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Date: Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Place: Dept. of Community Services Conference Room, 3rd Floor, Carmel City Hall.
Time: 9:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m. Docket No. 14070011 DP/ADLS: McDonald's at The Bridges.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a 4,766 sq. ft. restaurant building with dual drive thrus. The
site is located at approximately 11550 N. Illinois St. It is zoned The Bridges PUD/Planned Unit Development.
Filed by Blair Carmosino of The Carmosino Group, Inc. on behalf of McDonald’s USA, LLC.
Blair Carmosino with The Carmosino Group, George Lukas with Landwater Group, and Gil Cooke with
McDonald’s presented the project.
Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office
- Letter sent. No further comments.
Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light
- Mr. Davenport said once IP&L finalizes the location of the transformer, a 15-foot easement will be required.
Mr. Davenport said Rodney Johnson with IP&L will be the contact on this project.
John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department
- Mr. Thomas said this project will require a storm water permit, and added that the Storm Water Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will need to be submitted in the City of Carmel. This plan is currently in the state
of Indiana’s format. Mr. Thomas said there is currently a pipe stub at this location that will need to be
protected at the initial grading. There will also need to be perimeter controls and a construction entrance,
and a bond will be required for construction. Mr. Thomas said regarding the water service to the trash area,
if this service is in place to wash down the dumpsters, there will need to be proper controls in place.
Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department
- Mr. Duncan said regarding the north entrance, if the median can be extended further to the east, it would be a
good thing.
Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building & Code Services
- No comments.
Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning
- Full comments will be sent soon. Some of the comments will include the Urban Forester’s requirement of a
parking lot perimeter planting strip, and the architecture on the cornice detailing. Ms. Conn said these are
the only two large issues, the rest being minor details.
Ryan Hartman – Clay Township Regional Waste District
- Comments sent. Mr. Hartman asked the developers to make sure they are using CTRWD standards for
sanitary sewer, rather than Carmel Utilities standards. Mr. Hartman also said if there is an exterior dumpster
connected to the sanitary sewer, the dumpster would need to be covered, as well as routed through the grease
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9:15 a.m. Docket No. 14090008 PP: 1800 106th Street Minor Subdivision.
The applicant seeks primary plat approval for 2 lots on 1.469 acres. The site is located at 1800 W. 106th Street. It
is zoned S-1/Residence and partially lies within the Floodplain. Filed by Mark Zukerman, on behalf of 1800 106th
Street Partners, LLC.
Mark Zukerman with MZA and Jacob Hoffman with Banning Engineering presented the project. Mr. Zukerman
said they have owned the property for 5-6 years, and originally purchased the property to get the sanitary sewer
from the well run interceptor which is between the property and Crooked Stick, on the north side of the creek, to
the Woodhall Lane development, which is just on the south side of 106th Street. Mr. Zukerman said after this
work, the developers wanted to get a petition on file prior to the annexation, at which time Carmel bought a 50-
foot strip of land for a right-of-way. Mr. Zukerman said the total size of the lot to be divided is about 1.5 acres,
and when complete, each lot should be able to contain a 3,000-3,500 square foot house.
Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office
- Mr. Hoyes said the ditch behind the property is now a regulated drain.
Rodney Johnson – Indianapolis Power & Light
- Mr. Johnson said they will need to meet on site to talk about engineering. No comments at this time.
Dan Davenport – Indianapolis Power & Light
- Mr. Davenport said the facilities that will be feeding this site are across the street on the north side of 106th
John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department
- Project will still need to be reviewed.
Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department
- Mr. Duncan said the department will need to meet to discuss this, as it will most likely exceed the threshold
required for storm water detention and quality. Mr. Duncan said variances will most likely be required, and
added that other similar projects in the past have provided storm water quality and storm water detention on
the property and these were taken care of during the primary plat process. Mr. Zukerman said they will be
happy to provide the department what they need, but since they are not sure how to do it, they are asking for
help from the department.
Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building & Code Services
- Mr. Mishler said if there are questions regarding the flood plain issues, the developers can contact Jim
Blanchard, the Building Commissioner, who is the flood administrator for the City of Carmel.
Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning
- Comments sent. Ms. Conn said there are about 8 comments remaining and they deal primarily with
procedural issues.
Ryan Hartman – Clay Township Regional Waste District
- Mr. Hartman asked if there are two lateral stubs left on the property. Mr. Zukerman said he has called
TranCo, and was told there were two put in, but the plans only show one, and it’s in a different location than
previously thought. Mr. Zukerman asked if Mr. Hartman could help set up someone to come in and televise
the lines. Mr. Hartman said he has some contacts he can share to get this done.
9:25 a.m. Docket No. 14090009 Z: Midtown Carmel PUD Rezone.
The applicant seeks approval to rezone 15.36 acres from I-1, B-1, B-2, C-2, and Carmel Dr. – Rangeline Rd.
Overlay, to PUD/Planned Unit Development. The applicant proposes a mixed-use development with residential,
commercial, office, and open space uses. The site is located at approximately 444 S. Rangeline Rd. and extends
all the way to the Monon Greenway. Filed by Andrew Greenwood of Old Town Development, LLC.
Justin Moffett and Andrew Greenwood with Old Town Design Group presented the project. Mr. Moffett said
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this project is currently in the initial design stages and the developer is trying to develop the text for the PUD.
Mr. Moffett said this project will include approximately 8 different buildings, including multiple parking garages.
Greg Hoyes – Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office
- Letter sent. Mr. Hoyes said the Follett-Morrow drain controls this area from Rangeline Road to the Monon
Trail and also from City Center Drive north.
John Thomas – City of Carmel Engineering Department
- Mr. Thomas said two things that would need to be addressed at this stage are the environmental assessments
due to the dry cleaner on site, and also the ground water table and what type of pumping will be required for
the parking garages. Mr. Moffett said the current plan is to not create Sophia Square type garages, as the
idea of jet engine pumps being required to keep the area drained is not exciting to the developers. Mr.
Moffett said the developers have been meeting bi-weekly with Mike Hollibaugh, Jeremy Kashman, Corrie
Meyer with the CRC, and John Duffy talking about a larger vision for the district and the possibility of
incorporating community-wide storm water management system within the right-of-ways. Mr. Moffett said
Old Town Design Group has also done consulting with Williams Creek, and added that this may end up
being a City of Carmel project that Old Town Design Group will contribute towards.
Gary Duncan – City of Carmel Engineering Department
- Mr. Duncan said the one comment he had was the roadway type C for First Avenue with 10-foot lanes
seemed narrow to him, and these may need to be slightly wider given that First Avenue will eventually go
from Smoky Row all the way to Carmel Drive. Mr. Duncan said as long as it is consistent, it should be fine,
but the department would prefer to not see a bottleneck if this is too narrow. Mr. Duncan said it may be
more efficient to write into the PUD to allow parking lots in easements and other things that will be built as
to avoid having to file variances at a later time. Mr. Moffett said there will be multiple park areas within the
development, and the first building, a 60,000 square foot office building, has a tenant that would like to be in
by August of 2016, which means this would need to be under construction by the summer of 2015.
Nick Mishler – City of Carmel Building & Code Services
- No comments.
Angie Conn – City of Carmel Planning & Zoning
- Comments will be sent soon. Ms. Conn said some of the main issues are regarding open spaces, right-of-way
width and what is within the right-of-way. Ms. Conn said the department would like to also know more
about the overall storm water plan for Williams Creek, and there will be comments related to the
architecture, including the incorporation of building based landscaping.
Ryan Hartman – Clay Township Regional Waste District
- This project is outside CTRWD service area.