HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Lillig, Laurence M .;„ From: Lillig, Laurence M Sent: Wednesday,January 10, 2001 10:02 AM To: Peercy, Ryan W; Brewer, Scott I; Pattyn, Dawn E; Stahl, Gayle H; Dolan, Veronica A; Lillard, Sarah N; Kendall, Jeff A; Jones, Terry J Cc: Hill, Dick B Subject: Overture, sec 2; Lakes @ Hazel Dell, sec 1, CA 3, 4a; Newark, Lot 5a; Plum Creek Farms, sec 6;Village of WestClay, sec 10001 One mylar and two paper copies of the recorded plats have been received for the following subdivision sections: The Overture, Section 2 The Lakes at Hazel Del!, Section 1, Common Areas 3 & 4a Newark Addition, Lot 5a (Ace Hardware) Plum Creek Farms, Section 6 JAN 10 2001 The Village of WestClay, Section 10001 DO1 Once Ryan has entered the properties into CityView, these lots will be eligible for permits. LAURENCE M LILUG, JR. PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR CITY or CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ONE CHIC SQUARE -" CARMEI, 1N 46032 317.571.2417 c 317.571.242 6 (FAX) LUIIIG@CLCARMEL,IN.US (e C(sib'" l ;S .a ' 1 -Pi' . , bu e I in Subd,V I`cSi -c cakthkek . 01 - 0 5 4203 • DEC 20 '00 O9:02M P.2/2 ,,.-.. • ■ ... •1. ,, i.;.rise :-..:.:k'3 -,;''. ,, --,. i5Y::---------- 77------=..4-. (.) . 1' .. ki. 1,;\ •,-,•. 1;› ,•-: , ,,,(;); •-• : ...7'...,...-r- --)3*--(- (;,'1•''''..-'-----,'2,42;Y, c)(6AI;"•-•-•,,v-,,) ,,. ...,,,•, , .,-/ •c'.' 1 7.-' ■1..)? :' ",. .—•„f- -1 •F-V.2----,T., Airf :',44- 4 r'U7 ri i• ,, ,/ - \ .•- !lit ,„ •• _ , • • , ,4; 1 ;t.. :1, 71 \\;:i....94. b . :.\' '' :: .:'■i.till.'4-44"9--16±'1"'AL111.'bi:k-----q• II:. '' '‘.if 1.11,411':.1$:(:, : ( c ) )'''',7'. /.;:i... vi.:\k-.., 1 ,,i y : .,::,,,v--7.-. --...' /.p) , .litiltri.1, - 4'. ..!':.:.. , ,.-''''. x... '5'1'".).. /• — ‘-.--;:-....fr7(v _.. fiii l I (I'.... ,.‘5.---.' -'... L ---- tf XenIon C. 'Ward, Sitnieyar ,Citile iRi ,-, ‘111i-olie(3(7)7, one 310111ilion(.otillly S,quae • 'Tar (317) 776-.026 :Noblesville, Indiana 460b0:2.23n __,REURVED tIr_31' DR 20 zoo DOGS • --/ ,, • December 20, 2000 i•--t_ ..- -.., -- - • ;;,... '------ Laurence Lillig Cannel DOCS Re: Village of West Clay, Sec. 10001 The plans, secondary plat and other submittals for this project have been approved by this office. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me at 776-8495. Since ; ,.._.. ...._ ,---- Steven T. Cash Plan Reviewer Cc: Brenwick Schneider Corp. SCS Co, Hwy Lillig, Laurence Mi ti � Ab."11/. t %4 From: Jay Alley [Jay @ctrwdsewers.org] A Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 2:02 PM &Of RFC To: LLillig @ci.carmel.ih.us �1r. /ji � Cc: Candy Feltner; rlauritsen©slmaco.com �!! 19 Subject: Re: December Carmel TAC Comments. Hello Laurence: 'er Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items in our service area for tomorrow's meeting. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes. Mayflower Park Block 1, Lots 4-6 We have no comments about the plat but we will need to review construction plans if there is any proposed impact on the existing sanitary sewers. West Carmel Center, Ritter's Frozen Custard This project involves a lateral connection to an existing sewer. The District's lateral construction specs should be added to the plans. Building permits should not be issued without the District's connection permit. Kingsborough Section 4 The plans have been reviewed by the District's consulting engineers, Samuel L. Moore &Associates, and are undergoing revisions before submission to IDEM for State approval. Village of West Clay Sections 8501 and 10001 We have no comments about the plats as sanitary sewer plans have already been approved by the District for both sections. The sewers have been satisfactorily installed in Section 10001. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Please check our website for construction specification and permit information and let us know if there is other information we can provide which would be useful. Thanks- Jay W. Alley, Utility Manager Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwdsewers.org/ >>> "Lillig, Laurence M" <LLillig @ci.carmel.in.us> 12/13/00 09:20AM >>> CARMEL/CLAY TECHNICAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE AGENDA Date: December 20, 2000 Place: Department of Community Services Conference Room - 3rd Floor Carmel City Hall 9:00 a.m. Hazel Dell Corner, Lot 1 - Osco Drug (180-00 SP; 181-00 ADLS; SU-198-00; V-199-00 through V-205-00) The site is located at 5790 East 131st Street. The site is zoned B-3/business. Filed by J. Murray Clark of Clark Quinn Moses &Clark for American Partners. Lillig, Laurence M • From: Jay Alley [Jay @ctrwdsewers.org] EIC ���Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 12:42 PM D 18 2000 To: LLillig @ci.carmel.in.us DOCS P� Subject: RE: Village of West Clay Section 10001 11% No problem for us, Laurence. *NM" It's your show and, like I said, I don't know all the regs you guys have to follow for platting. Tx- Jay »> "Lillig, Laurence M" <LLillig @ci.carmel.in.us> 12/15/00 04:40PM »> Jay, Thanks for the input. It's really a matter of their original approval having expired, so we, as a Department, need to run it around the block one more time to be certain noting has changed before we rubber stamp the re-approval. Thanks again, Laurence > Original Message > From:Jay Alley [SMTP:Jay©ctrwdsewers.org] > Sent: Friday, December 15, 2000 4:13 PM > To: LLillig @ci.carmel.in.us > Cc: josek @brenwick.com; Candy Feltner > Subject: Village of West Clay Section 10001 > Hi Laurence: > It's come to my attention that you are considering having Brenwick go back > through TAC for this section since the plat has not yet been recorded. > While I'm not familiar with the specific technical requirements you have > for plat recording, I can say that the sanitary sewers have been completed > to the District's satisfaction in accordance with the plans which have > been previously reviewed and approved through TAC. It's my understanding > that water is also done and that Brenwick had intended to complete street > paving until interrupted by the rotten weather this week. > I don't know if this is helpful to you or not, but from our perspective, > we have nothing to gain by an additional TAC review since the sewer > infrastructure has been completed and inspected. Let me know if you have > any questions or need anything else on this topic. Tx- > > Jay 1 page 2 of 2 Technical Advisory Committee Agenda December 20, 2000 1:30 p.m. West Carmel Center, Block A - Ritter's Frozen Custard (DP Amend/ADLS Amend) The site is located at 10575 North Michigan Road, The site is zoned B- 3/business within the U.S. 421 Overlay Zone. LAJ..'C (c76:)1 Filed by Kevin D. McKasson of Glendale Partners. 2:00 p.m. Ritter's Frozen Custard - North Range.Line Road(Rezone) The site is located northwest of 8th Street Northwest. The site is zoned B- 2/business within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. Filed by Herman A. &Judith R. Sierzputowski. 2:30 p.m. Kingsborough, Section 4 (Secondary Plat) The site is located northeast of West 141" Street and Ditch Road. The site is zoned S-1/residence. SLIC Filed by Curtis C. Huff of Stoeppelwerth &Associates for Zaring National. 3:00 p.m. Two-Story Medical Office Building (DP/ADLS) The site is located sotheast of West Smokey Row Road and Oak Ridge Road. The site is zoned B-5/business within the U.S. 31 Overlay Zone. C Filed By Adam DeHart of Keeler-Webb Associates for F.C.C. Development. 3:30 p.m. Village of WestClay, Section 8501 (Secondary Plat) The site is located southeast of West 131' Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUD/planned unit development. Filed by Keith Lash of The Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND /U C Communities. 4:00 ..m. Village of WestClay, Section 10001 (Secondary.Plat) The site is located southeast of West 1315[ Street and Towne Road. The site is zoned PUD/planned unit development. C- Filed by Keith Lash of The Schneider Corporation for Brenwick TND Communities. .,,.astern pipeline Co. hfi . '_ii n.,..{J ciTU Facilities r,ti:,s�, ;•;thk project . .. moo c, �i Date • 0 • 74. A E N AN[C K . . • t December 15, 2000 / , �. F� ��, ,31 Mr. Laurence Lillig 1 Department of Community Services p0Os <''�4 ) City of Carmel Cannel, Indiana 46032 /t,- RE: The Village of WestClay, Section 10001 . • Dear Laurence: Pursuant to your phone call yesterday, enclosed please find the following materials: • A set of Construction Drawings • A set of the Village's covenants and restrictions In addition, you should be receiving notices from the various agencies voicing no objections to foregoing a second TAC appearance. Also enclosed please find a mylar copy of the plat as we intend to record it. Should you have any other comments, or when the plat is available for my pick-up, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY,INC. ' •1e Kreutz 4 • Enclosure 12821 E. New Market St. Suite 200 • Carmel, Indiana 46032 0 317.574.3400 0 317.574.3919 fax brenwick @brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com 0 Ali. Lillig, Laurence M TN I f11) if From: Steve Broermann [sjb©co.hamilton.in.us] ,,, Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2000 2:24 PM RECEi To: LLillig©ci.carmel.in.us 41 Subject: West Clay, Section 10001 -`� ' �a_Is 4.* , Laurence, 1 ". We have approved the plat for Section 10001 in the Village of West Clay, they= �u?' ,� ,,it,���? •uire any further review of this section. -itA " Thanks Steve Broermann 1 12/05/00 TUE 13:55 FAX 3177765516 INDIANA GAS ' (7) 'C` I1002 p INDIANA IRA S Indiana Gas Company,Inc. 1630 North Meridian Street AVectren Company P.O.Box 44945 Indianapolis, IN 46244-0945 Tel:317 926 3351 • December 5, 2000 11 0 0 Mr. Laurence Lillig P./ Department of Community Services City of Carmel Cannel, Indiana 46032 RE: The Village of West Clay Section 10001 Dear Laurence: • This letter serves to note that this office will not require the Technical Advisory Committee review of the above project. The project is under completion at this time, and any issues of concern to us will be brought to the attention of the developer or contractor at the site. • Sincerely, M ary J. Shultz Indiana Gas Company Marketing Development Representative • • • • 9 . _ RECE November 28, 2000 Nov 28 2000 DoC \ S c.� Mr. Steven Engleking, Director Department of Community Services C3 City of Carmel L One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: The Village of WestClay - Secondary Plat Approvals University Crescent and Section 10001 Dear Steve: Pursuant to various conversations with Laurence Lillig (see email transcript below), it appears that requests for secondary plat sign-offs may need to be directed at you. Enclosed please find a mylar and two prints of each of the two plats submitted for your approval. You will notice the University Crescent plat has been approved by the Board of Commissioners; this was done as part of Mr. Lillig's request to have the various T.A.C. members approve the subdivision of those particular eight lots. Should you have any questions or comments regarding this request, or the project in general, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY,INC. c Jos 4. Kreutz >>>"Lillig, Laurence M"<LLillig©ci.carmel.in.us> 11/17 8:12 AM >>> I'm sorry,Jose, I haven't been able to get to that one yet. I'll ask Steve or Terry if they have time to review it for you this afternoon. • > Original Message >From: Jose Kreutz JSMTP:josek @brenwick.coml >Sent: Thursday, November 16,2000 5:33 PM >To: LLilliq@ci.carmel.in.us >Subject: University Crescent at WestClay > >Laurence, >Any comments on the University Crescent plat?Are you ready for the two >blue-line prints? > >Lemme know, Jose 12821 It New Market St. Suite 200 0 Carmel, Indiana 46032 0 317.574.3400 ® 317.574.3919 fax brenw.ick @brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com