HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and Packets Notice to Bidders City of Carmel Sealed Bids for the City of Carmel, 36-Inch Water Main, Contract 66A will be received by the City of Carmel, Indiana, ("Owner") at the office of the Clerk Treasurer in City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, until 10:00am, local time, on December 3, 2008. The Bids will be publicly opened and read by the Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00am on December 3, 2008 in Council Chambers at City Hall. The Bid should be clearly marked "BID ENCLOSED Contract No. 66A" on the outside of the envelope, and as otherwise set forth in the Bid Documents. No Late Bids will be accepted. In general, the work consists of installing approximately 5,700 LF of 36-inch water main under 106'" Street and adjacent to Keystone Ave. as shown on the Contract Drawings. This project has an aggressive construction schedule, multiple construction crews will be required. Copies of the Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the Utility Director, or at the office of Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd., ("Engineer") 2420 Coliseum Blvd., Suite 214, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46805, without charge. Copies may be obtained from the latter office upon the non-refundable deposit of $75.00, check only, made payable to Jones & Henry Engineers, Ltd., for each set of Bidding Documents. Bids must be submitted on the forms found in the Bid package, must contain the names of every person or company interested therein, and shall be accompanied by a Bid Bond in the amount of 10% of the amount bid with satisfactory corporate surety or by a certified check on a solvent bank in the amount of 10% of the Bid, subject to Revised Form 96 conditions provided in the Instructions to Bidders. The successful bidder will be required to furnish satisfactory Performance and Payment Bonds in the amount of 100% of the Bid. Any Bid may be withdrawn prior to the scheduled closing time for receipt of Bids, but no bidder shall withdraw his Bid within 60 days after the actual opening thereof. The Owner reserves the right to reject and/or cancel any and all Bids, solicitations and/or offers in whole or in part as specified in the solicitation when it is not in the best interests of the governmental body as determined by the purchasing agency in accordance with IC 5-22-18-2. The Owner also reserves the right to waive irregularities in any Bid, and to accept any Bid which is deemed most favorable to the Owner. Diana Cordray Clerk Treasurer Publication dates: Friday, November 14 and Friday, November 21, 2008 Form Prescribed by Sutra Board of Accounts 900549-5360743 General Form No.99 I'(Rev. 1987) CITY OF CAMEL-TOPICS LEGALS To: INDIANA NEWSPAPERS 307 N PENNSYLVANIA ST- PO BOX 145 COUNTY, INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46206-0145 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT Display Matter-(Must not exceed two actual lines,neither of witch '$ • shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set). Number of equivalent lines Head-Number of tines $ Body -Number of lines $ $ Tail-Number of Lines $ Total number of lines in notice COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 1(77.0 lines 1 0 columns wide equals 107.0 equivalent $ 52.64 hoes at .492 cents per line Charges for extra proofs of publication($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) $ .00 $ .00 TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ DATA FOR COMPUTING COST $ Width of single column 7.83 ems Size of type 5.7 point $ $ Number of insertions I.(1 $ 52.64 Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of Chapter 155, Acts of 1953, • I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due,after allowing all just credits,and that no part of the same has been paid. DATE: I1/21/2008 lN\ Clerk • Title • 900549-5360743 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT ,(PUBLIC NOTICES_ State of Indiana SS: ��. Hamilton County I City to Carmel I 5aledlBud 6ortthectty of Personally appeared before me,a notary public in and for said county and state, Main, enbmn 56A will be rece yed by the City of Cannel, Indiana the undersigned Kerry Dodson who, being duly sworn,says that SHE is clerk �hewClerkaTreasurrerlin ` } 6 } City' Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel Indiana 2 until o°e�emii.In' of the Nobiesvil le Ledger a newspaper of general circulation 2008 Ttte Bids will be 6�YYublidv mend and read NbfNS anai0safe Safety i printed and published in the English language in the city ofNOBLFSV LLG in slate 10'.onam on December 1. 200S in Council Chambers at City (tall. The aid and county aforesaid,and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, should be doily marked Ble ENCLOSED Contract the elo e.a outside nb- which was duly published in said paper for 2 time(s), between the dates of the enveb o,and as aid DOOPMerits➢dh Late the Bids s erwile will be accepted.atc Bi In neneral, be,rwwuorkWran- 11/14/2008 and 1 112 112 00 8 .mmfately 5.700 LT 01 d5" inch water main under 106thgt on and Contact � to Heystone..Aye._as ,,to on the Contract Cicrk brawmgs. This pmlect Title sir ae apgresslue con-I structionsructio c,mulls; Ede construction crews Iof the be Documenttss 'mad be examined the; Subscribed and sworn to before me on 11/21/2008 'ounce or the utility ECireo-. tph ar al the orglC! of ltd„ 1''Ennnineer-)"�241d Coliseum Blvd..Suite iana Fart Coliseum Indiana: /U� 4680.5, Ilbout charge. copes may be obtained Notary Public from the .latter office the non-refubdatle upon of Sr5�t0, cheekI -only, made payable tot Form 65-REV 1-88 , 'Jones.,for Henry set of Bled= expires: D8Nl8E hAM9RlTE I eing Documents. ML'commission �AfYY -E. Bids must be submitted 'a on the forms found Ira the SEAL I. Bid package, mint cep-I STATE OF INbJANA rain the names of every s son or company, y inter- ested MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Februe be accampanled by a old _ >!'28,2018 'Bond In the amount ufl t0% of the amount old, with satisfactory earpO- rate surety or by a cer- tined Check on a solvent bank in the room 1of II',Revised Form 9Cb Hondkl, tbns provided in the in-, structbps toaidders.The requessful bidder will be' required to furnish sans' factory pertormflnee and Payment Bands in foe amount of 100% of the Bld. Bid may be with- drawn Any d prl�y-_wt�,_theacBe�-