HomeMy WebLinkAbout239831 12/09/14 +ur_C�q� �,./ CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 060000 j ® ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL UTILITIES CHECK AMOUNT: $*****1,1 19.94* r. +°; CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 WATER&SEWER UTILITIES CHECK NUMBER: 239831 9s`,,�TON�` CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 12/09/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1120 4348500 208.02 0051208200 1120 4348500 126.32 1431234001 1125 4348500 207.57 0141932300 1125 4348500 515.20 0391262001 2201 4348500 22.15 0072653100 2201 4348500 20.34 0372406400 2201 4348500 20.34 1822424000 Invoice Cify.of �iCarmel Utilities Account Number 0072653100 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $22,15 Customer Service Due Date 12/19/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317)571-2442 Mon-Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $22.15 After Due Date 861 --- - CARMEL STREET DEPT AVIAN WA&HAZELDELL P 3400 W 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 Period Meter Meter Readings BilledNumber Amount i6w��M-W- PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (22.15) 10/16/14 11/17/14 52419309 18 18 WATER 0 22.15 0 Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U 0 Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: • Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the 3rd Avenue SIA/ Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your account will be assessed penalties if it is not received in our offices by ? Car mel the due date. ro utilities R9ce Bring your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at 0 iv 30 WNMan St 30 W. Main Street during normal business hours. 2 s • Drop your•enyeloped payment and return stub in one of our payment El 2nd Floor drop tioxes. (See map) tt,ae Eddy • Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month Parking Lot Drop Box with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check writing and it's always on time! Range Line Rd' N.rth� RATES: • MINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location. • CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. • SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. • NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a meter is inaccessible usually dud-f extreme weather conditions.. Carmel Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE: A delinquent notice will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days. This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if,you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any grater. If the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow; if it is, there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later. If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit/Service Lines: Residential customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible for water service lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter pit,lid,and casting are the homeowner's responsibility. All plumbing from the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke.All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowner's responsibility. If there is a curb stop,all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibilty. Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice from us of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter pit. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the City of Carmel,2008 l VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Utilities IN SUM OF$ P. O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082 ' $22.15 s' ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department 1 PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#IrITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 43-485.00 $22.15 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Fri 14 omml ommissioner Title f Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i f Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201 (Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice voice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours,rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/02/14 $22.15 i i I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer Invoice ims da"rmel Utilities Account Number 0372406400 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $20.34 Customer Service Due Date 12/23/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due After Due Date $20.34 2011 CARMEL STREET DEPT 106TH & GRAY RDBT 3400 W 131 ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 PeriodService i Meter Meter Readings .- PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (20.34) 10/23/14 11/21/14 66982466 676 676 WATER 0 20.34 Recycle:your,old holiday.lights.. Carmel Clay Schools Green Team.partners with:Carmel..0-ilities..Tech_Recyclers and Wh te's:A-a H.ardware.tp off recycf%ng:o itio.n.for.'dltl incaridesceritiiol:ida}ifights. ttartin.g November 2Bth:through.December.l5xh, White's:Ace.Ha.rdwa.re:atZ31 S Range:Line Rd.;.will:aceep>:o.l,d.lights;.. All.:.Carmel Flay Schools will offer recycling from.December 1st:through the:12:th. Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. 0 ° Retain this portion for your records. J PAYMENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: • Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the 3rd Avenue 13VV Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your 0 account will be assessed penalties if it is not received in our offices by carmai the due date. ueuees • Bring your payment and return stub to the Cannel Utilities offices atn w 20 6�i Ce W Mala)St 30 W. Main Street during normal business hours. Drop your.envetoped payment and return stub in one of our payment 2nd FIoor U10 C-1 drop-boxes:'(See map) k Lurie Bldg • Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month Parking Lot DrOi)EOY with a notation "HANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check Fryy Range Line Rd North �- writing and it's always on time! BATES: • MINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location. • CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. • SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-Time service fee for new accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. • ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a meter is inaccessible usually due-to -extreme weather conditions. Carmel Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE: A delinquent notice will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days. This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any water. If the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow: if it is, there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later. If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit/Service Lines: Residential customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible for water service lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter pit,lid,and casting are the homeowner's responsibility. All plumbing from the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke. All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowner's responsibility. If there is a curb stop_,all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibiity. Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice from us of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter pit. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the City of Carmel,2008 Invoice � city./of el Utilities Account Number 1822424000 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $20.34 Customer Service Due Date 12/23/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $20.34 After Due Date s 0 0 731 CARMEL STREET DEPT 116TH/MCKENZIE/IRR 3400 W 131ST ST CARMEL, IN 46074-8267 PeriodService Meter Meter Number PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (123.80) 10/21/14 11/19/14 66982504 1640 1640 WATER 0 20.34 Recycle:your.old holiday..lights. Carmel Clay;Schools Green Team,partners with:CarmeT Ufilities..Tech.Recyclers and Wf1g:optio.n.forold ipcaridescbnt fiol.idoy(ights. Starting November-28th througli-.December 15th; White's:Ace.Ha.rdware:at7315 Ra.nge.Lin:e Rd.;.will:accept:o.l.d.li,ghts:.. All:Carmel Clay Schools will:offer recycling from:Decemberlst:through the:12:th, LL Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U ° Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS, Payments_are.due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: • Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the 'rd avenue SV\! Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your J account will be assessed penalties if it is not received in our offices by carmei the due date. ro n utilities Bring your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at y 30 IN Main St 30 W..Main Street during normal business hours. Drop your enveloped payment and return stub in one of our payment � �^ 2nd Floor drop-boxes. (See map) o Lurie Bldg Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month Parking Lot Drop Box with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check Range Line Rd writing and it's always on time! RATES: • MINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location. CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a meter is inaccessible usually due to extreme weather conditions. Carmel Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE: A delinquent notice will be sent.to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days, This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any water. If the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow; if it is, there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later. If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit/Service Lines: Residential customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible for water service lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter pit,lid,and casting are the homeowner's responsibility. All plumbing from the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke. All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowner's responsibility. If there is a curb stop, all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibilty. Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice from us of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter pit. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the City of Carmel,2008 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. Carmel Utilities ALLOWED 20 IN SUM OF $ P. O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082 $40.68 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Street Department PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#IrITLE AMOUNT Board Members 2201 43-485.00 $40.68 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is(are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except fi 10 ;A// Fr' 014 —L' .-T %,M Sete�@$WiYt�r��b�er Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) 12/05/14 $40.68 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 , 20 Clerk-Treasurer Invoice city of , Carmel Utilities Number Accountr be 0141932300 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $207.57 Customer Service Due Date 12/19/14 www.carmelutilities.com 317 571-2442 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $207.57 REQ-a .x�T � After Due Date 1050 DEC - 1 2014 AM uKK --�-�� LAWRENCE INLOW PARK BY: 6310 E MAIN ST 1411 E 116TH ST CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 Service .. Meter Meter Readings BilledNumber Amount PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (604.93) 10/20/14 11/18/14 63083238 7250 7251 WATER 1 82.83 SEWER 1 46.60 STORM WATER 78.14 a o Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. LL U Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: • Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the 3rd Avenue SW Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your 0 account will be assessed penalties.if it is not received in our offices by Q Cannel the due date. C1 Utilities Offi• Bring your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at e ° 30WanSt 30 W. Main Street during normal business hours. • Drop,your enveloped payment and return stub in one of our payment fx o 2nd doer drop-boxes. (See map) Lurie Bldg • Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month Parking Lot Drop Box with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check Range Line Rd North —a•- writing and it's always on time! RATES: • MINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location. • CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. • SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. • NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. • ESTIMATES - Occastonaly bil s mul--s-r-Ue estimated wftun--irreterfs-inaccessible-csaally-dire-to-extreme-weather-conditions_ Carmel- Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE: A delinquent notice will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days. This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any water. If the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow; if it is, there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later. If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit/Service Lines: Residential customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible for water service lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter pit, lid,and casting are the homeowner's responsibility. All plumbing from the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke. All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowner's responsibility. If there is a curb stop, all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibilty. Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice from us of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter pit. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the City of Carmel,2008 City of Carmel Utilities Account Number 0391262001 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $515.20 Customer Service Due Date 12/23/14 www.carmelutilities.c C� � 317) 571-2442 . i on-Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $515.20 DEC —3 2014. After Due Date CARMEL CLAY PARK BY. 1411 E 116TH ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 IIIIIIIIIfill ulIIIII IIIIIIIulu1I11111111111111u111111111 PeriodService Meter Meter Rea• • • . Number PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (557.08) 10/22/14 11/19/14 60420699 20 20 WATER 0 $50.66 Total Location Charges For: 11813 RIVER RD 7 $50.66 10/22/14 11/19/14 60851087 27 27 WATER 0 $82.83 SEWER 0 $58.44 Total Location Charges For: 11675 HAZEL DELL PKWY#B $141.27 10/28/14 11/24/14 62555357 1336 1337 WATER 1 $50.66 SEWER 1 $38.43 STORM WATER $189.83 Total Location Charges For: 11675 HAZEL DELL PKWY#A $278.92 STORM WATER $36.29 BILLING ADJ ($7.78) Total Location Charges For: 0 HAZEL DELL PKWY $28.51 s STORM WATER $15.84 Total Location Charges For: 0 E 116TH ST $15.84 LLS 6 0 Retain this portion for your records.. PAYIAENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on ;tie bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways, Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your account will be assessed penalties if it is not received In our offices by the due date. 0 Bring your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at F- -*%i,f,4 aV-, 30 W, Main Stye et during normal business hours, Drop your enveloped payment and return stub in one of our payment 0 drop-boxes, (Spee map) parking Lof LWo EWTI Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month Dcop Box with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUB. DATE'% No more check parige Une Rd 1,,4 6 i tlh-,---—m->�- writing and it's always on timet 'S fAINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location. C'URRENT USAGE-The amount of water consurried in a billing period. SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -'the customer is billed for Sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$20The water meter will be read on the beginning_service date and each month thereafter, ESTVtAATES - 4ccasiona4v bills-rnust bt, estimated when a meter Is inaccessible usually-due to-extrerne weather conditions. Carmel_ Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. It plantings or structures of any kind.block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE., A delinquent notice will be. sent to any account with an outstanding balance c-er 45 days, This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to COfltaCt Our ohic9.I.,&Mediately to verify our records if you have made payment. It piyment is not received by the-due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service see. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets,water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any water.-If the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most,often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow; if It is, 'there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later. If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a ieak exists, if the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Ca,me!Utilities is not responsible for service lines front the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit]Service Lines:Resldent6i3 customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible for water service lines from tl,iev-jater,main tothe mater pit. The meter pit,lid,,and casting are the horneowners responsibility. Ali plumbing from*the meter pit to tile home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and-meter yoke, All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowners responsibility, ff, all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner. Ail repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibRy.Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and-any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice ffOn')us of a need to provide a service repair to the rneter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace darnaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of ti,to notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed or,the rneter pit. Approvedby State Soaro of Accounts for the City of Carmei,2009 cify of ry N .Carmel Utilities A mber 0391262001 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 J Amount Due $515.20 cust�9%V2 1�6e Due'Date 12/23/14 www.carmelutilities.com ( 75 -Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $515.20 100 After Due Date CARMEL CLAY PARKSt 1411 E 116TH ST CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032-3455 PeriodService Meter Meter Readings Number . • - - PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (557.08) PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $1,148.32 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $515.20 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $515.20 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 12/23/14 $515.20 s s U Retain this portion for your records. Detach here and return with your payment Service Location Account Number 0391262001 iia"rm el Utilities To avoid late penalties,allow postal $515.20 delivery time before the due date when mailing your payment. - � Due Date � 12/23/14 _ , _ $515.20 CARMEL UTILITIES Amount Enclosed ' PO BOX 109 CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. PAYMENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed onAne bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or riloney orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways, ------------ Mail the payment and return stub In the envelope provided to the Ant hapyllip SAM Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your account will be assessed panalfies if it is not received in our offices by cw R!011-li ities the due date. Util Ai Sting your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at Wi 2*VS MU4-i V 30 W. Main Street during normal business hours, 5' —Drop your enveloped payment and return stub in one of our payment Ma F'30M' drop-bio 6s, (See map-) Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usuai-billing each month Map Box with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check r-ancie, writing and it's always on time' ........ ........ RATES: INIIINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the me-ter serving the property location. CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consurned in a billing period. SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external.to the service address and not passing throughh the sewer lines to be processed, NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for nesse accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date-and ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a mete'r is inaccessible.usually due to extreme weather conditions. Carmel utilities estimates billsonlywhen unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE, A delinquent notice will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days. This notice;is.a final reminder prior to termination ol service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. 11 payment is riot received by the due date, on this notice,your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service lee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE. Leaks or malfunctions in toilets,water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and la in sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks. read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using anywater. if the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow; if it is, there is a wolulem, if not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later: If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tiank, a leak exists. If the problem corlfinue% or you cannot find the leak,consult a qualified person to:make the necessary repairs.. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for,service lines from the water rileter to the service address, Meter Pit/Service Vylp -j3!g91 ARd customers ---------- _% Ifti] The properry owner owns the rneter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is r eponsible for water service lines from the water main to the meter pit The meter pit,lid,and casting are the homeowners responsibility, All plumbing from the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke. Ail repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowners responsibility. Lftbpgip is a curb ston,all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibilit- y of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the mirb stop are the homeowner's responsibifty, Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time io time you may receive notice frorn us of a need to provide a service repair to'he eneter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed.in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the minter pit. Approved by State Board oflAccounts toy tits Uty of Carmel,2008 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER I CITY OF CARMEL An invoice of bill to be properly itemized must show; kind of service,where performed, dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day,-number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per,unit, etc. Payee Purchase Order No. 060000 Carmel Utilities Terms PO Box 109 Date Due Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Invoice Invoice Description Date Number (or note attached invoice(s) or bill(s)) Amount 1341235001 West Park 2700 W 116th_ 11/24 12/1/14 . 141932300 Inlow Park.-6310 E 131st St *** 11/3 $ 207_.57 512156500.- North Trailhead,- 1251 Rohrer Rd�-- - - 11/1,0 12%3%14 391262001 ***River Heritage/Founders Park/Wilfong Pavilion 11/4 $ 515.20 631903500 Monon Water Fountain - 1st St SW 11/17 692331800 MO-1427 E 116th St,AO-1411 E 116th St __11/14 6002047001 _ South-Trailhead_- 1430 E 96th St 11/17 313518601 Meadowlark Park 11/17 859585401 Monon Center- 8 meters 11/20 691302002 Monon Center- 8 meters 11/14 **is shut off in winter- need to contact in April to turn back on Total $ 722.77 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s),or bill(s)is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20_ Clerk-Treasurer i Voucher No. Warrant No. 060000 Carmel Utilities Allowed 20 PO Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 In'Sum of$ l $ 722.77 i ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR i. 101 General &109 Monon Center I d PO#or1 Board Members Dept# INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITL AMOUNT I; 1125 1341235001 4348500 $ - I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1125 141932300 4348500 $ 207.57 bill(s)is(are)true and correct and that the 1125 512156500 4348500, $ _ - - materials or services itemized thereon for 1125 391262001 4348500 $ 515.20 which charge is made were ordered and 1125 631903500 _ 4348500 $ - received except 1125 692331800 4348500 $ - �- 1125 6002047001 4348500 $ - 1125 313518601 4348500 $ �. 1125 859585401 4348500 $ - 1091 691302002 4348500 $ - i 3-Dec 2014 i Signature $ 722.77 I Accounts Payable Coordinator Cost distribution ledger classification if Title claim paid motor vehicle highway fund `' Cl el Utilities Account Number 1431234001 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $126.32 Customer Service Due Date 12/19/14' . www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Amount Due $126.32 After Due Date CARMEL CLAY FIRE DEPT o 0 2 CIVIC SQUARE CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032 Service '" •• Meter Meter Readings • • Number • • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (126.32) 10/20/14 11/21/14 49188132 9763 9763E WATER 0 $20.34 Total Location Charges For: 3610 W 106TH ST/IRR#C $20.34 10/20/14 11/21/14 10856168 3181 3187E WATER 0.6 $26.12 Total Location Charges For: 3610 W 106TH ST#B $26.12 10/20/14 1.1/21/14 10856207 2054 2060E WATER 0.6 $26.12 STORM WATER $53.74 Total Location Charges For: 3610 W 106TH ST#A $79:86 PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $126.32 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $126.32 s AMOUNT DUE AFTER 12/19/14 $126.32 a s LL d 0 Retain this portion for your records.. PAYMENTS- Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders, Carmel utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the ,U:AvgYiiiCSvlf Carmel Utilities ofticu. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your ,. account will be assessed penalties if it is not received In our offices by C$r^z the due date. Bring your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at 1. :s r, tr tvtulr,{f �� 30 W. Main Street during normal business flours. m Drop your enveloped payment and return stub in one of our payment M € r++zft�laoc drop-boxes. (See map) r 0 deur WTI Lot Sign uta for sank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month DrolN�kl`to"t r3rirr:Firm with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE BATE". No more check � i. y Noith writing and it's always on tlme! RATES: I`,•ilNlMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location- CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. s SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is Billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous montes November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter out used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. NEW CUSTOMER FEE-Thera is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$M The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. ` ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a meter is inacce=ssible.usually due to extreme weather conditions. Carmel Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. if plantings or structures of any kind black access to this meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE. A delinquent motive will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance c,et 45 days. This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our ohtc,?.. !.,imediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ali;to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt- HIGH IGH U AGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the rnorninrg before using any=,nater. If the meter's reacting has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if watar is running into the tank overflow; if it is, there is a problem, if not, add food color to the tank and check the howl an hour later. It the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank; a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter_i�°s_�f��r�rg�� The property owner o- ns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilii€ies is responsible for water sdrvice lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter fait,list,and casting are the:homeowner's responsibility. All plumbing from;the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke. All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowners responsibility. ���lt�r�ss_�a_�sa����tcs�,all plumbing past the curb strap is the responsibility of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb atop are the,homeowner's responsibilty. Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice fro n us of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is,a request to keels grass or any other rnatter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter gait. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the Uty of Carmei,2008 Invoice y— City of Carmel Utilities Account Number 0051208200 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $208:02 Customer Service Due Date 12/19/14 www.carmelutilities.com (317) 571-2442 Mon-Fri Sam-5pm Amount Due $208.02 After Due Date 927 CARMEL FIRE STATION#4 5032 E MAIN ST 2 CIVIC SQ CARMEL, IN 46032-2584 PeriodMeter Readings Service Meter -. Number PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (151.50) 10/17/14 11/18/14 46181363 3887 3911 WATER 24 75.56 SEWER 24 106.29 STORM WATER 26.17 0 o Please refer to your account number above when contacting our offices at(317)571-2442. U 0 Retain this portion for your records. PAYMENTS: Payments are due at the Carmel Utilities office on the due date printed on the bill. Be sure to write your account number on checks or money orders. Carmel Utilities charges a$33 fee for checks returned for nonpayment. Customers can pay in the following ways: • Mail the payment and return stub in the envelope provided to the 3rd Avenue SO,' Carmel Utilities office. Allow sufficient postal delivery time as your Q account will be assessed penalties if it is not received in our offices by earme� the due date. o n Ofices • Bring your payment and return stub to the Carmel Utilities offices at f_ E 30WMain St 30 W. Main Street during normal business hours. • Drop yoy"r,;enveloped payment and return stub in one of our payment �.4 2nd floor drop-boxes. (See map) ° Lurie 131d0 Sign up for bank drafting. We will send your usual billing each month PDrLot Droopp Bax with a notation "BANK DRAFT ON DUE DATE". No more check writing and it's always on time! Range Line Rd Nor:h -- RATES: • MINIMUM CHARGE-The basis of this charge is the size of the meter serving the property location. CURRENT USAGE-The amount of water consumed in a billing period. • SUMMER SEWER RELIEF (Residential Property) -The customer is billed for sewer usage in the months of May through October based on the average usage for the previous months November through April. This is to adjust for the volume of water measured through the water meter but used on lawns and other areas external to the service address and not passing through the sewer lines to be processed. • NEW CUSTOMER FEE-There is a one-time service fee for new accounts of$20. The water meter will be read on the beginning service date and each month thereafter. ESTIMATES - Occasionally bills must be estimated when a meter is inaccessible usually due to extreme weather conditions. Carmel Utilities estimates bills only when unable to obtain readings. If plantings or structures of any kind block access to the meter pit, the readings may be estimated until the obstruction is removed. DELINQUENT NOTICE: A delinquent notice will be sent to any account with an outstanding balance over 45 days. This notice is a final reminder prior to termination of service. Should you receive such a notice be sure to contact our offices immediately to verify our records if you have made payment. If payment is not received by the due date on this notice, your water service will be terminated and you will be charged a service fee. Ask to speak with our Delinquent Account Representative if you need assistance in resolving this debt. HIGH USAGE: Leaks or malfunctions in toilets, water softeners, faucets, ice makers, humidifiers, and lawn sprinklers cause high usage. To test for leaks, read your meter before going to bed and again in the morning before using any water. If the meter's reading has changed and no water was knowingly used, a problem may exist. Toilets are most often the cause. Check to see if water is running into the tank overflow; if it is, there is a problem. If not, add food color to the tank and check the bowl an hour later. If the dye has seeped into the bowl or is not visible in the tank, a leak exists. If the problem continues, or you cannot find the leak, consult a qualified person to make the necessary repairs. Carmel Utilities is not responsible for service lines from the water meter to the service address. Meter Pit/Service Lines:Residential customers The property owner owns the meter pit and service lines to the residence. Carmel Water Utilities is responsible for water service lines from the water main to the meter pit. The meter pit,lid,and casting are the homeowner's responsibility. All plumbing from the meter pit to the home is the responsibility of the homeowner, including any house side valves and meter yoke.All repairs to the house side plumbing and any associated costs are the homeowner's responsibility. If there is a curb stop,all plumbing past the curb stop is the responsibility of the homeowner. All repairs and associated costs after the curb stop are the homeowner's responsibilty. Carmel Utilities maintains ownership of the meter and any radio equipment. From time to time you may receive notice from us of a need to provide a service repair to the meter pit. Usually this is a request to keep grass or any other matter from covering or interfering with the meter pit lid or a request to replace damaged parts. Your response within 30 days of the date of the notice is needed in order to have accurate readings of your water meter. At no time should planting or structure be placed on the meter pit. Approved by State Board of Accounts for the City of Carmel,2008 VOUCHER NO. WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 Carmel Utilities IN SUM OF $ P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 $334.34 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Carmel Fire Department PO#/De t. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT p Board Members 1120 0051208200 43-485.00 $208.02 1 hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or 1120 1431234001 43-485.00 $126.32 bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the materials or services itemized thereon for which charge is made were ordered and received except Al Fire Chief Title Cost distribution ledger classification if claim paid motor vehicle highway fund i I Prescribed by State Board of Accounts City Form No.201(Rev.1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit,etc. Payee Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description Amount. Date Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 0051208200 44 $208.02 1431234001 42 $126.32 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have audited same in accordance with IC 5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer