HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and Packets NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Carmel 2011-2012 - PAVING PROGRAM Sealed Bids for the City of Carmel, 2011-2012 — Paving Program, will be received by the City of Carmel, Indiana ("Owner") at the office of the Clerk Treasurer in City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, until 10:00 a.m., local time, on September 21st, 2011. The Bids will be publicly opened and read by the Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00 am, in Council Chambers at City Hall on September 21st, 2011. No late bids will be accepted. A certified check or bid bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid must accompany all bids, and upon acceptance by the City of Carmel, a performance bond equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the bid will be required before work begins. General Form 96 must be completed and filed as a part of the bid package. All bids are to be sealed with the word "BID — 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM" on the lower left hand corner of the envelope. All persons interested in bidding shall register a contact name and address with the Carmel Street Department to insure that all changes or questions and answers are available for review by all interested parties. The specifications are set forth in detailed documents on file at the Carmel Street Department, 3400 W. 131St Street, Westfield, IN 46074, available after September 9th 2011. All bidders must be qualified for State Highway work. All bidders on this contract will abide by the prevailing wage requirement of Indiana Code 5-16-7-1. Questions regarding this solicitation must be written and delivered to the Carmel Street Department. All responses will be written and made available at the Carmel Street Department. Please call the Carmel Street Department to confirm whether or not any such questions have been received and/or answered. The submitted proposals must comply with IC 36-1-9-8.5. The Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body, as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5-22-18-2. Diana L. Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer Publication Dates: Thursday, September 8th, 2011 Thursday, September 15th, 2011 �� •Prescribed by State Board of Accounts 80202-5857730 General Form No.99P(Rev.2009A) Federal IDS 35-2061385 CITY OF CARMEL-STAR LEGALS To: INDIANAPOLIS NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST-PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46206-0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT NOTE O BIDDERS ^ '' \latter-(Must not exceed two actual lines,neither of which shall of Cannel 2011-2012-PAVING PROGRAM I more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the Sealed Bids for the City of Carmel,2011-2012-Pav- ing Program,will be received by the City of Carmel.'rtisement is set). -number of equivalent lines Indiana(-Owner")at the office of the Clerk Meas- urer M City Nan,One Civic Square Carmel,Indiana Umber of lines 46032,until 10:00 a.m.,local time,on September 21st.2011. the Bids will be publicly opened andumber of lines read by the Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00 am,in Council Chambers at City Hall on Sep-Inter of lines tember 21st,2011.No late bib will be accepted. A certlhed check or bid bond in the amount of ten.' mber of lines in notice percent(L0%)of the bid must accompany all bids. and upon acceptance by the City of Carmel,a per- formance bond equal to one hundred percent 1100%)of the bid will ire required before work be. gins. General Form 96 must be completed and filed as a part of the bid package.All bids are to be sealed ON OF CHARGES with the word'f1D— 11.2012 PAVING PROGRAM" on the lower left hand corner of the envelope.All IS 2.0 columns wide equals 112.0 equivalent lines at,685 persons interested in bidding shall register a con- tact name and address with the Cannel Street De-;per line $ 76.73 partment to Insure that all changes or questIOnS and answers are available for review by all Inter-_I charge for notices containing rule and figure work(50 per cent ested parties. The specifications are set forth In detailed docu-love amount) ments on hie at the Cannel Street Department.3400 • W.131st Street,Westfield.IN 46074,available after Se ptemb er 9th,2011. or ex proofs publication l extra roofs of ublication(/$1.00 for each proof in excess of two) .00 September All bidders must be qualified for State Highway AL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ 76.73 work. All bidders on this contract will abide by the pre- vailing wage requirement of Indiana Code Questions regarding this solicitation must be writ- MO COST ten and delivered to the Carmel Street Department. All responses will be written and made available at Ingle column 5_8 ems Size of type 7 the Carmel Street Department Please call the Car- mel Street Department to confirm whether or not • any such questions have been received and/or an- f insertions 2.0 swered. The submitted proposals must comply with IC 36-1- 9.6.5. The Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety re- serves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all bids,solicitations and/or offers In whole or in part o the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1,I hereby certify that the foregoing account is as specified In the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body,as deter-.-that the amount claimed is legally due,after allowing all just credits,and that no part of the same mined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5-22.18-2. Diana 1.Cords,Clerk-Treasurer (5•9/8/11,9/15/11-5657730) I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy,of the same column width and type size. which was duly published in said paper 2 times. The dates of publication being between the dates of: 09/08/2011 and 09/15/2011 Additionally,the statement checked below is true and correct: _Newspaper does not have a Web site. „...-Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper _Newspaper has a Web site,but due to a technical problem or error,public notice was posted on Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. -/-11L4-6G- i DATE: 09/15/2011 Title: Clerk CMIC{P4___ 9. C m An Amount A AlteggiVi Alternativ R 4-07 ,�e,/7//=,es X55/5-q61 °-3- 0,1, Z2/1757 3 2IrrN -tic Ey 19'`/V5-•74-2� 2, pS3 P3;; /yli x6,-;„vt e , , / °91212 '/, Ile 2,902,751 vmic, $,��9 99 �/ s3,i i�``—.3,ze /571-2 �� U r yj ;; / ?57 $4" �/ i1g<5( D3 iy 7. ? y 54NP.,) 3 Vf7 2 022 it g i I 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) $724,500.80 ALTERNATE 1 BID AMOUNT (Package 13) 1,951,724.11 ALTERNATE 2 BID AMOUNT (Package C) $3,140,568.03 THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Please Type or Print) Li Bidder Name: Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 4898 Fieldstone Drive City:Whitestown _ State: IN Zip: 46075 Phone#: (3)7 769-1900 Fax #: (01)7 769-7424 1.3 Bidder is a/an[mark one]: Individual Partnership x Indiana Corporation; Foreign(Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other: 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: 4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: I 1 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Proiect Bid. The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the total sum of Five Million Eight Hundred Sixteen Seven Hundred Ninety Two and 94/100 Dollars ($ 5816,7 92.00 ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price. The Bidder further understands that all work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a lump sum basis and that the OWNER cannot and does not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of work to be performed or furnished under the Agreement. r t PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR • • CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE(I)COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Cannel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Cannel Date: September 21 , 2011 To: City of Carmel,Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety I SEP- 14=2011 ' 02 : 39 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P. 03/05 Project Name: 2011 - 2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE A Bid Date' September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #1 Substantial Completion Date' Final Completion Date. TOTAL AMOUNT $642, 150.80 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 10,000 1 .60 16.000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 9,978 59. 10 589,699.80 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. yd _ 500 54.00 27,000.00 4 sq.yd. Milling _ - - 4,723 2.00 9,446.00 5 Butt Joints s.f. 5.00 5.00 TOTALS _$642, 150.80 , • CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE A BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 2,205 37.00 81,585.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 84.00 756.00 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 3.00 3.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) 6.00 6.00 TOTALS $82,350.00 FEP-14-2011` 02 : 39 PM CiARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P. 04/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE B Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #2 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT_$1,741,658.60 ITEM # ' DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 21,250 1.60 34 000.00 2 9.5 T •e B Surface ton 25,672 I ._ , 60.00 1 540,320. 11 Bad spots cutlremoved aq.yd. ... 500 54.00 27,000. +0 4 Mifflin! _ sq.ydl. 118,860 0.98 116,502.41 5 Butt Joints _ s.f. 5_0D 5.00 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 58.00 , 11, 136.00 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 4,550 0.52 2,366.00 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 858 0.60 514.80 9 4" Solid Yellow & 4" Skip Yellow L.F. 3,366 0.34 1, 144.44 10 4" Solid White L.F. 311 0.36 111.96 11 4" Ski• White L.F. 795 0 6 286.20 12 6" White Crosshatch L.F. 208 4, 10 852.80 13 6"White Crosswalk L.F. 140 4.10 574.00 14 24" W4hitee Stapbars , L.F. 225 15.00 3,375.00 15 Lane Indicator Arrows .-r,. ea. 12 191.00 2,292.00 16 "Only's" - ea. 3 196.00 588.00 17 "School" ea. 2 295.00 590.00 TOTALS 1 741 658.6 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE B BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 5,665 36.50 206,772.50 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 27 121.63 3,284.01 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd_) 3.00 3.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) 6.00 6.00 TOTALS $210,065.51 SEP-141-'2011 ' 02 : 39 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P, 05/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE C Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM#3 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completio Date. TOTAL AMOUNT $2,979,465.46 ITEM # DESCRIPTI N UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AEI_or AE 150 TAC gal 32,000 1.60 51,200.00 Z 9.5 T i ton Type G surface 41,466 61.60 2,529,426.00 3 Bad spots cut/removed 'yd' 500 55.00 27,500.00 4 IMillin9 s.. d. 262,458 1.07 _ 280,830.06 5 Butt Joints s.f. 5.00 5.00 5 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 ; Is 00 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 52,728 0.60 31,636.80 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 2,156 0.70 1,509.20 9 4" Sold Y flow & 4" Ski, Yellow L.F. 3,450 0.38 1,311,00 10 4" Skip Yellow__ L.F. 218 0.30 65.40 11 12" Yellow Crosshatch L.F. 448 5.25 2,352.00 F- 12 �4" Solid White L.F. 51,422 0.30 15,426.60 13 4" Skip White L.F. 3,676 0.30 1 , 102.80 14 6"White Crosshatch L.F. 208 3.40 707.20 15 12" White Crosshatch L,F, 77 5.25 404.25 10 6"White Crosswalk L.F. 1,481 3.40 5,035.40 17 24" Whites L.F. 665 12.35 8,212.75 18 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 38 154.00 5,852.00 19 "Only's" ea. 21 160.00 3,360.00 20 24" White Piallo Keys ea. 13 101 .00 1,313.00 21 Combination Arrows ea. 2 300.00 600.00 22 "School" ea. 2 240.00 480.00 TOTALS _ $2,979,465.4 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 - 2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 4,124 38.65 159,392.60 2 4' median If. 12 76.94 923.28 3 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 86.41 777.69 4 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 3.00 3.00 6.00 6.00 5 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS $161,102.5• PART 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 3.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Agreement attached hereto and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 3.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM DATE NUMBER One 9/14/11 Two 9/14/11 Three 9/14/11 a 1 PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: None 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) $724,500.80 ALTERNATE I. BID AMOUNT (Package B) $1,951,724.11 ALTERNATE 2 BID AMOUNT (Package C) $3,140,568.03 THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. • PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 201 1-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE(1)COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS,PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 • • PART 1 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS_ City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Proiect: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Carmel Date: September 21, 2011 To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety SEP-14-2011 ' 02 : 30 PSI CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P, 05/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE C Bid Date: September 21 at,2011 ADDENDUM#3 Subetantial Completion Date: Final Coripletion Date; TOTAL.AMOUNT $2,979,465.46 ITEM # DESCRIPTION . UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT , 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 32,000 1.60 51 ,200.00 2 9.5T B Surface tors 41,466 61 .60 2,529,426.00 Bad spots cut/removed aq•yd' 500 55.00 27,500.00 4 MiIIInA d. 262,458 1.07 2so,830.06 5 Butt Jointe s.f. 5.00 5.00 6 Blue Reflectors I ea. 192 „,.._5$,.Q,.9 11.13 ..Q0 7 4” Double Yellow Solid 52,728 0.60 31,636.80 " 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 2,156 0.70 1,509.20 9 4" Solid Yellow& 4" SkijYellow L.F. 3,450 0,38 1,311.00 10 4" Skis Yellow L.F. 218 0. 30 65.40 11 12" Yellow Crosshatch L.F. 448 5.25 2,352.00 12 4" Solid White L.F. 51,422 0.30 15,426.60 13 4" Ski White L.F. 3,676 0.30 1,102.80 14 6" White Crosshatch L.F. 208 3.40 707.20 15 12" White Crosshatch L.F. 77 5.25 404.25 18 8" White Crosswalk L.F. 1,481 3.40 5,035.40 17 24" White Stopbars L.F, 665 12.35 8,212, 75 .�. t,`, 18 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 38 154.00 5,852.00 19 "0121y.K ea. 21 160.00 3,360.00 20 24" White Piano Keys _ ea. 13 101 .oo 1,313.00 21 `Combination Arrows ea. 2 300.00 600.00 22 "School" ea, 2 240.00 480.00 TOTALS $2,979,465.4E� r. ' 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) 3 (1 f j tf ALTERNATE 1 BID AMOUNT (Package B) 02 5�) ALTERNATE 2 BID AMOUNT (Package C) '3 ) 9 Q4 , S6' 6,7 THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE(1) COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS r-- TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) ,2 -3 ALTERNATE 1 BID AMOUNT (Package B) f , 5q ALTERNATE 2 BID AMOUNT (Package C) 3 ) 4 , 3 . 7 THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: 2011 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) 9 ,23, qq71141 ALTERNATE 1 BIT? AMOUNT (Package B) 2 � , Coq ALTERNATE 2 BID AMOUNT (Package C) 3 ) zit 'D4 g(, , 47, 7 THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. PART 1 BIDDER JNFORMATION (Please Type or Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: Shelly and Sands, Inc 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: P.O. Box 655 CityNoblesvi l le State: IN Zip: 46061 Phone#: ( ) Fax#: 317-773-2351 317- 773-0799 1.3 Bidder is a/an[mark one]: Individual Partnership Indiana Corporation; xx Foreign (Out of State)Corporation; State: OH • Joint Venture Other: 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: Shelly and Sands, Inc .2 Address: 3570 River Road, Zanesville, OH 43702 .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: 12/13/1976 .4 Indiana.Registered Agent: Shelly and Sands, Inc Name: Matt Kelley, Vice President Address: 15215 River Road, Noblesville, IN 46061 PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Project Bid. The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the total sum of See Belowe Dollars ($ 3,42 4, 686.6 7 ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price. The Bidder further understands that all work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a lump sum basis and that the OWNER cannot and does not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of work to be performed or furnished under the Agreement. * Three Million, Four Hundred & Twenty-Four Thousand, Six Hundred & Eighty-Six dollars 67/100 Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE C Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM#3 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT: $3,162,236.00 Item# Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 AET OR AE 150 TAC GAL 32.000 $2.01 $64,320.00 2 9.5 TYPE B SURFACE TON 41,466 $67.56 $2,801,442.96 3 BAD SPOTS CUT/REMOVE SY 500 $131.02 $65,510.00 4 MILLING SY , 262,458 $0.88 $230,963.04 5 BUTT JOINTS LE 1 $3.56 $3.56 6 BLUE REFLECTORS EA 192 $31.72 $6,090.24 7 4" DOUBLE YELLOW SOLID LF 52,728 $0.74 $39,018.72 8 8" SOLID YELLOW LF 2,156 $1.69 $3,643.64 9 4" SOLID YELLOW &4"SKIP YELLOW LF 3,450 $0.37 $1,276.50 10 4"SKIP YELLOW i LF 218 $0.37 $80.66 11 12" YELLOW CROSSHATCH LF 448 $4.76, $2,132.48 12 4" SOLID WHITE LF 51,422 $0.37 $19,026.14 13 4" SKIP WHITE LF 3,676 $0.37 $1,360.12 14 6"WHITE CROSSHATCH LF 208 $1.85 $384.80 15 12"WHITE CROSSHATCH LF 77 $4.761 $366.52 16 6"WHITE CROSSWALK LF 1,481 $3.17 $4,694,77 17 24" WHITE STOPBARS LF 665 $10.05 $6,683.25 18 LANE INDICATOR ARROWS EA 38 $185.06 $7,032.28 19 "ONLYS" EA 21 $237.94 $4,996.74 20 24"WHITE PIANO KEYS EA 13 $100.46 $1,305.98 21 COMBINATION ARROWS EA 2 $317.25' $634.50 22 "SCHOOL" _ EA 2 $317.25 $634.50 TOTALS • TOWN OF CARMEL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT: $163,085.27 Item# Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total 1 CONCRETE CURB REPLACEMENT LF 4,124 $39.13 $161,372.12 2 4' MEDIAN LF 12 $63.45 $761.40 3 SIDEWALK SY 9 $105.75 $951.75 4 CALCIUM (1% PER CU. YD) $4.24 5 HIGH EARLY(1% PER CU. YD) $5.30 TOTALS PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE (1)COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS,PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Carmel Date: September 21 , 2011 To: City of Carmel,Indiana,Board of Public Works and Safety PART 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 3.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Agreement attached hereto and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 3.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM DATE NUMBER I ; , 3 9 //z/ lo PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall filly state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: % .se 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) $ 709,282.00 ALTERNATE 1 $1,849,885.71 BID AMOUNT (Package B) ALTERNATE 2 $2,902,758.77 BID AMOUNT (Package C) THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. t t BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Cannel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Cannel Date: SEPTEMBER 21, 2011 To: City of Carmel, Indiana,Board of Public Works and Safety A 1 • • PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Please Type or Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: MILESTONE CONTRACTORS, L.P. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address; 5950 SOUTH BELMONT AVENUE Ci : INDIANAPOLIS State: IN Zip: 46217 Phone#; (31)7 788-6885 FaX#: (31) 788-1098 1.3 Bidder is a/an Imark one]: LIMITED Individual x Partnership Indiana Corporation; Foreign(Out of State)Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other: 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.1 .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: r PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Project Bid. The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials,equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Docnrnents for the above described project, including any and all addenda thereto. for the total sum of SEVEN HUNDRED NINE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY-TWO AND. om oo Dollars ($ 7.09,262.00 ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price. The Bidder further understands that all work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a lump sum basis and that the OWNER cannot and does not guarantee the amount or gnantity of any item of work to be performed or furnished under the Agreement. • ,r Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE A Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #1 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $709,282.00 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 10,000 $1.50 $15,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 9,978 $55.00 $548,790.00 3 Bad Spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 $75.00 $37,500.00 sq.yd. 4 Milling 4,723 $4.00 $18,892.00 5 Butt Joints s.f. $10.00 $0.00 TOTALS $620,182.00 r CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE A BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 2,205 $40.00 $88,200.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 $100.00 $900.00 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) $4.00 $0.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) $5.00 $0.00 TOTALS $89,100.00 ! , 1 Project Name: 2011 - 2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE B Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #2 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $1,849,885.71 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AFT or AE 150 TAO gal 21,250 $1.00 $21,250.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 25,672 $56.00 $1,437,632.00 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 $75.00 $37,500.00 4 Milling sq.yd. 118,880 $1.00 $118,880.00 5 Butt Joints s.f. $10.00 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 $52.00 $9,984.00 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 4,550 $0.84 $3,822.00 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 858 $0.84 $720.72 9 4" Solid Yellow& 4" Skip Yellow L.F. 3,366 $0.42 $1,413.72 10 4" Solid White L.F. 311 $0.42 $130.62 11 4" Skip White L.F. 795 $0.42 - $333.90 12 6" White Crosshatch L.F. I 208 $2.50 $520.00 13 6" White Crosswalk L.F. 140 $2.50 $350.00 14 24" White Stopbars L.F. 225 $9.95 $2,238.75 15 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 12 $130.00 $1,560.00 16 "Only's" ea. 3 $165.00 $495.00 17 "School" ea. 2 $375.00 $750.00 TOTALS $1,637,580.71 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE B BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 5,665 $37.00 $209,605.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 27 $100.00 $2,700.00 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) $4.00 $0.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) $5.00 $0.00 TOTALS $212,305.00 F Project Name: 2011 - 2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE C Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #3 1 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $2,902,758.77 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 32,000 $1.00 $32,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 41,466 $55.75 $2,311,729.50 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 $75.00 $37,500.00 4 Milling sq.yd. 262,458 $1.00 $262,458.00 5 Butt Joints s.f. $10.00 $0.00 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 $52.00 $9,984.00 - '7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 52,728 $0.84 $44,291.52 8 8" Solid Yellow L,F. 2156 $0.84 $1,811.04 9 4" Solid Yellow & 4" Skip Yellow L.F, 3,450 $0.42 $1,449.00 10 4" Skip Yellow L.F, 218 $0.65 $141.70 11 12" Yellow Crosshatch L.F. 448 $4.98 $2,231.04 12 4" Solid White L.F. 51,422 $0.42 $21,597.24 13 4" Skip White L.F. 3,676 $0.42 $1,543.92 14 6" White Crosshatch L.F. 208 $2.50 $520.00 15 12" White Crosshatch L.F. 77 $4.98 $383.46 16 6" White Crosswalk L.F. 1,481 $2.50 $3,702.50 17 24" White Stopbars L.F. 665 $9.95 $6,616.75 18 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 38 $130.00 $4,940.00• 19 "Only's" ea. 21 $165.00 $3,465.00 20 24" White Piano Keys ea. 13 $59.70 $776.10 21 Combination Arrows ea. 2 $330.00 $660.00 22 "School" ea. 2 $375.00 $750.00 TOTALS $2,748,550.77 CITY OF CARM EL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 4,124 $37.00 $152,588.00 2 4' median If. 12 $60.00 $720.00 - 3 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 $1oo.00 $900.00 4 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) $4.00 $0.00 5 High Early (1% per Cu. yd.) $5.00 Moo TOTALS $154,208.00 1 . PART 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 3.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Agreement attached hereto and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 3.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM DATE NUMBER #1 SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 #2 SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 #3 SEPTEMBER 14, 2011 r •1 PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: NONE 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) $ 812,999.19 ALTERNATE 1 BID AMOUNT (Package B) $ 2,153,114.49 ALTERNATE 2 BID AMOUNT (Package C) $ 3,289,137.70 • THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE (1)COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS, PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 • r BIDDER'S ITEED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Carmel Date: Settarter 21, 2011 To: City of Carmel,Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Please Type or Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: E & B Paving, Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 17042 nistuotckzu Atime City: Noblesville State: IN Zip: 46060 Phone#: (31 ' 773-4132 Fax#: t317)773-4137 1.3 Bidder is a/an[mark one]: Individual _ Partnership )0C Indiana Corporation; Foreign(Out of State) Corporation; State: ; Joint Venture Other: 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: PART 2 BID PROPOSAL, 2. 1 Project Bid. The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the total sum of Dollars ($ ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price. The Bidder further understands that all work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a lump sum basis and that the OWNER cannot and does not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of work to be performed or furnished under the Agreement. Ng. A - $ 812,999.19 Eight Harked Ttmle T rumt d, Nice Harked Nicety-Nice dollars and Nineteen cants (19/103) Pkg. B - $ 2,153,114A9 T+lao 1Mi11iar, Qre Hizeel Fifty-Three mod, Cre Harked Ft rt an dollars a3 Rrty- ine cents (449/130) . C - $ 3,289,137.7 D Thr Mill irn, Itao .art e:1 Eiglity-Nire ithumanel, (h -Ethelred Thixty,%vet dollars and eva7ty cents (70/1C0) CITY OF CARMEN PACKAGE A BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete Curb Replacement 2205 LF $ 53.90 $ 118,849.50 2 Sidewalk 9 SY $ 114.01 $ 1,026.09 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 CY $ 2.50 $ 4 High Early(1% per cu. yd.) 0 CY $ 3.50 $ - TOTALS $ 119,875.59 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE A BID TABULATION SHEET ADDENDUM #1 Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $ 693,123.60 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAG 10000 gal $ 0.10 $ 1,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface 9978 tons $ 63.95 $ 638,093.10 3 Bad Spots cut/ removed 500 sys $ 75.00 $ 37,500.00 4 Milling 4723 sys $ 3.50 $ 16,530.50 5 Butt Joints 0 S.F. '$ 1.70 TOTALS $ 693,123.60 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE B BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete Curb Replacement 5665 LF $ 49.80 $ 282,117.00 2 Sidewalk 27 LF $ 78.14 $ 2,109.7$ 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 SY $ 2.50 $ - 4 High Early(1% per cu. yd.) 0 CY $ 3.50 $ - TOTALS $ 284,226.78 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE B BID TABULATION SHEET ADDENDUM#2 Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $ 1,868,887.71 ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC 21250 gal $ 0.10 $ 2,125.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface 25672 tons $ 64.50 $ 1,655,844.00 3 Bad Spots cut/removed 500 sys $ 80.00 $ 40,000.00 4 Milling 118880 sys $ 1.25 $ 148,600.00 5 Butt Joints 0 SF $ 1.62 $ - 6 Blue Reflectors 192 EA $ 52.00 $ 9,984.00 7 4" Double Yellow Solid 4550 LF $ 0.84 $ 3,822.00 8 8" Solid Yellow 858 _ LF $ 0.84 $ 720.72 9 4"Solid Yellow 8 4"Skip Yellow 3366 LF $ 0.42 $ 1,413.72 10 4"Solid White 311 LF $ 0.42 $ 130.62 11 4"Skip White 795 LF $ 0.42 $ 333.90 12 6"White Crosshatch 208 LF $ 2.50 $ 520.00 13 _ 6"White Crosswalk 140 LF $ 2.50 $ 350.00 14 24"White Stopbars 225 LF $ 9.95 $ 2,238.75 15 Lane Indicator Arrows 12 EA $ 130.00 $ 1,560.00 16 "Only's" 3 EA $ 165.00 $ 495.00 17 "School" 2 Ea $ 375.00 $ 750.00 TOTALS $ 1,868,887.71 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 - 2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM# DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete Curb Replacement 4124 LF $ 46.90 $ 193,415,60 2 4' Median 12 LF $ 65.84 $ 790.08 3 Sidewalk 9 SY $ 78.14 $ 703.26 4 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 CY $ 2.50 $ - 5 High Early(1% per cu. yd.) 0 CY $ 3.50 $ - TOTALS $ 194,908.94 • CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET ADDENDUM#3 Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $ 3,094,228.76 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC 32000 gal $ 0.10 $ 3,200.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface 41466 tons $ 63.15 $ 2,618,577.90_ 3 Bad Spots cut/removed 500 sys $ 100.00 $ 50,000.00 4 Milling 262458 sys $ 1.25 $ 328,072.50 5 Butt Joints 0 SF $ 1.62 $ - 6 Blue Reflectors ; 192 EA $ 79.55 $ 15,273.60 7 4"Double Yellow Solid 52728 LF $ 0,60 $ 31,373.16 8 8" Solid Yellow 2156 ' LF $ 0.70 $_ 1,509.20 9 4" Solid Yellow&4" Skip Yellow 3450 LF $ 0.38 $ 1,311.00 10 4" Skip Yellow 218 LF $ 0.30 $ 65.40 11 12" Yellow Crosshatch 448 LF $ 5.25 $ 2,352.00 12 4" Solid White 51422 LF $ 0.30 $ 15,426.60 13 4" Skip White 3676 LF $ 0.30 $ 1,102.80 14 6" White Crosshatch 208 LF ., . $ 3.40 707.20 15 12" White Crosshatch 77 LF $ 5.25 $ 404.25 16 6"White Crosshatch" 1481 LF $ 3.40 s,,$ 5,035.40 17 24"White Stopbars 665 LF $ 12.35 $ 8,212.75 18 Lane Indicator Arrows 38 EA $ 154.00 $ 5,852,00 19 "Only's" 21 EA $ 160.00 $ 3,36.0.00 20 24" White Piano Keys 13 EA $ 101.00 $ 1,313.00 21 COmbination Arrows 2 EA $ 300.00 $ 600.00 22 "School" 2 EA $ 240.00 $ 480.00 TOTALS $ 3,094,228.76 PART 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 3.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Agreement attached hereto and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 3.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM DATE NUMBER 1 _ 33pteis- 14, 2011 2r 14, 2011 3 S 1eres 14, 2011 PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: NSA ; 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) $ 756,309.80 ALTERNATE 1 BID AMOUNT (Package B) $ 1,944,652.67 ALTERNATE 2 $ 2,953,834.42 BID AMOUNT (Package C) THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. SEP-14-2011 02 : 43 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P, 03/05 '0 Project Name: 2011 -2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE A Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #1 Substantial Completion Date: Flnal Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $756,309.80 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal , 10,000 2.00 20,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 9,978 61. 10 609,655.80 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 60.00 30,000.00 4 Milling sq.yd. 4,723 3.00 14,169.00 5 Butt Joints s.f. 0 2.00 0.00 TOTALS 673,824.80 • t � CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE A BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 2,205 37.00 81,585.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 100.00 900.00 3 Calcium (1°/o per cu. yd.) 0 4.00 0.00 0 5.00 0.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS 82,485.00 _ SEP-14-2011 02 : 43 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P. 04/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE B Bid Date: September 21st,2011 ADDENDUM #2 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $1 ,944,652.67 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC _gal 21,250 2.00 42,500.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 25,672 59.48 1,526,970.56 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 60.00 30,000.00 4 Milling sq.yd. 118,880 0.93 110,558.40 5 Butt Joints s.f. 0 2.00 0.00 4 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 52.00 9,984.00 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 4,550 .84 3,822.00 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 858 .84 720.72 9 4" Solid Yellow& 4" Skip Yellow L.F. 3,366 .42 1,413.72 10 4" Solid White L.F. 311 .42 I . 11 4" Skip White L.F. 795 .42 333.90 12 6" White Crosshatch L.F. 208 2.50 520.00 13 6" White Crosswalk L.F. 140 2.50 350.00 14 24" White Stopbars L.F. 225 9.95 2,238.75 fr 15 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 12 130.00 1.560.00 16 "Only's" ea. 3 165.00 495.00 17 "School" ea. 2 375.00 750.00 TOTALS 1,732,347.67 { CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE B BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 5,665 37.00 209,605.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 27 100.00 2,700.00 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 4.00 0.00 0 5.00 0.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS 212,305.00 SEP-.14-2011 02 : 43 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P, 05/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE C Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM #3 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $2,953,834.42 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 32,000 2.00 64,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 41,466 57.84 2,398,393.44 3 _Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 60.00 30,000.00 4 Milling sq.yd. 262,458 .81 212,590.98 5 Butt Joints s.f. 0 2.00 0.00 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 79.55 15,273.60 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 52,728 .60 31,636.80, 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 2,156 .70 1,509.20 9 4" Solid Yellow & 4" Ski• Yellow L.F. 3,450 .38 1 ,311 .00 10 4" Skip Yellow L.F. 218 .30 65.40, 11 12" Yellow Crosshatch L.F. 448 5.25 2,352.00 12 4" Solid White L.F. 51,422 .30 15,426.60 13 4" Skip White L.F. 3,676 .30 1,102.80 14 6" White Crosshatch L.F. 208 3.40 707.20 15 12" White Crosshatch L.F. 77 5.25 404.25 16 6" White Crosswalk L.F. 1,481 3.40 5,035.40 17 24" White Stopbars L.F. 665 12.35 8,212.75 18 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 38 154.00 5,852.00 19 "Only's" ea. 21 160.00 3,360.00 20 24" White Piano Keys ea. 13 101.00 1,313.00 21 Combination Arrows ea. 2 300.00 600.00 22 "School" ea. 2 240.00 480.00 TOTALS 2,799,626.42 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 - 2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 4,124 37.00 152,588.00 2 4' median If. 12 60.00 720.00 100.00 900.00 3 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 4 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 4.00 0.00 0 5.00 0.00 5 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS 154,208.00 ('RJTHfRILEY WW vv.rie thrile,y.com STATEMENT OF LOCAL INDIANA BUSINESS STATUS AND CLAIM OF PRICE PREFERENCE UNDER l.C.36-1-12-22 Contract Number: Contract Name: 2011 2012 Paving Program The undersigned hereby states that: Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. is comprised of several regional business divisions ("Divisions") in Indiana. Each Division is separately responsible for (1) performing certain managerial and administrative activities, (2) maintaining business operations, (3) profit/loss performance, and (4) compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. A. Local Indiana Business Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. - Indianapolis Division ("Rieth-Riley - Indianapolis Division"), pursuant to LC. 36-1-12-22 (the "Public Works Buy Local Law"), is a "local Indiana business" pursuant to one or more of the following(check boxes of all that apply): 1. ® The principal place of business of Rieth-Riley-Indianapolis Division is located at the address set forth below,which location is in an "affected county", i.e. a county in which the political subdivision awarding the contract is located or a county adjacent to said county, as said term is defined by the Public Works Buy Local Law: a. 1751 W. Minnesota St. Indianapolis, Marion County, IN, 46205; 2. ❑ Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division pays a majority of its payroll (in dollar volume) to residents of affected counties; 3. ❑ Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division employs residents of affected counties as a majority of its employees; 4. ® Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division is a business that makes significant capital investments in the affected counties,as defined in rules adopted by the political subdivision awarding the contract. [Request copy of any such rules from the applicable political subdivision prior to bidding, and attach supporting documentation] 5. ® Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division is a business that has a substantial economic impact on the affected counties,as defined in rules adopted by the political subdivision awarding the contract. [Request copy of any such rules from the applicable political subdivision prior to bidding,and attach supporting documentation] 1 06/27/11 Ed. Attached hereto are copies of supporting documentation for A(4-5)above,as applicable. B. Claim of Price Preference Rieth-Riley— Indianapolis Division, as a local Indiana business, hereby claims the price preference provided in the Public Works Buy Local Law for the above contract and provides the following information as required under said law: 1. The principal place of business of Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division is located at the address set forth below. Rieth-Riley— Indianapolis Division considers this location to be its principal place of business for the reasons set forth in Section A above and based on the fact that its managers and employees responsible for its operations are based at said address. a. 1751 W. Minnesota St. Indianapolis, Marion County, IN, 46206; 2. The amount of Rieth-Riley—Indianapolis Division's total payroll is $13,775,300.00. The amount of Rieth- Riley—Indianapolis Division's payroll paid to residents of affected counties is$5,137,147.00. 3. The total number of Rieth-Riley— Indianapolis Division's employees is 470. The number of Rieth-Riley— Indianapolis Division's employees who are residents of affected counties is 198. 4. ® Rieth-Riley—Indianapolis Division claims the preference as a local Indiana business under subsection A(4) above, and attached hereto is the description and amount of the capital investments made by Rieth- Riley in the affected counties. (check box if applicable) 5. ® Rieth-Riley—Indianapolis Division claims the preference as a local Indiana business under subsection A(5) above, and attached hereto is a description of the substantial positive economic impact made by Rieth-Riley in the affected counties. (check box if applicable) Attached hereto are copies of supporting documentation for B(4-5)above,as applicable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Statement of Local Indiana Business Status and Claim of Price Preference is hereby executed on behalf of Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc.—Indianapolis Division this 21st day of September,2011. RIETH-RILEY CONSTRUCTION CO-, a Ix IPP P- I Ta ••iana Opera ions 2 06/27/11 Ed. Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. Significant Capital Invesment in Affected Counties ** Item 4 Listed below is a description and amount of the capital investments in the affected counties made by the Rieth-Riley Indianapolis Division. Capital Investment in : Hamilton County Land & Buildings: $1,644,628 Machinery & Equipment: $15,568,060 Total Capital Investment $17,212,688 ** Affected Counties: each entry incorporates the data for that awarding county, plus all counties adjacent to that county Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. Substantial Economic Impact in Affected Counties ** Item 5 Listed below is a description and amount of the substantial economic impact in the affected counties made by the Rieth-Riley Indianapolis Division. Substantial Economic Impact in : Hamilton County Work Performed in Affected Counties(prior year) $17,742,726 Capital Investment $17,212,688 Total Payroll $4,484,929 County Withholding Taxes $63,510 Property Taxes $98,132 Total $39,601,985 ** Affected Counties: each entry incorporates the data for that awarding county, plus all counties adjacent to that county 1 PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE (1)COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS,PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 • BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Carmel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Carmel Date: September 21, 2011 To: City of Carmel,Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Please Type or Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: Rieth-Riley Construction Co. , Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 1751 W. Minnesota Street City:Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46221 Phone#:017) 634-5561 Fax #: (317) 631-6423 1.3 Bidder is a/an[mark one]: Individual Partnership x Indiana Corporation; Foreign(Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other: 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Project Bid. The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the total sum of See attached proposal Dollars ($ ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price. The Bidder further understands that all work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a lump sum basis and that the OWNER cannot and does not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of work to be performed or furnished under the Agreement. • PART 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 3.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Agreement attached hereto and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 3.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM DATE NUMBER 1 9/14/2011 2 9/14/2011 3 9/14/2011 PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: None DUPLICATE 2011 / 2012 PAVING TOTALS TOTAL BID AMOUNT (Package A) $ 756,309.80 ALTERNATE 1 BID AMOUNT (Package B) � ,944, 52.67 ALTERNATE 2 $2,953,834.42 BID AMOUNT (Package C) THIS IS TO BE THE FIRST PAGE OF ENTIRE BID. SEP-14-2011 02 : 43 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P, 03/05 Project Name: 2011 -2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE A Bid Date: September 21st,2011 ADDENDUM #1 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $756,309.80 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 10,000 2.00 20,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 9,978 61.10 609,655.80 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 60.00 30,000.00 4 Millin sq.yd. 4 723 3.00 14,169.00 5 Butt Joints s.f. 0 2.00 0.00 TOTALS 67 3,824.80 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE A BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 - 2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: i ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 2,205 37.00 81,585.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 100.00 900.00 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 4.00 0.00 0 5.00 0.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS 82,485.00 SEP-14-2011 02 : 43 PM CARMEL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P. 04/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SHEET PACKAGE B Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 ADDENDUM 02 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNT $1,944,652.67 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 _AET or AE 150 TAC gal 21,250 2.00 42,500.00 2 _9.5 Type B Surface ton 25,672 59.48 1,526,970.56 3 Bad spots cut/removed sq.yd. 500 60.00 30,000.00 4 Milling sq.yd. 118,880 0.93 110,558.40 5 Butt Joints s.f. 0 2.00 0.00 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 52.00 9,984.00 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 4,550 .84 3,822.00 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 858 .84 720.72 9 4" Solid Yellow& 4" Skip Yellow L.F. 3,366 .42 1,413.72 10 4" Solid White L.F. 311 .42 I .2 11 _4" Skip White L.F. 795 .42 333.90 12 6" White Crosshatch L.F. 208 2.50 520.00 13 6" White Crosswalk L.F. 140 2.50 350.00 14 24" White Sto•bars L.F. 225 9.95 2,238.75 15 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 12 130.00 1,560.00 16 "Only's" ea. 3 165.00 495.00 17 "School" ea. 2 375.00 750.00 TOTALS L,732,347.67 CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE B BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # . DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 5,665 37.00 209,605.00 2 Sidewalk sq.yd. 27 100.00 2,700.00 3 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 4.00 0.00 0 5.00 0.00 4 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS 212,305.00 SEP- 14-2011 02: 43 PH CARREL STREET DEPT 317 733 2005 P, 05/05 Project Name: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BID TABULATION SKEET PACKAGE C Bid Date: September 21st,2011 ADDENDUM #3 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: TOTAL AMOUNTf2,953,834.42 ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY, UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 AET or AE 150 TAC gal 32,000 2.00 64,000.00 2 9.5 Type B Surface ton 41,466 57.84 2,398,393.44 Bad s is cutlremoved sq.yd' 500 60.00 30,000.00 4 Milling sq. d. 262,458 .81 212,590.98 5 Butt Joints s. 0 2.00 0.00 6 Blue Reflectors ea. 192 79.55 15,273.60 7 4" Double Yellow Solid L.F. 52,728 .60 _. 31,636.80 8 8" Solid Yellow L.F. 2,156 .70 1,509.20 9 4" Solid Yellow 8 4" Ski. Yellow L.F. 3,460 .38 1 ,311.00 10 4" Skis Yellow L.F. 218 .30 65.40 11 12" Yellow Crosshatch L.F. 448 5.25 2,352.00 12 4" Solid White L.F. 51,422 .30 15,426.60 13 4" Skip White L.F. 3,676 .30 1 ,102.80 14 6" White Crosshatch L.F. _ 208 3.40 707.20 15 12" White Crosshatch L.F. 77 5.25 404.25 16 6" White Crosswalk L.F. 1,481 3.40 5,035.40 17 24" White Sto•bars L.F. 665 12.35 8 212.75 18 Lane Indicator Arrows ea. 38 154.00 5,852.00 19 "Only's" ea. 21 160.00 3,360.00 20 24" White Piano Keys ea. 13 _101.00 1.,_313.004 21 Cornbination Arrows ea, 2 300.00 600.00 22 "School" ea. 2 240.00 480.00 TOTALS _ 2,799,626.42 • CITY OF CARMEL PACKAGE C BID TABULATION SHEET Project Name: 2011 -2012 Paving Program Bid Date: September 21st, 2011 Substantial Completion Date: Final Completion Date: ITEM # DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Concrete curb replacement If. 4,124 37.00 152,588.00 2 4' median If. 12 60.00 720.00 100.00 900.00 3 Sidewalk sq.yd. 9 4 Calcium (1% per cu. yd.) 0 4.00 0.00 0 5.00 0.00 5 High Early (1% per cu. yd.) TOTALS 154,208.00 I TH- /LEY www.riethriley.com STATEMENT OF LOCAL INDIANA BUSINESS STATUS AND CLAIM OF PRICE PREFERENCE UNDER I.C. 36-1-12-22 Contract Number: Contract Name: 2011 2012 Paving Program The undersigned hereby states that: Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. is comprised of several regional business divisions ("Divisions") in Indiana. Each Division is separately responsible for (1) performing certain managerial and administrative activities, (2) maintaining business operations, (3) profit/loss performance, and (4) compliance with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations. A. Local Indiana Business Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. - Indianapolis Division ("Rieth-Riley - Indianapolis Division"), pursuant to I.C. 36-1-12-22 (the "Public Works Buy Local Law"), is a "local Indiana business" pursuant to one or more of the following(check boxes of all that apply): 1. ® The principal place of business of Rieth-Riley-Indianapolis Division is located at the address set forth below, which location is in an "affected county", i.e. a county in which the political subdivision awarding the contract is located or a county adjacent to said county, as said term is defined by the Public Works Buy Local Law: a. 1751 W. Minnesota St. Indianapolis, Marion County, IN,46206; 2. ❑ Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division pays a majority of its payroll (in dollar volume) to residents of affected counties; 3. ❑ Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division employs residents of affected counties as a majority of its employees; 4. ® Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division is a business that makes significant capital investments in the affected counties,as defined in rules adopted by the political subdivision awarding the contract. [Request copy of any such rules from the applicable political subdivision prior to bidding, and attach supporting documentation] 5. ® Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division is a business that has a substantial economic impact on the affected counties,as defined in rules adopted by the political subdivision awarding the contract. [Request copy of any such rules from the applicable political subdivision prior to bidding, and attach supporting documentation) 1 06/27/11 Ed. Attached hereto are copies of supporting documentation for A(4-5)above,as applicable. B. Claim of Price Preference Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division, as a local Indiana business, hereby claims the price preference provided in the Public Works Buy Local Law for the above contract and provides the following information as required under said law: 1. The principal place of business of Rieth-Riley — Indianapolis Division is located at the address set forth below. Rieth-Riley—Indianapolis Division considers this location to be its principal place of business for the reasons set forth in Section A above and based on the fact that its managers and employees responsible for its operations are based at said address. a. 1751 W. Minnesota St. Indianapolis, Marion County, IN, 46206; 2. The amount of Rieth-Riley--Indianapolis Division's total payroll is$13,775,300.00. The amount of Rieth- Riley—Indianapolis Division's payroll paid to residents of affected counties is$5,137,147.00. 3. The total number of Rieth-Riley— Indianapolis Division's employees is 470. The number of Rieth-Riley— Indianapolis Division's employees who are residents of affected counties is 198. 4. Z Rieth-Riley—Indianapolis Division claims the preference as a local Indiana business under subsection A(4) above, and attached hereto is the description and amount of the capital investments made by Rieth- Riley in the affected counties.(check box if applicable) 5. ® Rieth-Riley—Indianapolis Division claims the preference as a local Indiana business under subsection A(S) above, and attached hereto is a description of the substantial positive economic impact made by Rieth-Riley in the affected counties. (check box if applicable) Attached hereto are copies of supporting documentation for B(4-5)above,as applicable. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Statement of Local Indiana Business Status and Claim of Price Preference is hereby executed on behalf of Rieth-Riley Construction Co.,Inc.—Indianapolis Division this 21st day of September, 2011. RIETH-RILEY CONSTRUCTIO . • , ...--- • ..../A(IrrelliVir P. I Ta TIF .,. .. r.iana Opera ions 2 05/27/11 Ed. Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. Significant Capital Invesment in Affected Counties ** Item 4 Listed below is a description and amount of the capital investments in the affected counties made by the Rieth-Riley Indianapolis Division. Capital Investment in : Hamilton County Land & Buildings: $1,644,628 Machinery& Equipment: $15,568,060 Total Capital Investment $17,212,688 ** Affected Counties: each entry incorporates the data for that awarding county, plus all counties adjacent to that county Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. Substantial Economic Impact in Affected Counties ** Item 5 Listed below is a description and amount of the substantial economic impact in the affected counties made by the Rieth-Riley Indianapolis Division. Substantial Economic Impact in : Hamilton County Work Performed in Affected Counties(prior year) $17,742,726 Capital Investment $17,212,688 Total Payroll $4,484,929 County Withholding Taxes $63,510 Property Taxes $98,132 Total $39,601,985 ** Affected Counties: each entry incorporates the data for that awarding county, plus all counties adjacent to that county PROPOSAL PACKAGE FOR CITY OF CARMEL,INDIANA BY AND THROUGH ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY PROJECT: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM BIDDER SHALL RETURN THIS ORIGINAL PROPOSAL AND ONE (1)COPY OF THE ENTIRE PROPOSAL PACKAGE WITH BID IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS,PLEASE CONTACT DAVE HUFFMAN AT 733-2001 BIDDER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Cannel Instructions To Bidders: This form shall be utilized by all Bidders. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Street Department 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM Proposal For: 2011-2012 PAVING PROGRAM City of Carmel Date: September 21, 2011 To: City of Carmel,Indiana,Board of Public Works and Safety PART 1 BIDDER INFORMATION (Please Type or Print) 1.1 Bidder Name: Rieth-Riley Construction Co. , Inc. 1.2 Bidder Address: Street Address: 1751 W. Minnesota Street City: Indianapolis State: IN Zip: 46221 Phone#: 017) 634-5561 Fax #: (317) 631-6423 1.3 Bidder is a/an[mark one]: Individual Partnership x Indiana Corporation; Foreign(Out of State) Corporation; State: • Joint Venture Other: 1.4 [The following must be answered if the Bidder or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana,foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: PART 2 BID PROPOSAL 2.1 Project Bid. The undersigned Bidder proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the total sum of See attached proposal Dollars ($ ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price. The Bidder further understands that all work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a lump sum basis and that the OWNER cannot and does not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of work to be performed or furnished under the Agreement. • • PART 3 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 3.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Agreement attached hereto and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 3.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM DATE NUMBER 1 9/14/2011 2 9/14/2011 3 9/14/2011 • PART 4 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders: 4.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 4.3 of this Part. 4.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 4.3 Exceptions: None