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240257 12/16/14
ul.4@ny CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA VENDOR: 357616 J.. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, "CK AMOUNT: S""164,536.84" 9 _�, CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 355 W CITY CENTER DRIVE CHECK NUMBER: 240257 MUTON�, CARMEL IN 46032 CHECK DATE: 12/16/14 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PO NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER AMOUNT DESCRIPTION 1208 4348000 09302014 14,005.26 ELECTRICITY 1208 4350900 09302014 71,668.33 OTHER CONT SERVICES 1208 4348000 103114 31,308.54 ELECTRICITY 1208 4350900 103114 47,554.71 OTHER CONT SERVICES The Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.- Invoice 355 West City Center Drive Date Invoice# Carmel, IN 46032 10/24/2014 10312014 Bill To City of Carmel Carmel City Council Clerk Treasurer Office One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount Invoices paid by The Center for the Performing Arts-See attached detail 78,863.25 78,863.25 q�P J t3\ ) 3'0g, S� i� i1Z Submitted To _ - DEC 15 2014 Clerk Tr alum Total $78,863.25 THE CENTER FOR THE PEFORMING ARTS OCTOBER,2014 INVOICE DATE INVOICE PAYEE AMOUNT 10/23/2014 169584 ARAB 400.00 9/7/2014 317 706-0107 8610 AT&T 87.20 10/7/2014 317 706-0107 8610 AT&T 93.76 10/22/2014 317 574-0827 624 3 AT&T 676.73 10/31/2014 494 BLUE ASH 131.51 10/28/2014 7110723 CENTRAL INDIANA HARDWARE 232.80 10/7/2014 18684482 CINTAS 148.98 '10/14/2014 18687320 CINTAS 373.98 10/21/2014 18690155 CINTAS 148.98 10/28/2014 18692976 CINTAS 148.98 10/3/2014 682594300 CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 783.31 10/4/2014 321228 DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 43.00 10/4/2014 321299 DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 43.00 10/20/2014 763190-1020214-1 DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 120.00 10/30/2014 763190-10302014-1 DEPT OF HOMELAND SECURITY 120.00 10/31/2014 3590-3717-01-5 DUKE 15053.54 10/2/2014 3590-3717-01-5 DUKE 16255.00 10/7/2014 24294 ESG SECURITY 1698.75 10/13/2014 24374 ESG SECURITY 1680.00 10/21/2014 24442 ESG SECURITY 1680.00 10/27/2014 25025 ESG SECURITY 1702.50 10/31/2014 25105 ESG SECURITY 1672.00 10/31/2014 INSURANCE HYLANT 1052.00 10/28/2014 5934962 LEE SUPPLY 16.61 10/23/2014 077-2012 MACALLISTER 4147.00 10/7/2014 2157 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL 12610.32 10/22/2014 2169 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL 12932.02 10/1/2014 CREDIT CARD NATL BANK OF INDY-LOCKMARTIN 437.43 10/14/2014 CREDIT CARD NATL BANK OF INDY-NEWEGG .45.99 10/14/2014 NEW EGG 45.99 10/31/2014 118629 REAL MECHANICAL 490.00 10/31/2014 0761-002239120 REPUBLIC SERVICES 605.67 10/30/2014 002-1196038-5114652 AMAZON 31.41 10/30/2014 BEST BUY 862.97 10/30/2014 BEST BUY -512.98 10/8/2014 8494 TINDER LOCK 1905.00 10/16/2014 8884 TINDER LOCK 810.00 9/4/2014 2685789 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 21.99 10/6/2014 2701888 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 0.65 10/21/2014 2708624 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 10.54 10/23/2014 2709415 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 9.16 10/27/2014 14003613 WHITES ACEMARDWARE 31.80 10/28/2014 2711574 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 3.45 10/30/2014 272912 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 12.21 1I TOTAL 78863.25 , ARAB TERMITE & PEST..,CONTROL, INC. c,ALl. INDIANAPOLIS (317) 545-1275 GREENWOOD (317) 888-1999 4035 MILLERSVILLE ROAD ANDERSON (765) 642-4208 INDIANAPOLIS; IN 46205 MARION (765) 664-6812 le,r Amadean owned and operated Since 1929 www.seeablag..net MUNCIE (765) 282-7600 Y`� Service Location: PALLADIUM INVOICE/ SERVICE TICKET P.O. No: ONE CENTER GREEN SERVICE DESCRIPTION CHARGES Previous Balance 0.00 CARMEL IN 46032 201-PEST CONTROL 400.00 Phone.No: 370-2091 ED PENMAN Customer No: 2002479 Sales Tax 0.00 Invoice No: 169584 400.00 Total Due Date: 10/23/2014 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS $25 Refer a Friend 05� : CHECK IN AT SECURITY/DOCK _ SEE SERVICE SCHEDULE EVEN MONTH SERVICE Name ED PENMAN 370-209.1 Phon-,,,o, ; i Street Address ; City7State/Zip My Name/Account No. i Material/Product EPA# Qty % COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS �„ r � r (_ G ..- 17 ;«•..- . s. � •? r +�I (.� l•, cY}flllnfr c,h )t i 1� .1 `o .� � t 0 k f z ,-gyp`. •L { , .- - .., '�.�. l _ `. - '.aa\ -...�. . .. .. P I '1 rt Qur•: O. f,I,� ^,np a Ynri • w l rn�• Incl j%ni Invoice: 1695$4Invoice: 169584 Invoice; i� 164584 09 Tiecoura Traore M� Route No. Technician's Name Technician's License Number Time In I• 'r r] Time Out Date 10/23/2014 ;Services Completed Satisfactorily(sign below) Technician's Signature ` - Customer's SianaturP Y �^ f Service Location: L Please tear off and send all payments to: PALLADIUM ARAB Termite and Pest Control Inc. payment Collected Date ONE CENTER GREEN 4035 Millersville Road Pd ❑ Cash ❑ Check# CARMEL IN 46032 Indianapolis, IN 46205 Tech Signature Customer No: 2002479 61155404 Total This Invoice: 400.00 169584 0.00 Invoice No: 10.26.14 Past Due Balance: Date: 10/23/2014 Total Due: 400.00 370-2091 ED PENMA feoz__� Billing Phone No: This bill is due and payable upon receipt. THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING A A service charge of 11h% per month will be charged on accounts past 30 days. 335 W CITY CENTER DR. IN 46032 RETURNED CHECKS WELL INCUR A FEE. CARMEL ATPGo5.0412 10/14/2014 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 1 of 2 ARTS Account Number 317 706-0107 8610 . .,. .; 355 CITY CENTER DR Billing Date Sep 7,2014 CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 at&t Web Site at$.COttl SEP 15 ��14 Invoice Number 317706010709 l BY: No text as worth a life. Monthly e � Take the pledge atitcanwait.com Aug 8 - Sep 7, 2014 Bill-At-A-Glance AT&T- Benefits Previous Bill 86.65Total AT&T Savings 89,00 Payment Received 8725-Thank You 1, 86.65CR, , Adjustments: ,. .00 Plans and Services Balance .00 M nthl Service-Spn 711 ru Oct 6 onthly Charges 11.44 Current Charges; 87-.20- I 7.20 us Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 . — Individual Message Business Total Amount Due $$7.20 Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification Amount Due in Full by Sep 29,2014 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$69.00 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Billing Summary Total Monthly Service 61.44 Billing Questions?Visit att.com/billing Surcharges and Other Fees Plans and Services 70.14 9-1-1 Emergency System 1-800-321-2000 Billed for the State of Indiana .90 Repair Service: Federal Universal Service Fee .93 1-B00-246-8464 IN Universal Service Surcharge .19 For more information on products and services call IN Utility Receipt Surcharge .75 1-800-321-2000 Telecommunications Relay Service .03 Total Surchargmbind Other Fees 2.80 AT&T Long Distance 17.06 1-BOO-321-2000 Taxes Federal at 3% 1.85 Total of Current Charges 87.20 State at 7% 4.05 Total Taxes 5AD Total Plans and Services 70.14 • • Distance Message Regarding Terms&Conditions: To view your Terms&Conditions for AT&T Long Distance,access www.aMeom/servicepublications or call AT&T at the toll free number on your bill. Invoice Summary (as of August 22, 2014) Current Charges Service Charges 15.00 News u Can Use SuMmar ' Credits and Adjustments .DO • Call Charges .00 Surcharges and Other Fees 1.47 •PREVENT DISCONNECT •CARRIER INFO Taxes .59 CHANGE TO CONTRACT Total Invoice Summary 17.06 See"News You Can Use"for additional information. Local Services provided by AT&T Illinois,AT&T Indiana,AT&T Michigan, AT&T Ohio or AT&T Wisconsin based upon the service address location. Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope. GO GREEN-Enroll in paperless billing. J 7 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 2 of 2 ARTS Account Number 317 706-0107 8610 at&t 355 CITY CENTER DR Billing Date Sep 7,2014 6-1,keoo� CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 Invoice Number 317706010709 AT&T Lon g Distance News You Can Use-Continued CHANGE TO CONTRACT Invoice Billing Continued Effective 11/15/14,your CompleteLink@,Business Local Calling, Service Charges Complete Choice@ for Business or Custom BizSaver II agreement will be revised to add the following:If during the Term,an AT&T ILEC Service Monthly Service Charges provided under the Agreement is migrated to a qualifying.AT&T Business Voice over IP(BVoIP)Service or to a qualifying AT&T Mobility Service Type of Service Period qty (referred to collectively as the"Replacement Service"),then the Early 1. BUS BOT 250MIN II 1Y 08121-09120 1 15.00 Termination Charge associated with the Terminated ILEC Service will be Total Monthly Service Charges 95.00 waived provided:.1)the Terminated ILEC Service has been installed for. no fewer than 3 months at each Customer site,2)the term of the Total Service'Charges 95.00 Replacement Service agreement is equal to or greater than the remaining term for the Terminated ILEC Service,3)the Replacement Service is Surcharges and Other Fees installed or available attire same Customer sites as the Terminated 2. Federal Regulatory Fee 23 ILEC Service,4)the Replacement Service is contracted for in the same 3. Federal Universal Service Fee 1.08 relative quantity(ies)as such Terminated ILEC Services being . . 4. IN Universal Service Surcharge-` .05 displaced,and 5)activation of the Replacement Service atthe Customer 5. IN Utility Receipts Tax Recovery 11 sites or for Customer use at such Customer Sites occurs within 90 days Total Surcharges and Other Fees 9.47 of termination of the ILEC Service at that site. It is at the Company's sole determination whether a product change satisfies these Taxes requirements.If you have any questions,please contact an AT&T Service 6. Federal .00 Representative at the loll-free number on your bill. 7. State .59 8. Municipal .00 9. Non Home State .00 Total Taxes .59 Total Invoice Charges 17.06 Total AT&T Long Distance 17.06 F_ News You Can Use PREVENT DISCONNECT Thankyou for being a valued customer. Itis importantto inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current and prevent collection activities. In addition,please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are$87.20. If you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion you disagree with before.the payment due date. CARRIER INFO AT&T Long Distance,or a company thatresells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier. 9578.006.054843.01.01.0000000 YNNNNNNY 20435.20435 O 2005 AT&T Knowledge Ventures.All rights reserved. r:f .•.. F b3` ,�,"?_'YSr- 3^ 3'.T�ro+ .�'-ii"�'�•1 .J..:-`3."t Sr7''F�t 4�✓:"t....."`t�. ,�,: CN`'s'`� },:.- �y�` +�"Fiy'� r�x sem'"�'' „f.�1- •�s�h,.��,�y'�,�'.� �-u E�'.-."rr..n.�_t����x'i � e���e�: t�,��`''x�'r.�.s ��,�-rte,: ya rs��- k r_� y.s� •2f. Y ��� �,.. ".x`,�,�` -� .�5�:"•�"--��?�°!1 �.�f w��� is�. x '���aY,s�y�,. ?�,,�,r" .�,%�--„,��,.'` �_ .� a �R„r�. .�'��,..��+t:,_:� a�.c2�, �.�� ��x��Y�yfv`T^ ��:'.�'rd.,� ..`�f��`�,��b ,__�i��--..•�•��:F$-:�_�.L '_�"�,�...s.__ 'M.�:r .s]�«�-.,-.- Au'l E3!TilE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 1 of 2 .ARTS Account Number 317 706-0107 861 0 - --„ 355 CITY CENTER OR Billing Date Oct7,2014 CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 Q Web Site att.bom lay�'��•�� at&t 61155432 v=� Involca Number 317706010710 10.18.14 NO t xt 1s;wo to a tire. �' `1111n. ' f i• :>fr"; ,° _ f alio the pletSge at iLcanwait.cotn Mot o c / =.3 a r 9 i1 ,:c tl l� Sep 8 -Oct 7,2014 ;0ie • A I13Fn I • Preyio«s bill::.:. .:.:.::.•. .. :.... :.;..:...:,:-. •87.20.: .. -Total AT&T Savings 84.OD Payment Received 10-06-Thank Yotll B7.20CR Adjustments ;o0 Balance •00 Monthly Service-Oct 7-thru Nov 5 _ _----_- _ _-- —_----.-- — Monthly Charges 11.44 Current Charges 93.76 Bus Loral Calif ng Unlimited B 55.00 Individual Message Business Total Amount Due $93.76 Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification Amount Due in Full by Oct 27,2014 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$84.00 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. • Total Monody Service 66•A4 Billing Questions?Visit aurum/billing Additions and Changes to Service Plans and Services 76.70 This section of your bill reflects charges and credits resulting from 1.800.321-2000 account activity. Repair Service: Item Monthly Amount { 1-BOD-24G-8464 No. Description Quantity Rate Billed Date:Oct 7, —_ ___For_nore_iDformation on products and services calf 1-800-321-2000 --—Order Number B9039417242_ Effective Oct 1,2014,your AT&T long Distance 17,06 Bill reflects an increase of 1-000-321-2000 $.02 in your Monthly Service charges.Charges are Total of Current Charges 93.76 prorated from Oct 1,2014 thru Oct 6,2014 rr ,r 1.Monthly Service ,00 !f� ✓ ���.' Effective Oct 2,2014,your Bill reflects an increase of $5.00 In your Monthly Service charges.Charges are i prorated from Oct 2,2014 thru Oct 6,2014 �C� • �• ��� 2.Monthly Service 84 , Total Charges for Order Number R9034417242 B4, Total Additions and Changes to Service g4: Stirellar es and Other Fees 9-1.1 Emergency System Billed for the State of Indiana .90 Federal Universal Service Fee .95 22 I IN Universal Service Surcharge • IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 02 Telecommunications Relay Service 03 •PREVENT DISCONNECT •CARRIER INFO Total Surcharges and Other Fees 2.42 } •UNIVERSAL SVC FEE •EXPRESS TICKETING See"News You Can Use"far additional information. Local Services provided by AT&T I(iinots,AT&Tindinna,AT&T Michigan,, AT&T Ohio or AT&T Wisconsin based upon the service address location. . i Return bottom portion with yadrehoaIn the unclosed envelope. '" GO GREEN-Enroll In paperless billing. I .e_�. .,-_-..,..r_.,_�_.....n_�,n»�:w-ry.:.��:r.v:w.�:�z�:•�=c���*^' =;�u� ,.--..�+,_.�.?f�:f�_=�_�'n,-«;�r�=iE �lac,eta:���itT3.r -�-a' :.r�.:=��s.•��y --w?£ "�'_��4a1 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Pae 2 of 2 J ARTS-^ Account Number 317705-0107861 0 35SCITY CENTER DR $illingDate Oct7,2014 at&t CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 Invoice Number 317706010710 Invoice Billing - continued Taxes Tottil Invoice Charges 47.00 Federal at3% 2..47 03 State at 7%. totel•A?&T long Distance 17.06 +( Total Taxes 6.52 Total Plans and Services 76.70 PREVENT DISCONNECT Thank you•for being a valued customer.'It ig impor'tant to inform,you that all charges must be paid each month to keepyour account current e Term International Mobilination Charge Notice: and prevent collection activities. In addition,please be aware that Effective January l Ter and on na quarterly . we are required to inform you of certain charges ihbtMUST be paid In basis thereafter,•International'Mobile Termination order to praventinterruption of basic local sefvice:These chaiges Charge{IMTCt rates to some countries may change: are already included in the Total Amount Due.and are$93.76• Visithttp:J/wwwatt.com/mobileterm for all new if you don't'agree with theambunt due,you should dispute the portion updated IMTC rates or contact a Customer Service you disagree with before the paymentdu'e'date. representative at the ph one number listed on the• CARRIER INFO front of your bill. AT&T Long Distance,or a company that resells their service, Thank you for choosing AT&T Long Distance. is your long distance and local toll carrier. Message Regarding e ardin.,. .T:e•n -n...s..&.C.o,nditio s: : :U IVER S AL l USVCyer :EsE To vI Wyour Terms Conditions fp[AT&T Long :<•,Fa :l ::vs;icYe:l:e::e'.:(g?u;ppo:rts:t ;;c: : : Td ( ' i;3;e;.�.;;elecommunicationT>e Feera :��::•••; • i Distance,:ecce$s ww..vq.attcam(seryicepu6lieations or call AT&T at theaoll free number on your bill. Iow;mcome hause6olds cpAsUmers{tvmg In lu h cokt aregs,scf2oais, .. 11 Invoice 5ueaar `' libraries aAd ruial.liospltalsl ineeased op,1DJ1/2019:Yaurcu,'trent::;_;:.:::;: <.:• ;:::;:.;::•::. y bill reflects The change.For more information,please contact an Qj&T.: .`. (as of September 22, 2014) Service Representative at the phone number listed on the front of your;.: Current Charges bill. Service Chargee • 15.00 Credits.and-Adjustments 00 EXPRESS'TICRETINIS:. Gall Charges 00AT&TExpressTicketing.enablesyou toquicklyand.easilysuhmitand- Surcharges n,d:0iher Facts '__ _ : _ --t.41 .. Tares 69 managed services frotrack-the-status ofirouhle-tickots-for-cettain-voicp,-data,-and --- Total Invoice Summary 17.66 m our mobile device;tablet or PC.You do not need to register in advance.www.ATT.com/ExpressTickeVng Service Charges Monthly Service Charges Type of Service Period Qty 1. BUS BOT 250NIU Il 1Y 09121-10120 1 15.00 Total Monthly Service Charges 45.00 Total Servtco Charges 15.00 Surcharges and Other Foos 2. Federal Regulatory'Fse .23 3. Federal Universal Service Fee 1.06 4. I8.Unlversal.Service Surcharge 05 j $.'IN Utility Receipts Tax'Recavery .1i ! Total Surcharges eftd Other-Foos 1.41 ' Taxes 6. Federal .00 : 7. 5tate 59 - i.:9 Hog tfome State .00 1Q.ka1:Vexes' 59 i `,'S•,-�.c'•;z:;£:{a Vii? t°w4:r�>;��` ';;Etc �' + rr 75.; 9566.006,049887.01.Oi.00pg000NNNNNNNY,:15375,1.35`..::.:::::..:.. •. i - :3 rt9srVsT�itui�S�V I �..���i >. s �.Y,..r,...�'�� :'�� .w„+�•..r.«'��." 3x-.�.o-�.�..>w'.1> ����r� _ ' s �. «-..aw+....w-._.a.=Y _...r..,... + ..a...-.......`� 61155432 10:3Q. THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 1 of 4 ARTS AccountNamber 317 574-OB27 624 3 %NANCY HAMILTON Billing Dale 0022,2014 355 CITY CENTER OR CARMEL,IN 46032-3306 Website att.com at&t Invoice Number 317574082710 No text is worth a Cif'e. Monthly Staterm-',arui Take the pledge otitcanwait-col-n Selo 23-Oct 22,2014 Previous Bill 593,37 •Total AT&T Savings 756.00 Payment Received 10-13-Thank Youl 593.37CR Adjustments- 00 ` ------------ Balance 00 Montbiy Service-Oct 22 thru Nov 21 Charges for 317 574-0827 Current Charges 676,73 Monthly Charges 6-21 ------- --�— --- -- Bus Local Calling Unlimited 0 55.00 Total Amount Due $676,73 Individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage ay Amount Due in FLIII by Nov 14,2014 Calling Name Displ Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$84.00 over the cost ofthe same services purchased separately. Billing Questions?Visitat:t:.com/billing Charges for 317574-1708 Monthly Charges 0.21 Plans and Services 672.71 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 55.00 1-800-480.8089 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Unlimited Local Usage 1-800-480.8088 Calling Name Display For more information on products and services call Caller Identification 1-800-480-8088 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, ATIIrT Long Distance 4.02 you are saving$84.00 overthe cast of the same 1-800-480-8088 services purchased separately. Total of Current Charges 676,73 Charges for 317574-1725 Monthly Charges 6.21 Bus Local Calling Unliniiled B 55.0D Individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$84.DO over the cost of the sante services purchased separately. I Chargesfor317 574-1736 Monthly Charges 8,21 News • •PREVENT DISCONNECT •CARRIER INFO •UNIVERSAL SVC FEE •LOCAL USAGE •EXPRESS TICKETING See"News You Can Use°for additional information. Loral Services provided by AT&T Illinois,AT&TIndiana,AT&TMichignn, AT&T 010oor AT&T Wisconsin based upon the service ndtlress location. Return bottout portion with yogr check in the enclosed envelope. GO GREEN•Enroll in paperless billing. '�' .��� �a�'�-..r-3.C'.`�.Tr`.:.'�� ��'"��r����4-`'`r�.. 'I`�c�a1''�i�'Yi."'sem F�`z-��'���3£��'�a�.-=. �t�V����-� u.. � �—...• THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 2of4 t ARTS Account Number 317574-08276243 46 NANCY HAMILTON Billingdale 0022,2014 at&t* 355 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL,IN 46032-3886 Invoice Number 317574082710 Nlonlhly Service-Conthtued ' Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 55.00 Monthly Service-Continued Individual Message Busfness Bus Local Calling Unlimited 0 .55.00 Unlimited Local Usage Individual Message Business Calling Name Display Unlimited Local Usage Caller identification - Caller identification Name Display Collar By choosing Bus Local Caging Unlimited B, you are saving$84.00 overthe cost of Vie same By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, services purchased separately. you are saving$84.00over tliecost ofthe same Chargesfor317844589B services purchased separately. Monthly Charges 8.21 Charges to r 317 574-1760 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 55.00 Monthly Charges 18.21 individual Message Business Bus local Calling Unlimited B 55.00 Unlimited Local Usage Individual Message Business Calling Name Display Unlimited Local Usage Caller identification Calling Name Display By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, Caller Identification you are saving$94.ODovertha cost ofthe same By choosing Bus Local Calling•Unllmited B, servlces purchased separately. you are saving$84.00 overthe cost of the same Total Monthly Service. 550.89 services purchased separately. Charges for 317 574-1774Additions and Changes to Servicd Monthly Charges r'8 21 This section of your bill re0eats charges and credits resulting from Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 85 OO accountactivity. Individual Message Business Item Monthly Amount Unlimited Local Usage No. Description Quantity Rate Billed Calling Name Display Date:Oct 23,2014 NumberR9045406178 Caller Identification Effective Oct 1,2014,your Bill reflects an increase of By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, , $,27 in your Monthly you are saving$84.00 overthe costof the same Service charges.Charges are services purchased separately. prorated from Oct 1,2014 Charges for 317 574-1862 thru Oct 21,2014 Monthly Charges 18.21 1. MonthlyService .19 Bits Local Calling Unlimited 13 55.00 Effective Oct 2,2014,your Individual Message Business Bill reflects an increase of Unlimited Local Usage $45.00 in your Monthly Caging Name Display Service charges.Chafges are Ca Her.Identification prorated from Oot 2,2014 thru Oct 21,2014 By choosing Bus Local Catling Unlimited B, 2.Monthly Service 29.97 you are saving$84.00 over the cost of the same Total Charges for Order'Number ROD45406178 30.16 services purchased separately. Total Additions and Changes to Service 30.16 Charges for 317 574-1873 Local Calls Monthly Charges 18.21 Call(s)Charged to 317574.1862 Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary 3 Call(s)billed at no charge per call .60 Total Callisl Charged to 317 574-1882 ,00 Call(s)Charged to317944-5898 ' Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary 1 Call(s)billed atno charge per call .00 Total Call(s)Charged to 317 844-5895 .00 Total Local Calls .00 63t6.O06.046982.b1.02.00000OD NNNNNNNY 5695.5695 THE CENTER FOR THEPERFORMING Page 3of4 ARTS AceounlNumher 317574-011276243 at&t v/.NANCYBillingQate Oct 22.2014 355 CITY CARMEL, DR CARMEL,IN 46032-3800 fnvolce Number 317579082710 Invoice Billing -Continued Call Charges • Sep 7th thru Oct 6th Surcharges and Other Faits Calls for 317.674-1862 9-1.1 Emergency System Domestic Billed for the State of Indiana 610 No. gate Tinto place Called Number Code Min Amount Federal Universal Service Fee 1512 2 10-01 1226P BLOOHINGTN IN 812 334-0890 D 1:00 .56 IN Universal Service Surcharge 2.04 IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 6.30 Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317.574.1862 .68 Telecommunications Relay Service •27 Total Surcharges and Other Fees 31.83 Tota] Domestic Calls for 317.674.1862 .56 Taxes Tota] Calle for$17-574-1882 .58 Federalat 42.33 3% 17.50 State at7/0 Total Call Charges ,56 Total Taxes 59.63 Surcharges and Other Fees Total Plans and Services 672.71 3, Federal Regulatory fee 04 4, Federal Universal Service Fee .22 5, IN Universal Service Surcharge 101 6, IN Utility Receipts Tax Recovery ,03 A ; Long ) Total Surcharges and Other Fees .30 International Mobile Terminal on Charge Notice; Taxes Effective January 1,2010 and on a quarterly 7, Federal Ao basis thereafter,International Mobile Termination 8. State .16 Charge(IMTC)rates to same countries may change. 9. Municipal .00 Visit Itttp://www.attcom/rnobileterm for all new 10, Hon Home State .00 updated IMTC rates or contact a Customer Service Total Taxes .16 representative at the phone number listed on die front of your bill. Total Invoice Charges 4.02 Thank you for choosing AT&T Long Distance. Message Regarding Terms&Conditions Key for Calling Codes: To view your Terms&Conditions for AT&T Long A Anytime B Collect C Calling Card Distance,access www.attcom/servicepuhlications 0 flay E Evening F Call Forwarding or call AT&T atthatoN free numheron your hill. H Third Number I Special Intrastate L Late Night Invoice Summary M Multiple Rate Period N Night/Weekend (as of October 00, 2014) 0 Operator Completed-Dial Rates Apply P Person to Person Current Charges R Standard Overseas S Station to Station T Discount Overseas Service Charges3,00 X Conference Y Economy Overseas 3 Three Way Credits and Adjustments .00 Total AT&T Lo no Distance 4.42 Call Charges .56 Surcharges and Other Fees .30 Taxes .16 Total Invoice Summary 4.02 Service Charges PREVENT DISCONNECT 1lonthly Service Charges Tfiank you for being a valued customer, Itis hriportantto inform you that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current of Service Perlad Qty and prevent collection activities. In addition,please be aware that Type 1. of Service we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Total US CLIND 10!07-13!06 1 g,gp y Service Charges 3.00 order to prevent interruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 06.73. Total Service Charges 3.00 If you don'tagree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion you disagreewith beforethe paymentdue date. I T THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 4 of 4 t ARTS Account Number 317 574-0827 6243 %NANCY HAMILTON Billing Date Oct 22,2014 at&t 355 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL,IN 46032-3805 Invoice Number 317574082710 News • News You Can Use-Continued CARRIER INFO AT&T Long Distance,or a company that resells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier. UNIVERSAL SVC FEE The Federal Universal Service Fee(supports telecommunication needs of low-income households,consumers living in high-cost areas,schools, libraries and rural hospitals)increased on 10/1/2014.Your current bill reflects the change.For more information,please contact an AT&T Service Representative atthe phone number listed on the front of your bill. LOCALUSAGE Effective January 1,2015,the local usage message rate will increase from$0.405 to$0.465.For questions on this change or information about discount calling plansthat could save you money,please call the number listed on your bill or visitwww.attcom. EXPRESS TICKETING AT&T Express Ticketing enables you to quickly and easily submit and track the status of trouble tickets for certain voice,data,and managed services from your mobile device,tablet,or PC.You do not need to register in advance.wvvw.ATT.com/ExpressTicketing 4Y*fir: 6316.006.046982.02.02.0000000 NNNNNNNY 4243.4243 BLUE ASH,, 61155404 INVOICE 11.4.14 Invoice Number: 494 Blueash Invoice Date: Oct 31, 2014 8946 Sargent Road �"" Page: 1 Indianapolis,IN 46256 Voice: 317-910-3088 Fax: •. ._,. .. f. Ship to_'- .; ' , The Center For The Performing Arts The Center For The Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 :Customer ID Customer PO ,' P'aymen. erms' CFPA1020 Net 30 Days Sales Rep ID $hipping Method ;Ship.D`ate'„ Due Date .' Install 11/30/14 Quantity Item . De"scripfion Unit,Price Amount' 1.00 Stage Door Decal-2"x 16.5"White Decal- 35.01 35.01 2nd production. 1.00 Stage Door Decal-2"x 16.5"White Decal- 21.50 21.50 3rd production 1.00 Install door decal @ Palladium in Carmel, 25.00 25.00 Indiana 1.00 Trip charge to Palladium in Carmel, Indiana 50.00 50.00 Subtotal 131.51 Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount 131.51 Check/Credit Memo No: Payment/Credit Applied TOTAL. . _ 731.51' 61155404 11.1.14 =, - II- Invoice �= Central Indiana Hardwar r 'S Invoice# : 71'I 0723 -- ; 9190 Corporation Drive i ,�II>ccs 19x1 Indianapolis,Indiana 46256 Qrder# 5081353 Tel:317-558-5700 Fax:317-558-571.2 Date : Oct 28s 2014 Customer: Ship To: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING 365 W. CITY CENTER DRIVE ARTS Carmel, Indiana 46032 355 W. CITY CENTER DRIVE Carmel, Indiana 46032 Tel: 317-281-1900 Fax: 317-660-3374 Account Code 90440 Quote# 4053382 Terms Net 30 Purchase Order# :_ ED PENMAN Customer Job# Shipped Via : -Our Truck(CIH) Salesperson Greg Dunnavant Contact Greg Dunnavant Order Name THE PALADIUM ATTN: ED PENMAN Unit Extended Ordered Shipped Product Descrintion Price Price 1' 1 SCHLAGE-#30-007 X XB11475 LFIC MORTISE CYLINDER 232,80 232.80 HOUSING X 2-114"WITH TRIM RINGS US3/SCHLAGE MORTISE LOCK CAM LFIC CORE BY OTHERS Shipment Number S�ment Date Note 134509 Oct 28, 2014 ATTN: ED PENMAN Pre-Tax Total 232.80 INDIANA 0.00 Amount Due 232.80 CIH FSC Certificate#SCS-COC-002586 (Only the products that are identified as such on this document are FSC Certified) Printed Oct 29,2494 4:03 PM *"Remit to: Central Indiana Hardware, PO Box 83030, Chicago, IL 60691-3010 Page 1 of 1 CINM6. ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18' SHIPTO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E1M1 018684482 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEC DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 10/07/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 11/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOILMIN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. O BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 9..800 58.80 'N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT. OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10_ BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 7.502 45.01 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT 'UF 84435 2 2 4.903 9.81 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 x 15 1 10.090 10.09 N INVOICE:;TOTAL _ 148.98 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84.035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD, 4 84435 9 4.903' N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLINE NUMBER 888-924-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSEC HENRY D 937-237-3760 gENRYB@ INTAS.COM ACCTS. N-Z CALL GRETCHEN STURGILL AT 937-6-30-:3504 SrURGILLG6CINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD„•. ISA,, D SCOVER 4-AMERI AN EXPRESS ****ANY CHECK PAYMENTS, E - T IDE TI.FY WHY;CH INV ICES ANt/OR AM UNTS TO BE PAID, WE SUGGEST ANY P ENTSE APPLIED TO T E OLDEST AMOUN DUE ON YOUR ACCOUNT. PLE SE CONTC YOUR SERVICE :SALES EPRESEN'TATIVE PON DELIVERY OR YOUR CUS OM R SE ICE RE RESENTATIIVE WI H ANY QVESTONS.**** TESTING TESTING TESTING TO SERVICE OUR CUSTOMER, BET E- , CIN AS CORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS W RE IT TO ADDRESS ************ ****ANY CHECK PAYMEN S 14ADE VIUST IDE TIFY WHICH INV ICES ANI /OR AM UNTS TO BE PAID. WE SUGGE T ANY PkYMENTS BE APPLIED TO T E OLDEST AMOUNf DUE ON YOUR ACCOUNT: PLEASE,,'CONTC YOUR SERVICE ;SALES EPRESENTATIVE PON DELIVERY OR YOUR CUSTOMER SE ICE`RE RESENTAZ!IVE WI H ANY"QOESTION **.** 61155404 10.8.14 D REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018684412-1 TOTAL ORIGINAL INVOICE 61155404 REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 �0�24��4 BWIPTO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827gaZ--oINVOICENO, CARMEL, IN 46032 D E2M2 018687320 CONTRACT N0, ACCOUNT N0, STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE BOIL TKT CNT INVCE D TO 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 10/14914 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO, DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P•O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 11/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PACE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T N0, CNT CHG. 0 6B EMPLOYEE NAME NO, NO, INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT X 1 3X5 SCRAPER MAT U 1 R 2477 ; 3 I 75.000 225.00 N 2 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 I 6 j 6 9.800 58.80 N 33X5 SCRAPER MAT_ OF. 2477 i 10 _ 1 10 2._527 25.27 N _4 _. 3X10 BLACK;MAT i .�._.__ 6 7 .502 45 0.1 N 7-1 :BLACK MAT` UF844'35 I : . 2 =' 2 _4 903 9.- 81 _N 6 SERVICE CHARGE. F 1 15 1 �; - _- ,_;�_ 10 -090,- 10 09 N . _-..__.. .-_.2 __..-__ - . ..,. __.._..__.__ _. _ _.._____ __-.___ _ __. INVOICEITOTAL 373.98 8 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N _ ---I - - 9, 3X10 BLACK MAT UD' 4 8,4,'035 17 ; „7 502 N 10 4X6 BLACK. MAT UD 4 84435 9 i ` 4 903 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLINE NUMBER 888-914-6827 OR 888-bCINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSEY H NRY D 937-237-3760 HENRYB@ INTAS:COM ACCTS N=Z"CALli GRET HE STU LL'�AT"9.37=630-j35,0.4-"S. GIL'LG CINTAS COM: �. WE GLADLY-ACCEPT MAS ER ARD , SA DES COVER Sd AMERI EXPRtSS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTO ER BET E CIN AS CORP �LOC O1 I . ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA LE HAS W RE IT TO ADDRESS ****ANY CHECK PAYMENTS MADE T IDE TIFY WHICH INV ICES AN /OR AM UNTS TO BE PAID. WE SUGGE T ANY PkYAENTS 3E APPLIED TO TIE OLDEST AMOUN DUE ON"YOUR ACCOUNT--PL SE CONT YOUR'SERVICE?'SALES EPRESEN: ATIVE - DEL'IVERY QR YOUR' CUS O R ,SE CE 'RE RESENTM[IIVE WI H ANY'Q 7E.STION .**** i i i i i I I i I I i I i I i L f � REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018687320 TOTAL ,Customer:05293-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF Invoice #: 637320 Amount: $373,95 Dake: 10-14-2014 12:19 AR Signer:SECURITY DESK Fc, NTr45 CORP - The Service Professionals ORIGINAL INVOICE 61155404 REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 10,28,14 LOCATION 18 SHIPTO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 �R 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 go INVOICE NO, CARMEL, IN 46032 H E1M3 018690155 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP 9E0 DELIVERY CODE SOIL TNT ONT - INV00 D TO 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 10/21914 BILL T0: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOO ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER PA NO, TER S CARMEL, IN 46032-38'06 018 51 2 05293 DUE 1110/14 EVEN BILLING .CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX GODS 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PACE 1 LINE SOILMIN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHO. 0 BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO, INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 ; 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 j 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 I 6 7.502 45.01 N 4 s- 4X6 BLACK'MAT OF 84;435 1. . 2_. . _;_L2 4 903 9 81 :N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 15 1 I I 10 090 10 09 N 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 -2 ; j 10.289 N 1 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 ; I 7.502 N 9 4X6 ,BLACK'MAT UD 4 . 84435 9 I j 4 903 N W _ • ***NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE, NUMB R 888 92;4-6827OR 888- CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSE HENRY )37-237-3760 AENRYBQ INTAS.0 M ACCTS. N-Z CALL. GRE=Ell ST LL AT 937-6303504 SrURGILLGOCINTAS.COM -- 7 WE GlzADLY -ACCEPT"MAS CER SA,' D SCOVER & AMERI _ EXPR SS'' TO SERVICE OUR` CUSTO 4ER BET E CIN A$ CORPiLOC 01 , I ****ACCOUNTS RECEIV LE HAS W RE IT TOS RESS ******* ****• ****ANY CHECK PAYMEN S E T IDE TIFY WH ICH INV ICES-TAN) %OR AM LINTS TO BE PAID. WE SUGGE T ANY P ENTS BE APPLIED TO T E OLDEST AMOUNC DUE _. .._._ _. u.. ON YOUR ACCOUNT. PLEASE CONTkCE YOUR SERVICEISALES ZEPRESEN ATIVE IPON DELIVERY;"OR YOUR-CUS OM R°SE ICE: RE R,ESENTA IVE WI __ ANY oQ _STION **.** z � I I 1 . i I i I I i i i I I I I I I I I ' 1 • I - I I I I I REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018690155 TOTAL 1 Customer:05293-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF Invoice#; 690155 Amount; $148.98 Date; 10-21-2014 12;18 AR Signer:CHRIS CINTAS CORP - The Service Professionals ciNo ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 ' SHIPTO:A THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 t DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E2M4 018692976 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 10/28/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 11/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MINC BB ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. O EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM . OF 84401 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 7.502 45..01 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.903 9.81,N 5 SERVICE,CHARGE F_ 1 x 15 1 10.090 10.09 N INVOICE TOTAL 148.98 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK•MAT UD ' 4 84435 9 4.903 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLINE NUMB3R 888-92,4-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** CALL BETSEY HENRY @ 337-237-3760 HE YB@CINaiAS.COM FOR QUEyTIONS OUT PAYMENT WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD, VISA, DISCOVER d( AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTOMER, BET E , CIN AS CORP LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS A NDW RE IT TO A17DRESS ******* **** ****ANY CHECK PAYMEN S 14ADE VIUST IDE TIFY WHICH INV ICES ANb/OR AM UNTS TO BE PAID. WE SUGGE T ANY PlYXENTS BE APPLIEtiD TO TIE OLDESt AMOUNr DUE ON YOUR ACCOUNT. PLEASE CONTkCT YOUR SERVICE SALES ZEPRESENTATIVE JPON DELIVERY OR YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE RE RESENTAT,IVE WI H ANY QVFSTION .**** 6115540 11.6.14 REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FIl JAL INVOICE # 018692976 TOTAL Cus'omer:05293-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF Invoice#: 692976 Amount: $148.98 Date: 10-28-2014 12:51 AR Signer:SECURITY DESK [C�TAS CORP -The Service Professionals el Utilities Account Number P.O.Box 109 Carmel,IN 46082-0109 0682594300 Amount Due $783.31 _ _ Customer Service ww W .carmelutilities.c Tr; T t, -� 317) 571-2442 Due Date; 111/02/a�4, �`;. on.Fri Sam-5 m P Amount Due $7$3,31 Q('T ] 4 i T i l l After Due Date i m A • • i- a CITY OF CARMEL-PA -�161.1-1M:..._______ .-..:.Z low= 355 W CITY CENTER DR CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL, IN 46032 6 *460325* 1155424 10.16.14 PeriodService TO • PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (779.55) 09/02/14 10/03/14 67265522 802 812 WATER 10 $82.83 SEWER 10 . $96.04 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#D $178.87 09/02/14 10/03/14 67265521 767 778 WATER 11 $82.83 SEWER 11 $99.80 FIRE LINE $64.07 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#C $246.70 09/02/14 10/03/14 69067102 747 ' 758 WATER 11 $82.83 SEWER 11 $99.80 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#S $182.63 09/02/i4 ---10/03/44 C�2iQ1903 _ 682 691 WATER -- 0 SEWER 9 $92.28 --- Total Location charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#A $175.11 b LL Iletain this portion for your rec ards, I)rdach here and retlarn with your payment Service Location Account Number 0682594300 rmel Utilities IIIINIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIII�II To a0ld tato penallies,allow postal $7$3,31 dolivery lime befpre Ilio dya gate when Frrailincg your payment. w ,i]�ie1 Gate 17/(1211`4 _ . $783.31 CARMEL UTILITIES PO$OX 109 Amount Encloser! CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use return envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. j City of � �;armel Utilities Ac ll nn mber 0682594300 P.O.Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 j Amount Due $783.31 www.carmelutilities.coni u§�t(5 4e DueDafe 11/42714' aFri eam-5pm Amount Due VO o_ After Due Date $783.31 CITY OF CARMEL-PALLADIUM 355 W CITY CENTER DR CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL,IN 46032 '460325" od Meter Meter Readings Amount Billed PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (779.55) PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0.00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $783.31 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $783.31 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 11/02/14 $783.31 o a s LL U Fielaff1 1103 Portion I01'your records. De ach f pure rind return will)your pays,enl Service Location Account Number 1 0682594300 armel Utilities TO avoid Tale panalties,allow postal i dalivery time before the due data •. $7$3.31 wizen inaillliij your paymtant. vuell%te , 11'102/1'4 Amount V 'Date F $783.31 After CARMEL UTILITIES Amount Enclosed PO BOX 109 CARMEL, IN 46082 Please use refum envelope provided when paying by mail. Make sure address shows in window. I °'T"` INVOICE FOR INSPECTION / CERTIFICATE FEES p�'�ti�� �a Slate Form 356(R4/9.93) 0 C T 13'20-14 �' �� Approved by the State Board of Accounts-1991 Division of Fire and Building Safety 1 t '• r N,'.`io,�, 1.Mail checks payable to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY You can pay all yo[�pa� gjfits onllne_at IRHS web site t 2. Maif 2nd copy&check to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY with Vi/myora er Ca.govi cDver arils. se Owner Id n INSTRUCTIONS: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Division with tor Indiana na State Number cards.Use Owner Id on 302 W WASHINGTON ST.,RM 248 this letter information Indiana State g the du s the invoice to pull INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204-2739 up information when paying the dues online. Telephone:(317)232-1921 INDIANA STATE - I NUMBER , 61155404 LATEST PLEASE CITY OF CARMEL INVOICE PAY THIS 321228 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 10.20.14 DATE AMOUNT! i ONE CENTER GREEN Owner Id CARMEL, IN 46032 10/04/2014 ` I� 813537 � ---- -- _— Owner number User Name&Location of vessel Fee ' THE PALLADIUM ONE CENTER GREEN $ 43.00 CARMEL IN 46032 Serial number Description of vessel Manufacturer - We Lail Inspected FIRE TUBE VERTICAL TUBE BOILER PVI 09/29/2014 L12.052-714 Board No. Inspection agency Name of inspector (This fee Is STATE OF INDIANA PARKEY LARRY E prescribed by ! 675 IAC 12-3-13) Inspection Date Inspector Name Inspection Type Due 09/29/2014 'PARKEY LARRY E FIRST INSPECTION-VFT BOILER-32122 $ 43.00 PLEASE NOTE THIS SHEET CONTAINS 2 DUPLICATED INVOICE, PLEASE CUT SHEET ON DINE AND RETURN BOTTOM COPY WITH PAYMENT Tear here and retain top portion for your records ---------------------------- - `�'"-��a. INVOICE FOR INSPECTION / CERTIFICATE FEES State Form 356(R4 9-93) Approved by the Slate Board of Accounts-1991 1t Division of Fire and Building Safely You can pay all your payments online at IDHS web site 1.Mail checks payable to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY littps:llmyoracle.in.govidibsfidhsFeesFines/start.do INSTRUCTIONS: 2. Mail 2nd copy&check to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY with Visa/Master Card/Discover cards.Use Owner [don Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safely Division this letter or Indiana State Number on the Invoice to pull 362 W WASHINGTON ST.,RM 246 up information when paying the dues online. INDIANAPOLIS-IN-46204.2739------ Telephone:(317)232-1921 _ _INDIANA STATE T LATEST NUMBER INVOICE PLEASE 321228 CITY OF CARMEL DATE PAYTHIS AMOUNTI CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS Owner id ONE CENTER GREEN 10/04/2014 -- 813537 CARMEL, IN 46032 Fee User Name&Location of vessel THE PALLADIUM i Owner number i ONE CENTER GREEN $ 43.00 CARMEL IN 46032 I Serial number Description of vessel Manufacturer Date Last Inspected FIRE TUBE VERTICAL TUBE BOILER PVI 09/29/2014 National Board No-.--] Inspection agency Name of inspector (This fee is prescribed 126274 I STATE OF INDIANA PARKEY LARRY E 675 IAC 12.3-3 .13) i INVOICE FOR INSPECTION / CERTIFICATE FEES State Form 356(R4/9-93) Approved by the State Board of Accounts-1991 Division of Fire and Building Safety t :ma 2 Mail checks payable 2 to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY s M &chttp '/Im You can pay all your payments online at IDHS web site ail2nd copy 8 check to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY yoracle.in.govldfbalidhsFeesFinesistart.do INSTRUCTIONS: Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Division with Visa/Master Card/Discover cards.Use Owner Id on 302 W WASHINGTON ST.,RM 246 this letteror Indiana State Numberbn the invoice to pull INDIANAPOLIS IN 46204-2739 up information when paying the dues online. Telephone:(317)232-1921 I INDIANA STATE__._!.. -.. —............. - _— NUMBER CITY OF CARMEL 61155404 LATEST PLEASE 10.20.14 INVOICE PAYTHIS i 321229 CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS DATE AMOUNT. a Owner Id 1 ONE CENTER GREEN 813537 CARMEL, IN 46032 10/04/2014 1 Owner number ! User Name&Location of vessel THE PALLADIUM Fee ONE CENTER GREEN $ 43.OD CARMEL IN 46032 iF....._. _.t_. .. .. .. ._.. I Serial number ; Description of vessel - --— - ——ass — - Manufacturer Date Last Inspected i FIRE TUBE VERTICAL TUBE BOILER ' PVI 09/29/2014 National Board No. Inspection agency Name of inspector (This fee is 126273 STATE OF INDIANA ! PARKEY LARRY E prescribed by I 675 IAC 12-3-,13) Inspection Date Inspector Name Inspection Type Due 09/29/2014 PARKEY LARRY E FIRST INSPECTION-VFT BOILER-32122 $ 43.00 PLEASE NOTE THIS SHEET CONTAINS 2 DUPLICATED INVOICE, PLEASE CUT SHEET ON LINE AND RETURN BOTTOM COPY WITH PAYMENT ------ - --- Tear here and retain top portion for your records --•------ rby'A'sa INVOICE FOR INSPECTION / CERTIFICATE FEES Slate Form 356(R4 9-93) !.° Approved by the Stale Board of Accounts-1981 f4' Division of Fire and Building Safety You can pay all your payments online at IDHS web site 1.Mail checks payable to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY https:Ilmyoracle.in.govldfbs/IdhsFeesFineslatertdo INSTRUCTIONS: 2. Mail2itdcopy&check to DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY with Visa/Master Card/Discovercards.Use Owner Id on Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Division this letter or Indiana State Number on the Invoice to pull 302 W WASHINGTON ST.,RM 246 up information when paying the dues online. INDIANAPOLIS-IN 462042739 --- Telephone:(317)232-1921 INDIANA STATE LATEST NUMBER INVOICE PLEASE I i 321229 CITY OF CARMEL i DAT$ PAY THIS CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS AMOUNT. Owner td ONE CENTER GREEN 10/04/2014 ' j 813537 i CARMEL, IN 46032 — 1--- Fee __._..._.._ Owner number User Name&Location of vessel THE PALLADIUM I ONE CENTER GREEN CARMEL IN 46032 $ 43-00_.__l Serial number ... -----__----- ----------------- ------ Description of vessel ; Manufacturer i Data Last Inspected FIRE TUBE VERTICAL TUBE BOILER PVI 09/29/2014 I National Board No. Inspection agency Name of inspector (This fee is 126273 I STATE OF INDIANA PARKEY LARRY E prescribed by f 676 fAC 12-3-13) 61155404 a 11.11.14 ' ELEVATOR -OPERATING CERTIFICATE INVOICE CITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISION 355 W. CITY CENTER DR. CARMEL IN 46032 1.If Code = w An annual test report is due before a permit is issued._ 2.If Code = # A 5 year Test report is due before a permit is issued. 3.Over due fees must be paid before a permit is issued._ if elevator(s) are not in service please request an "ELEVATOR OUT OF SERVICE AFFIRMATION" form. State• No.Cods Due Over Due Location Address 113550 w 0120.00 $ 0.00 ONE CENTER GREEN, CARMEL IN 46032 Reference Number Invoice Date Please submit ENTIRE document with payment 763190-10202014 -1 10/20/2014 Unit(s) 1 Total Due upon receipt of 1 $ 120.00 of $ 120.00 Owner Id 763190 j Ref.Num.:763190-10202014-1 $120• of $ 120.00 Invoice Date 10/20/2014 if Paying by check, include a check made payable to the Department of'Homeland security. You can pay all your payments online at IDns-web site'httpa://myoracia.in.gdv/dfbs/idhsEae'sFixiee%start:do with Visa/MadfaR Card/Discover cards. Use Owner Id on this letter or State Number on the invoice to pull up information when paying the dues online.OR complete the following information and return by mail i.Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Fiscal Department, 302 W.Washington St., Rm t E221,Indianapolis, IN 46204 or fax to (317)233-0401. Questions? call(317)232-6427 or E-mailtelevator-invoice@dha.in,gov 2.25% convenience fee charged on all credit card payments. Full Name on Credit Card Billing Address: Street City State Zip Code CC type:Visa/Am.Expresa/Discover/Master Card ONLY (circle one) Acct. Number Exp.Date (mm/yy) CVV2 Number Contact Phone Number Signature By signing, cardmember agrees to the obligations set forth by the Cardmember's Agreement with the issuer. invoice Date so/zD/2014 Ref.Num.:763190-10202014 -1 $120 of $ 120,00 F . ft . II 69:; 55 f1. k _ - 11:5;x`4:: .. . ---.. ....... -- --------- --------------- --- ----• ........... ....... . ... ... ............ ELEVATOR OPERATING CERTIFICATE INVOICE PITY OF CARMEL REDEVELOPMENT COMMISION 355 W. CITY CENTER DR. CARMEL IN 46032 1.If Code = * An annual test report is due before a permit is -issued. 2.If Code = # A 5 year Test report is due before a permit is issued. 3.0var due fees must be paid before a permit is issued. If elevator(s) are not in service please request an "ELEVATOR OUT OF SERVICE AFFIRMATION" form. State No.Code Due Over Due Location Address 113548 $120.00 $ 0.00 ONE CENTER GREEN, CARMEL IN 46032 Reference Number Invoice Date ?lease submit ENTIRE document with payment 763190-10302014 -1 10/30/2014 Units) 1 Total Due upon receipt of 1 $ 120.00 of $ 120.00 Owner Td 763190 Ref.Num.:763190-10302014 -1 $120 of $ 120.00 Invoice Date 10/30/2014 If Paying by check, include a check made payable to the Department of Homeland security. You can pay all your payments onlina•at••IDHs•-web-site•httpa:/-/myo-racle.in:gov/dfbs/idhsFeespb%0s/staff. %lith Visa MasEer Card/Discover cards. Use Owner Id on this letter or State Number on the invoice to pull up information when paying the dues online.OR gomplete the following information and return by mail :Indiana Department of Homeland Security, Fiscal Department, 302 W xasbington St., Rm : E221,Indianapolis, IN 46204 or fax to (37.7)233-0401. Queationa4 call(317)232-6427 or H-mail:elevator-invoiceOdhs.in.gov 2.25% convenience fee charged on all credit card payments. Full Name on Credit Card Billing Address: Street City State %ip Code CC type:Visa/Am.Express/Discover/Master Card ONLY (circle one) Acct. Number Exp.Date (mm/yy) CVV2 Number Contact Phone Number Signature By signing, cardmember agrees to the obligations set forth by the Cardmember's Agreement with the issuer. Ref.Num.:763190•-10302014-1 $120 of $ 120.00 Invoice Date 10/30/2014 DUKE ENERGY 61155422 11.7.14 :dry;};.ar..,d: ::=:,f�:l+YiYi- t$;:Y•.^.�.::;w.','.-:.-"sv.<•.. .'.;i:c%«S:>a�2�:; ' Yfrviii:✓'v l.J::ifi; r.���' :: ....t:':Y}}v7}Y'.x- f.!Jr.4:.,. s'11��:J��##�:•r$:ikr� � Ainii��irt[>IOiits?-::°�.<: Account Number 3590-3717-01-5 CM 03 Nov 2 ,2014 $15,053.54 For more detailed billinginformation•on your monthly bill,check box on right $ $. HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed #35X0 S7131-01 CM SW08# (for Customer Assistance) 0000211 01 AV 0.378."AUTO 1 0 2 S I9 46032.380655 -001•P011211.1 4 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�Illlllllllll�llll�l I Illlll I ' City Of Carmel CEIVED The Center For The PO Box 1326 Performing Arts NOV 0.8 2014 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 355 City Center Dr Carmel IN 46032-3M 900 00015053542 35903717015 112520147 00015053542 PLEASE RETURN THE TOP PORTION WIMYOUR PAYMENr Page 1 of 1 .;;.;�::.�::::.,�:n:.::"?:Yi'•��?<•':`�::.Y'.^.`:.9' r.I:;:i;.:'i"a4�Y'a:<.r•yaf::,r. :A1af It' a>w< c s>> »r._. » . .. .., d at........................... :::::.,-.:::::.,.»:»»H:.:::.,.v,-....:.,:::. ..." 'r-vY-:or}:;;. .:!...c..<.......,......`...:.P:::»<,..W..aac'sir..a::: City Of Carmel Duke Energy 1-877-499-7859 3590-3717-01-5 The Center For The For Account Services,please contact Performing Arts Jessica Jackman 1 Center Green Carmel IN 46032 y�( '\ i•Y"-.!'•:!}Y' : -^:+h}Y'J.:hLfFi}<%w'v :ii''J ..'k... :4`;u2{> ,:•:�;:Yd.r. t:'JY.:, - S r:$...C�l:l"'1,7%^ ,,.hf..,.i<'Yw' C ,.d»:<..n'd;':7.:.:�^ >cii hi:i��' ��'Q� r���aje�p .: ,4�. .-'.C.�•,;:�.'•_k-....'+�.,r..,:r.::,�5''`7�Jir','u%,ti.;*:: y1,1!.�.. .,<'�i7�!f.:.FY�.'�:;•J7.?;`-"':.,r.?n:'�6%:;:i{�,. G��;....-T.. ,. �;os..,.�r�'�.o.•.'�'-,.-: .a�Yr.:xi: ,�•,r.n .^- '•.�,,' ................. Y�':::.:ti:�.r::,.:,:..+:ax•.its.3i:oxr;:«aswa}+r.'•::�r:r•J{:'•::::"`• L':.::.L-..:.::.-..........:.,..,..7:�Y--.-- •.:,;..� r .w,:5}-.:•,..::..r..:,. PO Box 1326 Payments after Nov 03 not Included Bill prepared on Nov 03,2014 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Oct 20 Next meter reading Dee 03,2014 - __ .f .`•.a5fai5." >.:f;.'l.:y, .':n,•i}..�U_...li:Kn is =..fir. 1itl�t�`!!`.�;4_'d{.:{..�vliJ.,i::.l.i!i•�.�aa.(�,T:.,i;va...,.•'@.m.f„.'�-N.:n�.:J.-�.1J.r:.ri>.�'-?.�J.�s:.r_,.;r".,:{.>Z`;sF�3,mas'7yt pM y�:-..:r.::=•:-C�'::..,Yj"4��T''u.„[[„'...•JJ:.f'�.�'i..:.fu,r.2”�_-i T`:::'l.,ra:F(F(Y��,,••.■iY�{lrG ,t�y31�1Gt3y1�1�lk,1y:ft:..i:i:{;�9:lvl..... 'NOV M J., -J•U�WA� -::frx;•%.:irr».v.w- ..::v v:..-:�.:.r.»'r�.:i',.ryv r.:. :,n•:,^•^::... ----- ----------:!<ax.....xdEa{<•..,2.::st,>Yi,h,.n•CvN:•.:uJ,aw T J+� ..,.-.:::. ,.!r...: �':l..d.'C,� Elec 108124394 Oct 02 Oct 31 29 161,938 Elec 108124396 Oct 02 Oct 31 29 0 On Peak 325.60 nifst•.^.{�'r`.`•lr:.•`.':l:}iv :.Y.-r-'+ r Usage- .161,938 kWh 325.60 kW- Amt Due- Previous Bill $16,255.00 78A0 War Payment(s)Received 16,255.00c Duke Energy-Rate HSNO $15,053.54 Balance Forward 0:00 Current Electric Charges $15,053.64 Current Electric Charges 15,053.54 Current Amount Due $16,063-34 We incorrectly reported some customers'monthly payment data as"lata"to Dun&Bradstreet and/or Equifax Commercial Services. Please see duke-energy,comBusinessPaymentReporting to learn more. 7 fD CL O n n r Q' N II Fi:>c:::f:':.•lh=%f i:$kvr:Fti:.i: :v� � "e'iirb"i:::'::x J••r:/:JJ:•rr;,,......c:<:. t:�.��-:�J'J-'rr".i��!i�j-T,::,�l�Nttii}:-.�r•�: '--Y,e:R�liitA�J,S::'���Wj�iaX Averagle��Costt. $0.0930 per kWh Nov 25,2014 $15,053.54 "�dEI�oERGI®. 2s14•arvauuouziIomni-ouou3lz www.duke-energy.com DUKE ENERGY ':•i:'-0vCf:�'?>::::..v.�+.r.{:•-'r"-:t}i?�: w:t.v::::-•;;: Account Number 3590-3717.01-5 CM 03 Qct 27,2414 $16,255.00 Formore detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right $ $ ontribuon #1135X0 S7BL 01 CM SW08# (folrr Custo"meCAssistance) Amount Enclosed 0000237 01AV0.378 `Aero 10249846032-380655 -C01-P00237--1 4 ,,,1,1,ll,Il,l,11111,il„1,Ihlll,„Ill,i,lf,l,lllilllllill,ll,li 61155422 City Of Carmel 10.8.14 The Center For The PO Box 1326 Performing Arts -1326Charlotte NO 25201 355 City Center Dr Carmel IN 46032-3806 9011 00016255009 35903717015 10.2720148 11.00116255009 PLEASE RETURN THETOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMENT Page 1 of 1 :'1o.V.i.,...ay.....S:.(.:.i.�..:.A.(,.�..v...n..::1n.•.�.n�::.•�,:•.:v:�::iv•.::a•.:��..�.�g?..G:v:vt.n.vF.:?'.; i.t.•.xi.d{.{..,.e-,.`,-•.nn-`- '2 "i§ r.:..�;..;•..::;,:;,:;:.::::rn.,:-...t:r-�,:,.,,-:::«r.nn•...:.r�.c.`6.n.,v.:.{.........Y.....�.�:�..:.r.n..4�-.l/.t`.,.>- ::”.un:vY:e:o.}s::'-•.xt.. tCo-•;}r. City 11 n:1,�v.r.n�r...:{:.Y.i..'R:?..•vrY}f:-:!}L::.::::vx�rc:^i .M1:.\gi�n:.:��;r-�.°n-ku�•i..:.fOf Carmel Duke Energy 1-877.499=7859 3590-3717-01-5 The Center For The For Account Services,please contact Performing Arts Jessica Jackman. 1 Center Green Carmel IN 46032 xr.:,u•}•;c}:tu ::x,.. - ----..{:.:{{•x.:.x';:11}}}n...v.r.:..y;:.. :::..�cvnY:., •vv.: :i:}r....v n: ... v.; •.,.�,; .,,.:.::-::•.,•i:••.. :..r..:--' ...:,. �j,.:n,; ..n ..�:};xq.{���1 y}��'{"{}y,(�iy{�/��{ $c.--.:rh.�,.k.f.. it.V.YM�. .l�3FTN{i%fIt':'ry{i}{�.4.rtn -- t(N!•. :,v!i. 4'i .til::= n:{.:{ }vn?.. v.7.L!.. :Ai--- ... c-.t..r,.n ::r--:..v.:.•..;.,..vn w.n :. r•-:n.;:-:....... ..r... ..,.......... .�.. .w: .,.:.,.:: ......t...........t...t,....,....n..nv.-}:i: 'k.•}}:n r;».i�}.;'y;.y.}...::.:.:...:...........:.v.:l+:•.;N:,.:;•:rt...:.•::,.::::::.}}-::.x::}}}::::.'.:i:•:,:::::;L:L..: .:..........-:..:::.:.:}t::t{.....t..,: •.i;>..{ PO Box 1326 Payments after Oct 03 not included Bill prepared on Oct 03,2014 Charlotte NO 28201-1326 Last payment received Sep 24 Next meter reading Oct 31,2014 :. •:::rnvnw un..•..::-i.i{f::v:?x:.v w::n}}:i-0:•:{n,•.v.�'} a.v v... .....:{{:.,v.:}-vv' .. :+}''':::i11'''��i�i: :•.+�}.ru.:........... 1:..^i:.':.:ii.:�i - ':{C•-`, vv{.:v ^.:�r4.U}�'?\n::'y$ '.i:'i{:'-:;:.ri:}:-.{ivv'ii2.{:i{..,-u...-:::;h. viii' - �7 {.,.4.. - -- F,.nl}y:+F-.x.-.1: lvv:�...J•{:..v:iv: ettkll �r : ------------ . 'i4ilx Y '•G 4'YllC}+>i:41Y1Uf:[�S'::ri �:Y.{iuOA•�:::.{.:i::y -_ Elec 108124394 Sep 03 Oct 02 29 164,970 Elec 108124396 Sep 03 Oct 02 29 0 . On Peak 371.20 ..-..:.....::......x......:v...n...vn:tu.:::v::_�•_-;-..;-.:-.y...r. ....... -nv:::n nw:i::tt{.v::::v:ih}v:f vv11-.vm rn:<vii-:3}:i-:isi�::}Yiifiv,.:v:i{�rivnii=i'i .:.;:4i �.::.......:n..v.:..:.n:,.' :.ry ::::...••:n.::' ::{::ri{tit}r'r{:i ..v:ii:: ••• rc •. +�.::vnv ..........ww-: :..n.F.0.K�iY•:.{[._-.nx........;.}^,•;.-}?id;-:r'r,.%;h:".'{ :.:.:-. :i5�'j}.Yiv:.,v,.�:}it'{?:G::i:'tt}i'v': _ ....�}-..};+#:},.+k}:S:9r.`.: }}i.4•:;::-:;.�{.;�..,..{.::;,.>x..:C•:;;•,::-ti?}•�:�u!':i-�}'wi;c::i-�:w>"Usage- 164,970 kWh 371.20 kW Amt Due-Previous Bill $14,005.26 69.60 kVar Payment(s)Received 14,005.26cr Duke Energy-Rate HSNO $16,255.00 Balance Forward 0.00 Current Electric Charges $16,255.00 Current Electric Charges 16,255,00 Current Amount Due 16,255.00 ts'r> OCT S 2014 ? C I t a C 6 - N I N CJ f.`!�2 }i$::; ::i;'fyPW �3� :ft'k`•AverageCost: $0.0985 perkWh 2014 $16,255.00 DUKE "14. ENERGY, 2498.01.OU-0000237-0001.OU0U366 www.duke.enei-gy.coni Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. D. O 10/7/2014 24294 61155169 - Center for the Performing Arts 10.8.14 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT -l014/14 Wx-,-My— DATE PERSONNEL HOUR S -QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT Sunday,September 28,2014 M 9/28/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/28/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, September 29,2014 9/29/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/29/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, September 30, 2014 9/30/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/30/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Wednesday, October 1, 2014 10/1/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/1/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/1/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm(training) 8 0.00 0.00 Thursday,October 2, 2014 10/2/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/2/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, October 3, 2014 10/3/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 10/3/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:15 pm 7.25 15.00 108.75 Due Upon Receipt Total 1060 N. Capitol A ., wile 1:210 , Indi�mapnik, IN 4004-M01 0 1.317261.0833 A fa-13171261.0955 I Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. - DATE INVOICE . 10/7/2014 24294 BILL TO Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT 4 'DATE 10/3/2014 One Guard 11:15 pm to 12:45 am 1.5 15.00 22.50 Saturday, October 4, 2014 10/4/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/4/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,698.75 1060 N. Capitol Ave.. 5uile f_210 e Inclianapoli�, IN 46204-1001 e 13171261.O833 faxJ3171261.0955 Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. .... ---------------- . .......... . .. ® 10/13/2014 24374 Center for the Performing Arts 61155169 355 West City Center Drive 10.14.14 Carmel, rN 46032 1478041 10/5-10/11/14 Weekly DATE PERSONNEE HOURS Sunday, October 5,2014 10/5/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/5/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm(Training) 8 0.00 0.00 10/5/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, October 6, 2014 10/6/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/6/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, October 7, 2014 . 10/7/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/7/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pin (Training) 8 0.00 0.00 10/7/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pin 8 15.00 120.00 Wednesday, October 8,2014 10/8/2014 One Guard 7:30 ain to 10:45 am 3.25 15.00 48.75 10/8/20.14 One Guard 10:45 am to 3:30 pm - 4.75 15.00 71.25 10/8/2014 One Guard 3:30 pin to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Thursday, October 9, 2014 10/9/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/9/2014 One Guard 3:30 pinto 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, October 10,2014 Due Upon Receipt Total lUbf) il. C<)L+ilni AVt'., Sult�• L.'I(1 liicil�3lic)Iinli'., I^v 4(i.'.fl-i(.)t)I - 1317]'hl.Ot333 � (•,�' 317] ?Erl U955 Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. 10/13/2014 24374 Center for the Performing As 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 1478041 10/5-10/11/14 Weekly D• s i OUN 10/10/201A One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 10/10/201A One Guard 11:30 am to 3:30 pm 4 15.00 60.00 10/10/201A One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Saturday, October 11,2014 10/11/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/11/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,680.0 1060 N. C�ipilol /vt— 1 liJtr 1 2I(1 b Irili�tmgmlk IN 1620 ! i.jil1 } 317).'( I.(iii i 3 frr.•.}31'/)?61.S1'3'i�i From: f 10/11/2014 21 :34 #225 P.001 ESG SECURITY INC. 'Event: I Iy- �d us C.J& ��y 1060 N. Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location T?nLL14b.1 lJ VVI.- _ :o�em. inc�mcc� P 317.261.0833 Date. (s:f iD��>!1.:4' Contact N.)CK I 1 L—'UG F 317.269.0956 esgsec nty.corn Uniform L1��� Calor jiL&CK J1 s1 SheetEmployee Sign-in Name Phone # In Out Hours l cam_, r wdj!�,47.39 'g:jo �? 5 r�►oN 6 " °3O 1Wn 11 jCL& C�rGL���.�- 4 Ila S' &3q- 1431 � lo:,q-4 3�y w b 12t GL -0 V 13 u 1 7.30_4m 3 0 14 L - 1r'lr0 t13� .C7 Th�rs 15 16 ,b� ., I �i3$-.113q 9; a� wiw 110 17 J,S' 2L o `70Aj,ra F'Iz i 18 S'a f ry t =c 0 Poo 19 G?r i`s d� f �!�U-G1Gr•�/ PQ .�' O G'l) 21 S ig. 21 22 23 24 25 — itys Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. DATE INVOICE # 10/21/2014 24442 61155169 10.22.14 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Cannel, IN 46032 PROJECT DATE PERSONNEL Sunday, October 12,2014 10/12/201One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 . 15.00 120.00 10/12/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, October 13, 2014 10/13/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/13/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 . 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, October 14,2014 8.�5_ _—1-5.00-- 12-7:50—------- 10/14/20 4 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Wednesday, October 15,2014 10/15/20 4 One Guar 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 10/15/20 4' One Guard 11:30 am to 3:30 pm 4 15.00 60.00 10/15/20 4 One Guar 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Thursday,October 16,2014 10/16/20[4 One Guar 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/16/2014 One Guar 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, October 17, 2014 g 15.00 120.00 10/17/2op4 One Guar 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/17/20 4 One Guar 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm Due Upon Receipt Total iow N. Capitol Ah,e.. Suite 1:210 d Indianapolis, 1N 46204-1001 0 13171261.0831 fax(317)261.0955 Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. DATE INVOICE# W/21/2014 24442 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT DATE QUANTITY Saturday, October 18, 2014 10/18/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/18/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,680. 0 1060 N. Capitol Ave.. Suite E210 d Indianapolis. 1N 46204-1001 c 1.3171261.0833 a faxf3171261.0955 ESG SECURITY INC. Event:- w —�OusE CStecwt 1�4s� 1060 N. Capitol#E210pp Indianapolis, IN, 46204 Location I l ' P 317.261.0833 Date _.,�/,�� ' ntact N iGkTi. Gt,� secuninaeverrrsennces F 317.261.0955 Sf Co! esgsecurity.corn Uniform'Blaz-er Color-"Slack- 1d U� Employee - - Namesh• + Phone# JIG*,Yl in Out Hours I�IL 7. 4D JW 3 5 �(2l,ioC= Z 2,11©-qq�g1 4�E9O yV y►lOn. 6 7 �vfG 8 16 ►�G 9 ttl��s. 10 ,, d 12 i r� fes' T '�� / U ` •LJ 13 hlA 15 Iqt-7 16 17 tri 18 19 - f�) +cam r► r S tet! "j-D �t� '75V,-, &s a �' d 20 2.1 22 23 24 25 • Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. 10/27/2014 25025 ' 61155169 Center for the Performing Arts 10.28.14 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 1478043 10/19-10/25/14 Weekl DATE PERSONNEL HOURS QUANTITY Sunday, October 19, 2014 10/19/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/19/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, October 20, 2014 10/20/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/20/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, October 21, 2014 10/21/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 10/21/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Wednesday, October 22, 2014 10/22/2014 One Guard 7:30 arri to 4:00 pin 8.5 15.00 127.50 10/22/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Thursday, October 23, 2014 10/23/20 4 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/23/20 4 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, October 24,2014 10/24/20 4 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pin 8 15.00 120.00 10/24/20 4 One Guard 3:30 pm to 1:00 am 9.5 15.00 142.50 Due Upon Receipt Total 1060 N. Capitol Ave.. SUIIC L110 a Inclianapolk. IN 46.104-]()()1 a 131712(L.0833 o f,a>.13171261.091)i t • Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. DATE o 10/27/2014 25025 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT 1478043 10/19-10/25/14 Weel DATE PERSONNEL HOURS QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT Saturday, October 25;2014 10/25/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/25/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 l Due Upon Receipt Total $1,702. 0 1060 N_ Capilul Avc—Suite E110 1 idianiipol is. IN 46).0-3-1001 1117126 IMB 3 1 a fe\13171261.095r) From: 10/26/2014 17:05 #227 P.001 ESG SECURITY INC. Event;_] H- hyo use 63ccopm -D6y 1060 N. Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location LL,Iq�l V V1 _ FFCYNrtYFEKMTSERNCFS P 317.261.0833 , y ,i:o'. N -�C—_' S' F 317.261.0955 Date .: hl : I `�. Contact J+L K I I Ue esgsecurity.com S Uniform LWZA5(Z Color 7j�LPrGK L_1�dgl • • Sign-in - - Name Phone # In Oul Hours SUt� 3 zo 4 J e lk (� � 7C4- &59 - N31 . J..'304 13.13o f ►�oN 6 t,3q-[?3 -Pies 9 10 wED 12 13 C` 14 a� ® a TWrs 15 16 .I �L v,�(„w.... 76 s'- t 4 336 •70 ��o 17 3a — .d& o 3630 votiu u -I-�hM F'P_ ( 18 _ Alto Wx/ PJ 20XbW2g" S i4.T r2l 22 23 24 25 1 Fi R. -r' - Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. DATE' INVOICE# 11/4/2014 25105 BILL 61155169 Center for the Performing Ails 11.5.14 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 PROJECT DATE PERSONNEL HOURS QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT 1i Sunday, October 26,2014 10/26/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/26/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, October 27,2014 10/27/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/27/20P One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, October 28,2014 ' 10/28/241 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:15 pm 8.75 15.00 131.25 10/28/201z One Guard 4:15 pin to 11:30 pm 7.25 15.00 108.75 Wednesday, October 29, 2014 10/29/2014 One Guard 7,30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 10/29/201 One Guard 11:30 am to 3:30 pm 4 13.00 52.00 10/29/201 z One Guard . 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Thursday, October 30,2014 10/30/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/30/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pin 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, October 31, 2014 10/31/201 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 10/31/201 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total" IQ(i(} N. Capilc�l nve., SiIfU:' i')I11 lucfian�p �liti. IN AG![)1 IUM 4 (3171.'01.01"1 3 3 fa\1 31Y�?bl.Or)55 Invoice ESC SECURITY, INC._.__...._. .....................----------- IN Q DATE V 11/4/2014 25105 Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 4603.2 PROJECT D• QUANTITY RATE AMOUNT Saturday,November 1, 2014 11/1/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 11/1/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120,00 Due Upon Receipt Total $1,672.0 1000 N. Cahilol Ave., Suite F..�fl) o Indjanapolk, IN 4620-1-1001 a (317j'!01.(1133i E faxlil7l X1,1.11955 F ��,, tt ESG SECURITY INC. 'Event Iy� ���_�� �' le 1060 N. Capitol #E210 Indianapolis, IN, 46204 Location_ PALL141)t(3 WL'_ F 317.261.083355 Date hely l/Y Contact Ni CK I G u�- SECl1ARY�lYENTiEAV10Es � !Q � rf f � r F 317.261.0955 esgsecurity.com j Uniform) 1.112 Color_ �L-A-C K EmployeeAM'Sheet NameSHIFT Phone err SIn Out • 2 r tea. S�� 3 4 loj z� -- � l� 5. 6,31 ��oN s 7 �-�.�c:l�- l�v-�r fv,�w C�S-(s 3�- 1�r 3 1 � �l.�- 7�3 a- ►�`°�a� '�.��5 jUCS 9 LC3 10 i�, :ra ix ( �{ ���� t7�F �1;30a fI;34cv�- 4.o 43, 13 ! -lu L 4 3 g--`113 P-9 y� ►t; 3•�c , ,0 14 G a'�tVl r6 e5" �• �Q-Q��°'�'G `'„� ts'G 1/,'�Qn d'"•CJ' Thors 15 rOA i 16 p.�.; 17yto -'etp Cf 336f 1001 F lZ ( 18 19 Lqx"a P-0 20 CSG 1 \ 4- 7-5 21 ' 22 23 24 ' 25 INSURANCE COVERAGE FV I-5 Premium Summary A/ldcd4-ior-) POLICY/COVERAGE [--2-014 - ('3% CP 12,31-1 1,02.4..0© 55 /35 I Property F $19,551 I I °/v mF.i 2151 )6o .off $52S 3 I General Liability19 850 ' /o cP Il> SJ Rq� o Inland Marine 3,706 Ss25 3 I Sz�l% MFT 3113, Package Policy Total $43,107 ; SS�5 3 Crime F � 3' � Z72� Zy,00 F -4 Automobile 1,280 -7 cf °/o c t, 1-79 of 6.00 Ss is 3 1 °fo rnr-r l02 7,00 Workers Compensation 14,314 92°% CP 13, 1Is �`t. 'O 551 Zy P"4 11(of -Na n � �,°% ftlF3-- I�13o LI.dO Umbrella 6,000 ; (o©°!a CP 3,&o0 30© .00 5 t2-b- 1-1 °/v Al rj�' 1, 020 — 23"ID G' 3�sD 11 5, 00 D&O, EPLI I 6,937 •7g°/o l 27-70 P' F= 1, 52(, 127. oU Total I $75,212 i 91 1 /,02-6 .60 5 SV-35 - 00/ /I &'� aoo 55L135 - � / / �J2q, Oo 5512- L/ /099, 00 _ 5' 51-2- Ll- g6 l 91-/- o 5" S 2. 3 -- "/ l 2, 131, 00 55z53 o0 55z 5 3 --�1� GZ � C Disclaimers: The abbreviated outlines of coverage used throughout this document are not intended to express any legal opinion as to the nature of coverage. They are only visuals to a basic understanding of.coverage and do not detail all policy terms nor do they alter any policy conditions. Please read your policy for specific coverages,limitations and restrictions and call us with questions. All Hylant Group documents are subject to our record retention policy. Please refer to our website at www.hylant.com for a complete listing of all document types and retention periods. -2- LEE SUPPLY CORP. jt 6610 GUION ROAD INVOICE P.O.BOX 661430 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46263 M[:220321 FID 9.35-1310996 R CEIV D34962 28/14 V:1CXD1i:ANAPOLTS, for Carmel NOV 0� 201434962 PPLY CORP. Lee Supply Cor 0X 681430 415 W. Carmel a -0-2 IN Carmel, IN 46032 4f;9. 8-7-43 -1ephone: -417-RAA-aa�4 CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FOUND Customer Pickup ' 335 W CITY CENTER DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 m • • o o- o o . •.,, IN 1: RUMm 1 H8E 11/10/14 10/28/14 Pickup , RR -m•1 OW777,77';'r".NC416808 4168 Pm y � • • im 1i COIL16.61 , , 24 HOUR COMMERCIAL WATER HEATER HOTLINE NO RETURNS ACCEPTED �7• 16.61 CALL 1.800.873.1101 24HRS/7 DAYS A WEEK WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION p�GUAMT m .00 OUR COMMERCIAL WATER $EATER DELIVERY TRUCK IS FI ED WITH CARRAS FORIER AGE MUST BE F&TAX .00 EQUIPPED WITH AN ELECTRIC STAIR CLIMER ! ! a FUt Ger .00 A service charge equivalent to 2/, , per month(24%per annum)will • be added to past due invoices. I I I j L �A 61155404 117.30,14 MacAllister Corporate Office r. 7515 E.38th Street PO Box 1941 � indianaR411s,IN 4§206 Please Remit Your Payment to: Ph-13;17.)` 4 r 211�� I � ✓J. . - MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. SERVICE INVOICE Dept. 78731 OCT25 2014 P.O. Box 78000 WC440012872 Detroit, MI x#8278-0731 Invoice Nimbler 1174650 ' THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMIN 355 W CITY CENTER DR CARMEL IN 46077 ' :7SAVPIC(;'173t:Q":. .: .... Eh1C1736@'Ok'c�eY`.'"N.4uA'be,Y�"<• .:" ; :'•ci DOCi,•::1�3t:i3'; s. �jQ'V pg�q, 23OCT2014 077-2012 01SEP2014 1 ,,:. <• ->::: •"`•x.'. ,. : ''•{.•.-:• e�:-){�.`e�dng :Mackiiiie•:=ID :.: :irs„Pmen�r P?ur((lber ...:..";...,Iyfake..., •'~ ;Model:;:_: '.' ' ;' 9iaT<Ntiinkier {:` ` sMet .. - - Caterpillar. 3512 *CAT3512CJSBG00573* 41.0 7342-1 :. :.Quaniaty',.. ` >'Par� ;Ntiilitber ;N/R ;•:•'� . . - :• . : :F]xtanded Pr�-ae' •' - WORK ORDER NUMBER: IG22722 (5) ATS 101899ATS, 101941, 102077, A090711286, A09 0711299 TAKE&ANAL S-O-S SAMP FROM FUEL F/R ALL 175.00 SEGMENT 01 TOTAL 175.00 T INSPECT TRANSFER SWITCH Transfer Switch Inspection (Annual Service) Preventative Maintenance of Transfer Switch. Service is to Clean Lube & Check for proper Torque of Contactors. F/R ALL 1,280.00 SEGMENT 02 TOTAL 1,280.00 T .. .. . . .. .......... ... .. .... .. .-.. ............... .... ................ . .. ........ . PERFORM PM 2Level PM 2 ( p57-Point Ins ection & Annual Service) Preventative Maintenance Inspection of Generator & Change Engine Oil & Filters, This service includes Take oil sample to check for wear materials inside MacAllister Machinery's service labor is warranted to the customer for o parted of 98o days from the data of work,to Include defects In workmanship performed by MacAfhster Machinery employees.This warranty would Include the replacement of parts and lobo.,damaged by that defect In workmanship. Any failures caused by defect of parts,whether replaced now at the time of our work,or ra-used,will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties.If any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking charge.All Items marked with an asterisk(`)have bean declared non-refundobie by the menutaolurar and are not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be-made within 5 days. The parties hereby incorporate the requirements of 41 C.F.R.Section 60-1.4(a)(7).60-260.5,60-300.5 and 60.741.6,if applicable. TERMS: 1.s%PER MONTH(i 0-Al PER ANNUM)WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE , CONT'D THIRTY(301 DAYS. 1 IWPS folb.20114 CORPORATE OFFICE:7515 E.30th Street,PO Box 1941, Indianapolis, IN 46206 'Ph: (317)545-2151 "Fax: (317)860-3310 4 MacAllister Corporate Office 7 515 E.30th Street P0 Box 1941 Im Indianapolis,IN 46206 Please Remit Your Payment to. Ph:(317)545-2151 MacAllister Machinery Co. Inc. SERVICE INVOICE Dept. 78731 P.0, Box 78000 Invoice Number WC440012872] Detroit, MI 48278-0731 1174650 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMIN 355 W CITY CENTER DR CARMEL IN 46077 .•......... -R 230CT2014 077-2012 OISEP2014 2 . ... .:: Caterpillar 3512 *CAT3512CJSBG00573* 41.0 7342-1 .. ............. d J WORK ORDER NUMBER: IG22722 engine. F/R ALL 2,692.00 SEGMENT 03 TOTAL 2,692.00 T .. ............ ....... .. .. ... .. ......... ...... .. ............... ..... .... ...... ... TAX EXEMPTION LICENSE 0125990804001 MacAllister Machinery's service labor Is warranted to the customer for a period of 130 days from the date of work.to Include defects in workmanship performed by MacAllister Machinery employees.This warranty would Fncllucro the replacement of parts and labor,damaged by that defect In workmanship. Any[allures cowed by defect of parts,whether replaced now at the time of our work,or re-used,will be covered by the original manufacturer's warranties.If any. Goods cannot be returned without our permission and are subject to restocking C1110F(ifl.All Items marked with an asterisk ill have been declared non-refundable by the manufacturer and era not acceptable for credit. Items not shown are backordered. Claims for shortages must be mods within 5 days. The parties hereby incorporate the requirements of 41 G.F.R.Section 60-1.4(a)(7),60-250.6,60-300,5 and 60-741.5,if applicable. TERM: 1.5-1.PER MONTH(18%)PER ANNUM)WILL BE CHARGED ON INVOICE PAST DUE Please Pay $4,147.00 THIRTY 1301 DAYS. This Amount INV-PS JOU-2014) 2 CORPORATE OFFICE:7516E.30th Street,PO Box 1941, Indlanapolls, IN 46206 * Ph:(317)646-2151 *Fax:(317)860-3310 Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc 5905 Osage Drive Invoice Carmel,IN 46033 61155404 317-514-9021 10.7.14 10/07/2014 2157 dsajdyk@marquiscs.com Terms>,;; '_ Due..".Date_ http://www.marquiscs.com .s - Net 15 . 10/22/2014 BUTb , The Center of Performing Arts 355 W.City Center Dr Carmel,IN 46032 Amotinf;bue:r Enclosed°. $12,610.32 a Please detach top portion and return with your payment Pctivity .. Amounf,. •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(9/22 thru 10/5/14)642 hrs 12,610.32 Thank you for the Business! Total' 112,61.0:32 Marquis Comm'ercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts rVeek Ending Date: 9128/2014 PALLADIUM Won jLue Med !Thu !Fri ;Sat ,Sun Rate 9722/2014 9/23/2014 9/24/2014 9/25/2014 912612014 9/27/2014 9/28/2014 Hours jCost Ige 1S-Daily salary 32 27.70 Of $ jS-Event $ 23.27 0 Orr , . $ S-Event Orf $ 34.91 0! $ Owner/Supervisor $ 46._60- W $ ffi k a d Y," jq�d J§�:j_ _jjjWMM Afflgl)U f Isor yX,qWXWM 0 wFe r/S u p e ry $ ����TL-Daily $ 18.98 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 -36.00 $ 683.28 TL-Event 18.86 - 0 :TL Daily Orr 28.48 01: $ 01 $ actor �SEVEMONIN S-Daily 27.70 : -01---- 7�- :S- vent _-ZiT7 7.50 7.00 i 7.50 28; $ 651.56 7:S-Daily Orr $ 41.54 : 00!; $ S-Event Orr $ TL-Daily $ 18.98 0; $ ;TL-Event $ 18.86 0 $ TL Dail O/T 28.48 0' $ iTL Event OIT $ 28.29 $ - ;A-Event $ 17.22 7_5.50 11.51s 198.03 Daily O/T $ 23.29 0. $ ;Event Orr $ 25.831 0i $ 15.53- 01 $ !A-Event $ 17.221 $ Daily Orr 1 $ 23. 0! 25.83 0venOf A-Daily $__. ..15.53 7.50 7.501 7.50 1 .50 i 6.00 1 36; $ ---559.08 iA-Event i $ 17.22 0! $ 'Daily Orr 2-3.29 0i $ !Event Orr 25.83 , ;S-Daily 27.70 0; $ ITL-Event $ 18.86 0! $ !TL Daily Orr i $ 28.48 0! $ ITL Event OfF i $ 28.29 1 0 $ A-Daily _15.53 A-Event 17.22 Oi $ !Daily OIT J 0 !Event Orr i $ 25.83 i 01 $ 1111111111�, �A-Daily $ 15.53 1 C:\Users\nhamilton\HppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPMX(Ed)Time_SheetL9._28L14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts ;-A-E'ven't 17.22 ;Daily Orr ; $ 23.29 !Event O/T $ 25.83 0i $ ------ Graciela A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 8.00 5.50 8.00 7.00 36.5 $ 566.85 �A-Event $ 17.22 3.50 ------ ...------ 3.5 $ 60.27 Daily O/T $ 23.29 Oi $ Event O/T $ 25.83 01 $ -A-Daily $ !A-Event _ $ 17.22 6.00 7.50 7.00 5.50 I 261 $ 447.72 Daily O/T 23.29 Event O/T --------- $ $ 25.83 A-Daily $ 0: $ 17.22 8.50 8.51 $ 146.37 'Daily Orr $ 23.29 $ Event&f 0! 01 $ 1.5. 3.00 1 i 8.00 8.00 1 8.00 27i $ 17.22 $ Daily Orr $ 23.29 0 0: $ Event OR 25.83 - 0! $ INN Event $ 15.63 8.00 8.00 j 8.00 7.00 i 1 39' $ 605.67 __._...__1A-Event $ i 0; $ ---------,Daily O/T $ 23.29 01 $ !Event OfF $ 25.83 L�nda01 $ ��ITL-Daily 01 1TL-Event $ 18.86 0i $ ITL Daily _7 28.48 'TL Event O/T $ 28.29 01 $ 0� $ $ 27.70 iS-Event $ 23.27 0i $ 1S-DailyO/T $ 41.54 0: $ - !.S-Event O/T $ 0! $ Uictgr A-Daily $ 15.53 :A-Event $ 17.22 W! $ 'Daily O/T 23.29 0! $ Event O/T $ 0 $ =nn) A-Daily 15.530; $ A-Event 17.22 pil $ ------- !,Daily O/T 23.29 $ ;Event Orr 01 $ - rA-I&d A-Daily $ . 15.53 8.00 8.00 1 8.00 8.00 40i $ ...... 8.00 621.20 !A-Event $ 17.22 0i $ Daily Orr i $ 23.29 T 01 $ - TOTAL, 1 429.80 1: 269.24 324 $ 6,401.45 C:\Users\n ham iltonAAppData\Local\M icrosoft\Wi ndows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time_Sheetj9._2ELU Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts Week Ending Date: 10/5/2014 --_-- PALLADIUM -•-_...--------,-----------i---..------- -----------'-------,-------; _. _-- ;Mon :Tue ;Wed ;Thu iFri Sat Name: 'Title I Rate 9/29/2014 9/30/2014 10/1/2014 10/2/2014 10/3/2014 10/4/2014 10/5/2014 Hours ;Cost Y salary N;o S-Dail --_ sala _- --- 40'; $ 1,442.11 T�ffany, S-Daily_._ .. .. _ $__._27.70 0 ven $ - -- $--- _ JS-Dail O/T $ 41 p� ;S-Event O/T ;-$ 0. -------- $ - Depekjkjj Owner/Supervisor.,$ 40.60 : p�$__-_ TLo,o-Halkyar�d Owner/Supervisor ; $ 40.60 I I I I i I I I --- ora Sr,. "ATL-Dail - .988.00I 1 9 - y-------'$-- 18.98 --8.00 L..---$=�� I- --8.00 8.00�._. I 140.00 $ 759.20 TL-Event $ 18.86 --- ------ ------ ;TL Dail O!T r . . . . - - -. -- - ---- - -- --'---Y_._ . $ -28.48 - 1TL Event O/T $ 28.29 p; I/ic€or' WIWI S-Daily------ $ 2T.-70 -- - - -- -_ - _- --'S-Event 23.27 5 - -- - -------- - -..-.. _ --- --- - .00.'_.__._.....----- - --.._. 11.50 '....._ 10.00 26.5; $ _..__616.66 IS-Daily O/T $ 41.54 : p $ _ S-Event Orr $ 34.91 _ - -----._ ..------.TL-Daily - - $ 18.98 0' $ TL-Event $ 18.86 ' _ _._.._ TL 01T $_._ 2848 ----.-_.-0 $-_-_ - ITL Event O/T : $ 28.29 ; 01 $ _ Tiff�._any A-Daily - - ---• $ 15.53 : I i $ _ A-Event ; $ 17.22 -- _ -_ ---- --`--- 8.50 ; 5.50 ` 14 j $ 241.08 ---- ---'Daily O/T---; $ -23.29_' --- - - --- -- 0i $ - 'Event O/T $ 25.83 : --- -- ------- 0 $ --- --- Kir� I- -- "r berly y $A-Dail 15.53 ' I I ! 01 $ _ -- --.- . -- _ _ 'A-Event $.._._.17.22 - 8.50 - -- - 8.51 $---------1-46- .37 $ 23.29 0i _ !Event O/T $_ 25.83 - p; $ _ Qr�ar_ A-Daily ; $ 0 ;A-Event ---'$ 1.7.22'- ------- ----- ---- ---- - O-$ - - ---- i Daily O/T $ 23.29 i - - --- -- ----- 0 $ ;Event O/T $ 25.83 - -,- ---r--- 1 -- _ S_Daily - ---$ 27.70 0;$ - =-- -- ---;TL-Event 1.$--18.86 i --'-- -----'-------'---- ----- -- _ITL Daily Orr $ 28.48 I ---'- - ------------- - 01 $ - TL Event Orr i $ 28.29 0i $ - �illianl� A=Daily- ._ 15_53 j- I_ ... I I I I - ---- iA-Event $ -17.22 ! I ! --- ------ - ---- -o;$ - - - -_- -- - -..I - Daily O/T _ $ 23.29 _._. --- - -- j Eve nt O/T _ I $ 0 ---_ t 4A-Daily- I $ 15.53 I O $ - ; C:\Users\nhamilton\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-10_5_14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts !A Event $ 17.22 0'- --._.._. .... 'Dally O/T- -- $ 23.29 , - -.. - - _ i Event O/T $ 25.83 --- _ --- 401 raciela A-Daily - ---- -15_53 ---800 _8.00 1 ._._._-8.00-�-- 8.00 ! 8.00 I---- $ 621.20 - -- -- --..----:-- --- _, _ ,A-Event _ _._ _� _ - - --. ..- - - - - -- ---- - -- - -- - - ,Di ._-_-�. Dail OR ; $ 23.29 _ !Event O/T $ 25.83 --- -- p -_-- losh_ A-DailY $ 16.53 _ _•_ _ _-__ - !A_Event - . $ " -17.22 5.00 11.50 10.00 26.51 $ 456.33 ------ - --- - -- ---:------:-- -0; $ ----- Daily O/T - $ 23.29 _ - - - -- - -- !Event O/T $ 25.83 [�herLesaa _ A-Daily - $_1_5.53 -"- -- $ _17.22 .__.. _._._ ..--'---__..._---`--------.._...--'----- ----�------ -- -°-- Oi $ - --- - - ---- - $ 2329 ;------- ------ 5.50 5.5 ; A-Event -..--------- - -- -----=--- --- --- 1- ----- 94.71 - - :Dally O/T ---- . - - - _ Event O/T $ 25.83 0i $ smaelA-Daily $ 1553 I 8.00 ' 8.00 ! ! !• 16> $ 248.48 - �- .-- - ------- --- _" - A-Event $ 17.22 _ - 6.50 6.5 $ 111.93 . -- --- baily O/T ----°-------- -- ;-- -•.-----'-------- ' 23.29 - !Event O/T $ 25.83 _ fAarlco %A-Daily - - $ 15.53 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 7.50 ! ! ! 39.51 $ 613.44 - -- !A-Event $ 17.22 --- -----'- --- --' --- _._ -------- - --- - !Daily Orr $ 23.29 ' _._ -- ----. -----=- - -- -------------- !Event Orr $ 25.83 - p; TL-Daily $ 18.98 $ -- _. 0; $ - - -- -- 7L-Event -- --- - ---- ------------- --------'-$-- 18.86 0' $ !TL Daily Orr $ 28.48 ------- --- -- ---- ---- ---� p: - -- --- --- TL Event 0/T $ 28.29_ ------ -.-- -- -------- --_ 0: $ - - 27.70 '------'-- ----- --- -- =�--- ;S-Event $ 23.27 ; or $ _ - ;S-Daily Orr $ --41.54 - -'- ---.._------- - - - - --- ---..- -- - - -- 01 $ - 0 $ • ;!S-Event O!T $ 34.91 %actor _'- A-Daily $ 15.53 ' I 8.00 ' ; ---- -- !--------I-- - 81 $ 124.24 - : !A-_Event $ 17.22 0i $ Daily O/T $ 23.2_9 --- --- - --- - -----;- ---- - -- --._-._- 01 $ _ Event O/T $ 25.83 '--- -- - --:---- r - - --- - >er,9! � U41k _ �A--Daily - ! $ 15.53 -----I I. i 0! $ iA-Event _._ $ _-_17.22 ; -- 6.50 6.5! $ 111.93 $;Event O/T 01 abdom 10'A-Daily _ ; $ 15.53 1_ 8.00 8 00 ' 8.00 I -j- 401 $ 621.20 ------- -.-.--!A-Event -- : $ 17.22 0; $ - _- _- -- ily : $ 23.29 ! $ _ !Event Orr ! $ 25.83 i ! I 01 $--- -- TOTAL-; 0.00 ! 202.45 0.00 i 0.00 1076.95 499.61 0.00 318 $ 6-,208.87 C:\Users\nhamilton\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet_10_5_14 i Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc Invoice 5905 Osage Drive Carmel,IN 46033 Date r InvolceNo; .: 317-514-9021 10/22/2014 2169 dsajdyk@marquiscs.com ;Terms Due Date http://www.marquiscs.com Net 15 11/06/2014 BIIIFTo 61155404 The Center of Performing Arts 10.22.14 355 W.City Center Dr Carmel,IN 46032 Amount Due. Enclosed m :: $12,932.02 Please detach top portion and return with your payment_ . -- >C--------------------------------- qo ctivlty •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(10/6 thru 10/19/14)626 hrs 12,171.20 •Will send copy of HP Invoice 691.66 • 10%Handling Fee for Materials 69.16 Thank you for the Business! Total $12;932 02 I Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center-for the Performing Arts I Neek Ending Date: ! -j 10/12/2014 _ _ PALLADIUM _ Mon �Tue IWed Thu IFri Sat Sun j Jame: Title _ Rate 10/6/2014 10/7/2014 10/8/2014 10/9/2014 10/10/2014 10/11/2014 10/12/2014 Hours Cost oe S-Daily salaryI j + f 40 $ 1,442.11 iffany S-Daily - 27.70 - - (- - _ 0 $ _ -_ IS-Event _1 $ 23.27 �_ _ 0 $ _ S-Daily O/T p I $ _ S-Event O/T 1 $ 34.91 { - 0 $ _ erek SaJdy�OwnerlSupervisor 1 $ 40.60 { I I I i I 1 01 $ odd Halkyard Owner/Supervisor { $ 40.60 ( ( { ( ( I I 01 $ - TL-Daily $ 18.98 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00orge,S32.00 ! $ 607.36 j TL-Event $18.86 { �-- --�-- 1 0 $ TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 _-H- _ 0 $ - TL Event Orr- $_ 28.29 { -j � ---�'-�- 0 $ 6Cr S-Daily _ _ ' $ 27.70 ; ;-_- _ ! --J 1 -0-1-$ _ IS-Event $ 23.27 6.00 6.00 r 8.50 10.00 j 30.5 $ 709.74 $ 41.54 _ -- __- I 0 $ - -- I S-Event O/T $ 34.91 - -- -- --- 0 $ - - T�-- ; $ 18.98 i �- ' �� I 0 $ - ITL-Event $ 18.86 { L _ ) i j I 01 $ _ I TEL Daily O/T $ 28.48 -I 0 $ - TL Event O!T1 $ 28.29 - i l I { o $ { iffany A-Daily $ 15.53 ( { ( ( _ { ( ( 0 $ - A-Event $ 17.22 _� j ! 3.50 5.00 8.5 $ 146.37 1 -- Daily O/T $ 23.29 ! 0 $ _ IEvent O/T ( $ 25.83 ( { '01 $ - - Imberl A-Daily _ $ 15.53 (__ r _ _ { -- �_ $ - _ _ A=Event $ 17.222 �_ 7.00 j 7 $ 120.54 Daily O/T $ 23.29 -_ _ I I 0 $ j Event O/T { $ 25.83 -�-� ( { I 0 $ Amar A-Daily $ 15.53 ! ( I 0 $ - A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ - Daily O/T $ 23.29 I j 0 $ - Event Orr 1 $ 25.83 1 i 0 $ _ S-Daily $ 27.70 _ 0 $ _ - TL-Event 1 $ 18.86 0 $ - I TL Dail O/T $ 28.48 TL Event Orr $ 28.29 { { ; 0 $ - ! OE" NA-Daily $ 15.53 __ I 0 $ _ IA-Event $ 17.22 ! 0 $ - Daily Orr $ 23.29 ! 0 $ Event O/T $ 25.83 { 1 0 $ - aria A-Daily I $ 15.53 - ( ( 1 I ( 0 $ i I I C:\Users\nhamiltonW pData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time_Sheet_10_12_14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts i A-Event_ $ 17.22 ----,- -- -- I -- ---= --- _ - ent (J 1Daily 0/T ---- $ 23.29 -- ---- --- -- 0 Event O/T $ 25.83 1 0 I $ -- Graciela A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 1 8.00. 8.00 111 _8.00 8.00 8.00 j 1 1 40 $ 621.20 I ------�A-E est ---- $ 17.22 _ - -- -- --1 1 IDaily Orf - $ 23.29 -- _�I p $ _ 1 Event O/T $ 25.83 I 1 I; 0 $ - osh A-Daily $ 15.533 _ ------ 17.22 �-- ------ --_ ----f.- 1 [A-Event $ 17 22 9.50 6.00 Daily Orr $ 23.29 15:5 $ 266._-9 1 p -- -- EvO25.83 -0 1I - heresa A-Daily _ -----_--_.-- _ $ 15.53 ---1 --- �-,-----f ---_ _--r- ----T 0 $ A-Event $� - 5.50 1 5.5 $ 94.71 0 $ Event Orr $ 25.83 - - _ 1 --�-� 1 0 $ _ Ismael A-Daily _ 1 $ 15.53 8.00 1 8.00 I 8.00 ; 241 $ 372.72 A-Event $ 17.22 ���-_� 4.00 L i 4 $ 68.88 Daily Orf $ 23.29 - -- I _ I 0 $ _71 Event Orr $ 25.83 ( -T-- (- I 01 $ - i Marco A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 I 8.00 1 _8.00 1', 8.00 1 8.00 1_ 8.00 1 40 $ 621.20 1 _ IA-Event �$ 17.22 I -- --- - I 0 $ - - -- $ -� - - - i I pl $ Daily Orf Event Orf $ 25.83 1 1 i j I 1 0 $ - W' da TL-Daily $ 18.98 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 I _p $ -_�TL-Event --I $ 18.86 0 $ - -__- TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 L - 1 p $ TL Event �� J 1 p $ -- S-Daily I $ 27.70 I' I 1 ! j 0 $ S-Event $ 23.27 p $ _ S-Daily Orf $ 41.54 0 $ S-Event Orr $ 34.91 1 I j p $ _ 1 ictor A-Daily $ 15.53 6.00 1 4.00 8.00 ! 1' 18 $ 279.54 A-Event 17.22 {- T---- 0 $ - IDaily Orr $ 23.29 01 $ _ 1 Event Orr $ 25.83 ! 01 $ - er io A-Daily $ 15.53 _ 1- 1- 1 0 $ - __- A-Event - $ 17.22 -- _- -� 4.00 _ 4 $ 6 8 _ Daily O/T _ $ 23.29 ----p $ i Event Orr I $ 25.83 . - 1 j �(-^ I p $ ^� i 'tidos A-Daily _ $ 15.53 8.00 8.00 (1 8.00 8.00 8.00 1 _ _1_ 40 $ 621.20 JA-Event $ 17.22 -- p $ _ Daily Orf $ 23.29 -- p $ _ Event Off $ 25.83 1 1 11 p $ -- 1 1 - 139�62 - 1ff 0.00 309 I $ 6,041.36TOTAL . . 000 I C:\Users\nhamilton\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-10-12_14 I Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts I Neek Ending Date: - 10/19/2014 ----�------ - --- - -I - ---�..I ---- -- ___ I ----�� PALLADIUM I, _ Mon iTue Wed jThu IFri Sat Sun j Name: Title I Rate 10/13/2014 10/14/2014 10/15/2014 10/16/2014 10/17/2014 10/18/2014 10/19/2014 Hours Cost I oe S-Daily 401 $ 1,442.11 iffany S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ - -- S--Event $ 23.27 0 $ - S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 -� p $ -- S-Event O/T1 $ 34.91 I i I 0 $ - erek Sajdyk Owner/Supervisor 1 $ 40.60 I i i I ; I f 01 $ - odic Halkyard�Owner/Supervisor j$ 40.60 1 ! I I I I I I 01 $ - or9e,Sr. ;TL-Daily $ 18.98 8.00 8.00 I 8.00 8.00 8.00 40.00 1 $ 759.20 TL-Event $ 18.86 _ pT$ _ TL Daily O!T $ 28.48 ---I --- ^ p $ _ TL Event Orr $ 28.29 -�- i' T A II I I ! 1 ! ol $ _ ictor S-Daily $ 27.70 01 $ 11.50 6.00 25.5 $$. 593-.39S-Event S-Daily O/T I $ 41.54 I �- 0 $ - _ S-Event O/T $ 34.91 �- ----I- -t-- -- 0 $ TL-Daily $ 18.98 ---- --_ - -- - �- 0 $ - TL-Event $ 18.86 1 ; I I p $ TL Daily O!T -�$ 28.48 I 1 ( _ 0 $ - ITL Event O/T 1 $ 28.29 ��i I 1 01-$ _ I iffany A-Daily _ $ 15.53 I�_- I I ( I --- I I 0 $ - IA-Event $ 17.22 ---- +Daily O/T ; $ 23.29 --� _ -- - p $ (Event O/T 1 $ 25.83 I i I 0 $ - imberly A-Daily $ 15.53 OI $ _ A-Event -_�$ 17.22 --�-� -�---- - --___-�- 7.00 4.5� 11.5 $ 198.03 j __ DailyO/T $ _23.291 ,--� j --� -- i0 $ - Event Orr �A$ 25.83 �- 1 } 1 I 01 $ _ mar A-Daily $ 15.53 ' 7.50 1 7.50 ( I 7.50 1 7.50 ( 7.50 ( ( I 37.51 $ 582.38 1 A-Event $ 17.22 I 1 0 $ Daily Off $ 23.29 - -` 0 $ _ J -_- Event O/T $ 25.83 _ - --_ _ 01 $ _ S-Daily _ $ 27.70 - -�- _ 1- 01 TL-Event $ 18.86 -� I 1 01 $ TL Daily Orr $ 28.48 TL Event O/T $ 28.29 1 1 1 0 $ - �illian A-Daily $ 15.53 _ I _ 1 ! 0 $ - _ A-Event $ 17.22 0 $ _ - - Daily Orr _ $ 23.29 �� Y 0 $ _ Event O/T- $ 25.83 I � ---� p $ _ Marl a A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 C:\Users\n ham ilton\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time_Sheet_10_19_14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts I -- JA-Event $ 17.22 --�----- - -- --- -� ---- 1 0 $ - Daily O/T I $ 23.29 �- -r-----__. -"--i-_ - -0$ Event Orr - $ 25.83 I -�(-+ { I i01 $ - racMa A-Daily $ 15.53 L 8_00 1 8.00 { 8.00 8.00 { 8.00 { { j 40 $ 621.20 i -- -- A-Event $ 17.22 -� { -- 0 $ -- - �---- - - i Daily O/T $ 23.29 j_ _-�- 0 $ Event Orr $ 25.83 I i I I 0 $ Fs" A-Daily _ $_15.53 0 $ - _ A-Event _ $ 17.22 _ 9.50 6.00 15.5 1 $ 266.91 - Daily O/T----�$ 23.29 ( -- �I -- -1� --- ----- 0 $ - IEvent O/T $ '25.83 i ! ! - { 0 $ - Gheresa A-Daily _� $ 15.53 _ { { _ j I 0 $ - _ _ 3.50 Daily - --------------A-Event � $ 17.22 i ----!-- � ---i----------�--- I --= - Daily O(r -� $ 23.29 ---� ---- - -i I _ I p $ -- ----- �= �- --}_ ;-01�- -_ �Event O/T � $ 25.83 I I ! � ( � I smael A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 1 1 j 8.00 1 4.00 1 1 121 $ 186.36 I JA-Event $ 17.22 ---, - I - ! - - 01_ $ - j _ - Daily On $ 23.29 �_ � -- _ �_ _�� 0 $ - Event Orr $ 25.83 1 j j 0� $ - 0 1 o- AD-aDilayiOl $_ 15.53 -_ 8.00i-- 8_00 8_00 8-.0 --8.00 -- 40 $ 621.2- 0 01 $A-Event $ 17.22 - � 23.29 - 0 $ ` Event OJT $ 25.83 $ - LNinda TL-Daily $ 18.98 _ _! _ _I _ { 0 $ ITL-Event --- $ 18.86 -- ---�--�- - - - 0 $ - -- TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 L --� - 0 $ - ITL Event Orr ! $ 28.2 - S-Daily $ 27.70 ! I 01 $ - _S-Event $ ' 23.27 0 $ - S-Daily O!T $ 41.54 (- � _ _ 0 $ - ___�S-Event O/T $ 34.91 1 1 j ! 0, $ - 'ic`tor A-Daily- $ 15.53 L 6.50 1 5.00 { { { 1 -- { 11.5 $ 178.60 A-Event $ 17.22 j -- -�_ --- ! 0 $ - Daily Orr $ 23.29 i 1 0 $ - ! IEvent O/T $ 25.83 ( 1 I 0 $ - er io A-Daily $ 15.53 _ _ _ I I 0 $ - A-Event $ 17.22 - - 1 � 0 $ - Daily Orr $ 23.29 1 0 $ - 1Event O/T $ 25.83 1 1 01 $ - bdon A-Daily $ 15.53 1 8.00 1 8.00 1 8.00 1 8.00 1 8.00 I 1 40 $ -621.20 A-Event 17.22 0 $ - 1 Daily Orr 1 $ . 23.29 0 $ - Event O/T 1 $ 25.83 1 0 $ - I 7' _TA j 81.45 104.72 0.00 ( 0.00 i 163.59 551.74 217.11 3171 $ 6,130.84 C:\Users\n ham i ltoMApp Data\Local\M icrosoft\Wi n d ows\Tem po ra ry Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time_Sheet_10_19_14 Women-owned Business Enterprise(WBE) Excellence in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 INVOICE 4220 Saguaro Trail Indianapolis,IN 46268 Certificate Number 2006-005 Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:10/9/2014 Sold To#: CO26229 Ship To#: 2/COMMODITIES MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIOI THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 46033 CARMEL, IN 46032 US I Invoice No. Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 12111002 10/9/2014 CC PAID Joe Arbuckle Barbara Roberts () Order No. Order Date Ship Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02266819 10/9/2014 IN00 Extension#1300 Notes """"WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA*" BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/0 Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 4.00 4.00 CS 136564 KC 01980 Scottfold-M 01980 45.98000 183.92 Towels 9.4x12.4 Wht 25/175/cs 25/cs 4.00 4.00 CS 114441 KC 17713 Kleenex 17713 55.83000 223.32 Cottonelle 2ply Tissue Wht 60rl/cs 17713 6.00 6.00 CS 140658 HP Can Liner 37x50 1.3 35.76000 214.56 Mil Black 100/cs flatpack 2.00 2.00 CS 112193 HP Can Liner 30x36.7 RX-S4913-X 34.93000 69.86 ---- - --- -- --- --- - - -Mil-Clear-250/cs(-10/25)- - ----- -- - -- ---- ---- --- ----- 10 rolls/25 liners per roll /case 22181 !mit to and make checks payable to: Processing Fee: 0.00 HP Products Subtotal: 691.66 PO Box 68310 Sales tax: 0.00 Indianapolis, IN 46268 Invoice total: 691.66 Amount paid: 691.66 Total due: 0.00 Page 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Ed Penman From: autoresponder@lockmartusa.com Sent: Wednesday, October 01,2014 3:12 PM To: Ed Penman Subject: IvesHinges -Order IVE-40079 This message was sent from a notification-only email address that does not accept incoming email. Please do not reply to this message. *************************** VERY IMPORTANT:Your charge will appear on your statement as"Lockmart USA" Dear Ed Penman Thank you for shopping at IvesHinges.coml Here is your order confirmation: Order IVE-40079 ***** Items in this order ***** Line# 1 Qty: 20 Item: Ives FS452 5" US3 Bright Brass, (Base Brass), Kick Down Door Holder (Ships within 10-12 business days) Each: $20.83 Total: $416.60 *************************** Product Cost:$416.60 Shipping Cost:$20.83 Tax:$0.00 -------------------------------------- / Total:$437.43------------------------------------- " V - Payment Type:Credit Card I. i Order Date: 10/1/2014 ***** This order will ship to ***** FirstName: Ed LastName: Penman Company:The Palladium Address: 1 Center Green City: Carmel State: IN Zip:46032 i Email:epenman@thecenterpresents.org Phone:317-819-3509 Fax: *************************** You can track your Order Status by logging on to your'Account'. If you have any questions regarding your order, please contact us at cd@lockmartusa.com and mention your Order number. Regards, Lockmart USA IvesHinges.com *****HOLIDAY SCHEDULE****** Please note that we will be closed on the following days: Fri Oct 3rd and Wed Oct 8th 1:00 PM- Fri Oct 17th . *************************** Visit all of our websites: http://www.popularhardware.com/ Entire line of Allegion's Fast Track Program which includes the quick ship products of Schlage,Von Duprin, LCN, Falcon Locks, Falcon Exit Devises(formerly Monarch &Dor-O-Matic), Falcon Closers(formerly Dor-O-Matic),Glynn-Johnson and Ives http://www.iveshinges.com/ Entire line of Ives&Glynn-Johnson Hardware http://www.stanleyhinges.com/ Entire line of Stanley Hardware Products http://www.abadoorhardware.com/ Entire line of ABH Door Hardware http://www.lockandexit.com/ Commercial Door Hardware that meets your budget http://www.doorsaccess.com/ Complete Line of Karp Access Doors . 2 p J ton I Ed Penman Tuesday, October 21, 20141:30 PM t Nancy Hamilton i ct: Prior email-Newegg invoice %. .,,fancy, Earlier today,I sent the wrong invoice with my expense reimbursement. I'll scan and send over the correct one in a bit. I'm also sending you another Newegg invoice that I paid with Nick's credit card. Purchased same item twice,two separate invoices. Ed Penman Facility Manager The Center For The Performing Arts One Center Green Carmel,IN 46032 (0)317-819-35091(M)317-370-2091 I (F)317-574-1862 epenman@TheCenterPresents.org www.TheCenterForThePerformineArts.org 1 Al Ed Penman From: Sarah Kattau Sent: Tuesday,October 14, 2014 3:31 PM To: Ed Penman Subject: Fwd: Newegg.com-Invoice Sent from my Phone Begin forwarded message: From: "Newegg Auto-Notification(Do Not Reply)" <info@newegg.con1> Date: October 14,2014 at 3:00:31 PM EDT To: <skattau@thecenterPresents.om> Subject: Newegg.com -Invoice Iva 1011 XX Computer! pcs& Home i SHOP AROUND* ;Hardware ;Laptops >heater Eieatranics ;Software Gaming ,Marketplace Cdot®ras!More f Spi�lnd �'- % I;ES.S l�ext;tilne you G OV;8t.Newegg subscribe to our weekly a-Blast NewMetferl Enter Your Email .:a Customer ID: skattauOthecenterpresents.org Account Number: 32659312 Dear Ed Penman, Thank you for shopping at Newegg. This is the invoice and receipt for your recent order. Please keep a copy for your records. Invoice Summary: Your Sales Order Number: 217619655 Order Date: 10/13/2014 Order Total: $45.99 1 Ed Penman - From: Sarah Kattau Sent: Tuesday,October 14, 2014 4:54 PM To: Ed Penman Subject: Fwd: Newegg.com -Invoice Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: l r From: "Newegg Auto-Notification(Do Not Reply)" <infgneweg ego i> Date: October 14,2014 at 4:30:34 PM EDT To: <skattag@,tthecentetpresents.org> Subject: Neweag.com-Invoice IV computer: pcs& Nome SHOPAA.opND: Hardware Laptops Theater Electronics ;Software Gaming Marketplace !Cameras : More ; Spend I O.30% LESS next time you shop at Newegg subscribe to our weekly a-Olast Newsletter! -- —I�Fnter''roar Ern.yil SUBSCRIBE,0,.— Customer ►Customer ID: skattau(athecenteruresents.ora Account Number: 32659312 Thank you for shopping at Newegg. This is the invoice and receipt for your recent order. Please keep a copy for your records. Invoice Summary: Your Sales Order Number: 217620295 Order Date; 10/13/2014 Order Total: $45.99 Billing Information i i Name: I page of i Employee Expense Report Forxn �a �a No. Dare Description Account 2 $ 3 $ 4 $ " 5 j $ 6 $ 7 $ _ S I $ - 9 I $ 10 $ Total Documentation of Travel-and Entertainment Expenses (expense clarification) Overnight Travel Record No. #of People Guest' Title Company Business Purpose 1 bate(s) #Nights 2 3 4 5 b 7 8 9 10 D Emp ee,S9gnature Date Approved by Signature blie J l4 Edward Penman 5103 Saint Charles PI Carmel,IN 46033-5955 [United States] 317-815-8330 Shipping Information Ed Penman The Palladium At The Center For The Performing Art 1 Center Grn Carmel,IN 46032-3809 (United States) 317-819-3509 Invoice Number: 119045070 Invoice Date: 10/14/2014 9:07:08 AM Act Now and Protect it! j Click link below to view recommended plans for your product. Item List: Item Description Quantity. Unit Price Extended Price 42-101-344 UPS APC I BE350G RT 1 $45.99 $45.99 Click Here To Protect Your Investment NOTE 42-101-344 is Iron Egg Qualified 1 $0.00 $0.00 Payment Summary: Payment Term: Mastercard Subtotal: $45.99 Tax: $0.00 2 61155404 11.11.14 Date: 10/31/2014 REAL Invoice#: 118629 Customer#: 3935 MI-i•11AN1("At (-.(.I 1TIZACIC)O!, ork Order#: 193049 475 Gradle Drive Phone#:(317)846-9299 NOV ���� Dispatch M 81859 Carmel, IN 46032 Fax#(317) 5753494 Jay: -- Job Site#:3934 Job Site Bill To :The Center For The Performing Arts The Palladium 355 City Center Dr. 1 Center Green Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 P.O.#. Net 30 Days-No Interest JOB#1 Quote Job[QJ] Contract$ $490.00 Service Performed 1024-14- Quote MM1036 -Chemicallyclean & remove scale from reservoir, elements & drain lines. Labor Tech Name Randy Lewis Thank You for using Real Mechanical Service Department. INVOICE TOTALS Contract $490.00 Total Invoice $490.00 Terms.The Customer Is Responsible For All Legal And Collection Fees Deemed Necessary To Collect Amount Of This Invoice. Page ' 1 of 9 -e Manager , 475 Gradle Drive 46032 ,iechanical.com Carmel,IN 46032 .0-819-3040 L.., Fax:317-575-3494 RWIECE r<riieAL - "r:: n,.x�r. c.,:•h_* '7: -�- lair``;`d3Es ?-"az?'{ •Z.t - t• - t4 ' F I t •SPA Fir•_;�'•�:°.�� `•':,':�� :'`�.��:',°�:Y� :�� '�::`��:•:•:r.`�,:':'�`r:... 4. Date: 9%18/2014 Quote# MM 1036 Prepared For: Nick Tigue Project: Palladium- Humidifiers Bill To: The Center For the Performing Arts Scope of Work: HUM 'Percussion Room'-Chemically Clean and remove scale from Reservoir, Elements and Drain Lines.Test unit operation. Purchase Price: $490.00 Notes: Terms& Price is based on work performed during regular business hours-- if additional work,troubleshooting or materials is necessary above and Conditions: beyond this scope of work Customer will be presented a separate Quote of Repair-Customer will have the option to complete the additional work an a time and material basis-Price is honored for 30 days-Customer signature agrees to ALLterms and conditions. Total Amount: Accepted By: Purchase Order# Date: iQ►JR .L ii'�TE��l�sl'I: PSAF�:eF3i1Ji.4NOrE. 3"arn7Gi. N 4603L ! i .{S4•f,,9299 1 'lay.X .848,5':1' ! '�:triw.realn?'(11unIGc"II. :OIli " " p FtEAL SERVICE WORK ORDER Ticket t 193049 rnGc.,t{,nca�CONTRACTORE l Dispatch# lr 475 Gradle Dr.-Carmel,IN 46032 Page of w__3 Date: 1-612. Phone:317-846-9299 Fax:317-575-3494. Tech: PM Customer? �Y"ess�or No (olf eej toh.it:': Cost i r tle:. �a'm'. MFR: Worksite Name Model N ' " Address—, " 4 v� G �J� Store tt Iserial N 'I city �Wt L,{�/t �- — State ��-� Zip �� �`-- LAre,Served: H'U"� `- .N �1 5ervice.Performed: ��j�,tp tjyjt ���1 � Rai 4'fZvl�l d-C . tk-� -rw- 1 t tM AC-S,n &t�,4L.d � ,j L t i::-1&W1 E�— p Refrigemnt Recovered Y NN Removed<>R---L Lbs. Ofs4— Replenished<>R- Lbs. Oz's Refrigerant New: Y Lbs. 02's-111 - Material.Used TS,PO or QTY Description TSPO PO°r QTY Description Runner e R� Runner J i Special Equipment Used-, + TWO Vacuum LeahDowtar Redairmar Lift Hours Worked Technician Notes: Date From To Hours fbiUnit'bperattonai? Y:•:-N: Quote ojRepair3::Ye uAl: lsWorlrCompletsd7 %Y •>,N: `;. . . Customer Notes: Total ftlls 3 J customer Slgnacure x Print Name: Date J i TrREPUES THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS Invoice 032 Langsdale Ave Managing your account Is now easier than ever with the My Resource App,Free download on Page 1 of 2 Indianapolis IN 46202-115060 the App Store or Google Play, Payments/Adjustments A division of REPUBLIC SERVICES Date Description Reference Amount + e 10121 Payment-Thank You 9800 -$605.87 Account Number 30761-1027243 Current Invoice Charges Invoice Date October$1,2014 The Palladium 1 Center Green (L1)CSA 000278 Invoice Number 0761-002239120 Carmel,IN Previous Balance $666.67 Payments/Adjustments -$605.67 1-Rolloff(30 Yd Comp) On Call Service (S2) Unpaid Balance -$20.00 Date Description Reference Qualitity Unit Price Amount Current Invoice Charges $605.67 10/31 Rental 10101114-10/31114 $541.27 $541.27 1-Front Load Rgcyciing(3 Yd) Scheduled Service (SS) Comingled Date DescrIWIon Reference Quantity Unit Price Amount 10/31 Recycling Service 11101/14-11/30/14 $64.40 $64.40 Current Invoice Charges 4605.67 $585,67 61155406 Due By: 11/20114Contact Intormation-1 11.11.14 0 0 Customer Service (317)917-7300 ` Z NOV 10 2914 z Effective 411612012:SERVICE INTERRUPTION Z POLICY CHANGE All accounts with a balance over 60 Zdays will experience a service interruption unless prior Z arrangement&are made, z z z z 0 _o o 0 J in N NA ' V ... :.:,�.;%'Zug'- �5�;±i dr.. .:.,1• •,;: ;.,�;; �t;::fi::i!a . ,_•'CURR1wiGT? ... ...r�G�....� ; '.Yom....' .,; . . .....Q pAY�_. :,, i `- 90t�13A1fS_..._:.,__ Manage your account online 2417, 605.67 -20.00 0.00 0,00 3on any device with My Resource. j, DA . With My Resource you can schedule a pickup,pay your bill and discover new services-all with a Visit republiconline.com touch of a button.Visit republiconline.com to get started. t0 qet started. . Please see reverse side for terms and conditions. . W ITEPUBLIC Please Return This Portion Pa .This Amount $$85.67 A SERVICES With Payment Account Number 3-07614027243 082 Langsdale Ave Invoice Date October 31,2014 Indianapolis IN 46202-116060 Invoice Number 0781.002235120 „ I r Payment Due Date November 20,2014 Return Service Requested L2RAASOTI$ 027133 Make Checks Payable To: r�lrllllbtlrLl11 1111111111111111311 1111111 THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 355 CITY CENTER DR I"i0'�ll'Ili'011lrrellllll'Ir�lrllilllll��fllllfl��'1'I'�'lllllll' CARMEL IN 46032-3806 REPUBLIC SERVICES 9761 PO BOX 9001099 LOUISVILLE KY 40290-1099 30761102724300000022391240000605670000585674 r THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 3-0761-1027243 Page 2of2 Check Processing:In accordance with Federaf Reserve Board guidelines,when you provide a check as payment,you authorize us to use informa#ion from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer from your account or to process the payment as a check transaction.When we use information from your check to make an electronic fund transfer,funds may be withdrawn from your account as soon as the same day we receive your payment and you will not receive your check back from your financial institution.For further information visit: www.electronlcpayments.org and click on the Check Conversion tab. If service is canceled during a billing cycle,the customer will remain responsible for all charges,fees and taxes through the end of the billing cycle.There will be no proration of billing,and the customer will not be entitled to a refund for the period between the notice of termination and the end of the current billing cycle.This provision will not apply if it is contrary to a current franchise agreement,municipal contract,or other written contract applicable to this account or is otherwise prohibited by law. The Company reserves the right to require that payment for services be made only by'check,credit card or money order, unless otherwise required by contract or applicable law. 4 Nancy Hamilton From: noreply@republicservices.com Sent: Tuesday, November 04,2014 10:57 PM To: !Nancy Hamilton Subject: Your Republic Services Invoice is Now Available 11/04/2014 Hello THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS The Center For The Performing Arts, Your Republic Services invoice for 307611027243 is now available online. Just visit www.republicservices.com/corporate/bill-pay.aspx and log in to your account to view your bill. If you have questions or comments about Online Bill Pay,your invoice or our services,then please contact us. Haven't signed up for My Resource?Register now to manage your account and schedule services online. Here to help, Republic Services, This email was system generated. Please do not reply to this message. Jeff Steeg From: auto-confirm@amazon.com Sent: Saturday,October 25,2014 4:41 PM To: Jeff Steeg Subject: Your Amazon.com order of"Bentley Mounts Universal...... . �x Your Recommendations I Your Account Amazon.com Order Confirmation Order#002-1196D38-5114652 Hello Jeff Steeg, Thank you for shopping with us.We'll send a confirmation once your item has shipped.Your order details are indicated below.If you would like to view the status of your order or make any changes to it,please visit Your Orders on Amazon.com. Your estimated delivery date is: Your order will be sent to: Thursday,October 30,2014 Jeff Steeg ONE CENTER GREEN THE PALLADIUM Your shipping speed: BLDG A Standard Shipping CARMEL,IN 46032.4406 0- United States Order Details Order#002-1196038-5114652 Placed on Saturday, October 25, 2014 • Bentley Mounts Universal Soundbar Bracket-Black $24.99 Electronics Sold by Amazon.com LI-C Item Subtotal: $24.99 Shipping & Handling: $6.42 Total Before Tax: $31.41 Estimated Tax: $0.00 Order Total: $31.41 To learn more about ordering,go to Ordering from Amazon.com. If you want more information or need more assistance,go to Help. Thank you for shopping with us. 1 Amazon.com 1 WELCOME TO BEST BUY #229 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 WELCOME TO BEST BUY #490 (317)841-0711 WESTFIELD, IN 46032 (317)846-1150 Keep your receipt! Keep your receipt! , Ilrllllllllillllllllll�llll�llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill "�� , III II I II I I II I III I III I I II 1111111 I II I I IIII I i III!I�� 0229 042 1464 10/30/14 14:43 01029575 Val #:000137-151615-180106-525287-503486-663 RE=TURN 0490 060 9151 10/30/14 10:52 01113324 ORIGINAL TRAN 0490 060 9151 10/30/14 T E �N E' 4420029 SONY HTCT370 299.99- N 4420029 HTCT370 299.99 N SOUNDBAR SONY I SONY HTCT370 SOUNDBAR SONY 5273025 SAMSUNG HW-H450 212,99- N 50.00 SALE DISCOUNT SOUNDBAR 3977002 HW-H550/ZA 349.99 N ---------- SAMSUNG HW-H550 SOUNDBAR SUBTOTAL 512.93- 50.00 SALE DISCOUNT SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 5273025 HW-H450/ZA 212.99 N SAMSUNG HW-H450 SOUNDBAR TOTAL 512.98- i 87,00 SALE DISCOUNT - - ---- - SUBTOIAL 862.97 xxxxxxxxxxxx0331 K VISA 512.98 SALES TAX AMOUNT 0.00 TOTAL 862'97 Associate # 1113324 " 14-day return period on Phones and Carrier Connectable Devices for all customers, I TEC Cert. Key : 689003 15-day return period on , xxxxxxxxxxxx0331 VISA 862.97 almost everything else, JEFF STEEG APPROVAL 06737B Except where prohibited, a valid receipt and ID is required for all returns. OTHER SAVINGS: 187.00 ID info may be stored in a secure, TOTAL SAVINGS, 187.00 encrypted database used for tracking returns and exchanges. Returned items missing packaging or accessories are subject to a missing item deduction, 14-day return period on Phones and Carrier Connectable Devices for all customers. For return promise details and a complete I 15-day return period on list of exceptions, ask for a policy flyer almost everything else. or 90 to www.BesfBuy.com/Returns. To learn about our privacy practices Except where prohibited, a valid receipt please visit www.BesfBuy.com/pt-ivac�g. ID is required for all returns. rivacy. I ID info may be stored in a secure, encrypted database used for tracking YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE PIN IS: I returns and exchanges. 0229 042 1464 103014 Returned items missing packaging or accessories are subject to a missing item deduction. BEST BUY VALUES YOUR FEEDBACK! ! For return promise details and a complete TAKE OUR SURVEY AND ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO list of exceptions, ask for a policy Flyer WIN A $5,000 BEST BUY SHOPPING SPREE!! or so to www.BestBuy.com/Returns, Visit http://www.besfbugcares.com To learn about our privacy practices Cuestionario en Espanol tambien I please visit www.BestBu9.com/privacy. & enter the• following codes: YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE PIN IS: Group A: 282996 0490 060 9151 103014 Group B: 4928 --------------------------------------------- Group C: 159564 BEST BUY VALUES YOUR FEEDBACK!! - ` TAKE OUR SURVEY AND ENTER FOR A CHANCE TO NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be legal I WIN A $5,000 BEST BUY SHOPPING SPREE! ! Name: Jeff Steeg page 1 of 1 qj Employee Expense Report Form ��' ��y =No ate .. �.•.� . #`��'Des ions'� �� ,� � � .- r ��.,. � -, .,. 1 10/30/2014 Best Buy uy 611-55404• $ 349.99 $ 349.99 2 $ - 3 $ - 4 $ - 5 $ - 6 $ - 7 $ - 8 $ - 9 $ - 10 $ - Total . $ 349.99 lDocumentatrono�fr�auelandEntertai'nment�E'x eases 'ex ense c�ari ' ` .: ,r ¢. � Overt h j,e Re�cor k t d .. No. #of people Guest Title Company Business Purpose 1 - Date(s) #Nights 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 11/4/2014 f 1/,Ie�ignat Date p 2roved by Si ture Da •dllf TINDER Invoice 8494 LOCK AND ACCESS SOLUTIONS 61155404 2802 East 55th Place Invoice Date 10/8/2014 Indianapolis, IN 46220 10.8.14 Vendor# ----------------------------- I Bill To Work Site/Ship To CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS I i 1 CENTER GREEN CARMEL, IN 46032 CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 1 CENTER GREEN CARMEL, IN 46032 P.O. Number Tech Work Date Ordered By i S.O. No. EH&MS 10/7/2014 ED,PENMAN i 8494 Qty Description Unit Amount ! 1 SUPPLY&INSTALL KEY SWITCHES ON 4 ENTRY WAYS AND MAIN j-- �— I CONTROL PANEL TO OVERRIDE ACCESS CONTROL SYSTEM i 4 SDC KEY SWITCH 26D i 150.00 600.00 i 4 11-1/8"SCC BRUSHED CHROME MORTISE CYL 35.001 140.00 1 4 !ALT 6/12VDC OR 24 VAC 30MA DPDT RELAY ! 20.00 80.00 1 j MISC MATERIALS:WIRE, CONNECTORS, CONDUIT ! 160.00{ 160.00 1 !INSTALLATION OF KEY SWITCHES ON 4 ENTRY WAYS ( 925.00 I 925.00 I ± I i i � 1 i i { t � i I , t I � , j r TERMS: NET DUE UPON PRESENTATION Sales Tax $0.00 Tinder's prices are calculated on a"cash with order"basis. Non account customers with balances after 10 days are subject to a$10 billing fee collectible with the maximum interest allowed by law together with Total $1,905.00 attorneys fees,court costs and any other expenses incidental to collection. j •%%* INDER Invoice 8884 NLOCK AND ACCESS SOLUTIONS 2802 East 55th Place Invoice Date 1 011 61201 4 Indianapolis, IN 46220 61155404 Vendor# 10.16.14 ..__......__...__...____... ... Bill To _._._..__.._..._-• Work Site/Ship To CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 1 CENTER GREEN CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS CARMEL, IN 46032 1 CENTER GREEN CARMEL, IN 46032 P.O. Number Tech Work Date Ordered By S.O. No. EH&MS 10/16/2014 ED PENMAN 8884 Qty Description Unit Amount SUPPLY AND INSTALL PANIC DEVICE TRIM ON DOOR TO ALLOW ACCESS FROM OUTSIDE. 1 LOCKS/UNLOCKS LEVER PANIC DEVICE TRIM US3 600.00 600.00 1 SCHLAGE LARGE FORMAT I/C CORE HOUSING BRASS 45.00 45.00 1 INSTALLATION OF HARDWARE 85.00 85.00 1 SERVICE CALL CHARGE 80.00 80.00 ***NOTE: CUSTOMER TO SUPPLY CORE FOR LOCK. TERMS: NET DUE UPON PRESENTATION Sales Tax $0.00 Tinder's prices are calculated on a"cash with order"basis. Non account customers with balances after 10 days are subject to a$10 billing fee collectible with the maximum interest allowed by law together with Total $810.00 attorney's fees,court costs and any other expenses incidental to collection. White'S ACEna dinar B INVOICE err 4 Gat-deto Cower C�'ycrrl�4aYlrifc C Yfn� � INVCrICE f ACCgVHT, # 11.906.073. whi to s Ace Hardware- DAT E,. ' . o4-sPP7.- :' • ,;:. . ' : : :. TIME 01:2 .. Carmel EhIPLaYEE '.2001,78: 731 S Rangeline Rd MKINAL 141$ Carmel, IN 46032 317-846-2311 (317) 811-3530 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS 355 W. CITY CENTER DRIVE 355 W. CITY CENTER DRIVE ATTN: NANCY HAMILTON ATTN: NANCY HA14ILTON CARMEL, IN 46032 CARMEL, IN 46032 ;. DES RIfrFIDN. QTY - SAL.B" U FI EXF 045325760246 cm 10 PC JIG BLADE T-SHA 1.00 21.99 EACH 21.99 2295269 PO CHARGE 21.99 I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THR POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS DUPLICATE TAX SIGNATURE __...JEFF STEED I�O�CAL.'...P''' 21.99 we're your source for spring, summer, hinter and Fall for all your har&are needs. 61155402 1'�' �it 's 13�tr�lti}ar'� 10.7.14 e��t �` {.rerP•£�`<.'P1 � � �x;Y�b• f, r<s[xl` �Kf'uiu�- y�rxl,!'aiccr Thanks for shopping our friendly store. White ' s Ace Hardware- Carmel 731 S Range IIne Rd Carmel, IN 46032 317-846-2311 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS ACCOUNT p 1190601 ITEM QTY SALE/REG EXT FA 1.00 0.65 0.65 EACH 500100 Fastners SUBTOTAL $ 0.65 TAX $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 0 . 65 CHARGE 0,65 I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS SIGNATURE ED PENMAN EMPLOYEE TERM INVA TIME �3ATE 2000778 1008 2701888 07 14( 06-Oct-19 Your receipt guarantees your no-hassle-return. We're your source for Spring, Summer, Winter and Fall for all your hardware needs. INVOICE AWhite's ,, 1j,'�Hard�4Fire. White's Hardware ffFft{J` Gi,tP'di'n f`. F.'<`iI'4'3" ,yFa7f•'lf�.,SF"Flf/Ct'-L��q�GTr!,��9'�F i° Cy'xcrrt.�S<aY<-ri.r..(:;�ccY�,JsicC' Thanks for shopping Thank,; for shopping our friendly store our, friendly Stora. Wh i ti:l ' s lice Hardware- white ' s Ace Hardware- CarrA e L Carme L 737 S P,angaline Rd 731 S Rangellne Rd Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN -x6032 317-846-2311 317-846-2311 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS THE CENTEF FOR THE PERF711MING ARTS ACCOUNT # 1190607 ACCOUNT # : 1190607 ITEM OTY SALE/REG EXT ITEM OTY SALE/Rf,9 EXT 028874017313 1.00 3.98 3.98 082901140C 72 2.00 5.27 10.54 26621 EACH 5295084 EACH BIT DRILL 5/32"COBALT DW KICK DOWN DOOR STOP 4 08 FA 6.00 0.40 2.40 -------.-• EACH 500.00 SULITOTAL f 10,54 Fastners TAK 4 0.00 TOTAL $ �� , rj4 60293 2.00 1.39 2.78 --- - RL/60' 10 4HARF�E TAPE OUTOR TRD 1160'BLK .54 � SUBTOTAL $ 9.16 I AGREE TC PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL. ACCORDING TO TAX $ 0.00 THE POSTE[ TERMS AND CONDITIONS TOTAL $ 9 . 16 ' tI CHARGE 9.16 I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS SIGNATURE CD PE11il EMPLOYEE TERM I L110 _TIME DATE ,,.. 2890185 -11314 27081324 111:16 21-Oct-14 "our receipt guarantees your no-hassle-return. SIGNATURE ED PENMAN We're your :source for EMPLOYEE TERM INV# TIME DATE 2000178 1008 2709415 04:27 23-Oct-14 Spring, Summer. Winter and Fall for :ill your nardware needs. Your receipt guarantees H1 N 1��r 0 1 � I� your no-hassle-return. I � We're your source for Spring. Summer. Winter and Fall fur all your hardware needs INVOICE NVhite's AWERardware. frrt�� fk;i't'£�s'3•t �. {`r`iXC3' . • �'vurt.,Si^�•uri:c+-t�''�•r.<7t,��rfrr Thanks for shopping our friendly store White ' s Ace Hardware- Nora 8592 Westfield Road Indianapolis, IN 46240 317-731-7050 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS ACCOUNT 0 • 1190607 ITEM OTY SALE/REG EXT 082901140672 - 3 00 -- -5.27 15.81 5295084 EACH KICK DOWN DOOR STOP 4 BB 082901249726 1 00 15.99 15.99 7215031 EACH SPRAYER GARDEN POLY 2GAL SUBTOTAL $ 31.80 TAX $ 0.00 TOTAL $ 31 . 80 CHARGE 31 80 I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS r;s SIGNATURE ED PENMAN EMPLOYEE TERM INVI TIME DATE 2000176 5010 14003613 0117 27-Oct-14 Your receipt guarantees your no-hassle-return. We're your source for Spring, Summer. Winter and Fall for all your hardware needs. INVOICE t WhiteS ACERardware ' l,�au�/,�sRetutc�rf?.rvrx�,�'r�ra Thonkc for ehoppinp our friondly 00ro. White ' s Ace Hardware- Carms L 731 S Ranpalino Rd Carmel, .IN 46032 317-546-2311 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS ACCOUNT # 11190507 ITEM QTY SALE/REO EXT 062901000280 1.00 2129 2,29 2000149 EACH ACE 11164 SPLTP DRILL DIT FA 4.00 0.29 1.,16 EACH 500.90 Fdotnare SUBTOTAL S 3,45 TAX t 0.00 TOTAL 3 .45. CHARGE 3,45 I AGREE:TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS SIGNATURE ED PENMAN , EMPLOYEE TERM INV# TIME DATE 2110159 1015 2711574 08121 28-oat-14 . Your receipt 9uarantoce your no-h000lo-raturn. we'ro your aource for Sprl.np, Summon, winter and Fall for ell your hardware neado, INVOICE • t 1➢ ' II�� fJ i,� VvIlitt'Is A110Ikutl'llFi Hit rdware ':.rrrl..l�NYrti.'P•f�.•'�2k7f.J,icc Th�zmk.0 • or sho rn PP 9 aur friendly otore. Whito, " s A.e Hardware- Carme l 731 S Rangeltne fid Carmel. IN •x6032 317••846-2311 THE CENTEF FOR THE PERF.IRMIN3 ART( ACCOUNT N ' 1190607 ITEM OTY SALE/RE3 EXT 079340684" 'i ---. ._.1,06 4.�3 4.99 1328038 EACH ' PL-400 AHM. 11OZ (ART 0829010001?3 ���1.00--- 2 23 2.29 2000123 EACH ACE 5/32 S°ITF'T BRILL 811 0Az526080.1r3_ �i-tlk~--4 -3 4.49 23121 EACH TAP 10X2,110 FA — 4�6 0 1I 1.44 EACH see Q•d Eastner4 SUBTOTAL 5 12,21 tAK ! 0.00 1 OTAL 12.21 I AGREE TE PAY THZ ABVE TDTAt. ACIORDIN6 TO THE POSTE( tERMS AND CONDITIONS f�� SIGNATURE O P£NMAIN�' EMPLOYEE T_IRIt I�uVlr TIM_E _DATE 2easeIT.—ita14�- 273"rI112 15149 31-Dct-14 °oar rer.erpt yuarantee� ynur no-ha;afe ret•�rn. ' We're your ;olirce for Spring, Suruner. Winter and Fall fur r.t I your iar•Cirlare needs X10 1 CIE I�iIIII.ll�lilE��fl°�N�I�II�IIIII�I�II�I��f1II The Center for the Performing Arts,Inc. Invoice 355 West City Center Drive Date Invoice# Carmel, IN 46032 9/30/2014 09302014 Bill To City of Carmel Carmel City Council Clerk Treasurer Office One Civic Square Carmel,IN 46032 P.O. No. Terms Project Quantity Description Rate Amount Invoices paid by the Center for the Performing Arts-See attached detail 85,673.59 85,673.59 1 _ '7�1 � - 33 f _ 59 To Ubmitted To DEC 1 52014 Clerk TM Surer Total $85,673.59 THE CENTER FOR THE PEFORMING ARTS SEPTEMBER,2014 INVOICE DATE INVOICE PAYEE AMOUNT 9/8/2014 261091 A BETTER VIEW WINDOW CLEANING 1300.00 9/22/2014 317 574-0827 624 3 AT&T 593.37 9/10/2014 300248221 BBC PUMP&EQUIPMENT 555.57 9/10/2014 300248231 BBC PUMP&EQUIPMENT 1032.58 9/24/2014 30025325 BBC PUMP&EQUIPMENT 595.98 9/10/2014 58810 BLAKLEY'S 600.00 9/9/2014 152459 BUNTING GRAPHICS INC 2856.98 9/2/2014 18670405 CINTAS 148.98 9/9/2014 18673228 CINTAS -3.45 9/16/2014 18676009 CINTAS 148.98 9/23/2014 18678798 CINTAS 148.98 9/30/2014 18681627 CINTAS 148.98 9/2/2014 682594300 CITY OF CARMEL UTILITIES 779.55 9/26/2014 3590-3717-01-5 DUKE ENERGY 14005.26 9/12/2014 945226.001 ERMCO 750.00 9/2/2014 23966 ESG SECURITY 1680.00 9/8/2014 24026 ESG SECURITY 1815.00 9/15/2014 24058 ESG SECURITY 1687.50 9/22/2014 24149 ESG SECURITY 1695.00 9/29/2014 24204 ESG SECURITY 1680.00 9/1/2014 9523733013 GRAINGER 168.16 9/30/2014 INSURANCE HYLANT 1052.00 9/27/2014 1-14563951488 JOHNSON CONTROLS 2878.89 9/1/2014 221556185 KONE 3560.94 9/9/2014 5903431 LEE SUPPLY 60.03 7/16/2014 1972 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL 10684.36 9/10/2014 2096 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL 11673.01 9/26/2014 2111 MARQUIS COMMERCIAL 12145.85 9/25/2014 109823 NATL BANK OF INDY-CC-ECONO FROST 292.95 9/25/2014 2677009-618746 NATL BANK OF INDY-CC-WALMART 45.97 9/25/2014 5080231 NATL BANK OF INDY-CC-CENTRAL IN HD 35.38 9/25/2014 54744 NATL BANK OF INDY-CC-KINDEL 10.00 7/31/2014 118209 REAL MECHANICAL 3837.00 9/30/2014 118488 REAL MECHANICAL 1748.00 9/30/2014 0761-002204242 REPUBLIC SERVICES 605.67 9/12/2014 80525110 TYCO SIMPLEX GRINNELL 547.25 9/2/2014 77246728 TYCO SIMPLEX GRINNELL 3550.00 9/17/2014 80540545 TYCO SIMPLEX GRINNELL 326.14 9/24/2014 163298 VANCO 179.25 9/15/2014 2657388 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 19.89 9/20/2014 2693765 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 15.55 9/22/2014 2895085 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 7.49 9/26/2014 2697097 WHITES ACE HARDWARE 10.55 TOTAL 85673.59 61155404 Invoice 9.26.14 Invoice No:26109 Invoice Date: Sep 08,2014 A Better View Window Cleaning 412 Warrior Ct Sheridan,Indiana 46069 317-514-8971 Office www.abetterviewwindow.com window-dean in Bill To: Palladium-924 Ed Penman 1 Center Green Carmel,IN 46032 jelhott@thecenterpresents.org epenman@thecenterpresents.org s Job Date Description Qty Each Amount Sep 11,2014 Window Cleaning-Out Only 1 $1,300.00 $1,300.00 SubTotal $1,300.00 Total $1,300.00 Thank you for your Business! r ■� w.,..��� ....,.z-.� �� � � t s5 �,��-..�,,..,d.e...,......v.,..+-.. �+3 Y w".„ z -� �y .z {`e"��}`#.i-32 �f#` '�"`i r�s" ttT y� 61155432 THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 1 of 3 0.7.14 ARTS Account Number 317 574.0027 624 3 %NANCY HAMILTON Billing Date Sep 22,2014 355 CITY CENTER OR �•� ��� � �. CARMEL,IN 4tiD32-3806 Web Site att.com . Invoice Number 317574002709 SCP`2 7011 No text IS worth a life. Monthly Statem&hl Take the pledge at itcanwait.corn Aug 23 - Sep 22, 2094 l AAT&T Benefits Previous Bill 593,06 •Total AT&T Savings 801.00 Payment Received 9.08-Thank YOU 593.06CR Plans and Services Adjustments .00 . ._.._------------ Balance -------Balance 60 Monthly Service-Sep 22 thin Oct 21 Charges for 317 574-0827 Current Charges 593.37 Monthly Charges 6.21 __ ___-----_-�_-- _-- —�— -- ---- Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 Total Amount Due $593,37 Individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage ____------------------.---. __._—_.-- Calling Name Display Amount Due in Full by Oct 13,2014 Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$89.00 over the costal the same services purchased separately. Billing Questions?Visit att.cam/billing Charges for 317574.1708 Monthly Charges 6.21 Plans and Services 588.44 Bits Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 1-BOO-480-8088 Individual Message Business Repair Service: Unlimited Local Usage 1-800-480-8088 Calling Name Display For more information on products and services call Caller Identification 1-800-480-6088 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited 8, AT&T Long Distance 4.93 you are saving$89.00 over the cost of the sante 1-800-480-8088 services purchased separately. Total of Current es Char 593.37 Charges for 317 574-1725 D Monthly Charges 0.21 Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 Individual Message Business Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Caller Identification By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$09.00 over the cost of the same services purchased separately. Charges for 317 574-1736 Monthly Charges 6.21 News You tan Uve Summary. PREVENT DISCONNECT •CARRIER INFO •CHANGE TO CONTRACT See'News You Can Use for additional information. Local Services provided by AT&T Illinois,AT&T Indiana,AT&T Michigan, - AT&T Ohio or AT&T Wisconsin based upon the service address location. Return bottom portion with your check in the gnctosed onvolope, GO GREEN-Enroll in paperless trilling. ;_,�-n �s-sr �,u:r .;rr T '„a-,.��1�.�s�' �;x�•�`�` ..,s�.e-��,.,�s5- �"_r s"T^ z+7- W�a-. -� �� -:�s �n C�>.r-> v,��--`�6��`'vYrfs'�.�.f �.?- ��+_�•-.,.r'�'S_,y� �:�*e�a'�r»_�"=�2�..�c`r.�•�s.!. _ a�:.Sa_����••-.. ��ur..f..� �.:��«l3�r.,,,��.rn.,l,�,*.:.��..ha_n�_v__.�;�.�,'4,..:1'��rd® THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 2 of 3 ARTS Account Number 317 574-0827 624 3 %NAfd-CYHAMILTON • Biking Date Sep 22,2014 at&t355 CITY CENTER OR CARMEL,IN 0.6032.3806 (nvolce Number 317574082709 Monthly Service-Continued • Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 Individual Message Business Monthly Service-Continued Unlimited Local Usage l Bus L'ecal Calling Unlimited B 50.00. Calling Name Display Individual Message Business Caller Identification Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, Caller Identification you are saving$89.00 over the cosi of the same services purchased separately. By choosing Pus Local Calling Unlimited B, you are saving$89,00 over the cost of the same Charges for-317 844-5898. services purchased separately. Monthly Charges 6.21 J Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 Charges for 317 574-1760 individual Message Business Monthly Charges 6.21 Unlimito'd Local Usage € Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 Calling Name Display Individual Message Business Caller Identification Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, Caller Identification you are saving$99.00 overthe cost ofthe same By choosing Bus Local Catling Unlimited B, services purchased. separately. you are saving$09.00 overthe cast of the same Total Monthly Service 505.69 services purchased separately. Local Calls ' Charges for 317 574-1774 Call(s)C harged to 317 574.185.2 Monthly Charges 821 Unlimited Local Usage Plan Summary Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 6 Call(s)billed at no charge per call AD 1 Individual Message Business Total Call(s)Charged to 317 574-1862 .80 Unlimited Local Usage Calling Name Display Call(s)Charged to 317 844-5893 Caller Identification Unlimited Local Usage(Plan Summary By Choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited B, 3 Call(s)billed atno charge per call .00 you are saving$89.00 overthe Costof the same Total Call(s)Charged to 317 844-5898 .00 Total Local halls .00 services purchased separately. 5urcharges•and Olherfees Charges for 317 5791862 Monthly Charges 6.21 9-1-1 Fm ergenoy System Bus Local Calling Unlimited B 50.00 Billed for the State of Indiana 8.10 Federal Universal Service Fee 14.85 Individual Message Business IN Universal Service Surcharge 1.76 Calling NUnlimitedN Local Usage IN Utility Receipt Surcharge 5.36 Came Display Telecommunications Relay Service .27 Caller Identification Total Surcharges and Other Fees 30.34 1 By choosing Bus Local Calling Unlimited P,- Taxes ' you are saving$89.06 over the cost of the same Federal at 3•h 15.24 services purchased separately. 36.97 State at7°fo Total Taxes 52.21 Charges for 317 574-1873 i Monthly Charges 6.21 Total Plansand Services 588.44 i - I 5470.006.047245.01.02.0000000 N N N N N N NY 3717.3717 Y"y .- - �-a ...::..n�'• �.:._,.._�..-..._ .. e0 t.5„� �:.:..::5 SVer__-.. cr_��-c ... .�.tir.s$..•1:i�.i TRE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING Page 3of3 ARTS Account Number 317 574-0827 624 3 r at&t /NANCY HAMILTON Billing Date Sep 22,2014 355 CITY CENTER DR 4:4 CARMEL,IN 46032-3806 Invoice Number 317574082709 Invoice B1111gg,-Coptinued Message Regarding Terms&Conditions: Total Invoice Charges 4.93 To view your Terms&Conditions for AT&T Long Key for Calling Codes: Distance,access vuww.attcont/servicepublications A Anytime B Collect C Calling Card or call AT&T at the toll free number on your bill. Invoice Summary D Day E Evening F Call Forwarding (as of September 09, 2014) H Third Number I Special intrastate L Late Night Current Charges M Multiple Rate Period N Night/Weekend Service Charges 3,00 0 Operator Completed-Dial Rates Apply P Person to Person Credits and Adjustments 00 R Standard Overseas S Station to Station. T Discount Overseas Call Charges 1 39 X Conference Y Economy Overseas 3 Three Way Surcharges and Other Fees .32 Taxes .22 Total AT&T Long Distance 4,93 Total Invoice Summary 4.93 Service Charges Nonthly Service charges PREVENT DISCONNECT Type of Service Period Qty Thank you for being a valued customer. Itis important to inform you 1. BUS CLING 09/07-10108 1 3.00 that all charges must be paid each month to keep your account current Total Nonthly Service Charges 3,00 and preventcollection activities, In addition,please be aware that we are required to inform you of certain charges that MUST be paid in Total Service Charges 3.00 order to preventinterruption of basic local service. These charges are already included in the Total Amount Due and are 5593.37. Call Charges =A69 7th thru Sep 6th If you don't agree with the amount due,you should dispute the portion Calls for 317.574.1862 you disagree with before tite payment due date. Domestic CARRIER INFO .' o u ount 2 9-03 538P FORT WAYNE IN 260 455-4255 D 2:30 1,39 AT&T Long Distance,or a company that resells their service, is your long distance and local toll carrier, Subtotal Domestic Calls for 317.574-1862 1,39 CHANGETO CONTRACT Total Domestic Calls for 317.574-1862 1.39 Effective 11/15/14,your ComploteLinkO,Business Local Calling, Complete Choice0 far Business or Custom BizSaver 11 agreement will be Total Calls for 317-574.1882 1.30 revised to add the following:If during the Term,an AT&T ILEC Service provided under the Agreement is migrated to a qualifying AT&T Business Total Call Charges 1 39 Voice over IF(BVoIP)Service or to a qualifying AT&T Mobility Service (referred to collectively as the"Replacement Service),then die Early i Termnation Charge associated with the Terminated ILEC Service will be Surcftarpes and Ofher Fees 1 3, Federal Regulatory Fee 04 waived provided: 1)die Terminated ILEC Service has been installed for 4. Federal Universal Service Fee 22 no fewer than 3 months at each Customer site,2)the tern of the 5, IN Universal Service Surcharge 02 Replacement Service agreement is equal to or greater than the remaining 8. IN Utility Receipts Tax Recovery ,04 term for lie Terminated ILEC Service,3)tlieReplacement Service is Total Surcharges and Other Fees 32 installed or available attlie same Customer sites as die Terminated ILEC Servfce,4)the Replacement Service is contracted for in the same Taxes relative quantity(ies)as such Terminated ILEC Services being 7. Federal 00 displaced,and 5)activation of the Replacement Service at the Customer 8, State 22 sites or for Customer use at such Customer Sites occurs within 90 days 9. Municipal ,00 of termination of the ILEC Service atthat site. Itis atthe 10. Nan Rome State 00 . Company's sole determination whether a product change satisfies these Total Taxes 22 requirements.If you have any questions,please contact an AT&T Service - Representative at the toll-free num bar on your bill. I ( INVOICE BBC TUmp and Equipment Co Inc .? INVOICE Branch:01 BBC Pump and Equipment Co I F P .1 <.�r 22 201 300248_ PO Box 22098 `v I Invoice Date Page Indianapolis,IN 46222 l '' 9/10/2014 16:16-401 1 of 1 ORDER NUMBER 317-636-1111 61155402 1029783 9.16.14 Bill Tiw Ship To: Tlie Center for the Performing.Arts � The Center for the Performing Ails 355 City Center Drive 355 City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 Carmel,IN 46032 Attn:Nancy Hamilton Ordered By:Mr.Ed Penman Customer ID: 17972 PO Niiiiibei- Term Description Net Due Date. Disc Due Date Discount Anrount Paladium 2 Verbal Ed Net 30 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 0.00 Orfler Date Pick Ticket No Primary Salesr•ep Name Taker 8/22/2014 16:42:46 2022142 Dave Brown NJONES Qrrarrfhies Pricing Ifem ID 40111 Unit E.slended Oi7lered S/dpperl Reurrrfnfn� UON 3`Ifem Description poll. Price Unit Sire q Unit She Carrier: BBC Truck Tracking#: 1:0 1.0 0.0 EA LABOR PROJECT EA 420.0000 .420.00 1.0 Labor 1.0000 Labor to pull US motor, repair in shop and reinstall 1.0 1.0 0.6 EA 6309ZZ EA 54.3077 51.31 1.0 Shielded bearing 1.0000 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA 6207ZZ BEARING EA 16.0308 16.03 1.0 sheilded bearing 1.0000 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA 8.JEM EA 65.2308 65.23 1.0 Martin coupling insert 1.0000 Total Lirtes; 4 SUB-TOTAL• 555.57 TAX: 0.00 AMOUNTDUE. 555.57 ORIGINAL (2.14.1377.02120114 f INVOICE BBC Pump and Equipment Co Inc INVOICE Branch: 01 BBC Pump and Equipment Co Inc 30024823 PO Box 22098 Invoice Date Page Indianapolis,IN 46222 9/10/201416:26:19 1 of 1 61155404 ORDER NUMBER 9.1 0.1 4 1029782 317-636-1111 Bill To: Ship To: The Center for the Performing Arts The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive. 355 City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 Carmel,IN 46032 Attn:Nancy Hamilton Ordered By:Mr.Ed Penman Customer ID: 17972 PO Number Term Description Net Due Date Disc Due Date Discount Amount Paladium Verbal Ed Net 30 10/10/2014 10/10/2014 .0.00 Order Date Pick Ticket.No Primary Salesrep Name Taker 8/22/2014 16:41:14 2022143 Dave Brown NJONES Quantities Pricing ItemID U0M Unit Extended UOM a p.;�o Ordered Shipped RemainingUnit Srte 4 Rent Description' Unit Size Price Carrier: BBC Truck Tracking#: 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA LABOR PROJECT EA 420.0000 420.00 110 Labor 1.0000 Labor to pull Peerless/Syncrotlo pump, repair in shop and reinstall 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA P96678551 EA 432.5846 432.58 1.0 PEERLESS Impeller;810A;0.88"Bore 1.0000 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA BSE2-KIT EA 180.0000 180.00 1.0 MECH SEAL,BRZ FIT F1 1.0000 FRAME OR 143-215JM*KIT Total Lines. 3 SUB-TOTAL: 1,032.58 TAX: 0.00 AMOUNT DUE: 1,032.58 ORIGINAL 12.14.1377-02/20/14 REBILL INVOICE BBC Pump and Equipment Co Inc REBILL INVOICE Branch:01 BBC Pump and Equipment Co 1 30025325 PO Box 22098 Invoice Date Page Indianapolis,IN 46222 61155404 9/24/2014 1 ' 1 of 1 10.13.14 ORIGINAL INVOICE NUMBER 30024984 317-636-1111 Tull To: Ship To: The Center for the Performing Arts .The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive 355 City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 Carmel,IN 46032 Attn:Nancy Hamilton Ordered By:Mr.Ed Penman J� Customer ID: 17972 PO Number Terni Description Net Due Date Disc Due Date Discount Amount verbal ed-9/18/2014 09:25:42 Net 30 10/24/2014 10/24/2014 0.00 Order Date Pick Ticket No Primary Salesrep Name Taker 9/18/2014 09:25:07 Dave Brown DBROWN Quantities Pricing Item ID UOM Unit &tended Ordered Stripped Remninin�UOM Item Description p„r, Price Unit Size R Ufeit Size Carrier: BBC Truck Tracking#: 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA VM3611T EA 385.9800 385.98 1.0 Baldor motor 1.0000 1.0 1.0 0.0 EA LABOR PROJECT EA 210.0000 210.00 1.0 Labor 1.0000 Total Lines: 2 SUB-TOTAL: 595.98 TAX: 0.00 "OUNTDUE: 595.98 ORIGINAL 12.141377-02/20114 1 The Blakley Corporation/F.E. Gates-Company 5 8$ 0 8060 East 88th street INVOICE No. Indianapolis, IN 46256i - 0 9/10/14 (317)842-9600 �'. ` DATE W .l PALLADIUM CPT REPAIR 2014 PROJECT 1` CENTER FOR QORMNG A T For office use only 335 CITY CENTER DR CARMEL, IN 46.032 Contract No. 400049 00-1873 TERMS: NET 30 DESCRIPTION AMOUNT CARPET REPAIR $600 .00 T 0 T A L N E T D U E. $600 . 00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER 61155404 A SERVICE CHARGE OF 1 .500 WILL BE 912.14 ADDED TO ANY BALANCE- 30 DAYS OLD. THIS -IS AN ANNUAL RATE OF 186 . 1 Inlvoice#: 152459 DUAWNINVU SEP .1, 2 2(111 r Date: 09/09/2014 Bunting Graphics, Inc. Safes Order: 70057 20 River Road Verona PA 15147-1159 412-820-2200 License- 1000193863 Billed To: The Center for Performing Arts project: Center for Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive 61155404 355 City Center Drive Carmel IN 46032 9.23.14 Carmel IN 46032 Customer: TCPA Due Date: 1010912014 Tgrms: 3ODY P.O.# 0709 Description QTY,Ordered Unit Price Amount Sign Type RR-Chair Plaques 56.0000 50.700000 2,839.20 SHIPPING&HANDLING 1.0000 17.780000 17.78 Notes: f' . . � ret- ��- A service charge of 0.00 %per annum will be charged on all amounts Non-Taxable Amount: 2,856.98 overdue on regular statement dates. Taxable Amount: 0.00 'Thank you for your prompt payment! Sales Tax: 0.00 Amount Due 2,856.98 ORIGINAL IINVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIPTO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E2M4 018670405 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOILTKTCNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 9/02/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 10/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. G BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 7.502 45.01 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.903 9.81 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 x 15 1 10.090 10.09 N INVOICEITOTAL 148.98 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.903 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERVICE HOTLINE NUMB3R 888-92;4-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSEf HENRY 937-237-3760 IENRYB@ INTAS.COM ACCTS. N-Z CALL GRETIHEIT STURGILL AT 937-630-;3504 S URGILLGOCINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD, VISA, D SCOVER $ AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTOMERS BET E , CIN AS CORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE HAS NDW RE IT TO ADDRESS ******* **** 61155 0 9.4.14 REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE =FINAINVOICE # 018670405 Customer:05293-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF Invoice#: 670405 Amount: $148.98 Date: 09-02-2014 13:04 AR Signer:SECURITY DESK CINTAS CORP- The Service Professionals Cjt�& ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIP TO: • THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E1M1 018673228 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 9/09/14 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 10/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 2 LINE SOIL MINC ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T Nb. CNT CHG. O BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY - INVOICED .PRICE AMOUNT X 10 x 15 N 10 CREDIT X 15 152.43 ADJUSTE� INVOI E TOTAL 3.45 ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLINE NUMBER 88.8-9Z4.-6827.OR 8887-BCINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSEt HENRY iD 937-237-3760 IFNRYB@INTAS.CpM ACCTS. N-Z CALL GRET HE STUZGILL AT 937-630-'3504 srURGILLGOCINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD, VISA, D ESCOVER & AMERI ZAN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTO ER BET E , CIN ASCORP ;LOC' O1 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA•LE HAS k, NDW RE 4IT TO A] DRESS [7� i REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018673228 TOTAL 1p ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIP TO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E1M1 018673228 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOILTKTCNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 9/09/14 BILLTO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUST NO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 10/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOILMIN C PRICE ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY- QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. O BB EMPLOYEE-NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED - AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT_ UF_ 84035 6 6 7.502 4S.01,N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.903 9.8:1 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 15 1 10.090 10:-09 N INVOICE TOTAL 148.-98 ._ 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 ' 9 4.903 N 61155404 10.1.14 Now REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018673228 TOTAL ********** Cuskomer;05293-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF Inoice#; 673225 Announk; 3.45 Dake; 09-09-2014 13;21 AR Signer.JOE FINTAS CORP - The Service Professionals ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIPTO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E2M2 018676009 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 9/16/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER-DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 10/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C BB ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY PRICE INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG.• O EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED AMOUNT X 1. 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10 BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 7.502 45.01 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.903 9.81 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 X 15 1 10.090 -'10.09 N INVOICE TOTAL 148.98 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.903 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLINE NUMB R 888-924-6827 OR 888- CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSE HENRY D 937-237-3760 ENRYBQ INTAS.0 M ACCTS. N-Z CALL GRE=EK STUZGILL AT 937-630-3504 S URGILLG CINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MASTERCARD, VISA, D SCOVER & AMERI AN EXPR SS TO SERVICE OUR CUStOMERB CUSTOMERBET E , CIN AS CORP LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS W RE IT TO ADDRESS ******* **** 6115540 9.18.14 I REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 0,.8676009 TOTAL i LDanite: 09 29.5-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF 76009 6,95 2014 15:29 AR RITY DESK Ef CIf�TAS CARP- The Service Professionals ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIPTO: TUE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELL MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E1M3 018678798 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 9/23/14 BILLTO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUSTNO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 10/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN TAX CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. O BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT, X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10• BLACK MAT OF 84035 6 6 7.502 45.01 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435, 2 2 4.903 9.81 N S SERVICE CHARGE F , 1 15 1 10:090 10.09 N INVOICE TOTAL _ ". 148,.98 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD' 4 84435 9 4,.903 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLINE NUMBER 888-92;4-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSEf HENRY 937-237-3760 IENRYB@ INTAS.COM ACCTS. N-Z CALL GRE=EW STURGILL AT 937-630-:3504 S URGILLGOCINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MASTERCARD, VISA, D SCOVER 4'AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTO ER "BET E , CIN AS CORP :LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS KDW RE IT TO ADDRESS ******* **** 61155404 9.25.14 REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018678798 TOTAL Customer:052Q3-THE CENTER FOR THE PERF Invoice4#; 678790 Amount; $148.98 Date; 09-23-2014 13;19 AR Signer:SECURITY DESK CINTAS CORP - The Service Professionals dNTAs- ORIGINAL INVOICE REMIT TO: CINTAS CORPORATION #018 LOCATION 18 SHIPTO: THE CENTER FOR THE PERFOR P 0 BOX 630803 DEERFIELD MALL CINCINNATI, OH 45263-0803 335 CITY CENTER DR 888-924-6827 INVOICE NO. CARMEL, IN 46032 D E2M4 018681627 CONTRACT NO. ACCOUNT NO. STOP SEQ DELIVERY CODE SOIL TKT CNT INVOICE DATE 05293 05293 19 W102000 R 9/30/14 BILL TO: THE PALLADIUM 335 CITY CENTER DR LOC ROUTE DAY CUST NO. DEPARTMENT CUSTOMER P.O.NO. TERMS CARMEL, IN 46032-3806 018 51 2 05293 DUE 10/10/14 EVEN BILLING CONTACT: ED PENMAN rax CODE 317-370-2091 TAX EXEMPT PAGE 1 LINE SOIL MIN C ITEM DESCRIPTION OR EMP. ITEM QUANTITY QUANTITY INVOICE T NO. CNT CHG. O BB EMPLOYEE NAME NO. NO. INVENTORY INVOICED PRICE AMOUNT X 1 6X8 THE PALLADIUM OF 84401 6 6 9.800 58.80 N 2 3X5 SCRAPER MAT OF 2477 10 10 2.527 25.27 N 3 3X10 BLACK_ MAT OF 84035 6 6 7.502 45.01 N 4 4X6 BLACK MAT OF 84435 2 2 4.903 9.81 N 5 SERVICE CHARGE F 1 15 1 10:090 10.09 N INVOICEITOTAL 148.98 7 4X6 THE PALLADIUM UD 2 84401 2 10.289 N 8 3X10 BLACK MAT UD 4 84035 17 7.502 N 9 4X6 BLACK MAT UD 4 84435 9 4.9.03 N ***NEW CUSTOMER SERV CE HOTLENE NUMB R 888-92;4-6827 OR 888-9CINTAS ** ACCTS A-M CALL BETSEf HENRY D 937-237-3760 gENRYB@INTAS.COM ACCTS. N-Z CALL GRET HEN STUZGILL AT 937-630-3504 S URGILLGOCINTAS.COM WE GLADLY ACCEPT MAS ER ARD, VISA, D SCOVER 4 AMERI AN EXPRESS TO SERVICE OUR CUSTOMERS BET E , CIN AS CORP ;LOC 01 ****ACCOUNTS RECEIVA3LE HAS W RE IT TO AIJDRESS ************ 61155404 10.8.14 REVIEWED BY SIGNATURE FINAL INVOICE # 018681627 TOTAL i elty o! L` § UtilitiesAccount NumltL r 0662694300 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due $779.55 Customer Service ,DUeQa� 1.0103/1`.4 www.carmelutilities.com r ;. (317),511-2442 Molt Ir ri Sam-5pm Amount Due $779.55 l FP A I7��� After Due Date CITY OF CARMEL-PALLADIUM: : i =fir `( �`,'�.� =p - w 355 W CITY CENTER DR CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL,IN 46032 !!♦r�nt♦r��u��nnr���n�r�r�i�r� 61155424 9.12.14 PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU 113 (749..47) 08/01/14 09/02/14 67265522 790 $02 WATER 12 $82.83 SEWER 12 $103.56 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#D $186.39 08/01/14 09/42/14 67265521 758 767 WATER 9. $82.83 SEWER 9 $92.28 FIRE LINE $64.07 Total Location Charges For: i CENTER GREEN#C $239.18 08/01/14 09/02/14 69067102 737 747 WATER 10 $82.83 SEWER 10 $96.04 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#13 $178.87 08/01/14 09/02/14 69101903 673 682 WATER 9 $82.83 SEWER 9 $92.28 Total Location Charges For: 1 CENTER GREEN#A $175.11 O LL Relain i1115 FOflioll to your ICc.rrd>. I),Oach hefe arttl retur;i,n=i!Ii yi m;payment Service Location Account !dumber 68259400 i rme# UtilitiesIIIIIIIIIIIIII(Illlllllilllll To avoid lato penallie.5,";',I,posUA It,,', � $779.55 delivery(line hr_row t116 due.lale when mailing your payment. pue Datt � ` 10/03114: $779,55 CARMEL UTILITIES - �`�~ PO BOX 109 Ali"Id)unt �;ncloso'.� CARMEL,IN 46082 -- Please use return envelope provided when paying l,y mail. Malre sure aadf-oss shows in window. TU City cf �ne tiffdss A imber 0682594300 P.O. Box 109 Carmel, IN 46082-0109 Amount Due. $779.55 Custort� ie Due Date 110/031,14 www.cai-melLitilitiL'S.COM t1� 5 42 i Fri Sam-5pm ARI011nt Due $779.55 100 After Dui-:Data Il� f # B T CITY OF CARMEL-PALLADIUM It ,!. ; ,i!{=� 355 W CITY CENTER DR CONSOLIDATED BILLING CARMEL,IN 46032 ��I��LIdI�li1���Jl��El�lll�lll v PAYMENT RECEIVED, THANK YOU (749.47) PREVIOUS BALANCE FOR ALL LOCATIONS $0,00 CURRENT BILLING FOR ALL LOCATIONS $779.55 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $779.55 AMOUNT DUE AFTER 10/03/14 $779.55 0 v ` s 6 I tetain thi,portion for Your:ecards 00ac 1101'alo End retwn?With YCltr pavI"iCN SeMce Location Account t Iurnbw 0682594300 iQ"rme� Utilities To avoid tale penalties,Alco.v r ogtoi r4�f { $779 55s� deliVCiy 01111 before'lli: I ctrl. 't" when mailihy your payor=nl. Due"Ciatl 1`0103114. i t $779.55_] ; CARMEL UTILITIES �� PO 80X 109tllf?LtE1 Ef1C@fJB I�'sa CARMEL, IN 46082 �• Please use r•efurn enveicape Provided when Paying by mail. Wake.sure ad;lresn shows in window. DUKE ENERGY {•:yi}.:f ::�r.'i::�:�::: i:.ixa' n;.,r.?.•- .zrM:r: Account Number 3590-3717-01-5 CM 03 Sep 26,2014 $14,005.26 For more detailed billing information on your monthly bill,check box on right $ $ #35X0 S7BL 01 CM SWOS# HelpingHand Contribution Amount Enclosed (for Customer Assistance) 0000208' 01AV0.378 ''Auro 10247746032-380655 -C01-P00208.1 4 61155422 �1111111�1�111111IuIIdr�I��I�hIIP�llhlhlu�lhlll,lrllllu 9.8.14 City Of Carmel t The Center For The PO Box 1326 Performing Arts Charlotte NG 28201-1326 355 City Center Dr Carmel IN 46032-3806 900 00014005269 35903717015 092620140 0001LI005269 PLEASE Rf=rURN THETOP PORTION WITH YOUR PAYMFNT page 1 o1 i : �, !., . .:......r.r .7�.']r�.�...:....,:r.;v..:-•.w.:<:.:..,•.,..:. i,:.:.w«tr...J:'... .�.:-:--:,:..�..,-:a":i.r:i,..r rrr::....»:<.5:.:.:.}.,?•..:.�.a:..::::nx:. .t. .r.:t:}...r...,.:.:.:n.::}r... �vr._...,n ..... :.:r .::..�x; v:x:::.vnv::•...........:...................... .-..r;?irti{,-::.:n:n::-:.Sx-1...nr.r...._?S-x-:.< ...J.•.vr.v}i:/-:r.v:rnt.::.v.:..::.::n::,,.:::.r.:.v........:.v:nnv::•:•::•:�•.:. City Of Carmel Duke Energy 1-877-499-7859 3590-3717-01-5 The Center For The .For Account Services,please contact Performing Arts Jessica Jackman 725 3Rd Ave SW Carmel IN 46032 -m.:v}':::r....:v f::::n--wrr tw:..-v.. v ...,. : :}:'r: rrrl,•, n�.{ :...n..v::::.:.. .:n Cr?.m.F rn• ...Ynw.y..,v::r:.i.....v.::...:vt.:nw:::r'!';dY}. :..:.:.... ..... :{' $+'l i y.[;iff,.;F ..J.i FY;Y.CS:•'i ��G4.tfi3D1:;IfklOXdil.�,�f�i'#';' :t l:•<:;�i :":� •-}rry W: .4:{{5:4 -- ^�� ;- '?>T�-.:,� ::>vwrrlr. ::rY ty,,r. ..:;,n.. ..x aF. n:}:•r;:r.,:: ^y:f.}:o-w}: PO Box 1326 Payments after Sep 04 not included Bill prepared on Sep 04,2014 Charlotte NC 28201-1326 Last payment received Aug 28 Next meter reading Oct 02,2014 a:•'F.ri: unv•:.:v.':.::.vn,•rn-:nwr:n:••:...t-�::--.v.:n•... .v.,.v n<,.rr,:•.:: .....0./....5.:....................r.:::. .:....... i-.r n.'. ��.3iry:•.: ..?^:•. 'h:..._.:^S:'Sa:<:-i..:.v..... 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S. atfflvmamiaY: r - .U..w,n'•.ry. ir2.J.S•i<}.c:;>;:g}`.,:v�55i}}k;:}•:?.k�.,.i%:1.}`i!=:iY-'rf..i5a?r - Usage- 155,733 kWh 308.00 kW Amt Due-Previous Bill $ 15,826.08 75.20 kVar Payment(s)Received 15,826.08cr Duke Energy-Rate HSNO $14,005.26 Balance Forward 0.00 Current Electric Charges 14,005:25 Current Electric Charges 14,005.26 Current Amount Due T14,006.26 The more you know,the less you spend. Get bill-lowering tips at duke-energy,comlenergytips. 8 �;[P o z111+I I _ r. CD m a m �:�<�s€I7�iEtsztSaiEzn<:�: ;;sggS3p;u�T.11ClljiF��s AverageCost; $0.0899 per kWh Sep 26,2014 $14,005.26 DUKE '-y ENERGY,"D00D208-0001-0000309 3 RNJVV.dLke-CnergJ/.COID i L �j++` _ PO BOX 1507 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46206 61155404 9.19.14 P.O. Box 1507 INVOICE ATE PAGE 1 1625 W. Thompson Road NUMBER 0 /12/14 Indianapolis' IN 46206-1507 945226.001 BILL TO: SHIP TO: Carmel Theater Develp Co LLC Center for/Performing Arts 11711 N. Pennsylvania St 355 City/Center Dr. Suite 200 Carmel N Carmel IN 46032 -------------------------------------- - P 0 NUMBER I JOB # I JOB DESCRIPTIOI�� ICUST #lCONTRACTI ------------------------------------------ I 1 9452261Center for Performing Arts I 108761 I ---------------------------- --- ------ QTY UOM DE CRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT --- ----------m -- ------ -------------------------- 1.000 O R" AS ER QUOTE 750. 0000 750.00 E SEE ATTACHED FOR LIST OF COMPLETED Payment can be made by credit card, add 2.5% to invoice total for card fees. Amount due 30 days from invoice date. A service charge of 1.5% per month (18% APR) will be added to past due invoices. Main Phone - (317) 780-2923 Main Fax - (317) 780-2853 TOTAL THIS INVOICE 750.00 Nov. 4. 2014 9:36AM No. 2638 P. 1 QUOTATION TO:Carmel Performing Arts Quotation Date:July 9,2014 Attn: Ed Penman ERMCO Rep: Chad Lovitt Project Name:Conduit Sealing at Ground Box Gentlemen: We thank you for the opportunity of qubting the following work,as herein described: ERMCO is pleasett to offer the following proposal.Our quote Is based on the following scope: ➢ Seal (3)4"conduits at Quazite box located outside building. Utilize Polywater conduit sealing system. Note: 1. Includes all labor and material required. 2.Work quoted at normal hours. Quote for above work$750.00 We sincerely hope this quotation will allow us to be of service to you and your company. If we may be of furthar asslstance,please call. Accepted: ERMCO Inc. By, By:_C•ha&Lova • Chad Lovitt Datet Title:Service Manager 1625 W.Thompson ltd. P.O.Box 1507 Indianapolis,IN 46217 Indianapolis,IN 48206. Phone(317}790-2923 J� Website:mn�m ermce.eom FAX(31'7)760-2683 email:errncosermco.com ESG SECURITY, INC. 9/2/2014 23966 r e 61155169 PenoterMforra Wrerforming Arts 10.15.14 355 Wrest Citv Center Drive Carmel,IN'46032 • A 14780-315 S'24-8/3(1/N Weekly Sunday,August 24,2014 78"124/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 8/24/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday,August 25,2014 8/25/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 8/25/2014 , One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Tuesday,August 26,2014 - - -- 8/26/201-4_--One-Guard - --7:30am_to4:1"Spm ---..:---- ----1-3f25- - _ -- 8/26/2014 to 11:30 pm 7.25 15.00 108.75 Wednesday,August 27,2014 8/27/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 8/27/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 4:00 pm 4.5 15.00 67.50 8/27/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Thursday,August 28,2014 8/28/2014 One Guard 7:30.am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 8/28/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 81 15.00 120.00 Friday,August 29,2014 8/29/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 2:30 pm 7 15.00 105.00 8/29/2014 One Guard 2:30 pm to 11:30 pm 9 15.00 135.00 Due Upon Receipt TOW 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Suite B210 1N .1"",01 -0 [317]261.0833 o fax[317]261.0955 r Invoice ESG SECURITY, YNCa 912/'2014 23966 Pen"terr ' ee orming Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel.IN 46032 ° 1:4780-31.5 8/1.4�8/30/E4 Wedkly VAITT. MOTOWL0 OYNNIM AT AMOUNT Saturday,August 30,2014 8/30/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 8/30/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 r Due Upon Receipt Total $1,680.00 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Sui; • L-2!:5 Q 1n;1iaUZI.!I,�, IN <i-I'll o [317]261.0833 o fax[317]261.0955 r From: 09/02/2014 09:18 #217 P.001 ESG SECURITY INC, 'Event: 1y- �V5� �S �U P- 1060 N.Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location } U,14�t V P 3'17.261.0833 ` pate� '?`` � 0p1Yt '�'t F 317.261.0955 .1 � ' Contact41eX I V �( �SIC, Uniform l.If�ZG'Q. Color LOGIC -1 L4 0 3 � 4 _ Name In Out Hours, V---"" 1 r� / �lt�!-P 73A�/ Cs?3G 20.1 � 5L) 3 4 t 43r`I13q fJ3I qq3 6q81 to ON 6 yy �n �lwz-'ezr f r F2 [VES 9 i0 Vda 1730A w D 12k 50 2 3-79—� � =� r ` Aurs 15 ��� ..., ys an ZZ-0 r� 730 ,4 17 18 r� 730- 336 o 120 Cjax 5�.�. z1 22 23 24 25 ------------ EEMM r- Invoke ESG SECURITY, INC. 79/'8/22014 24026 " 61155169 enter for the Performing Arts 9.9.14 355 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 AZ 1478.-136 8/319Y6/14-Weekly ar Sunday,August 31,2014 8/31/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 8/31/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, September 1, 2014 (Holiday) 9/1/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 22.50 191.25 9/1/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 22.50 168.75 Tuesday, September 2,2014 9/2/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:15 pm 8.75 15.00 131.25 9/2/2014 One Guard 4:15 pm to 11:30 pm 7.25 15.00 108.75 Wednesday, September 3,2014 9/3/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 9/3/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 3:45 pm 4,25 15.00 63.75, 9/3/2014 One Guard 3:45 pm to 11:30 pm 7.75 15.00 116.25 Thursday,September 4,2014 9/4/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 - 120.00 9/4/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, September 5,2014 9/5/2014 One Guard' 7:30 am to 3:00 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 / Due Upon Receipt, Total 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Suite E210 -ticha wi lis, 'IN 4b20d---A01 t [317]261.0833 fax[317]261.0955 F Invoke ESG SECURITY, INC. 9/8/2014 24026 c d Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 t 1.478036 8/31.911x/-14 Weekly NT DATE ®ug Q r ONN 9/5/201.4 One Guard' 3:00 pm to 12:00 am 9 15.00 135.00 Saturday, September 6,2014 9/6/2014 One Guard 12:00 am to 12:30 am 0.5 15.00, 7.50 9/6/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/6/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Due Upon Receipt Total $11815.00 10601V. Capitol Ave., Suitt- °�1It. [317]261.0833 o fax[317]261.0955 ESG SECURITY INC. `Event; 1060 N. Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location /�LLMD 1 U ` ' .ECUII�f1"Y A�t9�gVV10E8 P 317.261.0833 Date�I �//��i�G %4 Contact I V�!L K G UL" W F 317.261.0955 esgsecuritycom Uniform 7B L,%k2-t5.. ColoLR-GK kml [ A 'K I jEmployee I i Sign-in NameS rI IFTIn Out Hours. 4,n 4ee SuN 3 NOW, 6 9 /, ' 43g 8 �l�`ll+g�J 1�5��1 2 37a_64(v I W13034-5 ivy 9 l� 10 o.• G� a�lz,� / S - 1 Z �!� 730 /t3()R w b 12 >Z � Z g -G��h ! 3��csr it.� .� ��}� 13 i 3 -�T13y 14 Thu 5 15 1B c 6',P ! 12". 17 2 61&4 F'IZ 1 18 19 19 20 a G,le 3 21 - �07 V 736701, 33, 22 23 24 25 Y Nancy Hamilton From: Ed Penman Sent: Tuesday, September 09,2014 2:22 PM To: Nancy Hamilton Attachments: Martina McBride 9-5-14 @ Palladium-signed.pdf,Weekly 8-31 to 9-6-14 @ Palladium- signed.pdf Ed Penman Facility Manager The Center For The Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 (0)317-819-3509 1(M)317-370-2091 I (F)317-574-1862 epenman@TheCenterPresents.or� www.TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org i lin voice S6 SECURITY, NC. Q 9/15/2014 24058 _j 61155169 9.15.14 Center for the Performing Arts 55 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 v 1478037 917-9/i3./14'��"gekl�� N, a o Sunday, September 7,2014 9/7/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/7/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 5 Monday, September 8,2014 9/8/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 9/8/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 --- ----- - ---- -----_.---.Tuesday,_September 9,-2014 9/9/2014 One Guard_- 9/9/2014 One Guard 4:15 pm to 11:30 pm 7.25 15.00 108.75 Wednesday, September 10,2014 9/10/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 12:30 pm 5 15.00 75.00 9/10/2014 One Guard 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm 3 15.00 45.00 9/10/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Thursday, September 11,2014 9/11/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 . 15.00 120.00 9/11/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, September 12,2014 9/12/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 2:30 pm 7 15.00 105.00 9/12/2014 One Guard 2:30 pm to 11:30 pm 9 15.00 135.00 Due Upon Receipt Total 1060 N. Capitol Ave., Suite r-210 iN J &t; 04 1001 [3171261.0833 o fax(3171261.0955 Invoke ESG SECURITY, INC. 1[ 9/15/2014 24058 Center for the Performing Arts 55 West City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 1478037 9/7;9#1.3114 Weeldy Saturday, September 13,2014 9/13/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/13/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 12:00 am 8.5 15.00A, 127.50 Due Upon Receipt �'®tal . $1,687.5 1060 N. Capitol A-�,e., Sui>e E)I(, Ihi 4c.') jr*'-4,1Sll 0 [317]261.0833 Q fax[317]261.0955 From: 09/15/2014 09:30 #221 P.002/002 ESO SECURITY INC. 1Event;_ (Ty 1060 N.Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location U.17 t V •" P 317.261.0833t F 317.261.0955 "I r� Date 9 ! �9 AfContaC!_t 1 C-K !&uc esgsecurltycom �' tJnifor L 2�Q. . LAI��RP-2)Naaie -7 m W Colo Employee Sign-fn ShOt I 1 € Sup! 3 4 W I I LI3$'- I N W 7"Aw Ova 5 Peta 'nlw-44 0-- -�q 3-7 lf�4 Ines MON s s�1J Z �� t �(•t if 3e6 yes � 10 V4 C b 12 Z&0 �b�- � �/ -G46 i ?-Z) 1.3 k } - 14SL, W3/ Thum 15 .. �. . - 16 ., 2Z 6' 71LH A 17 �2 d27 - Ft2 ! 18 19z n 2f3-bVf7 S 73a,� 3JG 9/ a ,hdami. 28 3 7 X 73 JALeAM r Slu�'r 21 22 23 24 25 Rf----"wo ..�. .•.+.+..+u.�.�.i+�:rbYa•.� .' -'.:nirf Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. 9/22/2014 24149 ° 61155169 Center for the Performing Arts 9.23.14 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 „Q 1478038 9/ 4-9/20/14 W e J o e o a o Sunday,September 14, 2014 9/14/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/14/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 I Monday, September 15, 2014 9/15/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/15/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Tuesday, September 16, 2014 9/16/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 9/16/2014 One Guard 4:00 pin to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Wednesday, September 17,2014 9/17/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 11:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 9/17/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 11:30 pin 12 15.00 180.00 Thursday, September 18,2014 9/18/2014 One Guard 7.30 am to 3:30 pin 8 15.00 120.00 9/18/2014 One Guard 3:30 pan to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, September 19,2014 9/19/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to]1:30 am 4 15.00 60.00 9/19/2014 One Guard 11:30 am to 3:30 pru 4 15.00 60.00 9/19/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 ani 8 15.00 120.00 --FDue Upon Receipt To 1 a l 1060 N. Cjitilo! A\, ., tiuiw f:,.ff) IN d 6 t'11 I(tf)I :i11 )0LOB3 3 ti I0,11171-)6 L{ OV) O h1volce ESG SECURITY, INC, 9/22/2014 24149 o . Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 . a� eo o 0 Saturday, September 20, 2014 9/20/2014 One Guard' 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/20/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 12:30 am 9 15.00 I35.00 Due Up'On Receipt Tc�><a} $1,695.0 Ioo(-) N. Capilol Avc.. '�ui1. F)io hiiii<mropi% lN .:}6" 1 il),1! 3171 I)l iI'1'_.1, ESG SECURITY INC. Event. W- GIC0 P.l b «� AAL, 1060 N. Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location t1Lb 1 U _ SECUHRY•EYENTSEFMCE5 P 317.261.0833 ®ate //� l 94, F 317.261.0955 4,,LIA . Contact_N-1-c- l C uC< esgsecuri . om� I. Uniform 1A2-bV Color__ 1. !1 e{ Employee ww ` bee NameH 0f'1 'Phone PSIn Out C:. • Sun! 3 4 .j1P,� 3 ��i 7310 ► ,3c� 5 fti .e :2- -.,52 z� v //.&o 9,6 Yo ON s jvs 9 10 WeJ> 12 ! 14 ✓� J <" 2 22; 291" cs 1Yl f 15 / /9 , 9 16 y r 3g---CP�� 011417:3 ,17 / n n F-p_ I 18 2 cp,51-7 ? j'3� 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 f i L 4 ;1;!•j .(;tti'ILLf r'f �f {;Sfy!f;A; . } J.z� AI JA,Z. 44 Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. F DATE" IN 9/29/2014 24204 e 61155169 Center for the Performing Arts 9.29.14 355 West City Center Drive Cannel, IN 46032 gaz s v. a e u ° W. Sunday, September 21, 2014 9/21/2014 One.Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/21/201 One Guard 3: 30 pm to 11:30 prn 8 15.00 120.00 Monday, September 22,2014 9/22/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:300 pm 8 15.00 120.00 9/22/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 - ----- -- — ------Tuesday-September-2-3,-20-1-4------ ----- 9/23/2014 One Guard 4:0 pm to 11:30 pin 7.5 15.00 112.50 Wednesday, 8epteanber 24,2014 9/14/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 4:00 pm 8.5 15.00 127.50 9/24/2014 One Guard 4:00 pm to 11:30 pm 7.5 15.00 112.50 Thursday, September 25, 2014 9/25/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pm 8 15.00 I20.00 9/25/2014 One Guard 3:30 pan to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 Friday, September 26, 2014 9/26/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 1:30 pin 6 15.00 90.00 9/26/201 One Guard 1:30 pin to 11:30 pm 10 15.00 I50.00 Due Upon Receipt Total 1060 N. Cipitol Ave.. Sidle F101 o Indiuiipn1k, IN 46200-100I r J Invoice ESG SECURITY, INC. 9/29/2014 24204 11 LIM Center for the Performing Arts 355 West City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 �' �7.,j DATE PERSONNEI- HOURS • • Saturday, September 27, 2014 9/27/2014 One Guard 7:30 am to 3:30 pin 8 15.00 120.00 9/27/2014 One Guard 3:30 pm to 11:30 pm 8 15.00 120.00 -------------- -------------- ------- Due Upon Receipt Total $1,680.0 1060 N. Capitol Ave— Sidle E 210 4 Inilianap(ili�,. IN 4f)2O4-101)1 [317[261.08.43 g Fax[317[)-61.095', r from: 09/29/2014 09:06 #222 P.001 ESG SECURITY INC. Event: Iy- k Us c 6�Gc 0(Z 1060 N. Capitol#E210 Indianapolis, IN,46204 Location T)3LL14-D t la VVI.: uLoAmr. wr= P 317.281.083317ate��zi Contact Ni c:K i I GULF F 317.261.0955 _ . esgsecurity.cem S( Uniform JAZ P— Color_ JL.&GKN_ -3c Employee Nat-nePhone kF :Sin Out Hours terZia- Loi/ 7. 1/5 Sun! 3 �Zz 4 Nxf i 7'& ,RC1 90 5 b6 2- 390� 6 �0 N r -0b"9Y 20 s Ewa 0 Jwpzo� Z 379 -64(01 )%- 'Ilya P0, 7.s' 9 11 379-- t.4(ol 1,5' W e b 12 )Tz ,3 Cr utk VA I:36)Ar Thorn 15 �. 26 1s f 2 ��� '7U 3d 17 l ( (.13,04 I g F12 I 1s 20 S iq"fr 21 22 23 24 25 • :� .5_. •q��:a.;-;tib.. ��� FaX Server 004 10/16/2014 4: 58 :14 PM PAGE 2/002 Fax Server GRAINGER. PAGE 1 OF 1 ��v���� 882209752 GRAf l�� INNUMBER NT NUMBER 9523733013 NV 9210 CORPORATION DR. INVOICE DATE 08127!2014 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46256-1017 DUE DATE 09/20!2014 www.grainger.com $168.16 AMOUNT DUE SHIP TO PO NUMBER: 1Df-55402-19001) ATTN: JEFF STEED DEPARTMENT: PRODUCTION THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS CALLER: JEW srEEc 1 Center Grn CUSTOMER PHONE: 3176603373 61155404 Carmel IN 46032.380.9 ORDER NUMBER: 1215631602 INCO TERMS: FOB ORIGIN 10.17.14 BILL TO CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FOUNDATION 355 CITY CENTER DRInter©sted In receiving Invoices via email? CARMEL IN 46032-3806 Sign up for paperless invoicing at: www.grailiger.com/paperlessinvofcing THANK YOU! FEI NUMBER 36-1150280 FOR QUESTIONe ABOUT THIS INVOICE OR ACCOUNT CALL 1-800-472-4643 PO ITEM 9DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL -------- LINE A - ----------- 1 5FZY6 BUILDING WIRE,THHN,12 AWG,WHITE,50FT 1 17.32 17 32 MANUFACTURER * 22965851 2 5FZY5 BUILDING REFI#THN 12 5I7 G,BLACK,50FT 1 17.32 MANiJ17.92 3 5FZYB BUILDING WIRE,THHN,72 AWG,GREEN,50FT 1 17.32 MANUFACTURER 9 22968251 17.32 4 1RZA9 STEEL PLATE.THREE GANG DUPLEX,ALMOND 3 8'52 25.56 MANUFACTURER.* SP83AL 5 6Z836 RECEPTACLE,20A,125V,5-20R,2P,3W,1PH 9 3'69 33.21 MANUFACTURER a CR20WHI 6 1RVX5 ELECTRICAL BOX,MASONARY,3 GANGS 3 13.37 MANUFACTURER s 692 40.11 7 5A228 THREAbLOCKER,10 ML 1 17.32 MANUFACTURER Al 24221 17.32 Delivery 4!:6268741570 Date Shipped: 08/2112014 Carrier: UPS GROUND No:of Pkgs:1 Wt: 8.300 Ttk ar1Z6YO7A403195076530 INVOICE SUB TOTAL 168.16 These items are sold for domeotfo consumption.it exported.purchaser assmne;full respon-ihility for<ornpliance with Us export controls.Diversion contrary to US law prohibited. Reprint PAYMENT TERMS Net 30 days -PAY THIS INVOICE. NO STATEMENT SENT.PAYABLE IN U.S.DOLLARS. AMOUNT DUC $768.76 INSURANCE COVERA�DE `3 Premium Summary A/l o CJ-f-; POLICY/COVERAGE [-2014 J it ('3% C 55 35 Property $19,551 r (I °/v mFj:: 21-610 C;1-1 General Liability 19,850 .57s'I/n CP 1/ 1-511 q69 oz Inland Marine 3,706 ���D%G, � 1 5 �E/;�"00 i /o C.P 2 5g3.: al.vl� 0 55 5 3 [ k'!°lo MF? 3113. ?_516 Package Policy Total $43,107 2cF 3,78 7-7°/,00 Crime 3,574 �q0 o/O 00 Automobile 1,280 'Cf7 611 CP 1, 179 96.00 SSS s 3 1, g°% rnF'.1:. /02 9.0o Workers Compensation 14,314 q 2°1� f i 3, 1$4 1• 'o 551 ZJ/ PuTslla !'o q11 -iacn � �I �'/o mFT- I`ISU qq.&O R-"o h b Umbrella I 6,000 +gid°la CP 3,&o(D 3c0 .00 5 y ZS3 I7 °/v to r-y_ 1,020 �5,qQ, D&O EPLI 6,937 !°73D/D Ci 1-`- -I;3�o 1! 5, d0 555' 3 I g51.00 12.7-70 Y"IFE 1, 52(, 727, oU Total I $75,212 �,L Ami 5583 — 7/ 1 5 5135 - go/ / P0 . 00 557V35 - 4, 11 �f2- L/. 00 5512- LI - `ll / 109q, 00 S5 /7- y- �6! 9�J• Grc� 55"25 - V/ ! Z, 131, 00 5- ,5 z 5 3 ('96, o0 S 0 (9 ars - Disclaimers: The abbreviated outlines of coverage used throughout this document are not intended to express any legal opinion as to the nature of -coverage. They are only visuals to a basic understanding of coverage and do not detail all policy terms nor do they alter any policy conditions. Please read your policy for specific coverages,limitations and restrictions and call us with questions. All Hylant Group documents are subject to our record retention policy. Please refer to our website at www.hylant.com for a complete listing of all document types and retention periods. -2- �,, )► '� Johnson Controls Johnson /�}��� Building Efficiency Controls Federal ID 39-0380010 61155404 10.8.14 ORIGINAL INVOICE Invoice#: 1-14563951488 Invoice Date: 09/27/2014 PO #/Auth: 91114 Service Request: 1-14028297521 Customer WO#: SR Type: L&M Customer Acct: 1837868 Branch Name: Indianapolis IN Service-0941 Bill To: Service Site: CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS CARMEL PALLADIUM 355 W CITY CENTER DR 1 CENTER GRN ,- CARMEL RN ,CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032-3809 Requested By: Ed Penman Proposal: CARMEL PALLADIUM TECH LABOR Phone: 3176603387 Proposal Date: 09/08/2014 Accepted By: Ed Penman Service Provided: As per approved quote,we performed the following service work 9/2612014: Partial invoice for (Work Scope) the VMA and FEC install. Replaced (1)VMA controller and (1) FEC Controller. New controllers was programmed using the existing programming.The quote included the cost of the controllers, reloading the existing programs, and operational check out.JCl also troubleshot the humidifier. Per the customer,humidifier was running all night. Customer provided a safe means of access to the controllers needing replacement Additionally, this quote contained the labor and mileage expenses for(2) additional JCI technical visits; (16) hours to be used at the customer's discretion.Total quote =$5,186.00. Balance due on future invoice-SR 1- 14532777543=$2,307.11. Due this invoice=$2,878.89. Thank you for your business. Total Quote Price $2,878.89 Taxes $0.00 Total Amount Due USD $2,878.89 Direct Billing Inquiries: (866)656-8521 Terms:If any invoice is not paid in full upon receipt,the Customer hereby agrees to pay interest at a rate of 1.5%per month(180%annually)upon the unpaid portion of the invoice. If action or suit Is brought by Johnson Controls to collect any amount due or owing under this bill,Customer agrees to pay all costs of collection including attorney's fees. All invoice payments greater than$25,000 must be made via wire transfer,check or money order.Seller will not accept payment in the form of a credit card, debit card or other similar payment device on amounts greater than$25,000. DJsposable, Environmental & Usage (DEU) fee listed on this Invoice may include charges for one or more of the following miscellaneous: Electrical, pneumatic,welding supplies, hardware materials,cleaning supplies,or refrigerant reclaim disposal. A lump sum charge was applied rather than itemizing usage. We hereby certify that these goods are produced in compliance with all applicable requirements of sections 6,7 and 12 of the Falr tabor Standards Act of 143.8,as amended,and of regulations and orders of the Administrator of the Wage and Hour Division issued under section 14 thereof. Page 1 of 2 Johnson Controls �Ohnso n ° i�) Building Efficiency Controls Federal ID 39-0380010 ORIGINAL INVOICE' Invoice#: 1-14563951488 Invoice Date: 09/27/2014 PO#/Auth: 91114 Service Request: 1-14028297521 Customer WO#: SR Type: L&M Customer Acct: 1837868 Branch Name: Indianapolis IN Service-0941 i Please reference the invoice number and amount with all payments. Remit to only the address below. Payment Terms: Due Upon Receipt Of Invoice Remit Payment To: Direct Billing Inquiries JOHNSON CONTROLS To Service Department: (866)656-8521 PO BOX 905240 CHARLOTTE,NC,262905240 To Remit Via Credit Card: To Remit Via ACH Wire Transfers: Call the phone number listed above. JP Morgan Chase INVOICE=#: 1-14563951488 One Chase Manhattan Plaza New York,NY 10005 Credit to:Johnson Controls Inc. ABA#071-000013 Depositor Acct#55-14347 AMOUNT DUE: $2,878.89 Type of Account:Checking � Page 2 of 2 i ff ONE Page: 1 of 1 Mimi -iF4'j::u•:::A:>i::•w::�-:--::�:`:,-::.:J::.u;:u. >.�t.::n�::y::v:::.:..u.::::::n.-v::i::iv:: 1::>.iS2:-ii:i�iiw';L:v'v::Jii:0 ::......::::..:..:..:.........:.::..;>.::.:.:.............-..........-- --...... Area Office: KONE Inca Federal Invoice ®ate: 09/01/2014 Lafayette - 421 36 2357423 Customer PO No: 5201 Park Emerson Dr Ste 0 KONE Order No: 40106759 Indianapolis IN 46203 Billing Type: YMIO Ph: 317-788-0061 Date work performed: 11/30/2014 Fax: 317-788-0064 Bill To: Location/Project: y THE CENTER- FOR THE PER ARTS THE PALLADIUM 355 W CITY CENTER DR ONE CENTER GREEN CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 4.6032 USA USA Payment Terms: Net 30 This invoice is for maintenance coverage per your agreement with KONE Inc. Billing period is 09/01/20 14 to 11/30/2014. Contract# 40106759 THE PALLADIUM Subtotal 61155404 $ 3,437.34 Service Extensions): 9.19.14 KRMS Voice $ 123.60 Total Invoice Amount $ 5,560.94 cJ'EP 17,71314 1 Invoices not paid within 30 days are subject to a service charge of 7.6;5 per month,or the maximum permitted by law Please return this portion with your.payment 5-. LEE SUPPLY CORP. 601 GU!ON ROAD INVOICE ]i y= r 7t Y.O.BOX 681430 t. (•!'.:�li.�,..i„ ''%f;Air INDIANAPOLIS.INQ626d Fir)�.35.1=0126 V • ' 5903431 CFP 7 t �01� I • r" 9/09/14 Carmel Carmel✓ I ' 5903431 LEE SUPPLY CORP. ; Lee Supply Corp :.___-_ ' ° 220311 ( " P.O. BOX 6$1430 445 K. Carmel .Drive INDTANAFOLIS, IN Carmel, TN 46032 •• _462fi.H=73.0, �phnnQ 31.7.,8.4.4-4434.._.) CAR1MElr PERFORMING ARTS FOUND ; ' Customer Pickup ;'. 335 W CITY CENTER DRIVE CARMEL, IN 46032 < < ""a?�•�a... .-° ��: oarii:.',�'��r`1 ^ t�ftc�.��ll a-. ,�f>a.. .- JS'•_:yL3.a,�1��;.1.37�;•,QL-°e 7.''� 1 w.':'.' �1., __L i •a �a�'3i: HSE 10/10/14 9/09/14 Pickup • ...N."Ti it'.?6' °Y' *1r„ o°71�.i�ho•)o .�. .e 1l ..v tc t.l D1 t'_'tilf�,:e 1 0�,�';. D c � ° ° ° NC417175 4171-75 EVAPORATOR CLEAN FOAM EP 6 10.0058 60.03 I! j I 61155404 9.22.14 i 24 HOUR COMMERCIAL WATER NEATER HOTLINE NO RETURNS ACCEPTED r-� � 60.03 Au GALIr 1.800.873.1101 24HRS/7 DAY$ A WEE}C WITHOUT PRIOR AUTHORIZATION A1,40U T ,00 CLAIMS FOR DA6•U GE MUST BE TAX OUR COMMERCIAL WAT13R HEATER DELIVERY TRUCK IS FILEDWITHCARRIER F GIT ° .00 EQUIPPED WITH AN ELECTRIC STAIR CLIMBER ! AserviaecfiDarga equi++alsn##oF"/a other � 00 per month(2494 per annum)will o be added to past due invoices. s 60.03 C , • Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc 5905 Osage Drive Invoice Carmel,IN 46033 ©ate Irvoice No 317-514-9021 07/16/2014 1972 dsajdyk@marquiscs.com Terms http://www.marquiscs.com Net 15 07/31/2014 r- 61155406 TheyCenter of Performing Arts 9. 9.14 355 W.City Center Dr Carmel,IN 46032 "'Amount Due ,Enclosetl_ $10,684.36 Please detach top portion and return with your payment -------------------------------------------- -- - - - - ---- -- >C----------------------- ------------------- Amount •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(6/30 thru 7/13/14)465 Ins 10,282.42 •Will Send Copies of lnvoices Via email 365.40 • 10%Handling Fee for Materials 36.54 Thank you for the Business! ` Total �'� `$10,684 36 Marquis Commercial Solutions.Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts !Week Ending Date: 7/6/2014 PALLADIUM J- IMonIMon ITue !Wed iThu Fri !Sat Sun Name: liftle Rate 6/30/2014 7/1/2014 7/2/2014 7/3/2014 7/4/2014 7/5/2014 7/6/2014 Hours _Cost ! oe �ffilS-Dally ; salary 4 $ 1,442.11 ; TV, S-Daily $ 27.70 1 $ - i S-Event $ 23.27 ^� 1S-Daily Orr i $ 41.54 � � � V i � �--- � f 01 $ _ iI S-Event O/T ! $ 34.91 0 $ - ��'re a • Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 j { I I I 01 $ - odd Owner/Supervisor I $ 40.60 I j { j { { 01 $ or• TL-Daily J $ 18.98 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 ,-� 32.00 $ 607.36 TL-Event $ 18.86 ITL Daily Orr i $ 28.48 o TL Event O/T $ 28.29 01 $ L' •a S-Daily 1.$ 27.70 0 $ [E-Event $ 23.27 --�-� $ _ IS-Da ily O!T ! $ 41.54 i I i _ { 0 $ _ ! S-Event OTF ; $$ 334.91 ; --� J 8.00 ; 8� $ 279.28 { TL-Daily 18.98 0 $ - I t�TL-Event I $ 18.86 OI $ ' tTL Daily 0/T i $ 28.48 i ! 01 $ I TL Event Orr j $ 28.29 Tfi6an A-Daily $ 15.53 { J _� I { 1 01 $ - ! A-Event I $ 17.22 !_ 01 $ - Daily 0/T $ 23.29 �j_ ;_- ( I 1 0 $ i Event O/T 1$ 25.83 8.00 8 $ 206.64 ; 1 {A-Daily ! $ 15.53 { �� - 1- I 0 $ { A-Event _j $ 17.22 ; _-I__� ----�� i i_ 01 $ Dail O/T $ ----j -- $23.29 - - !Event O/T 1 $ 25.83 I ! j !�I i I ! 01 $ _ Omar A-Daily I $ 15.53 8.00 { 8.00 ! 8.00 { 8.00 ( { 32 $ 496.96 I 1 A-Event ; $ 17.22 -� _ Daily ON_ i $ 23.29 �- -� ---1 4 0 $ _ Event O/T _.M 0 $ $ 25.83 ' _ �S-Daily $ 27.70 ITL-Event i_$ 18.861 0 $ ITL Daily Orr i $ 28.48 ----I I j� $ _ ,TL Event Off $ 28.29 I i I ! -i 0 $ - i 1�!� A-Daily _i- { $ 15.53 I I 1 1 I I 01 $ - ' A-Ev17.22 I _ ! Daily O!T Event O/T { $ 25.83 1 �! I { j I n. $ _ ari A-Daily i $ 15.53 I I ( { I I 1 01 $ C:\Users\nhamiltonWppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-7-6-14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts _ IA-Event I $ 17.22 0 $ _ Daily Orr ;$9 �1�_ 0j $ - I Event Orr $ 25.83 j !�- I I I ; In $ _ A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 8.00 I 8.00.1 8.00 I 8.00 (( j 32 $ 496.96 ' A-Event_ i $ 17_22 Ji 0_$ - I _ Daily O/T $ 23.29 -�I I `� �'� I 01 $ - I Event O/T 1 $ 25.83 I' Fit _ IVlarl ne A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 IA-Event 1, $ 17.22 I, E I I OI $ _ ` IDaily Off I $ 23.29 01 $ j j --0t $ Event Off 1 $ 25.83 ! �� I I -I( �i - l _ o $ _ here A-Daily j $ 15.53 0) $ IA-Event I $ 17.22 I ! I (---Y----� f�$ _ Daily Off i $ 23.29 j � { j I j % 0 $ - I Event O/T ! $ 25.83 j ( ; (----� I ! 01 $ - s am el A-Daily $ 15.53 8.00 I 8.00 I 8.00 I �_I I 24 $ 372.72 A-Event I $ 17.22 j Daily Off i $ 23.29 I 0 $ _ 1 Event Off ; $ 25.83 (- I (- �� n $ arco A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 8.00 I 8.00 I 8.00 8.00 1 32 $ 496.96 A-Event $17.22 1-( - -; E j - j $ ` -_ Daily Off ! $ 23.29 01 f p $ = , Event OR $ 25.83 ; (-- i- I 1 0, $ 1! TL-Daily 1 $. 18.98I j L-) _ � I I o $ ITL-Event. ; $ 18.86 I ° I I I pl $ `. - 1 �JTL Daily O/T ! $ 28.48 y I �_ %_ ,` 0 $ - jTL Event Off 1 $ 28.29 S-Daily $ 27.70 S-Event I $ 23.27 i ! rI $ _ S-Dail O/T $ 41:54 IS-Event Off I $ 34.91 01 A-Daily ; $ 15.53I I 8.00 I I j I 8 $ 124.24 I A-Event ! $ 17:22 _ j 1j f 0 j $ Daily Orr 23.291 ; { j ( -.==0 -; I Event Off ; $ 25.83 j i i I I I 1 I O I $ _ De, ' A-Daily $ 15.53i I I _ f I o $ IA-Event $ 17.22j ; j f p $Daily O/T 2-3.29I r -; (-Event O/T `( $ 25.83 01 $ ' VA�b"ion_" • ;'moi A-Daily $ 00 8.00 15.53 1 8.00 I 8. ( 8.00 -� - - L I I j 32 j $ 496.96 , --- -_.IA-Event_ 1 $ 17.22 j $ - Daily Off $ 23.29 I I I- L � ! 0 $ _ Event Off i $ 25.83 1 0 $ - .J i fTOTALI 000� .00 . , 4ss2 . 212 $ 5,020 19 C:\Users\nhamiltonW Data\Local\ pp Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.0utlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-7-6-14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts Week Ending Date: 7/13/2014 PALLADIUM ,Mon !Tue IWed +IThu IFri ,Sat jSun Name: Iijitle Rate 7/7/2014 7/8/2014 7/9/2014 7/10/2014 7/11/2014 7/12/2014 7/1312014'Hours Cost o S-Daily _� salary I_ � `) I '1-46 $ 1,442.11 Ti S-Daily I $ 27.70J $ - i IS-Event •• $ 23.27 -I ( i I I 01 $ _ s IS-Daily O/T I $ 41.54 S-Event O/T i $ 34.91 of $ Die Owner/Supervisor I $ _40.60 j i ( I i l ( 01 $ o .5! Owner/Supervisor i $ 40.60 I i i i I I 0 $ - o iTL-Daily i $ 18.98 I I 5.00 J 6.50 I I ( 111.50 I $ - ---_ 218-_7l E 6 OI $T - ! ITL Daily Orr I $ 28.48 I I i I Oi $ _ I ITL Event Orr j $ •28.29 01.$ _ Arn a S-Daily i $ 27.70 6.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 I 231 $ 637.10 IS-Event $ 23.27 �J 9.00 I 6.50 I 15.51-$ 360.69 _S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 + -I I 0 $ S-Event O/T r$ 34.9_1j__';_ 0 $ _ TL-Daily ! $ 18.981 0( $ ITL-Event _ y$ 18.86_1 01 $ TL Dail O/T i $ 28.48 0 $ -� ,TL Event O/T I $ 28.29 ; i i I i ( 0I$ A-Daily ; $ 15.53 ; 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00i_ �� 1 241 $ 372.72 IA-Event j $ 17.22 l (- I 2.50 I 7.50 I 101 $ 172.20 i Daily O/T i $ 23.29_ Tf ! I _-J ----I - � j Event O/T �$ 25.83 I I I 01 $ _ i A-Daily ; $ 15.53 ; � i ( i I ( 0I $ IA-Event l $ 17.22 0 $ -----� _ I Daily O/T �$ 23.29 I ; ~� i i ---- I 0I $ _ Event O/T �3 01 $ - I OmarJc�s r - f `„v �lA-Daily j $ 15.53 ( 8.00 i � - i 8 $ 124.24 1 IA-Event ; $ 17.22 Event O/T ;$25.83 (��-��--i ( I I_ 0 $ - S-Daily i $ 27.70 I I i i i 0 $ - TL-Event I $ 18.86 i _ j ! I I I I I 0_$._ - TTL Daily O/T I`$ 28.48 OI $ - 1 ITL Event O/T i $ 28.29 -j ; i I i -i 0 $ Lilli n A-Daily _� $ 15.53 I `-i__-_��_ I --I_ 01 $ IA-Event I_$ 17.22 I 1.50 4.00 I 5.5 $ 94.71 I i Daily O/T $ 23.29 -I o� _ - Event O/T E$ -25.83 I 1 �Mana JA-Daily i $ 15.53 I i I I I I I i OI $ - I C:\Users\nhamilton\AppData\Locai\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outiook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-7-13-14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts IA-Event $ 17.22 7.00 71 $ 120.54 Daily O/T I $ 23.29 1 0 $ _ Event O/T I $ 25.83 ! Craciel9 A-Da _! $ 15.53 ? 8.00 j 8.00 ? 8.00 I 8.00 -- 8.00 1_ I - ? 401 $ 62 0 ^_- !A-EventI $ 17.22 !Daily O/T I $ 23.29 I - - i f r__.-".____~-- j I 0 $ - Event O/T 1 $ 25.83 j j �i ; I ! I i -0! $__ - IUlalene A-Daily $ 15.53IJ $ - i IA-Event $ 17.22 p $ _ (Daily O/T { $ 23.29 I I I 1 iI 0 $ 1 Event OR 1 $ 25.83 I i ? ! I I 1 p $ Th Mesa A-Daily_ $ 15.53 fA--E-v-ent -i I 01 $ _ 1 - I $ 17.2254 I ; 7j $ 120.54 Daily O/T ? _ Event Orr r$ 25.83 1 i 1 j $ 1 O $ 1 $ ! jIM I " SIA-Daily 1 $ 15.53 ? 8.00 ? ( j ? 8 $ 124.24 ! A-Event : $ 17.22 p $ Daily O/T I $ 23.29 -� $ _ Event O/T 1 $ 25.83 [ � ? -j �i p $ _ +(Mar o 1A-Daily ; $ 15.53 I IJ 8.00 1-- 1 I 81 $ 124.24 I A-Event ; $ 17.22 OI $ - (Daily O/T (_$_23.29 I 1 i ,�-I I p $ _ I Event Orr ! $ 25.83 _I^ !� --; ~ (�` I-_-_-__I 0 i $ - 1TL-Daily ( $ 18.98 1 Oi $ [TL-Event i_$ 18.86 ; � -_�J� OI $ _ 1 TL Daily orr I $ 28.48 ! � � I 1 -0 $ _ _ITL Event Orr I $ 28.29 01 $ _ r-- ^-- I3-Dally $ 27.70 j I -- 01 $ S-Event i $ 23.27 01 $ - ! S-Dail O/T $ 41.54_1 -i I ! 1 0 $ - S-Event Orr I $ 34.91 I ? ! 1 (--j 01 $ _ 1 n, a A-Daily i $ 15.53 1 1 ? ? I I 0? $ - ! _IA-Event $ 17.22 I { Oj $ Dail - Y O/T 1 $ 23.29 i�. 1 ~I__ -�!- 01 $ - (Event O/T i $ 25.83 I I ! i 1 (--�I iu01! $ _ Dann A-Daily I $ 15.53 I 6.00 6.00 1 6.00 1 6.00 I ( I 241 $ 372,72 IA-Event ; $ 17.22 ( i T1 7.00 I 1 6.50 13.5 $ 232.47 1 _I Daily o/r .z9I0-$ i ,Event 0/T ; $ 25.83 0� $ - Abdo.n A-Daily 1 $ 15.53 j 8.00 1 I ? J 1 1 f _ 81 $ 124.24 JA-Event_ -_I $ 17.22 I _! L ~ -I_ -I � - ! �.-.._._._.~Dail _ Y O/T ; $ 23.29 ! !Event O/T ? $ 25.83 0 $ o. o o.00 o.00I o.o ,51s. 9sI 000TOTAL1 I581 76 I � 1 253 $ 5,262 23 C:\Users\nhamilton\AppData\Loca]\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-7-13-14 Women-owned Business Enterprise 0NoE � 'Excellence inDistribution '*ppmuunts /E opnoe ISO 9001:20084220 Saguaro Trail ������iN�2o Cori�ootoNumber 20UG'OO5 INVOICE E Phone.,317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:7/10/2014 � Sold To#:CO2G220 Ship To#: 3 � MARQUIS COMMERCIAL 8OLUT|O( THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORM] 5905OSAGEDFl ONE CENTER GREEN OR CARMEL, |N4G833 CARMEL, |N4GO32 US . Invoice Date Terms Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 12027956 7/10/2014 CC PAID Mike Lewis Order No. Order Date Shig Via Customer Refere Customer Service Contact S02181060 7/10/2014 INOO Extension#1300 F- Notes ****WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA**** BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/O Shipped 4.00 2.00 2.00 CS 154105 Ecolab K0onustarUltra 64895513 170.75000 341.50 High Solids Finish 048955132/2GL 1.00 1.00 C8 138304 3K051U0Red Buffer Pad 53258 82.21000 82.21 20x141O/co 1.00 1.00 CG 110008 Ecolab Lift Off Aerosol 61169504 11278000 112.78 Baseboard Stripper ` 6118950412D0uz Backorders UO&1 Description Remaining Item No. quantity -----_----_ ---------- _--_�--_—' 137278 CS 3K«Surface Prep Pad 1.00 Maroon 2Ox14(SPP) 10/ce 139231 PL Eoo|abFAC|L|PR0 1.00 Prem Low Odor Floor Finish Stripper 2.5GL 138302 CS 3K858OOBlue Cleaner 1.00 Pad 20x1410/ma 154105 C8 Ecolab K0onnstorUltra 2.00 High Solids Finish 648955132/2GL mnitmand make checks payable 0oProcessing Fee: 0.00 HIP Products Subtotal: 538.49 POBox O831U Sales tax: 37.55 Indianapolis, |N4O2O8 Invoice total: 574.04 Amount paid: 574.04 Total due: 0.00 Pagel - THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESSI | / Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc Invoice 5905 Osage Drive Carmel,IN 4603361155404 Date. fnvoice°No. 317-514-9021 9.12.14 09/10/2014. 2096 dsajdyk@marquiscs.com Terms`_ Due Date. littp://www.marquiscs.com Go.•�•'� Net 15 09/25/2014 Bih-To" The Center of Performing Arts 355 W.City Center Dr. Carmel,IN 46032 Amount Due, . Enclosed $11,673.01 Please detach top portion and return with your payment. Activity Amount •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(8/31 thru 9/7/14)530 hrs 10,494.91 •Will send copy of Invoice 1,071.00 • 10%Handling Fee for Materials 107.10 Thank you for the Business! Total $11,673.01 f arquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts I - Week Ending Date: 8/31/2014 - .. PAI_I_ADIUM _ 'Mon Tue Wed 'Thu Fri Sat ;Sun Name: Title Rate 8/25/2014 8/26/2014 i 8/27/2014 8/28/2014 8/29/2014 8/30/2014 8/31/2014 Hours Cost JoeIS-Daily salary I ! 40 $ --1,442.11 Tiffany,�`- S-Daily $ 27.70 S-Event $ 23.27 0 $ S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 0 $ _ S-Event O!T $ 34.91 0• $ _ 'Rppd k{Sajdyk ; `, {Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 . $ - (f�odd>Halkya d _ 1Own er/Supervisor $ 40.60 0-$-"--"- - --- .. Jorge;Sr __`' TL-Daily _ -$" 18.98 8.00 i 8.00;'� 8.00 , 8.00 I 8.00 . i 40.00 $ 759.20 TL-Event_ $ 18.86 0 $ _ TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 -- _ 0_$_._.. _ TL Event O/T $ 2.8.29 i � _- �--____. S_Daily. __. .. $ 27.70 _en 0 $ - ,S-Daily O/T _.._ i S-Event O/T $ 34.91 _ - -..... 0 $ TL-Daily__- $ 18.98 _ TL-Event_..... _... $ 18,86 - TL Y _. - $ 28.48 0'_$ TL 28. Event O!T $ 29 0. Tiffany __jA_Daily _.. - ---15.53_- .. . ._._ I_.__._.. - �II I 1.._.-_. 0. $$ - ...- --'---- _ ._._..------0. ------ A-Event $ 17.22 -i 8.00 8• $ 137.76 -- Daily O/T -- --- $ ._.23_29 - ----- ----...------.. .. .. . 0 $ Event O/T $ 25.83 0$ - =TAndrea`_� A- -Dai.ly $ �5.53 -0. $ - -Event - $ 17.22 0:, $ _ Daily O/T $ 23.29 p $ _ :Event O/T $ 25.83 -0.$ yOmar "` A-Daily $ 15.53 7.50 : 7.501; 7.50 ; 7.50 ? 7.50 ' 37.5 $ 582.38 i - A-Event $ 17.22 _ Daily O/T -- -$- 23.29 Event Orr $ - S-Daily $ 27.70 TL-Event $ 18.86 - -------- -------TL Daily O/T--- -$ 28.48 0$--- ---- TL Event Orr $ 28.29- --- ----I -- ------------- O; $ - Lillian" fir` A-Dail $ ! II €- - Y 15.53_ . .. - i. I I I I 0; $ - ;A-Event $ 17.22 . _-.- Daily O/T-- $ -23.29 0, $ - ;Event O/T -- -- -- - -- -- - _ - - $ 25.83 0 0 Mafia �y ..IA-Daily $ 15.53 " I ---- i. i i I ; $ - I C:\Users\nhamiltoh�AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-8-31-14 I Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts _ A-Event $ 17.22 ! 0 $ _ _ Daily O!T $ 23.29 0: $ _ .Event Orr $ 25.83 - -p $' ---- __- ----- -._ .. .--- . __. . .._.. .- �' --- - -- I'Gij cielat "`` 8.00 ; 40; $ 621.20 _'M A-Daily- - $ - 15_53 8.00 ; 8.00 8.00 ; 8.00 ; t A-Event $ 17.22 2.00 2 $ 34.44 Daily 0/T _.._.._._$.__._23.29 ------_-_ . 0 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 -r- - Marlenea - :JA-Daily $ 15.53 I. ; 0. $ _ A-Event $- 17_22 -- Daily O/T $ 23.29 - Event Orr $ 25.83 1 - - " •jA-Daily $ 15.53 - - _-- - - ----vent . . - - $- 17.22_.._._.. . _ . __._..-. . ... . _ - --0- - - - 'Daily O/T- $ 23.29 Event Orr $ 25.83 Ismael+� z � lA_Daily -.-- -. .-._ 15_53 _... ..._._.' �.: _ - 8.00 ; -8:00 8.00 ' 24, $ 372.72 A-Event -- - ----...... . . .--------------- - - - - - - $...__17.220: - Daily O/T- -- -$ 23.29 - - - ._ Event O/T $ 25.83 - - 8.00 ---- - -- -- --..... - 0$ - sMarco_' - A-Dail $ 15.53 8.00 i 8.00, 8.00 ; 8.00 ; 40 $ 621.20 A-Event $ 17.22 _ - - -0 0 $$ - - Daily Orr $- 23.29 - _ _ Event O/T $ 25.83 0 $ _ LiniJa' TL-Dail - - Y $ 18.98 0 $! _ TL-Event $ 18.86 _ 0 TL Daily Orr $ 28.48 0 $ TLEvent O/T28.29 $---- - - _ - -"- -- ----- S-Daily_--- ----$--27_70 0 $ S-Event $ 23.2710.50 10.5 $ 244.34 O/T S-Dail _. -y...- _$.. 41.54. i tVic0: $ S-Event O/T $ 34.91 p ot, $ _ $--15.53 8.00 '--- 4.50 ; A-Event _.-- I- 12.5. $ 194.13 -- - -- -- - Daily O/T $ 23.2 -- - - _9 0: $ - -------- --- --_-- ---. _.. -- ---- -.._.. _-. .------- _ ---- ._.__...- -------------------------- ---Event ----------------- O!T $ _ 25..83 1De'nrf - 7_ A-Daily $ _ p; $ ` _ $- - --_-- A-Event $y 17.22 p $ - - Dail Orr $ 23.29 -Event O/T $ 25.83 01-$ �Abdr _ r. � , - --on �� JA-Daily $- --------- 15_53----.8.00 ;-------8Ap_'� 8.00 8.00 ! 8.0 40'$----_. '-- -__ _ _0 ! . � ------�----------�---- . ----621 2--0-- _ -A-Event $ 17_22_. --.: 0 - _.. Daily Orr $ 23.29 --_....--- ---------- ---._._.. ----- 0 Event O/T - $ 25.83 . - -- - - - - - "TOTAL_.. 0.00 - -- 0.00; - 0.00 -- 0.00 -- 34.44 399.32 - - 0.00 I 296 $ 5,647.89 C:\Users\nhamilton\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-8-31-14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts Week Ending Date: 9/7/2014 PALLADIUM .Mon Tue ; Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun _ Name: Title Rate 9/1/2014 9/2/2014 1 9/3/2014 9/4/2014 9/5/2014 9/6/2014 9/7/2014 Hours_ Co_st - ----- ----- - - - Joe -IS-Daily salary ; i -$2 $ 1,442.11 Tiffany,.. S-Daily $ 27.70 0 - _ - 'S-Event $ 23.270. $ _ S-Daily Orr $ 41.54 0: $ _ S-Event O/T $ 34.91 - - - -0-$ - perek:Sa�dykP Owner/Supervisor $ 40.60 1 0' $ - od_"tl_pHalkyard _:JOwner/Supervisor $ 40.60 ;; j 0 $-- -- _ �lorgeSr '^* TL-Daily $ 18.98 8.00 : 8.00 ; 8.00 • 8.00 32.00 $ 607.36 T--Event $ 18.86 _ TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 • 0, $ - TL Event O/T $ 28.29 p $ _ ' iS_Daily $ 27.70 p 0•$ - - -- - -S_Event ----- -- _._$. . 23.27..-. .-.. - 7.50 700._- ...... 14.5, $. .. 337.42 S-Dail O/T _. .... "_ .$ _ ,41.54 _ 'S-Event 0/T $ 34.91 TL-Dail._.. $ 18.98 0 TL-Event $ 18.86 0 _ TL Daily O/T $.. 28.48 -0'$ - - TL Event O/T $ 28.29 0. $ _ IT;I� •ffany - __IA-Daily- $ 15.53 . -. ..i".._ 0' $ A-Event $ 17.22 _ _ 7.00 7 $ 120.54 Daily O/T $ 23.29 0' $ - Event O/T A. 25.83 - - - 01 $ K�mbegly� `: - ^]A-Daily $ 15.53 I 0, ------ .. . -- $ .A-Event $ 17.22 7.00 T $ 120.54 - Daily O/T $ 23.29 0 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 - 0 . .. LOmar•."i___`-.u!A_Daily -- $- _15.53 - 7.50j! 7.50 ! 7.50 ; 7.50 : 30 $ 465.90- A-Event $ 17.22 0: $ - DailyO/T---- $ 23.29 ---------0 $ ve -- -------------- Ent O/T $ 25.83 - -, S-Daily $ 27.70 0 $ TL-Event - - - --- ------ - ._. _-. _.-_...--- - 18_86 0. $ TL Daily-O/T $ 28.48 j p'$ 7L Event O/T $ 28.29 0, $ _ 1. -;'A-Daily. .._. . .. $ 15.53 ! j 11 ! 0; $ - A-Event $ _..17.22 0 -$. Daily-O/T - - -$ 23.29 0, $ - -- - ---- _ 'Event O/T • $ 25.83 _'. . .._.. _ .. . _.- .- - --.,-- "_._ _.. ---- -- -- 0: $ - Maria - -- --- y $ 15.53 -------- - C:\Users\n ham ilton\HppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-9-7-14 I Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts ,A-Event $ 17.22 7.50 7.5 $ 129.15 Daily O/T - - $ 23.29 - - Event O/T $ 25.83 _ _... _.__. I Gracielaa, A-Dail 0 $- ---- _ �._.._-_Y_. , - $._,_ 15.53 8.001; 8.00 ! 8.00 7.50 ; ' 31.5 $ 489.20 --- - -... - -- - - ---... .._. A-Event $ 17.22 -- 0, $ . Daily O/T . $ 23.29 - • - ------ --- .......----- - 0 $ - `Event O/T $ 25.83 -p - _- - - - -- - -- --- ---- .. . I • - Marlenet !AA-Daily $ 15.53 ' 0 $ - A-Event $- 17.22 - Daily O/T $ 23.29 0 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 - 'Thevesa' 0 "iA-Daily A-Event $ 17 _22 ._. ..- - - .__ ... .. - Daily O/T $ 23.29 . _ �' 0 $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 0.- llsma'gll ___JA-Daily $ 15.53 L. 8.00 : 6.00 ; 8.00 22 -$ 341.66 � - A-Event - - -- - -.. -.._ . 17,22 �' _ 'Daily_. --- .. O/T - � 23.29 __. :Event O/T $ 25.83 - _ 0 $_ - -=-'� A-Event $ 17.22 - - _..._ _ -.0 $ - O/T - -- $ 23.29 Event-Off ------ -- -------- - - - $ 25.83 -- -- --- --�, ---------- � ---------___ . 0 $ -�_'!TL-Daily $ 18.98 - --- TL_Everit .. --- -$- _18.86..- :. 5.00 - - -- -- _..__. -... _ --- -. .. _. . -- -•---.-...`�. $ ----- -94.30 TL Daily O/T $ 28.48 0 $TIL - -Event OlT $ 28,29- S-Dail ---Y- --- - _$_.._ 27.70..__ ---- -0._$.._._. .----- -- S-Event _.. -- -- -- ---- - --- ---- .. - - - - - - $ -23.27_._.. - - --- ----- 0 $ - - S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 ----- - - :S-Event O/T $ 34.91 - - 0 - 0 $ - E IA-Daily $ 15.53_ -�_ - 8.00:! 6.50 6.50_i ...._ _ i 21 $ 326.13 -- ------- = $ --17.22.._.. _.. . - vent i .Daily O/T $ 23.29 - -- -- ---- - - -- 0 $ - -------- -- - ---._.._...------ Event O/T -- -- - -- -- ----- -- -- - - -- - $_ 25.83 - iD`enny •<�` :_�A-Daily $ 15.53 I -- ------ 0� $ - A-Event -- - $.._ _._17.22 - - 'Daily O/T $ 23.29 - - - - 0 - Event O/T $ 25.83 $ - - - 0 $ Abdon"Vim,- £? A-Daily $ 15.53 - -� 8.00: 8_00 -- 8.00 I i 24' $ 372.72 A-Event - ----. .. --- ----- ---.------- . - --- ----- -.... ------ _ -- - 0: $ - Dail O/T $ - 23.29 - -. - - - - --- - - - - -- .....--- - -- -- -- ------- -_..- 0 ---- $ - ... .. ._- . - :Event O/T $ 25.83 : ---0; $._ o _ TOTALS .00 I 0.00 ` I 268.83 0.00 , 533.12 0.00 j o.oO 234 $ 4,847.02 - I C:\Users\nhamilton\HppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time Sheet_9_7_14 .I Women-owned Business Enterprise(WBE) Excellence in Distribution HP Products CORPORATE OFFICE ISO 9001:2008 4220 Saguaro Trail INVOICE ^I i�v®I C E Indianapolis,IN 46268 Certificate Number 2006-005 Phone:317-298-9950 FAX: 317-293-0459 Date.:9/4/2014 Sold To#:CO26229 Ship To #: 2/COMMODITIES MARQUIS COMMERCIAL SOLUTIOI THE CENTER FOR THE PERFORMI 5905 OSAGE DR ONE CENTER GREEN DR CARMEL, IN 46033 CARMEL, IN 46032 US Invoice No. Invoice Date Terms E Customer Purchase Order No. Sales Representative 12078400 9/4/2014 CC PAID Barbara Roberts () Order No. Order Date Ship Via Customer Reference Customer Service Contact S02232518 9/4/2014 IN00 Extension#1300 Notes ****WATCH OUT FOR LADDER IN DOCK AREA**** BACK UP TO OVERHEAD DOOR, SOUND HORN, BACK UP TO DOCK ON WESTSIDE Ordered B/0 Shipped UOM Item No. Description MFG Item# Unit Price Amount 1.00 1.00 CS 112156 HP Can Liner 24x33 8 MR-S4554-N 31.51000 31.51 Mic Natural 1000/cs (20/50) 20 rolls/50 rolls per roll/ case 22128 81/skid 1.00 1.00 CS 112193 HP Can Liner 30x36.7 RX-S4913-X 32.95000 32.95 Mil Clear 250/cs(10/25) 10 rolls/25 liners per roll /case 22181 2.00 2.00 CS 114066 KC 91072 Air Freshener 91072 62.92000 125.84 Ocean 6ea/bx 6.00 6.00 CS 114441 KC 17713 Kleenex 17713 55.83000 334.98 _Cottonelle 2ply_Tissue_ - -- — -- - ---- -- - - - --- --- --- Wht-60r1/cs 17713 6.00 6.00 CS 136564 KC 01980 Scottfold-M 01980 45.98000 275.88 Towels 9.4x12.4 Wht 25/175/cs 25/cs 8.00 8.00 CS 140658 HP Can Liner 37x50 1.3 33.73000 269.84 Mil Black 100/cs flatpack :mit to and make checks payable to: Processing Fee: 0.00 HP Products Subtotal: 1,071.00 PO Box 68310 Sales tax: 0.00 Indianapolis,IN 46268 Invoice total: 1,071.00 Amount paid: 1,071.00 Total due: 0.00 Page 1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Nancy Hamilton From: Ed Penman Sent: Friday, September 12, 2014 2:14 PM To: Nancy Hamilton Attachments: Marquis Inv 2096 9.10.14.pdf, (Ed)Time_Sheet_8_31_14.xls; (Ed)Time_Sheet_9_7_14.xls; Sept 2014 Hp Invoice I2078400.pdf Ed Penman Facility Manager The Center For The Performing Arts 1355 City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 (0)317-819-3509 1(M)317-370-2091 I (F)317-574-1862 epenman@TheCenterPresents.ore www.TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org 1 Marquis Commercial Solutions, Inc Marquis Commercial Solutions,Inc Invoice 5905 Osage Drive Carmel,IN 46033 Date , Invoice:No'.. 317-514-9021 09/26/2014 2111 dsajdyk@marquiscs.com Teems Ube Mite http://www.marquiscs.com Net 15 10/11/2014 Bill To, 61155406 The Center of Performing Arts 9.26.14 355 W.City Center Dr Carmel,IN 46032 Amount'Due Enclosed $12,145.85 Please detach top portion and return with your payment_ Activity Amount, •Bi-Weekly Cleaning of The Palladium(9/8 thru 9/21/14)635 hrs 12,145.85 Thank you for the Business! Total $12,145..85 Nancy Hamilton From: Ed Penman Sent: Friday, September 26, 2014 8:06 PM To: Nancy Hamilton Attachments: Palladium-Invoice26109-signed.pdf; invoice-2111 _from_Marquis_Commercial_Solutions_Inc(1)-signed.pdf; (Ed)Time_Sheet_9_14_14.xls; (Ed) Time_Sheet_9_21_14.xis Ed Penman Facility Manager The Center For The Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 (0)317-819-35091(M)317-370-2091 I (F)317-574-1862 epenman@TheCenterPresents.org www:TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org i Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts :Week Ending Date: 9/21/2014 PALLADIUM Mon Tue !Wed 'Thu - _Fri -- - _.,Sat-._..- --;Sun _--- ---- ----- --_ --------- - 9/17/2014 9/18/2014 9/19/2014 9/20/2014 9/21/2014 Hours 'Cost (Joe eye - tDail� -.,-salary...-27.70 9/15/2014 9/16/2014 --_ I -I -" 40 $ 1,442.11 - - - -- - - - -- -0$- ----- - Tiffan", -Daily _ S-Event $ 23.27 --. .... - S-Daily Orr $ 41.54 0 - _ S-Event Orf $ 34.91 - DerekSatdykk= Owner/Supervisor . $ 40.60 . I ? 0' $ - �TLoddjHalkya�d ° .'-,':Owner/Supervisor -$ 40.60 ! ; i I 0 $ - - --- rJoc TL_Daily $ - 18:98 - 6.50 I 8.00 �: 8.00 ; 8.00 ; I 30.50 . $ 578.89 TL-Event $ 18.86 - - $ - - - - _ _ TL Daily Orf $ 28.48 0. $ _. .. . - TL Event Orr $ 28.29 0 $ S-Dail _ Victor _. ' - �. y $ 27.70 0' $ - _._... .. _. S-Event $ 23.27 7.50 12.00 5.00 24.5 $ - 570.12 - - --- - S-Dail O - - - _ - -- - -- -- - - - y -.rf._. $ ._. 41.54 _.. ._0 $ - - --- -.. O_$ . .. ._.._. ........ _:-_vent Orr $ 34.91 TL-Daily $ 18_98 0' $ - TL-Event0! $ -- - -18.86 . - TL Dail Orf - - - - - -y - - -$ - 28.48 - - - --- -0 $ TL Event Orf $ 28.29 0. - $ Tiiffan 15.53 -- -- ------ y - :A-Event $ 17.22 8.50 8:5" $ 146.37 ---- - __Daily O/T- - - $ 23.29 0; $ Event Orr $ 25.83 0; $ :_1 _ fKimtierl - A --- - ., -Daily $ 15.53 0` $ - _ __. _ A-Event $ 17.22 p $ _ _. Daily Orr. $ 23.29 - _. 0' $ - Event O/T $ 25.83 0 - i9ma�° ,: MA-Daily $ 15.53 7.50 7.50, i 7.50E 5.50 ; 7.50 35.5: $ 551.32 ---:.A-Event $ 17.22 ; Dail Orf Daily �--$-- -- ..-- ---- Event Orf $ 25.83 ! --- - -- - -- ,----- -. ._ ..... -- _ .. - -..._. .._ ._.. 01 - S_Daily- - -$ - 27.70 0 $ = ---- - ---- - TL-Event -$- 18.86 - -- - ------- -TL Daily Orr-- $--28.48 ----- ------- ----- --- -- ---- ----- - - 0' $---- TL Event Orr $ 28.29 -- ----- -- - ----Q$ - - Lilham -°' - JA Dail 0 $----- - t- ._.__y. .. $_ 15.53 i ! I i i -- -- .._ 'A-Event $.._ .17.22 -. Daily OJT $ 23.29 $._._._ _._. ...... - - -. - Event Orf $ 25.83 _. -- -- - - 0, $ - Mana A-Dail $ I Y __. _... . . 15.53 ! ? ------- --------------- C:\Users\nhamiltonlAppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time Sheet_9_21_14 Marquis Commercial Solutions Timesheet The Center for the Performing Arts A-Event $ 17.22 7.50 7.5 $ 129.15 -- - Daily O/T -- $- 23.29 - -- - 0 $ - - 0 $ Gracielag A-Dail - - ' 8.00i 8.00 ; 8.00 ; 8.00 : y 32 $ 496.96 .A-Event $ 17.22 - - 0 - ._..- . �DailyO/T---- $ 23.29 _ 0 vent 25.83 0 $ _ Josh r A Dail - _ 0 $ - 15.53 _ _- A_Event $. 17_22 7.50 4.50 - _: .. . 12 $ 206:64 'Daily O/T $ 23.29 - - -- -- • -- --- - -- �Ttiere'sa IA-Daily $ 15.53 - - - - - --- A-Event $ -17.22 - --- Ii 8.50 8.5; $ 146.37 23.29 0 $ ,Event O/T $ 25.83 -- - - 0. $ - IlsmaelG, ;A-Daily ... �---y- - $ 15.53 _ .. ... _ 3.501 8.00 8.00 ; I 19.5 $ 302.84 A-Event $ 17.22 -- - - 0 $---- - ---------- :Daily O/T $ 23.29 0 $ _ Event O/T - - -- - -. . ... - -- - ._ . ._.._. -- -- - -- 0.-- - . . ... $ 25.83 ]A_Daily $ 15_53 8.00 i 8.4 j 8.00 j 8.00 ;L. 8.00-I - - -- 40 -$ - 621.20 ;A-Event.... $ - .17.2271- .Daily Dail OIT 23.29 - --- - - - -- --- -------- --- -- 0 $ - Event O!T $ 25.83 ------- - - 0 $ - [Linda'- 7 'TL-Daily $ 18.98 .;I - -- .. - -• TL-Event---- - --$ --18.86 - - 'TL Daily O/T - - - - - - --- - - - - ------ _ 28.48 0' $ TL Event OJT $ 28.29 - -- -- ---- ----- .------ -- ---- -00.-$ - -Daily_"__-- $ 27.70 � ' _.. - S-Event _ 23.27 ; -- - - ------- $ -_....- ---- -------- --- --- --- S-Daily O/T $ 41.54 _ - - - - - ---------- -- -- ;S-Event O/T $ 34.91 ---- --- $ �Vtctor A-Dail ' $ - - _�---Y - - -$-15.53 6.50 8.00 14.5. $ 225.19 A-Event $ 17.22 0, _ :Daily Orr -_ $ 23.29 . _ :Event OFF $ 25.83 0+ $ - Ll7enny +_ w * A_Dail $ 15.53 - - --- Y - ---------- -- __ - - ' - ;A-Event ---- .....----'--- -'--0----- _--_. _._ . __. $ 17,22.' li. ------ - - - - Dail Orr --Y --- - $ 23.29 -- - - 0 $ - 'Event O/T - - -- - $ 25.83 ! 0; $ - 0E40 "< A-Dail --- ---E � �L-_-Y---------�----15.53.- -- ...$-00 8.001-------_8.00 � 8.00 ; 8.00 ! � ; 40i. $ 621.20 _------.-_-- !A-Event_ _ _ _ ' $ 17.22 i;; _ Daily Off 0 $_ Event O/T ---------_. ------ -----__... -------•-------;---------------•--'-------'---- - $ 23.29 � I '� -- i $ 25.83 -- --- ,- ..--- 1 $ - --____--_ - -- TOTAL.- --"_'- 432_83 0.00 : 0.00 0.00 649.47 116.35 313 $ 6,038.34 C:\Users\nhamiltin\HppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\83USPHPM\(Ed)Time-Sheet-9-21-14 i Invoice P 0 clam MAM. - ..GROUP VENTURES INC I Date Invoice# I►_ Y_ P' BOX X10 (,1969 Sliawnigan Lake Rd E) 806/201.1 109823 SIIAVWNIGAN LAICE,BC VOR2WO Invoice•To Ship 1Lpq, - P To pTIlE,CENTRE FQR-TI-IE I ERFORMING ARTS THE � \LLADIUM .355.;CRTY'CENTER DRIVE ONE CENTER GREEN `CAI2Iv(GL,INA6032 CARMEL,IN 46032 SA UUSA BUYER:ED PENMAN ATI N:ED PENPdAN(317)843-3800 • i - 61'155404 .0,.8.14 S.O. No. P.O. No. Terms Due Date 35577 20140825JF Nei 30 9%25/2014 hem . Qty Description Price Total 91 104 1 oft ALUMINUM CASSF:rm MGI IT COVER-Custom 235.00 235.00 Cul to 33-7/8" GUT C,1{C,. 1 CUSTOM CUT CH.ARGF. 30.00 )(?AO 51;IIP INFO I PREPAID 27.95 27.95 Shipped 8-26 I cu61bs Tracking 550273922914 I H,ANIC YOU,FOR.YOUR ORDER Total I ISD 292.95 Tel (250)743-1222 Toll Free(800)519-1222 PaymenWCredits I15D-292.95 Fax(250)743-1221 Toll Free(888)417-1221 Visit usat www.mgvinc.coai Balance Due USD 0.00 GST/HST No. 10352740.1 MONERIS SOLUTIONS -eSELECTplus Merchaiit'Resourcc Center-monea22942 Page I of I MARKET WcOUP VENTURES TRANSACTION APPROVED - THANK YOU Payment Details Transaction Type:PREAUTH COMPLETION Transaction Amount:$292.95(USD) Order ID.MGV CtrPerf S03557 Card Num:************ 6670 Card Type:,VISA Resp Code-ISO Code:027-01 Autb Code:640260 Reference Num.,662224710011190010 M Date/Time.Aug 28 2014 01:35PM SIGNATURE Cardholder will pay card issuer above amount pursuant to Cardholder Agreement littps://www3.moneris.coiTdmpg/reports/reccipt/iiidex.php?order—lio=MGV+CtrPei-f+SO')5... 8/28/2014 . 61155402 9.3.14 Ed Penman From: Walmart.com <help@waimart.com> 1 T Sent: Tuesday,September 02,201411:08 AM To: Ed Penman yv����Subject: Thanks for your Walmart.com Order 2677009-618746 Hi dick, Reoommendations Thanks for ordering from Walmart.com.Here's a summary of your order. Prices and availabilily are subject to change, Shipping You'll receive an email Shipping address: with tracking Ed Penman information when your 1 Center Grn order ships. Carmel, IN 46032-3809 Igloo 4.6 cu.ft. Refrigerator and Freezer,Black, FR464 Walmart.com order number: 2677009-618746 X119.®® iI Shipping to home Item Qty Price Total 1--1__. __ $39.00__ $39.00 Arrives by Thu.,Sep 4 Igloo 3.2 cu.ft Refrigerator and Freezer See our Return Policy or Subtotal: $39.00 199,00 contact Customer Service, Shipping:in $6.97 Tax: $3.22 Order total: $49.19 Billing information Igloo Eraser Billing address: Payment method: Board Nick Tigue VISA:6670 Refrigerator,3.Q Carmel Performing Arts 199400 355 City Center Drive �! Carmel, IN 46032 If paying by credit card or Bill Me Later@ your account will not be charged 1 f Nancy Hamilton c' From: Ed Penman Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2014 5:18 PM To: Nancy Hamilton Attachments: Walmart Rcpt-Microwave.pdf Ed Penman Facility Manager The Center For The Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 (0)317-819-3509 1(M)317-370-2091 I(F)317-574-1362 epenman@TheCenterPresents.org www.TheCenterForrThePerformingArts.org i Sales Order Central Indiana Hardware Sales Order#: 5080231 9190 Corporation Drive since 1951 Indianapolis,Indiana 46256 Order Date Sep 17, 2014 Tel:317-558-5700 Fax:317-558-5712 Customer: Ship To: CASH SALE-INDIANAPOLIS THE PALLADIUM Corporation 9190 Corpn Drive ONE CENTER GREEN INDIANAPOLIS„ Indiana 46256 Carmel, Indiana 46033 Account CodeC- Cre!t 6Date Requested : Oct 17/2014 Terms Card Purchase Order# VISA Customer Job# Quote# Salesperson Key Center Account Contact Key Center Account Order Name THE PALLADIUM STRUCTNUM 656843 D123P THE PALLADIUM INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA Delivery Note: ED PENMAN 370-3091 EPENMAN@THECENTERPRESENTS.ORG Unit Extended —Qty Product Description Price Price 3 Cut Key 48-012 Primus Everest"D"Keyway 8.46 25.38 STRUCTNUM 656843 D1 23P THE PALLADIUM INDIANAPOLIS INDIANA (3)MASTER M PC Description Price UPS/Freight Charges 10.00 Pre-Tax Total 35.38 ----- -- --- — — ---- -- - --IN—INDIANA------- OrderINDIANA--------- -- —---- --- --- -- -- X2:48 — Order Total 37.86 61155402 9.24.14 Paid by CC Printed Sep 24,2014 10:33 AM Page 1 of 1 Nancy Hamilton From: Ed Penman Sent: Wednesday, September 24,2014 3:16 PM To: Nancy Hamilton Attachments: Sales Order#5080231-signed.pdf Ed Penman Facility Manager The Center For The Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive Carmel,IN 46032 (0)317-819-35091(M)317-370-2091 I (F)317-574-1862 eepenman@TheCenterPresents.org www.TheCenterForThePerformingArts.org ------------- 1 KINDEL MADE IN THl•UN11 F:U SI ATES Of ASM LIUCA iINCh 1901 4047 Eastern Avenue, S.E. paid by CC Grand Rapids, MI 49508 61155404 Phone:(616)243-3676 Fax: (616)243-6248 10.2.14 Invoice Sold THE PALLADIUM ship THE PALLADIUM To: 1 CENTER GREEN To: ED PENMAN 317)370-2091 CARMEL, IN 46032 1 CENTER GREEN United States CARMEL, IN 46032 United States Invoice Number: 54744 Salesman: House Invoice Date: 09/09/14 Terms: CASH IN ADVANCE customer: PALL401 Packing List: 54744 Order No: 46977 PO Number: NONE MARK:ED PENMAN Item Quanti Description Unit Price Amount 2 1 PAYMENT-PAYMENT RECEIVED $-10.00 /EA $-10.00 -----------•-------- -----------------•--•---------•---------------------•-•-------------------- --------•------------------- ------------------ 1 1 900-002-2091 PN-71-024 DOOR PULL-BRASS $4.00 /EA $4.00 ---....---•---------------------------••------------------------------•--•----••-•---- --------- ----------- ------ --------------------- ---- -- -- ----------------__Sub-total•_ _ __---$6.00 - - -- :- ---- - - -- ---- ---- - - --- Sales Tax* $0.00 - ---' Shipped Via FED EX GROUND: $6.00 Invoice Total: $0.00 Paid To Date: $0.00 Balance Due: $0.00 Page 1 of 1 x =41 - Date:07131/2014 Invoice#:118209 r - Customer#:3935 Work Order#:192852 475 Gradle Drive Phone#;(317) 846-9299 Dispatch#:81555 Carmel, IN 46032 Fax#(317)575-3494. Job Site#:3934 Job Site: Bill To:The Center For The Performing Arts The Palladium 355 City Center Dr. 1 Center Green Dr. Carmel, IN 46432 61155404 Carmel, IN 46032 10.3.14 P.O.#' Net 30 Days-No Interest JOB 91 Quote Job[QJ] Contract$ $3,837.00 Unit# RF-K Exhaust Fan Eq Mfg; . Model# 49-AFSH-21-10-1 Serial# 11626354 GREE Service Performed 7-30-14-Quote (MM990) Remove and install(2) Blower Bearings and (4)Blower Belts for Return Air Fan Job includes: Materials, Labor, Alignment and Clean-up. Labor Tech Name Randy Lewis Randy Lewis Bill Lohman Thank You for using Real Mechanical Service Department. INVOICE TOTALS Contract $3,837.00 Total invoice $3,837.00 Terms:The Customer)s Responsible For All Legal And Collection Fees Deemed.Necessary To Coflect Amount Of This invoice. Page 1 of 1 ...:.:,_,,,.-..-c,.,�ice;w;i.r�;�,•,r,.:�T:s_°.:i]w�Y.�::.....:.nyaxy:"'+. Mike Maroney-Service Manager 475 Gradle Drive 46032 MMaroney@RealMechanical.com Carmel,IN 46032 Office Direct.317-819-3040WJ Fax:317-575-3494 •!5 .:.. ..... ....:....... ..... ... ..ate.... .. .. .. •.l.... " 3• r.. M1 51 - Date: 7/24/2014 Quote# MM 990 Prepared For: Ed Penman Project: The Palladium Bill To: The Palladium scope of Work: Remove and install(2)Blower Bearings and(4)Blower Belts for Return Air Fan'K'.Job includes:Materials,Labor, Alignment and Clean-up. Not To Exceed $3,837.00 Terms& Price is based on work performed during regular business hours— if additional work,troubleshooting or materials is necessary above and Conditions: beyond this scope of work Customer will be presented a separate Quote of Repair-Customer will have the option to complete the additional work on a time and material basis-Price is honored for 30 days-Customer signature agreesto ALLterms and conditions. Total Amount: Accepted By: Purchase Order# Date: Q"l3,Esnt.. Y 1N'k-fbGRETY. PEF6'FORMANO-rz. r• '; ! 3-17.846-9299 475 GEadle Dr. � ,.Dale{,IN 4603- , J fa:�: . A S. . Ri .. . --"tu�Ecax.�wtca:�coea�c��� Dispaxch:#•:•• ���� ' aas ��die oc:—Eactneir�sv: nar' page . S oP' Dtte:. - f i.,i3l-7-575'-3444 N -.`6t3sb�' Q '�iyf3C#ast'arrrQr.. ;'Ye or• 4�. NIP �- Woricsit ^Nme Adrresf., ps : ", stare,# CjtState, � � 1niG�k E_ _�SeriFc.aF�rfarrrrnii:. :��G11�..iL� - �-i��.E=z#; �`'` ^• ;� •'� '�,�;.,',,�.. -�d�' .' 'Cs- 4 �1{ ..A.L ��+•'r tfrigerai�t'-Ftcuerea. 1, Ret.,s- ffe: leished il'-: rte. Reirtgerant:New± Y iiiiii;d2b -ed" [3"s r+ptiQn: < -QTY:rDt-suMptim -tttir'rner:. y.:;:. . •"lxunrsex�•. _ - 1; `.� r 1' �5 pc'ai i men itSed:: -.T xfi - ;Vadum* ue�k+ ,tec"'4i' " R6dalmern.: :':Gf'. , p r Egss p ° a= m I<ethr��cran�Not�i' .. � t. :Da�e<. '�t�r��� .I,. 'To,- •., �.i �i:ta:rs}; �. 1°fir ::' .•g:-a"B'. ��•'�: ���=. 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Torch- .. ; Vacunmr '• _ _ le-a.ct'<or>actoa,: .Reclaiinec _ llfi: i•: {{eehnician Alijtesc: I: G31 .�;. t Cap u:• �' Tom;, sj:O 1T s. �` �e �7:t`vl'8.Q{rLa-.ice.-frP,� .�i' {s t��: ,.. • {{�• - !moi'" �.�� ` ..�)��%1� �:. �:... .;` tasteme 3i afiare= :_ t?rihrylame:: Graze , s VIC WORK: ORDER, Ttck # 1" . 4.94. D patch-# 4/S'Gradle :-Ca�mei�;INui6032 R ' of. Bate: > •1?horie::3ii-8?I&=9299:`' —�— akex;3973.57Ve3�19' ' 7ec'sir P f iVE t::i:��irter �Kes�•rir'-'Nn�•' `�itd_, :......: . . .. ::. V4 Or. me'•..:: .;r .. .. tom:; 1'tslioded�#,:� ..:•�.� .r .;.r. y4. Rdtirhss y` ': :, '= 1r -Stop•f': eia✓ .. c '�` :I!` '` r{Cid f {� (i+K S niB: 'Y" I>. rp:: '[J' � - a� - - - •x;; -4a - r :S iv d='A a e e Service:a?eiintittncls' •` ..:.ten a: Eii'eiiag t�ri�ecavar�ct:: 1 ::: r"C�rrra�ce�{scx_R:= itis . ;oz's<: Repi nishech<>'R't- Vbs. 1.i=.frigexawrF3evt: l�. f1i ' != Lbs_ .0' . 1� 4 ; becriitio#tQ3' ip >: pt►iYn 1::: >,.,. 21{LtflreeP. i: . I 'RUhnei:.::, i I 11 : �..' t - L:: is F. .. � � • 9[teC[0i?iL a2 ment'3kSetli .:0"`;. '�;�Saisit•. tawum•: -[eak:oeeecior-: t;ecaaimrx :r' t;dr } - ti v 1. H<3urv.- :�P+@C-ed ,•rec nicia+t°�lbtes: Vit' ` ,.�-- Date ' rOIYi° 76 i:. 'N{cSE t., : - tt -fly : I!i ....:..... istomer5ignainre:. : Vr'rntName: DaEe• i I Date:09/30/2014 REALInvoice#: 118488 —.1 Customer M 3935 OCT O 2 2014Work Order 2001 475 Gradle Drive Phone#:(317)846-929 Dispatch M 81785 Carmel, IN 46032 Fax#(317)575-3494 ?3Y: —=_ -- -- Job Site M 3934 Job Site: Bill To :The Center For The Performing Arts The Palladium 355 City Center Dr, 1 Center Green Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 61155404 Carmel, IN 46032 10.8.14 I P.O. #. Net 30 Days-No Interest JOB#1 Commercial Service[1] j Service Performed Nature of Call- Evaluate &write QR's for repairs on all exhaust fans. 09-11-14-Technicians performed humidifier evaluations &wrote up quotes for repairs required. 09-12-14 -Technician completed writing quotes of repairs for building humidifiers. Evaluating all units for what is needed to repair them properly for heating season per manufacturer. Labor Tech Name Dt.Worked Hrs Worked Hrly Rate Randy Lewis 9/12/2014 04:15 Reg $76.00 $323.00 Randy Lewis 9111/2014 08:00 Reg $76.00 $608.00 Mark Reed 9/11/2014 05:15 Reg $76.00 $399.00 Keith Pickett 9/11/2014 05:30 Reg $76.00 $418.00 Thank You for using Real Mechanical Service Department. INVOICE TOTALS Labor $1,748.00 Total Invoice $1,748.00 Terms:The Customer Is Responsible For All Legal And Collection Fees Deemed Necessary To Collect Amount Of This Invoice. Page 1 of 1 ft REAXL Ticket It (_ Q MECHANICAL.CONTRACTORS S E RV i C E WORK ORDER nIS 3CCh k - 475 Gradle Dr•Carmel,IN 46032 Date: gilt I 'Phone:317.846-9299 Aj—Df Fax.317-575-3494 Z— ' Ce PM pian: A R C No (Office)JobC 1 cost codr.: -- _ ,1 — o - Wotkene Name ��r� 1Jndet rl Address }tore It Snnal h City . state Zip Unit It Nature of Cali: Area Served: Service Performed: Refrigerant Recovered Y,d Removed c>R- Lbs, Oz's Replenished< R- LbS. _Oz's Refrigerant New: Y R- Lbs._ Oz's Material Used TS,Po or CITY Description T5,PO or QTY Description Runner Runncr Special Equipment Used: O Turch O Vacuum O Leak Detector O Reclairper O Lift Hours Worked Technician notes: Date Frum To ST OT ;3O Is Unit operatfonal? Y Quote of Repair? Q�, �yNIs Work Completed? Y QR 111� . � On WA- Customer ."A„ Customer Notes: Total Hours Customer Signature x Print Name: Onto iz SERVICE WORK OR-ER 19236.8 MeownNvrc. :;0NTnAVTQPX- Dispatch#11-7111Y�1 7 475Gradle Dr.-Carmel,IN-46032 Page._____ of: Date: phone:-317-846-9299 Fax;317-575-3494 Tech: PMCustomer? Yes or Na (OffiseSJoi�rt ' CoswC4fie ?`=-- ,::�:. �SI''•" - MFR: Worksite Name I—LA'Zilu W1. Model# Address [+ .� i 2.r Store;#, 1 :'1�� 5eri2l4 City•• i�C ., State. �� •�r:''::=•:..Zip,-::. '"(3��Y�'.:.-. ': Uriit#f 'N�ture:ditalta-._.....: ......rF,. �(�, -• �i. ,.iA�tS�. _ _,.� .�:1.'Y•Vl'"1�4::� L •� 'L- i"7'.' is. et..�}v(;;L.'• S '�lf-+Yt��� f`i"�r� dYl�� i Refrigerant Recovered Y Removed'c>R- Lbs: Oi's Replenished >'R Lbs. 0'z's i Refetgerant'New:. Y N R- Lbs, 0i.s ..Mater ..Used T5,-PO or Is PO or :Runner QTY Description Runner Q� Description r rj 90 Speciai.Equipment Used: .Torch vacuum LeALI)aenor' Heclatmer'.• utt, 'Hours-Worked TechnicianNotes: :CLtJi � j:.$. — ..Pate. From T.o Hours I ratio :n nal.-..p.;�s' Ns'; `�;:�'ucfe o:'R'` 7�,tY< _;:(s�VJA .•o' '.�., tecL. Customer Notes: i i Total Hours j CustamerSignature X rint'Nanne: nate I --REAL SERVICE WORK ORDER Ticket 9 19318-8 MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS Dispatch# 475.Gradi.e or,-Carmel,IN 46032 Page of Date: Phone:317-846-9299 Fax:317-575-3494 Tech: WCustomer? Yes or Na MFR; Worksite Name /: !-e V�" Modellt Address. eP7-7(-e;- Stare 9 Seria44i City State Zip UnIO.' 1. 7.10 -a SerVe& Pei Area a r I I a.tR 5ervice Performed; A, Refrigerant Recovered Y14 Removed<>R- Lbs. Oz's _._��Replenlsbed<>R�� Lbs. Oz, 0 71��' >-- 'Refrigerant New: Y(!,) R- Lbs. Z's Material Used TS,PO or QTY Description TS,PO or QTY Description .Runner Runner V V Jr Special Equipment Used-- 701d) vacuum L-kbettfor flttraimer Lilt Hours Worked Technician Notes: Date From To Hours 77- y:- rk, Custornerflotes- Total Hours Customer Signature X PrInMame: Date mWORKORDER Ticket-4 R�L vla MECHANICAL CONTRACTOMDispatch 475.Gradle Dr.-Carmel,IN 46032 Page.—L of 'Date: Phone.317-846-9299 Fay:317-575-3494 Tech: t 0 W ac YC d PM Customer? UYe., or No MFR: �Woricsite-Name ',Model# Address--L�w_�tn Q en�J Q(L- Store4 IdA Serial N City CAq2vT1,ff—C_ state I Zip unit# Area Served: r Naiure,of-cailu Service:Performed; -LOW VZ t Q 4 ?OA(? A0444 LJV ,j tLU�- c7rr P 'Refrigerant Recovered Ii, N Removed.<>R-4 Lbs. Oz, Refrigerant New: y R- Lbs. OzIs OZIS -Replenished<>R- Lbs. 4 MateriaMsed TS,PO or QTY-Runner Description TS,PO or :QTY Description Runner* A Specie l Equipment Used, -Torch Vacuum Leak Deleccor 11mlahner uri Mo-urs Worked Technician Notes: AJ14 pate From 'To ours ISM, F-1 Customer'Notes: Vu Customer Signature X -Print*Name! Date REPUBLICTHE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS Invoice ICES SERVICES 832 Langsdale Ave Managing your account is now easier than ever with the My Resource App.Free download on Page 1 of 2 Indianapolis IN 46202-115050 the App Store or Google Play, Payments/Adjustments A division of REPUBLIC SERVICES Date Description Reference Amount Account 09/16 Payment-Thank You 9600 -$605.67 SumMary Account Number 3-0761-1027243 Current Invoice Charges Invoice Date September 30,2014 The Palladium 1 Center Green (L1)CSA 000278 Invoice Number 0761-002204242 Carmel,IN - Previous Balance $505.67 Payments/Adjustments -$605.67 1-Rolloff(30 Yd Comp) On Gall Service (132) Unpaid Balance .$20.00 Dale Description Reference Quantity Unit Price Amount Current Invoice Charges $605.67 09/30 'Rental 09/01/14-09/30/14 $541.27 $541.27 1-Front Load Recycling(3 Yd) Scheduled Service (S5) Comingled Date Description Reference Quantity Unit Price Amount 09/30 Recycling Service 10/01/14-10131114 $64.40 $64.40 Nimmilm! • Current Invoice Charges $605.67 $5855,67 Due By: 10/20/14 61155406 Re M91 F-Malill-ITIMIL, I 10.10.14 Customer Service (317)917-7300 C C. N i Z Z • • • • Z Z Effective 4/1612012:SERVICE INTERRUPTION Z Z POLICY CHANGE All accounts with a balance over 60 Z days will experience a service interruption unless prior z arrangements are made. Z Z Z Z Z, _ 0 o_ 0 0 0 m w A 1 _.•.,__,.,.CURRENT..__ 30 DAYS- 60 DAYS 90+PAYS to Manage your account online 2417, 605.67 -20.00 0.00 0.00 on any device with My Resource. D A . With My Resource you can schedule a pickup,pay your bill and discover new services-all with a to m Visit republiconline.com touch of a button.Visit republiconline.com to get started. Jo get started. . Please see reverse side for terms and conditions. R"A REPUBLIC Pay This Amount $685.67 Please Return This Portion - 44 SERVICES Account Number 3-07614027243 With Payment -•- - 832 Langsdale Ave Invoice Date September 30,2014 Invoice Number 0761-002204242 Indianapolis IN 46202-115050 -- Payment tie Date October 20,2014 Return Service RegLiested L2RAASDTH7 044062 Make Checks Payable To: IIIII'll'111111"I'rll'IIIIIIIIIrIIIIII�rIrIIlIrrIIIIInIIrinlll a .THE CENTER FOR PERFORMING ARTS 355 CITY LATER CE DR 'I "' ' I ""I'IIIII'Ilrnllllllllnh'll'I'llllhlll'll IMI I III I CARMEL IN 46032-3806 REPUBLIC SERVICES#761 PO BOX 9001099 LOUISVILLE KY 40290-1099 30761102724300000022042420000605670000585671 � / INVOICE N0.' -WV0=DATE' :.':'•:.•PO NUMBER Simp/exO nne/A 80525110 09-12-14 D-iI-N-S 09-9738007 FED. ID 58-2608861 ' '•SERVICE SERVICE REQ.`: District # 331 TSE VEST :` CREATED `; NA TIONALAA.CCOUNTNUMSER 11820 Pendleton pike 30487302 09-11-14 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46236-3979 317-626-2130 :..:.. ::...:.:•.Billing Questions,Questions, Contact = �AYME31?T;TERIVIS ^r:.;`: `•:• = 337.-7.5262221 Due upon receipt The Center for the Performing Arts 331-15262224 355 CITY CENTER DR Carmel Performing Arts Center Accounts Payable One Center Green CARMEL IN 46032 CARMEL IN 46032 .• 61155431 9.24.14 A "Let(is know how we are doing" www.simplexgrinnelI.com -� Deborah Hughes "-' 317-819-3525 Scope of work for service performed on your Simplex 4100u Labor $357.00 System is not covered by your service agreement Material $16.0.25 Description of work 9-12-14 Invoice for fire alarm service. Customer called with Other $30.00 alarm going off during rehearsals. Tech replaced pull station by exit west orchestra. System Invoice Amount $547.25 normal upon departure Taxes $0.00 Total Invoice Amount $547.25 Payment Received $0.00 Total Amount Due � $X'17^25 --mmAhr'•, COPY - III�11 District # 331 :•:INVOIC�NO..' SimplexC�ri�sn�/I 11820 Pendleton Pike INDIANAPQLIS,IN 46236-3979 80525110 Billing Questions: 317-826-2130 mop 09-12-14 .INVOICE SERVICE.DE7'ML SE VI E.:-.::• :-..:.':',.•;-DAVE ;QF.. ':.: ....:.•: ,::::.•::,..:•.: _':.: :PRODUCT;:';:':•::.' ':' ::';:.-,: R G 1fTOM RE # ;•:TASK # . .:._. ..;.;...•;::::ITEMIZATION OF`CHARGES. ::.':': :: .::. :.:•:AM � 30487302 11-SEP-14 TRUCK CHARGE TRUCK CHARGE 1 EA $0.00 FUEL SURCHARGE FUEL SURCHARGE 1 EA $30.00 30IB7302 43616297 11-SEP-14 ALARA)AND DETECTION REGULAR LABOR SFTN TSPW RG 2 HR $357.00 30467302 43616297 11-SEP-14 MANUAL STATION - SINGLE ACTION 4099-9001 1 EA $160.25 q9 _Rr._Cony i ro-)4997 ��� INVOICE NO, INVOICE DATE CUSTOMER-PO %ll7pl4Xf��7'Illl�O/ 77246728 09-02-14 D-U-N-S 09-4738007 RED. xD 58-2608861 •. ,� { ., s 7__� CONTRACT# MODINIER District # 331 5414544 j Rebill-30-MAY-13 11820 Pendleton Pike3 F P i •� 2 n 1µ INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46236-39.79 A u 317-926-2130 ( PATWBNT TERMS -.1 NET 3 0 331-15262221 The Center for the Performing Arts 331-15262224 355 CITY CENTER DR Carmel Performing Arts Center Accounts Payable One Center Green CARMEL IN 46032 61155431 CARMEL IN 46032 9.12.14 RequestorsAnderson, Mike - CONTRACT COATRACT CONTRACT DBSCBIPTION START DATE ENDDATE Carmel Performing Arts Center-One Center Green-15262224- 01-APR-13 31-MAR-16 ENVOICE NOTES: Total Contract Amount $21,300.00 Amount Of Current Invoice - $3,550,00 Sales Tax - $0.00 Total Amount Included - $3,550.00 Payment Received - $0.00 Total Amount Due $3,550. 00 T1%K1TTAL]CL COPY TOTAL AMOUNT DUE q � � ,. = .t e' D9' INV,:� D c ° i° 3,550.00 � 51111 Simplow0fi all BIUL To The Center for the Performing INVOICE NUMBER 7724:6726 331-15262221 sH12 To Carmel Performing Arts Center INVOICE DATE 09-02-14 331-15262224 CUSTOMER. P.O. REMIT TO SimplexGrinnell Dept, CH 10320 Palatine IL 60055-0320 10003550001772u6728 Pay by Credit Card'at www.simpjexcj0inn611com 18073-SL-Contract-11997 District # 331 , all 11820 Pendleton Pike INDIANAPOLIS, IN 462363979 77246728 317-826-2130 DATE OFINVOICE 09-02-14 INVOICE CONTRACT DETAIL ti :':,Sea;vi,ce,: :•::.::•: i1li:is.:::ai]7 g ::':: ::' ::.;:•:., .., .; :.;;:•::?;; :.°.:;.;';:,•;.:.:-..;:..::..•.; ..: :DescraP. `•-Plan.Name start Date End-Date• -Shi To Address••' : Covered -'.Product Qt • :Amount - Sprinkler Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, , SYSTEM-SP-FIRE PUMP 1 FIRE PUMP SYSTEM $216.00 Inspect CARMEL, IN Fire Alarm Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, SYSTEM-FA-SIMPLEX 41000 1 SIMPLEX 410OU SYSTEM $2,301,00 Inspect CARMEL, IN Sprinkler Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, , SYSTEM-SP-WET SPRINKLER 1 NET SPRINKLER SYSTEM $408.00 Inspect CARMEL, IN Sprinkler Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, , SYSTEM-SP-DRY SPRINKLER 1 DRY SPRINKLER SYSTEM $194.00 Inspect CARMEL, IN Sprinkler Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, , SYSTEM-SP-PREACTION 1 PREACTION SYSTEM $329.50 Inspect CARMEL, IN Sprinkler Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, , SYSTEM-SP-BACKFLOW 1 BACKFLOW SYSTEM $38.50 Inspect CARMEL, IN Extinguisher Test & 01-OCT-14 31-MAR-15 One Center Green, SYSTEM-EX-EXTINGUISHERS I EXTINGUISHERS/PORTABLES $63.00 Inspect CARMEL, IN SYSTEM i 16074-SL-Contract-M997 tqINVOICE NO. INVOICE DATE PO NUMBER `�%1����X�/�►#7PIe�{� 80540545 09-17-14 n-U-N-S;0-47380 D7 FED. $D 58-2608861 ,SERVICE SERVICE REQ. NATIONAL ACCOUNT NUMBER District t# 331 REQUEST CREATED 11820 Pendleton Pike 30514364 09-16-14 INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46236-3979 317-826-2130 _ Billing Questions, Contact = PAYMENT TERMS �:WiV7-3331-15262221 Due upon receipt The Center for the Performing Arts 331-15262224 355 CITY CENTER DR Carmel Performing Arts Center Accounts Payable One Center Green CARMEL IN 46032 I CARMEL IN 46032 I -'J 61155431 - 9.24.14 "Let us kiioAvboNv,%;,eire doing" www.simplexgrinnell.com ` SUSAN BRIDGES Flequestors Phone 317-819-3525 Scope of work for service performed on your Simplex 4100u Labor System is not covered by your service agreement Material $296.14 Description of work 9-17-14 Invoicing for smoke detector and base replaced due to other $30,00 multiple wrong device troubles. Bill maternal but not labor since return trip Invoice Amount $326.14 Taxes $0.00 Total Invoice Amount $326.14 Payment Received $0.00 Total Amoiint Due $326.14 >.�T�nrnf.anr fOYY TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $326.14 tqbistrict # 331 : 'INV6ICEN0. Simpler�nel4 11820 Pendleton Pike INDIANAPOLIS,IN 46236-3979 $0540545 c-Biiling Questions: 317-826-2130 bATEOFINVOICE .: 09-17-14 [NVOICE SERVICE DETAIL SER ICF::: .< :,: •:.:::.D3�TB.:O :::.: .:;.:: ..:. . . _. :" :°:.`_.,:;•:'.. :: ,:.DTJC ... - .: UOM : :`: :..... '.:;.:AMOiIF�TT : .. ITEMIZATION:OF. CHARGES REQ -. - .. TASX!•# ... ' RVICE 30514364 16-SEP-14 TRUCK CHARGE TRUCK CHARGE 1 EA $0.00 FUEL SURCHARGE FUEL SURCHARGE 1 EA $30.00 30514364 43666730 16-SEP-14 PHOTO SENSOR 4098-9714 1 EA $129.55 30514364 43666730 16-SEP-14 SENSOR BASE 4998-9792 1 EA $166.59 556-9L-Service-1•I997 VANUO 8025 Castlerpay Dr.,Indianapolis,IN 46250 E.v-rr:os ill foodse#-Oce egit;p niellf wpfli -��— ,7=870-7888- 00-878-3777 Fax:317-870-7887 ,. (invoice i L~P 2 !3 2014 Date; 9/24/2014 Invoice No.: 163298 Sill to: The Center for the Performing Arts Service at: The Center for the Performing Arts 355 City Center Drive 355 City Center Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, IN 46032 Customer ID: 8448 Description: Work Order 130463 Cooler-Reach-In RSSM360SC.-3 Terms: Net 30 Das PO Number: Item Description Quantity Unit Price Amoun Labor - 9/9/2014 Eric 1.25 $86.00 $107.50 Labor.Subtotal $107.50 Miscellaneous Labor Discount 1.25 -$5.00 -$6.25 Service Call-Level 1 1.00 $78.00 $78.00 Miscellaneous Subtotal $71.75 61155404 9.30.14 Subtotal: $179.25 Sales Tax: $0.00 VISIT US ON THE UVEB AT VANCORR.COM Payments: $0.00 Total Due: $179.25 Accounts not paid by the due date r are subject to a finance charge of 1.5%per month. All parts returns require a return goods authorization.Stock parts maybe relurned within 15 days with no restocking fee provided they are unused.Non-stock parts carry 20%restocking fee. Na ieturn on electronic parts,Call us immediately In case of shipping damage.Save items and shipping carton. 'wounn IvsA CRTMARM, ..:: CFESA &Iwle Ema.wcrwlwi �.•nu cmr rood lynrym.rm;cnnrAunntlrtre t _..--- --------- OP Fief ice Tkket Order EST MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Customer _ _ Datel �7 Address Phone City. S_i. Zip Contact VANCO j ( i rri'/'7'7 c_,�� _%,�c�y, Experts in foodservice equipment repair ii Bill to Contact Phone 8025 Castieway Dr. Address Estimate Indianapolis,IN 46250 317-870-7888 Fax:317-870-7887 Manufacture Model Serial# �, Voltage Phase Amps Complaint r> Type• -- til 10 30 L1 L2 Ls ❑Warranty ❑Contract ,E Normal Service D. -Finish Work Performed/ b —''���1! �� ` �!'"��(�1 �f�`��' •`� 7 �' ._f•lr�i-� ` til ice%�? LI I i I I i i � I i • . -. e- e . . - .-. . Total Material Sales Tax Total Labor Service Call i 1, Travel Time Mileage Freight Parking Total Due Accounts not paid by the due date are subject to a finance charge of 1 1h% per month Total Material .l v® DISCOVER // The undersigned has the authority to order the above labor pod hi41?�al on b�l'all of the purchaser.The labor and materials described above have been completely and satisfactorily performed.Themalori Is shell,rel gin th�-pmperly of Vance unlit payment Is received in lull. n+olnan Authorized Signature s�i SINCE 1971 n� mo�n.���wuo� ......:.....•.,.:...... I ' 1 White's ',11-midware I � €y.'s,r,cr' 1a"i:uri'd•'�%v�rr:'./7s•!,ac . Tr ao.s Pi ah ihp i n' ori frla::l Carne L. 7 I S Bengelre'I'd arUlel. IN 4c03: ��11•i±aG-2'11 CARMEL PEkflIr.,H:P11i AR13 =11L41Dd•I1t,N- ACCOUNT 8 1:Mol ITEM 0TY 1A[A1 E•: EXT 032076068721 3260536 EACH VOLTAGE T1 3;EI; Ii-RAY 5954'�� � +"-�`-0�3�� •1.�! 9.90 EACH KEY SINGLE ;'U '-w_•. -3118 Ric $... 19.89 T.,x $ 0.00 7 GTAL_ $ 19 . 89 S I AGREE TL- i'IY ;tlr ;,83o: T,IIA'-. ,.G: +RDING TO THE POSTED -1 R11. MD ::49UT'IOLS r • ..,J Col 155`x€0 Z SIGNATURE EMPLOYEE T R1 Ilan 4_ _ 114E DATE 2000159 - 1,11; - ?E 6 r33': RI:�i8 15-Sep-14 aur i ecc e, i flu Y u :c-hes.In el,r i Sprli.y :.0ow lfwai ifd Ialt fm I: ,:,ur hnrl4:rf riled, I �M V 10,11 'l� II Wi te's is } rnf11'dw a re Thanks for shoppinQ our friendly-store White ' s Ace Hardware- Carme 1 731 S Ran9ellne Rd Carmel, IN 46032 317-846-2311 CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FOUNDATION ACCOUNT t• ' 1190607 ITEM OTY 'SALE/REG EXT 049437906415 1,00 1.79 1.79 52156 EACH HARDWOOD DOWEL 7/16X48 0829011133164 1.00 5.99 5.99 11316 EACH ACE SLCN CAULK CLR CART 079340689725 1.00 4.99 4.99 132S038 EACH PL-400 AOHES 11OZ CART 026634101531 1,00 0.96 0.96 52708 PK/2 . KNOB RND 1.25 WOOD PK2 FA 2,00 0.45 0.90 EACH 500.00 Fastners FA 4.00 0.23 0.92. EACH 500.00 Fastners SUBTOTAL $ 15.55 TAX $ 0,00 TOTAL 15 . 551 CHARGE_____ 15.55 I AGREE TO PAY THE ABOVE TOTAL ACCORDING TO THE POSTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS Y 12- SIGNATURE ED PENMAN EMPLOYEE TERM INV9 TI14€ DATE 2000106 1008 2693765 12:38 20^Sep-14 Your receipt guarantees your no-hassle-return. We're your source for 4i.i f3 fi: ;°�:lali ,1rr arae it L f oar frl,ln y kora 7 •1 S? t+cm,eI1 a I'd CARMEL PEk.F4l.M:NII APJ-i -DUNDA'II(IN ACCOUNT # 1 '14G0'1 ITEMI)IY --Al,I/ EXT 1365295.._.....�..,,.•.,.,....,�_44� ..1 t. 7.49 EACII SGUEEGEE 1? S'lll.a «" ;IIBrDT,yL $ 7.49 10 7 . 49 I AGREE TO I+l,Y '!IF A,R:),: TI)Tr51 i,C-' IRDING TO THE POSTED 'I d7: SND :'1dIJI'101-JS 5 l*'z_ SIGNATURE EMPLOYEE F IN I11-,-4 111F DATE 2000015 1;i1' ;!G SAB!, 01;:17 22•-Sep-14 •Guf r01:0II)l Ilui"8rlt(e;. Y..0 IG`l'e:i tL' Iellerl 41�'t vau uu ::(1 to Spr r,o, :,.rut(; UhnI aw 3rd Ial l fnI •1 ;our h•:;rdv re r 3e.l., e INI loll 1 1�+: u 1 sal., ,ie:,.� , .m I �IGNI ult �I ` i' g 1 I� White's Ace Hardware-Carme L Customer Tran I On Deta 1 LS 02-Oct-14 09:06 By: 2000006 Page;4 S D T DN E I A E E CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FO Acct#:11906073 Inv:2697097 Term:1014 SaLes Sto":I 26-Sep-14 18124 L S Person:2000015 X F T Scan Number Description Part # Qty Price One SeIL Price Per Qty Ext L C X .• 081099000058;::JOINT COMPOUND:RTU:i121t:............ :101]094:': .;::,:.i:;. ,•::::•'.::':.. 1:00.°:::,':;+;::-i'•:$'. :.:.. ,.'. :.:.:: .....:..'.6 ..68 X 52 2 7 0508 �, LAS E .G U .0.5302 4 7 .. RI 4 UP. R L E. . .... .... ........J07746 .. . ..... ...... .... .: .:..:.:...:......�,..... .. .7_00. :•:�: ..3.&7.,�:-•I Y: :3:87 �I�`�''�',.�'..::':03:•87`.:•s�:':���:'::::•';::':::�:' - Account Number: 11906073 Name: CHARGE 10.55 Sub Total 10.55 ED PENMAN Memo= Total Tax 0.00 Grand Total 19.55 S D T D N E I A E E CARMEL PERFORMING ARTS FO Acct#:11906073 Inv:2698277 Term:1023 SaLes Store;l 29-Sep-14 12:35 L S Person:2000006 X F T Scan Number Description Part It ,qty Price One SeIL Price Per Qty Ext L C :........., went a an o .0 :;r. i•I.:::::�;:::�:Er::�.,,, R m t f S23 d ..,.�. :..�...�..�:.:.�:_::..:::,;••,..5:,��:a:;>.,...::.:�:...::�:.:.,i2'%;!�}fir: Number: 9682 Name: CARMEL ROACHECK 23.04 Sub Total -23.04 PERFORMING ARTS FOUNDATION Total lax 0.00 Grand Total -23.04 O -� O ;gl U1 •A• O � N , VOUCHER NO:; WARRANT NO. ALLOWED 20 The Center for the Performing Arts, Inc IN SUM OF$ - 355- Y W. Cit ;Center..Drive ``"Carmel, IN 46032` $164,536.84 ON ACCOUNT OF APPROPRIATION FOR Building Operations Account PO#/Dept. INVOICE NO. ACCT#/TITLE AMOUNT- Board Members ; I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s) is (are)true and correct and that the 1208 09302014 -509.00 $71,668.33 materials or.services itemized thereon for 1208 09302014 -480.00 $14,005.26 which charge is made were ordered and 1208- 10312014 -509.00 $47,554.71 received except 1208 10312014 -480.00 $31,308.54 r Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Director, Adminstrati n Title Cost distribution ledger classification if - claim paid motor vehicle highway fund Prescribed by state Board of Accounts City Form No..201..(Rev..1995) ACCOUNTS PAYABLE VOUCHER CITY OF CARMEL. .. An invoice or bill to be properly itemized must show: kind of service,where performed,dates service rendered, by " whom, rates per day, number of hours, rate per hour, number of units, price per unit, etc. Payee- Purchase Order No. Terms Date Due Invoice Invoice Description -:_ Amount Date- Number (or note attached invoice(s)or bill(s)) 09/30/14 09302014 $71;668:33 09/30/14 09302014 $14;005:26. 10/24/14 10312014 $47,554.71 10/24/14 10312014 $31,308.54 I hereby certify that the attached invoice(s), or bill(s), is(are)true and correct and I have-audited same in.-accordance with.I C,5-11-10-1.6 20 Clerk-Treasurer