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Opus Landmark at Meridian 126th Street and U.S. 31 151 -00 D.P. /ADLS 151 -00 (a — e) ZW DOCs ta,70 Development Plan /ADLS Zoning Waivers September 7, 2000 Opus Landmark at Meridian 151 -00 D.P. /ADLS 151 -00 (a — e) ZW Developmental Plan /ADLS Zoning Waivers September 7, 2000 Table of Contents 1. Aerial Photograph 2. Building Rendering 3. Building Elevations (Buildings A, B & C) 4. Landscape Plan 5. Sign Plan 6. Sign Elevation Drawings 7. Traffic Operations Analysis TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 126T" STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET CARMEL. INDIANA PREPARED FOR OPUS NORTH CORPORATION AUGUST 2000 PREPARED BY: A & F ENGINEERING CO., LLC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8425 KEYSTONE CROSSING, SUITE 200 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 PH 317 - 202 -0864 FAx 317- 202 -0908 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 12& STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS COPYRIGHT This Analysis and the ideas, designs and concepts contained herein are the exclusive intellectual property of A &F Engineering Co., LLC and are not to be used or reproduced in whole or in part, without the written consent of A-&F Engineering Co., LLC ©2000, A &F Engineering Co., LLC OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 126°i STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES II CERTIFICATION III INTRODUCTION 1 PURPOSE 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 2 STUDY AREA 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ABUTTING STREET SYSTEM 3 TRAFFIC DATA. 5 GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5 TABLE 1 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5 PEAK HouR 5 ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRIPS 6 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM 6 CAPACITY ANALYSIS 9 DESCRIPTION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE 9 CAPACITY ANALYSES SCENARIOS 10 TABLE 2 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY -1261H STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 14 TABLE 3 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY - SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 15 TABLE 4 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY - NORTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 15 TABLE 5 - LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY- 131' STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 16 CONCLUSIONS 17 RECOMMENDATIONS 18 I OPUS DEVELOPMENT -126' STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET LIST OF FIGURES TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS FIGURE 1 - AREA MAP AND CONCEPTUAL PLAN OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT - 4 FIGURE 2 - ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 7 FIGURE 3 - PEAK HOUR GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 8 FIGURE 4 - EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 12 FIGURE 5 - SUM OF EXISTING & GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 13 11 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -12611' STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET CERTIFICATION TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS I certify that this TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS has been prepared by me and under my immediate supervision and that I have experience and training in the field of traffic and transportation engineering. A&F ENGINEERING Co., LLC Steven J. Fe'lfibach, P.E. Indiana Registration 890237 Joseph T. Rengel E.I. Transportation Engineer OPUS DEVELOPMENT 1261" STREET Jr PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS, prepared at the request of Opus Development, is for a proposed office development to be located west of Pennsylvania Street between 126th Street and 1314 Street in Carmel, Indiana. The proposed site will consist of three hundred forty -four thousand square feet of general office building. PURPOSE The purpose of this analysis is to determine what effect - traffic generated by the proposed development, when fully occupied, will have on the existing adjacent roadway system. This analysis will identify any roadway deficiencies that may exist today or that may occur when this site is developed. Conclusions will be reached that will determine if the roadway system can accommodate the anticipated traffic volumes or will determine the modifications that will be required to the system if it is determined there will be deficiencies in the system resulting from the increased traffic volumes. Recommendations will be made that will address the conclusions resulting from this analysis. These recommendations will address feasible roadway system improvements which will acconunodate the proposed development traffic volumes such that there will be safe ingress and egress, to and from the proposed development, with minimal interference to traffic on the public street system. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work for this analysis is: First, to make traffic volume counts at the following intersections: • 126th Street and Pennsylvania Street • 1314 Street and Pennsylvania Street 1 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -126'$ STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Second, to estimate the number of new trips that will be generated for the office development as proposed by Opus Development. Third, to assign the generated traffic volumes to the driveways and/or roadways that will serve to provide access to the proposed development. Fourth, to distribute the generated traffic volumes from the proposed development onto the public roadway system and intersections which have been identified as the study area. Fifth, to prepare an analysis including a capacity analysis and level of service analysis for each intersection included in the study area for each of the following scenarios: SCENARIO 1: Existing Conditions - Based on existing roadway conditions and traffic volumes. SCENARIO 2: Proposed Development — Based on the sum of the traffic volumes that will be generated from the proposed development and the existing traffic volumes. Finally, to prepare a TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS documenting all data, analyses, conclusions and recommendations to provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic through the study area. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The proposed development will be located west of Pennsylvania Street in Carmel, Indiana. As proposed, the development will consist of three hundred forty -four thousand square feet of general office. Figure 1 is an area map and conceptual plan of the proposed development including the proposed access points. 2 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 126m STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS STUDY AREA The study area for this analysis will include the following intersections: • 126th Street and Pennsylvania Street • 1314 Street and Pennsylvania Street • All Access Points DESCRIPTION OF THE ABUTTING STREET SYSTEM This proposed development would be served by the public roadway system that includes 126th Street, 1314 Street, and Pennsylvania Street. 1266 Street and Pennsylvania Street - This intersection is a. signalized intersection. The east and west approaches consist of an exclusive left -turn lane; a through lane, and a shared through and right -turn lane. The north and south approaches consist- of an exclusive left -turn lane and a shared through and right -turn lane. None of the approaches have a protected left -turn phase. 131` Street and Pennsylvania Street - This intersection is a T- intersection with Pennsylvania Street stopping for 1314 Street. The south approach consists of one left -turn lane and one right -turn lane. Both the east and west approaches consist of one lane used by all through and turning traffic. At Meridian Street, left -turns are not permitted into or from 1314 Street. However, the intersection of 126th Street and Meridian Street is signalized allowing left -turns into and from 126th Street. 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 126'$ STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET T RAF IC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS - TRAFFIC DATA Peak hour manual turning movement traffic volume counts along Pennsylvania Street at 126th Street and 1314 Street were performed by A&F Engineering Co., LLC. The turning movement counts at all locations include an hourly total of all "through" traffic and all "turning" traffic during the hours of 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM The peak hour turning movement traffic volume counts were performed in July 2000. These counts are included in Appendix A. GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The estimate of traffic to be generated by the proposed development is a function of the development size and of the character of the land use. Trip Generation' report was used to calculate the number of trips that will be generated by the proposed development. This report is a compilation of trip data for various land uses as collected by transportation professionals throughout the United States in order to establish the average number of trips generated by various land uses. Table 1 is a summary of the trips that will be generated by the proposed development. TABLE 1 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION GENERATED TRIPS LAND USE 1TE CODE SIZE AM ENTER AM PM ENTER PM EXIT EXIT Office 710 344,000 SF 439 60 79 386 TOTAL TRIPS 439 60 79 386 PEAK HOUR Based on the manual traffic volume counts that were collected for this analysis, the peak hours vary between the intersections from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM and 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM. Therefore, the 1 Trip Generation, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Sixth Edition, 1997. 5 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -126'" STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS actual peak hour at each intersection will be used for this analysis to represent the _worst case scenario. ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRIPS The study methodology used to determine the traffic volumes, from the proposed development, that will be added to the street system is defined as follows: 1. The volume of traffic that will enter and exit the site must be assigned to the various access points and to the public street system. Using the traffic volume data collected for-this analysis, traffic to and from the proposed new site has been assigned to the proposed driveways and to the public street system that will be serving the site. 2. To determine the volumes of traffic that will be added to the public roadway system, the generated traffic must be distributed by direction to the public roadways at their intersection with the driveway. For the proposed development, the distribution was based on the existing traffic patterns and the assignment of generated traffic. The assignment and distribution of the generated traffic volumes for the proposed development are shown in Figure 2. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM Generated traffic volumes that can be expected from the proposed development have been prepared for each of the proposed access points and the study intersections. The Peak Hour generated traffic volumes are shown on Figure 3. These data are based on the previously discussed trip generation data, assignment of generated traffic, and distribution of generated traffic. 6 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -126" STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS CAPACITY ANALYSIS The "efficiency" of an intersection is based on its ability to accommodate the traffic volumes that approach the intersection. The "efficiency" �f an intersection is designated by the Level -of- Service (LOS) of the intersection. The LOS of an intersection is determined by a series of calculations commonly called a "capacity analysis ". Input data into a capacity analysis include traffic volumes, intersection geometry, number and use of lanes and, in the case of signalized intersections, traffic signal timing. To determine the level of service at each of the study intersections, a capacity analysis has been made using the recognized computer program based on the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM)2. DESCRIPTION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE The following descriptions are for signalized intersections: Level of Service A - describes operations with a very low delay, less than or equal to 10.0 seconds per vehicle. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable, and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Most vehicles do not stop at all. Level of Service B - describes operations with delay in the range of 10.1 to 20.0 seconds per vehicle. This generally occurs with good progression. More vehicles stop than LOS A, causing higher levels of average delay. Level of Service C - describes operation with delay in the range of 20.1 seconds to 35.0 seconds per vehicle. These higher delays may result from failed progression. The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. 2 Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC, Special Report 209, 1985. 9 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 1267 STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Level of Service D - describes operations with delay in the range of 35.1 to 55.0 seconds per vehicle. At level of service D, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combinations of unfavorable progression. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines. Level of Service E - describes operations with delay in the range of 55.1 to 80.0 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression and long cycle lengths. Level of Service F - describes operations with delay in excess of 80.0 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be unacceptable to most drivers. This condition - often occurs with oversaturation, i.e., when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. The following list shows the delays related to the levels of service for unsignalized intersections: Level of Service Average Delay (seconds /vehicle) A Less than or equal to 10 B Between 10.1 and 15 C Between 15.1 and 25 D Between 25.1 and 35 E Between 35.1 and 50 F greater than 50 CAPACITY ANALYSES SCENARIOS To evaluate the proposed development's effect on the public street system, the traffic volumes from each of the various parts must be added together to form a series of scenarios that can be analyzed. The analysis of these scenarios determines the adequacy of the existing roadway 10 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 126" STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS system. From the analysis, recommendations can be made to improve the public street system so it will accommodate the increased traffic volumes. Capacity analyses have been made for the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour for each of the intersections in the study area: SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes - These are the traffic volumes that were obtained in July 2000. Figure 4 is a summary of these traffic volumes at the study intersections. SCENARIO 2: Existing Traffic Volumes + Proposed Development Generated Traffic - Volumes - Figure 5 is a summary of these traffic volumes at the study intersections for the peak hour, The requested analyses have been completed and the computer solutions showing the level of service results are included in Appendix A. The tables that are included in this report are a summary_ of the results of the level of service analyses and are identified as follows: Table 2 — 126th Street & Pennsylvania Street Table 3 — Southern Access Point & Pennsylvania Street Table 4 —Northern Full Access Point & Pennsylvania Street Table 5 —131` Street & Pennsylvania Street 11 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 126m STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS The conclusions that follow are based on existing traffic volume data, trip generation, assignment and distribution of generated traffic, capacity analyses with the resulting levels of service that have been prepared for each of the study intersections, and the field review conducted at the site. These conclusions apply only to the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour that were addressed in this analysis. These peak hours are when the largest volumes of traffic will occur. Therefore, if the resulting level of service is adequate during these time periods, it can generally be assumed the remaining 22 hours will have levels of service that are better than the peak hour, since the existing street traffic volumes will be less during the other 22 hours. 1. 126m STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. 2. SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and the proposed geometrics, has shown this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. The proposed access point should consist of at least one inbound and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left -turn lane and a shared right -turn and through lane. 17 OPUS DEVELOPMENT - 126'x` STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 3. NORTHERN FULL ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and the proposed geometrics, has shown this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. The proposed access point should consist of at least one inbound and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left-turn lane and a shared right -turn and through lane. 4. 131 sr STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this analysis and the conclusions, the following recommendations are made to insure that the roadway system will operate at acceptable levels of service if the site is developed as proposed. 1. 126TH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • No changes will need to be made at this intersection to maintain acceptable levels of service. 2. SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • The proposed access should be constructed with one inbound lane and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left -turn lane and a shared right -turn and through lane. These lanes should be a minimum of twelve feet. 18 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -126m STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 3. NORTHERN FULL ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • The proposed access should be constructed with one inbound lane and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left -turn lane and a shared right -turn and through lane. These lanes should be a minimum of twelve feet. 4. 131 s` STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • No changes will need to be made at this intersection to maintain acceptable levels of service. 5. PENNSYLVANIA STREET • In order to serve left - turning vehicles and to minimize the disruption of through traffic between 126th Street and 131st Street, it is recommended that a two-way left-turn lane be constructed between 126th Street and 131st Street along Pennsylvania Street. This left -turn lane should be constructed to a width of 14 feet. Therefore, this section of roadway should be widened by 4 feet in order to maintain the existing 11 foot wide through lanes and the proposed 14 foot wide two-way left -turn lane. 19 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -1261H SIREET& PENNSYLVANIA STREET APPENDIX A TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS This document contains the traffic data that were used in the TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS for the proposed office development. Included is the intersection turning movement traffic volume counts and the intersection capacity analyses for each of the study intersections for the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour. Ores DEvm o MENT -126Th STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET APPENDIX A TABLE OF CONTENTS TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 126Th STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 1 SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 9 NORTHERN FULL ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 18 131`T STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 27 OPUS DEVELOPMENT -1261$ STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 126TH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET INTERSECTION DATA TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNTS AND CAPACITY ANALYSES 1 OPus DEVELOPMENT 126m STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS SOU'1'1fERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET . INTERSECTION DATA CAPACITY ANALYSES OPUS DEVELOPMENT -126'H STREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS NORTHERN FULL ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET INTERSECTION DATA CAPACITY ANALYSES 19 OPUS DEVELOPMENT- 12617ISTREET & PENNSYLVANIA STREET 131ST STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET INTERSECTION DATA TRAFFIC VOLUME COUNTS AND CAPACITY ANALYSES 27