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Packet 12-20-11
ealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital Docket Nos. 11080018 DP/ADLS DEVELOPMENT PLAN/ADLS CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA December 20, 2011 Carmel Plan Commission Applicant: HealthSouth Attorneys —Nelson & Frankenberger, P.C. Attn: Charles D. Frankenberger, Attorney 844-0106 Attn: Jon C. Dobosiewicz Professional Land Planner 844-0106 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Explanation of Request 2. Aerial Photograph/Location Exhibit 3. Color Site Overlay/Landscape Plan Exhibit 4. Building Elevations 5. Building Perspectives 6. Building and Site Details - floor plan - bicycle parking and shower facilities - green building elements 7. Engineered Landscape Plan 8. Lighting Plan—Photometric Chart and Fixtures 9. Proposed Signage 10. Engineered Development Plans HS-TOC-PC 122011 A-B EXPLANATION On the 201h day of June, 2011,the Bridges PUD Ordinance was enacted, allowing an upscale, mixed-use community on approximately 63 acres located in the southwest quadrant of U.S. Highway 31 and 116th Street, east of Springmill Road and north of 111th Street. The perimeter of the Bridges is outlined on the aerial photograph included under Tab 2. The Bridges PUD allocated the subject 63 acres into three use blocks; namely, the Commercial Amenity Use Block, the Corporate Office Use Block and the Office and Residential Use Block. The applicant, HealthSouth, is desirous of constructing a hospital on approximately 6 acres located within the portion of the Office and Residential Use Block in which hospitals are allowed as a permitted use under the Bridges PUD. The location of the HealthSouth facility is outlined in yellow on the drawing included under Tab 2. By way of general background, HealthSouth is a health care provider specializing in rehabilitation hospitals with facilities throughout the United States. HealthSouth's central goal is to build strength, balance and mobility, allowing patients to get back to living life to the fullest. To this end, HealthSouth leads the way with advanced therapeutic methods and technologies. Per the Bridges PUD Ordinance, DP/ADLS approval by the Plan Commission is required as a condition to the issuance of a building permit. Therefore, HealthSouth is requesting DP/ADLS approval. To this end, HealthSouth's request is comprehensively detailed in this informational brochure, which includes the proposed building, landscaping, lighting and signage plans. The Plan Commission reviewed the DP/ADLS at their November 15, 2011 meeting and forwarded the matter to the Special Studies Committee for additional review. The applicant then appeared before the Committee meeting on December 6th, at which time the Committee reviewed requested information and forwarded this matter back to the full Plan Commission with a favorable recommendation by a unanimous vote of 5 in favor. As demonstrated by the renderings and exhibits, HealthSouth's building and site fully comply with all of the standards and requirements of the Bridges PUD Ordinance. We look forward to returning this request for DP/ADLS approval to you on December 20,2011. Respectfully submitted, Charles D. Frankenberger t Jon C. Dobosiewicz 14S-Explanation 122011 i AM I j 3 } s�T f, L F r err U 4 f y Ci 6 a_L SITE MAP SHEET NO. SCALE: 1 = 300' AMERICAN 7260 SHADELAND STATION DATE: 11/03/2011 STRUCTUREPOINT TEL 317.5D417.55 0 FAX 3 46543 0270 DRAWN BY: BNS INC. www.structurepoint.com CHK'D. BY: JOB NO. 2010.01114 OF TAB 3 ® Q i ,per ��•.S,® ��� E �\\ ` `� I •/ E, 'T ,�A-B 4 _ § LU ^ $ ®E® \ � Z ^ \ / ` (�� § §u k ) fi g § ) � ! ) . , j , � z ") §§Mo §§§ fi g } }2) / =A�? )jz xok /I � 2t [z � - \ \ \ \ \ \ ) \ \ � ■ ® § : : 2 : t : \ ■ z � § : { : � : : : � ■ o ; < [ ` , ■ ° LU \ \ ) § \ : § | ` LU vu ) \ / §LU OLU4E ! ! 2l � : § E Lu aLf) | `■ Lr)LU r ! § § # ! § E $ e4l , B ■ � � : § § ; | |■ cl ; Q. lEl � mt : mLL ! » : � : lB » ! ! ; } / ` \ \ \ LU Z z z K & o /§ 5 ) R § � kj [ § G \ 8 § § z, §° § § ° E § � Q E, §• u £ Lu a� LLJ . LU g m § � \ § i § } \ : § 2 ( § [ _ = o � ~C. % \ � z \. \/\ ) /� � 9 $ � \LL,�� < 4 ƒ \( u mo} ZC g. § L Z o - / : \ � - 2 { Ul) f \ § ~ - E � ± ) � k ( ) \ ( / � ^ K § 4L : � [ \ \ \ ) \ \ _ § \ ( \ \ ) \ . . . . . . . . \ _ � \ E § § ) ( ( _ § � � 3: _ � ! ! ! \ ( U ! | ` z ; ; ( LU -Z-Z ! § ! ! ( E : ; � ! ! ! ! ; , § ; 6 'u b4 E CL § § § ) \ § \ \ ) § ) \ § / ur) < \ \ \ z § & o ■ /§) � Ro _jkj \ § § \ . 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LU R gu) cL »/ I Z 2 /— / y / \ \ 19 § 7 2§ / ± � ) j_ �« LU y § r « I < � \}� . � Q w w ~ oC r ji L) u) cL ;a J � o � z � Zw X03 mz � _ Q � CR = Lu LU w ■��Ifiil _` i, _ 4 J Q 0 a Wo ti t9d 1 O 0 • r Q w ;1 Gr of• w cn a F7I 5 > 1 J n Q k, H I � ' O W Q Z = � a � t FE Z Z k w O tY Of 9 Q � T .. z J a W �I �I ;k k O s B 6 l� = m e J - =¢Z O a J N w LU o O �� N F ■ y n■ z F = ~ JQ H�mF <n Z ���pJ, n N V _ U LL E cNa �wmQN ZZ w FQ �¢Q d s Q 2v�2 �UZ � udo e e = go to go N 82 e o y go d,go NH Q W _o 00 z� 0 LL a c� 'I zz d' p II l jl o I � W I - r 1f III ® ' El A l l II II k-Cr�ll B III r pg II 11 3 IL - r I qq 0 000 0 I I I I I z LU LU 7 Z F cn, 0 0 < LLJ z > E U ------ 0 < LU LU -j 0 u Z C I o rL-1 cl N,\j C-:1 iCi 0 -11 cl i F1 171 iii Ci ---- ------------ ------------------ O LU - -------------- LL ------------------ C, u < CY o o ----------- ---- -------- -- ----------------- 231 21: sdisns Carmel Green Building/ Renovation Checklist Bicycle lockers/changing rooms/showers —[YES] - The facility will provide bicycle storage as well as male and female locker rooms with showers for the employees. Best Management Practices for Storm water.— [YES] -The site will be designed in compliance with the Best Management Practices for Storm water. Native landscaping/tree preservation— [SOME] - The landscape will be designed to include some native vegetation. Tree preservation is not applicable for this site. Connectivity to adjacent sites— [YES] -The proposed HealthSouth site is a part of the Bridges master plan. As part of the Bridges development, the proposed site plan will provide both pedestrian and vehicular connectivity to the surrounding community. Green Roof— [NO] White membrane/ high albedo roof— [YES] -The roof will be specified for maximum efficiency with a white membrane/high albedo roof. Porous pavers/ permeable pavement in parking lot—[NO] Recycling areas onsite - [YES] Recycling will be encouraged at the facility with both internal and external recycling areas in the facility. Parking islands landscaped to provide shade within 5 years—[NO] High efficiency lighting inside and outside - [MAYBE]—We are considering the use of high efficiency lighting in the design. Building and finishing materials sourced from within 500 miles—[SOME]— Local materials will be considered and encouraged in the construction of the facility. Water-efficient fixtures throughout—[SOME]—The facility will be designed to include some water-efficient low flow fixtures. Use of recycled materials in construction and fit-out— [SOME]—The facility will include some recycled materials in the design. The main structure will be steel -which is inherently a recycled material. Operable windows for cross-ventilation and light—[NO] Use of Energy Star or similar appliances— [SOME]—Some of the appliances specified will be in compliance with the Energy Star ratings. Low VOC paints, coatings, and sealants— [YES]—The paints, coatings, and sealants will be specified for low VOC. Light and motion sensors for lighting and water fixtures—[MAYBE]—We are considering specifying light and motion sensors. Wind turbine and/or photovoltaic panels, placed to maximize efficiency and maximize visual impact—[NO] r � i� t.k _ ON1 '),]IMO.10 NMO.19 NV 011V11119VI-13d O r IIII •VIII • MMA PUT III VIII I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII VIII II I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIII VIII II i`i1 I III II 1 10111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIII VIII 11 1111 � .�,�► �:' -�`', � t - TAB 8 �/1 ■ °w VNVIdNI'13AHVO V1 ®® Cl • • ® rr IVildSOH NOIldlllISVH321 E 41noS41leaH m w o U NOIldIbOS34103fObd o w uu w ° u Emn Emo Enron J Q coo o ac°cam m �ti°cam w "cc"� .` N.c Ury n_ �,a c N - o _ _ o u"i x m 'E xa - aE Q U o0 oo �m 1030 m03'^ E NQVIO3�d °QVI03%E LL W w O -t J o Q cn E��n °a�E S'E o � ESEN o iE`oEiNVa�a _ �n �ww c°N oww cn o L aL'uoo,- -�Q��orn_ o-�oo� o-u oo� W o a� QUf aUf - o -::i1E �a°��o'E2Y w�u-moo cYO wa-Q-oI- Z a o o vJ III .. M . . . o . . . . . . e a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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D o 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 w U o 0 o 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o M o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 L/THON/A L/GHTWO- Namlber AS2 250M SR3 277 SCWA SPA SF HS Notes FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS HealthSouth - Carmel, Indiana INTENDED USE—Streets,walkways,parking lots and surrounding areas. Type CONSTRUCTION—Rugged,die-cast,single-piece aluminum housing with nominaI wall thickness of1/8': MAH3(HS) Die-cast doorframe has impact-resistant,tempered,glass lens(3/16"thick).Doorframe is fu I lyg a sketed with one-piece tubular silicone.US.Patent No.D447,590.Canada Patent No.94324. Finish:Standard finish is dark bronze polyester powder finish.Add it ion aI arch itectura I colors are available. C OPTICS—Anodized segmented reflectors for superior uniformity and control.Reflectors attach with tool- L less fasteners and are rotatable and interchangeable.Five full cutoff distributions available:Type II(roadway), Type III(asymmetric),Type IV(forward throw),Type IV(wide,forward throw)and Type V(symmetric square). Architectural Area&Roadway Luminaires ELECTRICAL—Ballast:Constant wattage autotransformer.Metal Halide:Super CWA(pulse start ballast), 88%efficient and EISA legislation compliant,is required for 175-400W(SCWA option)for US shipments only. CSA,NOM or INTL required for probe start shipments outside of the US.Pulse-start ballast(SCWA)required for 20OW,320W,or 350W.Ballast is 100%factory-tested.All ballasts are mounted on a removable power AS2 tray with tool-less latch and have positive locking disconnect plug. Socket:Porcelain,horizontally-mounted,mogul-base socket with copper alloy,nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. METAL HALIDE: 175W-40OW INSTALLATION—Integral arm for pole orwall mounting.Optional mountings available. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM: 20OW-40OW LISTINGS—UL Listed(standard).CSA Certified(see Options).UL listed for 25°C ambient and wet locations. IP65 Rated. 10't0 35'Mounting Note:Specifications subject to change without notice. Specifications EPA:1.2 ft2 Length:28-1/2(72.4) Width:17-1/8(43.2) W L Height:8-3/8(21.0) *Weight:40lbs(18.2 kg) NIGHTTIME All dimensions are Inches(centimeters)unless otherwise Indicated. FRIENDLY C ' *Weight as configured inexampiebelow. a,o,� 'with LEED j-1, -e cmbel-1,ns,e Inn For shortest lead times,configure products using standard options(shown in bold). Example:AS2 250M SR3 TB SCWA SPA LPI AS2 250M SR3 277 SCWA SPA SF HS Series Wattage Distribution I Voltage Ballast Mounting Options Finish16 Lamp" AS2 Metal halide SR2 Segmented 120 (blank) Magnetic SPA Square pole Shipped installed in fixture (blank) Dark LPI Lamp 175M' type II 208- ballast mounting SF Single fuse(120,277,347V) bronze included 200MI roadway 240, CWI Constant RPA Round pole OF Double fuse(208,240,48OV) DBL Black ULP Less lamp 250MI SR3 Segmented 277 wattage mounting PER NEMAtwist-lock receptacle only DGC Charcoal type III isolated WBA Wall (no photocontrol) gray 320M' asymmetric 347 pulsestort bracket(up DMB Medium 35OM2,3,1 SR4SC Segmented 480' —° —1,, � or down)" EC Emergency circuit bronze 400M 1•5 type IV TBe SCWA Super Shipped separately"" QRS Quartz restrike system" forward CWA HS Houseside shield(SR2,SR3)111 DNA Natural High 23050HZ` ASKMA2 Mast arm aluminum pressure sodium' throw,sharp pulse CSA CSA certified b cutoff start adapter DWH White sodium SR4W Segmented ballast DCAS2 Decorative NOM NOM certified' CR Corrosion 2005 t elV Note:For shipments curved arm, INTL Available for MH probe start ship- resistance 2505 wide to U.S.territories, square pole ping outside the U.S. 400S forward SCWA must be only REGC1 California Title 20 effective 11112010 specified to comply throw with EISA. DCAS2R Decorative Shipped separately" round type V round pole ore SRSS Segmented d PEI NEMAtwist-lockPE(120,208,24OV) symmetric only PE3 NEMAtwist-lock PE(347V) square PE4 NEMAtwist-lock PE(48OV) PE7 NEMAtwist-lock PE(277V) SC Shorting cap VG Vandal guard15 Note:Aeris'"'has auniquedrilling 3 Must be ordered with SCWA. Note:tethatrequiresauedris 4 Thesewattages requirethe REGCI option to be chosen for shipments into California forTitle 20 drilling pattern to requires specified when compliance.2SOM REGCI in not available in 347 or 480V. drilling pattern example ified below. Accessories:Tenon MountingSllpfitter S Must use reduced jacket lamp. Order as separate catalog number.Mustbe used with polemounting(RPA). 6 Not available with SCWA. Example:SSA204CDM19ASDD6 7 Must specify CWl for use inCanada. Aeris Drilling Pattern Tenon OD One Two @180° Two @90° Three @120° Three @90° Four @90° 8 Optional multi-tap ballast(120,208,240,277V)(120,277,347V in Canada). . . DM19AS Iat90degrees 9 Consult factory for available wattage. DM28AS 2at180degrees 2-3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AST20-490 10 Mounted in lens-up orientation,fixture is damp location listed. DM29AS 2at90degrees 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 11 May be ordered as anaccessory. DM39AS 3at90degrees 12 Must specify finish when ordered as an accessory. 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 13 Maximum allowance wattage lamp included. DM49AS 4at90degrees 14 Order AS2SR2/3HS U or AS2SR4WHS LI as an accessory. DM32AS 3 at 120 degrees 1S Order AS2VG U as an accessory. (round poles only) Notes 16 See www.lithonia.com/archcolorsforadditionalcoloroptions. 1 Lower wattages available.Consult factory. 17 Must be specified. 2 These wattages do not complywith California Title 20 regulations. OUTDOOR AS2-M-S AS2 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium Area Lighting Coefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles AS2 400M SR3 TEST NO. LTL 10099P AS2 400M SR4SC TEST NO. LTL 10100P AS2 400S SR3 TEST NO: LTL10104 ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) 2 -3 -3 i x x O 0.25 O O 0 -2 w x -1 w .5 -2 w x Z .� z z 0 2. 5 z 04 5 Q 5 ! 0 0 7E 2. O 2 0.5 z 0.25 ❑ > > 3? 2? 2? U z z z 4¢ 3� 3� ❑ ❑ 5 4 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 40OW lamp,rated 50000 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type II,Medium,Full Cutoff Classification:Type III,Medium,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff AS2 400M SR4W TEST NO. LTL 10101P AS2 400M SR5S TEST NO. LTL 10102P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) AS2 400S SR4SC TEST NO: LTL10105 3 3 2 x x i 0.25 O (D O 0.5 2 2 w 11 x x _ z z 2.5 O 04 z 5 -1 z 2.5 - z 0� 0 7E 1 0 O 5 O O 1 H 2.5 2 H z z z > > Z 5 1 Z > 2_ 5 2— 3 W U O Z 0.5 G Z 3� 0.25 3m 4ai ° ° o 4 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 150W pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 40OW lamp,rated 50000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type IV,Short,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff DRILLING TEMPLATE#8 Notes AERIS OME2(D.� RLX 1 Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed from the LithoniaLighting web site(www.lithonia.com). 2 Forelectrical characteristics consult Outdoor technical data specification sheets on www.lithonia.com. Pole-Mounted luminaire(not for suspend) 3 Tested to current IESNA and NEMA standards understabilized laboratory conditions.Various operating factors can Top of Pole cause differences between laboratory and actual field measurements.Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current data and are subject to change. It A(see than below) Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) 0.553" 10 ft. = 4 15 ft. = 1.78 1.325" 30 ft. = 0.44 aoo° 40ft. = .25 2.650" + 2 Pecs) /Existing Mounting Height\2=Correction Factor New Mounting elg t JJ Aluminum Poles DO All Other Pole Ira— "A" .n d di.—i n 1.750" 2.750" Note:Dimension varies by pole type to allow clearance for pole cap. Check pole cap depth if field drilling poles. NOTE:This ding is NOTO scale old should 11 U11d for di.—i...I purposes only. I'A L/TH=JV1A L/GHT/NG® AS2-M-S An SMcuiiyBrands Company OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way Conyers,GA 30012 Phone: 770.922.9000 Fax:770-918-1209 wvvw.lithonia.com ©2002-2010 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 1/28/10 L/THON/A L/GHTWO- Namlber AS2 250M SR3 277 SCWA SPA SF HS Notes FEATURES&SPECIFICATIONS HealthSouth - Carmel, Indiana INTENDED USE—Streets,walkways,parking lots and surrounding areas. Type CONSTRUCTION—Rugged,die-cast,single-piece aluminum housing with nominaI wall thickness of1/8': MAH3(HS) Die-cast doorframe has impact-resistant,tempered,glass lens(3/16"thick).Doorframe is fu I lyg a sketed with one-piece tubular silicone.US.Patent No.D447,590.Canada Patent No.94324. Finish:Standard finish is dark bronze polyester powder finish.Add it ion aI arch itectura I colors are available. C OPTICS—Anodized segmented reflectors for superior uniformity and control.Reflectors attach with tool- L less fasteners and are rotatable and interchangeable.Five full cutoff distributions available:Type II(roadway), Type III(asymmetric),Type IV(forward throw),Type IV(wide,forward throw)and Type V(symmetric square). Architectural Area&Roadway Luminaires ELECTRICAL—Ballast:Constant wattage autotransformer.Metal Halide:Super CWA(pulse start ballast), 88%efficient and EISA legislation compliant,is required for 175-400W(SCWA option)for US shipments only. CSA,NOM or INTL required for probe start shipments outside of the US.Pulse-start ballast(SCWA)required for 20OW,320W,or 350W.Ballast is 100%factory-tested.All ballasts are mounted on a removable power AS2 tray with tool-less latch and have positive locking disconnect plug. Socket:Porcelain,horizontally-mounted,mogul-base socket with copper alloy,nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. METAL HALIDE: 175W-40OW INSTALLATION—Integral arm for pole orwall mounting.Optional mountings available. HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM: 20OW-40OW LISTINGS—UL Listed(standard).CSA Certified(see Options).UL listed for 25°C ambient and wet locations. IP65 Rated. 10't0 35'Mounting Note:Specifications subject to change without notice. Specifications EPA:1.2 ft2 Length:28-1/2(72.4) Width:17-1/8(43.2) W L Height:8-3/8(21.0) *Weight:40lbs(18.2 kg) NIGHTTIME All dimensions are Inches(centimeters)unless otherwise Indicated. FRIENDLY C ' *Weight as configured inexampiebelow. a,o,� 'with LEED j-1, -e cmbel-1,ns,e Inn For shortest lead times,configure products using standard options(shown in bold). Example:AS2 250M SR3 TB SCWA SPA LPI AS2 250M SR3 277 SCWA SPA SF HS Series Wattage Distribution I Voltage Ballast Mounting Options Finish16 Lamp" AS2 Metal halide SR2 Segmented 120 (blank) Magnetic SPA Square pole Shipped installed in fixture (blank) Dark LPI Lamp 175M' type II 208- ballast mounting SF Single fuse(120,277,347V) bronze included 200MI roadway 240, CWI Constant RPA Round pole OF Double fuse(208,240,48OV) DBL Black ULP Less lamp 250MI SR3 Segmented 277 wattage mounting PER NEMAtwist-lock receptacle only DGC Charcoal type III isolated WBA Wall (no photocontrol) gray 320M' asymmetric 347 pulsestort bracket(up DMB Medium 35OM2,3,1 SR4SC Segmented 480' —° —1,, � or down)" EC Emergency circuit bronze 400M 1•5 type IV TBe SCWA Super Shipped separately"" QRS Quartz restrike system" forward CWA HS Houseside shield(SR2,SR3)111 DNA Natural High 23050HZ` ASKMA2 Mast arm aluminum pressure sodium' throw,sharp pulse CSA CSA certified b cutoff start adapter DWH White sodium SR4W Segmented ballast DCAS2 Decorative NOM NOM certified' CR Corrosion 2005 t elV Note:For shipments curved arm, INTL Available for MH probe start ship- resistance 2505 wide to U.S.territories, square pole ping outside the U.S. 400S forward SCWA must be only REGC1 California Title 20 effective 11112010 specified to comply throw with EISA. DCAS2R Decorative Shipped separately" round type V round pole ore SRSS Segmented d PEI NEMAtwist-lockPE(120,208,24OV) symmetric only PE3 NEMAtwist-lock PE(347V) square PE4 NEMAtwist-lock PE(48OV) PE7 NEMAtwist-lock PE(277V) SC Shorting cap VG Vandal guard15 Note:Aeris'"'has auniquedrilling 3 Must be ordered with SCWA. Note:tethatrequiresauedris 4 Thesewattages requirethe REGCI option to be chosen for shipments into California forTitle 20 drilling pattern to requires specified when compliance.2SOM REGCI in not available in 347 or 480V. drilling pattern example ified below. Accessories:Tenon MountingSllpfitter S Must use reduced jacket lamp. Order as separate catalog number.Mustbe used with polemounting(RPA). 6 Not available with SCWA. Example:SSA204CDM19ASDD6 7 Must specify CWl for use inCanada. Aeris Drilling Pattern Tenon OD One Two @180° Two @90° Three @120° Three @90° Four @90° 8 Optional multi-tap ballast(120,208,240,277V)(120,277,347V in Canada). . . DM19AS Iat90degrees 9 Consult factory for available wattage. DM28AS 2at180degrees 2-3/8" AST20-190 AST20-280 AST20-290 AST20-320 AST20-390 AST20-490 10 Mounted in lens-up orientation,fixture is damp location listed. DM29AS 2at90degrees 2-7/8" AST25-190 AST25-280 AST25-290 AST25-320 AST25-390 AST25-490 11 May be ordered as anaccessory. DM39AS 3at90degrees 12 Must specify finish when ordered as an accessory. 4" AST35-190 AST35-280 AST35-290 AST35-320 AST35-390 AST35-490 13 Maximum allowance wattage lamp included. DM49AS 4at90degrees 14 Order AS2SR2/3HS U or AS2SR4WHS LI as an accessory. DM32AS 3 at 120 degrees 1S Order AS2VG U as an accessory. (round poles only) Notes 16 See www.lithonia.com/archcolorsforadditionalcoloroptions. 1 Lower wattages available.Consult factory. 17 Must be specified. 2 These wattages do not complywith California Title 20 regulations. OUTDOOR AS2-M-S AS2 Metal Halide, High Pressure Sodium Area Lighting Coefficient of Utilization Initial Footcandles AS2 400M SR3 TEST NO. LTL 10099P AS2 400M SR4SC TEST NO. LTL 10100P AS2 400S SR3 TEST NO: LTL10104 ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) 2 -3 -3 i x x O 0.25 O O 0 -2 w x -1 w .5 -2 w x Z .� z z 0 2. 5 z 04 5 Q 5 ! 0 0 7E 2. O 2 0.5 z 0.25 ❑ > > 3? 2? 2? U z z z 4¢ 3� 3� ❑ ❑ 5 4 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 40OW lamp,rated 50000 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type II,Medium,Full Cutoff Classification:Type III,Medium,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff AS2 400M SR4W TEST NO. LTL 10101P AS2 400M SR5S TEST NO. LTL 10102P ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) ISOILLUMINANCE PLOT(Footcandle) AS2 400S SR4SC TEST NO: LTL10105 3 3 2 x x i 0.25 O (D O 0.5 2 2 w 11 x x _ z z 2.5 O 04 z 5 -1 z 2.5 - z 0� 0 7E 1 0 O 5 O O 1 H 2.5 2 H z z z > > Z 5 1 Z > 2_ 5 2— 3 W U O Z 0.5 G Z 3� 0.25 3m 4ai ° ° o 4 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 40OW pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 150W pulse start metal halide lamp,rated 38000 40OW lamp,rated 50000 lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' lumens.Footcandle values based on 20' mounting height. mounting height. mounting height. Classification:Type IV,Short,Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff Classification:Unclassified(Type IV,Very Short),Full Cutoff DRILLING TEMPLATE#8 Notes AERIS OME2(D.� RLX 1 Photometric data for other distributions can be accessed from the LithoniaLighting web site(www.lithonia.com). 2 Forelectrical characteristics consult Outdoor technical data specification sheets on www.lithonia.com. Pole-Mounted luminaire(not for suspend) 3 Tested to current IESNA and NEMA standards understabilized laboratory conditions.Various operating factors can Top of Pole cause differences between laboratory and actual field measurements.Dimensions and specifications are based on the most current data and are subject to change. It A(see than below) Mounting Height Correction Factor (Multiply the fc level by the correction factor) 0.553" 10 ft. = 4 15 ft. = 1.78 1.325" 30 ft. = 0.44 aoo° 40ft. = .25 2.650" + 2 Pecs) /Existing Mounting Height\2=Correction Factor New Mounting elg t JJ Aluminum Poles DO All Other Pole Ira— "A" .n d di.—i n 1.750" 2.750" Note:Dimension varies by pole type to allow clearance for pole cap. Check pole cap depth if field drilling poles. NOTE:This ding is NOTO scale old should 11 U11d for di.—i...I purposes only. I'A L/TH=JV1A L/GHT/NG® AS2-M-S An SMcuiiyBrands Company OUTDOOR: One Lithonia Way Conyers,GA 30012 Phone: 770.922.9000 Fax:770-918-1209 wvvw.lithonia.com ©2002-2010 Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc. All rights reserved. Rev. 1/28/10 Catalog Number 01 L/THON/.4 L/GHT/NG® SSS 22.5 4G DM19 DDB Notes Type FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS HealthSouth-Carmel, Indiana MAH3(HS)/MAH4 CONSTRUCTION — Weldable-grade, hot-rolled, commercial-quality carbon steel tubing with a minimum yield of 55,000 psi (11-gauge), or 50,000 psi (7- Anchor Base Poles gauge).Uniform wall thickness of.125"or.188".Shaft is one-piece with a full- length longitudinal high-frequency electric resistance weld. Uniformly square in cross-section with flat sides, small corner radii and excellent SSS torsional qualities.Available shaft widths are 4,5 and 6 inches. Anchor base is fabricated from hot-rolled carbon steel plate conforming to ASTM A36,that meets or exceeds a minimum-yield strength of 36,000 psi. Base plate and shaft are circumferentially welded top and bottom. Base cover is finished to match pole. SQUARE STRAIGHT STEEL A handhole having nominal dimensions of 3"x 5"for all shafts. Included is a cover with attachment screws. Top cap provided with all drill-mount poles. Fasteners are high-strength galvanized, zinc-plated or stainless steel. Finish: Must specify finish. Grounding: Provision located immediately inside handhole rim. Grounding hardware is not included (provided by others). Anchor Bolts: Top portion of anchor bolt is galvanized per ASTM A-153. Made of steel rod having a minimum yield strength of 55,000 psi. ORDERING INFORMATION Lead times will vary depending on options selected. Consult with your sales representative. Example: SSS 20 5C DM19 DDB SSS 22.5 4G DM19 DDB Series Nominal fixture Nominal shaft base size/ Mounting' Options Finish' mounting height wall thickness SSS Tenon mounting Shipped installed Standard colors 10-39 feet (See back page.) PT Open top UAB Less anchor bolts ODB Dark bronze (see back page.) T20 2-3/8"O.D.(2"NPS) VD Vibration damper DWH White T25 2-7/8"O.D.(2-1/2" TP Tamper proof DBL Black NIPS) H7-18Sxx Horizontal arm bracket OMB Medium bronze HANDHOLE ORIENTATION T30 3-1/2"O.D.(XNPS) 0 fixture)'.' DNA Natural aluminum C T35 4"O.D.(3-1/2"NPS) FDLxx Festoon outlet less GALV Galvanized finish Drill mounting' electrical° CPL12xx 1/2" coupling' Classic colors cou DM19 1 at 90' p g DSS Sandstone DM28 2 at 180° CPL34xx 3/4" coupling° CPL7 xx 1" lin ° DGC Charcoal gray O B DM28PL 2 at 180°with one p g DTG Tennis green si cou de plugged NPL12xx 1/2"threaded nipple' DBR Bright red DM29 2 at 90° NPL34xx 3/4"threaded nipple° DM39 3 at 90° NPL7 xx 1"threaded nipple' DSB Steel blue DM49 4 at 90° EHHxx Extra handhole4,6 Architectural colors A (powder finish)' AERIST^^/OMEROT"'Drill mounting' Handhole DM19AS 1 at 90° NOTES: DM28AS 2 at 180° DM29AS 2 at 90° 1 When ordering tenon mounting and drill mounting for the same DM39AS 3 at 90° pole,follow this example:DM28/T20. The combination includes a required extra handhole. DM49AS 4 at 90° 2 The drilling template to be used for a particular luminaire depends AERISM Suspend drill mounting1,3 on the luminaire that is used.Refer to the Technical Data Section DM19AST_ 1 at 90° of the Outdoor Binder for Drilling Templates. DM28AST_ 2 at 1801 3 Insert"I"or 7'to designate fixture size;e.g.DMI9AST2. DM29AST_ 2 at 90° 4 Specify location and orientation when ordering option. DM39AST_ 3 at 90° For 1st Y': Specify the height in feet above base of pole. DM49AST_ 4 at 90° Example: 5ft-5 and 20ft-20 OMEROTM Suspend drill For 2nd"x': Specify orientation from handhole(A,B,C,D) mounting2,3 Refer to the Handhole Orientation diagram above. DMI9MRT_ 1 at 90° 5 Horizontal arm is 18"x 2-3/8"O.D.tenon standard. DM28MRT_ 2 at 180° 6 Combination of tenon-top and drill mount includes extra handhole. DM29MRT_ 2 at 90° 7 Additional colors available;see www.lithonia.com/archcolors or DM39MRT_ 3 at 90° Architectural Colors brochure(Form No.794.3).Powder finish DM49MRT_ 4 at 90° standard. Outdoor Sheet#: Pole-SSS PL-320 SSS Square Straight Steel Poles TECHNICAL INFORMATION EPA(ft')with 1.3 gust Nominal Wall Approximate Catalog shaft Pole Shaft Thickness 80 Max. 90 Max. 100 Max. Bolt Circle Bolt Size ship weight Number length(feet) Size(in xft) (inches) Gauge mph weight mph weight mph weight (inches) (in.x in.x in.) (pounds) SSS 10 4C 10 4.0 x 10.0 0.125 11 30.6 765 23.8 595 18.9 473 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 75 SSS 12 4C 12 4.0 x 12.0 0.125 11 24.4 610 18.8 470 14.8 370 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 90 SSS 14 4C 14 4.0 x 14.0 0.125 11 19.9 498 15.1 378 11.7 293 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 100 SSS 16 4C 16 4.0 x 16.0 0.125 11 15.9 398 11.8 295 8.9 223 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 115 SSS 18 4C 18 4.0 x 18.0 0.125 11 12.6 315 9.2 230 6.7 168 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 125 SSS 20 4C 20 4.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 9.6 240 6.7 167 4.5 150 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 140 SSS 20 4G 20 4.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 14.0 350 11.0 275 8.0 200 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 198 SSS 20 5C 20 5.0 x 20.0 0.125 11 17.7 443 12.7 343 9.4 235 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 185 SSS 20 5113 20 5.0 x 20.0 0.188 7 28.1 703 21.4 535 16.2 405 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 25 4C 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.125 11 4.8 150 2.6 100 1.0 50 8--9 3/4 x 18 x 3 170 SSS 25 4113 25 4.0 x 25.0 0.188 7 10.8 270 7.7 188 5.4 135 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 245 SSS 25 5C 25 5.0 x 25.0 0.125 11 9.8 245 6.3 157 3.7 150 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 225 SSS 25 5G 25 5.0 x 25.0 0.188 7 18.5 463 13.3 333 9.5 238 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 360 SSS 30 4G 30 4.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 6.7 168 4.4 110 2.6 65 8--9 3/4 x 30 x 3 295 SSS 30 5C 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.125 11 4.7 150 2.0 50 -- 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 265 SSS 30 5G 30 5.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 10.7 267 6.7 167 3.9 100 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 380 SSS 30 6G 30 6.0 x 30.0 0.188 7 19.0 475 13.2 330 9.0 225 11--13 1 x 36 x 4 520 SSS 35 5G 35 5.0 x 35.0 0.188 7 5.9 150 2.5 100 -- 10--12 1 x 36 x 4 440 SSS 35 6G 35 6.0 x 35.0 0.188 7 12.4 310 7.6 190 4.2 105 11--13 1 x 36 x 4 540 SSS 39 6G 39 6.0 x 39.0 0.188 7 7.2 180 3.0 75 -- 11--13 1 x 36 x 4 605 Pole Data BASE DETAIL Shaft Bolt Bolt Anchor bolt base circle projection Base Template Anchor bolt and template size A B square description description number 4"C 8-1/2" 2-3/4"-4" 8" ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB18-0 ABSSS-4C 4"G 8-1/2" 2-3/4"-4" 8" ABTEMPLATE PJ50004 AB30-0 ABSSS-4G i 18" 5" 10"-12" 3-3/8"-4" 11" ABTEMPLATE PJ50010 AB36-0 ABSSS-5 6" 11"-13" 3-3/8"-4" 12-1/2" ABTEMPLATE PJ50011 AB36-0 N/A A IMPORTANT INSTALLATION NOTES: •Do not erect poles without having fixtures installed. •Factory-supplied templates must be used when setting anchor bolts.Lithonia Lighting will not accept claim for incorrect anchorage placement due to failure to use B Lithonia Lighting factory templates. // •If poles are stored outside,all protective wrapping must be removed immediately upon delivery to prevent finish damage. �QjZ� �jZ •Lithonia Lighting is not responsible for the foundation design. ILI_ j//1 IMPORTANT: '\j \� •These specifications are intended for general purposes only.Lithonia reserves the � right to change material or design,without prior notice,in a continuing effort to upgrade its products. OrA L/T"MVIA L/GHT/NG- Lithonia Lighting Outdoor -M An cuit Brands Company One Lithonia Way,Conyers,GA 30012 Phone:770-922-9000 Fax:770-918-1209 Sheet#: Pole-SSS ©1994-2010 Acuity Brands Lighting,Inc.All rights reserved.Rev.11/11/10 www.lithonia.com Job: HealthSouth -Carmel, Indiana Type: MAH3(HS) Notes: HealthSouth-Carmel, Indiana 100 Line Page I of 3 102 Performance Sconce The Philips Gardco 102 Rounded Wedge high performance sconce offers an excellent alternative to unsightly wall mounted fixtures.These architecturally refined luminaires are designed to integrate naturally to wall surfaces. 102 luminaires are available with three (3) different distribution patterns - a wide throw,a medium throw and a forward throw.Each Iuminaire is designed to accept HID sources up to 175MH,and Compact Fluorescent sources up to 42 watt.Housings are sealed throughout,completely excluding moisture,dust,insects and contaminants. 102 luminaires installed in the normal downlight position,with a flat glass lens,provide full cutoff performance. PREFIX DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS 102 F Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note:Philips Gordco reserves the right to refuse a configuration.Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations.For questions or concerns,please consult the factory. PREFIX DISTRIBUTION 102 Trapezoidal Wedge(Standard Luminaire) FT Forward Throw Not Available with Fluorescent or LPS sources. 102EM Emergency Sconce WT Wide Throw Not Available with Fluorescent or LPS sources. 102EMR Remote Emergency Sconce MT Medium Throw Refer to confiiguration chart below for available combinations. WATTAGE AND VOLTAGE LAMP/VOLTAGE CHART- 102 CONFIGURATION CHART- 102EMs Voltage Distribution Voltage HID' 120 208 240 277 347 480 FT WT MT 120 208 240 277 347 480 Fluorescent 50MH 226QF2 70MH 32TRF IOOMH 42TRF 150MH 175MH** CONFIGURATION CHART- 101 EMR' 50CMHE' UNIV Distribution Voltage 70CMHE' UNIV *MH,CMHE and HPS types IOOCMHE UNIV require medium based El7lamps. Fluorescent FT WT MT 120 208 240 277 347 480 All MH I SOW and below are 226QF2'4 35HPS pulse start by design, 50HPS including CMHE types. 32TRF 70HPS °i`17SMH not available 42TRF OOHPS for sale in the United States. 50HPS • • • • • 1.Fluorescent and CMHE luminaires feature electronic ballasts that accept 120V through 277V, SOhz to 60hz,input.Specify"UNIV"voltage for 120V through 277V. Fluorescent MH-Metal Halide 2.One(I)lamp is powered in emergency mode with EM and EMR types with the B84CG 26QF' UNIV CMHE-Ceramic Metal Halide option. 226QF' UNIV with Electronic Ballast 3.Available with ICE420 option,which powers two(2)lamps in emergency mode. ICE420 HPS-High Pressure Sodium option only available with 226QF. CAUTION:Maximum battery pack input power for 32TRF UNIV TRF-Triple Tube Fluorescent EMR units with ICE420 option is 100 watts(83 amps)when heating element is on.This 42TRF UNIV • QF-Quad Fluorescent is in addition to the normal input power for Iuminaire lamps and ballast. 4.Available with 1162 option,which powers two(2)lamps in emergency mode.Lamps are wired in parallel.In emergency mode,should one lamp become inoperable,the remaining Combinations marked with a dot,or shown with"UNIV" lamp will operate with a minimum total initial output of 2,250 lumens. are available for ordering. S.Refer to"102 Emergency Sconce Table"on page 3 for additional information. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (S12)753-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. ���D�O 79115-125/0911 100 Line Page 2 of 3 102 Performance Sconce FINISH OPTIONS BRP Bronze Paint F6 Fusing BLIP Black Paint PCB' Button Type Photocontrol 6. Iota through 4 only 7. Not available with 77V 4804. WP White Paint QSB Quartz Standby 8. HID only,Not available with CMHE Ballasts,FT Optics or in 480V. NP Natural Aluminum Paint QSTB Quartz Standby-Timed Delay 100 watt Quartz maximum. 9. WT Optic only.150w HID maximum,I 00 Quartz maximum. BGP Beige Paint Q9249 Quartz Emergency 10. WT Optic only.50CMHE or 70CMHE only.Supplied with OC Optional Color Paint QT9249 Quartz Emergency-Timed Delay two(o)20W MRI6 or two(o)35W MRI6 Flood(40°beam)lamps. Specify Optional Color or 9,19 11.Not available with WG or POLY options.Not available with EM Q 124 Quartz 12V Emergency or EMR types. RAL ex:OC-LGP or OC-RAL7024. `,19 10.Rear entry permitted. Q20MR (2)MR16 124 Emergency-20 Watt Y p SC Special Paint 13.Not Available with WLU option.14.100 watt HID maximum. Specify.Must supply color chip. Q35MR1019 (2)MR 16 12V Emergency-35 Watt Polycarbonate lenses carry 1 year warranty only. ELED1B 19 (2)LED 12V Emergency Modules-6.2 Watt 15.All Emergency Battery Packs for EMR types MUST be ordered with SL Solite°Diffusing Lens luminaires and supplied by Philips Gardco. 16.CAUTION:Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with UT 5°Uptilt ICE420 option is 100 watts(83 amps)when heating element WLU'' Wet Location Door for Inverted Mount is on.This is in addition to the normal input power for luminaire lamps and ballast. WS12 Wall Mounted Box for Surface Conduit 17.Lamps are wired in parallel.In emergency mode,should one lamp WS/UT12 WS Option w/5°Uptilt become inoperable,the remaining lamp will operate with a minimum total initial output of 2,050 lumens. WG13 Wire Guard 18.WT Optic only.50CMHE or 70CMHE only.Supplied with two POLY 1314 Polycarbonate Sag Lens (o)6.2 watt,300 lumen LED modules. 19.Requires a seperate source of 12V power by others. EMR LUMINAIRES ONLY's B84CG Bodine Remote Emergency Pack ICE42016 IOTA Remote Emergency Battery Pack 226QF only. 1162" IOTA Remote Emergency Battery Pack 226QF only. DIMENSIONS Mounting Plate Imo- 4 5/16" -0 1 1 O 10.95 cm O_ 8 1/4" 20.96 cm 13/4" dia. 3�� 4.4 cm 7.62 cm 16 1/2" � 9,1 0 0 41.91 cm 22.86 cm Mounting Bolt Pattern Note:Mounting plate center is located in the center of the Iuminaire width and 3.5"(8.89cm)above the Iuminaire bottom(lens down position).Splices must be made in the J-box(by others). Mounting plate must be secured by max.5/16"(.79cm)diameter bolts(by others)structurally to the wall. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (512)753-1 000 FAX.(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. GARDCO 79115-125/0911 CM 100 Line Page 3 of 3 102 Performance Sconce SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: Each Philips Gardco 102 luminaire is a wall mounted cutoff EMR LUMINAIRES include a 7.5'/2.29m,12 wire,quick disconnect assembly Iuminaire for high intensity discharge or compact fluorescent lamps. Internal for wiring through conduit(by others)to a B84CG,1162 or ICE420 fluorescent components are totally enclosed in a rain-tight, dust-tight and corrosion emergency battery pack. The fluorescent emergency battery pack MUST be resistant housing.The housing,back plate and door frame are diecast aluminum. supplied by Philips Gardco.The B84CG option,the 1162 option or the ICE420 option A choice of three (3) optical systems is available. Luminaires are suitable for is required on the order to the factory. wet locations(damp locations if inverted). CAUTION: Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with ICE420 HOUSING:Single-piece housings are die cast aluminum.A memory retentive option is 100 watts(.83 amps)when heating element is on.This is in addition to the gasket seals the housing with the doorframe to exclude moisture,dust,insects normal input power for Iuminaire lamps and ballast. and pollutants from the optical system.A black, die cast ribbed backplate dissipates heat for longer lamp and ballast life. DOOR FRAME:A single-piece die cast aluminum door frame integrates to 102 Emergency Sconce Table" the housing form.The door frame is hinged closed and secured to the housing with two (2) captive stainless steel fasteners.The heat and impact resistant 102 Emergency Battery Pack Min. Lamps Powered 1/8" (.32cm) tempered glass lens and one-piece gasket are mechanically Luminaire Ambient Temperature in Emergency Mode secured to the door frame with four(4)galvanized steel retainers. 102EM(Integral) 32°F/0°C (1)26,(1)32,or 102EMR(Remote)with (1)42Watt Compact OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Reflectors are composed of specular extruded and B84CG Option 32°F/0°C Fluorescent Lamp faceted components,electropolished,anodized and sealed.Reflector segments 102EMR(Remote)with (2)26 Watt Compact are set in arc tube image duplicating patterns to achieve the wide throw, 1162 Option 21 32°F/0°C Fluorescent Lamps forward throw or medium throw downlight distributions. 102EMR(Remote)with 0°F/ 18°C (2)26 Watt Compact ELECTRICAL: ICE420 Option 22 Fluorescent Lamps Notes: STANDARD LUMINAIRES: Each high power factor HID core and coil 20.See Philips Gardco Emergency Light Output Information(79115-155)for emergency ballast is the separate component type,capable of providing reliable lamp Lamps are iced i data. 21.Lamps are wired in parallel.In emergency mode,should one lamp become inoperable,the starting down to -20°F/-29°C. Component-to-component wiring within the remaining lamp will operate with a minimum total initial output of 2,250 lumens. Iuminaire will carry no more than 80%of rated current and is listed by UL for 22.CAUTION:Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with ICE420 option is use at 600VAC at 302°F/150°C or higher.Plug disconnects are listed by UL for 100 watts(.83 amps)when heating element is on.This is in addition to the normal input use at 600VAC, 15A or higher. power for Iuminaire lamps and ballast Standard fluorescent units have a starting temperature of 0°F/-18°C.Standard fluorescent ballasts are high power factor electronic solid state. LUMINAIRES FOR USE OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA:Philips Gardco LAMPHOLDER:Pulse rated medium base sockets are glazed porcelain with has capability to provide luminaires meeting requirements world wide.Consult nickel plated screw shell.Fluorescent sockets are high temperature(PBT)with the factory for specifications for projects outside North America. brass contacts. LUMINAIRES with Q924 / G 12V / QMR20 / QMR35 If ELED FINISH:Each standard color Iuminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, OPTIONS: Luminaires with the Q924 option require a separate source of electrostatically applied,thermally cured,triglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) 120V power (by others.) Luminaires with Q12V,Q20MR, Q35MR or ELED textured polyester powdercoat finish.Standard colors are as listed.Consult options require a separate source of 12V power(by others.) factory for specs on custom colors. EMERGENCY LUMINAIRES: All emergency luminaires feature an LABELS:All luminaires bear UL or CUL(where applicable) labels,except as indicator light visible through the lens and a test switch accessible through the noted. Lens down application is Wet Location and lens up is Damp Location. door assembly.Minimum battery pack ambient temperatures are as indicated Emergency luminaires do not bear CUL label. in the 102 Emergency Sconce Table. In the event of a power interruption, emergency luminaires will power compact fluorescent lamps as indicated in WARRANTY:Philips Gardco luminaires feature a 5 year limited warranty. the 102 Emergency Sconce Table at reduced light levels for a minimum of 90 See Warranty Information on sitelighting.com for complete details and minutes. exclusions.Polycarbonate lenses carry a I year warranty only. FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Full cutoff performance means a Iuminaire distribution where zero candela intensity occurs at an angle at or above 90°above nadir. Additionally,the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the Iuminaire. CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Cutoff performance means a Iuminaire distribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25(2.5 percent)at an angle at or above 90°above nadir,and 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the Iuminaire. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (S12)753-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. ���D�O 79115-125/0911 CM Job: HealthSouth -Carmel, Indiana Type: MAH3(HS) Notes: HealthSouth-Carmel, Indiana 100 Line Page I of 3 102 Performance Sconce The Philips Gardco 102 Rounded Wedge high performance sconce offers an excellent alternative to unsightly wall mounted fixtures.These architecturally refined luminaires are designed to integrate naturally to wall surfaces. 102 luminaires are available with three (3) different distribution patterns - a wide throw,a medium throw and a forward throw.Each Iuminaire is designed to accept HID sources up to 175MH,and Compact Fluorescent sources up to 42 watt.Housings are sealed throughout,completely excluding moisture,dust,insects and contaminants. 102 luminaires installed in the normal downlight position,with a flat glass lens,provide full cutoff performance. PREFIX DISTRIBUTION WATTAGE VOLTAGE FINISH OPTIONS 102 F Enter the order code into the appropriate box above. Note:Philips Gordco reserves the right to refuse a configuration.Not all combinations and configurations are valid. Refer to notes below for exclusions and limitations.For questions or concerns,please consult the factory. PREFIX DISTRIBUTION 102 Trapezoidal Wedge(Standard Luminaire) FT Forward Throw Not Available with Fluorescent or LPS sources. 102EM Emergency Sconce WT Wide Throw Not Available with Fluorescent or LPS sources. 102EMR Remote Emergency Sconce MT Medium Throw Refer to confiiguration chart below for available combinations. WATTAGE AND VOLTAGE LAMP/VOLTAGE CHART- 102 CONFIGURATION CHART- 102EMs Voltage Distribution Voltage HID' 120 208 240 277 347 480 FT WT MT 120 208 240 277 347 480 Fluorescent 50MH 226QF2 70MH 32TRF IOOMH 42TRF 150MH 175MH** CONFIGURATION CHART- 101 EMR' 50CMHE' UNIV Distribution Voltage 70CMHE' UNIV *MH,CMHE and HPS types IOOCMHE UNIV require medium based El7lamps. Fluorescent FT WT MT 120 208 240 277 347 480 All MH I SOW and below are 226QF2'4 35HPS pulse start by design, 50HPS including CMHE types. 32TRF 70HPS °i`17SMH not available 42TRF OOHPS for sale in the United States. 50HPS • • • • • 1.Fluorescent and CMHE luminaires feature electronic ballasts that accept 120V through 277V, SOhz to 60hz,input.Specify"UNIV"voltage for 120V through 277V. Fluorescent MH-Metal Halide 2.One(I)lamp is powered in emergency mode with EM and EMR types with the B84CG 26QF' UNIV CMHE-Ceramic Metal Halide option. 226QF' UNIV with Electronic Ballast 3.Available with ICE420 option,which powers two(2)lamps in emergency mode. ICE420 HPS-High Pressure Sodium option only available with 226QF. CAUTION:Maximum battery pack input power for 32TRF UNIV TRF-Triple Tube Fluorescent EMR units with ICE420 option is 100 watts(83 amps)when heating element is on.This 42TRF UNIV • QF-Quad Fluorescent is in addition to the normal input power for Iuminaire lamps and ballast. 4.Available with 1162 option,which powers two(2)lamps in emergency mode.Lamps are wired in parallel.In emergency mode,should one lamp become inoperable,the remaining Combinations marked with a dot,or shown with"UNIV" lamp will operate with a minimum total initial output of 2,250 lumens. are available for ordering. S.Refer to"102 Emergency Sconce Table"on page 3 for additional information. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (S12)753-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. ���D�O 79115-125/0911 100 Line Page 2 of 3 102 Performance Sconce FINISH OPTIONS BRP Bronze Paint F6 Fusing BLIP Black Paint PCB' Button Type Photocontrol 6. Iota through 4 only 7. Not available with 77V 4804. WP White Paint QSB Quartz Standby 8. HID only,Not available with CMHE Ballasts,FT Optics or in 480V. NP Natural Aluminum Paint QSTB Quartz Standby-Timed Delay 100 watt Quartz maximum. 9. WT Optic only.150w HID maximum,I 00 Quartz maximum. BGP Beige Paint Q9249 Quartz Emergency 10. WT Optic only.50CMHE or 70CMHE only.Supplied with OC Optional Color Paint QT9249 Quartz Emergency-Timed Delay two(o)20W MRI6 or two(o)35W MRI6 Flood(40°beam)lamps. Specify Optional Color or 9,19 11.Not available with WG or POLY options.Not available with EM Q 124 Quartz 12V Emergency or EMR types. RAL ex:OC-LGP or OC-RAL7024. `,19 10.Rear entry permitted. Q20MR (2)MR16 124 Emergency-20 Watt Y p SC Special Paint 13.Not Available with WLU option.14.100 watt HID maximum. Specify.Must supply color chip. Q35MR1019 (2)MR 16 12V Emergency-35 Watt Polycarbonate lenses carry 1 year warranty only. ELED1B 19 (2)LED 12V Emergency Modules-6.2 Watt 15.All Emergency Battery Packs for EMR types MUST be ordered with SL Solite°Diffusing Lens luminaires and supplied by Philips Gardco. 16.CAUTION:Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with UT 5°Uptilt ICE420 option is 100 watts(83 amps)when heating element WLU'' Wet Location Door for Inverted Mount is on.This is in addition to the normal input power for luminaire lamps and ballast. WS12 Wall Mounted Box for Surface Conduit 17.Lamps are wired in parallel.In emergency mode,should one lamp WS/UT12 WS Option w/5°Uptilt become inoperable,the remaining lamp will operate with a minimum total initial output of 2,050 lumens. WG13 Wire Guard 18.WT Optic only.50CMHE or 70CMHE only.Supplied with two POLY 1314 Polycarbonate Sag Lens (o)6.2 watt,300 lumen LED modules. 19.Requires a seperate source of 12V power by others. EMR LUMINAIRES ONLY's B84CG Bodine Remote Emergency Pack ICE42016 IOTA Remote Emergency Battery Pack 226QF only. 1162" IOTA Remote Emergency Battery Pack 226QF only. DIMENSIONS Mounting Plate Imo- 4 5/16" -0 1 1 O 10.95 cm O_ 8 1/4" 20.96 cm 13/4" dia. 3�� 4.4 cm 7.62 cm 16 1/2" � 9,1 0 0 41.91 cm 22.86 cm Mounting Bolt Pattern Note:Mounting plate center is located in the center of the Iuminaire width and 3.5"(8.89cm)above the Iuminaire bottom(lens down position).Splices must be made in the J-box(by others). Mounting plate must be secured by max.5/16"(.79cm)diameter bolts(by others)structurally to the wall. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (512)753-1 000 FAX.(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. GARDCO 79115-125/0911 CM 100 Line Page 3 of 3 102 Performance Sconce SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL: Each Philips Gardco 102 luminaire is a wall mounted cutoff EMR LUMINAIRES include a 7.5'/2.29m,12 wire,quick disconnect assembly Iuminaire for high intensity discharge or compact fluorescent lamps. Internal for wiring through conduit(by others)to a B84CG,1162 or ICE420 fluorescent components are totally enclosed in a rain-tight, dust-tight and corrosion emergency battery pack. The fluorescent emergency battery pack MUST be resistant housing.The housing,back plate and door frame are diecast aluminum. supplied by Philips Gardco.The B84CG option,the 1162 option or the ICE420 option A choice of three (3) optical systems is available. Luminaires are suitable for is required on the order to the factory. wet locations(damp locations if inverted). CAUTION: Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with ICE420 HOUSING:Single-piece housings are die cast aluminum.A memory retentive option is 100 watts(.83 amps)when heating element is on.This is in addition to the gasket seals the housing with the doorframe to exclude moisture,dust,insects normal input power for Iuminaire lamps and ballast. and pollutants from the optical system.A black, die cast ribbed backplate dissipates heat for longer lamp and ballast life. DOOR FRAME:A single-piece die cast aluminum door frame integrates to 102 Emergency Sconce Table" the housing form.The door frame is hinged closed and secured to the housing with two (2) captive stainless steel fasteners.The heat and impact resistant 102 Emergency Battery Pack Min. Lamps Powered 1/8" (.32cm) tempered glass lens and one-piece gasket are mechanically Luminaire Ambient Temperature in Emergency Mode secured to the door frame with four(4)galvanized steel retainers. 102EM(Integral) 32°F/0°C (1)26,(1)32,or 102EMR(Remote)with (1)42Watt Compact OPTICAL SYSTEMS: Reflectors are composed of specular extruded and B84CG Option 32°F/0°C Fluorescent Lamp faceted components,electropolished,anodized and sealed.Reflector segments 102EMR(Remote)with (2)26 Watt Compact are set in arc tube image duplicating patterns to achieve the wide throw, 1162 Option 21 32°F/0°C Fluorescent Lamps forward throw or medium throw downlight distributions. 102EMR(Remote)with 0°F/ 18°C (2)26 Watt Compact ELECTRICAL: ICE420 Option 22 Fluorescent Lamps Notes: STANDARD LUMINAIRES: Each high power factor HID core and coil 20.See Philips Gardco Emergency Light Output Information(79115-155)for emergency ballast is the separate component type,capable of providing reliable lamp Lamps are iced i data. 21.Lamps are wired in parallel.In emergency mode,should one lamp become inoperable,the starting down to -20°F/-29°C. Component-to-component wiring within the remaining lamp will operate with a minimum total initial output of 2,250 lumens. Iuminaire will carry no more than 80%of rated current and is listed by UL for 22.CAUTION:Maximum battery pack input power for EMR units with ICE420 option is use at 600VAC at 302°F/150°C or higher.Plug disconnects are listed by UL for 100 watts(.83 amps)when heating element is on.This is in addition to the normal input use at 600VAC, 15A or higher. power for Iuminaire lamps and ballast Standard fluorescent units have a starting temperature of 0°F/-18°C.Standard fluorescent ballasts are high power factor electronic solid state. LUMINAIRES FOR USE OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA:Philips Gardco LAMPHOLDER:Pulse rated medium base sockets are glazed porcelain with has capability to provide luminaires meeting requirements world wide.Consult nickel plated screw shell.Fluorescent sockets are high temperature(PBT)with the factory for specifications for projects outside North America. brass contacts. LUMINAIRES with Q924 / G 12V / QMR20 / QMR35 If ELED FINISH:Each standard color Iuminaire receives a fade and abrasion resistant, OPTIONS: Luminaires with the Q924 option require a separate source of electrostatically applied,thermally cured,triglycidal isocyanurate (TGIC) 120V power (by others.) Luminaires with Q12V,Q20MR, Q35MR or ELED textured polyester powdercoat finish.Standard colors are as listed.Consult options require a separate source of 12V power(by others.) factory for specs on custom colors. EMERGENCY LUMINAIRES: All emergency luminaires feature an LABELS:All luminaires bear UL or CUL(where applicable) labels,except as indicator light visible through the lens and a test switch accessible through the noted. Lens down application is Wet Location and lens up is Damp Location. door assembly.Minimum battery pack ambient temperatures are as indicated Emergency luminaires do not bear CUL label. in the 102 Emergency Sconce Table. In the event of a power interruption, emergency luminaires will power compact fluorescent lamps as indicated in WARRANTY:Philips Gardco luminaires feature a 5 year limited warranty. the 102 Emergency Sconce Table at reduced light levels for a minimum of 90 See Warranty Information on sitelighting.com for complete details and minutes. exclusions.Polycarbonate lenses carry a I year warranty only. FULL CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Full cutoff performance means a Iuminaire distribution where zero candela intensity occurs at an angle at or above 90°above nadir. Additionally,the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the Iuminaire. CUTOFF PERFORMANCE:Cutoff performance means a Iuminaire distribution where the candela per 1000 lamp lumens does not numerically exceed 25(2.5 percent)at an angle at or above 90°above nadir,and 100(10 percent)at a vertical angle of 80°above nadir.This applies to all lateral angles around the Iuminaire. 1611 Clovis Barker Road, San Marcos,TX 78666 PHILIPS (800)227-0758 (S12)753-1000 FAX:(512)753-7855 sitelighting.com ©2011 Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.All Rights Reserved. Philips Gardco reserves the right to change materials or modify the design of its product without notification as part of the company's continuing product improvement program. ���D�O 79115-125/0911 CM TAB 9 cn o Q Z < w 2 Z cn = H to ~_ d V) cL W 0 a. Z F- C) Q 2 ❑ dV�) Q V J W CL _ c d < J N J = m V a Q cn 2 r'4 ` L W a c E a� I v n, > V, g C C V dl N U d CL at r CL O .0 � v C N d 7 o d V W V C 1 fII 0 -0 M Q r-4 Ll- LUE9 > J Q W 0 J m TAB 10 z n n o ° O S O Nr�a�n I o0m ro r O - w Z � Q X d Z ¢ Q LLI ¢ a - � W z r o 0 z Y a¢ o >a z a w o z V) w o o f w ® r o w in o o�n�n a o cn o�n in a z a z J 2 a � wao Z J � O � � age ? ® W w ® IS +ss 00"a SE LL = NW awes =a_ a u W 0 z z F—Z O W O J W o iom:■ �o� W � o W urvnoe eosiavn _ - unn NO - J �H- v a - LU Q - z -_ Sq- Woo - - - 1 F- NOO NO IIAV oL) _ nnnn nI -—nno 3 one a° -<w a 11 J 811M IV'WVHONWN9 VNVIUNI'13WHtl0 _ OOZ 3AOS'Aym)iuvd M31AUNVH0 099£ 133HIS 510NIIII iNI0MMonvis i� NUILVVOdW*HLnOSHLTIM IW11d6UH NUI1tl117B*M xuasHLTfA a�.�.4aad�soeu oo r NVId IMMOMA34 R. V • llY1 = v W�p= 4�PgYc m '9' - 133&S HLSII.. _.._.._.._ — _.._.._.._._.. -E F1 g°3�W y____ I TWO: b lid. eR }. 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IIVUOdUO3 HinOSH1IV3H IV1kfSOH NOLLVIIIISVH iNiodmaLonvis ME NO 3U Hino9H1IV3H 00 L U� H MH Owg P 02 -nm H1 H Ei; s R ol N1. F 0 t9 Ain -Nq ID -cc Ix 'R J. ER ID lH L Pat zs ZD Ip tj 51 vat 5 72 72 th 811M IV'WVHDNWHB VNVIaNi'13WUV0 OOZ Kins'Aym)iuvd M31AUNVUD 0998 133HIS 510NIIII ......... IIVUOdUO3 HinOSHlIV3H IVlkfSOH NOLLVIIIISVH iNiod3umonvis ME NO 3U Hino9HlIV3H I .d3H 00 319VI YlVa 3uni3nuiLs wuoiLs CE h E a A- H. �o n H, NA. P a< wpm mom P .......... ��ffio ------------ ' 'M U" M N, Q Q ............ NO KM� ego < _u �k N - HE- WE. PH -H W MEEE 0 MH _J5 -H HL X P. n K N, ;.W p 11=11, 11 lo I-