HomeMy WebLinkAbout239756 12/03/14 ?�i ,f• CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 173590 b ONE CIVIC SQUARE KIESLER POLICE SUPPLY INC CHECK AMOUNT: $****18,751.35* CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 2802 SABLE MILL ROAD CHECK NUMBER: 239756 JEFFERSONVILLE IN 47130 CHECK DATE: 12/03/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1110 4239010 32200 0741808 17,957.29 SUPPLIES 1110 4239010 32200 0741806A 794.06 SUPPLIES •Y,�SL���1+ KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC. 2802 SABLE MILL RD-JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 _o EIN #35-1361847 3 Orders: (800)444-2950 9�e I oho �yESOUa�E��' Information: (812)288-5740 INVOICE Fax: (812)288-7560 Page 1 CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT S ':<> > < CARMEL POLICE DEPT. ATTN: PAT YOUNG ; i ;i 3 CIVIC SQUARE 0oss4 3 CIVICS SQUARE ATTN: RYAN JELLISON Q P 32200 CARMEL IN 46032 O CARMEL IN46032 (317)571-2500 32200 ....::: r r#.:. R V a Ter s.<.>:.;::<'.:'. <»:::: !nu .4. . Our.D de.:.:.. ..... ..Date.... .:e ..lD aCder:No :,;::::. ..::Qrf Date Shrp::. .r.:.:...<. m. < . :.. ..:...::.. N ......:..: 00741808 11/20/14 1 IN/TKI 132200 11/06/14 NET 30/UPSGRD NET 30 DAYS 0741808A n Item::Descri tcon....<>::;:::: :::: >:::>:::;:;::;: :;.'.::>::::>::::»>:>::>::>:>::>:::»:::::>:::»::::»::>::::.........Q an.fities Uniis.. ::: .Pri e mou t FEDEAE9FP Ordered 2.0000 FEDERAL AE 9MM LUGER 147GR FMJ FP Shipped 2.0000 CASE 241.880 483.76 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA FEDEP380HSlG Ordered 1.0000 FEDERAL PREM 380AUTO 90GR HS JHP Shipped .0000 CASE 537.760 .00 B'kord 1.0000 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA RLLCE FEDEAE380AP Ordered 1.0000 FEDERAL AE 380AUTO 95GR FMJ Shipped 1.0000 CASE 310.300 310.30 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA FEDEBC40CT1 Ordered 12.0000 FEDERAL BALLISTICLEAN 40CAL 125GR Shipped .0000 CASE 474.770 .00 B'kord 12.0000 AHLTT ACCOUNTING COPY Subtotal : 794.06 Non<Taxable TaXa61e Safes Tax :` .: Frrght Mrsc *,../rwo�ce:Tatali . . 794.06 .00 .00 .00 .00 794.06 RETURNED GOODS POLICY No returned goods will be accepted without prior consent. Any packages returned without properly displaying a return authorization number will be refused.All returned goods will be subject to a restocking fee. DEFECTIVE MERCHANDISE POLICY We are not a warranty repair station for any manufacturer. Returns of defective merchandise must be made directly to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. DAMAGED GOODS POLICY Claims of shortages or damaged shipments must be made immediately upon receipt of shipment. �*OSL) % KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC. 'Y2802 SABLE MILL RD-JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 T 3 EIN #35-1361847 Orders: (800)444-2950 9<<°NFjsoun�E��Qyo Information: (812)288-5740 INVOICE Fax: (812)288-7560 Page t S /d ;; CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT Ship CARMEL POLICE DEPT. Ta . .: .:.; ATTN: PAT YOUNG Ta 3 CIVIC SQUARE 3 CIVIC SQUARE ATTN: RYAN JELLISON 4 PO 32200 CARMEL IN 6032 CARMEL, IN 46032 (317)571-2500 32200 _ .. .. Our Order#: date Re 106:X:Order NQ :::> '::ford Date Shy Via 7ertras 00741808 11/19/14 1 IN/TKI 132200 11/06/14 NET 30/DELIVER NET 30 DAYS 1074i808 >::::;;::;::>...>::;::::::::.....::......:: :;::: Pri Amoririt: Ftem/De'...t tCon.. .::::.::::::::::::..::::.:::...::::::::::..:.::::..::. Quen..t�txes Un/ts::::::>s>::::::;::::>:::: >:::.>:::::;:.:... Ge . _....._. _........ .........................................................:.......:..........:::,...:....:..:.:............... FEDEAE45A Ordered 2.0000 FEDERAL AE 45AUTO 230GR FMJ Shipped 2.0000 CASE 382.970 765.94 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA FEDEAE9AP Ordered 2.0000 FEDERAL AE 9MM LUGER 124GR FMJ Shipped .0000 CASE 241.880 .00 B'kord 2.0000 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA COMOT FEDEP380HSlG Ordered 1.0000 FEDERAL PREM 380AUTO 90GR HS JHP Shipped .0000 CASE 537.760 .00 B'kord 1.0000 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA RLLCE FEDEAE380AP Ordered 1.0000 FEDERAL AE 380AUTO 95GR FMJ Shipped 1.0000 CASE 310.300 310.30 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA FEDEAE380AP Ordered 1.0000 FEDERAL AE 380AUTO 95GR FMJ Shipped .0000 CASE 310.300 .00 B'kord 1.0000 Non-Taxable Taxable Sales Tax Freight Misc *Invoice Total RETURNED GOODS POLICY No returned-goods will be accepted without prior consent. Any packages returned without properly displaying a return authorization number will be refused.All returned goods will be subject to a restocking fee. DEFECTIVE MERCHANDISE POLICY We are not a warranty repair station for any manufacturer. Returns of defective merchandise must be made directly to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. DAMAGED GOODS POLICY Claims of shortages or damaged shipments must be made _ immediately upon receipt of shipment. KIESLER'S POLICE SUPPLY, INC. 2802 SABLE MILL RD-JEFFERSONVILLE, IN 47130 o EIN #35-1361847 Orders: (800)444-2950 °yfsoua�E Information: (812)288-5740 INVOICE Fax: (812)288-7560 Page 2 CARMEL POLICE DEPARTMENT Sh >>> CARMEL POLICE DEPT. o<< >< ATTN: PAT YOUNG 3 CIVIC SQUARE Luoss4' . 3 CIVIC S DARE » ATTN: RYAN JELLISON .................. Q ....;::;::: CARMEL IN46032 `. PO 32200 CARMEL IN46032 .............. (317)571-2500 32200 5 ....:...:.:.. :::.:;.: Our Order;#;::. _... .:7err»s_.::.::::::::..:.::.__.._...._..lnvNo.. dare Rep:lp grdar No: Qrd Date _Shrp.:..1/ia_...-- �00741808 _ 11/19/14 IN/T 32200 11/06/14 NET 30/1)ELIVER NET 30 DAYS 10741808 :::::::::. :. ... .. >:::>::::>:::>:: .,::::::>:::::.....:.f2uartt�t�es.Uni ::::>:>.<::::>:::»>::;::;»:<:::>::::>:>:::>::::;:::>,.::. Pace` .............. 'Amounf A: . .:......:::::.::::.:::,..::.::::::.:::::::::...: ........:....... ..:::::.:.:.::..:::::.:..:..:...::::......::: 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA LRAKT FEDEBC40CT1 Ordered 12.0000 FEDERAL BALLISTICLEAN 40CAL 125GR Shipped .0000 CASE 474.770 .00 B'kord 12.0000 AHLTT FEDEAE40R3 Ordered 30.0000 FEDERAL AE 40S&W 165GR FMJ BALL Shipped 30.0000 CASE 328.540 9856.20 1000RD CS 20BX OF 50EA FEDEAE223J Ordered 35.0000 FEDERAL 223REM 55GR MC/BT Shipped 35.0000 CASE 200.710 7024.85 500 RD CASE/20 RD BOX Subtotal : 17957.29 Taxable Taxable ::>::>Safes Tax :..;::> Frei ht.:::.:<::::: Misc >:<:::. *./�uoice Tata) ' _ :..:::::::::::::.:.:...:.......:::.::...........:...:.._:..::::...:..::....:.:.::.: g ... .::.::::::.:.:::.::..: :::.::..:.::::::::. 17957.29 .00 .00 .00 .00 17957.29 RETURNED GOODS POLICY No returned goods will be accepted without prior consent. Any packages returned without properly displaying a return authorization number will be refused.All returned goods will be subject to a restocking fee. DEFECTIVE MERCHANDISE POLICY We are not a warranty repair station for any manufacturer. Returns of defective merchandise must be made directly to the manufacturer for repair or replacement. DAMAGED GOODS POLICY Claims of shortages or damaged shipments must be made immediately upon receipt of shipment. VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Kiesler's Police Supply, Inc. IN SUM OF$ 2802 Sable Mill Road Jeffersonville, IN 47130 $18,751.35 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Police Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT Board Members 32200 0741808 42-390.10 $17,957.29 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or Q 32200 0741808A 42-390.10 $794.06 bill(s) is (are).true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Tuesday, November 25, 2014 Chief of Police Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day;number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 11/19/14 0741808 ammo $17,957.29 11/20/14 0741808A ammo $794.06 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1..6 20 Clerk-Treasurer