HomeMy WebLinkAboutDecember 2014 Prescribed by St oard of accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA 3TRIBUTION ounty Form No.22(Rev.1993) Hamilton .Indiana. DecemtrcrX2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel 2.County Treasurer 3.Count Auditor who is of Carmel V#003176 4.SSTC{State Tax Board} in the sum of S16,287.616,36 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes I Deductions Examination Net Total Name of Fund General Pnooerty License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise of Records Other Distributed 0101 Corp. General - 6000 14,121,319.30 1,634.552.15 15,755,871.45!III 2,417,753.931 834,773.14 0.001 0.00 12,503,344.38 0708 Corp.MVH - 6000 3.279,088.34 379 407.26 3,658.495.60 561,427.69 I 193,765.25 0.001 0.00 2,903.302.66 2391 Corp.CCD - 6000 724,582.52 83.838.33 808,420.85 124,060.231 42,816:611 0.001 0.00 641,544.01 2482 Corp.Redevelopment Bond - 601 27 1,063.69 30.688.38 301.752.07 1 46,653.711 15.673.051 0.001 0.00 239,425.31 Totals 18,396,053.85 2,128,486.12 20,524,539.97' 3,149,895.56 1 1,087,028.051 0.001 0.00 16,287,616.36 1`1\x., c:, fce ut . ,,,,...,,, . .. . . , P • m 0 ,,,, ..., . _ J your=ty Auditor Prescribed by St .ard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA), ,TRIBUTION County Form `'z \ 'No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decembery.8,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of 116th.St. Centre 2.County Treasurer who is of 116thSt.Centre-V#074308(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $133,099.27 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed 116th St.Centre 133,099.27 0.00 133,099.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133,099.27 Totals 133,099.27 0.00 133,099.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 133,099.27 1 5 December Setiement Tkunektudnaz. County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA, STRIBUTION �'} County Form LF d ` o.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December�o,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Amended 126th Street 2.County Treasurer who is of Amended 126th Street-V#003173(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $3,991,803.92 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Amended 126th St. Expansion 51.1,562.16 0.00 511,562.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 511,562.16 Amended 126th Street 3,519;308.66 0.00 3,519,308.66 0.00 0.00 42,510.47 -3,443.57 3,480,241.76 Totals 4,030,870.82 0.00 4,030,870.82 0.00 0.00 42,510.47 -3,443.57 3,991,803.92 f/----, /- D December Settle en _ -- County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. STRIBUTION County Form 1vo.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .lndiana. December_b8'2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Amended Illinois Street 2.County Treasurer who is of Amended Illinois Street-V#055865(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $77,562.55 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Amended Illinois:Street 77,562.55 0.00 77,562.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77,562.55 Totals 77,562.55 0.00 77,562.55 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 77,562.55 Deceb,er ,Setheient ..,- ,7 .l' arm " , t?, County Auditor Prescribed by St, .and of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA .TRIBUTION County Form �` lv o. 22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant.No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Arts District Lofts&Shoppes 2.County Treasurer who is of Arts District Lofts&Shoppes V#068247(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $433,392.58 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Arts District Lofts&Shoppes 433,392.58 0.00 433,392.58 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 433,392.58 Totals 433,392.58 0.00 433,392.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 433,392.58 q LI / Dece1ber - � , .- ___ County Auditor Prescribed by.St bard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TAB,3TRIBUTION County Form --Mi.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decemberp8 2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel City Center 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel City Center-V#024098(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $446,109.34 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel City Center 370,845.57 0.00 370,845.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 370,845.57 Carmel City Center Amendment 75,263.77 0.00 75,263.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 75,263.77 Totals 446,109.34 0.00 446,109.34 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 446,109.34 Decemb& Setttemeflt t. 1-...--,..,,,:or,,:,..,..ca„tc,:bi„..„ County Auditor Prescribed by St. .,ard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. .TRIBUTION 1 lvo. County Form' 22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December0,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel Downtown EDA 1 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel Downtown EDA 1 -V#049098(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $455,940.35 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Downtown EDA 1 455;940.35 0.00 455,940.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 455,940.35 Totals 455,940.35 0.00 455,940.35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 455,940.35 ?) z---;)-\ Oeceber `t (dll .COL '"""��C County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA STRIBUTION County Form �.• —No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December 18;2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel Downtown EDA 2 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel Downtown EDA 2-V#049099(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $61,553.28 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Downtown EDA 2 61,553.28 0.00 61,553.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,553.28 Totals 61,553.28 0.00 61,553.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 61,553.28 0_,C)cP (I) Decenter Settle County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA 3TRIBUTION County Form `No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decemberj38;2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton _ 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel Drive.TIF 2.County Treasurer who is 3.County Auditor of Carmel Drive TIF-V#049100(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $43,796.33 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Drive TIF 55,798.57 0.00 55,798.57 0.00 0.00 13,464.96 -1,462.72 43,796.33 Totals 55,798.57 0.00 55,798.57 0.00 0.00 13,464.96 -1,462.72 43,796.33 72) \-3(9'6 S^ t D e c er L . 1 I et e I '..tilt is--. ; ( .I `. County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA STRIBUTION County Form 'No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. DecemberX,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Carmel Merchants Square 2.County Treasurer who is of Carmel Merchants Square-V#039327(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $78,607.67 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Carmel Merchants Square 158,149.72 0.00 158,149.72 0.00 0.00 86,553.32 -7,011.27 78,607.67 Totals 158,149.72 0.00. 158,149.72 0.00 0.00 86,553.32 -7,011.27 78,607.67 -9)\----&61 —73 December Settiement County Auditor Prescribed by S'I oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA, ,.STRIBUTION . County Form 1 No.22(Rev.1998)al Hamilton .Indiana. Decembery0,4014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of CRC Parcel#12 TIF 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of CRC Parcel#12 TIF-V#049106(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $89,547.36 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed CRC Parcel#12 TIF 89,547.36 0.00 89,547.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89,547.36 Totals 89,547.36 0.00 89,547.36 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 89,547.36 1 December Se 1 r% ,, , ,„,rit „4::,,,,oe.),,,,, ,a.)",:_,E: , ,_. ,__,.,. .. 1.-- County Auditor Prescribed by Si oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA, ,. " STRIBUTION County Form � No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decembers 8,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Gramercy 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of Gramercy-V#049108(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $4.16 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Gramercy 4.16 0.00 4.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.16 Totals 4.16 0.00 4.16 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.16 1-3-'6 ' • December Settlement ._.. , (i„.......p4 lak Taw Ws-AC County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA ,STRIBUTION County Form No 22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .lndiana. December02014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County.Indiana in favor of Lauth-Walker TIP 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of Lauth-Walker TIF-V#049101 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $316,962.57 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property. License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Lauth-Walker TIF 316,962.57 0.00 316;962.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 316,962.57 Totals 316,962.57 0.00 316,962.57 0.00 0.00 0.00_ 0.00 316,962.57 0 / .0 --) lece. 1 , County Auditor Prescribed by S oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA,__,.STRIBUTION County Form � No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decerrmue ",L0.14 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Legacy 2.County Treasurer 3:County Auditor who is of Legacy-V#068248(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $211,62526 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Legacy 211,625.26 0.00 211,625.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,625.26 Totals 211,625.26 , 0.00 211,625.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211,625.26 O'3r---- \ a--° . December Setflerne.nt County Auditor Prescribed by S,, card of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA ,STRIBUTION County Form 3-' No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December,D8'2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Lurie TIF 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of Lurie TIF-V#1149104(Carmel.Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $5,569.64 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes. Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Lurie TIF 5,569.64 0.00 5,569.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,569.64 Totals 5,569.64 0.00 5,569.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00, 5,569.64 vCi I , ''''ib r S le L meri .._, 7Jecel „ . ettie . . ,., County Auditor Prescribed by St Dard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. STRIBUTION County Form 1 No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December 913,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Merchants Pointe 2.County Treasurer who is of Merchants Pointe-V#024101 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor ( p 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $93,570.53 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed 2006 Merchants Pointe TIF 10,703.01 0.00 10,703.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10,703.01 Merchants Pointe 84,584.38 0.00 84,584.38 0.00 0.00 1,868.19 -151.33 82,867.52 Totals 95,287.39 0.00 95,287.39 0.00 0.00 1,868.19 -151.33 93,570.53 DecewberSe '� dement ,,,,,, . ,,,cotr.„.„1„gq. County Auditor Prescribed by St card of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. .STRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decembe ,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Merdian&Main Ind Spine Group 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of Merdian&Main Ind Spine Group-V#087831 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $74,856.58 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Meridian&Main Ind Spine Group 74,856.58 0.00 74,856.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,856.58 Totals 74,856.58 0.00 74,856.58 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 74,856.58 q { Settteffleflt County Auditor Prescribed by St card of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. .STRIBUTION \ , . County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton Indiana. December 98'2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No._ on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of National City TAA 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of National City TAA-V#049111 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $9,737:43 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed National City TAA 1,737.43 0.00 1,737.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,737.43 Totals 1,737.43 0.00 1,737.43 . 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,737.43 (6/ z-2) \'-ar6 lecember T / 6 r - f° J_v W° i7t l e.. County Auditor Prescribed by St. of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA.�3TRIBUTION , , County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December�,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that f have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of North Illinois Street 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of North Illinois Street-V#034429(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of 81,829,508.79 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions T1F District General Property License Excise TIE Net Total Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed N Illinois StExpansion-Carmel 1,791,193.91 0.00 11,791,193.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,791,193.91 North Illinois Street 38,314.88 0.00 38,314.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 38,314.88 Totals 1,829,508.79 0.00 1,829,508.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,829,508.79 Z)-)1 -J ° ( --2 i e e ,ecember Sethement ...; _ _ „ . , , ,,,, -7:1.,,,,,,,...,00-30A, v . , �' County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA.. STRIBUTION , County Form i No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December,$2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Meridian 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Meridian-V#039492(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $289,699:60 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as.follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Meridian Expansion .297,855.22 0.00 297,855.22 0.00 0.00 8,874.50 -718.88 289,699.50 Totals 297,855.22 0.00 297,855.22 0.00 0.00 8,874.50 -718.88 289,699.60 ..-1, (")) t 7)1:)1 December er S i p.„,„ erit e . , tt P i'a County Auditor Prescribed by St aard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA:. ..3TRIBUTION _. County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Methodist TIF 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Methodist TIF-V#049103(Cannel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $579.30 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows:. Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Methodist TIF 579.30 0.00 579.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 579.30 Totals 579.30 0.00 579.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 579.30 \7-0 /27) S ''''' rt. 1 tecember ettlemcht ,,,:,..... ri r\ f.alDri L� County Auditor Prescribed by St of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. 3TRIBUTION County Form 4� No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December'',2014 Prepare four copies 1 hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing.Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Town 2.County Treasurer who is of Old Town-V#039493(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3.County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $109,060.93 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Town 109,060.93 0.00 109,060.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109,060.93 Totals 109,060.93 0.00 109,060.93, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 109,060.93 ,-i- \,3 December Settlement :_'jam---- rg �(/�9)}jtJ�'/y; County Auditor Prescribed by St card of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. STRIBUTION County Form too.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decema yo,2014 Prepare our copies f hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Old Town Shoppes TIF 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of Old Town Shoppes TIF-V##049102(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $38,464.22 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District —General Property License Excise. Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Old Town Shoppes TIF 41,795.26 0.00 41,795.26 0.00 0.00 3,624.66 -293.62 38,464.22 Totals 41,795.26 0.00 41,795.26, 0.00 0.00 3,624.66 -293.62 38,464.22 • Ot V ))-a)-() D ce,' ter Settlement , _ ,,-,i , -; County Auditor Prescribed by St. of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. 3TRIBUTION �—, County Form 12--- No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Decembe014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of West Clay EDA 2.County Treasurer who is of West Clay EDA-V#049112(Carmel Redevelopment Commission)County Auditor Y ( p ) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $486,459.77 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance.Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed West Clay EDA 486,459.77 0.00 486,459.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 486,459.77 Totals 486,459.77 0.00 486,459.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 486,459.77 0 • December settlement i tr County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA�,STRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. Deceml ., ,2014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Parkwood Crossing 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of Parkwood Crossing-V#024100(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $681,966.42 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Parkwood Crossing 681,966.42 0.00 681,966.42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 681,966.42 Totals 681,966.42 0.00 681,966.42_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 681,966.42 ?-.°1 ) December Settlle :r ent !1 ` 4,' County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. ,3TRIBUTION County Form t No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December/j4014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Parkwood East 2.County Treasurer who is of Parkwood East-V#024100(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 3:County Auditor 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $422,332.52 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Parkwood East. 422,332.52 0.00 422,332.52 0.00 0.00. 0.00 0.00 422,332.52 Totals 422,332.52 0.00 422,332.52= 0:00 0.00 0.00 0.00 422,332.52 ,_ "''..\ ) Decemier e . , .. .,,,,_„, ,...„,„,...,,,. ,, _v uy 1 1/4-.44.;LAI' ' ••. V J County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA. 3TRIBUTION County Form u ' No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December 12014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Hazel Dell South-Carmel 2.County Treasurer who is of Hazel Dell South-Carmel-V#039491 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission)County Auditor ( p ) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $347,980:15 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows:. Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Hazel Dell South-Carmel 347,980.15 0.00 347,980.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 347,980.15 Totals 347,980.15 0.00 347,980.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 347,980.15 Os ,r(A, , Jeceber Setfiement 1___ _ _� County Auditor Prescribed by S.--- .oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TASTRIBUTION County Form No.22(Rev.1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December82014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of Hazel Dell North 2.County Treasurer who is 3.County Auditor of Hazel Dell North-V#039491 (Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board) in the sum of $141,605.13 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property license Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed Hazel Dell North 141,605.13 0.00 141,605.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141,605.13 Totals 141,605.13 0.00 141,605.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 141,605.13 01 q 7-)2p December Settle ; lent -0.--:- _ : County Auditor Prescribed by St oard of Accounts COUNTY AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF TA.�3TRIBUTION County Form 1 No.22(Rev. 1998) Hamilton .Indiana. December).82014 Prepare four copies I hereby certify that I have this day issued Warrant No. on the Treasurer of Hamilton 1.Taxing Unit County Indiana in favor of MISO PP TIF 2.County Treasurer 3.County Auditor who is of MISO PP TIF-V#049105(Carmel Redevelopment Commission) 4.SBTC(State Tax Board in the sum of $16,740.01 on account of taxes due said governmental unit as follows: Taxes Deductions TIF Net Total TIF District General Property License Excise Total Advance Tax Advance Excise Refunds Other Distributed MISO PP TIF 16,740.01 0.00 16,740.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,740.01 Totals 16,740.01 0.00 16,740.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16,740.01 e N tilj \ 4)' Rf � Sette .eflt! � l ,ent ; ? �- . County Auditor