HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Johnson, Sue E From: Lillig, Laurence M Sent: Tuesday, December 12, 2000 9:49 AM To: Johnson, Sue E Cc: Morrissey, Phyllis G; Pattyn, Dawn E Subject: Carlson Office &Warehouse Complex (204-00 ADLS Amend) Docket No. 204-00 ADLS Amend has been assigned the Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping &Signage Amendment application filed by Reed Carlson of C&C Realty for the Carlson Office&Warehouse Complex located at 9830 North Michigan Road. The filing fee for this application is $350.00. This item will not be scheduled for TAC, as there are no Site Plan or Development Plan amendments proposed. This application will be placed on the January 16, 2001, Plan Commission agenda. Sue Ellen, please contact Mr. Carlson at 876-2519 with this information. LALIRENCE M. LILLIG, IR. PLANNING ADMINISTRATOR CITY OF CARMEL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 317.571.2417 317.571.2426 (FAX) L LI LLIG @C I.CA RMEL.I N.US 1 L- Real ,. c) an gS ®%OH3 IIiE manDoi u]CC.431.14 rttiax D • CI�7LY3NII]EIL.,][RTIlID:H• I3Ta!. eo32 , - • ' III10®RT7E:(3H7) December 7, 2000 , • Mr Laurence M :Jr. Planning Administrator f , 1� Department-of Community .Services ' i �! One:Civic Square Carmel,Indiana 46032 Dear Mr Lillig, ,; Enclosed is the ADLS Amendment for'ADLS 30-99 regarding the commercial building _ frontingMichigan'Road: We`are requesting the,abilityto revise the.building materials to be used on the north and east'facade:..elevations for the building located at°9830 North , Michigan,Road; Therevision&include the use of a blue_standing seam_ roof in lieu of "-, shingles and a combination of redbrick and split_face block`as shown in the enclosed rendering. The building materials to:be used are.'in compliance withsthe building Materials allowed by the U S.-421Overlay Zone;Ordinance All aspects:of the development-plan remain unchanged.- Please review the:,enclosed at you earliest`convenience and if you have any: , - questions and/or comments-you can reach me at 876-25.19,'We would like to be included' , 'in the,-January meeting of the Carmel'Plan Commission: I look forward to hearing;from.you in the near future Sincerely; C..8CC Realty Company ' Reed;Carlson Partner C IEts®I4geer91:gc 21een races : eei i gan./ IFamimgx41r-tty RhTaima:ge m ein t -