HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09-07-00 Hearing Officer(AMLI)
DOCKET No. 142 -00 DP /ADLS
Public Hearing Officer
September 7, 2000
The Public Hearing on Docket No 142 -00 DP /ADLS, Tract 1 -A of the City Center
Project known as AMLI was opened at approximately 9.00 AM on Thursday, September
07, 2000. The public hearing was held in the Caucus Rooms of City Hall, One Civic
Square, Carmel, Indiana.
In attendance Steve Engelking, Director, Department of Community Services, Hearing
Officer, John Molitor, Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Counsel, Les Olds, Bob Doster,
and Dan Moriarity, CSO Architects/Engineers, Jim Thomas and Bruce Rigsbee, AMLI,
Joe Staehler and Rick Roesch, Carmel Redevelopment Commission; and Laurence Lillig,
City Planner, Department of Community Services
Jim Thomas, Senior Vice President of AMLI Residential Properties, appeared before the
Public Hearing Officer AMLI is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and is a Real
Estate Investment Trust headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, with its mid -west regional
headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana.
The subject site is Tract 1 -A of the Carmel City Center and was shown on a graphic
layout representing the final site plan. There has been a wetlands issue and some minor
"tweaking" of the site plan to locate the drive The detention pond centers on the project;
the City Center building is a "U" or "Omega" shape. The project is mixed -use over all,
however, Lot 1 is strictly apartments The main community amenities, leasing office,
management office, business center - - -all will be contained on the lower level of the
building in the center section, with the apartments up and around.
Renderings were shown of the wings The elevations are essentially the same, front and
back, and very traditional. The view from City Center Drive will be the Townehomes
The tree -save areas consist of the retention and wetlands areas intact. The drive -by view
from City Center Drive will be massive trees, townehomes back - stopped by big trees, the
large City Center Building, and behind are the attached garage buildings
The townehomes do have 2 car, attached garages with each unit; the apartments do not.
The garage buildings are either on the ends or in the middle of the building, and the
garages lead directly to the apartments in the upper floors. There is also a pool and
amenity core
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Pursuant to the Development Agreement, the signage at the parkway /boulevard entrances
will be off -site in the corner. The trash is contained in a compactor facility; there are
detached garages located along the property line that will be utilized as a screening
The Plan Commission made a formal request of AMLI to meet with the adjoining
neighbors regarding the screening. The primary concern is that there are some
encroachments on the AMLI property by the neighbors in the form of gardens and trees.
There is some secondary growth of 10 -15 year old trees that will be retained for
Members of the public were invited to speak in favor of the proposed ADLS, the
following appeared
Rick Roesch, 832 Spruce Drive, Carmel, president of the Carmel Redevelopment
Commission, stated that the Commission totally supports the proposed facility and the
efforts of the AMLI group. AMLI has worked well with the community and the
Commission is in favor of the project
Members of the public were invited to speak in opposition to the ADLS; no one appeared
and the public hearing was closed.
Laurence Lillig of the Department of Community Services commented as follows. The
Plans at the DOCS office are stamped May first- -there were several comments made by
the Engineering Department that need to be addressed. If there is a more current set of
plans, they are to be delivered to the Department.
Bob Doster, CSO Architects/Engineers, reported that the storm sewer is a private system.
The wetlands will not be disturbed The Entrance now provides for 18 feet in width,
rather than 17 feet as initially planned
Laurence Lillig further commented that there is a letter on file from the Carmel Clay
Schools requesting sidewalks and asking if they will be connected to the path on City
City Drive. Mr Doster responded that there are sidewalks between the townehomes;
sidewalks have not been provided on the main road into the site. Correspondence from
Hamilton County Soil & Water indicates that their concerns have not yet been addressed
regarding the wetlands Mr Doster confirmed that AMLI has been working with the
Army Corps of Engineers, however, it is actually a City issue rather than AMLI. Mr
Doster thought the Soil & Water Conservation's conditions had been met and will
forward a letter to the Department from John South in confirmation.
Laurence Lillig commented that the off premise sign for this project may require a
Variance, depending on its location. John Molitor asked for more information, where the
sign is located, what the agreement was in regard to signage
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Mr Doster stated that at this point, the Redevelopment Commission owns the property
According to the Development Agreement, the sign is to be located in the southwest
corner of City Center Drive and Range Line Road. The property will ultimately be
owned by the City and according to John Molitor, the City does not need a Variance to
put a sign on City property.
Laurence Lillig requested that AMLI submit a sign package in its final form and detail to
the Department before the signs are actually produced. The Department has a copy of a
signage plan with a "Disclaimer" on the front. Dawn Pattyn of the DOCS will be
reviewing the signs Some of the signs would not meet Carmel's Ordinance; due to the
use (multi family), specific signage will be required.
The Department is recommending favorable consideration of this project.
Steve Engelking had comments on the sign issue. If the signage does exceed that which
is allowed by the Ordinance, and the property is conveyed to AMLI and no longer owned
by the City, AMLI would be required to petition the Board of Zoning Appeals for sign
John Molitor elaborated on the sign issues If the Hearing Officer approves the design
package, the approval for the signs is not given until the signs are actually applied for and
it is determined that they are within the Sign Ordinance
In regard to the wetlands, Joe Staehler stated that something should be forthcoming from
the Corps of Engineers any day (this has been going on for two weeks )
Steve Engelking asked if the exterior of all buildings were brick. Mr Doster responded
that the exterior of the Carmel Center Buildings are all brick - -the exterior of the
townehomes are brick on three sides, and the exterior of the attached garage buildings are
brick on all sides of the lower level, and cementious, one -sided material (Hardy Board)
on the upper levels The Hardy Board must be painted, but otherwise is maintenance
free It is not vinyl.
Steve Engelking asked for clarification regarding the neighbors to the west and their
concerns regarding a buffer and the distance between the property line and the detached
garages. According to Mr Doster, the distance between the property line and the back of
the detached garages is 35 feet and it will be landscaped; probably no berms.
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Laurence Lillig asked if AMLI had received comments from the City Arborist, Scott
Brewer Mr Dostler responded in the affirmative. The landscape comments were in
regard to the number of trees on the City's recommended list to be planted. These are
basically the same comments heard at the Technical Advisory Committee.
Rick Roesh confirmed that this item was published in the paper, and Laurence Lillig
confirmed that the DOCS had sent out proper notification by certified mail.
Steve Engelking approved of the Development Plan /Architectural Design, Lighting,
Landscaping and Signage, subject to the following. supporting approval documentation
from the City Engineer, and the County Soil & Water Conservation District, and up -dated
Plans, if any It is understood that issues of signage are to go through the permitting
There being no further business to come before the hearing officer, the meeting was
adjourned at 9 35 AM.
ona Hancock, Secretary
Steve C Engelkin., Carmel earing Officer
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ity f C
before the
Thursday, 9:00 AM
Caucus Rooms of City Hall
DOCKET No. 142 -00 -DP /ADLS
TRACT 1 -A of the
Time and Place:
Subject Matter:
Thursday, September 7, 2000
DOCKET No. 142 -00 -DP /ADLS
Notice is hereby given that the City of Carmel Hearing Officer will
hold a public hearing upon a Development Plan and Architectural
Design, Lighting, Landscaping, and Signage application, pursuant
to the application and plans filed with the Department of
Community Services for Tract 1 -A of the Carmel City
Center Project (AMLI), designated as Docket No 142-00 -
DP/ADLS The hearing will be held at 9:00 AM on Thursday,
September 7, 2000, in the Executive Conference Room, Carmel
City Hall, Carmel, Indiana 46032.
The subject Tract 1 -A of the Carmel City Center is legally
described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and located
approximately 500' west of the southwest corner of 126th Street
(City Center Boulevard) and Third Avenue S.W.
Exhibit "A"
Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 36, Township 18 North,
Range 3 East, Clay Township, Carmel, Indiana being more
particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the Northeast
Quarter of said Section 36; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes
13 seconds West (an assumed bearing) 2625.23 feet along the
North Line of said northeast quarter to the western boundary
line of the tract of land described in the Affidavit subscribed
and sworn to by Helen Moffitt Mueller as recorded in
Miscellaneous Record 48, page 462, and 463 in the Office of the
Recorder of Hamilton County; Thence South 00 degrees 11
minutes 43 seconds East 276.14 feet along the western
boundary of the Mueller Tract to the southern right -of -way
line of 126th Street as shown on the Carmel City Center Drive
Road Plans Project No. 97 -10A and the POINT OF
BEGINNING of this description, said point being located on a
non tangent curve concave to the southeast and being North 30
degrees 11 minutes 04 seconds West 640.00 feet from the
radius point of said curve, the following four (4) courses are
along the southern right -of -way line of 126th Street; thence
Northeasterly and Easterly 337.17 feet along said curve, said
point being North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East
640.00 feet from the radius point of said curve; 2) thence South
90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East 204.66 feet; 3) thence
South 78 degrees 24 minutes 01 seconds East 222.00 feet to a
point of curvature to the left, said point being South 11 degrees
35 minutes 59 seconds West 569.00 feet from the radius point
of said curve; thence Southeasterly 72.37 feet along said curve
to a point, said point being South 04 degrees 18 minutes 44
seconds West 569.00 feet from the radius point of said curve;
thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 57 seconds East 364.30
feet; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds West
160.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 57 seconds
East 140.00 feet; thence 89 degrees 48 minutes 03 seconds East
160.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 57 seconds
East 428.36 feet to the southern boundary line of the Mueller
Tract; thence South 89 degrees 12 minutes 13 seconds West
815.67 feet along the southern boundary line of the Mueller
Tract to the western boundary line of the Mueller Tract;
thence North 00 degrees 12 minutes 01 seconds West 911.87
feet to the point of beginning, containing 17.677 acres more or
Availability of Copy: Copies of the proposed are on file at the Carmel Department of
Community Services, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032.
Public Any written comments or objections to the proposal should be
Testimony: filed with the Secretary of the Carmel Redevelopment Commission
(Commission) before the hearing. All comments and
objections will be presented to the Commission. Any oral
comments concerning the proposal will be heard by the
Commission at the hearing. In addition, the hearing may be
continued from time -to -time by the Commission as it may find
Phyllis Morrissey, Secretary
Carmel Redevelopment Commission
Dated. August 7, 2000