HomeMy WebLinkAbout238536 10/21/14 CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 00351368
SUITE 2300 CHECK DATE: 10/21/14
902 4460810 22089 2,397.75 SHAPIRO'S
902 4460802 22091 1,702.75 PEDCOR
902 4460849 22092 378.00 TUESDAY MORNING
902 4460807 22094 321.50 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE
902 4460892 22095 1,042.50 APOSTOLIC CHURCH SITE
902 4460807 22097 5,239.50 PERFORMING ARTS CENTE
902 4460805 22098 8,722.25 RETAIL SITE #5
Wallack Somers &Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 2300 09-13-14P03,. 02 RCVD
Indianapolis,IN 46204
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03,2014
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Matter: carmparee12
Carmel,IN 46032 Inv #: 22091
Attention: Mike Lee
RE: Parcel
Jun-09-14 Prepare list of discussion items for weekly meeting with JRS 0.20
Pedcor Group; Email R. Brown regarding same;Telephone
call with R. Brown regarding same.
Jun-11-14 Attend to public and event parking and parking agreement KPH 0.50
issues; Conferences with J. Shoup; Calls and emails.
Jun-12-14 Attend to public and event parking and parking agreement KPH 0.60
issues; Conferences with J. Shoup; Calls and emails.
Review email from R. Brown regarding parking license; JRS 1.50
Review parking license;Draft response to email from R.
Brown;Revise parking license.
Jun-18-14 Attend to parking and garage issues;Attend to proposed KPH 1.00
increment financing and allocation restructuring; Meeting
preparation Commission executive session and regular
meeting;Follow up on meeting issues; Calls and emails.
Jun-19-14 Attend to issues regarding pubic and event parking west of KPH 1.10
Monon Trail;Review notes and file; Respond to Pedcor
comments to parking agreement; Conference with J. Shoup;
Calls and emails.
Totals 4.90
Total Fees $1,702.75
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $1,702.75
Previous Balance $695.01
Previous Payments $347.51
Balance Due Now $2,050.25
Wallack Somers &Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 2300
Indianapolis,IN 46204
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03,2014
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street,Suite 220 Matter: carmparcel5
Cannel,IN 46432 0 9_13_ 4 Q 3 2 Cv
Inv #: 22098
Attention: Mike Lee
RE: Parcel
Jun-03-14 Attend to public and utility easement issues;Attend to KPH 1.00
project financing and allocation areas; Pre-meeting
conference with C. Meyer;Meeting with C. Meyer, B.
Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor projects team; Follow
up on meeting issues; Conferences and emails.
Jun-04-14 Review and revise Park East project agreement;Prepare KPH 2.50
additional issue notes and comments.
Emails with C. Meyer regarding Park East Project JRS 0.80
Agreement; Emails with C. Meyer regarding RSIC summary;
Emails regarding imrwwslbonds for Park East; Review
comments from C. Meyer to Park East Project Agreement.
Jun-05-14 Park East project agreement conference with J. Shoup. KPH 0.50
Review comments from C.Meyer to Park East Project JRS 3.00
Agreement; Prepare and send responses to C. Meyer; Review
and revise Park East Project Agreement;Emails regarding
1NiEnAbonds for Park Ease( )•
Jun-09-14 Prepare list of discussion items for weekly meeting with JRS 0.20
Pedcor Group;Email R. Brown regarding same;Telephone
call with R. Brown regarding same.
Jun-10-14 Attend to public parking and utility easement issues;Attend KPH 1.30
to project financing and allocation areas;Pre-meeting
conference with CD.Meyer;Meeting with CD. Meyer,B.
Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor projects team;Follow
up on meeting issues; Conferences and emails.
Jun-11-14 Attend to PIATT issues and recording requirement; KPH 0.50
Conference with J. Shoup; Calls and emails.
Draft Agreement for WPM for Park JRS 4.20
East;Draft�Easement Agreement for Park East.
Jun-12-14 Draft Guaranty for Park East. JRS 1.80
Jun-17-14 Attend to public parking and utility easement issues; KPH 1.40
Pre-meeting conference with C.Meyer;Meeting with C.
Meyer,B. Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor projects
team;Follow up on meeting issues; Conferences and emails.
-18-14 Attend to parking and arae issues;Attend to proposed KPH 1.60
Jun p g garage
�financing and restructuring; Meeting
preparation Commission executive session and regular
meeting;Follow up on meeting issues; Calls and emails.
Jun-24-14 Attend to public parking and utility easement issues;Attend KPH 1.30
to project financing and allocation areas;Pre-meeting
conference with C. Meyer; Meeting with C.Meyer,B.
Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor projects team; Follow
up on meeting issues; Conference and emails.
Jun-26-14 Telephone call with R.-Brown regarding Restated JRS 0.50
Declaration;Review and revise Restated Declaration.
Jun-27-14 Attend tomeasement;Attend to Park East project KPH 0.80
agreement; Calls and emails.
Review revised Easement Agreement;Revised JRS 3.30
Easement Agreement; Conference with K. Haas regarding
same; Emails with C.Uhlarik regarding same;Review
comments to Park East Project Agreement from C. Meyer;
Respond to foregoing;Review and revise Park East Project
Jun-30-14 Attend to project financing and allocation areas;Attend to KPH 0.40
Totals 25.10
Total Fees $8,722.25
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $8,722.25
Previous Balance $29,780.79
Previous Paymelws $10,598.79
Balance Due Now $27,904.25
Wallack Somers &Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 2300
Indianapolis,IN 46204
09-18-1 4 P03:21 RCVO
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03,2014
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Matter:mnparcel7c
Carmel,IN 46032 Inv #: 22097
Attention: Mike Lee
RE: Parcel 7C
Jun-02-14 Attend to ticket surcharge; Conference call with T. KPH 0.50
Jim-05-14 Attend to easements and garage uses; Calls and emails. KPH 0.20
Jun-09-14 Attend to access and fire easement; Determine locations and KPH 1.20
uses; Outline same and easement terms; Conference with J.
Review drawings for fire exit;Draft First Amendment to JRS 3.70
Access Declaration to add easement for construction and use
of fire exit.
Review easements and declarations regarding utility RRW 0.90
easements;Discuss same with K. Haas; Emails regarding
Jun-10-14 Attend to Gradle easement and utility easements; Conference KPH 0.60
with J. Shoup; Calls and emails.
Emails regarding utility easements. RRW 0.20
Jun-11-14 Attend to multiple emails regarding James Building in JRS 0.50
connection with questions from Indy Star.
Emails regarding media inquiries regarding 4CDC and James RRW 1.40
Building;Telephone calls with M. Lee and B. Roeger
regarding same.
Jun-12-14 Attend to multiple emails regarding James Building and JRS 0.80
4CDC in connection with questions from Indy Star.
Emails regarding response to media inquiries regarding RRW 0.30
James Building and 4CDC.
Jun-13-14 Attend to nergy center KPH 0.50
payments for updated Umbaugh increment report;
Conference with R. Wilmering.
Jun-16-14 Attend to property ownership structure and rights; Review KPH 2.20
notes and file;Memo and email to J. Brainard;Attend to
energy center payment
Conference with R_Wilirieririg;Atten` to` `e aceess
easement; Conference with J. Shoup;Additional calls and
Jun-17-14 Attend to property ownership structure and rights; Review KPH 0.90
notes and file;Memo and email to J.Brainard;Additional
calls and emails.
Emails regarding easement for construction and use of fire JRS 0.20
Emails regarding fourth floor office space. RRW 0.20
Jun-18-14 Attend to insurance and operations issues; Conference with KPH 1.90
R.Wilmering;Attend to Anderson-Birkla site work and
infrastructure;Attend to utility and access easement;Attend
to property management and related.RFP;Meeting
preparation Commission executive session and regular
meeting; Follow up on meeting issues;Calls and emails.
Totals 16.20
Total Fees $5,239.50
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $5,239.50
Previous Balance $4,896.53
Previous Payments $2,193.78
Balance Due Now $7,942.25
Wallack Somers &Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 2300 09-18-14P02 :57 RCVD
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03,2014
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Matter:amparce110
Carmel,IN 46032
Inv #: 22089
Attention: Mike Lee
RE: Parcel 10
Jun-03-14 Attend to disposition and parking issues;Attend to 1M KPH 0.70
easements;Attend to alternative uses and prospective
purchasers; Pre-meeting conference with C. Meyer; Meeting
with C. Meyer,B. Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor
projects team;Follow up on meeting issues; Conferences and
Jun-09-14 Prepare list of discussion items for weekly meeting with JRS 0.20
Pedcor Group; Email R.Brown regarding same;Telephone
call with R. Brown regarding same.
Jun-10-14 Attend to disposition and parking issues;Attend to1NNW KPH 0.60
easements;Attend to alternative uses and prospective
purchasers; Pre-meeting conference with C.Meyer; Meeting
with-C.Meyer,B. Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor
projects team;Follow up on meeting issues; Conferences and
Jun-17-14 Attend to.public parking and utility easement issues; KPH 1.50
Pre-meting conference with C. Meyer;Meeting with C.
Meyer, B. Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor projects
team;Attend to disposition and parking issues;Attend to
Duke easements;Attend to alternative uses and prospective
purchasers;Follow up on meeting issues; Conferences and
Jun-18-14 Attend to parking and disposition issues;Attend to KPH 0.50
amendment to declaration;Attend to building re-use;
Meeting preparation; Executive session; Calls and emails.
Jwi-24-14 Attend to public parking and utility easement issues;Atend KPH 0.90
to disposition and parking issues;Attend to easements;
Attend to alternative uses and prospective purchares;
Pre-meeting conference with C. Meyer; Meeting with C.
Meyer,B. Cordingley and remainder of Pedcor projects
team; Follow up on meeting issues; Conferences and emails.
Jun-25-14 Telephone call with R. Brown regarding sale by M of its JRS 0.30
parcel and request to allow employees to park in CRC
surface lot.
Jun-26-14 Telephone call with R. Brown regarding Third Amendments JRS 1.00
to easement documents,Restated Declaration,and parking
by employees in CRC Surface lot;Telephone call with T.
Ochs regarding I= sale of its parcel and request to allow
employees to park in CRC surface lot; Review and revise
Third Amendments to easement documents and Restated
Jun-27-14 Attend to 4=easement; Calls and emails. KPH 0.20
Jun-30-14 Attend to disposition and parking issues;Attend to KPH 1.00
easements; Conference call with P. Reis.
Totals 6.90
Total Fees $2,397.75 -
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $2,397.75
Previous Balance $14,169.67
Previous Payments $8,296.92
Balance Due Now $8,270.50
Wallack Somers & Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Scute 2300
IndianapolslN 46204
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03, 2014
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Matter:mnparcel49
Carmel,IN 46032
Inv #: 22092
Attention: Mike Lee
RE: Parcel 49
Jun-03-14 Telephone call with C. Meyer regarding RRW 0.30
contract, developer bond, and parking management
agreement;Review notes and file.
Jun-04-14 Attend to emails regarding outstanding installment contract JRS 0.20
Jun-18-14 Attend to parking and operation issues;Attend to amendment KPH 0.50
to expense payment;Attend to building defects; Meeting
preparation; Executive session; Calls and emails.
Jun-24-14 Attend to project and construction defects and deficiencies; KPH 0.20
Conference with C. Meyer.
Totals 1.20
Total Fees $378.00
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $378.00
Previous Balance $3,446.01
Previous Payments $401.88
Balance Due Now $3,422.13
Wabck Somers & Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square 0 9--16-1 4 P 0 3. 0 6 R C V D
Suite 2300__.___
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03,2014
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street, Suite 220 Matter:trmparcel92
Carinel,IN 46032 Inv #: 22095
Attention: Mike Lee
RE: Parcel 92
Jun-18-14 Emails from C. Meyer and K. Haas regarding CRC JRS 0.20
Jun-20-14 Attend to inquiries from C. Meyer regarding Commission KPH 0.70
obligations under project agreement; Review same; Initial
response to C. Meyer;Emails.
Jun-23-14 Review project agreement; Outline public parking and utility KPH 1.30
easement issues;Memo and email to C. Meyer.
Jun-24-14 Attend to required Commission site work and financial KPH 0.80
obligations; Review applicable documents; Conference with
C. Meyer.
Totals 3.00
Total Fees $1,042.50
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $1,042.50
Previous Balance $278.00
Previous Payments $0.00
Balance Due Now $1,320.50
Wallack Somers &Haas, P.C.
One Indiana Square
Suite 2300
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: 317/231-9000 Fax: 317/231-9900
City of Carmel Jul 03,2014
Cannel Redevelopment Commission
30 West Main Street,Suite 220 Matter:umparcel7a
Cannel,IN 46032 Inv #: 22094
Attention: Mike Lee 09-13-14p,03 '.05 -R I VD
RE: Parcel 7A
Jun-18-14 Attend to insurance and operations issues;Attend to KPH 0.80
litigation settlement; Meeting preparation;Executive session;
Calls and emails.
Emails regarding Palladium operations agreement. RRW 0.20
Totals 1.00
Total Fees $321.50
Total Disbursements $0.00
Total Fees and Disbursements $321.50
Previous Balance $347.50
Previous Payments $347.50
Balance Due Now $321.50
Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995)
An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service, where performed; dates service rendered, by
whom, ratesper day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit; etc.
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dance with IC 5-11-10-1.6.
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claim paid motor vehicle highway fund