HomeMy WebLinkAbout32603 Indianapolis Metro Planning OrgCi of Carmel ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 -2584 FORM APPROVED BY STATE BOARD OF ACCOUNTS FOR CITY OF CARMEL - 1997 INDIANA RETAIL TAX EXEMPT CERTIFICATE NO. 003120155 002 0 FEDERAL EXCISE TAX EXEMPT 35- 60000972 PAGE PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER 324,03 THIS NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON INVOICES, NP VOUCHER, DELIVERY MEMO, PACKING SLIPS, SHIPPING LABELS AND ANY CORRESPONDENCE. PURCHASE ORDER DATE DATE REQUIRED REQUISITION NO. VENDOR NO. DESCRIPTION VENDOR TncI:'yno? pals Vi1Mlvpol;l4n }Pa n,,..9 dry 2oo E • wash rig n 51,, 5, ie 1122 rockitcipd I.Y, T J #4,20 `{ SHIP TO C'Ny o l-armei COMrnun,' - R--tt:tvow S fety 1. vrife• One GIVIC Carmel, ri Lik/032 L4 r- CONFIRMATION BLANKET CONTRACT PAYMENT TERMS FREIGHT QUANTITY UNIT OF MEASURE DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENSION Send Invoice To Pte'hu of C 1Aj S TIGER Mol +G• -VwY Red Unt ?cb3ec+• �1n 1ao3/1- 19)59000 up u riiboo" I / - 1 3 5 1 ) 3 0 o up tv 423, our PLEASE INVOICE IN DUPLICATE a 7, coo 474'; 00 DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT PROJECT PROJECT ACCOUNT . AMOUNT SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS • SHIP REPAID. • C.O.D. SHIPMENTS CANNOT BE ACCEPTED. • PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER MUST APPEAR ON ALL SHIPPING LABELS. • THIS ORDER ISSUED IN COMPLIANCE WITH CHAPTER 99, ACTS 1945 AND ACTS AMENDATORY THEREOF AND SUPPLEMENT THERETO. DOCUMENT CONTROL NO. 32603 ORDERED BY TITLE . CLERK - TREASURER OFFICE COPY PAYMENT • NP VOUCHER CANNOT BE APPROVED FOR PAYMENT UNLESS THE P.O. NUMBER IS MADE A PART OF THE VOUCHER AND EVERY INVOICE AND VOUCHER HAS THE PROPER SWORN AFFIDAVIT ATTACHED. • I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOBLIGATED BALANCE IN Ti11S..4PPR ION SUFFICIENT TO PAY FOR THE ABOVE ORDER. Hollibaugh, Mike P From: Northup, Sean K. <Sean.Northup @indy.gov> Sent Wednesday, August 20, 2014 4:18 PM To: Hollibaugh, Mike P Cc: Gremling, Anna M. Subject RE: Irtc Attachments: E. Red Line TIGER Match and Fee Estimates.xlsx It is a 2015 bill; we're told that the TIGER announcements will be made in September. If we're awarded our entire $3,128,000 request (65 -35), Carmel's share would be $196,592 if Westfield and Greenwood both stay in the analysis. Local (match) City of Indianapolis $687,636 City of Carmel $196,592 City of Greenwood $64,366 City of Westfield $146,206 TOTAL $1,094,800 Best, Sean Seavu Northup I Assistant Executive Director Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization 200 East Washington Street I Suite 1922 I Indianapolis, IN 46204 P: 317.327.5149 I C: 765.425.4909 I F: 317.327 -5950 I sean.northup @indy.gov I http: / /vwvw.indymoo.orq CHECK OUT CENTRAL INDIANAS TRANSIT INITIATIVE AT. wwwindyconnectorq STAY CONNECTED & "LIKE" US ON FACEBOOK From: Hollibaugh, Mike P [ mailto :MHollibaugh©carmel.in.gov] Sent: Wednesday, August 20, 2014 2:19 PM To: Northup, Sean K. Subject: RE: Irtc Thanks. I thought the "comparison" data sounded interesting - little bit discouraging - but interesting... Mentioned to mayor the redline bill was coming soon. His response was brief, that he thought it was next year. I think that's promising. Let me know what i can do. Mike Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE sum phone 1 CITY OF 'CARMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR April 25, 2014 Hon. Anthony Foxx, Secretary, United States Department of Transportation 1200 New Jersey Ave., SE 9th Floor, West Building Washington, DC 20590 Re: Carmel commitment to local matching funds for the Red Line TIGER application Dear Secretary Foxx: The City of Carmel is pleased to join Indianapolis, Westfield, Greenwood, IndyGo, and the MPO as a co- applicant on this TIGER application for Red Line bus rapid transit project. The City of Carmel, as a member of the Indianapolis Regional Transportation Committee, has been an active partner with Indianapolis and other Red Line communities during the transit planning effort. I firmly believe improving the Regional transit connection between the two most significant concentrations of employment, Carmel and Indianapolis, will be a victory for business and workers with access options to a broader market base. The Red Line will benefit residents and visitors of all ages who are looking for an alternative to the automobile to conveniently connect with people and places along the entire route. Carmel businesses located along and near the planned Red Line route are already actively considering the economic development opportunities provided by transit, including the potential for mixed -use infill and dense residential. Further, connecting the Indianapolis region with Carmel's Center for Performing Arts has the potential to open the Center's music and performance venues to a wider and more diverse audience. To demonstrate our ongoing commitment to this project, the four communities along the Red Line will commit to cover 35% of this TIGER grant, which amounts to $196,592 for the City of Carmel, subject to all legal requirements, including appropriations by the Carmel City Council. Thank you for considering our application. We remain committed to this project and are eager for the opportunity to deliver this critical amenity to our community years earlier than we otherwise could. Very truly yours, fames Brainard Mayor ONE Civic SQUARE, CARM_L, IN 46032 OFFICE 317571 2401. FAX 317.844.3498 EMAII. jbrainarcl ©carmel.in.,gov