HomeMy WebLinkAboutQuote Letter/Quote receivedJanuary 20, 2015 Caluniet Civil Contractors, Inc. 4898 Fieldstone Drive Whitestown, IN 46075 _we CITY;;' OF�t AIZMEL JAMES BRA1NAi 1 , MAYOR Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15-02(INS) Dear Ryan Ream Pursuant to Indiana Code Section IC 36- 1- 12 -4.7, the City of Carmel, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, is inviting quotes from at least three (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as part.of the above referenced project. Based on past experiences, your firm along with a few select others have been identified by the City of Carmel as having the expertise to install the public improvements outlined in this invitation for quotes. Therefore, your firm is invited to submit a quote to complete the Work associated with the above referenced project. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Carmel City Engineer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract documents is•also included. Quotes will be opened and read aloud at a meeting of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works. and Safety at 10:00:a.m., local time, February I8, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office of the City of. Carmel Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square,- Carmel, Indiana (City Hall) until 10:00 a.m., local tine, February 18,:2015. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will lie`stamped showing the date and time received. Please refer to Section 5 of the Instruction to Quoters for additional information regarding submission of quotes: There will not be a formal pre - quote; meeting. You are however invited to visit the site and/or to arrange a site meeting with the City prior to the date for submitting your quote. The type of work ;quoted will be for decorative`concrete and street repairs. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 571 -2441 if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy Kashman, PE City Engineer City of Carmel, Indiana cc: Sandy Johnson, City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer I)EPAwrNIENT or ENGINEERING ONi Cn u: SciG\Itl_, Cnt::\ila., IN 46032 Or rit r: 317.571.2441 1=az 317.571.2439 f \TAIL enginrrring'rulr:m.I.in.gov OP LMt CITY. RMEL J, ■mLS 13R \lNARD, IVIr \YOR January 20, 2015 Baumgartner & Company Asphalt Services 15215 River Avenue Noblesville, IN 46062 Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15- 02(INS) Dear Jason Skwarcan Pursuant to Indiana Code Section IC 36- 1- 12 -4.7, the City of Carmel, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, is inviting quotes from at least three (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as a part of above referenced project. Based on past experiences, your firm along with a few select others have been identified by the City of Carmel as having - he- expertise toinstall the public improvements outlined in this.invitation for quotes. Therefore, your firm is invited to submit a quote to complete the Work associated with the above referenced project. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Carmel City Engineer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract documents is also included. Quotes will be opened and read aloud at a meeting: of the City of Cannel Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00 a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office of the City of Carmel Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square; Carmel; Indiana (City Hall) until 10 :00 a.m., local time February 18, 2015. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will be stamped showing the date and time - received. Please refer to Section 5 of the Instruction to Quoters for additional information regarding subniission of quotes. There will not be a formal pre -quote meeting. You are however invited to visit the: site and/or to arrange a site meeting with the City prior to the date-for submitting your quote. The type of work quoted will be for decorative concrete and street repairs: Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 571 -2441 if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy Kashman, PE City Engineer City of Cannel, Indiana cc Sandy Johnson, City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer 1)EPARTNIENT 0!- ENGINEERING O\I ( >i\ lc )01-,uzF ?, CAR IN 4.6052 Qn2icr. l'A\ 317.571.2=139 EMAIi. cnginecrint {lcarincLin ;gov .. January 20, 2015 Dallman Contractors 5808 W. 74th Street Indianapolis, IN 46278 TAmEs BRAINARD, MAYOR Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15- 02(INS) Dear Ron Brothers Pursuant to Indiana Code Section IC 36- 1- 12 -4.7; the City of Carmel, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, is inviting quotes from at least tree (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as a part of the above referenced project. Based on past experiences, your firm along with a few select others have been identified by the City of Cannel as having the expertise to install the public improvements outlined in this invitation for quotes. Therefore, your firm is invited to submit a quote to complete the Work associated with the above referenced project. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Cannel City Engineer, One Civic Square, Cannel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract documents is also included. Quotes will be opened and read aloud at a meeting of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00 a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office of the City of Carmel Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall) until 10:00 a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will be stamped showing the date and time received. Please refer to Section 5 of the Instruction to Quoters for additional information regarding submission of quotes. There will not be a formal pre- .quote meeting. You are however invited to visit The site and/or to arrange a site meeting with the City prior to the date for submitting your quote. The type of work quoted will be for decorative concrete and street repairs. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 571 -2441 if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy Kashman, PE City Engineer City of Carmel, Indiana cc: Sandy Johnson, City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer 1)Et'•\I r:II .r OF ENGINEERING OAF: CI \ IC SOVARE, C:\R \IEt.. 1\ 46032 OI I ici. 317.57 1.2441 1 =:\s 317.571.2439 engiiieerinp(Rarmrl.in.,gev January 20, 2015 E&B Paving, Inc. 17042 Middletown Road Noblesville, IN 46060 ft 10M1 0 0 -* u 0 SIM ... ,.. M M ON r ITY 1 RMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15=02(INS) Dear Mark Jones Pursuant to Indiana Code Section IC 36 ,+12-4.7, the City of Carmel, by and through its Board of Public Works and 8afety, is inviting quotes from at least 'three (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as a part Of the above referenced projeat. BaSed, on past experiences, your firin alOng with a few select others have been identified by the City of Carmel as having the expertise to install the public improvements outlined in this invitation for quotes. Therefore, your firm is invited to submit a quote to complete the Work associated with the above referenced prOject. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Carmel City Engineer, One Civic SqUare, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract documents is.alao inclUded. Quotes.-WilIbeiVened and read aloud at a Meeting Of the City Of Carmel Board'of Public Works and Safety at .1.0:00 a.M„ local tulle, February 18, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office of the City of Carmel Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall) until 10;00 a:th, local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will be stamped showing' the date and time received. Please refer to Section 5 of the Instruction to Quoters for additional information regarclingsubmission of quotes. There will not be a formal pie quote meeting. You are however invited to visit the site and/or to arrange a site meeting with the City prior to the date for submitting your quote. The type of work quoted will be for decorative concrete and street repairs. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 57-1-2441 if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy. Kaslunan, PE City Engineer City of Carmel,-Indiana cc: Sandy Johnson, City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING OM CIVR: SQUARE, CARMEL IN 46032 OiTRT 317.571.21,11 F..7A. 317.571.2439 E■tAn. engirt in gpv January 20, -2015 Globe Asphalt Paving 6445 E. 30th Street Indianapolis, IN 46219 JAMES 13RAINA1{D, MAYOR Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15- 02(INS) Dear John Shumaker Pursuant to Indiana Code Section IC 36- 1- 12 -4 :7, the City of Carmel, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, is inviting quotes from at least three (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as a part of the above referenced project: Based on past experiences, your firm along with a few select others have been identified by the City of Carmel as having the expertise to install the public improvements outlined in;this invitation for quotes. Therefore, your firm is invited to submit a quote to complete the Work associated With the above referenced project. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specif cations for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Carmel City Engineer, One Civic Square; Carmel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract documents is also included. Quotes will be opened and read aloud at a meeting of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety at 10 :00 a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office of the City of Cannel Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall) until 10:00 a.m., local time February 18, 2015. Quotes, received: after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will be stamped showing the date and time received. Please refer to Section 5 of the Instruction to-Quoters for additional information regarding submission of quotes. There will not be a formal pre - quote meeting. You are however invited to visit the site and/or to arrange a site meeting With the City prior to the date for submitting your quote. The -type of work quoted will be for decorative concrete and street repairs. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 571- 2441. if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy Kasliman, PE City Engineer City of Carmel, Indiana cc: Sandy Johnson, City of Cannel Office of the Clerk Treasurer t)FPAICrMIENr OF ENGlNEERINc O'i Civic: SQUARE, C.- i AIIiL. IN 46Q32 On iet 317.571.24 E1 F, x 317.5 71.2439 1. MAlt, t ginei.rin} { c ;nmil.in.�;ov January 20, 2015 Milestone Contractors, L.P. P.O. Box 42`1459 Indianapolis, IN 46242 -1459 JAMES BRAINARI), I\4AYOR Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15- 02(INS) Dear Brad McCall Pursuant t� Indiana Code Section IC 36- 1- 12 -4.7, the City of Carmel, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, is inviting quotes from at least three (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as a part of the above referenced project. Based on past experiences, your firm along with a few select; others have been identified by the City of Carmel as,having'the. expertise to install the public, improvements outlined in this invitation for quotes. Therefore, your fain is invited to 'submit a quote to complete the Work associated with the above referenced project. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Carmel City Engineer, One Civic Square, Cannel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract documents is also included. Quotes will be opened and read aloud at a meeting of the'City.of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00.a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office .of :the City of :Carmel Clerk Treasurer, One Civic Square, Cannel, Indiana (City Hall) until_ 10:00 am., local tinie,'February 18, 2015. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will be stamped showing; the date and time received. Please refer to Section 5, of the Instruction to Quoters for additional information regarding - submission of 'quotes. There will not be a formal pre -quote meeting. You are however invited to visit the site and /or to arrange a site meeting with the City prior to the date for submitting your quote. The type of work quoted will be for decorative concrete and street.repairs. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 571 -2441 if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy Kashman, PE City Engineer City of Carmel,. Indiana cc: Sandy Johnson, City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer DEPAIMIENr OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQL :ARE, CAIUII:L, IN 46032 OFFICE 317. 71.21 11 Fns 317.571:2439 1 SL \IL rngiiicering@carmel.iii.gor • January 20, 2015 Rieth-Riley Construction Co., Inc. 1751 West Minnesota Street Indianapolis, IN 46206 M 10:110 g NiesVrt IT 4YARNIEL jAlES 1312A INA RD, MAYOR Re: Invitation For Quotes Carmel Drive and Keystone Parkway Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project Number: 15-02(INS) Dear Tom Porten Pursuant to Indiana Code Section IC 36-1-12-4.7, the City of Cartnel, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, is lnvitrng quotes from at least three (3) persons known to deal in the class of work proposed as a part of the above referenced project. Based on past experiences, your firm along with a few select others have been identified by the City of Carmel as having the expertise to install the public improvements outlined in this invitation for quotes. Therefore, your firm is invited to submit a quote to complete the Work associated with the above refereneed project. This invitation shall serve as notice that the plans and specifications for the above referenced project are on file in the office of the City of Cannel City Engineer, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall). A digital copy of the contract docunients is also included. Quotes Will be opened and read aloud at a meeting of the City of Camel Board of Public Works and Safety at 10:00 a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes will be received at the office of the City of Carmel Clerk Treasurer; One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana (City Hall) until 10:00 a.m., local time, February 18, 2015. Quotes received after that time will be returned unopened. All Quotes will be stamped showing the date and .time received. Please refer to Section 5 of the Instruction to Quoters for additional information regarding submission of quotes. There will not be a formal pre-quote meeting. You are however invited to visit the site and/or to arrange a site meeting with the City prior to the date for submitting your quote. The. type of work quoted" will be for decorative concrete and street repairs. Thank you for your consideration of this invitation and feel free to contact me at (317) 571-2441 if any questions. Sincerely, Jeremy Kashman, PE City Engineer City of Carmel, Indiana cc: Sandy Johnson, City of Carmel Office of the Clerk Treasurer DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE (7.IVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, 11' 46032 QH-kr. 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMAII. engineeringilicarmain.gov .lulu o 0 0 LJul/ 0 in 0 Cl El 0 CITY O ' CARMEL JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL Date: February 23, 2015 To: Sandy Johnson Clerk Treasurer's Office From: Jeremy Kashman Dept. of Engineering City of Carmel, Indiana RE: Bid Packets for Project #15 -02 Keystone Parkway and Carmel Drive — Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Enclosed please find 2 (2) bid packets for Keystone Parkway and Carmel Drive Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Project #15 -02 The Lowest Bidder is Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. Contractor Bid Calumet Civil Contractors $33,995.00 Dallman Contractors $55,724.00 !DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CIVIC SQUUARE, CARMEL, IN 46032 Or-r-icE 317.571.2441 FAx 317.571.2439 EMAIL crigincering@c:Innehn.gov Company Amount Alternative Alternative c34-/L/i94-4/ c,,/ �.P. #74 7° 04 .(- an91:7-- ' , ,-1,_.3 5'76' get ,06-E /6 AP4/,e.S /� / / /G / /o4 QUOTE PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your quote packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with project name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. The prices indicated on this sheet shall be read aloud during the quote opening and shall match the prices indicated in Part 2 of the Quoters Itemized Proposal and Declarations. Company: Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. Project Name: Project No 15-02(INS) - Keystone Parkway and Carmel Drive — Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Date Submitted: February 18, 2015 Base Quote Amount: $33,995.00 Revised 1/20/2015 OUOTER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Cannel Instructions To Ouoters: This form shall he utilized by all Quoters. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Keystone Parkway and Carmel Drive — Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Proposal For Construction of : Date: February 18, 2015 Project Number: 15- 02(INS) Repair of Keystone Parkway and Carmel Drive decorative bridge concrete and mainline pavement after vehicle incident. T a: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety QUOTE -1 1.1 PART 1 OUOTER INFORMATION (Print) QuoterNtune: Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. 1.2 Quotcr Address: Street Address: 4898 Fieldstone Drive City: Whitestown State: IN Zip: 46075 Phone: (317) 769 -1900 Fax: (317) 769 -7424 1.3 Quoter is a /an [mark one] Individual Partnership x Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture Other 1.4 /The following must be answered if the Quoter or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Cannel, Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State of Indiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as. stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2. dated January 23, 1958.] .1 Corporation Name: .2 Address: .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered Agent: Name: Address: QUOTE -2 PART 2 QUOTE PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Quote The undersigned Quoter proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of' the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total: Base Quote: Thirty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Five Dollars and zero cents Dollars($ 33,995.00 ) 2.2 General The Quoter acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Quote shall be based on the total of the Base and selected Alternate Quotes: The Quoter acknowledges that the Owner reserves the right to award the Contract for the Base Quote alone, for the Base Quote plus Alternate Quote A Or for the Base Quote plus Alternate Quote B. The Quoter further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Quote evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Quoter further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. QUOTE -3 PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES Base Quote Prices In Figures Contract Description Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Quantity Price for Item 1 Mobilization & Demobilization 1 LS $ 1,000.00 $ 1,000.00 2 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 3 Decorative Concrete Repairs 1 LS $19,590.00 $19,590.00 4 Milling Asphalt, 1.5 inch 242 SYS $ 25.00 $ 6,050.00 5 HMA Surface, Type C 20 TON $ 175.00 $ 3,500.00 6 Asphalt for Tack Cost Restoration 1 TON 1 LS $ 250.00 $ 800.00 $ 250.00 $ 800.00 7 8 Transverse Marking, Thermoplastic, Crosswalk, White, 24" 70 LFT $ 10.00 $ 700.00 9 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, White, 4" 105 LFT $ 1.00 $ 105.00 $33,995.00 Total Base Quote QUOTE -4 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Quoter agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Quoter acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE 1 2/9/2015 QUOTE -5 rr PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Quoters: 5.1 The Quoter shall fi.rlly state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Quoter is cautioned that any exception taken. by Quoter and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of'the Contract Documents may result in this Quote being rejected as non - responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: None QUOTE -6 PART 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 6.1 Attachment of Quote= s -€rumi f.ntf Biel staten thereby -be- rendered invalid. The .1. ► .Z. - _ _ _ e . _ . .. r-corr ng the Work/Project if awarded. Information on Quoter's con rry- and --inns al ^t temen shell-be corrsiste _ - .1- - - - -tested on the State Board of Accounts Terms F- Queters ". Financial Statement is not required for this project. QUOTE-7 PART 7 ADDITIONAL DECLARATIONS 7.1 Quoter certifies for itself and all its subcontractors compliance with all existing laws of the United States and the State of Indiana prohibiting the discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment or subcontract work in the performance of the Work contemplated by the Agreement with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment or subcontracting because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, national origin, ancestry, age, disabled veteran status or Vietnam era veteran status. The City of Carmel reserves the right to collect a penalty as provided in IC 5- 16 -6 -1 for any person discriminated against. 7.2 The Quoter certifies that he /she has thoroughly examined the site of the Project/Work and informed himself/herself fully regarding all conditions under which he/she will be obligated to operate and that in any way affect the Work, and knows, understands and accepts the existing conditions. The Quoter further certifies that he /she has thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents, including all Addenda, and has had the opportunity to ask questions and obtain interpretations or clarifications concerning Contract Documents. QUOTE -8 PART 8 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The individual person(s) executing this Quote Proposal, being first duly sworn, depose(s) and state(s) that the Quoter has not directly or indirectly entered into a combination, collusion, undertaking or agreement with any other Quoter or person (i) relative to the price(s) proposed herein or to be Quote by another person, or (ii) to prevent any person from Quoteding, or (iii) to induce a person to refrain from Quoteding; and furthermore, this Quote Proposal is made and submitted without reference to any other Quotes and without agreement, understanding or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any persons with reference to such Quoteding in any way or manner whatsoever. PART 9 SIGNATURES [Signature by or on behalf of the Quotes in the spaces provided below shall constitute execution of each and e►me,y Part of this Ilenu_ed Proposal and Declarations Document. SIGNATURE MUST BE PROPERLY NOTARIZED.] Quoters Name: Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. Written Signature: Printed Name: / /Kevin S. Green Title: President Important - Notary Signature and Seal Required in the Space Below STATE OF Indiana SS: COUNTY OF Boone 20 15. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of February My commission expires: 09/ t 9/21 (Signed) Residing in Hamilton 1019Y: + • '' 5 /}/ts'r Y m U o ' County, State of Indiana: c, Pt7BL(C : ' F \ e sAB®li0e@eO Sao Printed: QUOTE -9 Part of State Form 52414 (R2 / 2 -13) / Form 96 (Revised 2013) BID OF Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. (Contractor) 4898 Fieldstone Drive (Address) Whitestown, IN 46075 FOR PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS OF City of Carmel Filed: February 18, 2015 Action taken CONTRACTOR'S BID FOR PUBLIC WORK - FORM 96 State Form 52414 (R2 12-13) / Fonn 96 (Revised 2013) Prescribed by State Board of Accounts PART I (To be completed, for all bids. Please type or print) Date (month, day year): February 18, 2015 1. Governmental Unit (Owner): City of Carmel 2. County: 3. Bidder (Firm): Address: City/State /Zipcode: 4. Telephone Number: Hamilton Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. 4898 Fieldstone Drive Whitestown, IN 46075 (317) 769 -1900 5. Agent of Bidder (if applicable): Kevin S. Green Pursuant to notices given, the undersigned offers to furnish labor and /or material necessary to complete the public works project of City of Carmel (Governmental Unit) in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by City of Carmel Engineering Dept. and dated January 2015 for the sum of Thirty Three Thousand Nine Hundred Ninety Five Dollars and zero cents $33,995.00 The undersigned further agrees to furnish a bond or certified check with this bid for an amount specified in the notice of the letting. If alternative bids apply, the undersigned submits a proposal for each in accordance with the notice. Any addendums attached will be specifically referenced at the applicable page. If additional units of material included in the contract are needed, the cost of units must be the same as that shown in the original contract if accepted by the governmental unit. If the bid is to be awarded on a unit basis, the itemization of units shall be shown on a separate attachment. The contractor and his subcontractors, if any, shall not discriminate against or intimidate any employee, or applicant for employment, to be employed in the performance of this contract, with respect to any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin or ancestry. Breach of this covenant may be regarded as a material breach of the contract. CERTIFICATION OF USE OF UNITED STATES STEEL PRODUCTS (If applicable) I, the undersigned bidder or agent as a contractor on a public works project, understand my statutory obligation to use steel products made in the United States (I.C. 5- 16 -8 -2). I hereby certify that 1 and all subcontractors employed by me for this project will use U.S. steel products on this project if awarded. I understand that violations hereunder may result in forfeiture of contractual payments. ACCEPTANCE The above bid is accepted this day of . subject to the following conditions: Contracting Authority Members: PART 11 (For projects of $150,000 or more — IC 36- 1 -12 -4) Governmental Unit: City of Carmel Bidder (Firm) Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. Date (month, day, year): February 18, 2015 These statements to be submitted under oath by each bidder with and as a part of his bid. Attach additional pages for each section as needed. SECTION I EXPERIENCE QUESTIONNAIRE 1. What public works projects has your organization completed for the period of one (1) year prior to the date of the current bid? Contract Amount Class of Work Completion Date Name and Address of Owner 497,020 Asphalt Paving 2013 INDOT 748,159 Asphalt Paving 2013 INDOT 764,090 Asphalt Paving 2013 INDOT 303,854 Asphalt Paving 2013 INDOT 2. What public works projects are now in process of construction by your organization? Contract Amount Class of Work Expected Completion Date Name and Address of Owner 2,192,866 Asphalt Paving 2014 INDOT 1,063,608 Asphalt Paving 2014 Indianapolis 546,103 Asphalt Paving 2014 Indianapolis 1,227,677 Asphalt Paving 2014 Indianapolis 3. Have you ever failed to complete any work awarded to you? No If so, where and why? 4. List references from private firms for which you have performed work. R. N. Thompson Brenwick Development The Skillman Corporation Duke Construction Management Verkler, Inc. SECTION II PLAN AND EQUIPMENT QUESTIONNAIRE 1. Explain your plan or layout for performing proposed work. (Examples could include a narrative of when you could begin work, complete the project, number of workers, etc, and any other information which you believe would enable the governmental unit consider your bid.) In accordance with the plans and specifications 2. Please list the names and addresses of all subcontractors (i.e. persons or firms outside your own firm who have performed part of the work) that you have used on public works projects during the past five (5) years along with a brief description of the work done by each subcontractor. Unable to provide a listing at this time 3.1f you intend to sublet any portion of the work, state the name and address of each subcontractor, equipment to be used by the subcontractor, and whether you will require a bond. However, if you are unable to currently provide a listing, please understand a listing must be provided prior to contract approval. Until the completion of the proposed project, you are under a continuing obligation to immediately notify the governmental unit in the event that you subsequently determine that you will use a subcontractor on the proposed project. Unable to provide a listing at this time 4. What equipment do you have available to use for the proposed project? Any equipment to be used by subcontractors may also be required to be listed by the governmental unit. As needed to properly perform the work 5. Have you entered into contracts or received offers for all materials which substantiate the prices used in preparing you proposal? If not, please explain the rationale used which would corroborate the prices listed. Yes SECTION I1I CONTRACTOR'S FINANCIAL STATEMENT Attachment of bidder's financial statement is mandatory. Any bid submitted without said financial statement as required by statute shall thereby be rendered invalid. The financial statement provided hereunder to the governing body awarding the contract must be specific enough in detail so that said governing body can make a proper determination of the bidder's capability for completing the project if awarded. SEE ENCLOSED. SECTION IV CONTRACTOR'S NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The undersigned bidder or agent, being duly sworn on oath, says that he has not, nor has any other member, representative, or agent of the firm, company, corporation or partnership represented by him, entered into any combination, collusion or agreement with any person relative to the price to be bid by anyone at such letting nor to prevent any person from bidding nor to include anyone to refrain from bidding, and that this bid is made without reference to any other bid and without any agreement, understanding or combination with any other person in reference to such bidding. He further says that no person or persons, firms, or corporation has, have or will receive directly or indirectly, any rebate, fee, gift, commission or thing of value on account of such sale. SECTION V OATH AND AFFIRMATION I HEREBY AFFIRM UNDER THE PENALTIES FOR PERJURY THAT THE FACTS AND INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THE FOREGOING BID FOR PUBLIC WORKS ARE TRUE AND CORRECT. Dated at Whitestown, Indiana this 18th day of February , 2015. Calumet Civil Contractors, Inc. (N me o Organization) By Kevit,S Green, President ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (Title of Person Signing) STATE OF Indiana ) ) SS COUNTY OF Boone Before me, a Notary Public, personally appeared the above -named Kevin S. Green, and swore that the statements contained in the foregoing document are true anti correct. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of February , 2015. Megan L. My Commission Expires:09 /19/2021 County of Residence: Hamilton /Al hnson, Notary QUOTE PROPOSAL SUMMARY PAGE Complete the following information and place as the cover page to your quote packet. Insert all documents into an envelope with roject name and your company name clearly marked on the outside. Seal the envelope. 'The prices indicated on this sheet shall be read aloud during the quote opening and shall match the prices indicated in Part 2 of the OQuoters Itemized Proposal and Declarations. Company: Dal!man Contractors, LLC `roject Name: Project No. 15- 02(INS) - Keystone Parkway and Carmel Drive — Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Date Submitted: February 18, 2015 Base Quote Amount: Fifty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Four 00/100 $55,724.00 Revised 1/20/2015 QUOTER'S ITEMIZED PROPOSAL AND DECLARATIONS City of Cannel Instructions To Quoters: This form shall be utilized by all Quoters. Except as otherwise specifically provided, all Parts shall be fully and accurately filled in and completed and notarized. Project: Keystone Parkway and Cannel Drive — Decorative Concrete and Street Repairs Proposal For Construction of : Date: February 18, 2015 Project Number: 15- 02(INS) Repair of Keystone Parkway and Carmel .Drive decorative bridge concrete and mainline pavement after vehicle incident. To: City of Carmel, Indiana, Board of Public Works and Safety QUOTE -1 PART 1 QUOTER INFORMATION (Print) 1.1 Quoter Name: Dallman Contractors, LLC 1.2 Quoter Address: Street Address: 5808 West 74th Street City: Indianapolis State: IN Phone: 317- 280 -8940 1.3 Quoter is a/an [nark one/ Individual Zip: 46278 Fax: 317- 280 -8941 Partnership Indiana Corporation Foreign (Out of State) Corporation; State: Joint Venture X Other LLC 1.4 [The .following rust be answered if the Quoter or any of its partners or joint venture parties is a foreign corporation. Note: To do business in or with the City of Carmel, Indiana, foreign corporations must register with the Secretary of the State ofindiana as required by the Indiana General Corporation Act as stated therein and expressed in the Attorney General's Opinion #2, dated January 23, 1958.] Corporation Name: Dallman Contractors, LLC .2 Address: 5808 West 74th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46278 .3 Date registered with State of Indiana: .4 Indiana Registered gent: Name: Address: _ • .' eolis, IN 46278 QUOTE -2 PART 2 QUOTE PROPOSAL 2.1 Base Quote The undersigned Quoter proposes to furnish all necessary labor, machinery, tools, apparatus, materials, equipment, service and other necessary supplies, and to perform and fulfill all obligations incident thereto in strict accordance with and within the time(s) provided by the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents for the above described Work and Project, including any and all addenda thereto, for the Unit Prices applicable to the Contract Items as stated in Part 3 hereof, which Unit Prices, when multiplied by estimated unit quantities for such Contract Items, total: Base Quote: Fifty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Four 00/100 Dollars ($ 55,724.00 ). 2.2 General The Quoter acknowledges that evaluation of the lowest Quote shall be based on the total of the Base and selected Alternate Quotes. The Quoter acknowledges that the Owner reserves the right to award the Contract for the Base Quote alone, for the Base Quote plus Alternate Quote A or for the Base Quote plus Alternate Quote B. The Quoter further acknowledges that the unit quantities listed in Part 3 of this Proposal are estimates solely for the purpose of Quote evaluation and Contract award, and are not to be construed as exact or binding. The Quoter further understands that all Work which may result on the Contract shall be compensated for on a Unit Price basis and that the OWNER and ENGINEER cannot and do not guarantee the amount or quantity of any item of Work to be performed or furnished under the Contract. PART 3 CONTRACT ITEMS AND UNIT PRICES Base Quote Prices In Figures Contract Description Estimated Unit Total Price Item No. Quantity .Price for Item 1 Mobilization & Demobilization 1 LS 4,187.00 4,187.00 2 Maintenance of Traffic 1 LS 2,250.00 2,250.00 2 250.00 2,2.510 00 4,356.00 3,600 00 75.00 38,000.00 875.00 3 Decorative Concrete Repairs 1 LS 4 Milling Asphalt, 1.5 inch 242 SYS 18.00 5 HMA Surface, Type C 20 TON 180 00 6 Asphalt for Tack Cost 1 TON 75.00 7 Restoration 1 LS 38,000.00 12.50 8 Transverse Marking, Thermoplastic, Crosswalk, White, 24" 70 LFT 9 Line, Thermoplastic, Solid, White, 4" 105 LFT 1.25 131.00 Total Base Quote $55 724 00 PART 4 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND ADDENDA 4.1 The Quoter agrees to be bound by the terms and provisions of all Contract Documents as - defined in the Standard General Conditions and incorporates such Contract Documents herein by reference. 4.2 The Quoter acknowledges receipt of the following addenda: ADDENDUM NUMBER DATE QUOTE -5 PART 5 EXCEPTIONS Instructions To Quoters: 5.1 The Quoter shall faally state each exception taken to the Specifications or other Contract Documents in Section 5.3 of this Part. 5.2 Quoter is cautioned that any exception taken by Quoter and deemed by OWNER to be a material qualification or variance from the terms of the Contract .Documents may result in this Quote being rejected cis non- responsive. 5.3 Exceptions: QUOTE-6 PART 6 FINANCIAL STATEMENT 6.1 Attachment of Quoter's financial statement is mand said financial statement as requ the World shall be consistent with the information requested on the State Board of Accounts Fonns #96a and #102, entitled "Standard Questionnaires and Financial Statement for Quoters ". ination of the Quoter's capability for completing Financial Statement is not required for this project. PART 7 ADDITIONAL DECLARATIONS 7.1 Quoter certifies for itself and all its subcontractors compliance with all existing laws of the United States and the State of Indiana prohibiting the discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment or subcontract work in the performance of the Work contemplated by the Agreement with respect to hire, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment or subcontracting because of race, religion, color, sex, handicap, national origin, ancestry, age, disabled veteran status or Vietnam era veteran status. The City of Carmel reserves the right to collect a penalty as provided in IC 5- 16 -6 -1 for any person discriminated against. 7.2 The Quoter certifies that he /she has thoroughly examined the site of the Project/Work and informed himself/herself fully regarding all conditions under which he /she will be obligated to operate and that in any way affect the Work, and knows, understands and accepts the existing conditions. The Quoter further certifies that he /she has thoroughly reviewed the Contract Documents, including all Addenda, and has had the opportunity to ask questions and obtain interpretations or clarifications concerning Contract Documents. QUOTE -8 PART 8 NON - COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT The individual person(s) executing this Quote Proposal, being first duly sworn, depose(s) and state(s) that the Quoter has not directly or indirectly entered into a combination, collusion, undertaking or agreement with any other Quoter or person (i) relative to the price(s) proposed herein or to be Quote by another person, or (ii) to prevent any person from Quoteding, or (iii) to induce a person to refrain from Quoteding; and furthermore, this Quote Proposal is made and submitted without reference to any other Quotes and without agreement, understanding or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any persons with reference to such Quoteding in any way or manner whatsoever. PART 9 SIGNATURES [Signature by or on behalf of the Quote,. in the spaces provided below shall constitute execution of each and every Part of this Itemized Proposal and Declarations Document. SIGNATURE MUST 13E PROPERLY NOTARIZED. ] Quoters Name: Written Signature: Printed Name: Title: STATE OF Dallman Contractors, L Ernest Dallman Manager Important - Notary Signature and Seal Required in the Space Below Indiana SS: COUNTY OF Marion 20 15. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 18th day of February My commission expires: June 13, 2021 (Signed) L-rdi- Printed: Anne V. Sprague Residing in Marion County, State of Indiana ANNE v cpFAeUE slwrE OF INDIANA JOTARY PUBLfC - SEAL MARION COUNTY COMMISSION EXPIRES JUNE 13, 2021 QUOTE -9