HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes BZA 10-28-14 Hearing Officer1
City 0�f unnel,
Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Dearing Officer
Tuesday, October 28, 2014 Meeting
5:30 p.m.
Caucus Dooms, Carmel City Hall
Present: James Hawkins, Hearing Officer
Connie Tingley, Recording Secretary
Maggie Crediford, Recording Secretary
Staff Member: Alexia Lopez, Planning Administrator
Legal Counsel: John Molitor
Public Hearing:
1. (V) Estridge Sign, Carmel Shopping Center
The applicant seeks the following development standard variance for a new wall sign:
Docket No. 14090014 V ZO CH: 25.07.02 - 04.8.3: Logo limited to 25% of the Sign Area, 100% requested
The site is located at 1017 W Main Street and is zoned OM/MU: Old Meridian District/Mixed Use Zone. Filed by
Kristen Kohl with Sign Craft Industries on behalf of Estridge Homes.
Present for Petitioner:
Kristen Kohl, Sign Craft Industries; Paul Estridge and Jill Wilkes, Estridge Homes
® New sign on gable of building
Proposed sign 100 % logo
o Revisions include individual letters to meet Ordinance
• Each sign will have channel cabinet for outer ring that illuminate face -lit
• All Estridge letters will be face -lit illuminated
• White LED's rather than red
• Will match sign on side of building "Estridge Homes"
Public Hearing closed
Department Report:
Alexia Lopez
a Business in multi-tenant building is allowed 25% of sign to be logo
o Logo is just the letters with name of business
o Have agreed to make sign with individual letters, internally illuminated like rest of signs in
shopping center
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting
October 28, 2014
• Minor in size and should not have negative effect on area properties
Department recommended approval with Condition.it be the individual letters as shown.
In order to make individual letters, needed to expand width of letters
• Distorted logo
• Red vinyl outline around letters to give "look" of skinner letters
Action: Mr. Hawkins APPROVED Docket No. 14090014 V, Estridge Sign, Carmel Shopping Center, for
100% logo (25% allowed) with the Condition sign is per plan shown at meeting.
2. (V) Peck Fence, Woodland Springs, Sec. 8, Lot 325
The applicant seeks the following development standard variance for an existing fence:
Docket No. 14100001 V ZO CH: 25.02.01: 3.5 ft Max Fence Height in Front Yard, 6 ft requested for corner lot
The site is located at 11605 Rolling Springs Drive and is zoned R- 1/Residential. Filed by Kathryn and Chris Peck,
Present for Petitioner:
Christopher and Kathryn Peck
• Installed 6 -foot fence in side yard which is defined as front yard
• Was not clear to him in Ordinance that corner lot has two front yards
• HOA approved fence
• Willing to look at landscaping to soften fence
Public in Favor:
Ernest Forney, across street from Pecks
• On Woodland Springs Architectural Review Committee
o Pecks supplied required paperwork to committee before building fence
■ Within guidelines for fences in their covenants
• Had no idea corner lot has two front yards
o Will take into account for similar requests
• Multiple fences of this type on 116th Street
• Counted 12 wooden fences between Gray Road and Keystone
• Counted 6 masonry fences /walls
• Their fence does not look out of place
• Fence is high- quality construction
o Plumb is level
o Behind tree line that borders sidewalk
■ No obstruction when pulling out from Rolling Springs Drive
o Fence is 18 -24 inches below sidewalk grade
■ From 116th Street does not look 6 feet high
Jason Randlett, Brookshire Homeowners Association
• Similar issue in their neighborhood on Gray Road
o Reviewed remonstrance letter that had been received
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing. Officer Meeting
October 28, N14
o HOA also did not know about two front yards
Massive issue within their association
■ Stone walls were installed with subdivision
i HOA falls back on zoning for protection
• Were aware of location of house along 116`" Street
• If they would have known fence issue, it would have made a big difference in purchasing the
home in March
• Fence is for safety and privacy for their children
■ Does not believe 42 -inch fence would allow that protection
Public Hearing closed
Department Report:
Alexia Lopez
• Ordinance states corner parcel has two street frontages
• Every street considered front yard
• Front yard fence regulation is 3.5 feet high
Fence regulations do not specifically call out corner lots
o That is in Definition section
• Fence height is limited in front yards /streets
• Creates tunnel effect look along street
■ Walling off from community
• Keep fences lower for aesthetic reasons
■ Fences may be different designs
■ Some kept up better than others
• Recommend compromise:
o Move fence to 35 feet setback
■ Six feet still visible from street
• Reduce height of fence
• Add landscaping to break up fence
■ Arborvitae or evergreen
Department recommended favorable consideration if some compromise was made.
• Location of 35' -foot setback indicated on site plan; edge of house
o Over $2000 to move fence installed eight weeks earlier
• Can see into backyard; 42 -inch fence would be pointless
• Open to landscaping
• Been working on inside of house up to this time
o Had not had time to do any landscaping
• Open to consulting with City Forester for landscaping in swale, drainage and road
• City Forester can recommend appropriate trees
• Will mitigate tunnel effect of walls and fences
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Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Hearing Officer Meeting
October 28, 2014
Action: Mr. Hawkins APPROVED Docket No. 14100001 V Peck Fence, Woodland Springs, Sec. 8,
Lot 325, for 6 -foot maximum fence height (3.5 feet permitted) with the CONDITION to meet with
City Forester to implement agreed upon plans with final approval of Community Development Staff.
3. TABLED to November 24, 2014 (V) Poland Fence, Copperwood, Lot 75
The applicant seeks the following development standard variance for a new fence:
Docket No. 14100002 V ZO CH: 25.02.01: 3.5 ft Max Fence Height in Front Yard, 5 ft requested for corner lot
The site is located at 1087 Arrowwood Drive and is zoned R- 1/Residential. Filed by Vernon Poland, owner.
The Hearing Officer adjourned the meeting at 5:48 p.m.
Approved this " ' day of
Varing Officer — ames Hawkins
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Secretary — e6i ingley
Filename: 10.28.2014 hearing officendocx