HomeMy WebLinkAbout238102 10/15/14 a CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 365844 ONE CIVIC SQUARE FUN EXPRESS CHECK AMOUNT: $*******583.75* so!_En_xy / CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 14463 CHECK NUMBER: 238102 9 j`TON/=' DES MOINES IA 50306-3463 CHECK DATE: 10/15/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1081 4239039 66549993801 309.59 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 66549993802 144.00 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 1081 4239039 66551898101 130.16 GENERAL PROGRAM SUPPL 180 j Invoice#: 665499938-01 C��� Date: 9/12/2014 SEP 9 2014 Page#: 1 When it comes to fun, TO; we're all business!® SIS TO: 167 WEST CLAY/PARKS&REC CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC JENNIFER HAMMONS DAWN KOEPPER 1411 E 116TH ST 3495 W 126TH ST CARMEL IN 46032-7611 CARMEL, IN46032-9557 IIII�I�I�III'11111"'1111'IIII�II��IIIIII��III�IIIIIII,II„111111 1e81-1b :oiE ::>€:€:€«::Term ... 1iifatui ie ]i?r1Fir>::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::>:::.a ::.::... ire_::... 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Call to speak to a customer service representative: 1-800-228-0122 :�tt # tia�tl ................ . ...... .......... •:x:• .............................................v•4•nvvw:::::::;::::;::::::.�..:„ :......;:. w:::•,,•...• vi^::•:iii v....;.;;•..;.::::::::w:.. ..\....vv......... 4w::::::•:•: ..k�?tt:•ff:•f:•t::V:;:.v .n4};Q.}v}, ....... v vv........v ....................:...:w::::::.�w::.^.. 4w:::::::::::::::::::::n. .. •:•. •:•:iLi:•i:•.... ............;.•• ..... :::J:.v^::<i•:�:�'•i:•i:8:v;•}:i0:•is>•::..:•::::••:w::. .. .......n................................................................vvv�.. .... ..:............ :.:.:.w...........•• w:::::::•iii:4i}}}}�:x•'•:is^}•:?{iv: w::•\.\........... •...........4:;}::::::::::::::::::::.w::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::nv}::::nvv:}:k�:}:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.v���\.:.:.:..::::::::::::::.>.v:Lvii.:::n ..:.........�v....vv.................:•:�}:•}::w;i}x::::::4v\Aw::::::::::: ��„ PI GA=n1-TArN ANn RFTI IRN WITH RFMITTANCF v v TERMS a"o'D COZDITIO\S OF ORDER Tian" and DCIiaCry. Seller,hall not be responsible Ior an.dcl:w in its Performance beyond in conunl or hcyond the control of its suppliers. The parties agree Thal,unless olherwisc agreed ht 1 i❑t,ritine and signed by hoth parties,Shipping dates are approxima ie and That tittle is not of the essence. All orders by Buyer amstinne olTcrs w Purchase shish arc subject to acceptance or rejceuon by Seller in Omaha.Nehraul,a unit arty contract for the side of gaud,by Seller is formed and performed in Nebraska. Seller.,acceptance of anv order fixatt Buycr is expressly conditional upon Buyer's as,,cnt to the leansn ad condition,set forlh herein and Seller expressly limit,its acceptance of Buyer'a order to such tonna and conditions and toy additional or differe!it terms proposed by Buver,whether oral. written or cec(runic are c:pressly rejected. ? Pttvnnent"Perms. Pavment tents shall he governed b,the terms on the face of this order or invoice and the coedit term;extcntted bo'Seller.if any. Paynwat,hall be due and payable on the date so sP ecilied. Past due balance,remaining unpaid will be,trhjcct to a delinquency chargC to the rate ill'I t/ percent per month or the niammum rate Permitted by law.whichever is IesS;and Buyer shall pay all Seller's costs of collection ill*ptu(dor tunounlS,including;hilt not linnited 11)attorney'fee,and court cost,. Lf Credit Icrms are'cxtcndcd in Buyer.Buyer hereby'gr:nus a security'interCst in the merchandise purchased by Buycr and all procee(, hunt the:,ale 0r di,Po,ition Of Such merchandise and appoint, Seller as Buyer',attonneo-in-fact to execute on Btivui'a behalf tilt)' Uniform Commurei:d Code financing,taleincnts Seller deem,icasonahly nccesan to Perfect Sellur's Scc'urity interest. i \Farr:any and Rist.of 1.ns. Seller Shull.at in election,either repair,ieplacc,or refund the purcha,e prier.exclu,ive,af,hipping.and handling charge,;for am merchandise which is defective in „urknnanshl i lir material and I'nr which Ba,cl"snake,a claim„uhun In'c t')dIlya after receipt of the machandi>C" AVhen making such a claim.Buver maxi xubnnii both the nrigmal packing aiip and dnc 1 defective m:rChandi,e it.,cll (ora samPlc. th:rcol). unless these cundiuonS are waived by Sellar in ,+'citing, Thi, p;uagraph constitutes Sellcr', sole oblrgmiun as nn the merchandise. and the Buyer acknowledges that!his arssraph sets forth Buyer,es:lu,ive romedy for amp breach of warranty or other dull'related.h,the nxrchtundise or quality[}hereof. Any refund for merchandise shall not include fiP ef beaFs Shi ring and handling,little„otlterwiso agreed by Seller in(,riting. At it,discretion,Stiller linty charce a restocking fee,not to exceed twenty-live Percent(2�;4.)Iia returned merchandise. Buy If all risk of Ins, liam the time the nxrchauJisc is loaded unto comnunt carrier to be shipped In L'uycr. ngardlcss of whether SCller pans O'eight. EXCEPI�AS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED IN THIS SHLIR y1,Ai,l{S NO(11 HER W ARRA!NTIFS.I-AP1iESS OR OR WITH R(-.SPL'C1 TO ANY APPROVALS.C:1 fARAC I'ERIS I l('S,( EIl'I'IFIC:AI'10AS.IV(RFDIENT.S. Bb:AEl`I S. I SFS S I'VAO.AIZUS.QI:AI.ITY OR GRADE OF AN}' VIFRCH.A\DISF. OR ARISING; BY CI�STOM OR I RADE USAGE.AND. SI FCIFICALLY, NIAK1 S \O NYARRANTY OF \IIIRCHAA'1\BILI FY OR FIT\ESS FORA I:ARTICULA1,MIRPOSE AND ANY\YARRANTIES.CONDITIUKS.RE{RLSENI'A 'IONS.LNDE\7NITICS:AND GUAR,A\TLES WITH hLSPCCT"CO T]IL AIERC'I LVNDISL ARI:I II.RI'.13Y SI IPF:RCEDFD.I:X('LI_DED AND DISCLAIMH).'I!lE EXPRI:SS\VARRAA'1'Y COAr'MINED IN PARAGRAPI 13 Hl'RPIN CONSTITUTES TI II3 SOLE AND I-WI.tSIVE \\ARRAA Il' VIAD[:Bl' ShLI-HR AND 1S IN LIFT! OI'AIA,OTIIER WARIZAA I'IL'S. IN .NO LVI-'NT SHALT.SELLER BI' LIABLE POI: ANY CONS V UL-1 V'PIAL.1ADIRM. SPEC')AL.lot AITIVE OR tA(�IDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOST PROFITS.EVEN IF SELLEP,IC,A1?�ISED OF THE POSS1131L1'I'Y OP TILL SA.VL IN AUA:AAY C SCLI LI, S AGCR[(,:ATE LIA- BIL1T1"IS[.I\II IT-D'!() I lW \\10I-'VTACTCALLY PAID BY BLtI'I R. d. Product Description,. Seller periudicallc adds,ch:mgrS,nuniilir,and upduros it,coffees and ueh,ite,including without limitation these Terni,gull Condition,. Salter air,in he:c accurate as r :nr� ha, poc,ihle.but make,not oarruuics lir repre,enta[ions that(a)the content. IIL III .ng ,du pi ct d,,cupunrt I u and 1•pinion lir r Cr.r,ue conrPICI 1111le cuunnl t. lir r m t r i>c ul,u,q tu,T.,r jr',j,,I�II,.Cii.e'icI n f c,,tic- r - ""C,'t::-rs—`;.—_.,---rc +r_....,—a:.. ,.-;..� "VT_ �rtd.' C•Ilrr te,nn ,orihanihls' )'.1111 respect u,am'ill lhC I:r_r un,.I(It prnduu purchased r,nut a,d. Crih,.d„r C.y;eclCJ Till-Cf-,wl tc n..d, ns lir iClUl n it runu,c,.�r.uchuon. j. Nonwaker of Defaults. Each shipment made under am order hafl he ncated.r,a scptuatc irau,nction,but in the:,,cru of am drlaalt h, BucCr.Seller mt!, ticCrr, in ntad.e fn..-titer .hltmh:nt, wiihouh in am way affecting Sellar',ring,under sash order. If.Sc,piw;+,le'aol! I" Rus.•r.SCII riled•,rn c„ntinuc to mak;,hil,tncnh,or owcq,(turdt�r fit..,r. ash d:�ir,ur,:.ivi;l not :,m,tifutC a,+ai,Cr of am•del'turlt by Bmer'.lir in atm „uv affect Scllcr`s lei al o,r Cyuu:SNC tennedies lar:try>ucli default.lir of any detault at m,y grin or ,uh,eyuurr: un;: ;u_: ICluud.credit. Wilt C:,ol Wan,or di,:o,unl due Buyer may be nllu•t againa annount, "u'l I"Seller: h. Ui,nuc Rdtulwinn. Buyer IgICCS that any action hrought bV Buser to rc>olve any claim.dispute lir controversy of any matte arising oil(of or relmccl It):un 0rde; 180 Invoice#: 665499938-02 Date: 9/12/2014 wl Page#: 1 When it comes to fun, SOLD TO: business!* SHIP TO: 1=9 7 WEST CLAY/PARKS&REC CARMEL CLAY PARKJENNIFER HAMMONS DAWN KOEPPER 1411 E 116TH ST3495 W 126TH ST CARMEL, IN46032-76CARMEL, IN 46032-9557 z::::Da#i E3ecl fe :::>::D...... : .:1.::.,::ii:::>:::>:::>.>1�ick:Ordeis«:::::>...T. :Fuca# sek:Q r: iii......:>«:::'s:::>::>::... ...............................................................................................................:....................................................................................... ....PPE..................................................:...::.......::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................. v ::>::::»»::>::>:«<:>::::: tttrz# : fartQ1 »:>:i?�? lel: >:::::::::::::::: #�t'.. .. x ....... ................... ... ...... .... ..... zvz : ,.x s t i:: .:::..........:::::::.................................................. ............................................:::::::::::::::::::::.::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..::. :; •�---- ::.:::... ........................... ::::::.:..:..:::: .... ..................................... ;.;:........:... ::. XXXXX :::::kw..:.:::.::::..:.::::.• :...:: ••:.:.. .............................................. ............................:::::::... :....:........................: ............... Call to speak to a customer service representative: 1-800-228-0122 ............................�.............. �:•1�? ..........................................................\ ......................v,.•,•:::::::::.v ti:::• 4. J.v:iJ\'J'v\i<�:•:•.n\'•:iii?>.•:i?'+i•:v'•..:v:v:•.::• ..............,.................... .vv ............ .. ...,...v... .v....v...........:........n,vv v:•:?•.ii:ti^:�:•:b:•.:•.:•,v w::::::::::::w:�: \i\ :i>P.v..,...:::::.....: ..................w.::::• v.�.�•.�:::::;,.:;::•:::...v:k.\.:::::::.�:.....�:::.:.�:}:}�n\^•::n•.w::::::::::::::.::::::::.:::4 ........\.........T..............h .........:........vvv\ ..\v.::......:::::nvw.w:n.v.....::::::: .... of CACC nCTACLI AKin GCT11RA1 1111TW RFMITTAHrP v v TER.MS__AND CONDITION'S OPOIRDER r- -& L .Acceptance and Dc.llveq. Sol l or,ha 11 not be responsible lilt any delay in its perlorm;mce lie%ond it,cont-ol ut heymnd the control or it.,suppliers. The parties agree that,unlcse otherwise acted I in a riling and sisncd by both parties,'shipping daics:u2 approximate and that lime is not of the essence. All onlcrs by Buyer constilutc nl7crs to purchasi which arc subject to accepnmcc ur rejection Iw Seller in Omaha,Nebnt,ka and any contract for the sale of good.,by Scl ler is fomlyd and performed in Nehru,F.a. Seller',acceptance ur any order rrom 13uyci is expressly conditional upon Buyer's as,crn to the terms and condition,set forth herein and Seller cxpre,sly limits its acceptance or Buyer's order to Such term,and conditions and any additional or difrerenl terms proposed by Buyer,whelher oral. written or electronic are CxPressly rejected. 3. Payment Terms. Payment tem)S Shull be guaeruCd b+ 111C teh'lll,OI the race of this order or invoice and the credit temps extended by Seller,if anm y. Pavcut shall be due and payable on the data w SPecitied. Past due balance,remaining unpaid will be,uhject to a dt linqucnc+ charge at the riliC of 1!'percent per month or the nuo.innun[-tile Permitted by la+y.whichever is]us,:and Bu+cr,h;ll pa)all Seller's costs of collection of pat,[due:mwunts,including but not limited to anornev fee,;and court costs. ll c'rc(1it lois are exiendod to Buvei.Buyer hcreM'Grunts a security ina•re,t in the nicrchandisc Purchased by Buyer and ell proceeds from the,ale or di,positiun of such merchandise and appoints Seller as lluycr's attorney-in-lact In execute on Buyer's behalf:in\, Lhhilnnu Commercial CodC rinancin,,anucments SCIICr demo rca)sonuhly CCCC1Sa1'y to Perfect SCIICI'I security imcrat. _. AAarrant,and Risl,u1 I_o,e. Seller shall.:jt it,election,cithei repair"replace.or refund the purch;ue price exchhsive of shipping_and hondlin;char_:,,for am merchandise which i,dcictmc in ++orhman,hip or n)atelial and fur%which B(j+ci mates a claim+,ahm )%c(J)day+allot receipt of the merchandise. AV,'hen making wch a claim.Buyer must,uhmil both the original packing,lit,and thi delicti+c mcrchandi,c it,Cll Int a ,ample the[-art). unlet, thew CluILIMnns are waiyeLI by.Sellcr in writing. Thi, paragraph constitutes Seller's sole obli e;nion a,to the mcrch;mdi,c.and the Bu+rr ae4mo++ wiles that this parh,h:Hph sct,forth Buyer"c,lusive ren)Cth fur any breach of v.arruIIv of other duty Mated to the merchan(kc or quality thereof. Ane refund fill merchandise shall not iuClade ,hippinc and hardline.uulc„uthcr,isc,agreed h) Seller ut++ruing. At it,discretion.Sellcr may charge a taaocl:in,fee.,not to exceed malty-five percent(2_.5;i.)for returned i n•rc'liandi,e. Bucci hear, :all rn6 of In.,, Ilam the tittle the merchandise is loaded onto common currier to be,hipped to Buver,regardless of whether Seller pays freight. (=ACETT AS P_XPRKSSI_l PROVIDED IN TI IIS AGRLEVIFN'1.SF,rl.h.lt \1%K1--S NOO'IIIFR V%ARRANIIES,E\PRFSS OR IVIPI"IED.OR WITH RFSPEC'F rOANYAPPROVALS.CHAR;ACFRISIICS.(T.RIIFICATIONS,INGRF:DII:\TS, 13EVJ;1-I'hS, I SES, ti l VVDA IMS.QI :ALII-Y OR GRADF,OF:Atv Y MERCHANDISE.Olt ARISING Bl' CL STOM OR TRADE USAGE AND.SPH-'IFICALLI. MAKES NO WARRAA'fl' OF NML"RC HA\IABILIT) OI,FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ANY VAARRANTIES.CONDITIONS.REPRLSL-tNT::I ION'S.INDEJINITIL..,.AAI)(3I :ARAN ri.a_S VA'II'll RE. PE("1-10 II IE NIFRC I IA\DISI,ARI I IhREli1'Sl'PIr.RC'EDED.EXCI_I_'DFD AND DISCLAIM-IED. TI IE EXPRESS N4+RR:ANTY CONrI*AINI D IN RARAC;k\PI I ;111:16-.1\CO\ti rrrl'rl:S'll IL-SOLI:AMD EXCI_USIA'E A\ARRAN Y V ADE BY SI I-LEk AND IS IN LIEU OI:ALL O"I HER V\;•\RRANIIES. IN No EVENT SHALL SELLER BE LIARI-I:i(hk \\) C OASI-(rt h.N'I IAL.1NDIRFCI SPECIAL.PCNITI\'1_h.)R I\CIDENTAL DA\1AGES OR LOST PROFITS,EVEN IF SELLER IS:\DVISED Oh Ti IF POSSIBII_I1 Y OF THE SAIF 1\ %I I\ \`..T. til 1 1 !`I:'ti.\CiIiREG:\'IE LI\- BII_FFYISI-MiTEDTO1*1IF VA1O1'NI'M'II_'ALLY PAID BI BUYER. d. Product De,eriptiou,. Scher pertudicalk add,changes.ill"dific,and updates it,cat:dogs unci r,ehsim.including++ilhout limilation lhe,e Ternn and 11w,to be zS accutatc a, I>,(tssihle.buumak,�alu++;urn r �re; t., t�,u) d_tat(,I)tile content,Including product descnptons,price,and deptctu,n,.ere accurate.complete ,Ch..,l,., n ,in,�r t., silt+ nutChaudHsc hats . ', y r... •t. i � - :.:: ,. . - 1'.. ,-r;, .-', .. '' ..o-,...� i. ...::..,-ala:>.:ate.'-�,:.».«;:..... .............i���a.�,.�,h�u.�„a�, .i:a!-�iy�ii 11 1c,pccl to my of Ilie I�(,rlgohng.11 0 pruducL putt ha,ed n not:I,dc,cubed or expected Bu+et ,u,lc tonal,. i,u)tenon it to unuu•d Cunutuun. -- _. Aum+aiyer or Default,. Each shipment Il)$IC under iu)y order,hall he treated a,a,ep,a,Itc iIXI1:tCIWII.but in the event ni an, def:uhlt by Broca. L',-A-1 n);n decline jo n);Hkr dotter shhpment, wchont in any way aflecling Seller'.,richt,.undo,itch oidur. IL despite a delaulI by hhn.h.Sl:lleI cI„t, t..iI.I111 1111C to make shipment,,Of aacpt Innhcr nrdc from !atter.,u.:h action[»,Ball ,�A constitute a waiver or any def:ndt by Bovet.or in Inv wov af7et,t S.Ih r'= Ie,:d or equitable rinu-chcs t•n shin ',Ill It def llh-nr ill”any del'auh al aux plass u1 ,uh,t-quent tint.. .1tn rCP,nul,credit.gilt CCllllicuh'Or di,cnunl duC Ru+cr nha,:ho Ill, t 6. Disl,wc Rc<Ulallnll. Iiu+cr;;._lees that:m+ action bhuugin by Bu_:a I.,lc—!,c mm , :nuh..h�pute�•r Cnntl,acr,+ ')I MM nature:uisil,out ill Ir rcLucd ro aI+ Order or Ir.nt>aruon 11CM0,11 Bu+ir and Seller or any tnercutndiu ,old oh distrihutCd h, Seller or an) pohc+,statement.rcpre,.r.t�iu:v1,a6,C1;t1cmcnt.pronurtion.offer.custon)cr iuibrnxhtion of Scllct.Or thele Tent,,utd Condition,-hAl L: i,n:uefu in:1 Lour[of compCtenl lari,d irtinn in Duuelat(2nua},N'Cbra;ka and BLRCr IIChch+am,iw-It,Ihi cell u,iyc•luriscliclion of,uch court:. All,uch cl:hirer..drputc,.n,ontru+ristCs,hall be h�,.�l,cd indh+idu:di+ and n.,i a,part;•f au+,1a1—action or cla„a11—Nm tion and the right to eonuncucc ur participate in any clan,prOCecdimg,is spceilic'ally aai+ed hi Ru+rt. T Peru,nah,:ed PhOducl. II the orzb,r inc!0,11,person IIIA.tion ul*prOduct or ate printing ornlher reproduction of trademarks.seryhce marl.,.trade name,.Irn,o,,message=ur twines,vmhoik I`-1arf.,'), 1311ect hcichv,rmF,u,Sellcr the non-CCIUYVc:hghl:HILI liceusC to u,c such\-lurks on Iho pnxlucts and to Ce11aC the produc•t,,folio produced with the-Marler. L'ttver IihrthCr;_h,:nt,permission tool con,:ill, to Scller,u,c of a phntot.raph or uthch hkCnt•„of dila finished product,Int purposes of adyenisine or prouunin,SCIICT S NMICS,rClatiug to such PCr,onalirHtion pro(luctiuu o:Ill,and u)CrchandisC ,;dc;. Sellcr,Dalt ha+C Ip ri+'ht,title nr other intCre',t in the\Iarke espt a,e,.prC„ly grantad therein. Bu+cr repre,eni,and++arr:un,[hill it tio.m the-larks:utd i,(wthnriicd tr.lieen,e 1111 NLuks ill S11111% BLINcr a�lir,IO hndinmil+ and hnid harmles,Scllct tl.m an) L,,;.hat�ilhn.damage,claim;.demand,.actions.eo,ts ur Cepen,c ill any n:auic includim,atontey lei,:prisma OHu.,I ,r In.Hoemanner cnnncctcd v.itis L'u:er,or Scller use OI 1111 Millk,.Sellcr resuye,the ri--,hl to hijcc-i or rescind aux order foi peso lali;cd product in itc sole disnction- _ S. Indennific lion. Bu+cr aarei s to Prn+ide SCller++-ith++rikell nonce prior to plaein,;Hoy order it Btn.r intends In distribute am product into the slate of(;Hlilihrnia and ackiwwledge,and agree,dint :01% ,uch disnihntion of pn,Juct into the site ill California may rcgmre appropriate 1'ropo,ition b?l Title 1122 of aIle Cailornia Coale ill Regulatiunsi++arninc labc!,. If Buyer I;ik t��phi vide each no icc ur 1;01,it)pro+ide approp;mic Piopn,ition 65++:Hrninp,and di,tributes am product into tho,tate ill C'aliroruia.BM cr aures w iudonurif+.dc1c,Id and hold hannlc„Seller fnnn and ag_aunt ane and.all cost,. damage,.liuhilit+and expenses(including atnrnc+,rcc,)[-inline out alleged Prol,n,itiun r,i yiolatiOri,. . 9. Misccll:menu,. No amcnchncnt,utudificuunn or:Jdt itoo u•thc,e Ichor,and eundniutn,11:111 be hindin,unless expressly',pried to:it N riw),and,i,ned by Seller. "I hese term,.md C,aulhiun,,11:111 be hinding upon Bt+cl;it;pernhiucd mecca-i,.aid;osignS,and shall inure to the benefit OI Sellol. An)waiver b+ Suller of any part herein Shull not constitute a y.uiycr nI am other pan. The,c term,,gal conciiticats shall he con,illlcll untie[-and guyerned by the subetantiye kMy and not the choke or Lm rules or the;tate of NihiaSIM. Bah\t•I'coneent3 to 011(1 agree;(hal am sl;ui ur federal enure in DCI;hh, County.Nebraska,hull have per;onal and Subject tuutICrjurisdiction Oyer Bu+1r:u)d this Agreoment:that Nehrm,ka has the most sigruijc'mn conlw!l with this,-Acrccmcnt,to the cxcusion of am other a:uc: and ilml any legal dispute brought by cutin Buyer ur SCIICJ-relating to this Agrcenhcnt++ill be instituted in Douglas County,tNcbruku pursuant to section 6 ukwe. Buyer c.spres,ly cnmcnts and ugrccs to rccei+c conammn licatio ,reg:u'ding any order of transaction from SCIICI h)elecu-xmic unit:nal facsimile. Rev.l IN,417A)d 180 Invoice#: 665518981-01 CJI'I�TED :SEP. � � 2014 Date: 9/12/2014 Page#: 1 SOLDT When it comes to fun, we're all business!® SOP TO: 166 CHERRY TREE/PARKS&REC CARMEL CLAY PARKS&REC TIFFANY BUCKINGHAM DAWN KOEPPER 1411 E 116TH ST 3989 HAZEL DELL PARKWAY CARMEL IN 46032-3455 CARMEL, IN 46032 IIIIIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIII�I£��II�I�IIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIIII��III�IIII##' ::>::::>::::Da# : eded.:.;:.;:.: a#ex:Slz; d.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.:Bak::OrdeFs':>:.... ............................................................... Ru>a9s�.flrcler. :::::•::•....................................... ...........................................::::::::::::::.:::::. PP�.......................... ...................::::::............:::::::............:::............: ::::.::.:.:.::.:::.::•;;;;;:;;:.;:.;:.;;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.;:.; X�:::I:1�Q .... :::::::::::::::::......... ]A::::::::.:.::.:.:......................................................:................... Sez £ ..e_ 1 ........................ Ni ber: f r a .:::: at2i...........................................:..::::::::::...:::.:.::::.:::::::::::::.........................:.....:::.::..:::::::::.:::::::::. ::: ::.................. .......................................... . ............................. ................. » ........ . . ......... .................................. .......................... :> ......... .. ............,.................... .................... .............................,..................................x,......:::::::::.�:nv+•L iv}:•i'::::::::::::::i ii;.}.;C•is^i'4iii:•iii:•.4••::::.::•i:• Call to speak to a customer service representative: 1-800-228-0122 i:•::•:::•:;•:: ;• •:::::.:: ... .:.• E}t1t3 »:i i:`•:•�# ' 57 ::E:E:E:E:E`' ..................... ............fir.......... .,..,........,,... ...............................,.,..,...:::::::::::;.;.:::::::::::::::::::::: i . ....... . ...,, .w ............................. ............. :. .:::::..........,.. ;:.:...:::::::,..,............. ••�i3, •�3.::iiijiiiiir:`v:•.`:::•:•'iiiij}C}'r%�.'::�:::•:'i iii i ..............................,n\.,.,v......... ,....... ....:........................ ...... .::::.:v4'v^:•i};•.�\'vi•:.;:.ii'•:.•i.�jiii:"}:;:i:C+:$:::jijjii:•. ,•.v::::::::. v v PI FASF DFTAGHAND RETURN WITH REMITTANCE V v TERMS-AN-D CONDITIONS_OFORDER O� . I. Acceplance and Delivery. Seller shuII riot he respon::ihle for any deIny in its perCormance beyond its control or heyond the cnulrol of its supplier~. The pa itieS agree than,unless other„Iso n�,recd to in writing and sinned by both parties;shipping dates arc approximate and that lime is nut oI the csecncc. All orders by Buyer consihiltc offers to purcha,e which are subject In acceptance or rejection by Seller in Omaha.Ncbr:uka and any contract for lire sale of gored,by SCIIoI i'formed and performed in N'chraska. Seller's acceptance or any oidcF I'rum Buyer is e.\pres,Iy conditional upon Buyers as,cnt to the term,and Conditions',et forth heroin and Seller expir,sly limits n'acceptance of Bu,or-',order to such terms and condition,and anv LIc4tional or different terms proposed by Buycr,o helhei oral. wriucn or electronic are expressly rejected. '_. Payment Terris. Payment terms shall he governed b, the tenor on the face of this order or invoice and the credit term,extended by Seller.if any. payment Shall be due and payable on rho(late so spUcilied. Past due halanccs remaining unpaid will he suhject to a delinquency charge;it the rale ol,I'/-percent per month or the m:!ximum rate poinimed by law,whichever is lc,s;and Bucer,hall pny all Seller's costs of collection of past due moounls.including hill nut limited di aunrnC' fee,and court costs. If credit terms are extender)to Btiv`Cr.Buyer hereby_r;uus a security interest in the merchandise pureha,ed by Buyer:rod all ptoCce,LS I'10111 the sale or disposition of ouch merchandise and appoints.Seller ns Buyer',att0lIIQ-rel-tact to excc•ute nn Buyer's behalf any Unilin'm Commercial Cork financin_'st.ncniems Seller deem,reasontihh necessary to perfect Seller's,County intere,t. _. \\arr:um and Risk of Loss. Seller hall.at ire elCCllon..either repair,replace,or rclund the purehasC price.exclusive of Shipping anti handling shame,.]or any nierch:u!disC which h delectiNe in „orknuasliip Lir material and for which BLI)CImakes a claim,sithin fisc(5)clay,alter receipt of the nicichandisc. When makine such a claim.Buyer must suhniil both the original packing slip an,]the tleCeeti,C nierthan,1nC ilsCll (Lir a sample therCol). unlcs, these condition; fur waived by Seller in writing,. Thi:paragraph constitutes Sellel'�s sole obligauiun as to the merchandise,and the Buyer acl.uo„Icd_c,Ihot this pac!graph sets forth Buyu 2 cxrlusivC remedy fur any hicach of w arr my or other duty rCIaIC(I In the nicrchandi'C or duality thereof. Any refund for merchandise shall nal include 'pippin'anti handling.unles,other,'ise agreed by Seller in w riling. At il,discielinn.Seller-nim Charge a ICStocking Ice,not to CsCCed n,enry-five percent Qs%)for ivurned mcrehandi e. Buser bean Al risk of loss Irons the time the nierchnndi.,c is loaded Will,common carrier to he shipped la Buycr. regardles, of whether Seller pays freight. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLI' PROVIDED I\ THIS id21 I:\il:\:1'.SI:I.LFR \1\KkS\O()MFR WARRAN'IIHS,EXPRESS OR IMPLIED.OR WITI I RfSPECI TO ANY APPROVALS.Cl IARACIERISTICS.CERTIFICACIO\'S.CVGRIT)W\'I'S. BFNEHTS. l SITS. Sf:AAI):ARUS. Ql ALI I Y OR GRADE OF AN', MERCHANDISE.OR ARISING BY CLSTOM OR TRADE USAGE AND.SPECIFICALLY, MAKES NO WARR-A.N VY UI- MI-RCHAVT ABILITY I)R FITNESS I'r)R:A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTIES,CONDITIONS,REPRESENTATIONS.1VDEyd:AITIES AND GUARANTEES WITiI RESPECT TO TI 11:MFRCIIA\'DISL.\f [-IIERFRYSUITRCEDED.I?XCLCDED AND DISCLAIMED. TI IE EXPRESS WARRANTY CONTAINED II\'PARAGRAPiI_ IIFRP.INCONS ITRI'lFSTlIFSOLE AND I:\C-I.I'SIVF WAKRAN I') MADI 13) SH-LER AND IS IV LIEF' OF ALL OTIIFR VA'ARRANTIES. IV V'O hATNT SHALL SELLER 13H. LIABLE 1-OH AN}'C'ONSI;01TIV'I IM. IADIRFC 1. SPECIAL I'I"\ITIVE OR IA('IDL-N-f AL DAMAGES OR LOST PRO1=1T*S.EVEN IF SFLLER IS ADVISED OF THF POSSiMI.I'l Y()1--1-111-SAAlE 1X.Af)V_AACE. $1 Li i'R'S.-AUGkLG.-AIE LI.-A- BILITY iS LiMI ILD TO Tl IE \VIOI'VI-ACTUALLY PAID BY BUYER. 4. Product De,ciipiirm,. Scllcr periodicalh adds.cls:ilges,modifies:rod update.,it,cmloe,and„eb,ite,including without lindonion Ihc,c Tcmi,and CnndIo'M'.ScIICI IIIc;Io he;IS accurate a' m t l _�I{t)the Lot it lu lin a duo nc I l aid d IL1aA1, arc;tc:m:uc,cam stele,t,Ir.hlc._III teat Lir zoo ■.� •. � a,p.,� ,.� (#}�,..,,p L P { r lice,(nl.uty mUr,handi.�ha, _cc!,:_. r. :v.`•enc,: 1):1111, .i I,:uvt c. !.(n accts'it,v oar'i(-!hl,,Innd:url. •c•rlt)cater,n_nunLu or_:.d_.Sc7:c', umcs tto llahility v.nth rC,prLl Io.IM, oC iter I;,renin_.II:r prnduel pureha,cd r.not ,l:-:i1-1..r cspccied. I;I:,.r,,.SIC I.In:Ii.. r.w rewn!11 Ire unu,e.l Cr utdiliun. _ rs- 5. Nonwaivcr or Dcraull'. Bach shipment nnadc under an, order'Hall he Ireaed a,:t,cpara•nmi,xtion.but in the event of am default b, Buycr.Scllcr nIn decline to make ftnlhcl :hlpmm�n without in any way affecting Seller's right,Under order. I;,d,:,inte I defaull by Rmer.Seller CL:Ck m continue to make,hipnI-,rn ,r ac-q,t IU ihrr ld-,-,,trran Bu:CI.-tali aciinn(,I sled]not cnn,Iitmc a„-asset or:un dd:uili hV 13 LIN or in am ,+av allect Seller', legal err cyuI1a11SIC Ionied1,1 for sty such&ILILIlt.or of one default ret ata pri,,r III ,uh,(:qucrtt�In. Au, rClund.c2dtt.¢ill :rltlliaur or di,counl cluC B c may he oINot against annnunts—1C,t to S;Ilv]. . (,. Dispute Rc,nluliou. BuyCI agrees that any action brought b, Buyer to re,olve any claim,di,pule or controversy of Lilly n:turc arlsint-'out of Lir iclmed to:In% order or Ir.in,.Ironn her,+Con Buser and Scllrr�e an, Inc r,lumdisc s�dd Lit distributed hi Seller Lir Lill\,policy,IMICIncnl.mpn•,rnlation,Idvcitiscmcrl.prornulion."IIS r.custon!cr information rel SCIICL I11 Ihe,r Lorin.int C0111 Ill ,hall he hrou,•ht in.t Court of competentµlrisdiction in Dnlghls County.XI`IM,la.rein Buyer hCfChv convents to the Cxchr,i,c jumdidion nl 111,11 uxrts. rAII'uuh Claim,.Ih,nute,oI ion:Lir.iI<•:c,,hall 1":1:,,�1,od iodn 114ua111 :!rid nuan Lim t ,pat. , class a-uon"I class arhiu.uioll and the i ighl to umlinetico Lir pan icil,ae in any Cla-proceeding,is,pccilieulI ,,:u,ell I, f3u,n. 7. erson:Iliied Product. If the order inCluJCs peraonnlii.ation nl prnduCl Lir the printing or othei rcimoduction of uaclenmM,,once marl.y..trade Imine'.lo,-o,,nicasagcs Or hush','symbols("Marl,'"). P11'.Cl hrrChc grinic to SCller the nun-exclu,i+C nchr and IiCCn,C to use,uch VMarla on the products and[(I eause the products to he produced with the Marks. L'u,cr(orthcr.ziaia'pennis>iun n :real Cn 'rnh to ScIICI s use of a photographr Liother.likcne','11 rhe finished product,Car purposes of ad,citising or p)(111101111'2 SCIICr',bmiuc„rclaling to such perwuai�ation production and merChaualisc sales. Scllcr\,hall ha,c no right.title Lir other interest in the\fall,,e:,CCpt a,Cxpn•„ly grunted heruiu. Buycr rcpre,cut,and,+arrant'that it n„ns the Marl,' ell i'authoricrd I"license the Alarks to Sella. Blocr a-lr cs to indctnnilw and hold hannkcSs Selol'Iron any lo,',liabihu.damage,claim,,&ITwIlds,aCiions,WAS Lir rspensc of anv Inure(including.Iunrnc; fees)milia'nal Of Lir in:rely mnnncl Cunncctccl with Yu,Cr Lir Seller's u,C rel the Nlarks..Seller rescn.c,the ri,,hl to rej m Lir rc5Cuid any Omer lir personalised produce in its sole disunion. �. indcninilic000n. BtnCr agrees to provide Seller w ilh„silica nota•prior to pdaCima nm,ordn ii Bu,Cr intend,In diurihulc am.product int"the slate of C. HOI'liia and acknow ledges and agrees that :al, ,rich distrihulinn of paviuCI into the scute ol'California nen I,quur,Ippropnalc Prnpmiiion 05('l nlc 3'of the C'ulilmniu Codo rel Rcgulationsl u:n-ninc lahels. If BI\er jail,t"provide such notice Lir Tall,Io pnrvide approlinaic I'ropo,ition 6�,,;rnir>r_and distrihutC'any product into the,!ate of Califun!ia.Buyer:i,rocs ui in,leuuuf,.defend and hold hnnnlcs,Scllrr limn and a�,Iinst am real all cost,. dania,_c'.liahilil, and C,:Jlejlws(including attorney Ices)ret MIIU oro Lir an, alb;god Propn,iunn 65 violations. ' S). AliscelLuleous. NO Iutcudnant,n!olification Lir addition to these seems and :oIldhiolls shall he hindmL,Inde\,,ezpic<sh agreed it,in writing and,iglrcei h, SCller. '1 hes"Icinn,111,1 condition,,hall he htnding up<m L'u,er,t'R,rmitted,recces. l H N:utd assign,.and_,hall inure to the benefit rd'Seller. Anv,eat,er h, Sella of aoy part herom shall nut rr'n,lituic a nivel of an,other part. The,C team and CnnJui1m,,hall he cun'lruCd under and gu,cined by the suh,u!nlive la,+s and not the Choi,'or la„ rules of the sore of Nchrasl_a. Buyer con<cnl,to;m,l agrees That an_v state Lir federal court in Douglas C'milly,Achlasha'hall have J,ENO rel and suhlcci matterjuiiedicliun dyer Buyer and this Aurccrneni,than Nehraska has the most siniticanl conlac'Is with this:ALlecmcnt,tit the C>Ci cion of any other stale: and that any cgal dispute htought by either Buyer or Scllcr relating to tln Agreement will be Ir,,littnud in 1)ou1.!hts C aunty,Vebrus4_:I pur.,tmnl to'Cctiun 6;shove. Buyer,cxprrs,ly corocnts and.tgrer,to rcCeive Conununicauions regarding auty order or trmnaction Iron SollCi h, clectinnic ui.!il and faccimilC. Rcy.V/07/09 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 365844 Fun Express Terms P.O. Box 14463 Des Moines, IA 50306-3463 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) PO# Amount 9/12/14 66549993801 Program supplies 37580 $ 309.59 9/12/14 66549993802 Program supplies 37580 $ 144.00 9/12/14 66551898101 Program supplies - xx1130 $ 130..1"6— Total $ 583.75 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20_ Clerk-Treasurer Voucher No. Warrant No. _ 365844 Fun Express Allowed 20 P.O. Box 14463 Des Moines, IA 50306-3463 In Sum of$ $ 583.75 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR 108 ESE Po#or INVOICE NO, ACCT#[TITL AMOUNT Board Members Dept# 1081-10 66549993801 4239039 $ 309.59 l hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1081-10 66549993802 4239039 $ 144.00 bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the 1081-2 66551898101 4239039 $ 130.16 materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except 9-Oct 2014 I $ 583.75 { Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if ! Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund