HomeMy WebLinkAbout238424 10/21/14 �* CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351017 ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CHECK AMOUNT: $*****6,779.00* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 PO BOX 664117 CHECK NUMBER: 238424 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 CHECK DATE: 10/21/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 609 5023990 107591939001 221.33 OTHER EXPENSES 609 5023990 107599926001 148.27 OTHER EXPENSES 609 5023990 107599926003 34.87 OTHER EXPENSES 652 5023990 107630149001 1,099.27 OTHER EXPENSES 652 5023990 107630149003 5,275.26 OTHER EXPENSES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT =7,4,9,1"8 S14376 PT 10TH P ROX NET 30TH KEVIN R FORD DIRECT DUANE JARVIS FISHERS 317-598-6170 10/03/14 . 0 11 .-. I . . 0 1 �Ml EF—C M— lea lea HOFF A726018SSFSDN4 4553.74 lea 4553.74 TWO DOOR FS ENCL TYPE 4X —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" lea lea HOFF AFK1218SS 721.52 lea 721.52 14.43 STAINLESS STEEL FLOOR STAND KIT —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" Billing Questions:Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Numbed 5107630149.003 Subtotal l 5275.26, If paid by 11/10/14 you may deduct$14.43 S&H Charges i 0.00 Invoice is due by 11/30/14 net of any cash discount. Sales Taxi 0.00� 5275.261=W—M 0001:0001 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------'------------------'---------------- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT 022=- 74918 S14376 PT 1 OTH PROX NET 30TH KEVIN R FORD DIRECT DUANE JARVIS FISHERS 317-598-6170 10/02/14 lea lea HOFF A72P6OFl 345.77 lea 345.77� 6.92 FULL PANEL 60.00X56.00 —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HOFF A72FSCPS 176.22 lea 176.22 3.52 CENTER PANEL SUPPORT 72" —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** FULL PANEL 60.00X25.00 —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY" Billing Questions:Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Numbed S107630149.001 Subtotall 1099.27 If paid by 11/10/14 you may deduct$21.99 S&H Charges 0.001 | / Invoice isdue uy11/3o/14net many cash discount. Sales Tax 0.00 ��� 0001:0001 ��� Kirby Risk Page 1 of MAMS AND CCONDITMNS OVSAL.b: ACULPTAX!E M I KE (;(HMS PURCHASED MTHIS 1`,;V01CL CONS'i'FFUTES AND A(MPTANCE 0F'FHE", i,,,RN1S Ila)0)NDI1I NS OY' SALE. -XIHC'°-' FOLLMY AUCk MUCC, Me : y13NA1 i0 NILAI Aian_,,o, No gofls nii !,c returr-,,d o iirkot and nurrlbk:r,ind al,111101_s,',,16011, Nou-`1t€ck MurchanuQ is Tri i rmurnk!,!. Uuj!."!-.' LtC Can ';"Curc :I'*"�Cturrrd {.7{)o0frou'. the %vildor. (1) The C uslonhy;IckmmQdWq wd ngrew dtahn ad pualions ot'goods andcrvice:� ji-orn SO% glvcs no cxprc;' warvs;llics.C" iniphed "arrank,of rncwhantabi lily and i-olless i'orany p.,"icular (4) TV i Asionwi agrees Wi SAW, 011 nA be 1012 Mr Hw"vnmo �061 a& AITWOM dU1 :,qv am A,.g ' -.-;y tV:11 01': 'Ioc, -, -I*r.,- 'I ""AL:r' Taxu Awwn Au mA moludc nAlas or ofl.cr tax,2, t opos':O on the ,'flc T�I: no\t hery,Aar imlNoed 4mn vain`o"honnums will k a&&d u,the PLMEIK PYK. Bul cr agrown to l 1-so SJ;4_r 100;a ; smh un or pro,We SAWr i0h,'c,,Lptahlc tax cxet-nfition t.crtj fictAe. (to MIA n in DcH%ery--SO Or is on to he amniunWh 0 Rir Mays in 0A My w-cmOnk by ani of(Aid or best-:mimavof our supplivr� and in on caw stall SKY be livible Rw so consny"dal o "Tcvkl J'roni i'ny&ki, in delivory. iv; Mirer­71 h. !WhHo W Se'ller to insi>i :r 1731 on pedbuumico oran, of if'.;'icttv.w condnar,of comiju or ii; cxndw miy rigi,i hercln':dcr`hal: not bc lo hc a 1',<.'::'r of a"It tvia,. cwl"'?"iolls or I i�ht ill the Putt.!;"-.:. nor it bcL,,,,ined to !.)c a "o�cr Vol mhu wnm owkilmI, or rigl; 'alder ,lc" 'olvr: :�I. to) Nionricautiv or nlans and (Andhins,--No tlis aiw condkiang oln Umn Auv swied hxAn -_nd no 't; :CanyK w , in any my 1}Ho to rnodiQ don tnwN or omAQw. M K� o�j S,:�j -j",' ol-, Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev 1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show, kind of service, where performed, dates of service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee 351017 KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY Purchase Order No. PO BOX 664117 Terms INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Due Date 10/15/2014 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 10/15/201, S107630149. $5,275.26 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are) true and correct and 1 have audited same in accordance with 1C 5-11-10-1.6 Date Officer VOUCHER # 145790 WARRANT # ALLOWED 351017 IN SUM OF $ KIRBY RISK ELECTRICAL SUPPLY PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46266 Carmel Wastewater Utility ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Board members PO# INV# ACCT# AMOUNT Audit Trail Code S107630149.( 02-2308-00 $5,275.26 Depreciation 5 f ��63�Iy9.00 i 1 r2e �31�f,53 Voucher Total Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid under vehicle highway fund 10/01/14 03: 59 PM EOT Kirby Risk Page 1 of 3 #195663 0 ** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax ** To ACCOUNTS PAYABLE Fax# 1-317-733-2053 k From LORI L. NEWMAN Message This invoice was short paid by by $ 221 .33 on check 236437 . A credit was listed on this check for the same amount of the short payment. Not sure if! you subtract the credit from this invoice total and paid the balance and listed the credit on the check also. Need balance of invoice paid in full . Please let me know if this was not the case and there is another dispute on this invoice. Thank you Lori Newman CBA Credit Analyst 1-800-762-4826 ext 3315 1-765-446-3350 fax lnewmanCa,kirbyrisk .com ** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax **** Fax ** ' I 10/01/14 03: 59 PM EDT Kirby Risk Page 2 of 3 #195663 �- Tmmm - - _mmM l ll�i 1 locludby ls.k, f�:uQIG : F: :?':i;>: 3P:VG$�:e:2i:WFER:::'a:`.':1 07/15/14 S107591939 . 001 ------------------- ----------- REMIT T0: ...................... KIRBY RISK CORPORATION PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266-4117 1 OE 2 ------------------------------- --------- BILL -------BILL T0: SHIP T0: CARMEL WATER TREATMENT CARMEL WATER TREATMENT 3450 W 131ST ST 4915 E 106TH ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 CARMEL, IN 46033 _----_------_ - �R... .. . ..... ....:'.:::::.CUS'iCt1E,.Ff.h 12EC n ifA�f NU EFt 44 pPF .. . ........... .... ............. ....Pt...... ......... 11788 � BT071414A _ -.`Qom. _ —_4A': .. .......:: :a..3,.`..EE.F�fL..,. SN P.::�..:....,:: :.....,.OfDfi.............. .......... .A.E...... IGE 41.�..� NI,..D�F..... ------ - ._---____ MWILSON— — —� WC51— BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/15/14 QBDE:R2 ;iY.M':< --:-:::-:-----:: DE,.GR-iiT :: ___._. _. rIa-a:. ...::::..:1:::: ' X. ........ ... ........... .......:: ............. ......... . ... .:..... .. .: ....::--...-..m...-.-:-:::-.-....:-:-..-...E.-. :.F.-..r..-i.c._:-:-::-:-:.::-:-:-.S::N-.-..P-. :.-.-..- ;:. ...............-.........: ........,:.... . .:... ............ ...... : ... . .......... ....,....... . ... .. 20 . 20ft *PVC 4" SCH 80 NM CONDUIT 10' 277 .54 100ft 55 .51 0 . 00 PRIME 49415-010 OR CTX A53EA12 60 60ft *PVC 4" SCH 40 NM CONDUIT 10' 176 .29 100ft 105 .77 0 . 00 PRIME 49015-010 OR CTX A52EA12 4 4ea CARL UA9FN CL UA9FN 4" SCH 40 1893 .44 100ea 75 .74 0 . 00 90 DEG X 36" ELB Prior Deposit on 09/10/14 -15 .69 ** Reprint ** Reprint ** Reprint ** 10/01/14 03: 59 PM EDT Kirby Risk Page 3 of 3 #195663 �- e ;® { 1. .. ._T. ....... . .... :....._. __. . .i 07/15/14 S107591939 . 001 ------------------- ----------- REMIT T0: }:IRBY RISC: CORPORATION ------------- PO BON 664117 F 2 ______________________ INDIANAPOLIS IN 462664117 2 of BILL TO: SHIP TO: CARMEL WATER TREATMENT CARMEL WATER TREATMENT 3450 W 131ST ST 4915 E 106TH ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 CARMEL, IN 46033 __ s . . ... resrc.,re..,L .e..... ...................ru..i1e:,.rc.. ureR ;>::< :::::::::::::::::::::; ::: > _ &L.E. F..nuice ,.- E..... . 11788 BT071414A _ - - - - - � p: �ii5>:�:::_:..�.�.,,,;; _'...�.:.,•,�:.':Y.T'��:�':�i:;ti : ,�A[: '''.� :::>5.:,: ......_eL._.€. ........ ............. . ..H..... IA........ ........ .C.,6 fiiLS .......... ........... .9.tf.4.fE.TGE....... MWILSON WC51 BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 07/15/14 QR3E:n.tl............58TF1.GT........ .. R�.CRt.Ti�4.. »...... .Ii.. ...}. ..... ..... .. .......... t......... .........Of..C... 7MV2a143:38.55AM Sn7591933.aQ1 8RIA41TOLAN --------------------------------- -- Billing Questions: Billing_request@kirbyrisk.com (765)446-3054 ---T-- - --T ___________________ � iki:..a:.al.:::::::::: 221.33 & CHS 0 .00 Invoice is due by 08/14/14 . Sa;1e_s: ------------------- _ Ta 0 .00 A service charge of 2% per month will be charged if not paid by 08/14/14 <J' t ;f J+� 221.33) Please detach, retain the top portion for your records and return the bottom portion w1 Fyour emiltance.- EG�: fiFteR,.T.:.,....., .,............ 1,.v... . .. ..... :::::'::icA`i4I:@E: k26:•:::4;»>: TtlTAC................................. ..... Ah.OB:kF R?S::TES.. 11788 5107591939 .001107/15/1 - 221 . 33 -- I— 08/14/14 --Please----Ki-r-b ltf sk-1 Tectrf cal- uppTy -------- CEASE-DETACH-'AN D--SUBFTIT-WI TH YOU -PAYMENT--------------- Remit To: PO BOX 664117 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46266 4117 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS Invoice is due by 08/14/14. ----'-------------'---------------------------------------------------- DETACH UPPER PORTION AND RETURN WITH YOUR PAYMENT Rom 11788 BT072114A NET 30 DAYS MIKE E WILSON WC51 WILL-CALL BRIAN TOLAN FISHERS 317-598-6170 08/01/14 lea lea HUBB HBL400MBN 25.65 lea 25.65 SINGLEPOLE,400A MALE PLUG, BROWN —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HUBB HBL400MO 25.65 lea 25.65 SINGLEPOLE,400A MALE PLUG, ORANGE "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HUBB HBL400MGN 25.65 lea 25.65 SINGLE POLE 300A MALE PLUG "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HUBB HBLMCAPBN 15.65 lea 15.65 SINGLEPOLE, MALE CAP, BROWN "SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HUBB HBLMCAPO 15.65 lea 15.65 SINGLEPOLE, MALE CAP,ORANGE —SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HUBB HBLMCAPY 15.65 lea 15.65 SINGLEPOLE, MALE CAP, YELLOW **SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** lea lea HUBB HBLMCAPGN 15.65 lea 15.65 GREEN CAP FOR SINGLE POLE DEVICES **SUBJECT TO VENDOR RETURN POLICY** Billing Questions: Billing-request@kirbyrisk.com(765)446-3054 Invoice Numbed S107599926.001 Subtotall 139.55 0 '7- f Charges 8.721 | Invoice mdue uyo881n4. Sales Tax 0.00 / � 0001:0003 Kirby Risk Page 1 of 1 TERAISAND CONDITIONS OF SALIE ACCIPTANCEOF < �-IE (.00I)SPL.RCHASEI)ON 'I'[IIS IN VDICE' CONSFITUTES AND AKTPTANCE OF THE TERMS AND CIADITIONS(FT SALE WHICH IT)LJ,I;VV: I Muck Muchandise is ,iub�ject Lo a return charge. No WuNi ma; in xturncd Whout a Opping EQU andi"or invoicc nurnbcr:and prior authorisation. Non-,loch Marchandise is not returnablk., unle,Ss \Ne can sccure ., "Returned Good; from the vk-:)dor. The Cublomer acknov%Ic(h,,es and agrecs that in aH purehaws of goods and seri ices Irorn SJQr. Sellcr gkTs no cxprcy"ammlics.or implied %"irraruQ of meNhantabihty smol fl ss in any pardoular Puipme. (W The ( Asiomor igrees dan SOW WI r1w be liablo liar any conscquyAhl and incidei,aa) iron r kvith ihc -,00(!�pijrch;)<od froin, Sellcr. Q Taxes Prices sho\vn N) not include Was or other taxes hqmwd on the vQ ofgmW Way ww or hcre:If'ltir impowd upon sales or shipment-;will be added to the purchase price. 131.1�,:r 0grcc:,to ivimburso CIO for my such tax or provide Sellcr kvithacceptabIc tax exemption certificate (6) Delay in Delp k ry—Seiler is not to he accountable for delays in delivery;,-casioncd by ac(,oi'God � I- other circunISLIFICCs over\vhich has no direct control. Factory shipnnnt or delivery elates are t!:,, best cstiniai,,!S of our suppliers, mid in no caw shall Seller be liahic l'or any,,,onsequ,-inial or,pecial daina,,,,es arising from any delay in delivery. (1) lWin cr—"Che Illurc of Seller to insist upon ilia pedbuinawe of aig uFflic terrus car conditions of ins,!, coifl!,ict or Im cxcrckc my right he vwden shall not be&(-nned to ine a tivaiver of such 10111IS- cond:iions or in it;e future. nor shall ii be dverned to be a w0cr est my other wnn. cWition,0! rig gh! --der"ill's contra t. 0o Modification ArTerws and condhio:r,,,other-than thoz—, stated oci-cill'and no oruridermndb& in any "uypuMortingto modify ihiew tci,ns, orctwoditions, -.hall N� on S':=Iar witfir"ut Sclicr's con'Cnt.