HomeMy WebLinkAbout237296 09/23/14 tqq "';'f. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 150002 j b ''r ONE CIVIC SQUARE VECTREN ENERGY CHECK AMOUNT: $******'482.47' ,. ;ice CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 6248 CHECK NUMBER: 237296 +' INDIANAPOLIS IN 46206-6248 CHECK DATE: 09/23/14 M��TON GO DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4349000 78.52 026004319585454541 2200 4239099 11.25 026204184595342744 601 5023990 17.00 026003856835121869 601 5023990 36.85 026003856835455200 601 5023990 95.68 026003856835741831 651 5023990 19.39 026003856835121005 651 5023990 203.20 026003856835288781 651 5023990 20.58 026003856835731757 ® VECTREN Vectren:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana: 1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www.vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. '® Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $0.63 .� i• : 1 :s e / 02-620418459-5342744 9 Payment(s)Received $0.63 1 Balance Carried Forward $0,00 Service Address: a CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply Download the Vectren mobile app today!Available 870 ENCLAVE CIR Charges $11.25 in both Apple®and Android®app stores, CARMEL, IN 46032 Charges This Period $11,25 Vectren's free mobile app allows you to quickly log Total Amount Due: $11.25 in to your Vectren.com account,pay your bill and view historical payments.For more information, 1 visit www,vectren.com/mobileapp. Natural Gas Service Planning to do some fall planting?You can now Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811's 811 Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period Now,a new online service that allows you to request member utility companies mark the N0524568 08/05/14 09/04/14 30 4341A 4341A 0 1.025000 1.000000 RES 210 0 approximate location of underground lines via a Distribution and Service Charges $11.25 Tax Exempt $0.00 simple online form.Visit www.811 Now,com. Gas Cost Charge $0.00 Total Gas Charges $11.25 Gas Usage Comparison E 100 75 - so 25 0 a co z > �c m n a 2014 y Q 3 LL o z O y 2013 O O O O Average Temperature for this Billing Period a Current Previous Last Year 0 74° 70° 74° e Next Scheduled Read Date 10/06/14 0 0 M h m N N O o -27ao— �I 2 3 X10c r M O O O - c , a iii Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www.vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service;visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209. Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms. company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet. administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period.The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA). Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110-Residential Sales Service,RES 210-Residential Sales Service,RES 211 -Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- Interruptible Sales Service RS-Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service SGS-Small General Service,DGS-Demand General Service,OSS-Off-Season Service Is M_ ' Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Vectren Energy Delivery Purchase Order No. POB 6248 Terms Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s) Amount 9/9/2014 0 Enclave utlities $ 11.25 I Total $ 11.25 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. ,20 Clerk-Treasurer i VOUCHER NO WARRANT NO. Vectren Energy Delivery ALLOWED 20 POB 6248 IN SUM OF$ Indianapolis, IN 46206-6248 $ 11.25 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 0 0 2200-4239099 $ 11.25 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 9/22/2014 Signature City Engineer Cost Distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund VECTREN Vectren:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana: 1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www.vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. t Informati,on Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $156.25 02-600385683-5288781 4 Payment(s)Received $156.25 Service Address: Balance Carried Forward $0.00 CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply Planning to do some fall planting?You can now 9609 HAZEL DELL RD Charges $203.20 "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811's 811 CARMEL, IN 46032 Charges This Period $203.20 Now,a new online service that allows you to Total Amount Due: $203.20 request member utility companies mark the approximate location of underground lines via a 1 ° ° simple online form.Visit www.811 Now.com. Natural Gas Service Gas Usage Comparison Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period E 22600 '16950 N1229782 08/12/14 09/11/14 1 30 26914E I 26983A 69 1.025000 2.012000 COM 220 142.299 E 11300 5650 Distribution and Service Charges $120.18 Tax Exempt $0.00 o — Gas Cost Charge $83.02 Total Gas Charges $203.20 W V Z > [L C] Z U ? H 2014 2013 LLI vJ71n Average Temperature for this Billing Period Plc�,4 Current Previous Last Year 73° 70° 75° Next Scheduled Read Date 10/10/14 0 0 0 0 i m o 0 0 N C7 N O O O N O N O M W N O O O O a 0 0 0 a s Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www.vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service,visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209. Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms. company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet, administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period.The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA). Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110-Residential Sales Service,RES 210-Residential Sales Service,RES 211 -Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- Interruptible Sales Service RS Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service SGS-Small General Service,DGS-Demand General Service,OSS-Off-Season Service Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 150001 VECTREN -46207 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 6248 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 9/18/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/18/2014 0260038568: $203.20 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER # 145600 WARRANT # ALLOWED 150001 IN SUM OF $ VECTREN - 46207 PO BOX 6248 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 02600385683 01-7362-05 $203.20 I Voucher Total $203.20 ; Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 1 VECTREN Vectren: 1-800-227-13761 Call Before You Dig.811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana: 1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www,vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $49.99 • ® 02-600385683-5455200 2 Payment(s)Received $49.99 n. ° ' • ° Balance Carried Forward $0.00 Service Address: „ CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply 10675 N GRAY RD Charges $36.85 Planning to do some fall planting?You can now "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811's 811 CARMEL, IN 46033 Charges This Period $36.85 Now,a new online service that allows you to Total Amount Due: $36.85 request member utility companies mark the approximate location of underground lines via a Detail6d Accounfktv simple online form.Visit www.811 Now.com. Natural Gas Service Gas Usage Comparison Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used 600 Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period E 450 N0455995 08/13/14 09/11/14 29 593E 618E 25 1.025000 1.000000 COM 220 25.625 300 15o Distribution and Service Charges $21.90 Tax Exempt $0.00 o Z Gas Cost Charge $14.95 Total Gas Charges $36.85 w V Y ¢ Cf Z U � �- 6 2014v ¢ ¢ o z o y 2013 Average Temperature for this Billing Period Current Previous Last Year 73° 69° 75° Next Scheduled Read Date 10/13/14 O 0 O 0 0 a N n O O O C N O O Ih O N O O Q T O a O 0 Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www.vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service,visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209. Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms. company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet. administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period.The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA) Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110 Residential Sales Service,RES 210 Residential Sales Service,RES 211 Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- Interruptible Sales Service RS Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service SGS Small General Service,DGS-Demand-General.Service,OSS-Off-Season Service Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 150001 VECTREN -46206 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 6248 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-6248 Due Date 9/22/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/22/2014 N0455995 $36.85 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER # 141853 WARRANT# ALLOWED 150001 IN SUM OF $ VECTREN - 46206 PO BOX 6248 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-6248 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code N0455995 01-6360-03 $36.85 Voucher Total $36.85 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund ® VECTREN Vectren: 1-800-227-13761 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana:1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www.vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. Yourkbddht InformM'ion Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $133.14 '• a = ® .' 4 02-600385683-5121869 2 . .,•� :. Payment(s) Received $133.14 Balance Carried Forward $0.00 s. Service Address: eo CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply 4425 E 126TH ST Charges $17.00 Planning to do some fall planting?You can now "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811's 811 CARMEL, IN 46033 Charges This Period $17.00 Now,a new online service that allows you to Total Amount Due: $17.00 request member utility companies mark the approximate location of underground lines via a DetaileclAccountActivity. simple online form.Visit www.811 Now.com. Natural Gas Service Gas Usage Comparison Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period asoo 3450 ? N1256390 08/11/14 09/10/14 30 2111A 1 2111A 0 1.025000 1.000000 COM 220 0 2300 1150 Distribution and Service Charges $17.00 Tax Exempt $0.00 o Gas Cost Charge $0.00 Total Gas Charges $17.00 2014 2013 Average Temperature for this Billing Period Current Previous Last Year 73° 70° 75° 0 Next Scheduled Read Date 10/10/14 0 0 0 m a a 0 0 0 0 N O H O 9 m N O a a 0 0 0 a s Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www.vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service,visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209. Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms, company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet. administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period.The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA). Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110-Residential Sales Service,RES 210-Residential Sales Service,RES 211 -Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM r r 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- Interruptible Sales Service RS-Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service SGS-Small General Service,DGS-Demand General Service,OSS-Off-Season Service 7e VECTREN Vectren: 1-800-227-13761 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana: 1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www,vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. Your-ACCoua nform, e r Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $95.73 • ® o � '; 02-600385683-5741831 2 Payment(s)Received $95.73 �, Balance Carried Forward $0.00 Service Address: e o CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply Download the Vectren mobile app today!Available 301 W 136TH ST Charges $95.68 in both Apple®and Android®app stores, CARMEL, IN 46032 Charges This Period $95.68 Vectren's free mobile app allows you to quickly log Total Amount Due: $95.68 in to your Vectren.com account,pay your bill and view historical payments.For more information, !• e A,CCouht, visit www,vectren.com/mobileapp. Natural Gas Service Planning to do some fall planting?You can now Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811's 811 Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period Now,a new online service that allows you to N1241099 08/07/14 09/08/14 32 61 E I 64E 3 1.025000 1.120000 COM 220 3.444 request member utility companies mark the approximate location of underground lines via a Distribution and Service Charges $93.66 Tax Exempt $0.00 simple online form.Visit www.811 Now.com. Gas Cost Charge $2.02 Total Gas Charges $95.68 Gas Usage Comparison E ioo 7s so 25 o w C.5 J 2 Y 2 fL W Z W Y W 00 2014 m a as LL c z o y 2013 0 0 a Average Temperature for this Billing Period N o Current Previous Last Year N 73° 70° 74° a Next Scheduled Read Date 10/07/14 0 0 a N N O O M O •�I G s 9 Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www.vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service,visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209. Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms. company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet, administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA). Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110-Residential Sales Service,RES 210-Residential Sales Service,RES 211 -Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- Interruptible Sales Service RS-Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service = `4 SGS-Small General Service,DGS-Demand General Service,OSS-Off-Season Service Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 150001 VECTREN - 46206 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 6248 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-6248 Due Date 9/16/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/16/2014 N1241099 $95.68 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER # 141737 WARRANT # ALLOWED 150001 IN SUM OF $ VECTREN - 46206 PO BOX 6248 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-6248 Carmel Water Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code N1241099 01-6360-03 $95.68 i Voucher Total ' I .a '$ Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund VEC-TREN Voctren: 1-80O'227'l375|Call Before You Dig:O11 m1'80O'382'5544|Relay Indiana: 1'8OO-743'3%B �~ Live Smart Visit wwwxoctren.cumfor questions,energy tips,account information and more, 111 1 lip 111 Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $19.41 028003�6835121O05 7 ' ' Puymont(s)Rocnivod $1041 Service Address: ---- 8a|uncnCorriedFnmvard �00O CITY OFCARMEL VectmnDelivery and Supply 001NRANGELINE RD Charges $18.30 Download the Yoctrenmobile app today!� CARMEL IN 46032 Charges This Period $1830 inboth App|o0)and AndmiUSapp stores, Vectren'ofree mobile app allows you toquickly log Total Amount Due: $10.39 intoyour Vectren,00maccount,pay your bill and PON 11111 losq'im view historical payments.For more information, vioitwwwxectren.uon/mobi|oupp. Natural Gas Service Planning todosome fall planting?You can now Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811'x811 Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period Now,anew online service that allows you to N0993406 08/07/14 09/08/14 32 3340E I 3343E 3 1.025000 1.000000 COM 220 3.075 request member utility companies mark the approximate location ofunderground lines via a Distribution and Service Charges $1758 Tax Exempt $000 simple online formViuitwww811Nmwoom � Gas Cost Charge $1.81 Total Gas Charges $19.39 | GunUou Comparison | 400 uvv � 200 ^^» » --------�- � 2014 0 m/o � � Average Temperature for this Billing Period 0 Current Previous Last Year 73^ 70^ 74~ � Next Scheduled Read Date 10m7/14 � ] \W � . Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www.vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service,visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209. Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission, regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms. company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet. administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period.The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA) Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110-Residential Sales Service,RES 210-Residential Sales Service,RES 211 -Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM N Rate es Z� 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- fnterruptible Sales Service RS-Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service SGS Small General Service,DGS-Demand General Service,OSS Off Season Service s ;- a VECTREN Vectren: 1-800-227-13761 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana: 1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www.vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $17.00 1 1 e 1 02-600385683-5731757 3 Payment(s)Received $17.00 Balance Carried Forward $0.00 " Service Address: ® ' CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply y Download the Vectren mobile app today!Available 901 N RANGE LINE RD BLDG C Charges $20.58 in both AppleO and Android(b app stores, CARMEL, IN 46032 Charges This Period $20.58 Vectren's free mobile app allows you to quickly log Total Amount Due: $20.58 in to your Vectren.com account,pay your bill and view historical payments.For more information, 1 , visit www.vectren.com/mobileapp. Natural Gas Service Planning to do some fall planting?You can now Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811'5 811 Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period Now,a new online service that allows you to N1075548 08/07/14 09/08/14 32 9267E I 9271E 4 1.025000 1.120000 COM 220 4.592 request member utility companies mark the approximate location of underground lines via a Distribution and Service Charges $17.89 Tax Exempt $0.00 simple online form.Visit www.811 Now.com, Gas Cost Charge $2.69 Total Gas Charges $20.58 Gas Usage Comparison E 600 $ 450 300 150 0 w CS J Z Y CC [O Z U 0z w 0 2014 y ¢ LL o z 00 o y 2013 0 0 0 Average Temperature for this Billing Period Current Previous Last Year 73° 70° 74° o Next Scheduled Read Date 10/07/14 0 0 A 01 fD N m N O O 0 V NI CI O O O a s Important Vectren Energy Delivery Numbers Customer Service:1-800-227-1376 1 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-5544 1 Indiana Relay Service:1-800-743-3333 1 www,vectren.com Customer Service questions or concerns:To contact Vectren Energy Delivery regarding your bill or service,visit us online at www.vectren.com or contact us between 7 a.m.and 7 p.m.,Monday through Friday,at 1-800-227-1376.Please do not include any correspondence to P.O.Box 209,Evansville,In 47702-0209, Natural Gas Service Terms&Definitions Electric Service Terms&Definitions(where applicable) Distribution and Service Charges-Portion of the bill which reflects the costs to Current Electric Charges-Includes the following three components that are reviewed and deliver natural gas to your home or business.The customer facilities charge that is billed each month approved by the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission. regardless of consumption is included in this line item. •Energy Charge-Charges billed each month for the amount of electric consumption during the billing period.This charge includes base commodity Gas Cost Charge-Portion of the bill which reflects how much Vectren Energy Delivery paid for the and delivery charges. natural gas used in your home or business.This cost is passed on to you.The Indiana Utility •Energy Adjustment-Portion of the bill which reflects the market cost of Regulatory Commission reviews and approves these natural gas costs on a quarterly basis. purchasing fuel and electricity as well as other environmental and regulatory cost adjustments. Demand-Charge for some larger customers based on their highest usage within a defined period. •Service Charges-Charges billed each month to recover various costs the The billing demand for gas is stated in therms. company incurs regardless of consumption.This includes metering,meter reading,operation and maintenance of service delivery facilities,billing and CCF(100 Cubic Feet)-Gas consumption is measured by your meter in hundreds of cubic feet. administrative costs incurred by Vectren Energy Delivery. Therm-The volume of gas in CCF multiplied by the therm conversion factor. Demand-Rates for some larger customers are based on their highest usage with a defined period.The billing demand for electric is stated in kilowatts(kW)or kilovolt-amperes(kVA). Therm Conversion Factor-The heat content of the gas used to convert the measured gas - consumption from CCF to therms. kWh(kilowatt hours)-Electric energy consumption is measured by your meter in kilowatt hours. Pressure Factor-Factor used to calculate consumption on meters in which delivery pressure is Multiplier-Used to calculate the kWh consumption on high usage meters. higher than standard pressure and a pressure compensation instrument is not used. Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to Miscellaneous Charges-Examples for miscellaneous charges may include but are not limited to reconnect charges,returned check charges,etc. deposits,reconnect charges,etc. Meter Abbreviations A=Actual meter reading E=Estimated meter reading Res 110-Residential Sales Service,RES 210-Residential Sales Service,RES 211 -Unmetered Gas Lighting Sales Service COM 120-General Sales Service,COM 125-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 129-Natural Gas Vehicle Service,COM 220-General Sales Service,COM 225-School/Government Transportation Service,COM 229-Natrual Gas Vehicle Service,COM 240- Interruptible Sales Service RS-Residential Service,B-Water Heating Service SGS-Small General Service,DGS-Demand General Service,OSS-Off-Season Service F h•{'' 1 r' , •Z� R�' yk � Y k! � g�yypp ty{!{ h .`t �v� 9 Iv' {• _ 1 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 150001 VECTREN -46207 Purchase Order No. PO BOX 6248 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Due Date 9/18/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 9/18/2014 1075548 $20.58 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer - - I - - VOUCHER # 145607 WARRANT # ALLOWED 150001 IN SUM OF $ VECTREN - 46207 PO BOX 6248 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206 Carmel Wastewater Utility . ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 1075548 01-7360-01 $20.58 3 q A-7 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund VECTREN Vectren: 1-800-227-13761 Call Before You Dig:811 or 1-800-382-55441 Relay Indiana: 1-800-743-3333 Live Smart Visit www.vectren.com for questions,energy tips,account information and more. Your Account Information Billing 1. 1 Account Number: Previous Bill Amount $74.21 Date 1 O.ct 3, 201402-600431958-5454541 3 Payment(s)Received $74.21 Amount-D Balance Carried Forward $0.00 Service Address: Anf66nt Due After OcO,-20114 S78.52 CITY OF CARMEL Vectren Delivery and Supply 5032 E 131 ST ST Charges $78.52 Planning to do some fall planting?You can now "Click Before You Dig"with Indiana 811's 811 CARMEL, IN 46033 Charges This Period $78.52 Now,a new online service that allows you to Total Amount Due: $78.52 request member utility companies mark the approximate location of underground lines via a ® e `" simple online form,Visit www.811 Now.com, Natural Gas Service Gas Usage Comparison Meter Service Period Number Meter Readings CCF Therm Pressure Gas Therms Used 700 Number From To of Days Beginning Ending Used Conversion Factor Rate This Period $ 525 N0972926 08/13/14 09/12/14 30 80764E 80805E 41 1.025000 1.000000 COM 220 42.025 350RiL lis Distribution and Service Charges $54,01 Tax Exempt $0.00 o Gas Cost Charge $24.51 Total Gas Charges $78.52 a z r x 9 m z 0 > f a 2014 y ¢ 'd LL o z o 2013 Average Temperature for this Billing Period Current Previous Last Year 73° 70° 75° Next Scheduled Read Date 10/13/14 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 02-600431958- 44 $78.52 5454541 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Vectren IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 6248 Indianapolis, IN 46206 $78.52 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 1120 02-600431958- 43-490.00 $78.52 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 5454541 bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except SEP 2 2 2094 Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund