HomeMy WebLinkAbout237507 09/23/14 �%�c��� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 244001 V: :. .; ® �;• ONE CIVIC SQUARE PITNEY BOWES CHECK AMOUNT: $`******147.62* :„ _�; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 371896 CHECK NUMBER: 237507 ,,�*oN�� PITTSBURGH PA 15250-7896 CHECK DATE: 09/23/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1091 4230200 616404 115.37 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1192 4353003 632790 32.25 POSTAGE METER L L. Rental invoice Pitney Bowes September 16,2014 Bitting acct number Invoice number 1545-0448-86-3 632709 Rental ....................................i....n........v....I.....o.................i........c..................e....................x....d...X.....e.,..ta..i.l..s .. . .... .....................................................*..... ...................:........ .........................................%....................................... ............... ........................................................................................................... .. .........................1... .................................. ................................ .................... .. ............................................. ....... ................................ ! 000 . ........ . .............. ............. .. ..... ....1 .......... ....... ... :::::::::::::::::: :::;<.::•:<.>:.;::......... ... . ....... .. .. .... ........................... ........ ......... ............................................. ....... ........ 4; -- -, ........ ......... ----------- ................ ............ f .... ...... Install account number: 1545-0448-86-3 Equip location:City Of Carmel Of Community Services,One Civic Square,Carmel IN,46032-2584 Item I Rental Period: 10/16/14-01/15/15 10 Product Code(PCN):A550 Serial M: 0000218875 0 Description:-- Electronic Scale-0-1 Lb .............................. ...... ca .............................. ...............:,X.X.:-X- ..........*".X,*..............................................................X ............-...................................................................................................................................................................... ...................:.:.:.............................. .................................. ..................... .......... MMM� C . . .. c� CD C3 ..........I...... ......... ..... ..... ....... co. ........................... .... .._;;.::.,........$32`.25:<->;:::: ......... .... C3 c3 C, Total for invoice IN 632709 $32.25 Important information 0 y"o-We�Is-Rent-aTag—r�Cm-itit,--curr-e—nta—sof-tii-ecia—teoft6is-Fnv—o-iEeu—nii-s-soth—erviise � agreed to in writing by the parties. Payment - If your check is returned,you're liable for any charges we incur. - If you make a partial payment of the Payment due,it doesn't change your contract or your obligations to us. Returns:Check your agreement with us for our return policy on equipment,postage meters and software that you have purchased,licensed,leased or rented from Pitney Bowes. Page 2 of 2 Pitney Bowes Rental invoice# 632709 September 16,2014 ............................. ...................... .............:.................................... :::.:.:.:::::. :::::. 11i..a4.�.. t11#�t ... ........................................................................... Account name CitOf Carmel.Of .... .......................................................................... City Rental charges $32.25 Community,:eirvices . Billing acct number Total taX $0.00 1545-0448-86-3 , Payment due by October 16, 2014 $32.25 Invoice number 632709 See reverse side for invoice details. Online Account Management Register for My Account f3 Updating your meter provides optimal performance and accurate wvw.pb.com/myaccount.Click Viewand mail processing. Pay Bills for online payments.Your N/V You can check for updates by doing a postage balance inquiry on billing account number is: 15450446863 your meter. If an update is no-t-available then your meter is current_ Questions about your bill? Updating information can be found atwww.pb.com/ratesandupdates. From B a.m.to 6 p.m.EST call 1-800-228-1071 Important Contact Information •Pay by Phone:1-BCB-228-1071 Enter 15450448863 as your acct number •Service on your product:1-800-522-0020 •Web:Go to:w%vw.p5.com/contactbilling •Add Postage to your Meter:1-800-243-7800 •.To order Supplies:1.-800-243-7824 or visit www.pb.com/supplies. > 1FO.a: ;.. ;: :.: ::: ...;...::k: .. l .Ea e.cflar. @S. I�ai E .OftE::... arii2til :;:: �VI/ftE1��:l�f1e::EE>•':>,:.Q�;:::�;:: ;;>:�;::;::.» ::; ; :::.;:.:::::y:�:::.:<;.;:>;;: ;:�;:;;;;:.::<:;;:•:•;;::;;;;;::;:;:�;;::o:;:;: ;.::�•''`'�::%�:�:�:� �:�:�:<�:� :..:::.g. :. : :Y::.::::.f' .:. ::::::::. . :. ::.:::::::::up n...elp artd a1 Eotnt t1 to E#t tfa s for matE and rocss� : ::::::::::: Page 1 of 2 DUNS 00116-1793,TAX ID 06-0495050 Tear off here N-000918 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Pitney Bowes IN SUM OF$ P.O. Box 371896 F Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7896 - $32.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel DOCS PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. I ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1192 632790 43-530.03 $32.25 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or I I I : II bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Mo , Se tem r 2 014 Y Director Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 09/16/14 632790 $32.25 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 ' 20 Clerk-Treasurer = a Pitney Bowes Supplies invoice# 616404 September 7,2014 » Iuo . 0 . Account name ><? <%»><'`•<? < [<<%> i"«< »>« z<`•' > # ::..::::::::::::.:::::•::::.:::..::: .....:.................................................................................................................................................... .. Carmel Clay Parks And Rec Supplycharges $207.97 Billing acct number D' oun -$9 2177-0337-86-9 Total tax 8.08 Invoice number 616404Ment due by October 7, 2014 $123.4 Online Account Management See reverse side for invoice details. r Thank you for signing up at www.pb.com/myaccount. As a reminder your billing 00e Updating your meter provides optimal performance and accurate account number is:21770337869 mail processing. Questions about your bill,? You can check for updates by doing a postage balance inquiry on From 8 a.m.to 8 p.m.EST call 1-800-228-1071 your meter.If an update is not available then your meter is current. Important Contact Information Updating information can be found at www.pb.com/ratesand updates. .Pay by Phone:1-800-228-1071 Enter 21770337869 as your acct number >> Supplies for your mailstream. .To order Supplies:1-800-243-7824 or visit www.pb.com/supplies. Trust genuine Pitney Bowes supplies. Visit www.pb.com/supplies or call 1-800-243-7824. SEP - 8 2014 Y:: J fi;:>".?>:::::::;' .`:.........:'.Y;;......... ........ R:x'::;::>::>:: ;::;;;:;;:::i'::;:<i:,:.:::: ^;:>:f::::;:;::::`::i:<`:::ij;r,:::>: >.:::.:;.::::,•':: z::;: ,;;i5::;<i::R�::<:.::::::::::::..:::.::.:::::'.::;>:: :,:.:::::; :::::;:;:>..:.,<;:::,:;::::::::: i�vott date charas: Ma� yArfrayitnent�nr�t1 the coupon beoah all�Wp tis 7 9Cf da�+s#ar..�rtil and proce s rtg.itirie.':.° Page 1 of 2 E DUNS 00116-1793,TAXID 06-0495050 v Tear off here N-001028 Supplies invoice Pitney Bowes September 7,2014 III rr— Billing acct number Invoice number 2177-0337-86-9 616404 Supply invoice details ...... M M. ........ .... ........... ........ .. ... . .......... ... ....... ................ ........ ......... . ....... ........... .......... th ... ..... .. ........ ......... 40 ......... . ia ... . ................................................... . ...... .... .............. . ............ . . ........ X., 616404 09/07/14 44632649 Ship date: 09/04/14 Install account number: 2064-2989-86-5 Shipped to: Carmel Clay Parks and Rec,1235 Central Park Dr E,Carmel IN,46032-4421 ............ t 'y X 1. DM1001 Red Ink Cart 1/Box 793-5 2 $151.98 -$70.60 $81.38 2. E-Z Seat-Pint Bottle(4 Per 601-0 1 $55.99 -$22.00 $33.99 Subtotal of all items $115.37 State tax $8.08 Total for invoice#616404 $123.45 Important information - This transaction is governed by the terms and conditions of the applicable Pitney Bowes agreement,current as of the date of this invoice unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the parties. Payment •If your check is returned,you're liable for any charges we incur. •If you make a partial payment of the Payment due,it doesn't change your contract or your obligations to us. Returns For purchases from Pitney Bowes Supplies: To return supplies call 800-243-7824 or visit www.pb.com for a copy of our supplies return policy. For other returns: Check your agreementwith us for our return policy on equipment,postage meters and software that you have purchased,licensed,[eased or rented from Pitney Bowes. Page 2 of 2 You can pay your bill: • Online at com/myaccount. •By credit card,over the phone at1-800-228-1071 •By check,made payable to Pitney Bowes and sent with this payment coupon to: Pitney Bowes Inc PO Box3711896 Pittsburgh,PA 15250-7896 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 244001 Pitney Bowes, Inc. (Supplies) Terms P.O. Box 371896 Pittsburg, PA 15250-7896 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 9/7/14 616404 Postage meter supplies xx1108 $ 115.37 Total $ 115.37 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. j 244001 Pitney Bowes, Inc. (Supplies) i Allowed 20 F.O. Box 3718961 �. ?Pittsburg, PA 15250-7896 In Sum of$ $ 115.37 i ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 109 -Monon Center Po#or INVOICE NO, 4,CCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1091 616404 4230200 $ 115.37 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and i received except 18-Sep 2014 i t Signature $ 115.37- Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund 1'