HomeMy WebLinkAbout238115 10/15/2014 vY �� CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 120950 t� ,• ONE CIVIC SQUARE DOUGLAS HANEY CHECK AMOUNT: $""****"121.66* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 C/O DEPT OF LAW CHECK NUMBER: 238115 ''ltoi!"�°,r: C/O DEPT OF LAW CHECK DATE: 10/15/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1180 4343002 17.50 EXTERNAL TRAINING TRA 1180 4343004 104.16 TRAVEL PER DIEMS I I PRESCRIBED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS GENERAL FORM NO.101(1966) MILEAOk, CLAIM TO- noua� as (GOVERNMENTAL UNIT) ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION NO. M"3b FOR ('G VP l Per IJ l Q BVI -� (OFFICE,BOARD,DEPARTMENT OR INSTITUTIOhJ DATEI FROM TO SPR EDIOMET+ q R AUTO MIL AGE a?I NATURE OF BUSINESS MILES @ 000 s 1 POINT POINT START FINISH TRAVELED PER MILE 3a .z M LA gm 0 a a s(\ t o I - �nG� 5 50 nvc� an`�n �3 l Cau 3 a qa I r\ `AUTO LICENSE NO. TOTALS /oy , UP ¢ SPEEDOMETER READING columns are to be used only when distance between points cannot be determined by fixed mileage or official highway map. Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of.Chapter 155,Acts 1953, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits , -and that no part of the same has been paid. Ii Date r o I Claim No. Warrant No. I have examined the within claim and hereby IN FAVOR OF certify as follows: That it is in proper form. L n That it is duly authenticated as required by law . That it is based upon statutory authority. That it is apparently correct { incorrect $ L � I On Account of Appropriation No. Disbursing Officer 3ab for p N " m n N g Allowed , 19_ k a ]r � in the sum of $ b " tom M ►1 01 M MM c P `0 M M NIL ao 0 (Board or Commission) am a FILEDID N � p" p rAto Q �i M H (Official Title) p ,, m A o m tQ C .(D A.E.BOYCE CO.,INC.MUNCIE,IN 01M �• Q+ �> Capital Center Garage 251 N. Illinois St. Indianapol.is, IN 46204- Fee 6204Fee Computer Number.- `t` - ` .T 1 Cashier: Neil ID #2 Transaction-Number: _— — – - 31 ;,'Entered: 09/19/14- 08:51 :Exited: 09/19/14 17:15 ;;Ticket #73534 Dispenser #2 Rate: Area 1 Total Fee: $16.00 'Cash: •$ 6.00 Thank you for choosing Capital Center Garage 'y Have a nice day .. ,. . � w w��.� -. . . yl��.3 Y 1 �� � r STATE OF INDIANA ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) AFFIDAVIT I, Douglas C. Haney, being first duly sworn upon my oath, state that while I was on City business attending IACT Legislative Committee meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, July 22, 2014, I expended $1.10 of my own money for parking at meter#3424 on Capitol Street and for which I need to be reimbursed. Dated this 1(Z day of October, 2014. zaney Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned Notary Public, this L day of October, 2014. AMANDA BENNETT - _- NOTARY PUBLIC,SEAQ -- - -- STATE OF INDIANA RESIDENT OF MARION COUNTY 44 COMMISSION-NO.599586 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:1-5-2017 Amanda Bennett, NOTARY PUBLIC Resident of Marion County, Indiana My Commission Expires: January 5/2017 [eb:m"vrd:v:�sbared%atfidavits%b=ey aRadivit1widng.dw.10/9/141 STATE OF INDIANA ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) AFFIDAVIT I, Douglas C. Haney, being first duly sworn upon my oath, state that while I was on City business attending and speaking at the Hamilton County Leadership Academy in Noblesville, Indiana, September 18, 2014,1 expended$0.40 of my own money for metered parking and for which I need to be reimbursed. Dated this Q day of October, 2014. Douglas y Subscribed and sworn to before me, the undersigned Notary Public, this day of October, 2014. AMANDA BENNETT NOTARY PUBUC,SEAL SLATE OF INDIANA RESIDENT OF MARION COUNTY - -COMMISSION NO,599586 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES:1-5.2017 Amanda Bennett, NOTARY PUBLIC Resident of Marion County, Indiana My Commission Expires: January 5/2017 [eb:mnmrd:r.�shared%affidavitsVtaney affadivitimrkingAm.1019/141 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER City Form No.201(Rev.1995) CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Douglas C. Haney Purchase Order No. Terms Carmel, Indiana 46033 Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 7/29/14 43002 Parking per-aftached affidavit A I-i 0 -9118%14 43002 Parking per attached affidavit - 9/19/14 43002 Parking per attached receipt $16.00 x Total v Jryrr', 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is (are)true and correct and I have audited same in accor- dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6. 2 0 Clerk-Treasurer VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Dou9laTG. HaR8Y IN SUM OF Carmel, Indiana 46033 $ $17.50 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Department of Law - 1180 430-43002 External Training Travel Board Members PO#or INVOICE NO. ACCT#!TITLE AMOUNT DEPT.# I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), 1180 43002 $1.101 or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and that 1180 43002 0.40 , the materials or services itemized thereon 1180 43002 16.00 for which charge is made were ordered and received except f ()C+c�ne r ID 201 E ! igna f Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund