HomeMy WebLinkAbout238011 10/08/14 Coq Mf CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351469 j; 31 ONE CIVIC SQUARE XEROX CORP CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,096.28* i CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 26152 NETWORK PLACE CHECK NUMBER: 238011 CHICAGO IL 60673-1261 CHECK DATE: 10/08/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 651 5023990 076115654 561.82 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 076115655 271.77 OTHER EXPENSES 651 5023990 076116501 262.69 OTHER EXPENSES 0643-001 a S THE EASY WAY xe rox XEROX CORPORATION To ORDER SUPPLIES w' C PO BOX 660502 CALLOUR TOLL Purchase Order Number FREE BER DALLAS TX 1-800-822-2200 75266 Special Reference VINOOOOOX-000 L Contract Number y0 Telephone888-435-6333 NET 30 DAYS C Please Direct Inquiries To: 4k� Terms Of Payment Ship To/Installed At: Bill To: 0643-001 10-01-14 CITY OF . CARMEL CITY OF CARMEL Invoice Date WATER AND SEWER WATER AND SEWER 076116501 UTILITY UTILITY Invoice.Number .� 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 9609 HAZEL DELL PKWY 71.8691959 .7 INDIANAPOLIS IN INDIANAPOLIS IN Customer Number V 46280 46280 W7125PT WC7125PT PRNTR/TRY SER.# XDC-_394824 AMOUNT B A-S E—C-H A-R G E- — ——- --- ----- S E P T-E-M B-E R-- -- — — ------- 242.79 METER READ METER READ NET COPIES METER USAGE 08-21-14 TO 09-21-14 TOTAL BLACK 24690 25719 1029 TOTAL COLOR 5683 5916 233 METER CHARGES TOTAL BLACK 1029 LESS PRINT ALLOWANCE 2500 BLACK BILLABLE PRINTS 0 .014200 .00 •� TOTAL. COLOR 233 COLOR BILLABLE PRINTS 233 .086900 20.25 _ NET PRINT CHARGE 20.25 LESS SERVICE CREDITS 25 a .013900 .35CR 1 LNE FAX LAN IFAX SER.# FAXILN INCL 2/3-HOLE PUNCH SER.# FINLX-3HP INCL OFC FINISHER LX SER.# OFCFNLX INCL POSTSCRIPT KIT SER.# PSKIT INCL USB ENABLE KIT. SER:# USBENBLE INCL SUB TOTAL 262.69 TOTAL 262.69 INVOICE FOR THE PERIODIC PAYMENT ON YOUR XEROX AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLY CHARGES --- T[ITAL OF INVOICE-MAY VARY ACCORDING TO METER USAGE BILLED XEROX FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION #16-0468020 N toi d i k s? roblem � ������ �' '� f�� '{��� ����� ��������� �[�� ���� �y ���'| Make — '' — ' ' - � '--' payment send ~^� ~-'^^ � WithXerox'soilUnebiUing service, you cunviewinvoices �ndrnoke poyrncntsquic1d and eosivioIt'sofcstondconvenient m/uy'to soveyou time and rnoneybecouseit reduces ccs-"_-sbycheck and rnoiUngexpenses. (}nknebiUingoisostreornUnesyour pcyrnen1proces rnin|rriizingthe diStribor invoices for sign'off. And itenobies � contro( ovepoyrne�� prucessesby /ettin� youschedu(epoynnentsonthcdate youchoose. � Bcs oFoU, theservice |sFPEE. Log onto -to neyistcrfor oursuite of-online payment services. Xezz�F�de,�iIder�i�cotion #1�'0�6�OZ0 mmo�XEROX mopomoION.All.n^»."=�d.xsxox*,The Document Corn,"nymand m^digital unare u.u"rn" ."mERmxmx,nmmnw. VOUCHER # 145681 WARRANT # ALLOWED 343004 IN SUM OF $ XEROX CORP 26152 Network Place CHICAGO, IL 60673 i Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 076116501 01-7362-05 $262.69 i i i Voucher Total $262.69 Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 343004 XEROX CORP Purchase Order No. 26152 Network Place Terms CHICAGO, IL 60673 Due Date 10/2/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/2/2014 076116501 $262.69 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer 0196-002 THE EASY WAY C XerOX XEROX CORPORATION v0 TO ORDER SUPPLIES PO BOX 660501 •Q CFREEONUMBERL Purchase Order Number DALLAS TX 1-800-822-2200 75266-0501 Special Reference VINOOOOOX-000 E Contract Number O Telephone888-339-7887 NET -30 DAYS CPlease Direct Inquiries To: 41� Terms Of Payment Ship To/Installed At: Bill To: >` 10-01-14 CITY OF CARMEL CITY CARMEL Invoice Date UTILITIES UTILITIES 076115654 CUSTOMER SERVICE 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 Invoice Number .� 30 W MAIN ST STE 220 CARMEL IN - 718692031 CARMEL IN 46032 Customer Number V 46032 3CQ9302 3 MTR CLRQUBE 9302 SER.# XNE-096782 __--. - - - — - - - - - -- - - AMOUNT BASE CHARGE SEPTEMBER 526.70 METER READ METER READ NET IMPRESSIONS METER USAGE 08-21-14 TO 09-21-14 BLK+CLR LEVEL 1 IMP 94776 98039 326.3 COLOR LEVEL 2 IMPRESS 22530 23380 850 COLOR LEVEL 3 IMPRESS 3460 3590 130 METER CHARGES FOR IMPRESSIONS Q LEVEL 1 3263 LESS ALLOWANCE 3500 LEVEL 2 850 O 850 .029700 25.25 - . LEVEL 3 130 130 .075900 9.87 NET IMPRESSION CHARGE 35.12 OFFICE FINISHER SER.# CQOFCFIN INCL 3 HOLE PUNCH SER.# CQ3HPOFC INCL 1 LINE FAX SER.# LINEIFAX INCL SUBTOTAL 561.82 TOTAL 561.82 INVOICE FOR THE PERIODIC PAYMENT ON YOUR XEROX AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLY CHARGES -=------- ^-"TO-TAL-0E--I-NVO-I-CE-MAY-VARY A-CC0R-D-I-NG TO-METER USAGE BTLLED --- XEROX FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION #16-0468020 No checks .? No stamp's? Nbtime . N o rob eml Make phis the last cheek payment you sed n by mail. With Xerox's online biking service, you can view invoices and n dkle- paymEnts quickly easily via the`,/pleb. is a fast and conveniermt way to save you i.in,e sz�c1 rnonc`j/ br�CC[�� e If reduces Costs by eiinninating tiled-, and mi thing exGenses. On[lrie biiiing also stream lines your payment process by minimizing the manual distribUtic)I o: invoices for siGl: Oi f. i`A5i�d it e;-i Nat. cont-rd over payment ment processes by 'Letting you schedule payments or, the date You chn-ose. Best of all,the service is FRET. Log on to www,ero .c-,:nVeipp to register for our Suite c.,f online p ay,-nent se ViCps. Xerox F ederai identification -x'15-04E80I<<, 0 2004 XEROX CORPORATION.All ricins reserved.XEROX0,the Document ComcnyO and the digital XO are trademarks of XEROX CORPORATION. 0196-001 C XEROXHE EASY WAY Xerox EROX CORPORATION TO ORDER SUPPLIES PO BOX 660501 CALL OUR TOLL Purchase Order Number FREE NUMBER DALLAS TX +-800-822-2200 75266-0501 Special Reference VINOOOOOX-000 Contract Number Telephone888-339-7887 NET 30 DAYS Please Direct Inquiries To: q Terms Of Payment Ship To/Installed At: Bill To: 0196-001 10-01-14 CITY CARMEL CITY CARMEL Invoice Date UTILITIES UTILITIES 076115655 ADMIN 30 W MAIN S1 STE 220 Invoice Number `30 W MAIN ST STE 220 CARMEL IN 718692056 VCARMEL IN 46032 Customer Number v 46032 W7125PT WC7125PT PRNTR/TRY SER.# XDC-394919 -- — - - BASE CHARGE SEPTEMBER 232.49 METER READ METER READ NET COPIES METER USAGE 08-21-14 TO 09-21-14 TOTAL BLACK 39938 41174 1236 TOTAL COLOR 2839 3291 452 Q) METER CHARGES V TOTAL -BLACK 1236 LESS PRINT ALLOWANCE 2500 BLACK BILLABLE PRINTS 0 .014200 .00 TOTAL COLOR 452 COLOR BILLABLE PRINTS 452 .086900 39.28 NET PRINT CHARGE 39.28 1 LNE FAX LAN IFAX SER.# FAXILN INCL OFC FINISHER LX SER.# OFCFNLX INCL . POSTSCRIPT KIT SER.# PSKIT INCL USB ENABLE KIT SER.# USBENBLE INCL SUB TOTAL 271.77 TOTAL 271.77 INVOICE FOR THE PERIODIC PAYMENT ON YOUR XEROX AGREEMENT MIA _T_HIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES EQUIPMENT, MAINTENANCE AND SUPPLY - CHARGES ___ _ TOTAL Or IN MAY VARY ACCORDING T0 'METER USAGE BILLED XEROX FEDERAL IDENTIFICATION #16-0468020 e1%.N c n tf L k.s ?% N o t a, m s N o m e N rO b I e m � Make this the last check payment Y0U send b" rra`^ ~ With Xerox's online billing service,you can view invoices and nnr:-bepoynnentlsquick|«ond easily via the Web, it's ofast and convenient vvoytosave you tinne ond rnone�,/ becouse it reduces costs byeUr:ir/cting check ondrnoiU:g expenses. Dniine biUingoiSosireurniinesynur poyrnenLprocess byrninirnizingthe rnonuoidistribu�ionnfinvoices6orsign'o�[ /�nd {ter Nes control over payment proces-ses by letting you schedule paymie,-Its on 'l-Ale cl-,ofte vDu dhocsp. 8estofaU. �heserviceisFREE. � Log �n bu ��mn��erux.con�/eipp t� registerfmr cur suite, of Online poyrnemt services. - XeonFe*denz( identification #16-10468020 m200�XEROX CORPORATION.All rights reserved,XERUXC,The DocumenL Company(D and the digital XG are trademarks mXEROX CORPORATION. VOUCHER # 145692 WARRANT # ALLOWED 343004 IN SUM OF $ XEROX CORP 26152 Network Place CHICAGO, IL 60673 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board. members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code 076115654 01-7360-07 $561.82 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 343004 XEROX CORP Purchase Order No. 26152 Network Place Terms CHICAGO, IL 60673 Due Date 10/2/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoices) or bill(s)) Amount 10/2/2014 076115654 $561.82 I I I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer