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Board of Public Works and Safety Meeting
Wednesday, February 6, 2013 – 10:00 a.m.
Council Chambers City Hall One Civic Square
a. Minutes from the January 9, 2013 Regular Meeting
a. Bid Opening for Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, Final Clarifier and
Miscellaneous Improvements; John Duffy, Director of the Department of Utilities
b. Quote Opening for the 12” Water Main Relocation for River Road Culvert
Replacement over Elizabeth Warren Drain, John Duffy, Director of the Department of
c. Bid Award for the River Road Culvert Replacement over Elizabeth Warren
Drain; ($659,671.00); Mike McBride, City Engineer
a. Resolution Number BPW-02-06-13-02; Village of West Clay Section 5003; Lot
Frontage Sidewalks; Keith Lash, Brenwick
b. Resolution Number BPW-02-06-13-04; Sanctuary Sections 1, 2, &4A; Interior
Streets, Streets, Asphalt Streets; James Shields, Weihe Engineers
c. Resolution Number; BPW-02-06-13-05; Cobblestone Commons; Water Line
installation, Sanitary Sewer Main Install; John Duffy, Director of the Department of
a. Tabled 1/9/13; Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; LS Olds Consulting;
($60,000 + Cell phone expense); Director Carmel Redevelopment Commission;
Douglas Haney, City Attorney
b. Resolution Number; BPW-02-06-13-01; A Resolution of the City of Carmel Board
of Public Works and Safety Acknowledging Receipt of Contract; Revenue Deposit
Agreement between the City of Carmel and the Carmel Redevelopment
Commission; Mayor Brainard
c. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Perennials Plus; ($12,112.00);
Hanging Baskets; Dave Huffman, Street Commissioner
d. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Perennials Plus; ($15,649.50); 2013
Annuals; Dave Huffman, Street Commissioner
e. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Signal Construction; ($23,765.00);
Dave Huffman, Street Commissioner
f. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Brown Equipment Company;
($165,000.00); Street Sweeper; Dave Huffman, Street Commissioner
g. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Gerig-Ottenweller; ($659,671.00);
River Road Culvert Replacement over Elizabeth Warren Drain; Mike McBride,
City Engineer
h. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Additional Service #2; Clark Dietz;
($12,000.00); Retail Parkway Extension; Mike McBride, City Engineer
i. Request for Agreement between the City of Carmel and Hamilton County
Humane Society; Doug Haney, City Attorney
j. Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Grunau Company; ($1,320.00); Fire
Protection Maintenance; Chief Tim Green, Carmel Police Department
k. Request for Contract with the Carmel Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 185;
Carmel Police Department
l. Request for Contract with the Carmel Professional Firefighters Association;
Carmel Fire Department
m. Request for Addendum to the Service Agreement; City of Carmel and PAETEC;
Terry Crockett, Director of the Information Systems Department
n. Request for Settlement Agreement; City of Carmel and Jim/Anita Siccardi;
($5,000.00); Doug Haney, City Attorney
o. Request for Settlement Agreement; City of Carmel and Verizon Wireless; Doug
Haney, City Attorney
a. Request for Use of Center Green; Friday, February 15, 2013; 6:30 p.m. to 9:30
p.m.; Software Engineering Professionals (SEP)
b. Request for Closure of City Streets; Art of Wine; Saturday, July 20. 2013; 9:00
a.m. to Midnight; Megan McVickers, City of Carmel
c. Request for Use of Gazebo; Thursday, April 11 and May 2, 2013; 6:00 pm to 9:00
pm; Carmel Young Life
d. Request for use of City Streets; Race; Thursday, November 28, 2013; 5:00 a.m. to
Noon; Set up – Wednesday, November 27, 2013; 8:00 am to 6:00 pm; Michael
Ducy, Outreach on the Run
e. Request for Use of Center Green; Race; Saturday, March 16, 2013; 7:oo am to
2:00 pm; Jayson Parker, Tatum’s Bags of Fun
a. Request to Use Gazebo; Wedding; Sunday, June 23, 2013; 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm;
Emily Leshon
b. Request to Use Council Chambers; Meeting; Thursday, April 18, 2013; 6:30 pm to
8:30 pm; Wendy Blake, Lake Forest HOA
c. Request to Use Gazebo and Common Grounds; Wedding; Friday, June 21, 2013,
8:00 am to Midnight; Rehearsal; Thursday, June 20, 2013; Britney Rogers
a. TABLED: Request for Dedication of Streets; Traditions on the Monon; Robert
Potokar, HOA Traditions on the Monon
b. Uniform Conflict of Interest; Richard Viehe, Gregory Webb
c. Request for Stop Loss Renewal; Barb Lamb, Human Resource
d. Request for Warranty Deed; Clarian Health Partners; Mike McBride, City
e. Request for Dedication of Right of Way; Community Drive; Brett Huff,
Stoeppelwerth & Associates
f. Request for Dedication of Street; Mayflower Park; Charles Phipps, Mayflower
Business Park
g. Request for Variance; Landscaping in Easement; Overbrook Farms; Richard
Henderson, Fischer Development
h. Request for Performance Guarantee Reduction; Cobblestone Commons; ROW
Improvements; Justin Moffett, Old Town Design Group
i. Request for Performance Bond Reduction; Village of West Clay; Various Sections;
Keith Lash, Brenwick
j. Request for Stormwater Technical Standards Variance; Carmel Corners Retail
Center; James Shinneman, Weihe Engineers
k. Request for Curb Cut Vacation; Curb Cut Relocation; Lane Restrictions; 32 1st
Avenue NE; Paul Owen, Wedgewood Building Corp.
l. Request Open Pavement Cut/Lane Closure; 13200 Ditch Road; Rick Lunford,
Grizzly Construction
m. Request for Open Pavement Cut/Lane Closure; 10240 Ditch Road; Austin
Williams, G&R Excavating
n. Request for Open Pavement Cut/Street Closure/Sidewalk Closure; 2nd Avenue NE;
John Edwards, Elevation Excavation
o. Request for Open Pavement Cut/Lane Closure/Sidewalk Closure; 4th Avenue
S.W.; John Edwards, Elevation Excavation
p. Request for Additional Curb Cut; 10550 Hussey Lane; Cathy Bickle, Jammas LLC
q. Request for Lane Closure; West 116th; AT&T Replacement Work; Steve Krebs,
r. Request for Lane/Shoulder Closure; Keystone Parkway south of 116th Street;
Woodland Golf Course; Michael Pell, Vine and Branch
s. Request for Replats Lots 14-16 Towne Oaks Estates; Mark Thorpe, Schneider
t. Request for Final Plat; Kunkle Subdivision – 14127 North Gray Road; Craig and
Julie Kunkle
u. Request for Conservation Easements; Brookshire Golf Course; Mike McBride, City
WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2012 –10:00 A.M.
Mayor Brainard called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Mayor James Brainard; Board Member; Mary Ann Burke and Lori Watson, Clerk Treasurer; Diana L.
Cordray, Deputy Clerk; Sandy Johnson
Minutes for the December 19, 2012 Regular Meeting were approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; LS Olds Consulting; ($60,000 + Cell phone expense);
Director Carmel Redevelopment Commission; Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board
Member Watson seconded. There was brief discussion. Board Member Burke moved to table. Board
Member Watson seconded. Item tabled 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Additional Service #1; Xerox; Board Member Burke
moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; CPI Supply; ($8,559.00); Pipe Repair at 12424 Windsor
Drive; Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved
Request for Inter-Local Agreement Between the Hamilton County Solid Waste Board and the City of
Carmel; 2012; Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request
approved 3-0.
Request for Inter-Local Agreement Between the Hamilton County Solid Waste Board and the City of
Carmel; 2013; Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request
approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; American United Life Insurance Company Eligible 457
Prototype Plan and Trust; Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded.
Request approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Deferred Compensation Plan; Board Member Burke
moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; Pension Protection Act Amendment; Board Member
Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; HEART and WRERA Amendment for 457 (b) Plan;
Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; City of Carmel Retirement Plan; Board Member Burke
moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Purchase of Goods and Services; New Business Agreement Amendment; Board Member
Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request to Use Gazebo and Common Area; Wedding; Rehearsal Friday, June 28, 2013 4:00 pm to
10:00 pm; Wedding Saturday, June 29, 2013; 8:00 am to 12:00 am; Board Member Burke moved to
approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
REMAINS TABLED: Request for Dedication of Streets; Traditions on the Monon
Uniform Conflict of Interest; Rebecca Chike
Request for Storm Water Technical Standard Variances; Park Grenshire Subdivision; Board Member
Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Curb Cut; Sterler Productions – Park Northwestern; Board Member Burke moved to
approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Secondary Plat; Village of West Clay, Section 10010-C; Board Member Burke moved to
approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Secondary Plat; Overlook at The Legacy; Meadows at the Legacy; Ridge At the Legacy;
Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Water Line Easement; Andrew/Sheri Thomas; Board Member Burke moved to approve.
Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Water Line Easement; Doris Tuccio; Board Member Burke moved to approve. Board
Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Water Line Easement; Norman/Barbara Schmidt; Board Member Burke moved to
approve. Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Request for Water Line Easement; Medford Place, LLC; Board Member Burke moved to approve.
Board Member Watson seconded. Request approved 3-0.
Mayor Brainard adjourned the meeting at 10:16 a.m.
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC
Mayor James Brainard
Diana L. Cordray, IAMC
Sealed Bids for the City of Carmel, Indiana, Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion,
Final Clarifier and Miscellaneous Improvements, Contract 79, will be received by the City
of Carmel, Indiana, ("Owner") at the office of the Clerk Treasurer in City Hall, One Civic
Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, until 10:00 a.m., local time, on February 6, 2013. Any
Bid received after the designated time will be returned to the Bidder unopened. The
Bids will be publicly opened and read by the Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00
a.m. on February 6, 2013 in Council Chambers at City Hall. The Bid should be clearly
marked "BID ENCLOSED Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, Final Clarifier and
Miscellaneous Improvements, Contract 79 on the outside of the envelope, and as
otherwise set forth in the Bid Documents.
A NON-MANDATORY Pre-Bid Meeting will be held on site at 9609 River Ave (Hazeldell
Road), Carmel, Indiana on January 23, 2013 at 10:00 am.
In general, the work consists of: the installation of seven bid items. The seven items
generally include a new eighty foot diameter final clarifier and associated equipment,
upgrades to the primary diversion structure, a new gravity belt thickener, vactor dumping
station, supernatant tank cover, and miscellaneous site and storm water improvements,
all as required by these Bidding Documents, the Agreement Between Owner and
Contractor, General Conditions, Special Conditions (the “Agreement”), Specifications
and Drawings. Copies of the Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the
Utility Director, or at the office of Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd., ("Engineer") 2420 North
Coliseum Blvd., Suite 214, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805, without charge. Copies may be
obtained from the latter office upon the non-refundable deposit of $100.00, check only,
made payable to Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd., for each set of Bidding Documents.
Bids must be submitted on the forms found in the Bid package, must contain the names
of every person or company interested therein, and shall be accompanied by:
(1) Revised Form No. 96 as prescribed by the Indiana Board of Account and
as required in the Instruction to Bidders, including a financial statement, a
statement of experience, a proposed plan or plans for performing the
Work and the equipment the Bidder has available for the performance of
the Work;
(2) Bid Bond in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total Bid amount,
including alternates with a satisfactory corporate surety or by a certified
check on a solvent bank in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the
amount of the Bid. The Bid Bond or certified check shall be evidence of
good faith that the successful Bidder will execute within fifteen (15)
calendar days from the acceptance of the Bid, the Agreement as included
in the Bidding Documents. The Bid Bond or certified check shall be made
payable to the Owner.
Any Bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of Bids, but no
bidder shall withdraw his Bid within sixty (60) days after the actual opening of the Bids.
All Bid Bonds and certified checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned by the Owner
upon selection of the successful Bidder and execution of the Agreement, and provision
of the required Performance Bond and Payment Bond.
Wage rates on the Project shall not be less than the prevailing wage scale as
determined in accordance with Ind. Code §5-16-7, et seq., and the Contractor must
conform to the antidiscrimination provisions of Ind. Code §5-16-6 et seq.
A Performance Bond with good and sufficient surety, acceptable to the Owner and
Engineer, shall be required of the successful Bidder in an amount equal to at least one
hundred percent (100%) of the Contract Price, conditioned upon the faithful performance
of the Agreement.
The Contractor shall execute a Payment Bond to the Owner, approved by Owner and
Engineer and for the benefit of the Owner, in an amount equal to one hundred percent
(100%) of the Contract Price. The Payment Bond is binding on the Contractor, their
subcontractor, and their successors and assigns for the payment of all indebtedness to a
person for labor and services performed, material furnished, or services rendered. The
Payment Bond must state that it is for the benefit of the subcontractors, laborers,
material suppliers, and those performing services. The surety of the Payment Bond may
not be released until one (1) year after the Owner’s final settlement with the Contractor.
All out-of-state corporations must have a certificate of authority to do business in the
State. Application forms may be obtained by contacting the Secretary of State, State of
Indiana, Statehouse, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.
The successful Contractor will be required to enroll in and verify the work eligibility status
of all employees hired after the date of this Contract through the E-Verify program. The
Contractor and Subcontractors will be required to sign an affidavit concerning
employment of unauthorized aliens. A copy of the affidavit is included in the Bid
The Owner reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all Bids, solicitations and/or
offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests
of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with
IC 5-22-18-2. The Owner also reserves the right to waive irregularities in any Bid, and to
accept any Bid which is deemed most favorable to the Owner.
Diana Cordray
Clerk Treasurer
City of Carmel, Indiana
1/17/13 1
REPLACEMENT OVER ELIZABETH WARREN DRAIN. Carmel Utilities, City of Carmel, Indiana
46032 (herein called the "OWNER") will be received by the Owner at the office of the Clerk-
Treasurer in City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana until FEBRUARY 6, 2013 at 9:45 a.m.
(local time). Any Quotes received later than the above time will be returned unopened. All Quotes
will be publicly opened and read aloud at 10:00 a.m. on FEBRUARY 6, 2013 at the Board of Public
Works and Safety Meeting located in Council Chamber at City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel,
Indiana 46032.
The work shall include the installation of approximately 110 lineal feet of 12-inch
DR13.5 HDPE water main installed by means of horizontal directional drilling along
the west side of River Road across Elizabeth Warren Drain with related fittings,
appurtenances and temporary restoration for a complete installation.
Work shall be constructed under a Unit Price Contract.
Each Quote shall be completed using the Contractor's Quote Form (included with the Contract
Per Indiana Code 22-5-1.7-11, the Contractor entering into a contract with the Owner is required to
enroll in and verify the work eligibility status of all its newly hired employees through the E-Verify
The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor defects in quotes or quoting
procedure, or reject any and all quotes, or to accept any quote as may be lowest or most
responsible as exclusively determined by the Owner. Any quote may be withdrawn prior to the
above scheduled time for the opening of quotes or authorized postponement thereof. No Contractor
may withdraw a quote within 60 days after the actual date of the opening thereof. Should there be
reasons why the contract cannot be awarded within the specified period, the time may be extended
by mutual agreement between the Owner and the Contractor.
Submission of a signed Quote Form by the Contractor constitutes acknowledgment of and
acceptance of all the documents and terms and conditions of the Contractual-Legal Requirements
and Technical Sections of the specifications in the Quote Package.
The Contractor to whom the work is awarded will be required to furnish an acceptable Performance
and Payment Bond each in the amount of 100% of the contract price and must be in full force and
effect throughout the term of the Construction Contract plus a period of twelve (12) months from the
date of final completion.
The Contractor to whom the work is awarded will be required to purchase and maintain insurance
coverage as described in the Contract Documents on an "occurrence basis".
1/17/13 2
Copies of the Drawings and Specifications for the work are on file in the office of Carmel Utilities,
One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032; and the Engineer, CrossRoad Engineers, PC, 3417
Sherman Drive, Beech Grove, Indiana 46107, Telephone (317) 502-5620.
/S/ John Duffy, Utilities Director
Attest: /S/Diana Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer