HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and Packets BID NOTICE
Notice is given hereby that The City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission ("CRC') will open and
consider written offers of purchase and proposals for redevelopment (the "Redevelopment Proposals")
of the parcel of real estate generally located at the northwest corner of Rangeline Road and 126`"
Street, which real estate is depicted as "Parcel No. 4" on the Location Map(the "Redevelopment
CRC will open the Redevelopment Proposals at 7:00 p.m. local time on April 19, 2005, as part of a
public meeting to be held at the Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 (the "Public
Opening"). Redevelopment Proposals shall be submitted to the Department of Community Services at
the Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032 (the "CRC Offices"). The deadline for
submission of Redevelopment Proposals is 5:00 p.m. local time on April 19, 2005 (the "Receipt
Deadline"). At least five days before the Public Opening, interested parties will be able to obtain from
the CRC Offices information concerning the room in which the Public Opening will occur.
The offer by CRC of the Redevelopment Parcel for sale and redevelopment is made on the conditions
set forth below (the "Conditions for Redevelopment").
Guidelines: The redevelopment of the Redevelopment Parcel, including, without
limitation, the construction of the project proposed by the successful bidder in its
Redevelopment Proposal (the "Project"), shall be completed in compliance with
the Development Guidelines and the Zoning Ordinance.
Features: CRC will give preference to Redevelopment Proposals proposing a
Project that includes one of the following (in order of preference):
(a) an integrated redevelopment of the Redevelopment Proposal, the real
estate designated as "Parcel 11" on the Location Map, and the real estate
designated as "Mohawk Plaza" on the Location Map (an "Integrated Project");
(b) a coordinated development with the mixed-use project planned for the
real estate designated as "Parcel 5" on the Location Map; and
(c) a coordinated development with the performing arts center to be
constructed on the real estate adjacent to a portion of Parcel 5 on the West.
Contingency: CRC will give preference to Redevelopment Proposals that are not made
subject to the bidder being successful in obtaining financing.
CRC Work: CRC shall complete the streetscape work described in the Exhibits to the
Bid Package.
CRC Work Schedule: CRC shall complete the CRC Work in compliance with a schedule jointly
established by CRC and the successful bidder that coordinates work performed
by CRC with work performed by the successful bidder.
Parcel Condition: Except for the CRC Work, the Redevelopment Parcel is being offered on an "as-
is" basis.
Minimum Offering
Price: $417,500.00
Acquisition Date: The sale and purchase of the Redevelopment Parcel must be closed by May 31,
Completion Date: Construction of the Project must be completed by November 30, 2006, subject to
the CRC Deferral Option.
CRC Deferral Option: CRC shall have the option to defer construction of the Project for up to three
years from the Acquisition Date (the "Deferral Period"). If CRC exercises its
Deferral Option, then: (a) at any time during the Deferral Period, CRC may elect
to repurchase the Redevelopment Parcel from the successful bidder (the
"Repurchase Option") for a repurchase price equal to: (i) the purchase price paid
by the successful bidder; plus (ii) an amount equal to interest on such purchase
price from the Acquisition Date through the day that CRC closes the repurchase
of the Redevelopment Parcel at the rate of interest announced by Fifth Third
Bank from time to time as its prime lending rate (the "Prime Rate"); and (b) if
CRC does not elect to repurchase the Redevelopment Parcel during the Deferral
Period, then at the end of the Deferral Period, CRC shall pay to the successful
bidder interest on such purchase price from the Acquisition Date through the last
day of the Deferral Period at the Prime Rate.
Requirements: Each Redevelopment Proposal must: (a) be submitted on the prescribed
form included in the Bid Package; (b) include all of the information requested in
the Bid Package; (c) if submitted by a trust (as defined in IND. CODE 30-4-1-
1(a)), identify: (i) each beneficiary of the trust; and (ii) each settlor empowered to
revoke or modify the trust; (d) be received in its entirety in the CRC Offices by
the Receipt Deadline; and (e) include a cashier's check or certified check payable
to the order of CRC in an amount equal to 5% of the purchase price for the
Redevelopment Parcel set forth in the Redevelopment Proposal.
CRC has caused to be prepared the exhibits listed below {the "Exhibits"), and CRC will make all of the
Exhibits available at the CRC Offices for examination and use by all interested persons. This Notice,
together with the Exhibits, constitute the "Bid Package".
Exhibit A Instructions to Bidders
Exhibit B Form Redevelopment Proposal
Exhibit C Development Guidelines
Exhibit D CRC Work
Exhibit E Location Map (includes Parcel 11, Mohawk Plaza, and Parcel 5)
Exhibit F Zoning Ordinance
Exhibit G Outline of Project Agreement
Exhibit H Executive Summary to Phase One Environmental Site Assessment
Exhibit i ALTA Survey of the Redevelopment Parcel
Requests for information concerning the Bid Package should be directed to: Karl P. Haas, Wallack,
Somers & Haas, PC, One Indiana Square, Suite 1500, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204; telephone: 317-
2319000; and e-mail: kph @wshlaw.com.
Requests for access to inspect the Redevelopment Parcel should be directed to: Les Olds, AIA,
Executive Director, Carmel Redevelopment Commission, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel,
Indiana 46032; telephone: (317) 571-2492; and e-mail: (olds @ci.carmel.in.us.
CRC reserves the right to: (a) consider or reject without consideration any Redevelopment Proposals
that do not satisfy the Proposal Requirements; (b) reject any or all Redevelopment Proposals; and (c)
make an award to the highest and best bidder, as described more particularly in the Bid Package, even
if the Redevelopment Proposal submitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all of the
Conditions for Redevelopment. In determining the highest and best bidder, CRC shall take into
consideration the following:
(a) The purchase price for the Redevelopment Parcel, as proposed in each
Redevelopment Proposal.
(b) The cost to CRC of satisfying its obligations with respect to the redevelopment of
the Redevelopment Parcel, as described in each Redevelopment Proposal.
(c) The cost, size, character, and quality of the improvements to be constructed by a
bidder as part of the redevelopment of the Redevelopment Parcel, including, without
limitation, the degree of compliance with the Development Guidelines, the Zoning
Ordinance, and the other Conditions for Redevelopment.
(d) The schedule for completion of the Project.
(e) The general business reputation of the bidder.
(f) The experience of the bidder with respect to the development and construction of
projects similar to the Project (the "Similar Projects").
(g) The record of the bidder with respect to the completion of Similar Projects on
schedule, within budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws.
(h) The current ability of the bidder to complete the Project on schedule, within
budget, and in compliance with plans, permits, and laws.
(i) The financial resources of the bidder and its principals, including, without
limitation, the financial resources available to complete the Project.
(j) The financial resources of the bidder's equity investors and construction lender,
including, without limitation, the financial resources committed and available to fund
completion of the Project.
(k) The square footages of the components of the Project, the rental amounts for
space in the Project, the parking spaces to be provided for the Project, and any
amenities to be provided.
(I) The development and site plans for the Project and other improvements; and the
compatibility of such plans with neighboring buildings and the nearby neighborhoods.
(m) Extent to which the Project, as proposed in each Redevelopment Proposal,
includes the Preferential Features (in order of preference).
(n) if a Redevelopment Proposal proposes an Integrated Project, whether the bidder
holds fee title to Mohawk Plaza or the rights to acquire fee title to Mohawk Plaza.
(o) Whether the Redevelopment Proposal includes a Financing Contingency.
(p) Satisfaction by the bidder of the Proposal Requirements; compliance of the
bidder with the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, the
Development Guidelines and the Zoning Ordinance; and satisfaction by the bidder of
any additional requirements of the Bid Package.
(q) Any other factors that CRC determines to be important in carrying out and
serving: (i) the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, implementing
the Development Guidelines and complying with the Zoning Ordinance; (ii) the legal
purposes of CRC; and (iii) the interests of The City of Carmel, Indiana, and its residents,
from the standpoint of both human and economic welfare.
A successful bidder will be required to execute a binding Project Agreement with CRC, committing the
bidder to: (i) satisfying the Conditions for Redevelopment, including, without limitation, implementing the
Development Guidelines and complying with the Zoning Ordinance; and (ii) fulfilling the commitments
made by the bidder in its Redevelopment Proposal. The Project Agreement shall include the terms and
conditions outlined in the Exhibits to the Bid Package.
The City of Carmel Redevelopment Commission
Form Prescribed by Slate Board of Accounts 80202-3730782 Grunt Penn No.99 P(Rev. 19N7)
Display Matter- (Must not exceed two actual lines, neither or which $
shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body
of the advetti selnent is set). Number of equivalent lines
Head-Number f lines $ -
Body- Number or lines $ - $ .
Tail-Number of lines $
Total number of lines in notice
200,0 lines 2.0 columns wide equals 400.0 equivalent ,$ 213.60
Tines at.534 cents per line
Additional charge for notices containing rule and figure work(50 per cent of $ .
above amount)
Charges for extra pniofs of publication (51.00 for each proof in excess of two) $ .00 $ .00
Width of single column 7.83 ems Size of type 5.7 point $ $
Number of insettiens 2.0 $ 213.60
PHrnranl lo Ike prohisioltx and penalties of Ckrpler 155,Acts of 1957,
[hereby cattily that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due,tiller
allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid_
DATE: 04/08/2005 91' �/l[Gr v't ( . taC-4Ca-- Clerk
State ul Indiana SS:
BID NOTICE 'Offices for examination and MARION County
. NOTICE OF SALE CF use by all interested per-
. REAL ESTATE sons_this Notice, together
FOR THE PRIVATE with the Exhibits, constitute Personally appeared het ore me,a notary public in and for said county and state,
REDEVELOPMENT the"Bid Package"_
OFREDEVELOPMENT Exhibit A Instructions to
CARMELL CITY 4 CCENTER Exhibit B Form Redevelop-• the undersigned Karen Mullins who,tieing dully sworn,says that SHE is clerk
Notice is given hereby that Ehhib it C Development
The City of Carmel Redeye!- Guidelines
er o open and consider writ- Ea hi bit E Lg Galion Map
ten oilers of purchase and (includes Parcel 11,Mohawk
proposals ee redevelopment pro- seaza,and(Zoning rd printed and published in the En rlish language in the city of INDIANAPOLIS in state
(the-Redevelopment Pro- Exhibit 0 Outline O.a'�nanne 1 P 6 & b
eoleta- al the parcel or real Exhibit 0 Outline al Protect
Federally located at Agreement
the northwest corner of Exhibit id a ne En Executive onmmary and count aforesaid, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true CO
Bengaline ch re and T2eis to Phase One Environmental Y P P)'•
Street,which real estate is Site Assessment
depicted as'Parcel No 4•• Redibit I ALTA Survey of the
on the Locution reel") a Redevelopment Parcel
Redevelopment Farrel")_ Requests far inlormntion which was duly published in said paper for 2[i 1111',(5),between the dates ef;
CRC will open the concerning the Bid Package
IT Redevelopment Proposals at should be directed tor Marl R
7.;00 p.m.local time on April Haas, Wallank, Somers &
IR.2005,as port of a at Haas, PC, One Indiana 04/01/2005 and meeting to be held t the Square, Suite 1500, ,
Carmel city hell,one Civic Indianapolis,Indiana sr,n, /
Square, Carmel, Indiana teleolnne:3ll-23190011;and
46032 {the "Public Requests for Opening••!.Redevelopment Requests for access to Clerk
Prope:Alp shall be submitted inspect the Redevelopment
to the Department of Parcel should be directed to: 'tittle
Community Services at the Les Olds, Alit, Ekecutive
Carmel City Hall,One Civic Director Carmel Retlevelup'
Square, Carmel, Indiana mein Commission,Carmel
46132(the "CRC Offices"). City Hall One Civic Square, Subscribed and sworn to before me on( /21105
The deadline for bml sl n Carmel.Indiana 46032;Isle-
of Redevelopment Prop al phone: (317)S71-2492; end
O.5:00 p re local t i m e on I -
Aea pn 2005 t (the"Receipt CR es nl¢t `
Aeam B ) f'least five Ung CRC ci es reject right to:
before the Public Opening. ( )consider f t without
teresled parties m be conameration any
Notary Public•
able to tenpin from the CRC Redevelopment Proposals ` _ _
Offices information concern- that do Out satisfy the /''� �■- - `
P9 the room in which the reject Requirements;the "OFFICIALSEALI1
uelic it ening wen occur, reject arry n all Reaevelop-
rp or by CRC of the mane n award to ire (h- Brenda R.Turk
Redevelopment off fir b Parcel for make an o and to the bah-
le and development is est and best bidder, as My commission expires:
sale an the con/MOMS set described more Pattioularly Ivoiary run IC,Seale L5�3ndiand
forth below(me°COnuabna in the ev to mane,even r I My Commission Exp.05[(1612011 '
for elopment Gradelr • the fitted toy Redevelopment le St and I
redevelopment nttlelof The best bidder rythe nolt satisfy I
R everapment of tee best fader Coen not for RATE PER LINE
Redevelopment g, Parcel, Re of the Conditions I fa- HULA
including,without tl the pro- inq the In abestrbuF
tee c proposeitln at me pro- r mR Kish 11 and best jest iesfol proposed bidder oin s Its der, CRC shoe take into cam
reds+el ent in Its a)a rheoprrchase price DIN`[ PUBLISHIdOI TIME-.339
Redevelopment Proposal (a)The purchase price for l,
(the 'Project"), shall be the Redevelopment Parcel
- Completed coororance a f oecpep: ill ncn I(.49 PUBLISHED 2'I'IMHS .509
16.49 EMS /250-.06596 SQUARES PUBLISHED 3 TIMES= .679
with the Development Redevelopment Proposer
Guidelines and the Zoning ((p(the cost to CRC of sods-
Ondinance, lying its obligations with
Pielerenlial Features:CRC respect to the redevelop-
will give prel erence to meat of the Redevelopment
Redevelopment Proposals Parcel,as described in each
,luxes ape of the following Redevelopment)Tha ,Slee, rt.
lip order of preference): and quality of the improve-
ntnof tIm Redevelopment bidder as part of thecredevel-
Proposal, the reel estate npment of the designated
on. e Location Map,and lthe nut hllimitat on,the including, l
degree of
real estate designated as mpliancc- erit4i the
--Mohawk glaze"•on the Development Guidelines.the
Locatm n Map (an Zoning Ordinance,and the
"Integrated Project"): Other Conditions for
mea ordinated develop- Redevelopment. -
fit with the mixed-use Id)The schedule for eomple-
Vrnie@ planned for the real lion of the Protect.
estate designated as"Parcel he)The general business rea-
S"an the Location Map;and platinum!Paint/Idea
(m)a coordinated develop- (1)The experience of the bid-
merit with the pert arming der with respect to the
nits center in be constructed development and construe-
the thppertione estate adjacent similar to the
the West o on Projects"1.
Financing Contingency: CRC (g)The recared of the hinder
will give p ref create to with r spect to the camels-
Redevelopment Proposals lion al gintler Projects on
that are not made subject to schedule.within budget,and
the bidder being successful In compliance with plans,
in obtaining financing. permits.and they
CRC Work: CRC shaall cein- (Ii)The Current ability of the
described inn thesExhibl so to bidder-
Project an schedule,within
the Rid Package, budget,and in compliance
CRC Work Schedule: CRC with plans, permits, aria
shall c:mplele the CRC work laws.
I n taunt!slice with a sched- in The fmandal re s of
file rei'tly established by the bidder and its principals.
CRC and the successful bid- including,without limitation,
der that coordinates work the financial resources avail-
porter filed by CRC with work Mole Incomplete the Project.
performed by the successful (i)The(financial resources on
bidder the bidder's equity investors
Parcel Condition:Except for rind constrrlctiun lender,
the CRC Work,the Redevel- including,without limitation,
ant net, Parcel is being the fbinncint resources corn-
altered en an"at-ie"basis- nutted and available to fund
Minimum filtering completion of the Protect,
Price'5417,500,00 (k)The square tootages pit
Acquisition Date:The sale the components of the
and purchase of the Project,the rental amounts
'Redevelopment Parcel must for space in the Project,the
be chased by May 31,2015. parking Spaces to be provid-
Completion Date: ed for the Project,and any
Construction in the Project amenities.to be prevelei-
must be completed by (I)The development and site
November 30,2006,subject plans-far the Project and
to the CRC Duren-el Option other improvements:end the
CRC Deferral Option: CRC compatibility of such plans
shall have the option to doter with neighboring buildings
cansr ocean of the Protect and the near by neighbor-
- for up to three years from hoods.
the Acquisition Date (the In,) Extent to which the
"Delerral Period").II CRC Project,as preetearl in each
exercises its Deferral Redevelopment Proposal.
Option,then:(a)at any lime IncI tides the Pre eree l ial
during the Deferral Period, Features On ender of prefer-
CRC play elect to reeurrhnaSe ence).
the RedevelolaiPent Parcel In) If a Redevelopment
Mom the SleCeteftil bidder Proposal propa ses n it
(tire"Ren rchess Option") Integrated Project, whether
for a repurchase Price equal the bidder holds fee title to
to: iii the purchase price Mohawk Plaza Cr the rights
paid by the successful bid- to acquire fee title to
- der; plus iii)-en-amount Mohawk Plaza.•--
equal Cos interest on sit Ch (e)Whether the Redevelop-
thralls se price from the merit Proposal heludes a
_ Acquisition Date through the Einam;lagp COfttingenry.
use that CRC cloves the (d)Sells/action by the kidder
repurchase al the Redevel- of. the - P toe al
oprnent Pagel at the rate of Hegtireleefee;compliance of
!merest announced by Filth Ina bidder with the Con-
Third each from time to time ditinns for Redevelopment,
as its prime lending rate(the including,without limitation,
k'Prime Rate");and(d)if CRC the Development Guidelines
does not elect to repurchase and the Zoning Ordinance;
the Redevelopment Parcel and setsffiction by the bid-
during the Deferrer Period, der ofany additional require-
then at the end el the meals or the Bid Package.
Deferral remind,CRC shell (h) fink ether factors that
pay to the successful bidder' CRC determines-1n be mom-
interest on such purchase tent Ie carrying our and son/-
Drice front the A;ou16ltiolr iIre III the Conditions for
ate Through the last day of Redevelopment.inclyding,,
the Deferral Period at the without limitation, line Is-
Prime Rate. menting the Development
Proposal Requiremonts: Guidelines and c mplying
Each Redevelopment Pro- with the Zoning Ordinance;
Pose!must.(a)be submitted (it) the legal purposes of
on the preeo rnbed form CRC;and(riot he interests of
included in the Bid Package; The City of Carmel,Indiana,
{h)Im;lude all of the inforgha- and its residents,from the
Gen red,honed in the Rid Ma ndeoint of both human
1'tckage;(ci if submitted by and eceaonhic welfare,
trust(as deRUell ie INC. A successful bidder will be
CODE 50-4-1-1(a)),identify: required to execute a binning
(p each beneficiary cif the Protect Agreement with CRC,
flush; and(u)each settler committing itting the bidder le:Ii)
empowered to revoke or satislying the Cnedhtleds for
modify the trust; (d) be Redevelopment.including,
received in its entirety in the without limitation,inlpfe-
CRC Offices by the entirety meeting the Deveopment
Deadline;and le)include a Guidelines and c mplying
cashiers check or certified willr the Zoning Ordinance;
check payable In the order of and(0 fulfilling the commit-
CRC in an amonrit euvuti to mends made by the bidder in
Ste of the purchase price for Its Redeveluoment Proposal.
the Redevelopment Parcel Tlie Project Agreement shall
sot forth in the Reeleve4 include the terns and condf-
opment Proposal. lions outlined In the Exhibits
CRC has caused to be pre- to the 9W Package.
pared the exhibits listed The City of Carmel Redeve!-
below (the"Exhibits"),and npment Commission
CRC will make all of the Publication dates; April 1,
Exhibits available at the CRC April 8.2005
(5.4/1,4/8.3730782) -
Form Prescribed by State Board of Acceunls 900549-3730642 General Fenn No.99 P(Rev. i9i37)
Display Matter-(Must not exceed two actual I ines, neither of which $
shall total more Man four solid lines of the type in which the body
of the advertisement is seq. Number of equivalent lines
Head- Number of lines $
Body-Number of lines _ $ . $ .
Tail-Number of lines $
Total number of lines in notice
23T0 lines 2.0 columns wide.equals 474.0 equivalent $ 23320
lines at .492 cents per line
Charges for extra proofs of publication($I.00 for each proof in excess of two) $ .00 $ 00
Width of single column 7.53 ems Sirs of type 5.7 point $ - $ .
Number of insertions 1.0 $ 233.20
Pursuant It the pro Pis1011s and lmnathea Of Chapter 155. Acts Or 1953,
I hereby ccrti ly that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due,after
allowing all just credits,and that no part of the same has been paid_
DATE', 04/0812005 Yi L l l— clerk
BID NOTICE State of Indiana 85:
Node'is given hereby mien(' R of el open Personally appeared hefore me,a notary public in and for said county and state.
Nedceels giver ereby to tT eC City f Cl r el and cenasder t
written Prop sasi of therp parcel of estate ) } p }
generally located at the northwest corner of Raneebne
Road and 126th Street,which real estate is depicted as the undersigned Karen Mullins who.bel`duly 'ing du] sworn.says that 54313 is clerk
"Parcel Nn.o-on the Location Mepphe"Redevelopment
CRC will open the Redevelopment Proposals at r:00 P.m.
Deal time on Rpm 19,2a115,as part of a public meeting to of the Noblesville Ledger a newspaper of general circulation
be Indiana 46032(the Public Open One ng').Redevelopment eh
omma it shall Services submitted rime City Hall, C+ printed and published in the English language in the city of NOBLESVILLE in state Commonly seances ak the 032(th City Hall,Dee'l.
,deadR, for submission of Red(vel "CRC t Pro os.Ths
'deadline for submission trots on er Redevelopment ZOOS(thee Proposals is
D.ao line local leas of April sb ZOOS the"Receipt e cm
,Deadline). re lean five days before obtain Public Ilw Canine, and county aforesaid,and lint the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy,
i" tecested parkas co be able to a ro from tie CRC
Offices willOccur, concerning the room In which me Public
!Opening Th otter by CRC o which was duly published in said paper for 2 ti me(s),between the dates ot.
The otter by ti of the on the elopment s tel Parcel for sale and
redevelopment Cuntlolts for ld deverapmenl'i7 or15 set forth b21ow
euidellnes: 04/01/2005 toed 04(08/2005
6 Meet inee: The redevelopment Of the
Redevelopment Parcel.including,without
limitation,the construction of ma project
proposed by the successful blades in lm
Redevelopment Proposal(the"Project"),
shall be completed in compliance with the
Development Guidelines and the zoning
•Preferential Title
Features-. CRC will give preference to
Redevelopment Proposals proposing a
I Project that includes one of the following Subscribed and sworn to before me en 0 0 2005
(p)order ci preference):an integrated redevelopment of the
Redevelopment Proposal.the real estate
designated d5"Parcel 1].on the Location
Map,and the real'stake designated as d d f� i ap,and Plana"pn me Location Map tan
"I)nteeraked Prvlere"1', �'"�
fmla cooreineted development with the °-
noised-use project planned far the real Notary Public
estate and as'Ferrel S.on the "OFFICIAL SEAL"
Location Map;and
pen quardinated development with the
performing arts deter to be constructed B ret7 Cn.R. Turk
Pont on the reel estate adjacent to a portion of My commission expires,
Parcel 5 an the West.
Financing ^t art 1'u`dtc.3i{dC at III(!Ipna
Contingency: CRC will give preference to r.CI(l).(I'Nf5120 II
Redevelopment the bidder that are na � ' 1. "�''!'C'{'
' made seated to the bidder being success-
ful Cass e•y„d�q!�az�-;:v^ty e aear�W
In obtaining complete CRCWork: CRC shall complete th,Streetscepe
work described in the Evhrbits to the Bid
CRS Work
Schedule' CRC shell complete the CRC work in
compliance with a schedule iofnns-estab-
lished by CRC end the successful bidder
that coordinates work ermed by ul b
with wank performed by y the suCCesslal bid-
Parcel C6naition:Rede elopmenthParcel is being offered on ,
Minimum Offering
FriCe:• 5497,900.00
Acquisition Cale: The sale and purchase of the
Redevelopment Parcel must be Clnaed by
May al,2d05.
Completion Date: mpletedpby oef r3ede,2905,subject
(MI*CRC Deferral Option.
CRC Doi erre!
Option: CRC shall have the(vtinn to datercon-
spunlonofthePrelectforuptothree -
years from the Acgolshlon Dole(the
"Del erral Per en"). If CRC exercises its
nnerrnl Option,them(a)at any rime LIdr
imp[be Deleted Period,CRC may elect to
the su essfulbdder faire"Remvrcluserpm
Dalian")tors repurchase Ormme equal to:
Su)the purchase pace paid by the success.
bids r;pas pi)en amount emrai In
interest on sock purchase price Irom the
Acquisition Date through the day that CRC
closer,the reporchu se of lieu Redeeclep-
meut Parcel at the rate 6l interest
announced by FifthTldrd Brink from time to
time as is prime lending rate(the"Prime
Rate");and Ibl f CRC does not elect to
repurchase the Redevelopment Parcel der'
leg the Deferral Period,then at the end of I
the Deferral Period,CRC shall pay to the
it successful bidder interest on such pur-
price Nom the Acquisition Date
through the last day of the t)cferrat Period
et the Prime Rafe.
Reouiirrements'. Each Redevelopment Proposal must:(a)
he submitted on the prescribed form
ndodetl in the Rid Package;(bl include ad
of the information requested in the Bid
R¢kages(C II submitted by a trust(as
drained in INti CODE J0-4-1-1(a)),identi•
fy:(lj each beneficiary of the trust and fit)
each settler empowered to revoke or modi-
fy the trust;(d) he rewired in its entirety
in the CRC Offices by the Receipt Deadlines
and(u)include a cashier's check or certi-
fied check payable to the order of CRC in
gt iamount eerie!to 590 of the machaee
ce Per the Redevelopment Parcel set
torte in the Redeveldoment Proposal.
CRC has Loused to be prepared the exit Id its listed below
the"Eehlbits'S and CPC will wake all al the Exhibilsnvall-
able at the CRC utf Ices for examination end use by nil-inter-
!Wed persons.This Notice.together with the F.xhlbitS,con-
stitute the"Bid Package". ,
ixhibn A tnetruct,ons to&driers
Exhibit B Farm Red evelrlemnet Prormsai
Exhibit C Developnlenl Guidelines
Exhibit 0 CRC work
Exhibit 0 Location Mall mieludts Pertel 11.Mohawk!
Plata,nod Parcel S1
Exhibit P Zoning On dinance
Exhibit C r Outline of-Project Agreement mti •
Exhibit H • Executive Summary to Phase One
• -A Enkirofinentaal Site Assessment it
Exhibit I ALTA Survey of the Redevelopnlenl
Requests for information rrmterning the ild Package
,should be directed tO=Karl P Haas.Wallack.Soarers d
Haas,PC One Indiana Square,Suite Ituti rnalanapalfs,
Indiana 46204; telephone:317-231-P000;and email,
kph@wshlaw,com. -
Requests for access to inspect the Redevelopment Parcel
should he directed to;Les Olds,AIA,Executive Director,
Carmel Redevelopment Commission,Carmel City Hall,One
Civic Square,Cannel,Indiana 46032;telephone'(317)S71-
2992;and e-mail;lolds(Reci carnet laps_
CRC reeerves the right to;(a)consider or reject without
consider-talon any Redevelopment Proposals that do not
satiety 11m Proposal Requirements;(h)reject any or all
Redevelopment Proposals,and(c)make an award to the
highest and best bidder,ns described more particularly in
The bid Package,even if the Redevelopment Proposal sub-
mitted by the highest and best bidder does not satisfy all of 1
the Conditions for Redevelopment. In determining the high-
est and best bidder,CRC shall take into consideration the
I allowing'
(a) The purchase Trine far the Redevelopment Parcel,
as proposed in each Redevelopment Proposal.
(h) The met en Cite of satisfying its obligations with
resPed to the redevelopment of one keduvelnmmmm
Parcel.as described in each Redevelovnteit Proposal.
(c) The east size character,and quality of the imprnre-
melds to be Constructed by a bidder ns part of the rede-
velopment of the Redevelopment Parcel,including,wide
Jut limitation,the degree of compliance with the
Development beidelhIns,the Zoning Ordinance,and the
other Conditions for Redevelopment •
(tl) The schedule for completion of the Project
(el'The general bteiness reputation of the bidder
(9 The experience of Ike bidder with respect to the
develatenunt and wlist mutton of preterits similar to the
Prviect(the'Similar Projects").
(e) The record of the bidder with respect to the comple-
tion of Similnr Projects on schedule,within budget,and
in compliance with plans,penults.and laws.
(n) The current ability of the bidder to complete the
Project on schedule,within budget.nrd In compliance
with plans,permits,and laws. • -
(I) The Ihmnclel resources at the bidder are its princi-
pals,Including,without limitation,the financial
resources available to complete the PrnfeCt.
(9 The financial resources of the nldderrs equity
investors and Construction lener.d including,wit eat ILtr
tion.tilt financial resources committed and available
to fund completion of the Project Ik) 1 he square tortages of the components of the
Project,the rental amounts for space in the Project,the
parking:paces to he provided for the Proiecl,and any
I amenities to he provided.
(I) The development and slte plaits nor the Project and
ether improvements;and the compatibility of such plans
with neighboring buildings anti the nearby neighbor-
On)Extent to which the Preact,his proposed in each
Redevelopment Propose!,includes the Prel erential
Restores(in order of preference)_
,hit II a Redevelopment Proposal proposes an _
Integrated Project,whether the bidder bads fee title to
Mohawk Plaza or the rights to acquire tee title to
Mohawk Plan_
(') Whether the Redevelopment Pi(oosel includes,,
F ci
: ng Contingency
(Pb Satisfaction by the bidder of line Proposal
Remdremenls;compliance of the bidder with the •
"' Conditions for Redevelopment,including,without limita-
tion the Development Guidelines and the Zoning
Ordinance;and satisfaction by the higher Of any addi-
tional requirements of the Bid Package.
-' (n) Any other factors that CRC determines to he impor-
tant in carrying pet and serving:(! the Conditions for
Redevelopment,i,Ctuding,without limitation,Implement-
ing the Development tiuidelines and complying with the'
Outs Ordinance;(ii)the legal purposes of CRC;and gig)
die interests et nre City of Carmel,Tndlana,and its resi-
dents,from the standpoint at both human and economic'
A suCCeseful bidder will be required to execute a binding
ProfaC,Agreement with CRC,committing the bidder to:II)
satisfying the Conditional ar Redevelopment,including,
without limitation,implementing the Development
Guidelines and complying with the Zoning Ordinance;and
(ill l ulfilline the commitments made by the bidder in its
Redevelopment Proposal_The Project Agreement shall
include the terms and conditions outlined in the Exhibits to
the Bid Package.
The City at Carmel Redevelopment Commission
(NIL i1/1,4/8/0S-3130642)