.: This offer is accepted this day of 2013. THE CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION By: William Hammer, President Attachment B PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1. Attach materials and information describing and stating the cost, size, character, and quality of the improvements to be constructed by Bidder as part of the Mixed -Use Project, including, without limitation: (a) specific information describing the square footages of the components of the Mixed -Use Project, the rental amounts for retail space in the Mixed -Use Project, and any amenities to be provided; and (b) a detailed site plan and typical building elevations. 2. Attach materials and information describing and demonstrating: (a) the degree of compliance with the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, the Architectural Style Sheets, and the other Conditions for Redevelopment; and (b) the extent to which the Redevelopment Proposal incorporates the Preferential Features. 3. Attach materials and information describing and evidencing the experience of Bidder's Team with respect to the development and construction of Similar Projects, including, without limitation, the record of Bidder's Team with respect to the completion of Similar Projects on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws. These materials and information should include: (a) the name and position of the person who will serve as a contact person with CRC; and (b) the name and position of the person who will be responsible for overseeing the construction of the Mixed -Use Project. 4. Attach materials and information describing and identifying pertinent projects designed and constructed by Bidder's Team, including, without limitation, Similar Projects in which Bidder's Team currently is engaged. 5. Attach materials and information identifying the architect, the engineer, and the general contractor or construction manager for the Mixed -Use Project, together with: (a) adequate financial statements of the general contractor or construction manager; (b) firm resumes of the architect, the engineer, and the general contractor or construction manager; and (c) the name and position of a contact person for each of the architect, the engineer, and the general contractor or construction manager. 6. Attach materials and information establishing the ability of Bidder to obtain the necessary financial resources to complete the Mixed -Use Project. These materials and information should include: (a) the names and addresses of Bidder's equity investors and construction lender; and (b) full financial statements of Bidder and its principals. 7. Attach materials and information concerning the financial resources of Bidder's equity investors and construction lender, including, without limitation, the financial resources committed and available to fund completion of the Mixed -Use Project. These materials and information should include: (a) adequate financial statements of Bidder's equity investors; (b) public reporting statements of Bidder's construction lender; and (c) the name and position of a contact person for each of Bidder's equity investors and construction lender. 8. Attach a preliminary construction and development budget, a preliminary statement of sources and uses of funds, and a preliminary construction and development schedule. 9. Attach materials and information establishing the current ability of Bidder to complete the Mixed - Use Project on schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws. 10. Attach materials and information: (a) specifically describing any CRC Contribution; and (b) estimating the cost to CRC of satisfying its obligations with respect to the Mixed -Use Project, including, without limitation, the cost to CRC of making any proposed CRC Contribution. 11. Attach a statement identifying any changes that Bidder would require to the Outline of Project Agreement before Bidder would sign the Project Agreement. Name of Bidder: Attachment C STATEMENT OF BIDDER'S QUALIFICATIONS 2. Permanent address of Bidder: 3. If Bidder is not an individual doing business under his or her own name, then Bidder has the status indicated below and is organized or is operating under the laws of A corporation A non - profit or charitable institution or corporation A partnership or limited liability company A business association or a joint venture A trust A Federal, State, or local government or instrumentality thereof Other (explain) 4. Is Bidder a subsidiary of, or affiliated with, any other corporation or any other firm or firms? Yes No If yes: (a) attach a list of the name and address of each such corporation or firm by name and address; (b) specify the relationship of each such corporation or firm with Bidder; and (c) identify the officers and directors or trustees common to Bidder and such other corporation or firm. 5. If Bidder is not an individual or a Federal, State, or local government instrumentality, thereof, state Bidder's date and place of organization: 6. Attach a statement of the names, addresses, titles or positions (if any), and nature and extent of the interest of the following: (a) If Bidder is a corporation, the officers, directors, or trustees, and each stockholder owning more than 10% of any class of stock; (b) If Bidder is a non - profit or charitable institution or corporation, the members who constitute the board of trustees, the board of directors, or a similar governing body; (c) If Bidder is a partnership or limited liability company, each partner, member, or manager, and either the percent of interest or a description of the character and extent of interest of each partner or member; (d) If Bidder is a business association or a joint venture, each participant and either the percent of interest or a description of the character and extent of interest of each participant; (e) If Bidder is a trust, each beneficiary and each settler empowered to revoke or modify the trust; and (f) If Bidder is some other entity, the officers, members of the governing body, and each person having an interest of more than 10 %. L , L, / .Hiijve .`;P: .11 Sec. :31; -I1 8N-ICIE Rcviiuiii 714 Am..., ',level, Soil. .1 prap.4.i :11ic•ol 1211,• r..7.011 Parcel #9-28 Exhibit D DEVELOPMENT GUIDELINES FOR THE PROPERTY 1. Design Guidelines: The following guidelines have been written to direct the character, massing, uses and general features of the future development at the northwest corner of Range Line Road and Carmel Drive in Carmel, IN. The proposed site referred to as Parcel #9 -28 has been defined on property maps attached to the bid package. 2. Existing Conditions: The existing site is surrounded by a variety of structures and uses. This site currently includes a 50,000 /sf industrial building and a large shed. The site was in operation until January 1, 2013 as a Party Time Rental facility. Parcel #9 -28 has been on the master plan of the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission ( "CRC ") for a number of years. 3. Land Use Guidelines: a. Parcel #9 -28 has been designated as a mixed -use development to be determined by the developer. The site is zoned C -1 /City Center District. b. In addition to the "Required Use" described in the Notice, the development may consist of a variety of uses, all of which reflect an urban style, with retail on some portion of the first floor being the only requirement. It will be up to the developer to determine the best fit for the site and the building. The floors above the 1" floor should be market - driven and the use (residential, commercial, office) determined by the developer. c. The proposed development must contain at least the minimum amount of parking spaces mandated by the Zoning Ordinances. On- street parking will not count toward the parking requirements. Parking can be a surface lot, structured parking, or below - grade parking. d. It is anticipated that CRC will provide streetscape work on Range Line Road and Carmel Drive at or near Parcel #9 -28. e. The City of Carmel will provide full assistance in obtaining the necessary permits for the construction of the project. Payment of fees and permits will be the responsibility of the Developer. 4. Guidelines for Building Massing: a. The height for any new structures will be a minimum of three stories and a maximum of 150 feet total. b. The recommended setback from the adjacent rights -of -way lines is determined by the C- 2 /O1d Town District zoning ordinance. However, constructing this building along the streets is most important in the CRC approval process. (Exhibit E) 5. Guidelines for the Character /Architecture: a. The overall character of the proposed development should represent a timeless design. b. Exterior building materials should be predominantly masonry and timeless in their function and appearance. No wood or composite siding will be permitted. c. Internal roads, streets, and parking areas shall be concrete or asphalt with 6" high curbing around all perimeter roads drives, islands, and parking lot edges. d. No overhead power lines will be allowed on the site. All necessary utilities should be buried during the first phase of construction. e. No wall- mounted security lights will be allowed. Wall- mounted fixtures similar to street lighting is recommended. Color of light should match existing street lighting along Main Street and elsewhere in the Arts & Design District. f. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the latest rules and regulations as adopted by the City of Carmel for this project. g. All trash must be concealed in enclosed spaces with a roof, along with proper ventilation. 6. Schedule: Upon the completion of the Project Agreement between the Carmel Redevelopment Commission and the Developer, the Developer will have 60 days to submit his final plans for construction to the CRC for its review, comment, and approval. The Developer must break ground on or before January 1, 2014, with the project completed no later than 18 months from the issuance of final building permits. If the Developer intends to phase the project, this information must be made clear in the initial proposal submitted by the Developer. 7. Responsibilities of CRC: a. Utilities brought to the property line b. Exterior signage control c. Architectural review /approval d. Assist in local government approvals 8. Responsibilities of Developer: a. Abatement of any and all environmental concerns and receipt of a no further action letter from the Indiana Department of Environmental Affairs b. Demolition of Existing Building c. Final site engineering d. Building design and construction documents e. Parking and drives f. Internal storm water management to existing utility lines g. Coordination with existing easements h. Internal site lighting i. Internal site landscaping j. Maintenance k. Signage I. Trash control m. Grant additional right -of -way for public street and utility improvements if needed to enhance the project n. Acquisition and inclusion of 1132 South Range Line Road into the project o. Acquisition and inclusion of 1224 South Range Line Road into the project 9. Master Plan Design Controls: CRC will be responsible for reviewing all initial building design concepts, as well as the final construction documents for the development. This review is intended to insure that the Developer has met the design guidelines, as well as provided the necessary site design and engineering that will conform to the existing and future developments that are anticipated to be incorporated in the overall master plan for the City of Carmel (C -1 /City Center District). (xk:b ;4 C CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE CARMEL CITY CODE CHAPTER 10: ZONING & SUBDIVISIONS ARTICLE 1: ZONING CODE CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 20E: C -1 /CITY CENTER DISTRICT 20E.00 C -I /City Center District. 20E.01 Permitted Uses. 20E.02 Special Uses & Special Exceptions. 20E.03 Accessory Buildings and Uses. 20E.04 Height and Area Requirements. 20E.05 Architectural Design. 20E.06 Landscaping Requirements. 20E.07 Permanent Signs. 20E.08 Fencing. 20E.09 Parking. 20E.10 Streets and Circulation. 20E.00 C -1 /City Center District.' 20E.00.01 Purpose and Intent. The purpose of the C -1 City Center District is to create and protect land areas for the development of the Cannel City Center, a central mixed -use complex of retail, residential, office, and community facilities designed to meet the cultural and economic needs of the community. The development is intended to stabilize an area that has fallen into disuse, and provide an energetic focus to the city's central business district. The combination of retail shopping and entertainment is intended to provide a destination for families. The office complex included in the project is intended to attract the very best corporate citizens to the community. The City Center will be bisected by the Monon Greenway, further developing the attractiveness of the linear park project. When coupled with a museum/exhibit hall and performing arts center, the City Center will provide the attractions necessary to support a retail and entertainment complex and will lend itself to hosting large cultural and entertainment events. To promote the development of the City Center district, the City of Carmel will provide master land planning, land acquisition, street improvements, landscaping and utility infrastructure. 20E.00.02 Tract Requirements. Land areas shall be rezoned C -1 only upon application by the City of Cannel itself. All activities associated with commercial, transportation, service, office and residential activities shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings in such a manner that any nuisance factors are not emitted outside of the building. Visual screening of the outside activities including, but not limited to, storage and trash collection areas shall be included. 20E.00.03 Approval of Development Plan. 1. Following approval by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission, the City of Cannel shall submit for approval a Development Plan (DP) that includes the following development requirements for that property: Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS). 2. The Director, as the staff of the Cannel /Clay Plan Commission, shall review a DP application to determine if the DP satisfies the development requirements of the C -I District. Section 20E.00 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 372 -02; Z- 453 -04, §bw -bx. Chapter 20E: C-1/City Center District 20E -1 as adopted per Z- 34'3; Z- 365 -01; Z- 372 -02; Z-382 -02; Z-415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 476 -05; 2561 -I2 Autumn 2012 vl my OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 3. The Director must approve, approve with conditions, or disapprove the Development Plan (DP) for any tract of land in the C -1 District. 4. The Director shall hold a public hearing before deciding whether to approve or disapprove a DP. However, no DP is required for additions to existing structures which: a. Are attached to the existing structure; b. Continue the architectural design of the existing structure, including exterior color and materials; doors and windows, other detailing; c. Meet with requirements of the C -1 District; d. Do not exceed twenty percent (20 %) of the original Gross Floor Area of the existing structure, applicable from the date of this Section; and e. Have received a prior ADLS approval from the Commission. 5. Pursuant to IC 36 -7-4 -1400 et seq., the Director (as the staff of the Plan Commission) is hereby authorized to conduct a public hearing to determine whether the Development Plan complies in all respects with the Zoning Ordinance and any commitments made by the owner of the real property under IC 36 -7-4 -613. The Director shall then make written findings conceming his or her decision to approve or disapprove the Development Plan, and the Director is hereby designated as the official who is responsible for signing the written findings. 6. The approval or disapproval of a Development Plan by the Director under this Section 20E.00.03 is a final decision of the Commission that may be reviewed only as provided in IC 36 -74-1016. After initial approval of the Architectural Design, Exterior Lighting, Landscaping and Signage (ADLS) under this Section 20E.00.03, the ADLS shall not be materially or substantially changed or altered without the prior approval of the Commission under its rules of procedure. 7. Zoning Waiver. The applicant may apply for a Zoning Waiver of the dimensional and quantitative standards of the C -I District by not greater than thirty-five percent (35 %), consistent with requirements set forth below: a. The proposal shall be in harmony with the purposes and the land use standards contained in this chapter; b. The proposal shall enhance the overall Development Plan, the adjoining strectscapes and neighborhoods, and the overall City Center District. c. The proposal shall not produce a site plan or street/circulation system that would be impractical or detract from the appearance of the Development Plan and the City Center District, and shall not adversely affect etnergency vehicle access or deprive adjoining properties of adequate light and air. d. The proposal exhibits extraordinary site design characteristics, including, but not limited to: Increased landscape treatment, tree preservation, public art, provisions for bicycles and/or mass transit, reduced surface parking coupled with provisions for above or below ground parking facilities. e. In granting a waiver, the Commission may impose such conditions that will, in its judgment, secure the purposes of this chapter. This subsection does not affect the right of an applicant under Indiana law to petition the Board for a variance from development standards, as provided in IC 36 -74-918.5 and this Zoning Code. Chapter 20E: C -1 /City Center District 20E -2 as adopted per Z -343; Z- 365 -01; Z-372-02; Z- 382 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; 2476 -05; Z -561-12 Autumn 2012 vl CITY or CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 20E.01 Permitted Uses! See Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. 20E.01.01 Minimum Area Requirements: None. 20E.01 .02 Other Requirements: None. 20E.02 Uses & Special Exceptions:' A. Other uses similar and comparable to the C -1 permitted uses specified in Appendix A: Schedule of Uses. B. Sec Chapter 21: Special Uses & Special Exceptions for additional regulations. 205.02.01 Minimum Area Requirements: None. 205.02.02 Other Requirements: None. 20E.03 Accessory Buildings and Uses: (See Chapter 25: Additional Use Regulations for additional requirements.) 1. Accessory Uses. Enclosed Accessory Uses which are incidental to, maintained on the same lot and directly associated with the operation of a permitted use, including recreational areas for employees and lodging facilities for owners, guards or caretakers. 2. Accessory Buildings. Any detached Accessory Building on any Lot shall be compatible in architectural style and construction materials with the Principal Building(s) with which it is associated. 20E.04 Height and Area Requirements.° (See Chapter 26: Additional Height, Yard, & Lot Area Regulations for additional requirements.) 205.04.01 Maximum height - Residential Uses: 1. Adjacent to any residential use or zone: One hundred fifty 050) feet, measured from street grade. 2. Adjacent to all other uses: One hundred fifty (150) feet, measured from street grade. 205.04.02 Maximum Height - Commercial and Civic Uses: 1. Adjacent to an existing or platted single- family residence or residential subdivision: One hundred fifty (150) feel, measured from street grade. 2. Adjacent to all other uses: One hundred fifty (150) feet, measured from street grade. 205.04.03 Minimum Lot Frontage: 1. Residential use: Thirty -five (35) feet. 2. All other uses: One hundred (100) feet. 205.04.04 Minimum Lot Size: 1. Residential use: Four thousand (4000) square feet with public sewer and public water. 2. All other uses: Twenty thousand (20,000) square feet per Principal Building. 205.04.05 Maximum Lot Coverage: eighty percent (80 %). Section 205.01 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 415 -03. lat. ' Section 20E02 amended pa Ordinance No. Z- 015 -03, §ba; Z- 4S3 -00, §by. ° Section 20504 amended pa Ordinance No. Z-382 -02; §a; 2- 476 -05, §a -b. Chapter 20E: C -1 /City Center District 20E -3 as adopted per Z -343; Z- 365 -01; Z-372 -02; Z- 382 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 476 -05; 1561 -12 Autumn 2012 vt CRY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDNANCE 20E.05 Architectural Design.' 20E.05.01 Buildings shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the adopted architectural style and materials palette established for the City Center by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission. 20E.06 Landscaping Requirements.' 20E.06.01 Style and Species. Landscaping shall be designed in accordance with the adopted landscaping style and species palette established for the City Center by the City of Cannel Redevelopment Commission. 20E.06.02 Street Tree. Shade trees shall be planted along all streets within the rights -of -way, parallel to the street. Species, size, and installation shall be per the standards of the City of Cannel. 20E.06.03 Landscaping Installation and Maintenance. 1. Installation. All required landscaping shall be installed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy by the Department Administrator. If it is not possible to install the required landscaping because of weather conditions, the property owner shall post a bond for an amount equal to the total cost of the required landscaping prior to the issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy. 2. Maintenance. It shall be the responsibility of the owners and their agencies to insure proper maintenance of the landscaping, in accordance with the standards set by this Ordinance. This is to include, but is not limited to, replacing dead plantings with identical varieties or a suitable substitute, and keeping the area free of refuse and debris. 20E.07 Permanent Signs.' 20E.07.01 All permanent signs in the C -1 District shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the adopted architectural style and materials palette established for the City Center by the City of Carmel. 20E.07.02 Except as noted below, the placement and number of permanent signs shall be in accordance with the project standards established by the City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission. 20E.07.03 Sign size and design shall be per Chapter 25.07: Sign Ordinance. 20E.07.03 All Signs must fit within the horizontal and vertical elements of the building and may not obscure details of the building. 20E.07.04 No sign shall extend above the cornice line of the building. 20E.08 Fencing.8 20E.08.01 Maximum Ileight: a. Side and Rear Yard: eight (8) feet; b. Front Yard: four (4) feet. 2013.08.02 Materials. Fences shall be constructed solid wood or masonry, and shall be approved by the Director at the time of final Development Plan approval. Stockade or shadow box fences shall not be permitted within the C -I District Section 20E05 adopted per Ordinance No. Z- 372 -02. 6 Section 20E.06 amended per Ordinance No. Z- 365 -01; Z- 372 -02. Renumbered pm Ordinance No. Z- 372 -02. Section 20E07 adapted per Ordinance No. Z- 372 -02: Z-561-12. Section 20E.08 renumbered per Ordinance No. 2- 372 -02. Chapter 20E: C -I /City Center District 20E-4 as adopted per Z -343; Z- 365 -01; Z- 372 -02; Z- 382 -02; Z- 415 -03; Z- 453 -04; 1476-05; Z- 561 -12 Autumn 2012 v 1 CITY OF CANMEL ZONING ORDINANCE 20E.09 Parking.' 20E.09.01 Parking Lots. Parking lots shall generally be located at the rear or at the side of buildings and shall be screened from the sidewalk/meet by low walls, fences or hedges. ' 20E.09.02 Pedestrian Pathway. In parking areas designed to accommodate more than four (4) rows of vehicles, a landscaped, separated pedestrian pathway shall be provided for safe access through the parking area to the front door. 20E.09.03 Bicycle Parking. Bicycle parking with bike racks should be provided. 20E.I0 Streets and Circulation.' 20E.10.01 Vision Clearance. Vision clearance on corner lots and at the intersections of streets and driveways shall be observed. 20E.10.02 Separation of Circulation Systems. Conflicts between pedestrians, bicycles and autos shall be minimized. Separation of circulation systems shall be created through design elements such as changes in grade, material, screens, structures, etc. 201.10.03 Sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be required along all public streets, and shall be constructed to the standards of the City of Carmel. Where pedestrians are forced to cross traffic lanes, changes in paving and narrowing of roadways can alert drivers to pedestrian traffic. 20E.10.04 Routing of Vehicular Traffic. Vehicular traffic serving the C -I District should not be routed into or through a residential development or onto a street serving a school or community facility. 201.10.05 Routing of Truck Traffic. Truck traffic serving the C -1 District should be prohibited from using surrounding residential streets. Section 201.09 renumtwed per Ordinance No. Z- 372 -02. Section 205..10 amended per Ordinance No. 2- 372 -02. Section 205.10 renumbered per Ordinance No. Z- 372 -02. Chapter 20E: C -1 /City Center District 20E -5 as adopted per Z- 343; Z- 365 -01; Z- 372 -02; Z-382 -02; Z-415 -03; Z- 453 -04; Z- 476 -05; Z- 561 -12 Autumn 2012 vl CITY OF CARMEL ZONING ORDINANCE CHAPTER 20E: C -1 /CITY CENTER DISTRICT AMENDMENT LOG Ordinance No. Docket No. Council Approval Effective Date Sections Affected Z-343 May 1, 2000 May 1, 2000 2365 -01 76 -01 a OA November 5, 2001 November 27, 2001 20E.05.04(1) 2372 -02 3 -02 OA April 1, 2002 April 1, 2002 20E.00.03; 20E.05; 20E.06; 20E07; 20E.08; 20E.09; 20E.I0 Spring 2002 vl Z-382 -02 38 -02 OA July 15, 2002 July 15, 2002 20E.04.01(1) - Summer 2002 vl Z-415-03 39 -02 OA November 17, 2003 November 18, 2003 20E.0I; 20E.02 Autumn 2003 vl L -453 -04 150 -02 OA August 16, 2004 August 16, 2004 20E.00; 20E.02 Summa 2004 vl 1- 476 -05 05020023 OA May 2, 2005 May 2, 2005 20E.04 Spring 2005 vl 1-561 -12, as amended 11090004 OA November 5, 2012 November 20, 2012 20E07 Autumn 2012 vi Chapter 20E: C -1 /City Center District 20E -6 as adopted per 2 -343; 2- 365 -01: 2- 372 -02; 2- 382 -02,; 2- 415 -0.3; Z- 453 -04; 1476 -05; 2- 561 -12 Autumn 2012 vl "Freestanding Arby's Scheme" THE CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION PARCEL 9 -28 - CARMEL , INDIANA 10 April 2013 29039 iss CSO Architects Definitions General Obligations: Bidder Obligations: CRC Obligations: Closing Date: EXHIBIT G OUTLINE OF PROJECT AGREEMENT The obligations of the successful bidder to purchase the Redevelopment Parcel for the purchase price. The acquisition and inclusion of the Adjacent Properties into the Mixed -Use Project, if applicable. The successful bidder shall complete the Mixed -Use Project in compliance with the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, the Architectural Style Sheets, the other Conditions for Redevelopment, the Redevelopment Proposal, and the plans, schedules, and materials submitted with the Redevelopment Proposal. CRC shall take such actions as are necessary to complete the CRC Contribution, if any, including, in the case of any work to be performed by CRC as part of the CRC Contribution, completing such work in accordance with a schedule jointly established by CRC and the successful bidder that coordinates work performed by CRC with work performed by the successful bidder. Closing and payment of the purchase price by the Acquisition Date, at which time, the successful bidder shall close under the Project Agreement and acquire fee simple title to the Redevelopment Parcel. Closing Documents: (a) special (limited) warranty deeds for the Redevelopment Parcel; (b) other standard and customary closing documents contemplated by the Purchase Agreements; (c) closing statements; (d) any easements or other agreements reasonably deemed to be necessary by CRC; and (e) resolutions and authority documentation. Real Estate Taxes: Prorated as of the Closing Date. Due Diligence: The due diligence period expires August 31, 2013. The successful bidder, at its cost, shall be responsible for all due diligence with respect to the Redevelopment Parcel, including, without limitation: (a) obtaining title insurance and a survey; and (b) performing tests and inspections. Environmental Assessment: CRC shall deliver to the successful bidder the current Phase One Environmental Assessment of the Redevelopment Parcel. The successful bidder, at its cost, shall be responsible for obtaining any additional environmental testing, assessments, or updated environmental reports. Site Testing: The successful bidder, at its cost, shall be responsible for obtaining any soils or site testing that it may require. Developer Closing Contingencies: The successful bidder shall have the right to terminate the Project Agreement if there are conditions that: (a) materially interfere with the construction and use of the Mixed -Use Project; and (b) CRC is unwilling or unable to rectify. CRC Closing Contingencies: Construction Plans: Ground Breaking: Completion Date: Required Insurance: Events of Default: Default Remedies: Limits on Assignment: Lender Protections: There being no breach by the successful bidder under the Project Agreement. Process for approval of plans for the Mixed -Use Project, including a procedure for changing approved construction plans and schedules. On or before January 1, 2014. Within 18 months after the Ground Breaking. Customary coverage. Failure by the successful bidder to satisfy any of its obligations, within customary cure periods, when applicable. All remedies available at law and in equity, including, without limitation, specific performance and injunctive relief. If the successful bidder fails to commence construction of any of the Mixed -Use Project in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Project Agreement, then CRC may repurchase the Redevelopment Parcel_ The repurchase price will be the lesser of: (a) the purchase price paid by the successful bidder; or (b) the balance of the construction loan secured by a mortgage on the Redevelopment Parcel. Limitations on assignment until construction of the Mixed -Use Project is completed. Protections for the construction lender if the successful bidder defaults under the Project Agreement. °FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL For the Redevelopment of Former Party Time Rental Site Presented to Carmel Redevelopment Commission June 19, 2013 For further information, please contact the following: Chris Kirles Vice President, Development ckirles @flahertvcollins.com 317.819.1495 Dave Flaherty CEO dflaherty @flahertvcollins.com 317.819.1555 Private & Confidential - For Discussion Purposes Only Prepared by Flaherty & Collins Properties 1 QFLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Proposal Form 4 2. Legal Description 5 I 3. Project Description 7 3.1. Executive Summary 7 3.2. Cost, Size, Character, and Quality 9 3.3. Degree of Compliance 15 3.4. Experience of Bidder and Team Members 17 3.5. Identification of Pertinent Projects 29 3.6. Identification of Architect, Civil Engineer, & Construction Manager 43 ' 3.7. Financial Resources 76 3.8. Project Proforma 78 ' 3.9. Design and Construction Schedule 82 3.10. Ability of Bidder 83 I3.11. CRC Contribution 84 3.12. Bidder Statement 85 I4. Statement of Bidder's Qualifications 86 LIST OF TABLES ITable 1: Architectural Design Statement 9 Table 2: Project Components 9 ITable 3: Conceptual Site Plan - (Base Option) 12 Table 4: Project Rendering 13 ITable 5: Conceptual Site Plan (Alternate Option) 14 Table 6: Flaherty 8 Collins Properties (Owner /Developer) 17 ITable 7: Flaherty 8 Collins Resumes 20 Table 8: CSO Architects (Lead Architect) 43 ITable 9: CSO Architects Resumes 51 Table 10: CSO Project Experience 55 ITable 11: American Structurepoint (Civil Engineer) 69 Table 12: American Structurepoint Resumes 71 1 Page 2 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V - Properties Table 13: Flaherty & Collins Construction (General Contractor /Construction Manager) 73 Table 14: Flaherty & Collins Construction Resumes 74 Table 15: PNC Letter 77 Table 16: Project Proforma 78 Table 17: Project Proforma (Alternate Option) 80 Table 18: Design and Construction Schedule 82 Page 3 of 86 1 1 I 1 I e a 1 I 1 I F I F F OFLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties 1. PROPOSAL FORM Page 4 of 86 EXHIBIT B PROPOSAL FOR REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT NAME: Private Redevelopment of Redevelopment Parcel # 9 -28. REQUIRED USE: The Required Use of The Redevelopment Parcel is for redevelopment as, and construction of, the Mixed-Use Project. BIDDER'S PRICE: $ 17/ ✓75-4000 tO BIDDER'S DEPOSIT: $ ‘20, 0062• Ov BIDDER'S NAME: FlakinV'( -q q C0 /015. Pr5Pc--rfieS c/p Devthpwls7 (Corporate Name or Authorized Representative) BIDDER'S ADDRESS: 'CT° .+aig/'aYl.2 ens Si f Ste /,20 inddicznal,0 1/2 oc The undersigned, the 'TV- OW(/i ( �f RO6114 GllldS?WM ((te Bidder ") having familiarized itself with the present conditions of the Redevelopmen(( Parcel, offers to purchase from CRC The Redevelopment Parcel for the sum of $ L/ 3c() 000 , and tenders herewith an earnest money deposit of $20,000.00 (the "Deposit"); provided that: (a) if this offer is not accepted within 60 days after its receipt by CRC, then Bidder shall have the right to withdraw this offer and to secure the return of the Deposit; and (b) if another offer for the Redevelopment Parcel is accepted by CRC, then CRC shall return the Deposit to Bidder within ten days after acceptance of such other offer. �r Inc. � ,X16.24/0 twit( i pvnzM fnc-. In submitting this offer it is understood that CRC reserves the right to reject this offer. If this offer is accepted, then, within 20 days after notification of such acceptance, Bidder shall execute a binding Project Agreement with CRC, which Project Agreement shall: (a) include the terms and conditions outlined in Exhibit G to the Bid Package; (b) commit Bidder to: (i) satisfy the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, implementing the Development Guidelines; and (ii) fulfill the commitments made by Bidder in this offer; and (c) provide for the return or disposition of the Deposit. CRC shall have the option of declaring the Deposit forfeited, as liquidated damages, or pursuing other remedies at law or in equity, if Bidder fails to deposit the Earnest Money when required by the terms and conditions of Exhibit A, and CRC shall have the option of declaring the Deposit and the Earnest Money forfeited, as liquidated damages, or pursuing other remedies at law or in equity, if Bidder fails to enter into the Project Agreement when required by the terms and conditions of this Exhibit B. If this offer is accepted, then: (a) Bidder shall use the Redevelopment Parcel only for the Required Use; and (b) title to the fleedeelo ment Parcel shall be h Id in the name of Pi �j VM v r1/7e 1 l ilG - Notice of the acceptance or rejection of this offer shall be deemed to be given or delivered if delivery is made in person or by: (a) electronic facsimile transmission to the number set forth below the signature of Bidder, with electronic confirmation of receipt; or (b) reputable overnight delivery service or certified mail, postage pre -paid, in either case, to the address set forth below the signature of Bidder, with return receipt requested. Attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference are the following: Attachment A - Legal Description Attachment B - Project Description Attachment C - Statement of Bidder's Qualifications The undersigned certifies that he or she is authorized to execute and deliver this offer on behalf of Bidder. All capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to such terms in the Notice of Sale of Real Estate for the Private Redevelopment of Redevelopment Parcel No. 92. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has executed this offer on behalf of Bidder as of this i`I day of '$ -Jy.E , 2013. ACCEPTANCE BIDDER: By: Printed: C/VACS lif'r1 -95 Title: V • P. Dem e-1 D,Qrn tint Address: VI� wrJ CnifiSenn,SW-gat SW notp/s, (Al 'l624iv elephone No.: 317- Filo-73c° Facsimile No.: 3/ 7- R'l IO - 7.30/ This offer is accepted this _ day of , 2013. THE CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION By: William Hammer, President i 1 1 1 i i i 1 i 1 i i 1 1 1 1 1 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS v Properties 2. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Property Information On', \'EIex//ll' Zalutcr. Paul .1 & Sigrid K 40% & Jeffery M %ahner 6(1'%, 1212 Rangeline Rd S Carmel IN 46032 PARCEL 16093600111111270011 TAN DISTRICT 16. Carmel DEEDED ACREAGE 7.1 SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION 9.24 A AND 2.12 A RA\' A 3- 111 -87 FROM CITY OF CARME I I/5i94 FRM STA, \BARD LOCRN IT & LOCKWASIIER INC 5/4/95 1I2M RUNYON 9523954 12/23/98 FR 1212 SOUTH RANG ELINE RI) LI-C 9874233 Page 5 of 86 INS MS MIMI EMI ®® NM ®Mil MO NMI ® NMI MIN a a a a AFLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties - Graph/. yelp rl. I.. T. A. / .Si1f'1'6l' SE ; Sec. 3e1 —TI MN- Wit; I I I I .1 II r,l.a!LLi it-1 I i li oa •.• T' °f / fin Vision* .x,......w. .. «.. .«....,...,..�......� . ..... . I.. -.7777 r 7777...... ... . c^.... •.N 1-°. • 774«7.. ........ Ck" rid sun," tug hie ;: ne. f . w.....euI 17:71 7.7/7..x.: -n. I'vparrd For rurntm. us ]M JJ m.L. u ours: r full .a.4(m+ St ,...r t'iw. mom. Y..1 , IMF, Page 6 of 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ^FLAHERTY & COLLINS v Properties 3. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3.1. Executive Summary Flaherty & Collins Properties ( "F &C ") is pleased to submit this Response to the Carmel Redevelopment Commission ( "CRC ") for the redevelopment of Parcel #9 -28 (the "Redevelopment Parcel "). As Developer, Flaherty & Collins will develop the Project as outlined in this response in a collaborative effort with the CRC and the City of Carmel. For the reasons stated in this submission, Flaherty & Collins believes its extensive experience and proven track record make us the best and most uniquely qualified developer to undertake this complex and exciting development. If selected, Flaherty & Collins commits to deliver a first - class, high - quality, innovative mixed -use development in a timely and efficient manner. • Corporate Experience. Flaherty & Collins Properties, with over 400 employees, has developed 46 projects and more than 8,000 units in the past 15 years with a value in excess of $1 billion, currently manages over 13,000 units in 11 states and has been involved with the construction of over 15,000 units in 20 states. Flaherty & Collins Properties is fully integrated with in -house development, construction and property management professionals and has the ability to structure, procure and close complicated, multi - layered financing. • Team Members. The senior management team assigned to the Project has over 200 years of combined experience in real estate development. The project team has extensive experience and a proven track record with similar mixed -use public /private developments. • Financing Capacity. Flaherty & Collins has proven its ability to raise debt and equity financing and bring transactions to a successful closing. F &C has the financial strength to complete transactions; partially attributed to strong, long- standing relationships with numerous banks and equity providers. Creating a true public /private partnership is an integral component of achieving success in the Project and Flaherty & Collins Properties has extensive experience with various municipal financing structures. For the foregoing reasons, and the reasons stated in this proposal, Flaherty & Collins believes it is the best and most qualified developer to fulfil the goals and objectives of the CRC and City of Carmel. The following is a summary of the Project Data and various Project assumptions for the Redevelopment Parcel; which is used as the basis for the response and is referenced throughout this proposal. Project Data Residential 263 units Average Unit Size 961 net SF Amenities 9,120 SF Residential Garage Parking 48 spaces Surface Parking 250 spaces Arby's Building 3,800 SF Arby's Surface Parking 22 spaces Land Purchase Price $4,350,000 Page 7 of 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS `v Properties Total Development Cost $33,150,000 (including land) Developer Contribution $27,500,000 Fun ding Gap $5,656,000 (based on developer unlevered return of 8.00 %`, calculated as NOI/Tatal Development Cost) Potential Gap Funding Sources Waived impact /utility connection /permit fees (currently excluded from proforma), repurchase land to include as ROW, landscape /hardscape improvements in ROW, site specific TIF Construction Start January 1, 2014 Project Completion July 1, 2015 (18 months from start) Project Assumptions 1:132 :South: Range Line Road' F &C will work with CRC and City of Carmel to develop and include this parcel in the overall Project. Base site plan assumes 45,000 SF mixedruse building (15,000 SF per floor). Related numbers excluded from proposal. 1224 = South Range Lines Road = (Arby's Parcel) CRC and F &C will work together to acquire Arby's. Land swap is assumed in proposal and site plan includes land area for a new Arby's. Related numbers for new Arby's facility excluded from proposal. Veterans Way Improvements along Veterans Way including relocation of utilities will be completed by CRC. Other Assumptions Project Agreement between CRC and F &C will be executed prior to Closing. An Alternate Option cwith structured parking is included and summarized below. Page 8 of 86 Project Data Alternate 0 •tion Residential 446 units Average Unit Size 965 net SF Amenities 9,120 SF Retail 5,000 SF Parking Garage 558 spaces Surface Parking 56 spaces Arby's Building TBD, likely to be relocated to 1132 South Range Line Road parcel Land Purchase Price $4,350,000 Total Development Cost $65,000,000 (including land) Developer Contribution $46,500,000 Funding Gaps $18,500,000 (based on developer unlevered return of 8.00 %, calculated as NOI/Total Development Cost) Page 8 of 86 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tv FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties 3.2. Cost, Size, Character, and Quality Table 1: Architectural Design Statement This proposal is carefully conceived to create an appropriate gateway into the Carmel City Center area by creating very strong urbanism; timeless, beautiful architecture that frames a delightfully designed and walkable public streetscape; and pleasingly landscaped internal pedestrian mews, courtyards and parking areas. The project's overall design features a central east -west axis that originates at the main building's 2 -story triumphal arch on Rangeline Road, it leads westward to the cascading stair and down to the pedestrian mews and linear water feature, and then onward to its terminus at the swimming pool and clubhouse. Internalized surface parking areas have been broken into 2 separate but connected parking areas that incorporate landscape islands to carefully soften their visual impact. The exterior architecture of this significant project shall be skilfully broken down to give the appearance that it is a grouping of several distinct and beautiful buildings that were built side -by -side over time, rather than a single, very long building built all at once. The Rangeline Road elevation features 3 primary "buildings ": a "main building" in the center of the composition, and 2 flanking "buildings" on either side of it. The main building's facade is symmetrical, and it features a grand, brick and cast stone triumphal arch, which frames one's passage to the cascading stair beyond. And the main building's Rangeline Road facade is broken down into the classical registers of base, middle and top. The base register incorporates a projecting colonnade that supports the main gable's tall columns. The projecting colonnade also provides a deep signage band for retailers and a roof over the retail entrances. Where apartment entrances occur at the street level, the floor elevation has been raised to create ballasted privacy stoops. Semiprivate "yards" have also been created at the street level apartment entrances with attractive iron fencing and landscaping. The top register of the main building's facade features entablatures detailed in delicately proportioned cast stone cavetto mouldings, string courses and a variety of brick patterns, as well as stone - trimmed arched windows. French balconies project only slightly from the facades, providing baluster railings and stone - surrounded French doors that open into the upper level apartments. The vibrant, human - scaled streetscape shall incorporate a 2 -color brick paver pattern within a tinted concrete framework, with street trees, lighting and street furniture. These elements are designed into a carefully considered pattern and rhythm that shall create a pleasing, walkable streetscape that compliments and reinforces the adjacent facades. In summary, this proposal's design incorporates very strong urbanism, delightfully walkable streetscapes, distinguished, timeless architecture, central water features and beautiful landscaping to create an upscale living environment which forms a fitting gateway to the heart of Carmel, Indiana. Table 2: Project Components The proposed development is composed of a 343,046 square feet structure, surface parking, and associated site improvements. (See Summary Chart below indicating specific square footages). The proposed structure will include approximately 263 luxury one and two bedroom apartments, residential amenity spaces, and a select few private garages. The residential units are anticipated to have 9' ceilings, upgraded cabinet packages, granite countertops with under mount sinks, track and pendant lighting, brushed nickel hardware, hardwood flooring, patios /balconies, 2" blinds faux wood blinds, roman soaking tubs with tile surrounds, Page 9 of 86 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 °FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties upgraded carpet in bedrooms, washer /dryer, stainless steel appliances; including a stove with self - cleaning oven, microwave oven, dishwasher, garbage disposal and double door frost -free refrigerator, and oversized windows. High -tech features and state -of- the -art technology will be a theme consistent throughout the project. All units will be separately metered for water and electricity. There will be approximately 9,100 square feet of interior amenity space for the residents in and a resort style pool deck with outdoor dining, grilling stations, and water features. The amenity area will be wireless throughout and is anticipated to include a state of the art fitness club, bike shop, club room, cyber cafe, business center, private cinema, and gaming lounge. The residential lobby and leasing office will be located on the first floor along Range Line Road. Individual secured garage parking will be available to the residents in addition to bike storage. The following is a summary of the various unit features and amenities the Project will offer. Unit Features: 9' Ceilings 42" Kitchen Cabinets Granite Countertops in Kitchen & Bathrooms Recessed & Pendant Lighting in Kitchen Brushed Nickel Hardware Wood Flooring in Kitchen & Entries Balconies 2" Faux Wood Blinds Two -Tone Paint Project Amenities: Club Room & Amenity Center o Secured Residential Lobby o Leasing Office o Fitness Club with Private Yoga /Spin Studio o E- Lounge with Business Center & Conference Room o Media and Gaming Lounge o Club Room with Kitchen, Bar, and seating to accommodate larger groups o Private TV Lounge with Theatre Seating o Billiards Roman Soaking Tubs with Tile Tub Surrounds > Upgraded Carpet > Washer / Dryer Stainless Steel Appliances (including stove, microwave oven, dishwasher, refrigerator) > Framed Mirrors in Bathroom Pool Deck o Grilling Stations with Outdoor Dining o Heated Pool o Extensive Landscaping o Fire Pit and Lounge Area o Extensive Landscaping with Decorative Lighting & Water Features Other Community Amenities o Bike Storage Sustainability In today's society, F &C believes that the incorporation of sustainable features is a given. We approach every development with an eye towards "green design" and this development will not be an exception. Environmental friendly elements will be considered throughout the community. While the benefit of an "environmentally friendly" development to society is important, from a practical standpoint, Flaherty & Collins Properties views these green techniques as being vital to reduced building operating expenses, reduced maintenance costs, increased marketability and overall increased financial performance. The following are some of the anticipated environmental friendly features of the project. Page 10 of 86 1 1 r I 1 1 1 1 i 1 <FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties • Water saving faucets, shower heads, and toilets > Energy efficient lighting • White TPO Roofing > Energy efficient furnaces & water heaters > Energy Star -rated appliances > Puron HVAC Bike racks i Low E Glass and energy efficient windows and doors Salt -water pool Low VOC paints and carpet Low VOC in sealants Recycling available on site The following is a summary of the Project Data for the Redevelopment Project as further described in the Executive Summary. Project D ata Summary (Base Option)__, Residential 263 Units Total Gross Square Footage 343,046 SF Amenities Square Footage 9,120 SF Garage Square Footage 15,929 SF Surface Parking 150 spaces Tandem Parking Spaces 12 spaces Private Garage Spaces 48 spaces Street Parking Spaces 88 spaces Total Parking 298 spaces Note a second; "Alternate Option" has also been included for discussion and is further described in the Executive Summary above; however the team has decided to base the response for this proposal on the smaller development in order to limit the necessary contributions by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission for the project. The following includes the conceptual site plan for both Options. Page 11 of 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II 1 1 ()FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Table 3: Conceptual Site Plan - (Base Option) l !flllllilllil!IUI °1!III��Iit!!!11© E QI ItriTri i 111; I Ito ®!I11l11�® Proposed New i.eSLy Bui ao a. t , A. efi1111111Iile '^WO oroj ©OOO.00 em, m... ,_ rte re,.� in :_ r ---o :o o:o o'o o:o'oa.` w_ • c , e r if= ooi -”'" chid ,, Piopmei, i 1t \II -o �: to ; I i ,A,n Page 12 of 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 t t r I I f <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties Table 4: Project Rendering Page 13 of 86 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Table 5: Conceptual Site Plan (Alternate Option) Page 14 of 86 e,` FLAHERTY & COLLINS VProperties 3.3. Degree of Compliance The development team has thoroughly reviewed the requirements for the project including the Development Guidelines, the Zoning Ordinance, the Architectural Style Sheets, the other Conditions for Redevelopment; and CRC's preferential features listing. The following lists specifically address the items which do not comply: Compliance with Development Guidelines • Item 3b. - As depicted in the proposal, retail use has not been provided on the first floor; however a resident amenity space has been provided on the first floor along South Rangeline Road. This space is intended to be flex space in that if the viability of retail has been solidified in the market, the space could be in- filled with retail tenants. • Item 3c. - As depicted in the proposed Base Option, the parking provided as part of the project will be less than the ordinance required parking 2 parking spaces per unit. A variance of this item would be requested. Zoning Ordinance Compliance • The proposed development complies with all requirements exclusive of the parking items as previously noted. Architectural Style Sheet Compliance • The proposed development substantially aligns with the included Architectural Style Sheet in all facets of design. Incorporation of Preferential Features • Contemplate structured parking o Structured parking has been contemplated for the site; however it has not be included as part of the Base Option in an effort to minimize the necessary contributions by Carmel Redevelopment Commission. An expanded "Alternate Option" has been included which includes a more substantial development and associated structured parking. The development team would be happy to provide more detailed information on this option for discussion with the CRC if this is so desired. • Incorporate the properties located at 1132 South Range Line Road and 1224 South Range Line Road (the "Adjacent Properties ") o The proposed project incorporates the 1224 South Rangeline Road (Arby's) parcel into the overall development. The development team has also contemplated the incorporation of the 1132 South Rangeline Road parcel. As depicted in the proposed development plans, it is believe that the 1132 South Rangeline Road parcel is best developed as a complementary mixed use structure incorporating retail, office, and /or apartments. It is the developer's intent to pursue acquisition of the property for redevelopment purposes. • Provides for a single Mixed -Use Project the encompasses the entirety of the Redevelopment Parcel and the Adjacent Properties, so that that entirety of the Redevelopment Parcel and the Adjacent Properties are redeveloped into a unified project; o As depicted in the proposed development plans, it is anticipated that the overall development encompassing the 1212 and 1224 South Rangeline Road parcels would be redeveloped as one unified project. However based upon the master planned roundabout and entry road between 1212 and 1132 South Rangeline Road parcels, it Page 15 of 86 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties is anticipated that the 1132 South Rangeline Road parcel would be developed separately from the other two parcels. It is however believed that this parcel could be developed in a manner which blends these two pieces into one dramatic entryway into the Municipal Complex. Page 16 of 86 1 I I t 1 I 1 1 I <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties 3.4. Experience of Bidder and Team Members Table 6: Flaherty 8 Collins Properties (Owner /Developer) Flaherty & Collins Properties is an Indianapolis based, locally owned and operated full- service real estate firm specializing in multi - family and mixed -use development, construction and property management. Flaherty & Collins was formed in 1993 by its two principals, David M. Flaherty and Jerry K. Collins and today has over 400 employees. Mr. Flaherty and Mr. Collins have been actively involved in the multi - family housing industry for over 30 years, including leadership positions in numerous industry related organizations such as the National Association of Home Builders, National Multi- Hosing Council, and the Apartment Association, among others. The most recent IBJ ranking has Flaherty & Collins Properties as the highest ranked multifamily Developer, double the volume of the next closest multifamily competitor. Over the past seven years, Flaherty & Collins Properties has consistently been ranked among the Top 50 Multifamily Builders in the country based on unit count. David and Jerry, along with their senior management team, will bring a tremendous amount of talent and experience to the development. The following is a description of the different entities under Flaherty & Collins Properties • Flaherty & Collins Development: Flaherty & Collins Development has a wealth of experience in all types of projects and financing structures, from market rate transactions with conventional financing to complex mixed -use developments with layered financing and governmental subsidy. Flaherty & Collins Development has developed 46 properties and over 8,000 units. These developments include multiple tax - credit, market rate, mixed -use and public - private projects with a wide range of financing techniques, structures and capital sources. Flaherty & Collins Development will provide leadership from feasibility studies, site selection, financing, design, and leasing to project stabilization. Our results driven experts will work together to minimize challenges and facilitate the development process. Thorough research and market analysis, combined with custom project development, result in satisfied stakeholders, profitable projects, and a pleasing array of lifestyle choices for residents, customers, and community as a whole. Flaherty & Collins Development is committed to providing value and continuously exceeding expectations. • Flaherty & Collins Construction: Flaherty & Collins Construction has vast experience in all types of construction; including high -rise, mid -rise, commercial, mixed -use and ranging from wood - frame to concrete to steel construction. It selected, Flaherty & Collins would be uniquely situated to use Flaherty & Collins Construction on the development and bring a tremendous amount of local experience and value to the Development Team. • Flaherty & Collins Management: According to the most recent IBJ rankings of Management Companies, Flaherty & Collins Properties is number 1 in central Indiana. Flaherty & Collins Management currently manages approximately 91 properties and over 13,000 units in 11 states. Flaherty & Collins Management is an Accredited Management Organization (one of only a few in the State of Indiana) with three Certified Public Accountants on staff. Flaherty & Collins Management has experience in all phases of property management, including marketing, lease -up strategies, budgeting, forecasting, demographic studies, resident programs, relocation strategies and other facets of the property management business. Page 17 of 86 1 I I I I S I 1 I I 1 t I 1 1 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Flaherty & Collins Management has tremendous experience marketing its own properties as well as working with owners on third -party management contracts. Development Team Members Flaherty & Collins works together in a one team integrated" approach in all of its developments and each member of the Flaherty & Collins team identified in this proposal has the current time and requisite experience to prosecute the development in an efficient and expeditious manner. Flaherty & Collins Development, Flaherty & Collins Construction, and Flaherty & Collins Management will work together with the CRC, the City of Carmel, and the entire Development Team in a "one team" approach to make the Redevelopment Parcel Project a lasting success. Flaherty & Collins, as Developer, will coordinate its work through constant communication and regular meetings with the entire Development Team to achieve maximum efficiencies. Flaherty & Collins will engage the community and respond to opinions in a mutually - respectful, engaging and open environment. In Flaherty & Collins multiple years of experience, we feel this "total team, integrated approach" is necessary and invaluable to making a development successful for all parties involved. David M. Flaherty (CEO): David Flaherty is a principal in Flaherty & Collins and will help with overall development, strategic planning and finance structuring. Dave will also work with lenders, equity participants and other financing partners to help procure, structure and close financing on the Project. Jerry K. Collins (President): Jerry Collins is a principal in Flaherty & Collins and is a designated Certified Property Manager (CPM) with over 30 years of multi - family property management experience. Jerry and his team will help design, develop leasing strategies, coordinate marketing materials, recommend rental rates and contribute in all areas of the management process. Brian L. Ploss (CFO): Brian Ploss is a Certified Public Accountant and is the CFO for Flaherty & Collins Properties. Brian will work with the Development Team to help create budgets, procure financing, and monitor financial reporting and analysis. Brian will be a Partner on the Project. P. Christopher Kirles (Vice President, Development): Chris Kirles has been involved with several market rate /mixed -use projects from site acquisition through construction and management. Chris is the lead developer on Ninety7Fifty on the Park; the $65M mixed -use transient oriented development currently under construction in Orland Park, IL and The Depot at Nickel Plate in Fishers, IN. Chris will serve as the primary contact and lead developer and will be a Partner on the Project. Jesse Fisher (Director of A &E Services): Jess Fisher is a pre- construction / architectural and engineering member of the Flaherty & Collins Team. Jess is LEED Certified and will add valuable insight on the zoning, entitlement, product planning and development, value- engineering and other pre - development activities on the Project. Jess led the entitlement process on the highly successful Cosmopolitan on the Canal in downtown Indianapolis and is currently working on the Residence at the COR and The Axis at Block 400 among others. Gordon L. Benner (President Construction): Gordon Benner is the President of Flaherty & Collins Construction and has nearly 40 years of experience. Gordon will assist the Development Team and will be responsible for overseeing construction of the Project. Gordon will participate in scheduling, selection of building products, value- engineering, budgeting, draw procedures, design and other areas of the construction process. Gordon will be a Partner on the Project. Jason Schoettle (Project Manager): Jason is responsible for the oversight of the Oakley Station Project and new mix -use apartment development in Fisher's, IN. His responsibilities include contract Page 18 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties negotiation, buyout, site development, quality control, scheduling, and owner acceptance. He has 17 years of multi - family experience. His extensive field background in multi - family construction lends to the understanding of the complex sequencing of building turnover and monitoring the dynamics as it relates to property completion. Jill Meals Herron (Vice President, Property Management): Jill Herron is Vice President of Flaherty & Collins Management. Jill will work with Jerry Collins and the rest of the Flaherty & Collins team to provide input and help coordinate the entire marketing, lease -up and management activities at the development. Page 19 of 86 1 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V - Properties 3.5. Identification of Pertinent Projects Flaherty & Collins Properties currently has more than $300 million under development; including four mixed -use projects and four structured as a public - private partnership. The table below is a sample of some of the recent market rate projects completed and under development by Flaherty & Collins Properties. TOD = Transient Oriented Development PPP = Public Private Partnership MU = Mixed -use (Multifamily and Commercial) MF = Multifamily The following is a more detailed explanation of some of the projects listed above. Additional information and references are available upon request. Ninety7Fifty on the Park (Orland Park, IL) Ninety7Fifty on the Park, opening May 1, 2013, will be the first new mixed -use rental project in the entire Southern region and one of only a few new transient - oriented developments in suburban Chicago. This first class mixed -use project consists of 295 rental units, 4,000 square feet of retail, 11,000 square feet of residential amenities, 389 structured parking stalls, and 30 public parking spaces situated around a one acre public park, bike trails, and Metro Station. Located in the northwest corner of LaGrange and 143rd Street, the first units are scheduled for occupancy in March 2013 and the project will be complete in summer 2013. Flaherty & Collins worked hand -in -hand with the Village of Orland Park to make this extremely complex project become a reality after several years in the making by the Village. A highly sophisticated partnership was successfully structured with the Village to bring this transaction to a successful closing and pave the way for what will be the first phase of the new Orland Park Downtown. Flaherty & Collins selected Chicago based RTKL & Associates as the lead architect for the project and assembled a design team consisting of other reputable architects and engineers. Page 29 of 86 Summary of Relevant Pro'ects Project Name Location Type Units Retail SF Year Built 4th & Race Cincinnati, OH MU, PPP 300 15,000 2013 The Depot at Nickel Plate Fishers, IN MU, TOD 241 16,000 2013 The Heights at Linden Square Kansas City, MO MU 222 10,000 2013 Ninety7Fifty on the Park Orland Park, IL MU, TOD, PPP 295 4,000 2012 The Residence at Eastside Pittsburgh, PA MU, TOD 358 44,000 2014 The Residence at the COR Ramsey, MN MU, TOD, PPP 230 6,000 2012 The Axis at Block 400 Indianapolis, IN MU, PPP 332 47,000 2013 The Boulevard at Oakley Station Cincinnati, OH MF, PPP 302 N/A 2013 Cosmopolitan on the Canal Indianapolis, IN MU, PPP 218 18,000 2009 The Residences at Keystone Indianapolis, IN MF 130 N/A 2011 The Blvd at Anson Zionsville, IN MU 293 9,000 2010 Exchange at Brier Creek Raleigh, NC MF 274 N/A 2008 TOD = Transient Oriented Development PPP = Public Private Partnership MU = Mixed -use (Multifamily and Commercial) MF = Multifamily The following is a more detailed explanation of some of the projects listed above. Additional information and references are available upon request. Ninety7Fifty on the Park (Orland Park, IL) Ninety7Fifty on the Park, opening May 1, 2013, will be the first new mixed -use rental project in the entire Southern region and one of only a few new transient - oriented developments in suburban Chicago. This first class mixed -use project consists of 295 rental units, 4,000 square feet of retail, 11,000 square feet of residential amenities, 389 structured parking stalls, and 30 public parking spaces situated around a one acre public park, bike trails, and Metro Station. Located in the northwest corner of LaGrange and 143rd Street, the first units are scheduled for occupancy in March 2013 and the project will be complete in summer 2013. Flaherty & Collins worked hand -in -hand with the Village of Orland Park to make this extremely complex project become a reality after several years in the making by the Village. A highly sophisticated partnership was successfully structured with the Village to bring this transaction to a successful closing and pave the way for what will be the first phase of the new Orland Park Downtown. Flaherty & Collins selected Chicago based RTKL & Associates as the lead architect for the project and assembled a design team consisting of other reputable architects and engineers. Page 29 of 86 a a a a 0FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Page 30 of 86 AFLAHERTY & COLLINS C! - Properties Page 31 of 86 I I I I I 0FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Page 32 of 86 ()FLAHERTY & COLLINS Nf Properties Cosmopolitan on the Canal (Indianapolis, IN) The Cosmopolitan on the Canal, located at 310 W. Michigan Street, was recently completed by Flaherty & Collins and was the first vertically integrated mixed -use rental project in downtown Indianapolis. This first class mixed -use project consists of 218 rental units, 18,000 square feet of retail, and a 345 space parking garage. The project was completed in 2009 and successful leased -up in a record breaking 6 months while achieving the highest rents in the City and exceeding rent projections. Flaherty & Collins was successful in working with the City of Indianapolis, the Department of Metropolitan Development, the Regional Center and the National Historical Society to make this development a reality and was able to structure and secure tax abatement and other sophisticated, multi - layered financing to bring this transaction to a successful closing. The Cosmopolitan on the Canal was selected as a 2011 Pillars of the Industry finalist (4 total) by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) as the Best Rental Apartment Community in the country. The Pillars of the Industry Awards are considered one of the most prestigious awards in the multifamily industry and recognize the fop projects around the country for creative development concepts, innovative financing strategies, great design, and superior management and marketing. Page 33 of 86 I I I *FLAHERTY V & COLLINS Properties Page 34 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS VProperties Fourth & Race /Cincinnati, OH) Flaherty & Collins was selected by the City Of Cincinnati among twelve developers who submitted proposals for this highly sought after public /private project. F &C is developing a 30 story residential tower with 300 units, 15,000 square foot grocery, and 1,000 space garage breaking ground late 2013. Page 35 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS dProperties The Depot at Nickel Plate (Fishers INl Flaherty & Collins Properties was selected among 6 applicants to develop the first phase of the redevelopment of Downtown Fishers. The Depot at Nickel Plate is a premium mixed -use development in the heart of downtown Fishers, IN and will consist of 241 luxury residential apartments, 16,000 SF of retail space, and a 430 space parking garage. Construction will begin August 2013. CSO Architects is the lead architect on The Depot at Nickel Plate. Page 36 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties The Heights at Linden Square (Kansas City, MO) The Heights at Linden Square is a 222 unit mixed -use development with 10,000st of retail space. Located in Kansas City, this public /private partnership will start late summer 2013. The Axis at Block 400 (Indianapolis, IN) The Axis is located across the street from the Cosmopolitan on the Canal in the southeast corner of Michigan Street & Senate Avenue. The Axis will consist of 336 rental apartments, 47,000 square feet of retail (including a 42,000 urban Marsh grocery store) and 440 parking spaces situated on approximately 4 acres of land. This $90M project is a strategic partnership between Flaherty & Collins Properties, and the City of Indianapolis and will bring a new grocery store to Downtown Indianapolis. CSO Architects is the lead architect on the Axis. Page 37 of 86 A <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties B B ‘D a 111 '''.45:1611113a1":44•i , soar II •4 4114/1 hat 1.141 91 y...4011...11:11111"5-111 CM riLiejit um. - 4# • Its •ital • 4- -1.44r A •,.,A% f, . • (rat. imiN1 r• ar-17..fr \1:. .We'r • „Xeir g P. • , •••• Page 38 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Eastside Phase III (Pittsburgh, PA) Flaherty & Collins Properties & The Mosites Company are developing the Eastside Phase III, an urban in -fill development located in the City of Pittsburgh. The site is located in the culturally diverse & affluent East Liberty neighbourhood and is adjacent to the popular Shadyside neighbourhood. The Eastside Phase III is an urban in -fill luxury mixed -use project consisting of 358 luxury apartments, and approximately 43,000 square feet of retail space. Whole Foods and an Urban Target are located on the site. Construction will commence September 2013. Page 39 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V - Properties The Residence at the COR (Ramsey, MN) The Residence at the COR is a premier transient oriented development located along Sunwood Boulevard & US Highway 10 in the City of Ramsey, MN; a northern suburb of Minneapolis. The 4 acre site is situated around the recently constructed Northstar Commuter Rail in the heart of the 410 acre master plan in the new downtown. This luxury mid -rise project is currently under construction and will consist of 230 rental apartments, 300 structured parking stalls and 3,000 square feet. The Project was structured as a public - private partnership with the City of Ramsey. Page 40 of 86 °FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties 1111111 I: 1.I:j. 1. 11111 1111611 / %%111111 11.1, Page 41 of 86 FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties The Boulevard at Oakley Station (Cincinnati, OH) Boulevard at Oakley Station is a 302 unit urban in-fill opening June 2013 in Cincinnati. The project is public/private involving tax abatement, TIF, and Clean Ohio funds, It will be LEED Certified. Page 42 of 86 mN FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties 3.6. Identification of Architect, Civil Engineer, & Construction Manager Table 8: CSO Architects (Lead Architect) Since our inception in 1961. CSO Architects has been committed to truly partnering with our valued clients. We continue to do so with an intense commitment to our Core Purpose: "To provide world class quality, service and Innovation with total design to enhance and contribute to our clients' success." A value -based company focused on providing service with integrity and honesty, CSO Architects has grown to become one of Indiana's largest and most reputable design firms for civic. public safety and transportation; corporate commercial: interiors: health and wellness; hospitality and housing; K-12 education: higher education and research: and religious institutions. Our core values include: IM ' unG trust, with a passionate commitment to our core purpose People, who share our values and represent a diverse collection of the finest innovative minds A •o " - eaciti • collaboretiv' and li•' .tedwo •lace that fosters trust and open-honest communication, provides a constant learning environment and enables a true sense of accomplishment and empowerment Quality, of life. of work and of service Service to our clients, to our community. to each other, and to our environment through sustainable design Innovative ideas regardless of their source. but more importantly swift and thorough implementation of same Total design all disciplines, all learn members. at all times 'Stretching" opals as we seek excellence toward achieving greatness Change more than stability. Change and constant innovation are status quo and offer opportunities for growth Privilege honor and responsibility that comes with the opportunity to alter the face of the Earth while making lasting positive impact on people's lives CSO is organized in a studio concept that enables our 70 employees to provide in-depth professional expertise and personal service to our clients. We believe that our studio organization provides a broad, in -house knowledge base with large firm capabilities delivered though project teams who operate on a small, workable scale focused on client needs. CSO Architects is proud of our track record for delivering quality facilities by carefully balancing the Quality. Scope. Cost and Schedule of projects. PARTNERING TOGETHER AMLI at Carmel City Conte C50 Architects Page 43 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties atl f� CSO Architects Renassiance Bay Condos Our approach is straightforward and is based on the belief that the following concepts are key components of our commitment to contribute to our clients' success. The CSO team will approach all projects with a focus on: Team Leadership Establishing project team roles and responsibilities, defining a clear decision- making process, and assigning accountability are key ingredients to successful project team leadership. The owner /design team leadership must have the ability to: • Balance the project's vision and goals in relation to its functional needs • Provide overall leadership and decision making • Establish overall priorities on Scope. Quality. Cost and Schedule • Implement proper planning and design guidelines and standards Continuity A project's success is directly tied to the continuity of the project team members. Projects extend over long periods of time. Decisions made in the early stages of the project may be re- evaluated in later phases. Understanding why a decision was made contributes to the timely resolution of an issue. The importance of maintaining the same design team members on a project from start to finish cannot be overstated. Collaboration Collaboration begins with team building. Before any ideas are generated we engage in a project visioning or success criteria session with our client. This allows the key team members to interact with the consultant team and commit to a common set of goals and objectives. The outcome of this session is a prioritized listing of functional. operational, aesthetic. environmental and cultural criteria that will guide and influence the development of the project. Consensus Building consensus is yet another key component of a successful building project. The team leaders of CSO Architects are highly experienced in the role of catalyst and facilitator toward consensus. We believe it is critical for us to provide leadership in balancing client wants against needs. We further recognize the importance of gaining buy in to the process and the goals in order to ensure smooth project implementation. Communication Our Team believes successful projects are the product of effective communication. Good communication includes good listening. We listen to our clients' goals, aspirations. expectations and needs. We want to truly understand what a client needs to be successful. Then and only then will we be able to utilize our total design skills to enhance and contribute to our clients' success. Page 44 of 86 OFLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties The Avenue PARTNERING TOGETHER CSO Architects offers a diverse range of programming. planning. architectural and interior design services. Each studio is led by a Principal of the firm who provides a hands on approach. We believe this is important to ensure that project leadership, experience and expertise are in keeping with what is required to ensure each project's success. The credentials of members of CSO Architects are included in this statement of qualifications under the section entitled "Leading with Integrity & Trust". The members of CSO Architects know that in order to enhance and contribute to our clients' success, we must be lifelong learners with a continuous and ongoing focus on the critical issues clients deal with day in and day out. The dynamic and ever- changing list of these critical issues includes. but is not necessarily limited to: • Balancing the project's scope. quality, cost and schedule: • Gaining key stakeholder input and consensus: • Developing a responsible design that addresses sustainability opportunities while balancing initial project costs with life cycle and operating costs: • Maintaining schedule and cost control: and. • Analyzing and selecting the appropriate method of construction delivery. CSO Architects believes that each project is unique, requiring its own design process and solutions. Through our commitment to a "Total Design" approach. we involve all project stakeholders throughout each critical phase of the project. Only through working together as an entire team of stakeholders can the full potential of each project be truly realized. To achieve success. it is essential to create a truly functional partnership with all key players. CSO Architects works with a variety of consultants to provide the highest quality and most suitable professional design services. We have been extremely proactive in partnering with Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). Women's Business Enterprise (WBE) and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) organizations. CSO Architects has been, and remains, committed to exceeding any and all MBE. WBE and DBE requirements on every project on which we serve. Partnering with our consultants not only enhances our total design approach but also enables us to contribute to the greater diversity of our project team. CSO Architects respects the relationships that many clients have developed with other consultants. CSO Architects has, on many past occasions, successfully teamed with other consultants at the request of the client. Solid partnerships among all stakeholders and team members are critical to CSO Architects ability to ensure each projects success. CSO Architects Page 45 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties The range of services that can be provided by the CSO Architects include: • Architectural Design • Interior Design • Project Management/Administration • Programming and Planning • Site and Facility Master Planning • Feasibility Studies • Site/Landscape Architecture Design • Historic Architecture • Cost Estimating • Construction Administration • Custom Furniture Design • Furniture. Fixtures and Equipment Procurement • Life Cycle Cost Analysis • Graphic Design The CSO Architects are proud of our collection of the finest minds within our multiple disciplines which include: Registered Architects 22 Graduate Architects 21 Architectural Technicians 2 Landscape Architects 1 Civil Designer I Educational Facility Planner Interior Designers/Space Planners 6 Specifications Writer 1 Construction Administration Staff 2 Business Development Staff 3 Finance and Administration Stall B Information Technology Staff 1 SERVICES / DISCIPLINES Renniassance Place CSO Architects Page 46 of 86 eFLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties SUSTAINABLE DESIGN a D r F L4.:0} c'r eENEF)TS'0f4BUILDING;GRE'ECJ',� r ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS: ▪ Enhance and protect ecosystems and biodiversity / Improve air and,water quality Reduce solid waste ▪ Conserve haturafresources ECONOMIC BENEFITS: .,;,Reduce operating costs ' Enhance asset value and profits f Improve employee productivity and satisfaction Optimize life-cytle economic performance- - HEALTH AND COMMUNITY BENEFITS: I ' Improve air, thermal, and acoustic environments - ' Enhance occupant comfort and health - - - • Minimize strain on local infrastructure • Contribute to overall quality of life rag CA CSO Architects The Bartlett Reflection Center - DePeuw University CSO Architects considers sustainability a vital part of our design philosophy to ensure that programmatic needs and design intent are met. Our sustainability design philosophy is defined as: • Creating durable buildings that enhance the health. productivity and spirit of the occupants • Creating architecture that respects the use of materials and energy • Embedding the principles of sustainable design in each step of the design process from initial programming to occupancy ' Understanding how our buildings affect the community as a whole and seeking opportunities to improve the richness of communal relationships and quality of life LEED' U.S. GREEN BUILDING COUNCIL Buildings in the United States consume more than 30% of our total energy and 60% of our electricity and appropriate land that could otherwise be natural habitat or used for agriculture. A typical commercial construction project generates 2.5 pounds of solid waste per square foot of building area. Sustainable design practices can substantially reduce these negative environmental impacts. as well as decrease operating costs and improve occupant health and productivity. Sustainable building design is quantified in the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED +) Rating System. LEEDS' is a tool for designing buildings that reflect the principles of environmental stewardship, incorporating strategies that target site selection, water efficiency, energy efficiency, materials and indoor environmental quality. Four certification levels are offered to correspond with the degree to which a building incorporates these sustainable principles. Because the LEED" Rating System evaluates environmental performance from a whole building perspective. the design process is a synergistic team effort, involving input from the architect, engineers, contractor, owner and building officials. CSO Architects has embraced this approach, and recognizes its role in facilitating these relationships and providing leadership in reaching the team's mutual goal of LEEDA Certification. Page 47 of 86 OFLAHERTY & COLLINS VProperties LEED CERTIFICATION CSO Architects considers sustainability a vital part of our design philosophy and employs 37 LEED accredited professionals. We have received certification on the following projects: Certified LEED Gold • Amazon.com - Indianapolis, Indiana Certified LEE° Commercial Interiors Gold • August Mack - Indianapolis, Indiana Certified LEED Commercial Interiors Gold • New August Mack 2009 - Indianapolis, Indiana Certified LEED Commercial Interiors Gold • CapTrust Tower - Raleigh. North Carolina Certified LEED Core and Shell Gold • Celebration - Orlando, Florida Certified LEED Core and Shell Gold • CSO Architects Corporate Headquarters - Indianapolis, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Gold • DePauw University - Janet Bindle Institute for Ethics Greencastle, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Gold • DePauw University - The Bartlett Reflection Center Greencastle, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Keefe Hall - Bachelor Enlisted Quarters - Albany, Georgia Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Pricewaterhouse Coopers - Monisville, North Carolina Certified LEED Commercial Interiors Gold • Purdue University - West Lafayette, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Research Triangle Institute - Durham, North Carolina Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Research Triangle Institute Building 09 Durham, North Carolina Certified LEED New Construction Gold • St. Joseph Regional Medical Center Mishawaka, Indiana Certified LEED Core and Shell Gold • University of Notre Dame - Carole Sandner Hall South Bend, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Gold • University of Notre Dame - Geddes Hall - South Bend, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Gold Certified LEED Silver • BASF - Morrisville, North Carolina Certified LEED Commercial Interiors Silver • Ball State University - Park Hall - Muncie, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Silver • Commons Office Building for Cummins, Inc. Columbus, Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Silver • HealthNow New York - Buffalo, New York Certified LEED New Construction Silver • Illinois Wesleyan University - Minor Myers Jr. Welcome Center - Bloomington, Illinois Certified LEED New Construction Silver • Innovation Park at Notre Dame - South Bend. Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Silver Certified LEED Certification • The Indianapolis International Airport - Indianapolis. Indiana Certified LEED New Construction Certification Research Triangle Instil to W CSO Architects Page 48 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties AFFILIATIONS / ORGANIZATIONS CSO Architects Sophia Square Apartments & Shoppes CSO Architects values our strong commitment to the following professional affiliations/organaations: National: • American Institute of Architects • American Society of Landscape Architects • Association of College and University Housing Officials International • Buiding Trades Association • Construction Specifications Institute • Design-Build Institute of America • Design-Build Institute of America. Great Lakes Region • International Facility Management Association • International Interior Design Association • National Council for Interior Design Qualifications • National Council of Architects Registration Board • National Association of Independent Schools • National Fre Protection Association • National Society of Black Engineers • New Tech Network • Society for College and University Planning • Society of American Military Engineers • U.S. Green Building Council State: • Airport Facilities Council • Association of Indiana Counties • Bio Crossroads • Building Owners and Managers Association • Center for Excellence in Leadership of Learning • Conexis Indiana • Independent Colleges of Indiana • Indiana Architectural Foundation • Indiana Chamber of Commerce • Indiana Convention and Visitors Association • Indiana Democratic Party • Indiana Republican Party • Indiana Landmarks Foundation • Indiana School Boards Association • Indiana Subcontractors Association • Indiana Association of Cities and Towns • Indiana Association of School Business Officials • Indiana Association of School Board Officials • Indiana Association of Public School Superintendents • Indiana Construction Roundtable • Indiana Urban Schools Association • Indiana Sports Corporation Local: • Arts Council of Indianapolis • Carmel Chamber of Commerce • Columbus Chamber of Commerce • FAIR - Fostering Accuracy. Involvement & Responsibility, Inc. • Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee • Indianapolis Black Chamber of Commerce • Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce • Indianapolis Downtown, Inc. • Indianapolis Economic Development Corporation • Indy Partnership • Johnson County Development Corporation • Kiwanis • Marion County Democratic Party • Marion County Republican Party • Metro Indianapolis Coalition for Construction Safety • Rotary Club of Indianapolis Page 49 of 86 OFLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties The Avenue CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP The CSO Architects values our strong corporate citizenship commitment to the following organizations: • ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineers) Mentor Program • Archdiocese of Indianapolis • Ball State University Foundation • Bartholomew Consolidated School Foundation • Big Brothers Big Sisters • Bishop Chatard High School • Brownsburg Education Foundation • Cannel Arts Council • Cannel Symphony Orchestra • Cathedral High School • Crossroads of America • Family Service Association • Gleaners Food Bank • Heroes of Public Safety • Indianapolis Civic Theatre • IPS Education Foundation • Indiana Architectural Foundation • International School of Indiana • Junior Achievement of Central Indiana • Lawrence Township School Foundation • Leukemia & Lymphoma Society • Marian University • March of Dimes • Meals on Wheels • National Guard Association of Indiana • National Guard Relief Fund • Samantha's House Foundation • Sorin Society • Saint Joseph's High School • Spirit of Service • Stacy Toran Foundation • Top Ten Scholar Clark - Pleasant Community School Corporation • United Way of Central Indiana • Washington Township Schools Foundation • Warren Arts and Education Foundation • Wayne Township Education Foundation • Westfield Washington Schools Foundation • Youthlinks Indiana fA CSO Architects Page 50 of 86 QELAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties Table 9: CSO Architects Resumes PROJECT TEAM Daniel T. Moriarity, MA, LEED" AP BD +C Principal -in- charge CSO Architects, Inc. ince entering the profession in 1984, Dan has built a reputation locally, regionally, and nationally for his expertise and innovation in the field of architecture. Dan is a key member of the leadership team at CSO but continues to focus on being intricately involved in his projects. Dan has worked on a wide array of project types but has become an expert in all types of academic facilities including residential buildings. The skills he developed while working on academic projects has translated well to performing arts facilities and both federal government and National Guard projects. Dan also has edensive experience in lab and research facilities for both corporate and institutional clients. Dan's extensive experience, passion for excellence and reputation have enabled CSO Architects to emerge as one of the country's fastest growing Higher Education and Research Design fins. Professional Affiliations /Certifications: • American Institute of Architects (ALA) • National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) • Association of College and University Housing Officials (ACUHO) • US Green Building Council • Society of American Military Engineers (SAME) • LEEDS Accredited Professional (LEED°' AP BD +C) Education: • University of Notre Dame — Bachelor of Architecture degree States of Registration: Indiana, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming Community Involvement: • Cannel Symphony Orchestra - Member W CSO Architects Representative Residence Hall Experience: • Sophia Square Apartments 8 Shoppes The City of Cannel, Indiana 438,800 at apartment budding, 2011 • Cannel Redevelopment City of Cannel and Cannel Redevelopment Commission, Cannel, Indiana Master redevelopment plan for the City Center and Old Town Area. 1996 - present. • Third and Union Apartments Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 84,000 s.f. apartments, 102 beds, 2012 Pursuing LEED New Construction Silver • Student Housing Indiana State University, Terre Haute, Indiana 135.000 s f. new student housing, 352 beds, 2013 • Thomas 1. Kinghom Hall Ball State University. Muncie. Indiana 205,000 s.f. new residence hall, 2009 Pursuing LEED New Construction Gold • The Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts City of Cannel, Indiana 160.000 s.f. concert hall, 2011 • Park Hall Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 162,000 s.f. residence hall, 512 beds, 2007 Certified LEED New Construction Silver • Student Housing at North Carolina University North Carolina University, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 338.000 s.f. four building apartment complex 699 beds, 2013 • Student Housing at the University of Kentucky University of Kentucky. Lexington, Kentucky 348,851 st four building apartment complex 700 beds, 2013 • woodworth Commons Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 29,148 s.f. dining hall, 2007 Page 51 of 86 0FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Al cl‘site- Representative Experience: • Marian University Residence Hall Marian University. Indianapolis, Indiana 53,177 s.f. new residence hall, 300 beds. 2008 • ACUHO-t 21st Century Design Competition • Jackson Street Duplexes DePauw University, Greencastle. Indiana New duplexes, 182 beds. 2003, 2005, & 2007 • Mason Hall DePauw University, Greencastle. Indiana 37.870 renovation of residence hall, 124 beds, 2006 • Residence Life Master Plan Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Student housing and dining long range master plan. 2009 • Lucy Rowland Hall DePauw University, Greencastle. Indiana 37.450 renovation of residence hall. 138 beds 2005 Rector Village DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana 64,004 s.f. of new student housing. 136 beds, 2004 • Longden Hall DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana 43.142 s.f. renovation of residence hall. 2001 Bishop Roberts Hall DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana 42.000 renovation of residence hall. 132 beds Phase I - 2000, Phase II - 2001 • Geddes Hall University of Notre Dame. South Bend, Indiana 65,600 s.f. new facility, 2009 Certified LEED New Construction Gold University of Notre Dame Innovation Park University of Notre Dame, South Bend. Indiana 50.000 at new health and research building, 2009 Certified LEED New Construction Silver Limited Army Aviation Support Facility Indiana Army National Guard Indiana Joint Forces Headquarters, Gary. Indiana 56.012 s.f. new aviation support facility, 2008 SPiRiT Rating system • Minor Myers Welcome Center Illinois Wesleyan University. Bloomington, Illinois 19.018 at new admissions office & career center, 2008 Certified LEED New Construction Silver • Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana 22,800 s.f. new facility, 2007 Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Health Informational and Translational Sciences Building I U PU I. Indianapolis. Indiana 168,892 s.t. new facility, 2007 • Julian Science and Mathematics Center DePauw University, Greencastle. Indiana 120,000 s.f. renovation and 110.000 s.f. addition 2002 • Dennis 1. and Mary Lou Schwartz Indoor Tennis Center Purdue University, West Lafayette. Indiana 64.000 s.f. new facility, 2005 • Harrison Hall DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana 52,000 s.f. renovation of psychology department, 1993 • Music Instruction Building Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 85,500 s.f. new facility including 600 -seat performance hall, 2004 Honors 8 Awards: • ACUHO•I 21st Century Design Competition Association of College and University Housing Officials (ACUHO) - 2007 finalist • The Janet Prindle Institute For Ethics - DePauw University - 2008 AIA Indiana Annual Design Awards - Outstanding Indiana Architecture Award - Best of 2008 Midwest Construction - Award of Merit • Manning Environmental Field Station • DePauw University - 2006 AIA Indiana Annual Design Awards - Honor Award • Rector Village Student Housing DePauw University. Greencastle, Indiana - 2004 Indiana Concrete Masonry Institute (ICMA) Design Award .9 CSO Architects Page 52 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties PROJECT TEAM Brandon D. Bogan, LEED" AP Project Manager CSO Architects, Inc. Brandon Began entered the profession and joined the firm in 2002. Since joining CSO Architects. he has displayed a unique ability to listen and to understand the needs of our clients. Brandon has demonstrated an ability to manage his team and focus on the client's needs while overseeing all aspects of complex projects from start to finish. He has managed numerous projects that include museums, research laboratories, medical office facilities, medical imaging facilities. performing arts centers. and multiple types of student housing. Asa result of Brandon's outstanding skills as a project manager, he has accumulated a long list of satisfied clients. Professional Affiliations/Certifications: • LEED" Accredited Professional (LEED AP) • Association of College and University Housing Officials (ACUHO) Education: • Ball State University - Bachelor's degrees in Architecture and Environmental Design Community Involvement: • Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Rho Chapter Board of Trustees Honors & Awards: • Rector Village Student Housing DePauw University, Greencastle, IN - 2004 Indiana Concrete Masonry Institute (ICMA) Design Award • ACUHO 21st Century Project Phase I "Unit" Finalist • 2011 ENR Midwest - Civic Project of the Year Carmel, IN n CSO Architects • Sophia Square Apartments & Shoppes The City of Carmel, Indiana 438,800 s.f, apartment building, 2011 • Third and Union Apartments Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 84,000 s.f. apartments, 102 beds, 2012 Pursuing LEED New Construction Silver • Park Hall Ball State University, Muncie. Indiana 162.000 s.f. residence hall, 512 beds, 2007 Certified LEED New Construction Silver • Thomas 1. Kinghom Hall Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana 205,000 81 new residence hall. 603 beds, 2009 Pursuing LEED New Construction Gold • Student Housing at the University of Kentucky University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky 348,851 s.f. four building apartment complex 700 beds 2013 • Student Housing Indiana Stale University, Terre Haute, Indiana 135.000 s.f. new student housing. 352 beds, 2013 • The Palladium at the Center for the Performing Arts City of Carmel, Indiana 160,000 O. new concert hall, 2011 • Rector Village DePauw University. Greencastle. Indiana 62.000 s.f. new student housing. 136 beds, 2004 • Anderson University Seminary Street Housing Anderson University, Anderson, Indiana 17,888 s.f. new student housing, 31 beds, 2006 & 2007 • ACUHO•I 21st Century Design Competition • Residence Life Master Plan Miami University, Oxford, Ohio Student housing and dining long range master plan. 2009 Page 53 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties R. Randall Schumacher, AIA, LEED" AP BD +C Lead Designer PROJECT TEAM Randy Schumacher joined CSO Architects in 1989. He is a registered architect with 20 years of experience in programming. planning, design. project management and construction. As Lead Designer and Project Manager, he coordinates the entire design process from conceptual and schematic design through construction documents and administration. Randy has applied his skills to higher education instructional and residential facilities, corporate headquarters, child care centers. health care facilities. religious buildings. correctional facilities. office buildings, laboratories, warehouse/distribution centers. banks, retail outlets, and conference/training centers. His work has received numerous design awards and has been published in local and national publications. Professional Affiliations /Certifications: • American Institute of Architects (AIA) • National Council of Architectural Registrations Boards (NCARB) • LEED" Accredited Professional (LEED" AP BD+C) Education: • Ball State University - Bachelor's degree in Architecture and Environmental Design. additional continuing education seminars State of Registration: Indiana: AR00900163 Representative Experience: • Sheraton Apartments Indianapolis. Indiana Renovation of 12 story tower and 130 apartments, 2011 • Cleveland State University Student Housing Buckingham Companies, Cleveland Ohio New apartment complex with 290 new units and 608 new beds • Steeples on Washington Signature Construction, Cannel, Indiana 190.000 s.f. 7 building apartment complex, 2012 • Evan Lurie Fine Arts Gallery and Condominiums The City of Cannel, Indiana 29,000 s.f. new art center and 28.962 s.f. new condominiums. 2007 • Dover Square Pedcor Pedcor Design Group, LLC • Gramercy Buckingham Companies. Cannel Indiana Renovation of 375 existing apartment units and 1,100 new apartment units • Employee Amenities Building Indianapolis, Indiana 67.868 s.i. new employee amenities building, 2010 • Hybrid Beck's Beck's Hybrid, Atlanta. Indiana 52,500 s.f. 2 story research building, 2011 • The Bartlett Reflection Center DePauw University. Greencastle. Indiana 2.400 s.f. building in DePauw University Nature Park 2008 Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Janet Prindle Institute for Ethics DePauw University. Greencastle. Indiana 22.800 s.f. new facility. 2007 Certified LEED New Construction Gold • Indianapolis Electrical Joint Apprenticeship & Training Center (IE ATC) National Electric Contractor Association (N ECA) and International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW). Indianapolis. Indiana 34.849 s.f. training facility, 2001 6TJ (SO Architects Page 54 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties Table 10: CSO Project Experience THE AXIS Indianapolis, Indiana The residences in the Axis will include one and two bedroom apartments, featuring granite countertops. roman soaking tubs, and stainless steel appliances. Residents also will have access to amenities such as a fitness center, heated saltwater pool and sundeck. There will be 325 residential units and a 435 -space parking garage. • Client Name: Flaherty d Collins Properties • Total Units: 325 • Total Parking Spaces: 435 • Completion Date: Summer 2013 • Services Provided: architectural. civil, landscape, structural and mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineering CSO Architects Page 55 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V - " Properties ONE AMERICA PARKING GARAGE Indianapolis, Indiana Project scope involves a grade plus 6 -level parking structure which would be for approximate& 1020 automobiles. The garage will have an overhead connector across major thoroughfare to the One America Tower. The building will be modified to accommodate the connector. The site for the garage will be the east half of the block that is bounded by West Vermont Street to the north, West New York Street to the south, and North Illinois Street to the east. • Client Name: Flaherty & Collins Properties • Total Parking Spaces: 1020 • Total Floors: 6 • Completion Date: April 2013 • Services Provided: architectural, interior design CSO Architects Page 56 of 86 0FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties SOPHIA SQUARE APARTMENTS & SHOPPES W CSO Architects Page 57 of 86 AFLAHERTY & COLLINS rf Properties • q ill II er 1.—xv 18 SITE PLAN li SOPHIA SQUARE APARTMENTS & SHOPPES The City of Carmel, Carmel. Indiana CSO Architects was commissioned to design a 217,160 s.f. apartment building with 201 units consisting of a mix of I. 2 and 3 bedroom units. apartment amenity spaces, and 59,200 s.f. of white box retail space. The building is a four -story wood structure over a precast concrete base over a two level 400 space underground garage. The apartments include full kitchens with private sleeping areas featuring walk -in closets and personal storage space. The project is registered to receive LEED Silver Certification and utilizes a number of energy saving details including above standard insulation, green roof areas, water saving fixtures, and regionally produced materials. A central, public courtyard was designed to be utilized for local an and music fairs, as well as to provide pool and amenity space for the apartments. • Total Square Footage: 438,800 at (including parking. retail and residential) • Square Footage of New Construction: 438,800 s.f. • Completion Date: 2011 • Construction Cost: Undisclosed • Services Provided: Architecture, civil and landscape • Awards/Features: First LEED Mid -Rise project in Indiana (.TJ CSO Architects Page 58 of 86 1 I I 1 1 1 t <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties THE RESIDENCES ONE BEDROOM LOFT TWO BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM LOFT 65 CSO Architects FLOOR PLAN Page 59 of 86 TLS �� { t � , L1 r -Z `kit'. °v s. . t 31 S , o 1 I 65 CSO Architects FLOOR PLAN Page 59 of 86 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SFLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties THE RESIDENCES AT KEYSTONE AT THE CROSSING Indianapolis, Indiana The project scope involved the conversion of the 12 -story, south tower of the Sheraton Hotel at Keystone at the Crossing into approximately 130 apartment units. The first floor lobby renovation will be competed in two phases. the first of which included the design of 1,500 sf leasing office. Phase two will include the first and second floor public areas in the south tower. • Client Name: Host. Hotels and Resorts. Bethesda. Maryland • Total Square Footage: 118.569 • Total Units: 129 • Total Number of Floors: 9 • Completion Date: July 2012 • Services Provided: architecture, interior design, construction documents and construction administration CSO Architects Page 60 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties H 'tI ONE BEDROOM TWO BEDROOM 11 ..ter. r it P "ft" Li I � EFj y Jc. t- FOUR BEDROOM CSO Architects BUILDING ONE FLOOR TWO Page 61 of 86 AFLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties THE AVENUE Indianapolis, Indiana The project scope consisted of three structures on one site. The main building parallels 10th Street and consists of 21,000 square feet of retail on the first floor with a 4 -story. 76 unit, wood frame apartment building with a concrete and steel podium structure constructed between the two different occupancies. The second building consists of a 48 unit 4 -story wood frame apartment building constructed on a slab on grade.The third building consists of a 4 -story wood frame building consisting of approx. 3,500 square feet of amenity space on the first floor and 6 (3 flats, 3 townhomes) units constructed in three stories above the amenity space. Also included as part of this building is an approx. 260 car, garage plus two /three elevated deck parking structure. • Client Name: Buckingham Companies, Indianapolis. Indiana • Square Footage for Three Apartment Buildings: 200.479 • Square Footage for Parking Garage: 104.218 • Retail Building Square Footage: 20,750 s.f. • Completion Date: 2011 • Construction Cost for Apartment Buildings: $16,038,320 • Construction Cost for Parking Garage: $8.337,440 • Parking Structure: 268 spaces • Number of Beds: 356 • Services Provided: architecture. interior design C5O Architects Page 62 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties CA CSO Architects Page 63 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS VProperties JW MARRIOTT COMPLEX Indianapolis, Indiana The JW Marriott Complex located in Downtown Indianapolis is a landmark and the world's largest JW Marriott Complex. Designed by CSO Architects and HOK, the 1,626 -key complex includes two full - service restaurants, 104.000 s.f. of meeting space. a swimming pool. a spa, and an exercise room. The meeting space consists of 23.000 s.f. of exhibition space, a 20.670 s.f. junior ballroom and a 40.500 s.f. grand ballroom, which is one of the largest Marriott ballrooms in the world. The complex also has a 1.000 car. three - level. underground parking structure. • Client Name: White Lodging Services. Merrillville. Indiana • Total Square Footage: 1,830.245 • Parking Structure: 1.000 spaces. 3 below grade levels • Number of Floor Levels: 34 • Completion Date: 2011 • Project Cost: $450,000,000 • Master Interior Designer: Simone Deary Design Group • Services Provided: architecture. interior design, civil engineering, structural engineering. mechanical and electrical engineering CSC) Architects Page 64 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties CIRCLE CENTRE MALL SECOND FLOOR PLAN CSO Architects Page 65 of 86 QFLAHERTY & COLLINS Properties eWCfett;,142.jeserjr,l; e ;Het Bleat eke SPIII191 • qt. 111101,700; Ft St kID • •e•S •!g t MING H C:r V11,1 LA Ala I CIRCLE CENTRE MALL Indianapolis, Indiana The Circle Centre Mall project involved the redevelopment of three- and-a-half existing city blocks in downtown Indianapolis. The project integrated existing and new buildings into a complex of retail, hotel. parking and entertainment uses. CSO Architects and Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf formed a joint venture, known as Centre Venture, to bring this project to fruition. Circle Centre continues to have significant impact on the quality of life in the center of the city and beyond. • Client: The City of Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development and Melvin Simon s Associates, Indianapolis. Indiana • Total Square Footage: 675,000 • Parking Structure: 2.430 spaces. below grade • Completion Date: 1995 • Construction Cost: $304,000.000 • Services Provided: architecture Completed in collaboration with: Browning Day Mullins Dierdorf • Awards/Features: Monumental Award 1995 CSC/ Architects Page 66 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS d Properties THE COMMONS CSO Architects Page 67 of 86 <>FLAHERTY & COLLINS V Properties THE COMMONS The City of Columbus, Columbus. Indiana CSO Architects in collaboration with Koetter Kim & Associates designed a new and improved Commons for Columbus. Indiana. The new Commons features ultra -clear insulated glass. with a variety of inning patterns, to showcase the new indoor public activities within and provide greater energy efficiency. The multi - purpose performance and activity space is raised to a new second floor under the original building's structure, adding a new stage over street front retail space below. The zigzag windows are acoustical as well as architectural. framing views down the main street. Escalators and stairs wrap around the existing "Chaos No. I" motion sculpture to retain the indoor civic room and draw people to the second floor activities. The corner glass pavilion is skewed and sloped to retain a view of the comer courthouse tower and create a playful structure to house the new custom playground by Copley Wolff Design Group featuring the Luckey Climber, an interactive sculpture. Vegetated green roof on the new structure assist with making this a sustainable project. targeting LEED silver rating. • Total Square Footage: 56,000 gsf • Completion Date: 2011 • Services Provided: executive architect, collaborating design. interior design, programming • Awards/Features: Pursuing LEED New Construction Silver C50 Architects Page 68 of 86