HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence95, 30. 95 10 25 53177701101 HAM. CO SWCD , -- CARTEL PC uu2 • r t Hamilton County Soil anti Water Conservation District 925 Division Street - Noblesville: IN 46050-2744- (317) 773- 1406 - FAX (317) 778 -1101 Gary Murray Paul i. Cripe Inc. 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis IN 4G250 RE: Shnrard Storage Centeis Dear Gary, 1 - I h a _have reviewed your places iI nd question whether a silt fence will be able to withstand th'a amount and velocity of the storm water during'construct4ion of this project_ The existing buffer will help_ June 30, 1995 Should you have questions, tlease contact rte at 317-773 -1406_ - - i Sincerely, (J..4it.r k. John S_- South, P.S. SWCD Engineer JS /jinn cc: Carmel DOCD Surveyor file oxze van0N - oevaDp . r. slmF_Gmur ENT 1 UU/JU,240 La:zo Hamilton County Soi and Water Conservation District 925 Division Street- Noblesville, IN 46060-2744- (3171773-140S - FAX (317) 776-1101 June 30, 1995 Gary Murray Paul 1 _ gripe Inc. 7172 Graham Road Indianapoils IN .46250. RE: Henke Frontage Road. Dear Gary, I have reviewed the revised p1 and have the following comments. t. 1. I am not sure whether an NOI2'.s needed for this Site. It May ervend on itTs relationshiplto the Shurgard site. 1 - 2_ How will sediment be traoped.before entering Eighay Run' during the construction of the Street ,and storm facilities. • Should you have questions please contact me at 317-773-1406. ncerely, John South, P.E, SWCD Engineer- JS/jmo cc: Carmel DOCD Surveyor file ooNse'vt ATioN -oEvtaoemarr.-say-sovERNimen- JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES A FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW March 27, 1995 .r_ Da-v -i6.1 Li 1 D 1VIi . I.# V D. Department of Community Development One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Docket No. 74 -94 -DP /ADLS Dear Dave: 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Please find enclosed the Notice of Public Hearing which has been forwarded to The Noblesville Daily Ledger for publication regarding Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc.'s public hearing which is scheduled for April 18, 1995. Also please find enclosed a recertified list of property owners, to each of whom notice of such public hearing is being mailed. Thank you, and JJN.lh With kindest regards, T SO r o_ FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW January 13, 1995 Mr. David Cunningham Department of Community Development One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Dear Dave: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 In connection with the ADLS/DP application of Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc., please find enclosed Commitments Concerning the Use and Development of Real Estate which have been executed by Scott Nieman, Regional Development Manager of Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Should you have any questions, please call. Thank you, and JJN.lh kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER elson JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW November 30, 1994 Ramona Hancock Depai tuient of Community Development One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Dear Ramona: 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 In connection with the above entitled matter; please find enclosed for filing with the Carmel Plan Commission a drawing prepared by Paul I. Cripe, Inc. which more accurately depicts the tree preservation area located adjacent to the west boundary line of the real estate. A drawing previously filed designated a part of the triangular- shaped parcel of real estate adjacent to the west property line of the Shurgard property, now owned by Coots, Henke and Wheeler Investment Co. and not being purchased by Shurgard, as a tree preservation area. The revised drawing clearly establishes that construction fencing will be installed to protect the stand of existing trees; however, if and when the real estate is developed by Coots, Henke, certain existing trees may be removed. I am hopeful that the revised drawing clarifies any possible mis- interpretation. JJN.lh Encl. Please do not hesitate to call if you should have any questions. With kindest regards, & FRANKENBERGER . Nelson 11/10/94 09:24 °x'3177761101 HAM. CO. SWCD 444 CARMEL PC IJOO2 HAMILTON COUNTY SOIL AND WATER commaTIO;; DISTRICT 925 Divfsion Street - Noblesvifle• IN 46060 - (317) 773 -1406) FAX 776-1101 November 10, 1994 To: Dave Cunningham Carmel Planning Commission one Civic. Square Carmel In 46032 From John South, SWCD Engineer Project: ‘Sitter j / Sec. 10, T1SN, R4E Detail soil information is available: at the SCS -S?CD office_ The map on the plans only locate the soil types with abbreviated soil rues. According to the US11 - -SCS inventory of potential wetlands and USDI -THIS inventory maps there is NUT the potential of a wetland on this site. Maps may be viewed at the SCS -SWCD office. Private Consultants will make an on-site determination. Comments: 1. Erosion control plan is needed. 2. Side slopes to match existing gradealong State Road 431 approach or exceed 1:1. This is not acceptable_ Copies are being sent to: Steve Cash Jades hTelson Put I. Gripe file pity of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571 -2600 November 10, 1994 Nelson & Frankenberger Attorneys -At -Law Attn: James J. Nelson 3021 East 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 RE: SURGARD STORAGE CENTERS Dear Sir: This department has reviewed the proposed plans for Shurgard Storage Centers and do no have any recommendations to be made at this time. If you have further questions or information, please feel free to contact me at 571 -2604. CC: Terry Jones File (2) Respectfully, Stanley Puckett, Chief Inspector Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property City of C November 9, 1994 Mr. Jim Nelson Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 E. 98th Street, Suite 220 Indianapolis, IN 46280 Dear Jim: (11 rmel This office has reviewed the plans for the Shurguard Storage Centers. There are no un- resolvable concerns that we have with this project. Before this office would approve this project for construction, the petitioner would need to obtain the following: 1. Appropriate Plan Commission Approvals 2. Approvals from the Indiana Department of Transportation 3. Approvals from the Department of Natural Resources 4. A sanitary sewer permit from IDEM 5. Approval from the Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety of sewer and water availability. 6. Pay for a sewer and water permit in this office. a. The sanitary sewer, that is being constructed for this project, needs to be a publicly donated sewer. As a result, the developer will have to post a 100% performance bond for the construction and upon completion and acceptance by the City, post a 3 year maintenance bond for this work. b. The same will be true for the intersection reconstruction and street construction. Copies of the approvals listed above (with the exception of the approvals by the City of Carmel) should be filed with this office by the petitioner. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Ve Truly Yours peA Rand . Powell Assistant Director of Engineering RDP /mch cc: Dave Cunningham ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571.2400 Cityof C (•l rmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 Mr. B. Douglas McAuley The Douglas Company 6320 -B Rucker Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46620 November 7, 1994 Re: Fire Hydrant/ Shurguard Storage Project/ No. Rangeline Rd. Dear Sir: Please be advised that this Department has reviewed the proposed Fire Hydrant location(s) and find the plans acceptable. Respectfully Steven A. Couts Fire Chief cc: Community Development Stanley Puckett, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SIIINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW November 3, 1994 Mr. David Cunningham Department of Community Development One. Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Dear Dave: 3021 EAsr 98th Sir Surrm 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Please find enclosed two sets of revised plans as prepared by Paul I. Cripe, Inc. in connection with the ADLS/DP application of Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Also please find enclosed transmittal letters to each member of the Technical Advisory Committee who previously received plans for review. Thanks. JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, 7SQN &, FRANKENBERGER son JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES A FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW November 2, 1994 Ramona Hancock Department of Community Development One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Dear Ramona: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SorrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844-0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Please find enclosed herein for filing with the Carmel Plan Commission eighteen (18) informational booklets prepared by Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. The informational booklets replace and supersede the booklets previously filed with the Plan Commission in October. The booklets contain revised drawings reflecting the changes to the Development Plan as suggested during the review process and necessitated by the desire of Shurgard to increase the size of the storage facility by approximately 6,000 square feet. Ramona, the changes to the development plan do not result in any changes to the traffic impact study prepared by A & F Engineers and previously filed with the Commission. Thank you, and With kindest regards, JJN.lh Encls. CC: David Cunningham By Hand NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES A FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. Kent Ward Hamilton County Surveyor One Hamilton Square, Suite 146 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Kent: 3021 EASr 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson • JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES A FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW November 2, 1994 Mr. John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 925 Division Street, Room No. 103 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear John: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AT'PORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES It FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER OIL counsel JANE B. MERRILL Mr. Randy Powell Office of the City Engineer City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear November 2, 1994 v. 3021 EAST 98th Slum SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 - 844-0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRAN1KENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of Counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. Steve Couts Office of the Fire Chief Two Carmel Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Steve: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES a FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. Roger Conn Carmel Police Department Three Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Roger: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SurrE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. James Dougherty Carmel City Utilities One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Jim: 3021 EAST 98th S'TREE'T SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLLS, INDIANA 46280 317-844-0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES A FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. Brad Reynolds Public Service Indiana Post Office Box 876 Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Brad: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 - 846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson JJN.Ih Encl. NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION AT'PORNEYS -AT LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES A FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. James Rebuck Indiana Gas Company Post Office Box 1700 Noblesville, Indiana 46060 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Jim: 3021 EAsr 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMS 3. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Mr. Louis Gatlin Indiana Bell Telephone Company 210 S.W. Third Avenue Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear Lou: 3021 EAST 98th Sir SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317 -844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 ■ Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.Ih Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL November 2, 1994 Ms. Lu Anna Stephens Carmel Communications Department 31 First Avenue, N.W. Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Shurgard Storage Centers, Dear LuAnna: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317- 846 -8782 Please find enclosed revised plans prepared on behalf of Shurgard Storage Center, Inc. You have recently received plans on this matter, and as announced at the TAC agenda in October, certain changes are being proposed. Those changes are reflected in the enclosed drawings. We will be appearing again before the Technical Advisory Committee on November 16, 1994, and look forward to your review comments. Thank you, and JJN.lh Encl. With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER James J. Nelson c COMMENTS. - County Soil & Water, John South says letter submitted; petitioner not required to submit Notice Of Intent letter for erosion control; need permit to work in State Highway for storm water discharge. Petitioner requested to add passing blister and acel /decel lane; petitioner needs permit for boring under US 421 for water line. South states existing wells need to be capped properly. Regarding erosion control, South recommends silt fencing for protection of site across front; would recommend gravel construction entrance for project; also recommend swales to be installed at first part of project to capture mud from project. - County Surveyor, Steve Cash needs drainage plans and calcs; main question is where site drains -- impact on the Crooked Creek watershed, flow into Crooked Creek North of 96th Street? No permits needed from Surveyor's office. Petitioner needs approval from State Highway for discharge. - Indiana Gas, Jerry Robinson no comment. - IPL, Kevin Walker states project not in his area -- -will direct to proper party. - DOCD, Mike Hollibaugh has not seen revised plans per his review comments dated 9 -9- 94. Mike requests petitioner revisit overlay requirements and ordinance requirements regarding landscaping; US 421 overlay requires landscaping between building and sidewalk. - DOCD, Dave Cunningham states lighting would be best if "shoebox" type and would need detail. Signage would require variance thru BZA, (two signs on wall, one ground); department would not recommend variance to the Board and would be in support of the ordinance. Privacy fence material to be chain link with slats of black plastic vinyl. Dave Cunningham requests roof projection, mechanical equipment and trash storage to be screened. Commitment required by INDOT for sidewalks along Michigan Road; non - opposition to annexation statement requested. Petitioner to appear at October Plan Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals. SHURGARD STORAGE FACILITY - DP /ADLS and Variances Petitioners seek approval (DP /ADLS and Variances) to construct a storage facility at the point of US 31 Meridian Street and US 431 Keystone Avenue. Site is zoned B -3. Filed by Jim Nelson for Shurgard. Appearing for the petitioner were: Jerry Cleary and Paul C. Wells of Shurgard Storage Centers; Doug McAuley of The Douglas Company; Paul Endris of Paul I. Cripe; Steve Fehribach of A & F Engineering; Steve Henke; and Jim Nelson. Jim Nelson gave a brief overview of the proposed storage facility. The petitioner appeared before TAC in August and submitted plans. The property is zoned B -3 Business and lies within the US 431 and US 31 overlay zones. The petitioner will be appearing before the Plan Commission to present the Development Plan and ADLS application. The petitioner will also be appearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals to present the Special Use Application. Access to the real estate will be by way of a proposed extension of an existing roadway parallel to Rangeline Road, northward at the intersection of US 3 31, the right of way of which will be 50 feet in width, 30 foot back -to -back roll curb and gutter. In addition to the warehouse facilities, one of the buildings will contain 1200 square feet of office space; one building is 27,500 square feet, the other is 26,225 square feet. The plan provides for 77 parking spaces, including two handicap spaces, which is less than the number required under B -3 (variance to be requested). In regard to landscaping, the existing trees adjacent to Cool Creek which runs through the real estate will be preserved. There will be supplemental landscaping installed by the developer. Mike Hollibaugh of DOCD is in the process of reviewing the landscaping plan as submitted. The signage is in compliance with the sign ordinance. COMMENTS: - County Soil & Water, John South requests erosion control plan; requests written explanation regarding detention, would defer to Randy Powell. Concern regarding contour changes to the north of first building- -six foot elevation difference between proposed contour and existing -- questions adequate space unless retaining wall is planned. Petitioner states intent was for a two to one slope with Crown Vetch. John South requests further work; should be shown on site plan. Regarding existing or proposed culvert along entrance road, need to know size, material, adequacy; would like more detail and verification statement. - County Surveyor, Steve Cash states no permits required; will defer to Randy Powell of City. - City Engineer, Dick Hill first reviewed in September - -will defer comments until receipt of revised plans. - City Utilities, John Duffy regarding water and sewer, states current plans do not show water connection; need to tie in at Lotus Garden. Plans need to reflect 10 foot separation between water and sewer. Carmel Fire Dept. will be requesting a hydrant 500 ft. north of existing hydrant at Lotus Gardens. City also requesting easement for water and sewer. Need size of meter; sanitary sewer does not show elevation and size. Water connection needs valve. - DOCD, Mike Hollibaugh listed ten comments in prior letter; has not received revised plans. According to rendering and present plans, some landscaping items look to be in conflict with 31 Overlay. Petitioner to compute landscaping to see if it meets ordinance. - DOCD, Mark Monroe questioned height of tower and color scheme; petitioner will provide sample of both split faced block as painted and metal roofing materials within one week; tower is 35 feet tall, colors are Shurgard's corporate colors. NOTE: Terry Jones advised petitioner not to use banners. - DOCD, Dave Cunningham advised signage illumination will need to be looked at regarding intensity as well as color. Petitioner says mechanical equipment will be on ground and screened by landscaping or behind a wall - -no roof equipment. 4 PAUL I. CRIPE, INC. 7172 Graham Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46250 317- 842 -6777 FAX# 317.841.4798 September 20, 1994 Mr. John South Hamilton County Soil & Water Conservation District 925 Division Street Noblesville, IN 46060 - - Re: Shurgard Storage Center PIC #93366 -10200 Dear John, I received your comment letter dated. September 16, 1994 for the above mentioned Shurgard Storage project. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for responding to my request to get comments prior to the TAC meeting. I would also like to take this opportunity to respond to your.comments individually. I will repeat each of your comments as made in your letter and follow each with a response. I feel this approach will keep you from having to refer to the original letter and then back to each response. The comments appeared as follows: 1. Erosion control plan is needed. This submittal was for an ADLS approval from the City of Carmel. Final construction plans will be prepared after approval of the ADLS submittal by the Plan Commission. A erosion control plan will be included in the final plans and a copy of these plans will be forwarded to your office for your review. 2. Storm water detention was required on the last site plan submitted for this property. When this project was in the conceptual design phase I had a meeting with Randy Powell of the Carmel City Engineers Office and he informed me that detention would not be required. Randy forwarded a letter to me stating that retention would not be required. I would be happy to send you a copy of this letter if you would like. 3. This site has a great deal of grade change. Proposed contour lines or depicting the side slopes is needed. The grading/utility plan as originally shown did not show proposed contours. The City of Carmel also made a request that proposed contours • be shown. The grading /utility plan has been revised to illustrate the proposed contouring on the edge ., conditions. . 4. Label the culvert that crosses the entrance drive. The culvert that runs under the entrance drive near the end of the existing asphalt drive will be labeled on the final construction plans.. Architects A Engineers A Landscape Architects A Land Planners A Land Surveyors A Environmental Consultants Mr. John South September 20, 1994 Page Two I hope that each of these responses is satisfactory. If you need any further clarification of any issues please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Respectfully, PAUL I. CRIP_E, INC. Gary Murray, PE Senior Project Engineer cc: Paul Endris Doug McAuley Steve Cash Dave Cunningham n:\93366\ 10200\document\mai l\93366I03. wpf PAUL I. CRIPE, INC. 1 Architects A Engineers A Landscape Architects Land Planners A Land Surveyors 1 Environmental Consultants 09/16/94 16:40 V31777131101 HAS[. CO. SWCD 444 CAMEL PC IJ 001 RAMILTO COUNTY SOIL AND MATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT 925 Division Street - NobVQ.svfl Ze IN 46060 - (317) 773- 1406) FAX 776 -1101 September 15, 1994 To: Director, Carmel Planning Commission One Civic Square Carmel In 46032 From: John South. y} CD Engineer Project: shurgard Storage Centers Detail soil information Is available at the SCS -SWCD Office. The map on the plans only locate the soil types with abbreviated soil names_ According to the USDA-SCS inventoryjof potential wetlands and I,SDT -NWS inventory mans there is not the potential of a ietland on this site. !daps may be viewed at the SCS -SWCD office. Private consultants *11I mate an on -site determination. It appears from the size of this project a Notice of Intent letter is required to be filed with _Indiana Department of Environmental Management_ Comments: 1. Erosion control plan is needed_ 2_ Storm water detention was required •:on the last site plan for this property. 3. This site has a great deal of grace chang-e- Proposed contour limes or depicting the side slopes is needed. 4. Label the culvert that crosses theentrance drive. Conies are being sent to: Steve Cash Paul 1. Gripe file James J. Nelson Nelson & Frankenberger 3021 E. 98th Street Suite 220 Indianapolis, Indiana 46280 Re: Shurgard Storage Center LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the plans for the above project ("Plans") as prepared by Paul I. Cripe, Inc. and approved the Plans subject to the following: 1. A more defined egress around the buildings. 2. Installation of additional fire hydrants on the property. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Date: September 9, 1994 By: Carmel Fire Depa ment NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS -AT -LAW JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JANET WOLF SWISS JAMES E. SHINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL August 25, 1994 ✓Dave Cunningham Mark Monroe Department of Community Development One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46060 Dear Dave and Mark: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 Please find enclosed for filing with the Department of Community Development in connection with the project known as Shurgard Storage Center to be located on the 5.308 acre of real estate located South of the apex of the triangle formed by U.S. 31 and St. Rd. 431 the following: 4. Application for Architect Design Lighting and Signage (Plan Commission) 2. Application for Special Use (Board of Zoning Appeals) 3. Application Development Standards Variances (Board of Zoning Appeals) Also enclosed are two (2) sets of plans as prepared by Paul I. Cripe, Inc. I'm requesting that Applications be placed on the agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee for its regular scheduled meeting to be held on Wednesday, September 21, 1994. Also enclosed are two (2) copies of the Traffic Operations Analysis prepared by A &F Engineering Co.,, Inc., under the date of July, 1994. Since the real estate is located within the City of Carmel, I am also forwarding to Randy Powell a copy of the Traffic Operations Analysis. A copy of this letter and a set of the Plans are being mailed to the following members of the Technical Advisory for their review and comment: Kent Ward John South Randy Powell Steve Couts Roger Cohn John Duffey Brad Reynolds (PSI) Jim Rebuck (Indiana Gas) Lewis Gatlin (IBT) LuAnna Stevens (Carmel Communications Depaitiuent) Following your review of the Applications and Plans, should you have any questions please contact me at 844 -0106 or Paul Endris (Paul I. Cripe, Inc.) at 842 -6777. Please advise us as to the filing fee for each Application. Thank you. Kindest Regards SON & FRANKENBERGER JaNelson JJN/drc Enclosures JAMES J. NELSON CHARLES D. FRANKENBERGER JANET WOLF SWISS JAMES E. SFIINAVER of counsel JANE B. MERRILL NELSON FRANKENBERGER A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW October 5, 1994 Ramona Hancock Department of Community Development One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 RE: Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc. Dear Ramona: 3021 EAST 98th STREET SUITE 220 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA 46280 317- 844 -0106 FAX: 317 -846 -8782 In connection with the ADLS/DP application of Shurgard Storage Centers, Inc., please find enclosed for filing with the Plan Commission eighteen (18) informational booklets. By way of a copy of this letter. to Dave Cunningham, I am also providing him with a copy of the informational booklet for the permanent file of the. Department of Community Development. Should you have any questions, please call. Thank you, and JJN.lh CC: David D. Cunningham With kindest regards, NELSON & FRANKENBERGER