HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceFrom:Falcon, Brian M.
To:John Molitor; Timothy.Ochs@icemiller.com; Lopez, Alexia K; Crediford, Maggie
Cc:Falcon, Brian M.; eharney@humesmith.com
Date:Wednesday, January 14, 2015 9:04:23 AM
I was hopeful that Jim Kittle would be at Friday’s hearing, but he is in Hawaii. I asked him if he would
sign an Affidavit, but he is without fax/print capability, so this is the best he could do. Wanted to
send it to all involved as soon as possible.
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Brian M. Falcon
Attorney at Law | Frost Brown Todd LLC
201 North Illinois Street, Suite 1900, P.O. Box 44961 | Indianapolis, IN 46244-0961
For overnight deliveries please use zip code 46204.
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bfalcon@fbtlaw.com | www.frostbrowntodd.com
From: Kittle JR, Jim [mailto:JKittle@Kittles.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 2:15 PM
To: Falcon, Brian M.
In Re McCracken Bourdillon Estate, Lot 1 – Bowen Accessory Building Height
Docket No. 14100022V
I, Jim Kittle, Jr., affirm the truth of the following representations:
1. I am an adult of sound mind and am competent to testify to all matters set forth in this Affidavit.
2. All facts asserted in this Affidavit are within my personal knowledge.
3. At all times relevant to these proceedings I have resided at 10500 Jumper Lane, Carmel, IN 46032.
4. I am currently in Hawaii and will not be able to attend the January 16, 2015 hearing at 9:00 a.m.
Nevertheless, I wish to express my support for the variance petition sought by Doug and Julie
Bowen. My current e-mail address is jkittle@kittles.com. By my electronic signature below, I
affirm under the penalties for perjury that these representations are true to the best of my
knowledge. I authorize counsel for the Bowens to print a copy of this Affidavit and present it to
the Hearing Officer in support of the Bowen’s petition.
I can see the accessory structure located on the Bowen’s property that is the subject of this
proceeding (“Accessory Structure”) to the north of our property.
The architecture of the Accessory Structure on the Bowen’s property is very attractive and a
nice addition to our neighborhood. I have never received negative comments from our guests
about the Accessory Structure.
I have no problems, concerns or issues with the location, style or existence of the Accessory
Structure on the Bowen’s property. There has never been any issue with loud noises or any
undesired activity related to the Accessory Structure.
I understand that the Accessory Structure’s roof is 8.75 feet taller than the maximum building
height allowed. The roof height does not have any negative impact on the value of our
property. The barn is very attractive and well done.
In summary, I am in favor of the Accessory Structure staying as built and hope the Board of
Zoning Appeals agrees.
Date: January 13, 2015 _ /s/ Jim Kittle, Jr._______________
Jim Kittle, Jr.
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