HomeMy WebLinkAboutBid Information and Packets PART 2 D ORIGINAL BID PROPOSAL 2A Base Bid The undersigned Bidder proposes to .furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service, and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total Five Hundred & Seventy-Two Thousand, Six Hundred & Twenty-Seven collars (S 572, 627 . 00 ). The Bidder acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Bid shall be based on such price and further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Bid evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Bidder further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall he compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. 1 "EXHIBIT.._ _5 9t ITEMIZED BID CARMEL PROJECT NO. 05-01A-L . _ DESCRIPTION: 116th Street & Sprnlg Mill Road 1/19/2007 ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL 1 Earthwork CY 100 35.00 5Sc .00 2 Topsoil CY 200 6oZ.o0 ID-,400 .00 3 Compacted Aggregate Base (quarry blocks) CY 20 190 00 3,M&S•00 4 Quarry Block Wall (variegated limestone) LE 180 el10.00 X10,600.00 5 EPDm Flashing (back of wall) SF 750 3.50 a.,V/5.60 6 4" Perforated Underdrains _ LF 250 1 $•00 ',500 .00 7 Washed River Gravel (mow strip) CY 10 1'10.00 5,100 •00 8 Steel Edging LF 200 B 00 1,(:00 .00 9 Concrete Sculpture Base CY 8 Ik%a.AO 9, a%.00 10 Cast Stone Urn EACH 1 1\ ,0.00 14,'160.00 11 Irrigation System LS 1 gt%,60 9 '6%. oo 12 Electrical System (including lighting) LS 1 NO 13t 0 13 Perennials, #1 EACH 550 i1.00 9 b50 14 Ornamental Grasses, #2 EACH 35 15.00 5a 5.604 15 Shrubs,18" EACH 45 50-00 a 2,53.cc. 16 Shrubs, 36" EACH 4 '1p-00 x80.00 17 Sod SY 500 1.&3 3, 500•c0 18 Mulch (shredded hardwood bark) CY 25 66.00 1 ,650.00 19 Annuals EACH 300 1 .00 7 .00 20 Mobilization & General Conditions LS 1 1-500.00 a,5pb.04 SUBTOTAL: 130,1 q a..0° "E HII FL_ 71- L/ s f' Blo-sa • ITEMIZED BID CARMEL PROJECT NO. 05-01A-L DESCRIPTION: 116th Street & Illinois Street 1/1912007 ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL 21 Earthwork CY 200 35.0p 1,000 .00 22 Topsoil CY 200 fpa.00 t), 400 .00 23 Compacted Aggregate Base (blocks 8,wall) CY 30 ('10.06 5,100 •GO 24 Curved Quarry Block Wall (sandstone) LF 160 a%0.00 ►{?j, 01.00.00 25 Straight Quarry Block Wall (sandstone) LF 100 0n0•00 ;Zq ccs .00 26 EPDM Flashing (back of wall) SF 600 350 a.,top.co 27 4" Perforated Underdrains LE 300 t$-0'J 5,900 .00 28 Washed River Gravel (mow strip) CY 10 1'1000 I 100 .00 29 Concrete Sculpture Base CY 6.5 toe.:".-0° % 40900 30 Steel Edging LF 360 %.00 a.,ESto -CO 31 Irrigation System LS 1 a,8gco.co g caq(o•06 32 Electrical System (including lighting) LS 1 MC tb i v> 33 Perennials, #1 EACH 800 11.00 13,600.00 34 Ornamental Grasses, #2 EACH 45 15.06 VT5. 00 35 Shrubs, 18" EACH 90 50.00 4,500.00 36 Shrubs, 36" EACH 6 le((CO id6 •OD 37 Sod SY 400 ''t•DO 'I,t0p•00 38 Mulch (shredded hardwood bark) CY 35 (a(c, .pp 4.,3to.00 39 Annuals EACH 150 1 .00 t5p .OD 40 Mobilization & General Conditions LS 1 a,5cx .06 a,5o0.00 SUBTOTAL: tSS,Co3°t.00 1 PXHI MT _ES. BID-Sa ITEMIZED 131..D CARMEL PROJECT NO. 05-01A-L DESCRIPTION: 126th Street & Illinois Street 1/19/2007 ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL 41 Earthwork CY 100 'x,00 73Soo•00 42 Topsoil CY 200 Gy,.00 td ,4o0 .00 43 Compacted Aggregate Base (quarry blocks) CY 20 I'10,03 3,'400.00 44 Quarry Block Wall (sandstone) LF 180 a9o•o 4%, 600. O 45 EPDM Flashing (back of wall) SE 750 150 a,,Gd5.m 46 4" Perforated Underdrains LF 250 I8 .00 Lk,tc0.00 47 Washed River Gravel (mow strip) CY 6 110 .00 t ,Oao. 00 48 Steel Edging LF 240 x•00 6,cc a.o .on 49 Irrigation System LS 1 9,s?igc 00 ct 8gc2,(sp 50 Electrical System (including lighting) LS 1 �O tat p 51 Ornamental Trees 8' 1 930.015 Lj,'r0.CC) 52 Perennials, #1 EACH 640 n,00 t6, 1st:.0o 53 Ornamental Grasses, #2 EACH 50 15.60 'St,dp 54 Shrubs 18" EACH 55 50 .c A.2153.00 55 Shrubs. 36" EACH 6 7n .00 yao.00 56 Sod SY 300 LOO L1\oo;00 57 Mulch (shredded hardwood bark) CY 30 Co(o.00 1,900 ,00 58 Mobilization & General Conditions LS 1 a.,S00.0O a,' oo.03 SUBTOTAL: I09, Co'1 I • 00 Ai Li(5 1,Y BID-5a • ITEMIZED BID CARMEL PROJECT NO. 05-01A-L DESCRIPTION: Landscape Treatment for Median 1/2912007 ITEM UNIT NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT QUANTITY PRICE TOTAL 59 Shade Trees EACH 141 Ads) .00 65, M K0.00 60 Evergreens EACH 12 %Yap,00 dq, 1 60.00 61 Ornamental Trees EACH 294 a3 0.o0 4, 300•so S2 Shrubs EACH 168 90 •00 II, 0%0.00 63 Grasses EACH 443 \5.00 G.r6y5 .00 SUBTOTAL: E2,k, TOTAL PROJECT: 51 a,b ;-11 • C=1° SUBMITTED BY: &,� s > �Do c SIGNATURE: ALA-2 TITLE: VJ �‘y ADDRESS: it DD &s ///.9 Curet& q1,2o3 � rs il., -'17_/615 Ss LAU BID-5d a.vsri'd OLEO £PS Lid ONI1T[1SNOD NUOIdSN5 IS:EU 2_20e_3!-OST-Ndf PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Bidder agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Bidder acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE #1 January 26, 2007 #2 January 29, 2007 #3 January 30, 2007 BID-6 J1,2211n4n7oi PART5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Bidders. 5.1 The Bidder shall fully state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Bidder is cautioned that any exception taken by Bidder and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract Documents may result in this Bid being rejected as non-responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: N/A Pi I n-7 IN2UU:u7,n