HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondnece 10/15/2060 16:04 317-776-1101 HAMILTON CO USDA PAGE 0 2 / � � � C>c<l) • 1111 a Soil+ r °:' RE cQ e p va�re,,Rr4 IN 46060-3 ids��a OCT n 1,11, (317)773-1432 �*�, r z,. 1 1 1VA 200 1?x 3I7)776-1101 , W ST l Drainage, son and Sediment Control Plan i�1�� Ter ral Review and Comment • • Project Name: •PO Submitted13y: WOOL Peter A NUL REIS 7 7/Y6 4.24h4 12S1 [4A plc px. Si; Tteviewed By: ,,;; „,:i CNN 13. 5;9[4. ;9[are Plan Review Procedure Site Visit Date: Plan Review Date: -__84.4, 660-- Location: _ _ lrT_ $tl Gti= PENA 57y v4 Or 1261.4 _ /b4 . Le .D FI+'I Township: /6",/,/I, 'Range: 'fie' Civil Townshzp. Ike.fir' • ' The raehiUeMrivieW and comments eare intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control planfor theproject. The erasion cmd sediment control plan submitted was not review dfvr the adequacy of the •eng d s tit All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the connmeasrs Motto be •evaluated t so their feassibility.by a qualified individual with structzn al practices designed by a qualified engine.er. Theplari has Mt been ttsv ewedffr local,state or federal permits that may be required to paced with this project. Additional information,including design ecicrelations maybe requested to f:ger evaluate the erosion . sediment-a ofpion • The+erosion attd sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined tlwt the plan: • Satisl3ee the minimum irements and intent of 3271AC 15-5 (Rule 5). Notification wiU be fct�warderl to the ladiatia Department of Environmental Ivlanagement. Q Refer to the comtnetzts section for additional information_ Doea riot satisfy the niisdmum requirements and intent of3271AC 15-5(Rule 5);detrcienciet are noted in use cl list and iu the comments section. Dsficiencim constitute potential violation of-the rule aad must be adcgaately addressed for rosn..pli.amt. The informat ou necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be . submitted: . Please address revisions to the reviewer. .Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the . • developee.or a repre:sentative are necessary to minirnfe offsite sedimentation The developer should be aware • ..dad tageoreseen rorrtpuaien activities and iveather conditions'nay effect the performance of a practice or the . • ...erosion and sediment control plat. The plan must he a flexible document, with provisions to mach ar substitute practices qs necessary. ',C t l utok i G • X Olt 91 The Reis Lairm • Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC'� 12358 Hancock Street `. Carmel, IN 46032-5807 /�' (317)848-4885 _ FECENED Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 QI�1 nq ' 2000 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com i preis @reislaw.com DOCS �. October 16, 2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Dick Hill Assistant Director Department of Engineering City of Carmel 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Dick: Please find enclosed the revised construction plans for the Opus Landmark at Meridian project that address your written comments contained in your letter dated August 11, 2000. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC . Reis PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., Carmel DOCS 9 The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com October 11, 2000 ' , Mr. John South, P.E. Hamilton County Soil Qdol, Q1.' _ and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060-3745 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian,Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear John: Please find enclosed the revised development plan for the Opus Landmark at Meridian project that addresses your written comments contained in your letter dated October 3, 2000. The rock "donut" has been added per your request. .. • To they extent that you have any questions or if I can be of ariy further assistance to you, . please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC '4, Re' PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., Carmel DOCS • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Cannel,IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.corn preis @reislaw.com October 11, 2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY ` Mr. Dick Hill I OCT 11 20d Assistant Director DOCS Department of Engineering City of Carmel <-... 1 Civic Square 1.1 "+ Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Dick: Please find enclosed the revised development plan for the Opus Landmark.:at Meridian project and the following responses that address your written comments contained in your letter dated August 11, 2000: General Information 1-8. Thank you for providing this information. I forwarded the information to our client, Opus North Corporation, and to Mr. Norman Taylor with Woolpert, LLP. Project Comments 9. The additional 10 feet of right-of-way for Pennsylvania Street will be dedicated at a future date when the City of Camel further improves the Street. 10. The description of this easement was provided to your office at the August 22, 2000 meeting. 11. The wetland areas have been better defined on the drawings. 12. The sanitary sewer extensions indicated under Pennsylvania Street are existing. 13. The medians on the "right in — right out" curb cuts have been redesigned by making the angle at the curb cut line more pointed. 14. The location of the curb cuts for the Old Meridian District plan are speculative at this time. We have coordinated our curb cut locations with the Plan to the best of our abilities. 15. The water level of the pond will be monitored for a year. If warranted, a pump will be installed to assure water level is maintained. The Reis Law Firm Mr.Dick Hill October 11,2000 Page 2 Pennsylvania Street Improvements 16. We have had discussions with the Mayor and Mr. Engelking and have reached a tentative agreement concerning the improvements to be made to Pennsylvania Street. I will be working with Ms. Weese to finalize this agreement in commitment form as quickly as possible. Bonding Requirements 17. This information is no longer necessary. 18. This information has been forwarded to our client and to Norman Taylor at Woolpert, LLP. • To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS,ESQ., LLC • aul .Reis PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Li11ig, Jr., Carmel DOCS \ O The Reis Law irm �;_ mcavED Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC _ fl�T 6 200 12358 Hancock Street � iJ Carmel,IN 46032-5807 ROCS AI (317) 848-4885 /Writer's Direct Dial (317)848-4886 Fax: (317) 99 .r" preis @reislaw.com firm @reislaw.co aw.com �JIT� I � October 6...2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY • Mr. Laurence Lillig, Jr. Department of Community Services. City of Carmel 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e)ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Laurence: Attached herewith are two (2) copies each of the revised overall landscape plan and the landscape plan for Building 'A' that show the additional fountains requested by the Special Study Committee at their October 3, 2000 meeting and the planting details requested by Mr. Scott Brewer in his memorandum dated September 27, 2000. Also, enclosed are two (2) copies of the revised elevation drawings and lighting plan showing the ground mounted lighting requested by the Special Study Committee at their October 3, 2000 meeting. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC P.u1 6. Reis { PGR/mtm Enclosures cc: Mr. Scott Brewer, DOCS (landscape plans only) ) 10/03/2000 05:55 317-773-8435 HAMILTON CO FSA PAGE 01/03 is,-. . in.-11 iiilli rirsertiZtert,r1,1r•rvt.Trumr;I-- tn' i - -,,,7, 1..n.JittaT.IL.W.11.IL.PLNI Ru../44.9 U1' I I 1 , . I la 1 t gma#bat ot,....,,, .„..... 1 P 1 Snit tre- Water I igohi.fik, nv 46eme 3745 NY haliffilffilligni Ph (31?)772-1432 A,,.)41,1) •Ili ,z,:,`L VI IV Piv 0 IT)776-1 IO! • , lig,... --‘',•••• - ,...eminen..._ • ,T;00 1--411315vagasso7 -."'IllatettigiasS5F.—"slikaggsgagialn Drainage,.Erosion and Si nen_ •lart %I Ceps literniallitistissamtamasioni Technical Review and Cot ,MAPZIMEAANI (3 If .4_Clr,' ;'e, 'Vritir, ---- •---likeject Nensw el PLI 42 I A AM f-___.........„.....,=......0,...._wasaiu i....., A . . . _..., Submitted kty: , Wool PEM-7- 14 4 c_ 1 bit4i. f<EIS, If , . - 71.5,t, 4.111,0AP.es'aii DZ: !z st 4.-0 t4...n it.a." .,, 5r L.,.., e_.„.Attei .i ._up_i_c______–— -- — : . . _ -------- la, • —.4 rw. 27-.7.' .,. r"' =-..' —.- • ' -P-lan Review Procedure: Site Visit Date: ___ ._..___ Plan Review Date,: R-/&,..-/P-Lc)(") /6/3 Aoce3 . ____.________-___._._.__f_, I T Arf.iien.. i.) .(4.,c• ..,-, . ,...... .z..- A/ . _ .... ... .. ...if e•i'q LeI- 1 Legal Description: 5 er., -- . . . - Tcrint.shity R. pArig, tr .r,.........4,:-. P rye. .to•sma..Ly. T......- • i The 1tire.•;4~..:....-rd ma:me=cre trelerjed tiF ialitiligat ale Orunpleienms(Irk erasion and sediment control ' ilplanfor.theptierl The.4.-0-tion anti se.,...E.nont enAtechfija;73F4-bniittal Waj lic,i•re geindc,etilir the adequacy ophe Iongf,,PoPti,e.,44-iv. Alt prat tictu inclurkel in Lia'plan,c.....7-,-..elias•the,se rzc&-u-tin-edvide.,-.7 ii4 dm conillient5 should be . • I evoloofaul am.i r7-thi4rfra yrhat,By fr ry_74/1621 fluttipIdazg .1,1:t....te,,,,,g4-4,4,,,r=.1.=ajoigac4i by a qualo-vdeneincer. I The plan ha 110 hed"tryWifilr local *qt.,etr parzwed paragoz:Aid ruay be 7....4,E,...,4,to pi,,,..,.,41 iii,_,:th this • I Project. Adalonal infarittaffill2. including 4.•?stra calrolgrattem.14.47,be rarden'edtefinlher eTelzne the erailow •; Isecllment coYitrol olon. -.1 • t — . . . . The erosion and sediment control Ton ha_R begin.ippvipw,04 mtA it 1•.. L....,get,„,..7,1=A.that tht..,rAtut ,._, ...x...',.....,...-...c mtraimuu ro..p.ai. ..enks dm Dame.or.52.11/ik,i.3- kr.ane 4 Noonwibeiorwarecj to the ludiaria Depiartnient of Environmental Management U Reter to the comments section for additional information. R Does tlotsatisfY the*in irnnTri riftrplifffflenft_sari irito'fit"f 3271:21..0 IS-5(Rule.5);dr..tici=ric.;arc.anted in fiLO Gliecklin and in the comments section. Oefiefencics constitute potential violation of the rule and muSt • be atlegnonly addirssed for complisulcf, The infrirrnotievn na,.......oary to oartiat,the Litht,Itz,‘44.,,s zricist be stemma= . Please address revisions to the reviewer. " . •/- . rPrZiperiZIPlagrr-daiUn iifeie e-Trailarr Oardsedinzerg coatrai plan and in.pecrithsrof the caristritatOn site by the f idtvtiopzr 4.-:"a r' -.......fate,z---ra necesavy i,.:i harainizu uiie.serneniation_ a he deveioper shouta be aware I gel Tonfe-IrEtsce-1.COnStraclico:ace:1,w=- d',Pal:her ce.44,-Iltiedis May SITCV1 the perfrunartoe ofa practice or ote I Ieriminn 17714 C'etdifttPtl I"rwifftli"%kJ"- 17F,.4'"?..r.t."1 b--1...---11.-de,-..4-4.-.4-4-.474 withpi civiaiuria icy mod-d;or subsrizote I -r- "` t""''' '''''' "^...., I I practices as necessary L.---, • . --_—_—_______ _„._____I f I 2 I...' 10/03/2000 05:55 317-773-84:35 HAMILTON CO FSA PAGE 02/03 • • 'QD( C)Trek.T A)ri`l C.T'T TJ 1 •r•/•tire,T rW',rvr •.• • • V ♦ 1-1,1-11N. : mCHMc L REVIE3Y . CC1MMRNT: - Proies;f- ()Prig ! rc 14 AVP ra..er r,D Al Pa-ge3 tif, .-•-� - 16-i-Z ricrti cun.rol Jf7CgLj w-CJ TfhaWn taw digTi ns und-re prenc.f1 vi tins review mrisl meet(Ne _. =1"11:2:1'..;lleztd.s41,...�.74yf,fe4utl Vlt_1 Vltit,tlGtt tFt ir)G "l f)GiIJliC1%7[Inf!"q0p/FjW-E►ps!!Jn I,,,pJgl'(}i in 1 e,rd ,i..,.. 5..,,..;� r_ar,.. rti_ 1 1,1_.-- f'i1 Canserwaiicttorsim&Tr 1••:•a••••.•••_• 1•,+y.r e...,w.e..u:�=F a,!„_iuFi v IrGt uI tJC J4CJ+/uf c.v.,.%JIVLilUl7•U rrrisfnrFr�s ll_,^rr..�rrfr _ /- — :.�e.l'd'^ .,^..•.y e/ 6./'r`Ch w.E.rr t- ,....® on .. ... o :, .r F ..'JV Y,.• tot am : - .�J __ __ /.. ,r7//YG c1 :A J :-.,F[5 1 1 r e.'/ Af!tfaMe-41�? :.0;1 Q v 4{ tt F Pon.r Pti f,,J��► J# ' ,i!R[F Olt,/Z. -- 1 -- ' WT W g T C7F 57 ' 4./,� —�E11' Card , F'kS 9IT sit:)' r,.5 �-•_ agar ,r a%a irrc 3.44. 16-74".rvtra d77 7A11&- ,rS e 77,1 tviv exe ,3 /s/ Y T A .41.aw , scion �L7se.►l Yet.r D_ .,i....w'�i 'a'�° °w r X & r A,_ _�essc N� s b4144 _. ” cu 77-er • ' 7� MJd7irJAJf f?Jrtk✓1S .��► eD�...et a- r _-s+s • � C-� : $ .s v4C-r e b r A 1.4 /6 (' �S 3Pl t'�1a1 s�+euc.G dE7.our a tl)HP•tti p". 4c-F•ea-t -rug. .V r r-re. fir 1.7•4='&0.i.f/ +rAlsr• w40..3.• 617' tr ,_q �'•; 1 f/0. ..�. L, 1. i., cif. D7 6. d 'JJ_JCe -1 �L .l.I)1� > _ �.3' -. • _ 0_adi .l off/r rr. .1 ♦ al;.TI 64. ,_ G •.>t�l R :�. ate., >*/a ' ', , .� �:- . . .PLR r • mot" be rail. • r f I.. .c../LL:f 6 e 4P r L-Lc IJ 10/03/2000 05:55 317-773-8435 HAMILTON CO FSA PAGE 03/03 t .;;% _ �.,.... i Ccl Him krrlD r-v.-,07,JAV IVVVII LL 411.,11‘ a J i TM THE LA W , ...sue• . ..Rwr cAu.r maw thos as @A/4 A/6� c+.ro s t I 8� 11 mss.`Cwar r-,,r-e�. ..Wr -. MI rwr.c I.. .� Y Li V N PR U.aANA STATE l�al X40.-snm. IT IS AGA=1HE IAII TAA lariVAIE 7,7l ,HO TiI Iii iiitsEkaufm LOCAlra MEE En f25 warm GAYS wax among caw - Z / ti /• :.:•':';` 4:4: / A r .J + LLKARIkU t 11 c i nPr o 1 9 •+, .`.,r r THIS war iii tORMRAA 1 WU` . A.V r'.e,•.;";P, o■, PART. A d \ _A r:c J` NOTE: NOTE: I I R fU UN I TOP MEETS ___^ EXISTING GRADE Al flit SAME LLEVAli{N_r t .'. A #8 STONE Cr MIPi. THICKNESS) 7, • \ I \■‘. I I 1' MIN \ I I H---I A A .1—Parnterly Band .... • Na nri9.IF 4,+r,p✓1 "CTIO t A A f�rr-r f- .I."CT ION .,-n A CI'mum 1 2 -N P(V'I�' [i,riKIt !T' fTrTA! [�I�� r a .v%ri♦ A.r+vAr as I AJL I r-At_ F7 _ -- __. Fn , MAINTENANCE: 9s te 1 IA1CDrf`T THE STt?!ICTURE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT, RE MO= -z/ �09/18/u0� its --, 1 ...w c.,. HE RUC Vri.._ AFTER EAC r di ORM EVENT, REMO Y►191A "3 I 1 ,e The Reis Law lrm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 29, 2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY tom/ REEVED SEP 29 2000 Mr. Laurence Lillig, Jr. DOCS Department of Community Services. City of Carmel 'Io 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Laurence: Attached herewith are two (2) copies each of revised 3-story, 4-story and building wall sign elevation drawings for the Opus Landmark at Meridian project that reflect the change in lighting of the wall signs from ground mounted lighting to a silhouette reverse channel lighting. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC P i PGR/mtm Enclosures • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC �� o 12358 Hancock Street Carmel,IN 46032-5807 its (317) 848-4885 Wji,er' i a Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 2131 8,'; .886 firm @reislaw.com ja prefta rEal om September 28, 2000 4 Ms. Pat Rice 9659 Wild Cherry Lane. • Indianapolis IN 46280 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian,Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Ms. Rice: Per the request of Mr. Leo Dierckman, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be.of any further assistance to you; please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very;much foriyourccooperation and assistance in ..• this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Pa G Rei PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOCS (w/o enclosure) • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.corn September 28, 2000 Ms. Madeline Fitzgerald 4500 West 126th Street Zionsville IN 46077 • RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Ms. Fitzgerald: Per the request of Mr. Leo Dierckman, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. To the extent that you have any questions or if lean be of any further assistance to you, please (knot hesitate.to.contact me. Thank you very muchJor your.,cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC • Pa Reis PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOCS (w/o enclosure) • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 28, 2000 Mr. Leo Dierckman 12310 Windsor Drive Carmel IN 46033 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Dierckman: Per your request, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule • for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further.assistance to you, . please do not hesitate Ao.contactnie. Thank you very much for your cooperation-and assistance in this matter. • Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC P . R- PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOCS (w/o enclosure) • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 28, 2000 Mr. Kevin Kirby 231 First Avenue NE Carmel IN 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian,Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Kirby: Per the request of Mr. Leo Dierckman, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance-to you, • j' • please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC P ul . eis PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOCS (w/o enclosure) • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Cannel, IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317) 848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 28, 2000 Mr.Paul Spranger Six Shady Lane Cannel IN 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian,Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Spranger: Per the request of Mr. Leo Dierckman, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. __ To the extent that you have any questions or if'I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you.very.-:much for your cooperation and assistance sin: this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ.,LLC ',Pau Gi Rei PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOCS (w/o enclosure) • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel,IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 28, 2000 Mr. Bob Modisett 13088 Brighton Avenue Carmel IN 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Modisett: Per the request of Mr. Leo Dierckman, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. • To the extent that you have any questions or if:I can be of any further assistance to you, . please4do'-rlot hesitate to contact me. Thank you very niuch:for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC ' .ul . PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr.,DOCS (w/o enclosure) S The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.corn September 28, 2000 Mr. James O'Neal, Sr. 11318 Lakeshore Drive East Carmel IN 46033 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian,Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e)ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. O'Neal: Per the request of Mr. Leo Dierckman, please find enclosed a 24" X 36" Landscape Plan and Planting Schedule for the Opus Landmark at Meridian Project. This plan reflects the requests of the Urban Forester regarding the choice of tree species. To the extent that you'have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, • please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you-very much for your cooperation and assistance in. this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Pa' . Rei PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig,Jr., DOCS (w/o enclosure) • Ak- Department of Community Services Memo To: Laurence Lillig a A�G S From: Scott Brewer, Urban Forester ,1,. 1 O T? 1))/4/245 J CC: Norman Taylor,Woolpert LLP Date: 09/27/00 Re: Opus Development—Carmel Dr&U.S. 31 These comments concern the Opus development at Carmel Drive and U.S.31 Highway: The previous landscape TAC comments have been resolved by the plan revision received on 9/27/00. Two additional comments: 1. The maintenance plan for this project needs to include a provision that all stakes and guy wires be removed from trees after one year. 2. Landscape plans need to include planting details for installation of trees, shrubs, and any other plant material. • Page 1 The Reis Law Firm ■ Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street `� 1 t Cannel,IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Vol ,c0 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com .9 preis @reislaw.com September 27, 2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Scott Brewer, Urban Forester Department of Community Services City of Carmel 1 Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Scott: Please find enclosed the revised landscape plan for the Opus :Landmark at Meridian project that addresses your verbal comments from the August 16, 2000.Technical Advisory Committee meeting. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Pa . Reis je44 PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOGS igh- The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Cannel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 27, 2000 Mr. John South, P.E. Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville, Indiana 46060-3745 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear John: Please find enclosed the revised development plan for the Opus Landmark at Meridian • project that addresses your written comments contained in your letter dated August 10, 2000. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC • 'a G Rei• PGR/mtm Enclosure 'cc: Laurence Lillig, Jr., DOCS 15- 1 - faP IN04_5 O BRENWICK , , � l�in _ September 20, 2000 (-1' �j D 2000 oocs The Honorable James A. Brainard Mayor, City of Carmel The Carmel City Council One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ' Re: Opus North Dear Jim: Brenwick is general partner of Springmill Properties,.L.P.,which owns approximately 23 acres in the Meridian Corridor, bounded on the west by U.S.31, on the east by Pennsylvania Street and on the south by Carmel Drive. We have entered into an agreement to sell that property to Opus North Corporation, which wants to develop it for high-quality office buildings, the use for which the land is zoned and which has been encouraged by the recent amendments to the Meridian Corridor Overlay Zone. As you may know, Opus is a large national developer and this is its first project in Carmel. Opus has filed for ADLS approval for the first of its buildings. While we understand it has received favorable comments regarding the architecture, design, landscaping and signage that are supposedly the subject of that approval, Opus has run into a substantial stumbling block in comments from the City Engineer's office. Specifically, the Engineer is insisting that Opus reconstruct Pennsylvania Street, as a four-lane road, between Cannel Drive and 131st Street. This includes a part of the road that does not even adjoin property that Opus is developing. We think this request is unfair and excessive. While we understand the City's desire to approve this portion of Pennsylvania Street, we believe it is too much to ask one developer to bear such a large expense. This is especially true when the ground is already zoned for its intended use (and, indeed has been downzoned in recent years to restrict retail development) and when the existing street was itself constructed by a landowner which wishes to realize the value of its private investment in this public improvement. By way of background, our company, Springmill Properties, L.P. was a general partner of Springmill Associates. Springmill Associates was the prior owner of 110 acres in the Meridian Corridor, on both sides of U.S. 31 between 131st Street and what is now 126th Street. This property was zoned B-2 in 1981. In 1986, Springmill Associates, at its sole cost and expense, constructed the current intersection (other than above ground signal • BRENWICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. BRENWICK LAND COMPANY, L.P. Hamilton Crossing • 12722 Hamilton Crossing Boulevard • Carmel, Indiana 46032 • 317.574.3400 • 317.574.3919 Fax brenwick @brenwick.com http://www.brenwick.com Honorable James,. Brainard _ - September 20, 2000 Page 2 work) of Carmel Drive and 126th Street and U.S. 31; constructed Carmel Drive, 126th Street and Dorset Boulevard from Old Meridian to Springmill Road; and improved Pennsylvania Street between 126th and 131st Streets. Springmill Associates also granted substantial right-of-way easements at the four corners of Carmel Drive/126th Street and U.S. 31 and at the southwest corner of 131st Street, to permit further improvements of those intersections. The community benefited, and continues to benefit, substantially from these activities. Without these improvements, the Corridor would not be nearly as valuable as an entry to Carmel and a significant source of its non-residential tax base. Springmill Properties, L.P. has succeeded to the interest of Springmill Associates in this property. If the City Engineer's office continues,to insist on the reconstruction of Pennsylvania Street as a prerequisite to ADLS approval,Opus may find the entire project uneconomic and walk away from its purchase from us. Given our original investment in the road improvements, this hardly seems fair. This land is already zoned for office use, and this is the kind of project everyone claims to want in the corridor. To expect one land owner and developer to bear the entire cost of a major public improvement, especially in connection with an ADLS petition, is an exaction that goes beyond what would be permitted under the impact fee statute or principles for legitimate use of the-zoning power. It also sends the wrong message about the kind of place Carmel is for high- quality investment. We know that you value private investment in Carmel, and want it to be an attractive place to do business. We ask that you review this issue and see if there is a different way to approach it so that all legitimate concerns are balanced. Sincerely, a ;WICK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC. Geor: weet President cc: ,/8fephen C. Engelking, Director of DOCS Tom Charles Huston, Esq. ERENWICK The Reis Law irm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel,IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317) 848-4899 firm @reislaw.com (317)848 4886 preis @reislaw.com September 15, 2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY 0:37 840 ook ts Mr. Laurence Lillig, Jr. Department of Community Services. ACS PD City of Carmel I Civic Square V 17 Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket No. 151-00 (e) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Laurence: Attached herewith is the additional public notice documentation required for our September 19, 2000 public hearing before the Plan Commission. Included are the certified list of adjacent property owners from the Hamilton County.Auditor's Office, the Public Notice, Proof of Publication from the Noblesville Daily Ledger, and the white receipts and green cards from the certified mail delivery. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC � G aul . {eis PGR/mtm Enclosures • The Reis Law iron. Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel,IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317) 848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm@ reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com September 15, 2000 , VIA HAND DELIVERY 4t, PiP /2i-) Mr. Laurence Lillig, Jr. Department of Community Services. ��S City of Carmel f 1 Civic Square ? 1 Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Opus Landmark at Meridian, Docket Nos. 151-00 D.P./ADLS and 151-00 (a-d) ZW Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Laurence: Attached herewith is the public notice documentation required for our September 19, 2000 public hearing before the Plan Commission. Included are the Petitioner's Affidavit of Public Hearing, the certified list of adjacent property owners from the Hamilton County Auditor's Office, the Public Notice, Proof of Publication from the Noblesville Daily Ledger, and the white receipts and green cards from the certified mail delivery. To the extent that you have any questions or if I can be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Paul ' . e PGR/mtm Enclosures The Reis Law irm -7 111 Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC y 4 .< ,� 12358 Hancock Street RECEIVED Carmel,IN 46032-5807 � RECEIVED (317) 848-4885 U8 18 Ma Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 H )Writer's (317)848-4887 ftrm@reislaw.com DOCS nroe @reislaw.com August 18, 2000 9 . VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Laurence Lillig, Jr. City of Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Cannel, Indiana 46032 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street— Opus North Corporation Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Laurence: On behalf of Opus North Corporation, please find enclosed for your review two copies of the Traffic Operations Analysis for the proposed office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact me at 848-4887 or Paul Reis at 848-4886. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC 14/4.(/ d IllieneteAr Mark T. Monroe, AICP Land Use Planner PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: M. Kate Weese, Department of Engineering • • TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 9 d® 126T" � ; PENNSYLVANIS1REET ' �'k wt POARMELL INDIANA N, 4x r PREPARWuOR orakei jA7-31?2,00V 41: OPUS NORTH CORPORATION" r a ,4 . AUGUST 2000 RI A&F ENGINEERING CO., LLC CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8425 KEYSTONE CROSSING,SUITE 200 INDIANAPOUS,INDIANA 46240 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-1261"STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS COPYRIGHT This Analysis and the ideas, designs and concepts contained herein are the exclusive intellectual property of A&F Engineering Co., LLC and are not to be used or reproduced in whole or in part, without the written consent of A&F Engineering Co., LLC ©2000, A&F Engineering Co., LLC • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126"{STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES II CERTIFICATION III INTRODUCTION 1 PURPOSE 1 SCOPE OF WORK 1 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 2 STUDY AREA 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE ABUTTING STREET SYSTEM 3 TRAFFIC DATA. 5 GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5 TABLE 1 -GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 5 PEAK HouR 5 ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRIPS 6 PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM 6 CAPACITY ANALYSIS 9 DESCRIPTION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE 9 CAPACITY ANALYSES SCENARIOS 10 TABLE 2-LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-126Th STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 14 TABLE 3 -LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 15 TABLE 4-LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-NORTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 15 TABLE 5-LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY- 131x`STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET 16 CONCLUSIONS 17 RECOMMENDATIONS 18 I • S OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126'H STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1-AREA MAP AND CONCEPTUAL PLAN OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 4 FIGURE 2-ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 7 FIGURE 3-PEAK HOUR GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 8 FIGURE 4-EXISTING PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES 12 FIGURE 5-SUM OF EXISTING&GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 13 11 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126"'STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS CERTIFICATION I certify that this TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS has been prepared by me and under my immediate supervision and that I have experience and training in the field of traffic and transportation engineering. A&F ENGINEERING CO.,LLC Steven J. Fehribach,P.E. Indiana Registration 890237 Joseph T. Rengel E.I. Transportation Engineer III • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126'STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS INTRODUCTION This TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS, prepared at the request of Opus Development, is for a proposed office development to be located west of Pennsylvania Street between 126'h Street and 131 ` Street in Cannel, Indiana. The proposed site will consist of three hundred forty-four thousand square feet of general office building. PURPOSE The purpose of this analysis is to determine what effect traffic generated by the proposed development, when fully occupied, will have on the existing adjacent roadway system. This analysis will identify any roadway deficiencies that may exist today or that may occur when this site is developed. Conclusions will be reached that will determine if the roadway system can accommodate the anticipated traffic volumes or will determine the modifications that will be required to the system if it is determined there will be deficiencies in the system resulting from the increased traffic volumes. Recommendations will be made that will address the conclusions resulting from this analysis. These recommendations will address feasible roadway system improvements which will accommodate the proposed development traffic volumes such that there will be safe ingress and egress, to and from the proposed development, with minimal interference to traffic on the public street system. SCOPE OF WORK The scope of work for this analysis is: First,to make traffic volume counts at the following intersections: • 126th Street and Pennsylvania Street • 131g Street and Pennsylvania Street 1 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126"`STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Second, to estimate the number of new trips that will be generated for the office development as proposed by Opus Development. Third, to assign the generated traffic volumes to the driveways and/or roadways that will serve to provide access to the proposed development. Fourth, to distribute the generated traffic volumes from the proposed development onto the public roadway system and intersections which have been identified as the study area. Fifth, to prepare an analysis including a capacity analysis and level of service analysis for each intersection included in the study area for each of the following scenarios: SCENARIO 1: Existing Conditions - Based on existing roadway conditions and traffic volumes. SCENARIO 2: Proposed Development —Based on the sum of the traffic volumes that will be generated from the proposed development and the existing traffic volumes. Finally, to prepare a TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS documenting all data, analyses, conclusions ' and recommendations to provide for the safe and efficient movement of traffic through the study area. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The proposed development will be located west of Pennsylvania Street in Carmel, Indiana. As proposed, the development will consist of three hundred forty-four thousand square feet of general office. Figure 1 is an area map and conceptual plan of the proposed development including the proposed access points. 2 S OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126m STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS STUDY AREA The study area for this analysis will include the following intersections: • 126th Street and Pennsylvania Street • 1314 Street and Pennsylvania Street • All Access Points DESCRIPTION OF THE ABUTTING STREET SYSTEM This proposed development would be served by the public roadway system that includes 126th Street, 1314 Street, and Pennsylvania Street. 1266 Street and Pennsylvania Street- This intersection is a signalized intersection. The east and west approaches consist of an exclusive left-turn lane, a through lane, and a shared through and right-turn lane. The north and south approaches consist of an exclusive left-turn lane and a shared through and right-turn lane. None of the approaches have a protected left-turn phase. 131J`Street and Pennsylvania Street-This intersection is a T-intersection with Pennsylvania Street stopping for 1314 Street. The south approach consists of one left-turn lane and one right-turn lane. Both the east and west approaches consist of one lane used by all through and turning traffic. At Meridian Street, left-turns are not permitted into or from 1314 Street. However, the intersection of 126th Street and Meridian Street is signalized allowing left-turns into and from 126th Street. 3 • Fli U.S. 31 W —1 cue, I SITES 0 • , 0 0 0 _ _ PENNSYLVANIA ( ) ( STREET 2� 1 0 0 FIGURE 1 AREA MAP OPUS LANDMARK AT MERIDIAN OPUS DEVELOPMENT, INC. ©A Sc F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 • "All Rights Reserved" U� 4 • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126w STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS TRAFFIC DATA Peak hour manual turning movement traffic volume counts along Pennsylvania Street at 126th Street and 131x` Street were performed by A&F Engineering Co., LLC. The turning movement counts at all locations include an hourly total of all "through" traffic and all "turning" traffic during the hours of 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The peak hour turning movement traffic volume counts were performed in July 2000. These counts are included in Appendix A. GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The estimate of traffic to be generated by the proposed development is a function of the development size and of the character of the land use. Trip Generation' report was used to calculate the number of trips that will be generated by the proposed development. This report is a compilation of trip data for various land uses as collected by transportation professionals throughout the United States in order to establish the average number of trips generated by various land uses. Table 1 is a summary of the trips that will be generated by the proposed development. TABLE 1 - GENERATED TRIPS FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION GENERATED TRIPS ITE AM AM PM PM LAND USE CODE SIZE ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT Office 710 344,000 SF 439 60 79 386 TOTAL TRIPS 439 60 79 386 PEAK HOUR Based on the manual traffic volume counts that were collected for this analysis, the peak hours vary between the intersections from 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM and 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM. Therefore, the 1 Trip Generation, Institute of Transportation Engineers, Sixth Edition, 1997. 5 • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126Th STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS actual peak hour at each intersection will be used for this analysis to represent the worst case scenario. ASSIGNMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRIPS The study methodology used to determine the traffic volumes, from the proposed development, that will be added to the street system is defined as follows: 1. The volume of traffic that will enter and exit the site must be assigned to the various access points and to the public street system. Using the traffic volume data collected for this analysis, traffic to and from the proposed new site has been assigned to the proposed driveways and to the public street system that will be serving the site. 2. To determine the volumes of traffic that will be added to the public roadway system, the generated traffic must be distributed by direction to the public roadways at their intersection with the driveway. For the proposed development, the distribution was based on the existing traffic patterns and the assignment of generated traffic. The assignment and distribution of the generated traffic volumes for the proposed development are shown in Figure 2. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT GENERATED TRIPS ADDED TO THE STREET SYSTEM Generated traffic volumes that can be expected from the proposed development have been prepared for each of the proposed access points and the study intersections. The Peak Hour generated traffic volumes are shown on Figure 3. These data are based on the previously discussed trip generation data, assignment of generated traffic, and distribution of generated traffic. 6 • • RI x Zs . x t-4% ae ° • x-49% N — F3% 40%..t 49%1 10%-t h 49%—0- x—0.- 1%Z U.S. 31 1 %. L.,i iu ,. r— CC if I I-■ i awl 11, , _ --1 e(i) 0t.. .,_ (,9 (I) 1 1 .. SITE o u 1\,„ 63 o to i cV 't j u 1 0 0 l 0 '1 0 -0-e PENNSYL VAN/A • f STREET — l 1% I t ae r 0 2801 e Z* Z-7% CO c0 x 00 E-•1% ,9 -4-29% M t--4% y .4-8% 4) 4) 1%' ''30- ae 49%-0- 11%-0- a m o . 0 co LEGEND FIGURE 2 = NEGLIGIBLE ASSIGNMENT & DISTRIBUTION OF GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES - FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OPUS LANDMARK AT MERIDIAN OPUS DEVELOPMENT, INC. ©A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 i "AN Rights Reserved" U 7 • • • RI o o 3,- v Zs (:) 217 (3) CN » F 29 (189) , r- E—2 (12) 4J 4 E) 4 4) (31) 176 1 (39) 215 1 (38) 6 1 h (39) 215—> (*) (4) 1Z Ili Al U.S. 3> 1 r W K. o 11r 1 K. . S 0 Tk to o i o 0� 1 ... .c,i 0 N `'PENNSYL V,4N/,4 W '-" STREET i� M Z 48 (309) L' (*) 'C 31 (6) M E--1 (4) - F 17 (112) N -4—17 (3) It •C 4 (31) `J 4) --o M, (1) 5 (39) 215—0- (42) 7—0- a a 0 0 ri LEGEND FIGURE 3 3 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR PEAK HOUR N * = NEGLIGIBLE GENERATED TRAFFIC VOLUMES 0 - FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT OPUS LANDMARK AT MERIDIAN OPUS DEVELOPMENT, INC. ©A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 i "All Rights Reserved" 0 8 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-12619 STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS CAPACITY ANALYSIS The "efficiency" of an intersection is based on its ability to accommodate the traffic volumes that approach the intersection. The "efficiency" of an intersection is designated by the Level-of- Service (LOS) of the intersection. The LOS of an intersection is determined by a series of calculations commonly called a "capacity analysis". Input data into a capacity analysis include traffic volumes, intersection geometry, number and use of lanes and, in the case of signalized intersections, traffic signal timing. To determine the level of service at each of the study intersections, a capacity analysis has been made using the recognized computer program based on the Highway Capacity Manual(HCM)2. DESCRIPTION OF LEVELS OF SERVICE The following descriptions are for signalized intersections: Level of Service A - describes operations with a very low delay, less than or equal to 10.0 seconds per vehicle. This occurs when progression is extremely favorable, and most vehicles arrive during the green phase. Most vehicles do not stop at all. Level of Service B - describes operations with delay in the range of 10.1 to 20.0 seconds per vehicle. This generally occurs with good progression. More vehicles stop than LOS A, causing higher levels of average delay. Level of Service C - describes operation with delay in the range of 20.1 seconds to 35.0 seconds per vehicle. These higher delays may result from failed progression. The number of vehicles stopping is significant at this level, although many still pass through the intersection without stopping. 2 Transportation Research Board,National Research Council, Washington, DC, Special Report 209, 1985. 9 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126Th STREET.&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Level of Service D - describes operations with delay in the range of 35.1 to 55.0 seconds per vehicle. At level of service D, the influence of congestion becomes more noticeable. Longer delays may result from some combinations of unfavorable progression. Many vehicles stop, and the proportion of vehicles not stopping declines. Level of Service E - describes operations with delay in the range of 55.1 to 80.0 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be the limit of acceptable delay. These high delay values generally indicate poor progression and long cycle lengths. Level of Service F- describes operations with delay in excess of 80.0 seconds per vehicle. This is considered to be unacceptable to most drivers. This condition often occurs with oversaturation, i.e., when arrival flow rates exceed the capacity of the intersection. Poor progression and long cycle lengths may • also be major contributing causes to such delay levels. The following list shows the delays related to the levels of service for unsignalized intersections: Level of Service , Average Delay (seconds/vehicle'l A Less than or equal to 10 B Between 10.1 and 15 C Between 15.1 and 25 D Between 25.1 and 35 E Between 35.1 and 50 F greater than 50 CAPACITY ANALYSES SCENARIOS To evaluate the proposed development's effect on the public street system, the traffic volumes from each of the various parts must be added together to form a series of scenarios that can be analyzed. The analysis of these scenarios determines the adequacy of the existing roadway 10 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-1261"STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS system. From the analysis, recommendations can be made to improve the public street system so it will accommodate the increased traffic volumes. Capacity analyses have been made for the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour for each of the intersections in the study area: SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes - These are the traffic volumes that were obtained in July 2000. Figure 4 is a summary of these traffic volumes at the study intersections. SCENARIO 2: Existing Traffic Volumes + Proposed Development Generated Traffic Volumes - Figure 5 is a summary of these traffic volumes at the study intersections for the peak hour. The requested analyses have been completed and the computer solutions showing the level of service results are included in Appendix A. The tables that are included in this report are a summary of the results of the level of service analyses and are identified as follows: Table 2— 126th Street&Pennsylvania Street Table 3—Southern Access Point&Pennsylvania Street Table 4—Northern Full Access Point&Pennsylvania Street Table 5— 131s1 Street&Pennsylvania Street 11 • • RI 0 v N O (28) 6 1 It) t 1-. N M (23) 5-1„, o A\ U.S. 31 CC Lizir- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .., _ ,, if__ ,..ii _ _______71_ (f) _rte i to z I SITES / o I CO 1- , 63 o , N ' a 00 ° e AL.-, _ _ ___. _ _ 21_ _ � ° 7 � ° • 0 W PENNSYL VAN/A 1 ( 1 ( STREET 2/ 1 . Qt N n v N oo t 25 (43) ca p a,— 6 (7) 4J 4 4 ,ti (16) (228) 50_ k h f f> (33) 7-0- o < . (30) 27 Z M M � .........„! p t0 a 0 0 LEGEND FIGURE 4 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR EXISTING PEAK HOUR • = NEGLIGIBLE TRAFFIC VOLUMES o 0 — 0 n n OPUS LANDMARK AT MERIDIAN OPUS DEVELOPMENT, INC. ©A & F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 i "All Rights Reserved" d 12 • FM o _ U _(I) o N Z17 3 ^ o N x 0—61 (255) - F 39 (56) 4) 4. 4J a 4.) I 1 (39) 215 (66) 12 1 f (125) 267—0- (5 1) 1 1-0- (2 7) 6-11, 1 1 % US. 31 W W Lu W I ` —I EC(1) : faun �f z o SITE ,� c1 I . 1 0 10 0 0 \ 0 ak OPENNSYLVAN4 ° STREET — �,. OW —M O1 — N O ,, o Z 73 (352) t: (') - Z 31 (6) 4:74 M t--7 (11) = E—54 (167) N F 54 (47) 1 4, x 5 (47) 4) 4) (228) 50 1 (34) 12—> (108) 247--> (93) 18 (30) 27 Z M M of a. O O LEGEND FIGURE 5 3 00 = A.M. PEAK HOUR o (00) = P.M. PEAK HOUR SUM OF EXISTING & GENERATED x = NEGLIGIBLE TRAFFIC VOLUMES FOR PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT , OPUS LANDMARK AT MERIDIAN OPUS DEVELOPMENT, INC. ©A &.-F Engineering Co., LLC 2000 "All Rights Reserved" U 13 • • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126m STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS TABLE 2 -LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-126111 STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET AM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 Northbound Approach B C Southbound Approach B C Eastbound Approach A A Westbound Approach A A Intersection A A PM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 Northbound Approach B B Southbound Approach A B Eastbound Approach B B Westbound Approach B B Intersection B B SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes with Existing Conditions SCENARIO 2: Sum of Existing and Proposed Development Traffic Volumes 14 • OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126-STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS TABLE 3 -LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET AM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 2 Northbound Left A Eastbound Approach _ A PM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 2 Northbound Left A Eastbound Approach B TABLE 4 -LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY-NORTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET AM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 2 Northbound Left A Eastbound Approach A PM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 2 Northbound Left A Eastbound Approach A SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes with Existing Conditions SCENARIO 2: Sum of Existing and Proposed Development Traffic Volumes 15 • S OPUS DEVELOPMENT-12&"STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS TABLE 5 -LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY- 1313r STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET AM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 Northbound Approach A A Westbound Left A A PM PEAK HOUR MOVEMENT SCENARIO 1 SCENARIO 2 Northbound Approach A A • Westbound Left A A SCENARIO 1: Existing Traffic Volumes with Existing Conditions SCENARIO 2: Sum of Existing and Proposed Development Traffic Volumes 16 OPUS DEVELOPMENT-126m STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS CONCLUSIONS The conclusions that follow are based on existing traffic volume data, trip generation, assignment and distribution of generated traffic, capacity analyses with the resulting levels of service that have been prepared for each of the study intersections, and the field review conducted at the site. These conclusions apply only to the AM Peak Hour and PM Peak Hour that were addressed in this analysis. These peak hours are when the largest volumes of traffic will occur. Therefore, if the resulting level of service is adequate during these time periods, it can generally be assumed the remaining 22 hours will have levels of service that are better than the peak hour, since the existing street traffic volumes will be less during the other 22 hours. 1. 126' STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. 2. SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and the proposed geometrics, has shown this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. The proposed access point should consist of at least one inbound and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left-turn lane and a shared right-turn and through lane. 17 `. OPUS DEVELOPMENT—126"STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 3. NORTHERN FULL ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and the proposed geometrics, has shown this intersection will operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. The proposed access point should consist of at least one inbound and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left-turn lane and a shared right-turn and through lane. 4. 131 sr STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET Existing (Scenario 1) - A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the existing traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection is operating at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. Proposed Development (Scenario 2) — A review of the level of service for each of the intersection approaches, with the proposed traffic volumes and existing geometrics, has shown this intersection will continue to operate at acceptable levels during the AM Peak Hour and the PM Peak Hour. RECOMMENDATIONS Based on this analysis and the conclusions, the following recommendations are made to insure that the roadway system will operate at acceptable levels of service if the site is developed as proposed. 1. 120 STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA.STREET • No changes will need to be made at this intersection to maintain acceptable levels of service. 2. SOUTHERN ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • The proposed access should be constructed with one inbound lane and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left-turn lane and a shared right-turn and through lane. These lanes should be a minimum of twelve feet. 18 • S OPUS DEVELOPMENT—126"'STREET&PENNSYLVANIA STREET TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 3. NORTHERN FULL ACCESS POINT AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • The proposed access should be constructed with one inbound lane and two outbound lanes, one exclusive left-turn lane and a shared right-turn and through lane. These lanes should be a minimum of twelve feet. 4. 131 sr STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA STREET • No changes will need to be made at this intersection to maintain acceptable levels of service. 5. PENNSYLVANIA STREET • In order to serve left-turning vehicles and to minimize the disruption of through traffic between 126th Street and 131x` Street, it is recommended that a two-way left-turn lane be constructed between 126th Street and 131s Street along Pennsylvania Street. This left-turn lane should be constructed to a width of 14 feet. Therefore, this section of roadway should be widened by 4 feet in order to maintain the existing 11 foot wide through lanes and the proposed 14 foot wide two-way left-turn lane. 19 40 41 4104 C 4of Paul G. Reis ■ () The Reis Law Firm 12358 Hancock St. Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Opus.North Corporation LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Opus North Corporation. and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Our office requests a Knox box be installed on each building for emergency fire department access. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Date: May 30. 2000 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Li!lig, Laurence M A :, From: Jay Alley [Jay @ctrwdsewers.org] •7� � Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 10:26 AM X21 AUG l RECEIVED 15 CEumvE® To: LLillig @ci.carmel.in.us _, 2000 'NI Candy Feltner; rlauritsen@slmaco.com _1\ ®OCS Subject: August 16th TAC Comments \<>-. r Laurence: = �' 1 Following are CTRWD comments on the agenda items in our service area. Please feel free to copy and distribute this email or attach it to your meeting minutes for distribution. College Park Baptist Church Plans have been submitted to the District and our review indicates that they are insufficient for CTRWD to issue connection permits. Additional information was requested August 3rd from the consultants for the church but no new information has been received. Building permits should NOT be issued without the District's connection permit and additional development fees may be due at that time. VoWC, Section 3001a, Village Center, Part 2, Buildings 1 &2 Plans have been submitted and reviewed by the District's consulting engineers, Samuel L. Moore &Associates and are ready for submission to IDEM for approval of the sanitary sewer portion. Building permits should NOT be issued without the District's connection permit. ---,Opus Landmark.at Meridian While we have not received any plans for this project, it is likely located in the service territory of Carmel Utilities since it is on the northeast corner of Carmel Drive and Meridian Street. This should be confirmed. Town Village Senior Housing Facility Plans have been submitted and reviewed by the District's consulting engineers, Samuel L. Moore &Associates but have not been finalized since a new lift station and force main is being proposed. Building permits should NOT be issued without the District's connection permit. We are a member of the IUPPS underground locate network so call 1-800-382-5544 before you dig! Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or need additional information. Thanks- Jay W. Alley, Utility Manager Clay Township Regional Waste District Hamilton County, IN, USA http://www.ctrwdsewers.org/ 1 • J . pF Cq l • N City of Carme•: DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING August 11, 2000 / •� �C� 0 lb 4 Mr. Paul G. Reis,Es q•LLC The Reis Law Finn 12358 Hancock Street 13/41 I' Carmel,IN 46032-5807 RE: Project Review,Opus Landmark at Meridian Dear Mr. Reis: This office has reviewed the preliminary plans submitted for this project. We offer the following comments: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The project site is located within City of Carmel Corporate Limits. 2. Jurisdictions: • Streets and Right of Way—City of Cannel • Water—Indianapolis Water Company Service Area • Sanitary Sewers and Storm Sewers—City of Cannel 3. Board of Public Works and Safety Approvals: • Sanitary Sewer Availability Approval • Commercial Curb Cut Approval • Dedication of Right of Way and Acceptance I am enclosing a schedule of Board of Public Works and Safety meeting dates and agenda deadlines for your use. Any submission to the Board requires prior final approval by the Carmel Plan Commission and/or Board of Zoning Appeals. All written requests to be placed on the Board's agenda must include the date(or dates)of approval by the Plan Commission and/or BZA. 4. Sanitary Sewer Availability(acreage) and Connection Fees: • Availability(Acreage)Fees are based upon total acreage(legal description)@$1,365.00 per acre. The legal description does not indicated total acreage for this project. We will require a legal description that indicates total acreage of the project. The drainage calculations provided with the drawing states this is a 23.67-acre site. Therefore, 23.67 acres @$1,365.00=$32,310.00. • Connection Fees are based upon the average user factor table from section 9-200 of our Utility Ordinance. The factor for Offices is 0.50 EDU's per 1,000 sq. ft. The Connection Fee is$795.00 per EDU. Therefore: Building A 104,870 sq. ft. n 0.50 EDU/1000=52.435 EDUs @$795.00/EDU= $ 41,686.00 Building B 104,870 sq. ft. @ 0.50 EDU/1000= 52.435 EDUs u?$795.00/EDU =$ 41,686.00 Building C 143,670 sq. ft. a!0.50 EDU/1000= 71.835 EDUs n $795.00/EDU = $ 57.109.00 Total Estimated Connection Fees 176,705 EDUs $140,481.00 I am enclosing copies of our Average User Factors for Sanitary Sewers and our current fee schedule. 5. Please be advised that any installation of signs, walls, irrigation systems,etc. within dedicated easements will require a Consent to Encroach Agreement between the Owner and the City of Cannel. The Agreement requires Board of Public Works and Safety Approval. Installations within dedicated right of way requires Board of Public Works and Safety approval. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2441 • • Mr.Paul G.Reis August 11,2000 Page 2 6. I am including a copy of our Engineering Requirements for Commercial Projects. Performance Release Procedure and Street Cut/Right-of-Way Permit Procedures. I will send a copy of our Residential Subdivision and Commercial Irrigation System Requirements upon request. Please find enclosed a copy of Commercial Permitting Procedures from our Permit Services Department. 7. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project. 8. All drawings submitted for review and approval must be certified by the design engineer. PROJECT COMMENTS 9. We are requesting that an additional ten-(10)feet of right-of-way of Pennsylvania Street be dedicated with this project. An additional 10-feet would increase the west half right-of-way from 35-feet to 45- feet. • 10. What is the Transportation Easement indicated on the south side of the development? 11. Are the wetlands to be mitigated? The wetland area needs to be better defined on the drawings, perhaps by light shading. 12. Arc the sanitary sewer extensions indicated under Pennsylvania Street existing? 13. Please reconfigure medians on the"Right In-Right Out"curb cuts. The goal is to make it more obvious that left turns from right-outs are not allowed. This should be done by making the angle at the curb line more pointed. These curb cuts also will require"Do not Enter","No Left Turn" signs, etc. 14. We request that the proposed curb cuts be reviewed with the Old Meridian District plan to assure alignment with future street plans. 15. Pond question regarding the normal pool @ 864.0. The grade of pond side slopes 1.0 foot below this level and appears to be approximately 17:1. With any fluctuation of water level, much of this side slope(and rip rap, etc.)will be exposed. Is there any pump or mechanism proposed to assure water level is maintained? PENNSYLVANIA STREET IMPROVEMENTS 16. The City is requesting reconstruction of the west half of Pennsylvania Street along the entire Pennsylvania frontage as follows: • From the proposed west right-of-way line,the following described improvements: Three feet of green space,five-foot concrete sidewalk, additional four feet of green space between sidewalk and curb, two-foot curb and gutter and full depth asphalt pavement out to a point where it meets the pavement/elevation at the existing centerline of the Pennsylvania Street right of way. • Additionally, the City requests construction of a median section along Pennsylvania Street. We would be willing to meet with you to discuss the location,dimensions and breaks within the median section. • I am enclosing full depth asphalt specifications from our Pennsylvania Street project. • Existing Pennsylvania Street storm structures on the West Side will require relocation. BONDING REQUIREMENTS 17. We are requesting Certified Engineer's Cost Estimates for 100%of the cost of labor and materials for the Pennsylvania reconstruction including pavement, medians, curbs, sidewalks,etc. Performance Guarantees in the amount of the cost estimates, in the form of Performance Bonds or Irrevocable Letters of Credit,be posted with this office. 18. Any other work in the right-of-way of either Pennsylvania Street or 126°i Street will require the posting of Street CutfRight-of-Way Permits and bonding(license and permit type bond)at the rate of $2,000.00 per instance. You are responsible to share and distribute the information and responsibilities included in this correspondence(including enclosures)with all engineering firms,contractors or other entities that will be involved in this project. • S Mr. Paul G. Reis August 11,2000 Page 3 These comments are based upon the Engineering Department's initial and thorough review. Please provide our office with a follow-up letter addressing our comments and revised drawings, which reflect all revisions. A second review will focus only on revised items. It is critical that our office be made aware of all modifications made on the plans being re-submitted,particularly if any such changes are considered. "new" or fall outside of our initial review. If you have questions,please feel free to contact Kate Weese, Craig Parks or me at 571-2441. Sincerely, / / Dick Hill,Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: Kate Weese, City Engineer(w/o enclosures) Craig Parks, Assistant City Engineer(w/o enclosures) Laurence Lillig,Department of Community Services(w/o enclosures) John Duffy, Carmel Utilities(w/o enclosures) Norm Taylor, Woolpert LLP (w/o enclosures) S:APROJREV00\OPUSLANDNIARK HAMILTON COUNT • Soil & Water 317-773-2181 • • Fax:317-776-1101 max . CONSERVATION=DISTRICT 1108 South 91h Street • Noblesville • IN • 46060-3745 ',..., ' August 10, 2000 l � _ __ _ ,✓Mr. Paul G. Reis, Esq.,LLC CO VP 12358 Hancock Street ' 7 = ---n Carmel, IN 46032-5807 Re Opus Landmark at Meri•ia -6 'erall Development Plan Dear Mr. Reis: - — —-- -- I have reviewed the overall development plan and have the following comments or questions. Most of the parking lots along the.Meridian Corridor are rarely filled.To reduce storm water discharge and increase":green space I would encourage an application for land banking a portion of your parking lot. • The reflection pond has a broad shallow rim. Aquatic plants will grow well Is this ' . an intended result?- : ' - I will be available to discuss this report should you have any questions. Sincerely, 13. • John B. South P.E. Conservation Engineer Cc: L. Lillig - . S. Cash ✓Woolpert LLP - File CONSERVATION DEVELOPMENT- SELF-GOVERNMENT AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER" 11 TON OUNTY 1108 South 9th Street Noblesville,IN 46060-3745 t2L Soil & Water ,��� Ph. (317)773-1432 I ,pO Fax (317)776-11 (7 Drainage,Erosion and Sediment ••` • an Technical Review and Comment • :CONSERVATION DISTRICT Project Name: OPUS—1=:A-NIA-MA2—K-e--fiElt 1l)lA/1/4/ SOIL D,N G A Submitted By: IS/ooLPFgr ��C ✓ PAUL. REIS ✓ - 7/Yb 14.141D2Et/ A. 1235-8 1'fANCGx/' ST; N1 .+4N4/b2is .,-ni CA2ttEl., .J `fleo3Z = = Reviewed By: �D/1N ,�. 5 v77( _ — Plan Review Procedure: - Site-Visit-Date: Plan Review Date: 8-/A ZGt)b Location: W. 51fDE of • PENN. 5T' /V of /ZG Legal Description: ,5 EC•. Township: /8,./. Range: 3C— Civil Township: C c 4y The technical review and comments are intended to evaluate the completeness of the erosion and sediment control plan for the project. The erosion and sediment control plan submitted was not reviewed for the adequacy of the engineering design. All practices included in the plan, as well as those recommended in the comments should be - evaluated as to their feasibility by a qualified individual with structural practices designed by a qualified engineer. The plan has not been reviewed for local, state or federal permits that may be required to proceed with this project. Additional information, including design calculations may be requested to further evaluate the erosion sediment control plan. • The erosion and sediment control plan has been reviewed and it has been determined that the plan: Q Satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 3271AC 15-5(Rule 5). Notification will be forwarded to the Indiana Department of Environmental Management Q Refer to the comments section for additional information. [1� Does not satisfy the minimum requirements and intent of 327IAC 15-5 (Rule 5);deficiencies are noted in the checklist and in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential violation of the rule and must be adequately addressed for compliance. The information necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be submitted: . Please address revisions to the reviewer. Proper implementation of the erosion and sediment control plan and inspections of the construction site by the developer or a representative are necessary to minimize off-site sedimentation. The developer should be aware that unforeseen construction activities and weather conditions may effect the performance of a practice or the erosion and sediment control plan. The plan must be a flexible document, with provisions to mod or substitute practices as necessary. PROJECT': Opus ii4A/D4/ 1160,0/,//c/ • Page 2 of 3 ' • 'ARE TEE FOLLOWING ITEMS ADEQUATELY ADDRESSED ON TilE PLANS (All Plarts Must Include Appropriate Legends,Scales;and NorthArrotv) (Items that are Not Applicable to this Project are designated by PiA) Yes No PROJECT INFORMATION 0 TA Project Location Map(Show project in relation to other areas:ofthe coun( ) 0 113 Narrative Describing the Nature and Purpose of tIfe Project 0 le Location of Planned and/or Existing R.oads,_EftilitLes,Structures,highways,etc. 0 ID Lot-and/or Builclirig Locations 0 IE Landuse of Adjacent Areas • • (Show the Entire Upstream Watershed and Adjacent Areas Within 500 Feet of the Property Lines) Yes No. TOPOGRAPJ311C, DRArNAGE, AND GENERAL...SHETEEATURES El 0 L2A. Existing Vegetation. (Identify and Delineate) • 114 . 0 2B. • Location and Name of All Wetlands, Lakes and Water Courses On and Adjacent to the Site _ _0__ 2C 100 Year Flood plains,Floodway FlosidWays(Mie ikne) 0 2D Soils Information (If 10.A:Inc soils are present,it is the responsibility of the oWnerldeveloper to - investigate the existence of Wetlands and to obtain pdifiit.Sfrpm,the_appropriate,goyenrrnent agencies) 0 2E Existing and Planned Contours at an Interval Appropriate to Indicate Drainage Patterns tg •0 2F Locations of Specific Points Where Stormwater-Discharge Will Leave the Site • IKL LI 2G Identify All-Receiving Waters(IfDils-charge is tO a S epairrteldiaticipal Storm Sewer,Identil5i the Name of the Municipal Operator and the Ultimate Receiving Water) - rif 0: 2E1 Potential Areas•Where Storm water May Enter.Groundwater (Note if None) . 0( a 21 Location of Stormwater Sys-tezii(Include Culvert;Storin Sewers Channel;and Swiales) Yes - No LAND.DISTURBING ACTIVITIES • 0 0 • 3A Location and Approziniate Dimensions of All Disturbed Areas[i.e.,Construction Limits] (Areas Where Vegetative Cover Will Be Pre served Should be Cle atiY Designated) 0 • 0 313 - Soil Stockpiles and or Borrow Areas(ShowLoccidOns Noki f None) Yes' No EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASUR_ES OD • 0 4A Sequence of When Each Measure Will)3e Implethented(Rdative to Earth Disturbing Activities) g0 413 Monitoring and Maintenance Guidelines for Each Measure 0 4C Perimeter Sediment Control Measures (Location, Construction Detail,Dimensions,and Specifications) 0 4D Temporary Seeding (Specifications,-Including Seed Mir,Fertilizer,Lime, and Mulch Rates) eci 0 4E Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures (Location, ,,onstruction Detail,Dimensions, and Specifications) [SI 0 4F Permanent Erosion and Sediment Control Measures • (Location,Construction Detail,Dimensions,and Spec(fications) • 0 4G Storm Drain Inlet Protection(Location, Construction Detail,Dimensions,and Specifications). 0 4E1 Stormwater Outlet Protection (Location; Construction Detail,Dimensions, and Specifications) 41 Stable Construction Entrance(Location, Construction Detail,Dimensions,and Specifications) • 0 /31/4 0 4.1 Erosion and Sediment Control on Individual Building Lots (Specifications) • 0 4K Permanent Seeding (Specifications;Including Seed Mix,Fertilizer,Lime,and Mulch Rates) Rcviscx1 /97 • . EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PLAN • TECHNICAL REVIEW - COMMENTS Project: OPUS LA,IDMAgk c Mel*iDIAN C3uiLDiiG A Page 3 of 3 -Note: All-erosion and sediment control measures shown on-the plans and referenced in this review must meet*the design criteria,standards, and specifications outlined in the''Indiana Handbook for Erosion Control in Developing Areas"from the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Soil Conservation or similar Guidance Documents. 1— r//E sour,/ 5:4/reANCE-,-ri/E__,eoP_osE,D CRAPE 870.z3 /5 ///G.S/E e 7.5101 / �)C/ST//1/6-6rU-T—TEL?-ALEU, 3" C. co K s TRW/L /S 'Vi6,S/EAQ TNAr' 6F POADlvAf / GR4D/N6 Ph AN F02 THE P-D4 P w4 7 w E S-f—oF S-T-,c? /z A 6ES,v'r toc e/c. 865).80 /s ,DEIRESSAE(). __ _ _ 2• .L ,OD./'7" dE,C/EVE T/f/E S/27- FErvC,E Ar 72 0" END OR 5Pc)72 , /c/..0 771.E P os cr- is .s/.ec4•ss4l2 r'. N sf 44049 TrdE Few 47-4.6e. ofi PEaµsr°c v4uta is AIEFP , :� 1e EGO li/Y8/o A' et5Gic° //OA'SE57,0E 1)RM /1 T 77/E OUTLET O� 779E .eX/ST/N6 Pomp 5011TfW END Or 72,16, c,r .- 5� A 11 EdcAvAdTEf) TiZ E,'ICt/ 4 z4 Ita 7X-4. 05 3/ R/icJ Wowc-P > r SEE)i rtebI r.. f OH TtUE 51TAE rNTT2fist T1/ vs 3/ s/OE - I f/z L 41-4 OF 77is' F/6 AL PLACE7`/F.S/r dE iv/7;f//S/ 7//4' CO isTeX-T/oA/ L/I11T5 6. cc: 5. Cgj// �• L/LL/6 - 0.14.PeRT LLC F"?Ac� • • 0432.'4,C41441 Canal e_11 once Jpar1mem1 11%ii Carmel, 46032 , S. % r, 141 qq (9 WOO July 26, 2000 Mr. Paul G. Reis The Reis Law Firm 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of US 31 and '126th Street PUS File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Reis: I have received and reviewed the plans for the above-mentioned project. At the present time, I see nothing in the plans that would hamper law enforcement efforts. If we can be of any further assistance to you, please contact us. Respectfully, Michael D. Fogarty Chief of Police MDF:vb cc: Dept. of Community Services (317)571-2500 A Nationally Accredited Law„Enforcement Agency Fax(317)571-2512 The Reis Law irm 111L5Q , ttw 10 Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC N 12358 Hancock Street J GS Carmel, IN 46032-5807 e� QD (317) 848-4885 riter's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 CO (317)848-4886 preis @reislacom firm @reislaw.com Y DOS' w. July 21, 2000 VIA HAND DELIVERY Mr. Laurence Lillig, Jr. City of Carmel Department of Community Services 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Laurence: On behalf of Opus North Corporation, please find enclosed Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at.the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 120 Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Also, a Traffic Operations Analysis is currently being prepared and will be submitted upon completion. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Paul . Reis PGR/mtm Enclosures S • The Reis Law Firm T14 4 Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 'iEkol VET? 12358 Hancock Street r q�� Carmel, IN 46032-5807 r iii, 21 2000 _ Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4885 Fax:(317)848-4899 DOCS (317)848-4886 firm@reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com Cb V. July 21, 2000 O T 6 Mr. Steve Cash Hamilton County Surveyor Office One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Hamilton County Judicial Center Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Cash: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC • R is PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12-358 Hancock Street Carmel,IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com July 21, 2000 Mr. John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conserv. 925 Division Street Noblesville, IN 46060 • RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street • Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. South: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the,August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC P. R is PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel S I 110 The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317) 848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com July 21,2000 Mr. Dick Hill Dept. of Engineering One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 • RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Hill: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Cannel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Cannel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August. 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC a is PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Cannel • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Cannel,IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com July 21,2000 Mr. Gary Hoyt Office of Fire Chief, Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 • RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Hoyt: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC • • P/ R! PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel The Reis Law Firm. Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel,IN 46032-5807 Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4885 Fax: (317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com. July 21, 2000 Mr.Bill Akers Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Akers: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in. the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC . R-is PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel • ! The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Cannel, IN 46032-5807 Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4885 (317)848-4886 Fax:(317)848-4899 reis reislacom firm @reislaw.com P w. July 21, 2000 Mr. Greg Cammack Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46220 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Cammack: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Paul . Reis PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.comn July 21, 2000 Ms. Pam Waggoner Indianapolis Water Company P.O. Box 1220 Indianapolis, IN 46206 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast, corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Ms. Waggoner: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Cannel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, Paul.G. REIS, ESQ., LLC ul . ' - PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Cannel • 9 The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial (317)848-4886 Fax: (317)848-4899 reis reislaw.com firm@reislaw.com P @ July 21, 2000 Mr. Larry Castetter PSI 1441 South Guilford Carmel, IN 46032 • RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Castetter: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 3'.1 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/.Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC .I 4 P.. l; . PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel I The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 Writer's Direct Dial (317)848-4885 Fax:(317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com July 21, 2000 Mr. Chuck Shupperd Indiana Gas Co. P.O. Box 1700 Noblesville, IN 46060 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Shupperd: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building"A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL.G. REIS, ESQ., LLC Paul . � PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial (317)848-4886 Fax:(317)848-4899 rein reislaw.com firm @reislaw.com P @ July 21, 2000 Mr. Kevin Walker Indianapolis Power& Light Co. 3600 N. Arlington Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46218 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Walker: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the. Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC .ul eis PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel • • The Reis Law Firm Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Cannel,IN 46032-5807 (317)848-4885 Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 317 848-4886 reis reislaw.com firm @reislaw.com P @ July 21, 2000 Mr. Michael Fogarty Office of Police Chief Three Civis Square Carmel, IN 46032 • RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Fogarty: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. • Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC au G. Gei s PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel The Reis Law F• irm Paul G. Reis,els, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street Carmel, IN 46032-5807 (317) 848-4885 , Writer's Direct Dial Fax: (317)848-4899 (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com July 21, 2000 Mr. Paul Pace Carmel City Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, IN 46032 RE: Development Plan/ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number:2024/1 Dear Mr. Pace: On July 21, 2000, we filed with the City of Carmel Department of Community Services, on behalf of Opus North Corporation, Development Plan and ADLS Applications and corresponding plans for an office complex at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. Enclosed herewith are the overall Development Plan and detailed Development Plan for Building "A" for your review. We are anticipating having this application placed on the August 16, 2000 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee and the agenda of the Carmel/Clay Plan Commission for September 19, 2000.. Please forward any comments you have after your review of the enclosed plans to me or Mark Monroe at our office address listed above. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC 'a G ' PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Carmel The Reis Law Firm r , Paul G. Reis, Esq., LLC 12358 Hancock Street i,1� C � ��+ Carmel,IN 46032-5807 uu 21 2000 Writer's Direct Dial (317) 848-4885 ti°# �U U Fax: (317)848-4899 0OCS eJ (317)848-4886 firm @reislaw.com preis @reislaw.com ®/ July 21, 2000 6 Via Hand Delivery Mr. Dick Hill . Dept. of Engineering One Civic Square Cannel, IN 46032 RE: Development Plan%ADLS Applications — Northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street Our File Number: 2024/1 Dear Mr. Hill: Enclosed is a Drainage Summary for the Opus North Corporation project located at the northeast corner of U.S. 31 and 126th Street in the City of Carmel, Hamilton County, Indiana. The plans for the project were mailed to you under separate cover. If you have any questions regarding this matter in the mean time, please feel free to contact me at 848-4886, or Mark Monroe at 848-4887. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. Very truly yours, PAUL G. REIS, ESQ., LLC P. i. Reiff PGR/mtm Enclosure cc: Laurence Lillig, City of Cannel (w/o Summary, via Hand Delivery) Steve Cash (w/ Summary, via U.S. Mail) John South (w/ Summary, via U.S. Mail)