HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and Packets � . PUBLIC NOTICE TO ALL INTERESTED PARTIES REGARDING PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY At the August 17, 2005 meeting of the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Carmel. Indiana (the "Board"). the Board will hold a public hearing beginning at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana. in order to: (1) receive public input on the sale of a portion of certain real property currently owned by the City of Carmel and consisting of that real property being part of Tax Parcel No. 17-09-35-01-02-010.000, a portion of Lot 10 in Spring Lake Estates in Carmel, Indiana, as per plat thereof recorded in Instrument No. 9433343, in the Hamilton County Recorder's Office, which property is located at 302 Pintail Court in Carmel, Indiana, less the right of way for the expansion of Illinois Street, as more particularly described below; (2) allow interested persons an opportunity to be heard regarding this matter; (3) allow the Board to gather the information it deems necessary in order to he able to issue a recommendation to the Mayor of Carmel regarding the sale of said property; and (4) conduct any other lawful business connected or related to the above. The legal description of said property is: Lot Number 10 in Spring Lake Estates, a subdivision of Hamilton County, Indiana. as per plat thereof, recorded as Instrument No. 9433343 in the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana excluding there Irom the following described real estate: Beginning at the southeast corner of said Lot 10; thence South 80 degrees 24 minutes 07 seconds West (bearing assumed) 35.25 feet. along the southern lino of said Lot to point designated "335" on said Plat; thence North 0 degrees 08 minutes 03 seconds West 160.56 feet to the north line of said Lot and point designated "372" on said Plat; thence North 88 degrees 44 minutes 50 seconds East 34.76 feet along said north line to the northeast corner of said Lot; thence South 0 degrees OS minutes 24 seconds East 155.44 feet along the east line of said Lot to the point of beginning and containing 5492 square feet, more or less. Porn Prescribed by Stale Hoard of Accounts 80202-3932635 General Form No.99 It(Rev.1987) CITY OF CARIVIEL-STAR LEGALS To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST - PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM- LINE COUNT Display Mauer- (Must not exceed ton actual lines,neither of which $ shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). Number of equivalent lines Head- Nwnhcr of lines $ . Body -Number of lines $ . $ Tail- Number of lines $ Total number of lines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 79.0 lines €.0 columns wide equals 79.0 equivalent $ 28.12 Imes at .356 cents per line Additional charge for notices containing role and figure work(So percent of $ above amount) Charges for extra proofs eipuhliealion(51 00 for each proof in excess of two) $ .00 $_ 00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST $ . Width of single column 7.83 ems Size of type 5_7 point S $ Number of insertions 1.0 $ 28.12 Pursuant to the prontsians and penalties of Chapter 1-55,Acts of 195.1, thereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due,after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid- /J'f DATE: 08/05/2005 L1i761 ! //( 174(4' Clerk J7 J' j / Title 80202-3932635 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana SS: PuuacNOncSro to MARION County 71-rfinc EBP0.RTiF5 REGARDING nu3CImE ibl aT"Ea Personally appeared before me,a notary public in and for said county and stare, TPR IELa0nan of PUBLIC LA la the WORKS 3 117/2 OS meehna onthe am�ror "e ci"°t i``' the undersigned SANDY NEUD1GATE who.being duly sworn, says that SHE is clerk tl,el'BnadiM1 nwilltlF oldraoa Iilic nearing teeinnm9 at to a. ;'�", of the INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS e DAILY STAR newspaper of general circulation me covnel enambcrs, non,one civic Setlene•to rn lit mdiene, b1 o st the%ala printed and published in the English language ill the city of INDIANAPOLIS in state at a porilan'nt ce,ieim reel line Ci oEurrenlYaeaconsul rn4 of tiatreal Prwern Hems and county aforesaid,and that the printed matter auxched hereto is a n rue copy, 35rp1�onhi 0,a porlmnol ca'r�u^iaalara;osi(%ts,[ which was duly published in said paper for 1 [inlets},between the dates of: thrne Ni a eared tEeNam- 1on l Cpena Recorder's Office, t is misted at 114/05120115 and 114/115/2005 tech ntaper Y Carmel, saz pintail ss thetr dent.rway ,Tort the nsion at Iliiviis ''Itr the s note earlicali / 5lreel.to bn //ter/% 1t / described below,and wpor .A.,1724/di f/'f/iJ�/ LJ.r�,J !Interested Person din_ Clerk this le be fieare,t Wr the this men 21 10rma- Title soars to[We,me ten it deems nere%sary nraer to he ablemesstearec- oi Subscribed and sworn to before me on 08/05/2110.5 om eel reiot to theaesalloci an"" 13" b lal w" e aid im"ePYI an n¢i�ea or�elaialdta inemove. PI' legy 115deudNUmber bd9vl P I' le SiO aLabe Estates,a%1 ,ion os namieton cininerea'i, Nnlary Public anao deA as]nsvpmentl the 9433343 in the Office Recorder. Hampton. CotrO; "OFFICIAL SEAL" Form 05-Rlmmena .,0 de treta tre1� me wnnwt,e aesarmea al My commission expires. Susan KPtCham estate:Beeln mini at TT,'A east a n r at salegret lb: tate of Indiana the 161`5 17 Recants SV t Notary Public,State ,moves d$emeal 3szs re_t My Commission Ex OSlOfiJ2011 rbeadnv a% 1CRIBED FORMULA mfg the swthegret of h3 tat tops intdes^eence N3Nh B 1 Pe sad It ,t 5 be 03 sece onLe West 160,56 a of to the nonhline°�sala�lentlpnintlLUMN-94POINT PUBLISHED 1 TIME=.339 InVelatedai.isi nsaid Plall h thence Ntah ea decree% a° 1.7 P'I'.'1'YPE- 16.49 PUBLISHED 2 TIMES= 509 mmess9sa annort re io 0.-.06596 SQUARES PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .679 usicse hresou�Qd9rees09 minutes za %aeons% cast ' ES x $0.14- .339 CENTS PER LINE PUBLISHED 4 TIMES=.8.48 its a°a eLot tri the p st awe of satiate n9 and re nr lese 5942 satiate.eat. plaee LCUrtlraY . CI bTeost r3932r.351 max, '°'^: a ^°‘ '° s a E% r • .1' � �R �' e �.,gg ff `' max a se ag , , 5 a a n §. r`uf c ea. le.•.3 • Form Prescribed by State Board of Accounts 900549-3933525 General Form Na. 99 I'I Bev. 1987) CITY OE CARMEL-TOPICS LEGALS To: INDIANA NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST - PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Mauer-(Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which $ shall total more than tour solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). Number of equivalent lines Head-Number of lines S . Body- Number of lines .$ $ • Tail-Number of lines $ . Total number of lines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 79.0 lines 1.11 co lumen wide equals 79.0 equivalent $ 29.99 lines at .389 cents per line Charges for extra proofs of publication($1.00 fur each proof in excess of two) $ .00 $ 00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ . DATA FOR COMPUTING COST $ Width of single column 7.83 ems Size of type 5_7 point $ . $ Number of insertions 1.0 $ 2999 1carolam in the provisrnn,c and perulrie,T of Chapter 155,Acis of 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due,alter allowing all just credits,and that no part of the same has been paid- DATE: 08/05/2005 AJ?� � * /74f 1 clek Title 900549-3933525 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT Stale of Indiana SS: Hamilton County Personally appeared before ma, a notary public in and for said county and state, NTERESTED PARTIES the the undersigned SANDY NEUDIGATE who,being duly sworn, says That SHE is clerk REGARDING PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CONDUCTED BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS ci the Noblcsvi llc Ledger a newspaper of general circulation AND SAFETY At the August 17,2005 ineeting al the Board e Public Wor ,and sttetyof heeoa far et printed and published in the English language in the city of NOBLESV I LLE in sate the Board will hold a public hearing Coulmmng at a a.m, in ae and county aforesaid,and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, tnenCil Chambers,Carmel,City Hall. P I Y 'One Civic Square,t� ft)reserve aria, order to: p) tapo- ti�onlofcerlai0realpr.perticcu% which was duly published in said paper for 8 time(s),between the dates of: ready owned by the City of Car- Oel and consisting of that real ropettM being part m ray Parvi 08/05/2005 and 08/05/2[005 col Mn, 17-04x35-0tA2- 010.000,a portion Of Let an in Spring Lake Estates in Carmel, If Indiana,as per plat thereof le- iii;c Instrument nn. �i%/�� Y�(di�TL/G(iC-(^/ Clerk 9423343, in the. Hamilton J Country is located Office,which "Title property Is located at 382 Pin- tail court Carmel. Indiana, less the right of way ltr the ea- ole n at larlyd Street, as lii Imote particularlytere described er- Se bscrihad and sworn to before me on U8/U5/2UI15 A9(21 allow Interested per- nonsangthis aty to be heard a it deems necessary st ryoin the Board to gather the infor- mation it to m5 er Cthe dry Ir orderndbe able to issue too-ol el erclan to the Mayne of Carmel pr regarding and 44) sale of said other lawful ul b sin conduct Notary Public any other lawful business um ea legalr description seatp me al said pro legal Let Number of sari) ('A FT�F�^ C(lI�A,A� pp waterer Soong ke Let subdivi- sion "OFFICIAL Ketcham Notary F ales oitH�nilton County,Indi- ana, My convnlsyu?n expires: y_ }, as per'plat thereof. re- traded SLL53tl ]�CtCtiem 94333 a Instrument of R Notary Public,Slate of Indiana 9 in the CMS el the Re- corder.tn emultoit es f omt me My Commission Ex 05 p. Ofi2011 [den, owing described real estate: einning at the southeast cor- of said Lot 10;t hence South degrees 24 minutes 07 sec es Wast tbeating a medl 25 feet along the southern of said Lot to point desin. ed "335" on said Plat nce North 0 degrees oB min- s 03 seconds West 160.56 t m the north fine of said Lot d po'it designated"372"on tl Plak thence North 8B do- en 44 mnute5 50 seconds st 34.76 teat along said north e to the northeast corner of 8J91lMpre-So I I . .